HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-2-20, Page 5Facts For Fanners and Hone- While Mr. C. Rarig, of the 4t con - seekers, cession, Hay. Was hauling logs a, few days ago one fell on his leg, breaking it. "For we have seen the land, and behold, it is i very good- Be not slothful to go, and to Beattie Brothers of Brussels have enter to poseese the land." purchased the Laird porperly for Why would you Kettle in the Far North. $1.100 and intend building to large west when land can be had in theNear brick livery stable on it in the spring. North-west ? where there is a. Mr, Samuel Brown, of Hullel, met home market for all the pro- with. an unfortunate accident of Satur- lands off The Greatday. duof farm. The His horse ran away, aqd the Northern. Railway result was that he had one of his arms Axe now thrown wide open to actual rattlers, broken in two places. 50,000 BEAUTIFUL FARM HOMES On Thursday night of last week some Near the great rnarketa of St. Paul, e' innea- evil disposed person or persons ehiered polis and Duluth, the stable of Dir. Joseph Stange, of The land grant commences within twenty the 14th concession of 1tl oEillop and utiles of Minneapoliswhich possesses the cut Bair off the tail and mane of one greatest Rauch g mills in the world, the out- of Ina horses, thus, disfiguring the ani - pity from which has averaged 31.175 barrels a mal in a veryserious manner. clay. These cities are oonneoted with seven teen different railway systema and the lands J• Burton's hotel of Ethel was cone. offered araieterseoted br their bransh lines plately destroyed by fire on Friday of railway. Tile lands arowelltimberedandweilwatered. evening last, 'file loss on the hotel is They are the most productive in theewerld, as: said to be about $2,000. By dint of tho followieg crop statistics prove : DROPS oF1s9. considerable exertion on the part of wasjT. o,Se, the citizens the fire Ras presented Bushels Average Bushels Average from extending to other buildings in per acre per sere till, village. Minrese 45,OOG,000 15 40,6ti0.000 35 Ontario i6M0.000 15 E34.0OO,Oi6O 33 The following officers have been Manitoba 7000,000 12 3,0 0cG0 elected by the St. Marys Athletic As. '"/ CORN' RIM BMILEY Bush Bush Bush sociation for the ensuing bear;-l'resi• Minnesota 851100,vi0. 1,060 OA 10.000,000 dent, D. S Rupert; let Vice•Pre,ident, Ontario 9.0(0.000. 1,000,000. 23tulo,tQao ° W, C. Meecrip,• end Vice-Presideet,H. Manitoba, noel none 1= , o`l F. Sharp, Treasurer, W. Andrews; Sec - The above statistics show that whatever relary, W. X. McLeod ; Executive can be grown in Ontario, ecu likewise be Committee, G. A Graham, D. aewar, bairn in Minnesota, and Minnesota'a J. W. Wood, J. Leary, W. 3foyea, F. ere '1118 prodaetion of cer11 shown the W. Long,T. D. Stanley and T Cr. Ryley, climate webs temperate. Mr fie G Mueller recently helped to To settle 400 miles from the great mark. cut an elm tree on the farm Mr Jno eta xneana eas at Inge 15 scuta a bushel for etagere en Blenheim, of the following railway freot the suit extra charges which large dimensions:.-- Clrearaference come out of the hard.workieg farther and "'makes him post indeed;' arouud aunty it 8 in ; cireutnfer- Oo ep with our great excursion tbia encs ei ty feet from stump, at first eprins and ape out the laud for yourselves. limb, 12 ft 3 in ; length or body of "'There's a tide in rho affairs of man tree, 120 ft $ in. Sucle large trees are f,,,,, That taken at the Rood !Nide onto fortune." few aro far between Efate about now. Further Particulars and inns wiilbemailed This one turnithed when Cart, 24 consist li Bee laud oommtastouer, St. Maur, Minneapo•- free on appttcatiou to OOIi1FAL'TER, of firewood, lis. or tothe Compauy's land agent, 01•1011C1R The marriage of Mr. Arthur McLean 1)"7"8‘ i'.O. Bex 7, Leud n. tut, Deo1O*=8ln of Brandon, Man., (son of dr. Robert !!o!• .McLean of the Central Hotel, Luean) DISTRICT DOINGS, to Mies Aggte Sperling, daughter of Thef ateat Current News Throughout the /Os. Jas. 4xfllzea of Liman, took dace telatrtet. on Wednesday night in Holy Trinity church there. The ceremony was per. A new stone bridge la to bo built at formed by the rector of the church, Fullerton Corners. the Rev. R. H. Shaw. The church was filled. Mise Eva Sperling of at .Marys, waited on the brute, while .MIr.D. A. Reeser of Brandon, acted ae best Haan. An appalling accident occurred near Thawesvrlle Friday night in welch John Shaw lost leis life. Ile was ,going home from town in a cart, when he was thrown forward from the teat, his head becoming caught between the right wheel and the shaft of the cart, and an that position was drawn about two miles. Ile was found in his barn. y.erd on the oast in the position de- acr bed. Deceased was about •13 years of age, and unmarried A commercial traveller, who says' Tilbury Centre es a muddy village, was there when a funeral passed up the Main street. Four horses were attach— ed to the hearse, and four horses on each conveyance following. They wore obliged to rest the animals about every hundred yards. The wheels of the vehicles were filled up solid with sticky clay, peculiar to Tilbury Town- ship, which gave them the appearance of the end of a saw fog. "A. livery refused me a rig to go to Merlin, 10 miles distant, stating tbat four horses attached to a top buggy would not take me." The nineteenth annual report of the Ontario Inatitution for education of the deaf and dumb shows the following pupils in attendance from Ma county: Ellen Agnew, Blake, Francis Burtch, Gorrte; Newton Black, Dungannon; Lilly Oumauug, Malburn; Mary Hay- ward, Cfintoni.Hep .Eioggard,. Londes- borough; Martha Leigh, Port Albert; .t. E. McCulloch, Brussels; Lovilla Pettypieoe, Wingham; W 11, Sperling, Kirkton; Jno. Smalldon, Cranhrook, M. W. Thompson, Dungannon; Nelson Wood, Exeter. The total number of pupils in attendance for the year end- ing sept. 3D, 1889,was 274, of whom 153 were males and 121 females. `La Grippe" or Lightning' Catarrh. MR: EDITOR.-.r?aa xr[ppe' or Russian influenza, as it is termed. is in reality an epidemic catarrh, and is called by some pbysioiaua "lightening catarrh," from the rapidity frith which it sweeps over the coun- try. Allow us to draw the attention of your readers to the fact that Nasal Balm, as well as being a thorough oure for all oases of the ordinary cold in head and catarrh, will give prompt relief in even the most severe oases of la grippe or Russian influenza, as it will elieotually clear the nasal passages, allay ir- ritation and relieve the dull oppressive head - eche accompanying ,the disease. No family should be without a bottle of Nasal Balm in the house, as cold in the head and catarrh axe peculiarly liable to attack people at this season of the year, and Nasal Balm is the only prompt and speedy cure for theao iron• Wes ever offered the public. Easy to use and,, .: sable If you cannot get it at your dea, sill be sent poet free on receipt of price ,a)cents and $1. per bottle) by addres- sing FemitoRn 4 Co., Brockville, that "I had been troubled for about 35 veers with biliousness and liver compiant, and after using about three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I feel entirely relieved, and bane not bad an attack for two years,' Jesters Omer, Meawan, Oat, A syndicate of Toronto Hien have, it is said. invested $30,000 in Buffalo real estate for speculative purposes. TRUST AN OLD Ei IENP. Old friends are beat, and if ever suferera had a friend, 13agyard'a Yellow Oil eau Fleetly elainl the distinction, fain never stays long where itis used, while for creep it is a apeeitie. Parente should keep it in tee house as a safeguard spinet aseidcnta, feast biter, ebilblaius, epreine, bruises burns, etc, A. motion will be made iu the Manitoba Legislature that the sent for North Winni- peg, now oeeupied by Hon. L. ;If, Eone', of Brantford, be declared vacant because air. ,Tones is not a resident of that I'raytuce George Blackburn of St. Marys has fallen heir to $4,000. Mr. John. IIIeKay, of the ball.conces- cion. East Nisaouri, has a pig that weighs nearly 90) lha. Mr, Alexander Campbell, farmer, of Logan, has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors. Mr, heetl'er of Krppen, will soon be at work on his packing house and in- tends leaving a bee for the purpose at hauling home brick. A young man named Michael Walsh, while &rating onthe river at Stratford, on Wednesday of feat week, went through the ice and was drowned. IL C. brant +G Son, hardware mer- chants, of St. Mary% have disposed of their business. Mr. Grant and family intend moving to 'Toronto. Tho riues!on property, consisting of huddiellfs and 175 acres of land situat• -ad in Itlanshard, was recently sold to a; ; efetie son of St. Marys, for $7,300; 'l'he grocery stook of Mr James Beattie, amounting to $1,746 08, was sold by auction at St. Marys on W ed- neaday to i'1r, J. W. Broderick. fn,.,Wedneaday of last week air race[ laroadfoot, of the mill road, a keradlith. caught a live butterfly c his residence. The Spring Aasizos will open at God. erloh on Monday, March 31st, before Mr. Justice Street, and the Spring Chancery Sittings on Mon;tay, April 14th, before Mr. Justice Ferguson. Ono night last week a farmer named Morrisou, of the 16th con, McGillivray, was knocked down in the vicinity of Stanley & Dight's mill, at L'uean, and relieved of $30. Mr. Alexander Ward, at one time a resident of Mitchell, died at his parents' home in Wiarton last week. .About three years ago be started into a decline, and his life gradually ebbed away. Mr. Alex. Yule of Fullerton, will shortly leave for Washington Territory. Mr. Yule has held the position of town- ship clerk with much acceptance for many years, and the people are sorry to have him leave. Mr. W G Carling of St. Paul (brother of T. M. Carling of Clinton) familiarly known when here as "Little Billie," was married a few days since to a Miss Foster, late of Seaforth. Mr. Carling is well known in Exeter. John Cameron of Stanley township, an old settler, died the other day, aged 88. His children are all married. One son is in California, another in Carson City, Nevada, and one in Stanley. Elia daughter is the wife of Mr. Geo. Baird, er., of Stanley. A very serious accident, which may prove fatal, occurred at the Union Furniture Factory, Wingham, on Tues- day. A man named Terriff was working at a saw when a piece of wood that be was cutting broke off and struck him . J terrific force in the lower part of th dy, entering several inches. Rem [iopkins of the Beachville road, has a Berkshire sow which weighs 000 lbs, This monster is 2 years and ]0 months old. Her measurements are Ltilegth, 6 it 11 inches ; around the loins, 6 ft 4 in ; watst, 6 feet 10 in ; behind forequarter, 6 ft 7 in ; neck 5 ft 8 in , behind ears, 4 ft 4 in. A serious accident happened in the vicinity of Granton on Friday evening. Dr. Lang, of that place, was returning home and his conveyance collided with a farmer's rig. with the result of a broken arm. Dr. Sutton, of Clande- boye, was called upon to set the fractured Iimb. A few evenings ago a boy n; med John. Thompson dissevered. several' caddiereof tobaeco'aovered with hay in an unused henhouse adjoining the (sewed :Oentno.i. betel stables, • St •Marys: The tobacco proved to be the property .ef A. Beattie & Co. St:bsequently two young men named Mulligan and Egee were seen entering the building to search for the lost treasure. They were arreited and committed for trial. 1 MARKET REPORTS. Exeezet Red Whoct »• Spring ',Voest... Barley Cels Clover Sled Timothy " .., Peas Qorn ••, itgga •.• Batter i5lonrperbbl •... 8otatoes,per bushel Apples,per nag DriedApplespr b tieeee per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks Per Ib Chickens per pr gogs,dresaedperleo Seel ,.., R Rdearongh, dressed Sheepskins each Cailskins wool perlb Etaeperten Onion sn erbua `SVoodeeroord REMARIIABt4I;; CURE OF AN ULCER. Sirs, ---Two yeara ago I had an ulcer on my ankle. Pinowingl3nrdaoir Blood Bitters to be a good blood purifier. I got a bottle and a box of Burdcek Healing Ointment, and after using time/bottles and three boxes A was completely cured, and rec amaneud B. B. B. everywhere' :ins, W. V. Bots, Brantford, Ont.. It fa without deubt that the Waterloo Ceouty caution can claim the title of the (-ana•iisn Reichstag without opposition. Out of 30 members twenty are of the tier. ratan natiotln'ity. the four representatives from larrlin being German, The Werdens have alaa been of German divent for a main - ler cf Teane. Oct td 17 musters of the Berlin town council only two are Fnglish. The prevailing national element bee, hew. evi'r, net injured the welfare of the c;ianty. IS YOU. CLUTAPB CHANGING. The past two seas.,ns have b,!•i•n en peculiar that thousands are attested by conytlte, calfs, hcarat•uess. induenaa, asthma broucliitie, etc. To tlu•ee we recammend liagyard'a Pectoral Relearn as the safest, surest and best remedy yet produced for all throat and lung troubtes, A gentleman of Stratford. is the proud possessor t.f the idol.' watch that once was the property of Itobby Burns, of immortal memory. ' ACROSS TtiE CON 1;1NENT. In thousands of households ail over Venetia the merits of Yellow Oil, the great family medicine, are well known. It is esteemed as one of the best cures for rheu- matism, lumbago, neuralgia„ sore throat, croup, quinsy, sprains, bruises, barns and alt pain. Used externally or internally. Christopher Latham Shotes, the inventor of the first successful typewriter, died at Milwaukee, Wise on Monday Boulanger wants to merry a lady to whom he owes 100,000 fraues, but is refused e divorce from Madame Boulanger, Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly FOR i.ZAiiOH, 1890 Frank Vincent, the well known traveler, author of the recently published book, "Around and About South America," and of a forthcoming work on Central America, furnishes • n elaborate leading article on "The Republic of Central America," in the March number of Frank Leslie,s Popular Monthly Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica are graphically described, with numerous and beautiful illustrations, making a contribution of the highest intrinsic interest, as well as of pe- culiar timeliness in connection with the work of the Pan-American Congress. Other illustrated articles offer attractions in a variety of directions -notably Frederick Daniel's charming •desciiption of Richmond, Virginia,s historic capital; "Where Garfield was Canalboy,"an account of a leisurely voy- age on the Ohio canal; "Ostrich Feathers," from the bird to the bonnet; "The Picto- graphic Autobiography of a Sioux Chief," etc. Alfred H. Guernsey begins a series of historical papers on Frederiok the Great. The serial and short stories are always a special feature of the Popular Monthly, while its pictures are more numerous anct excellent than ever. AN OLD IfAN,S ADVICE. Mr. Alex. Moore, Mechanics Settlement, New Brunswick says : I am going on 75 years of age and had very little hopes of getting anything to releave my catarrh. Seeing Nasal Balm advertised, I sent to you for a package. It has done me a great deal of good. I enclose you $2 for a further supply, pact of which I intend giving).; au afflicted friend. I advise all sufferers from e.itarih to use Na al Balm. A large hemlock tree was blown down a few dave ago in cuirass township, and in it,, about a ton of honey was found. WC1AT BAITING POWDER SHALL WE UM; ? Imperial Crea n Tartar Baku g Powde ° is made from pure 99 per cent. Crystal Cream Tartar and. English Soda, h ince is the beet that can be made. -It ie'reNo' teci tii.at"a mob in Marion Oa., Ala., ttrinped two Mormon Elders, oovered them wi li tar and feathers and set tire 1 o the tar. The men were terribly burned, but ext'nguisbed the flames in time to save their lives. Children 'Cry for Pitcher's C. storiE. 4.44 ST: MARYS GO 80 to co 82 • 00 80 to 00 82 • 35 GO 00 43 15 to 20 • 300to400 ••• 100so7es 53 to 051 040to062 13Gog13 .•• 14 to014 00toS15 ▪ 4010 165 «. 1CRto1CO .., 0 4to050 .., 006to007 0 08 to 10 . 006 to 007 • 025to0SO • .4 50 t o 500 ... 4 00 to 525 200to2se ,« 3 50 to 3 5C .., 0 60 to 80 • 050to090 eestoo70 7 ea to7 @0 „ 050to0tw • 250to300 Rall Wheat 0 so 0 80 Spring Wheat0 80 0 80 Harley 1030031 Clover Seed 3 (0 3CP 26 Timothy 250 400 Eggs 9 J4 0 14 Butter 34 910 Potatoes per bag 75 9l Apples per bush ()so wool per lb ;le 0 20 Hay porton -• 7 ft) 7 20 Bran per ton 14 00 14 00 Slums `• '• 20 CO 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl ..... . 6 40 7 GO LONDON. sus per be e.o to 54per 7e perp bus. Bar., ler,Melting.4w to44eper bus. Marley Feed, 3:i}a to 410 par bus Cern. 45o to 4712 per bushel. MESSRS. 0, C. RtcuAuDS Si CO. .Dear Sirs, -I took a severe cold in Feb- ruary last wbieh settled iu my back and kidneys, causing excruciating pain. After being without aleep four nights tbroagh in - tensa suffering, I tried your MINARD'S LINIMENT. After the first application I was so much relieved that I fell into a deep sleep and complete recovery shortly fol- lowed. Lawreucetown, Rine S. 111cLmon , TOW)NTO. Toronto. Feb 1't--Wheat-Sprine No. 2, ESc to PGG per bus :reit winter,No 2. brio to.S per hue. Manitoba No.1 hard, L3 to 105 No.2,1 01 to 1 ('3 ; PES 54e to Me per. bus. (OATS 32o 10 53o per bus, ,PLOD% extra. 53.60 to $9.85 per bol: straight roster. e3.8. to $3.00 ; strong bakers ,e ,44 to $4,50. BARLEY, No I. File to 4,e; Nu.2 4..e te file: No a. extra 410 to 42c, No.3,3jo to 37o. FARM ERS, TERESHERS, AND MI1L,L OWNERS:USE LARDINE MACH .NE OIL r TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole manufacturers of the Genuine Lai -dine, Also Cylinder, Wool and Harness Oils. A Trans -Continental Innovation Sleeping ear passengers for Paeidie coast poluts via the Chiceso, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Union I'aeifie Overland Fact Alan Lure no longer have to wait in line at Court - oil Bluffs Transfer Station to obtain sleee» ing ear tsrth resereatians west of the Mee s.mrf Parer. The now arramsements made by the Chi- cago, Milwaukee t0 St. Peel Railway obviate all tech delay and annoyance. For further perticulars enquire of nearest ('s uprn Tielet Agent or address A.E.U. Ccrpenter, ('reuerai Passenger Agent, Til. waul.'ee, Wis• fibs caro of tho hands is a matter no lady should neglect. When chapped, apply Parisian Balm at night according to directions on each bottle. Parisian Balm is delightfully perfum- ed, andis unequalled for cracked lips, (tough- ness of the skin and chapped hands. Sold by druggists. Graham, charged with attempted jury - bribing in the Croninitiial, has not turned up, and his 815,000 bail bonds are forfeited. DIZZINESS CAUSED BY DYSPEPSIA. Dizziness is a symptom of dyspepsia. "I have used Burdock Blood Bitters for dizzi- ness, which name over me in spello, so that I had to quit work for a while. The B. B. B. entirely cured me." JAMES WRlairT, Chesterfield, Ont. Twelve young ladies in Prescott are each mourning the less of a new ulster which they had bought in Ogdensburg and im- ported into'Canada free of duty. TO NERVOUS MEN. If you will send us your address, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explainin all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Eleotro-Voltaic Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor. manhood and health It you are thus afflicted, we will send:you a Belt and Appliances on trial. VOLTAIC, Bit= 00.. Marshall. Mich, Mon Baby was sick. wo gavo her Cnstoria When she was a Child. she cried for Caatoria. When sho became NIA, she cling to Castoria, 'When ehe had Children, she gavo them Castoria, Mr. Lovell of Oetrauder'a mill in Goshen has a broa:a of nine elliel:ens which we're hate ed by one of hie hens a few da)e ago. ADV10I-0 TOMOTHmts.-Areyou dtstnrbedat nightaud broken of your rest bya sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle o f"Mrs •Wine low's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willre1ieve the poor little sufferer im mediatei? Uependuponit, mothers ; there is eemistake about it. Itcures Dysentery' and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels,cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammutiou, and gives tone and energy tothewholosystem .'Mr s.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for ohildren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beet female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for gale by all druggists throughout the world, Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be. sure and ask or "Arne WINSLow'S a^nTHIN6 s' BII5' "e,nd no other ind. BEAT BARGAINS, 550.000 A Bri'l: forsale. Hello William whore did Yoe buy those nice brick? At S.1reuntnor's back yari Ire has some of the best brick I over Saw made. t will leave you to judge for yourself if it isn't so. You will bus, theta bo - fore enyother tf yon see those nice brick that he has on his yard. Ile has things in the beet shape to please his ouetoutcrn. 110 enn please you in prises and quality. Vali and ace his stock before you buy. It will pay any one to do e.. Acmecnber the place. Lot 9. con. S,tho end yard south side. Crcditonload- Izcchibphin. s promptly+ttonded to. SHSLrRu cd`iioa P.0 31cCOLL BROS. & CO„ T0R0ITO FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS, 4,40O21WAVOSS RENSALL, - - ONT.. POTIPE & CO'S —GREAT-- 1ARDWARE MkRCHANTS UNDERTAKERS. ••++• A GOOD SUPPLY OF GOODS. DSALERa IN ALT. ve;E LI;ADIan STOVES &, RANGES. ale? Kinds of Leges and Heavy Ilardwar OLE & INC 34LE -LEADS EVERYTHING - For Low Prices BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS. COME AND SEE Come buy for little money and at little price. A clean sweep of everything before stock taking DOUPE & CO, KIBKTON. 1ana 1 J 0 H ag 0 z 0 0 0 MECHANICS TCOLS, CUTLERY, ETC. COAL DELIVERED ON SHORTEST NOTICE AT LQWESP PRICES. THL BEST YET 1 THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET I Emblems of the Different Societies. Everything new and flret'Clue. FUNERALS CONDUCTED AT MOD- ERATE COST. THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTY. Cine us a call, tor anything in the d.in,e Overooatings at any price ; Sult- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price. est Ordered clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 eave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the bee Cutting in Town, you are sure of atiafao- ion. ri r J. S N BLLU NOTI( E. Exeter, Feb'y 3.t11, 1890 We will sell cheap for cash, the balance of our Winter Stock ----consisting of Cook and Parlor Stoves, Axes, Cross cut Saws, Rope and Web Halters, Sleigh Bells --at prices that defy competition. BISSE J- T B ROSS P. S.—We must ask that all overdue at+,counts be set- tled at once, by caall :f 1 WAR). .). Brflar, CENTRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug'gStore Exetex. L_UTZ■ rat and WINTER GOODS I have just received my large consignment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for them I am now seliing off my .Previous Stock ! At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods until another year, and will always sell at • ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Rather than hold them over, MY STOCK is the best assorted in town and of first quality goods I am here to exchange goods with the public for cash or pro- duce and am bound to do it. J. P. ROSS, Market Store, EXETER. Nov.13, 1889. Balling OUTS As we are giving up business we will dispose of our general stock of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware �-+ -AT COSTPRICE- FOR OR CILS . Now is the opportunity for bargains, as everything will be sold. Time will be given to good parties purchasing large bills. HAPPEL & CLEGHORN, ZURICIT rte• " All parties indebted from last year aro requested to call and settle. DO YOU WANT TO BITY FIRST -C LASS FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -THEN CALL AT- VIIDLEY'S1 -ONLY FIRST-GLA§S- - Reliably Goods At Prices Lower treat so -ca' led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking �in all it. Branches, S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C. do S. Gidley) ODDTE LLO W'd .asLOCJ,