HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-09, Page 9THUMSDJrL JULY lith, MSS GODS SIGNALMAN Make This a Date . • • Seaforth Lions Club 1 8th Annual SUMM Ell CARNIVAL Tbree.I Iig Iights' LIONS Wednesday - Thursday - Friday JuiyI5- 16 - 17 PARK, SEAF ORTH Dance _ Midway Entertainment Fun and Games Monster Parade MASON PRIZE DRAW Coastline of British Guiana in South America, like that of Hol- DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, July 8. -- .'h. June meeting of the Dungannon Branch of the Senior Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wilbur, Brown. Mrs. Omar Brooks pre- sided. Mrs. Durnia Phillips in- vited the members to her cottage for the July . meeting. Arrange- ments were made for the August meeting, a grandmother's meeting. A committee was appointed to compile the Tweedsmuir book. It was decided to sponsor a tag day. Mrs. Charles Fowler gave current events; Mrs. Lorne Ivers gave a reading; Mrs. Everett Errington gave a report of the district an- nual. Mrs. Harvey Mole gave a topic and Mrs. Lorne Hasty gave a demonstration on setting up a food tray for sick room patients. Five members, Mrs. L. Hasty, Mrs. 0. Popp, Mrs. R. Kilpatrick, Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. L. Ivers, told of the I.O.D.E. contest of table setting they attended in Goderich. The hostesses for tea were Mrs. Harvey Alton, Mrs. R. Irvin, Mrs Warren Zinn, Mrs. George Watt. Mrs. Will Kilpatrick, of Macklin, Sask., who is spending a year among relatives and lately with a sister at Seaforth was last week visiting Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick, Mrs. J. Finnigan and her brother, Bert Finnigan, Crewe. Mrs. W. R. Andrews and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Andrews and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Warner Andrews and family enjoyed a re- union Sunday at the home of Mrs. Douglas Lewis, formerly Donalda Andrews, of Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Lewis is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Andrews, 4th conces- sion, W. Wawanosh. United Church W.M.S. — The monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held .it the home of Miss Betty Elliott. -~The president, Mrs. Herb 'Finnigan, led in the worship service. Mrs. Otto Popp read the Scriptures. Mrs. Finnigan led in a program. Mrs. Hodges and Mrs. Finnigan gave readings. Mrs. Reed took us for a trip "Around the Muskoka Lakes." The roll call was answered by twelve members and the minutes were read and adopted. An in- vitation was extended to the Crewe W.M.S. to join the Dungannon so- ciety. Mrs. Shackleton gave a reading on Christian citizenship. Miss Betty Elliott has lately been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McClure and family, of Elmira, are camping for a week at Goderich Harbor Park. Mrs. Arthur Elliott, Miss Clara Sproul , and Mrs. Winnifred Wid- combe are spending three weeks at Davidson, Sask., visiting Harold Sproul and other relatives. They travelled .by boat to Port Arthur and train to Davidson. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery, Lucknow, and the latter's mother, Mrs. Margaret Halfyard, and aunt, Miss Gertrude land, is below sea -level and inter- I Mrs. George Atkey has returned I Atkey, Mrs. Atkey and family at sected, by canals. • from visiting her son, Mr. Max Cooksville. S.F. Goodric: Tubeless Tire lure IT NAS NO TUBE It may save your • f The B. F. Goodrich LIFE-SAVER 'Tubeless Tire gives you maximum protection against the hazard of blowouts and dangerous skids. that frequently result in serious injury, and even death. It can save you trouble... The B. F. Goodrich LIFE-SAVER Tubeless Tire seals punctures on rurLning wheels . . . protects against the annoying trouble caused by, flat tires. ItwiII savey ou money.. The B. F. Goodrich LIFE-SAVER Tubeless Tire provides greater safety than any tire and tube, yet it cost$ less than the conventional safety tire -tube combination. .,` Accidents like the one above can happen when blowouts occur -- that's why you owe it to yourself to find out about the extra protec- tion in B. F. Goodrich, LIFE-SAVER Tubeless Tiros. Most blowouts are caused when the inner tube explodes through weakened or broken cords. But, because it has no inner tube, a LIFE-SAVER ire changes a sudden, dangerous blowout to a . safe s-s-s-slowout— allowing you ample time to stop your car safely, with perfect control. PUNCTURE PROTECTION A gummy rubber compound „under the tread immediately seals around puncturing objects, and permanently seals the hole when the object is removed. Inconvenience and delays are (eliminated. ,r BLOWOUT PROTECTION Instead of a tube, (lie LIFE-SAVER has a pat- ented inner lining that's part of the tire. In event of ohmage there's no sudden blowout, only a smiall break in the liner, a s-s-s-slowout that lets you stop safely. Your B.F. Goodrich dealer now hes the Tubeless Tire ..it can beyourL!FE1SAVE1 SKID PROTECTION The LIFE-SAVER tread is cross -cut into thousands of tiny grip -blocks. At 30 miles per hour on wet roads, it stops you a car length quicker than regular tires . . . and gives you longer mile age too. To: Tire Division, The B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company of Canada Ltd., Kitchener, Ontario. Please send me free literature on the B.F. Goodrich LIFE-SAVER Tubeless Tire. NAME ADDRESS CITY" P.O. BOX .No. PROV...... .. Time honored gift through the years—a watch for the grad. Maybe YOU have promised your daughter or son a gift for success- fully- passing her or his examine, tions. ,Let us show you some suitable gifts --ones that will last, for years to come—yet reasonable in price. REG. BELL JEWEPLLHEOR NE �3 T ST NEWS OF WESTFIELI) WESTFIELD, July 8.—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell and Mrs. Alva McDowell visited on Wed- nesday evening last with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Voddon of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sallacb, of Toronto, visited on Sunday at the home of the latter's brother, Mr. Arthur Spiegelberg and Mrs. Spiegelberg. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter, of Clinton, Mr. Hiles Carter and Don- ald, of Toronto, called on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Frank Camp- bell and Mr. and Mrs. Bert, Taylor. Mrs..Jasper McBrien, Mrs. Wil- liam Miller, of Goderich, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell. Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman and Kathleen, of Brantford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and family, Mrs. J. L. McDowell and Mr. Armond McBurney visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gear, of Waterloo.. Mrs. William Bell has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Murr, of Molesworth. Mrs. Dave Denholm visited last week with her niece, Mrs. Murray McDowell and Mr. McDowell. John Gear and Warren, of Water loo, spent, the week -end with Arm- ond McBurney and other friends. ant crossing with other airmen's ( wives and she is now studying the I German language at a night school Diamond, St. John's, Nfld., who I there. are on three weeks' vacation; also l Mr. and Mrs. Tom Park have with them was Mrs. J. G. Mont- gomery, of Lucknow. The Colwanash Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will hold their annual church service at the Dun- gannon United Church on Sunday night, July 19, at 8 p.m., with Don Middleton, of Granton, pro- vincial Junior Farmers' president, as guest speaker. Special music is being arranged. • Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Hodges were his sisters, Mrs. Ida McKay, Windsor, and' .received word from their soli, Bill, in West Germany, stating that he will likely be home in October. Jack Orser, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Orser and twin girls, of Detroit, were at the parental home. over the week -end. Their parents have been away for the winter. Mrs. A. •Orser is in Toronto and Mr. irser is at Golden Valley. Mrs. Irvine Henry, who came this spring to reside here was- last Wednesday honored in the district from where she came by Blake's Congratulations are extended to Miss Gwendolyn McDowell who passed her theory examination with first-class honors. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hully and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hully and son, of Walton, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bell. Mrs. Harry Kerr, Miss Norma Nethery, of Hamilton, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Fred Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn and family, of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jennings, Robert and Ronald, of Detroit, visited on Saturday with William Walden. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laidlaw, of Whitechurch. Mrs. Bert Taylor spent Friday with Mrs. Ray Hanna, of Belgrave. A. E. Cook was able to return home from London, where he was undergoing treatment, on Sunday. Roland Vincent, of ' Blyth, a former resident of this district, is in Victoria Hospital, London, and has had to undergo an oper- ation. Mrs. Angus McKay and husband, Church congregation. She was of Strasburg, near Regina. Join- presented with a table lamp, elec- ing them for a famiry reunion tric kettle and cup and saucer. ' of and Mrs. Stewart Stevenson, Brus- ''liron spent. the weekend- a'i `die sels; Edgar Hodges, Clinton; Mr home of Mr. Thos. Rivett and Mr.' and Mrs. Mervin Hodges and fam- Everett Errington. ily, also the family of the host and George Hutchins West Street Wm.Currey Service Station Huron Road hostess, Mr. and Mrs. George Hodges. - Mrs. Emile Zuber (formerly Ann Hamilton), daughter of Mr. and Hamilton, of Mrs. George Hamilton;. Goderich, School resents an... Goderich_Skating this village, has sa`e- ly arrived in West Germany, sail- ing from Halifax, Her husband, a flying officer, and graduate of Clin- ton Air School, was at the port to meet .her. When writing to her i parents, she reported a very pleas- - The grear blue heron. largest of the species found in Canada, stands about four feet high. OFFICERS OF BLYTH LIONS CLUB INSTALLED At the regular meeting of the Blyth Lions Club in Memorial Hall, the following officers for 1953.54 were installed by J. Kinkead of Goderich: President, Rev. C. J. Scott; past president, Gordon Augustine; 1st vice-president, Donald Howes; 2nd vice-president, Jack McDougall; 3rd vice-president, Ray Madill; secretary, Fred Howson; assistant secretary, Bert Gray; treasurer, Grant Sperling; Lion Tamer, Walt- er Buttell; tail twisters, Ray Madill, George Cowan; directors, George Radford, Lloyd Tasker, Bernard Hall, and Bailie Parrott. Mrs. Roy MacKenzie of Ripley, who has taught the Lochalsh school for the past five years, has resigned the position and at the close of the school term was honored by the pupils 'and the ladies of the section. The children presented her with a wool blanket and lunch was served by the ladies. • It takes -35 men about three months to paint the dome of the U.S. Capitol at Washington, D.`C., and 4,300 pounds of paint are mixed for the task. • • PLAN TO SPEND Sat.,' July at Goderich 1690 --ANNIVERSARY OF BATTLE OF BOYNE-1953 1.30 P.M. SHARP—BIG PARADE will leave Agricultural Park for Court House Park led by Goderich Girls Trumpet Band. —SPECIAL SPEAKERS— • 4 P.M. and 8.30 P.M.—GIRLS' SOFTBALL STRATFORD PbLICE KADETTES vs. GODERICH DODGERS ,.r9 M.w+�•,w�..w.w.rvxarwan.nrr.s •r. w"yyyry�e�,#^'�, 8.30 P.M.=DRAM W.Sft 1 f5 Make that HOG pay you back! Your good money goes into your hogs. Get that, money back - with prolltl With XL, (EXCEL) Con- centrate in your grain you use less feed ... cut production costs . make sure of top hog profits' Costs go DOWN -Profits go up! Only balanced feeding pays. XL Hog Feeds - with Vitamin B12 and Antibiotic - produce faster growing hogs at less cost. Make your hogs pay you profits this way: - Feed XL 18% _Pig Starter to KOS healthy pigs. Have(usmix your *Min with XL Hog Concentrate/ or XL Sow Concentrate. If you haven't your own rain, feed XL Hog Grower/ XL Hog Finisher/ or XL Sow Ration. EXCEL for Extra Profits SOLD BY Pfrimmer Bros. $ENMILLER , :3) ......031101.1a5111.111.1111111111.1111111.111 „ _ at Goderich Memorial Arena on FRIDAY, JULY 10 (e 9 o. m. (D.S. T.) sponsored by Goderich Lions Club. Skating Stars from All Paris. of Canada and United States will perform MUSIC AT THE HAMMOND ORGAN BY AND CHOIRS WILL ALSO TAKE PART. EST AND FINEST ENTtRTAINMENT. ADULT S 75c H. A. CLARK. MANY FINE VOCALISTS .BE COOL AND ENJOY CANADA'S NEW- CHILDREN EW- CH1LDREN 25c WEEKLY ICE REVJEW' EVERY FRIDAY EVENING THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER U 'TIL AUGUST 28. A Duennuorr ICE SHOW WILL BE PRESENTED EVERY FRIDAY EVENING. PUBLIC SKATING EVERY SATURDAY 8,30-10.30 P.IL