HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-09, Page 6i
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Cornish Electric
Struck bylightning about 3 a.m.
Monday, a large barn and driving -
shed on the farm of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald McQuillan and son, Fred,
west of Whitechurch off Highway.
86, was completely destroyed. The
McQuillans, who own two farms,
were awakened by the crackling
of flames and upon investigating
found the buildings on the adjac-
ent farm ablaze.
The blaze lit up the surrounding
countryside. The fire was too far
advanced to call the Lucknow fire
• Weddings
HANES—TOSSANWE ther of the groom. was groomsman
The marriage of Margaret and Allan Treleaven, Toronto, Iwo -
T ot lir thew of the bride, - is tie
and Mrs.. J. Reid *name, na� ,
to Robert C. chLuch �� "bleu the bride s
Gi,derieb Township, gowned
Fume arms •
orranofe, of
Hanes, son of Mr. and Yrs_ Francis
Hanes, of Severn Bridge, was sol-
emnized q y last Friday at the i
United C brasonag+e in Bel
grafi a by Rev.Charles D. Cox..
The bride wore a white nylon
street -length dress and carried a
bouquet of American Beauty roses.
After a reception at the home of
the bride's parents, the couple left
un a trip to Eastern Oman°. On
their return they will reside on
the bridegrooms farm at Severa
.Bridge, in the Parry Sound distract.
brigade. The farm is located on
the 14th concession of Veit �0"awa-
Investigating the extent of the
damage. Mr McQuillan found that
21 of his sheep had apparently.
sought refuge from the storm at
the barn and were burned to death,
only six of his flock escaped un-
The damage in the neighborhood
of. 58.000 was partially covered by
Mrs. Athol of
and Mrs.
Jas. Hume of Toronto are guests
with their mother, firs_ C. A.
1 a._-kets of pale blue delphinium,
w bi' a 'mums and tall, lighted tap-
ers in Grace United Church. Lon-
don. - formed the setting for the
wedding of Jean Margaret Treleav-
en Rutherford and Harvey John -
tori Irwin. The bride is the
daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Harvey
Treleaven, Landon, and the groom
1' the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Irwin. Lucknow, Ont.
Rev S. A. Moote officiated and
Edwin Lipskey provided the wed-
ding music.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride was charming in a floor -
length gown of pale blue net over
satin, with a lace bodice. A net
trimmed lace cap held her finger-
tip veil which was trimmed with
blue flowers and she carried a
cascade bouquet of yellow tea
Miss Clara Gannett, Toronto, was
maid of honor, 'gowned in butter-
' cup yellow taffeta with a net over-
; skirt. She wore a Juliet cap ,and
navy accessories.
Grant Irwin, Clinton, twin bio -
other, m a grey summer
suit. pink accessories and a corsage
of pink carnations, received guests
assisted by the groom's mother,
who chose a floral nylon gown,
blue accessories and corsage of
pink carnations.
For a wedding trip, the bride
donned a navy dress with red and
white accessories.. The couple
wad reside on the groom's farm
near Lucknow.
Soloist Withanbride and
organist was Mrs. Edward Wen-
At a r eept� Loll at the bride s
home, the bride's Motiber� ed
wearing a gown �
crepe with white accessories and a
corsage of white carnatiogys, , and
the groom's mother wore a gown
of blue nylon lace with yellow
accessories and a corsage of yellow
carnations. wedding For a weddingtrip to Northern
"Ontario, the Wide donned a yellow
pylon dress, white feather hat and
white accessories and a grey check
topcoat. She wore an orchid cor-
They will reside in Clintoa.
Guests were present from Wing -
ham, Listowel, Brampton, Torontc,
JENKINS—RIEHL Goderich and Montreal.
Rev. A. G. Eagle, pastor of On-
tario Street United Church in Clip- NIIVV IThe roNS—l1Aanage f DVictoria ONI D Street
ton officiated at the wedding there United Church was the scene of a
last Saturday alternonn of Marypretty July wedding last Saturday
Marguerite Riehl,' daughter of Mr.! at 130 p.m. when Rev. D. W. Wil -
and Mrs. George Riehl, of Clinton, liams united in marriage Thelma
to William A. N. Jenkins, son of Janet MacDonald, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert A. )Donald, of
Goderich, and Earl .Wesley Nivins,'
son of Mrs. Melinda Nivins and the
late William Nivins, of Clinton. '
The bride was attired in a bal-
--letrina-length dress of white lace
and tulle with a finger-tip veil.
She carried . a stosegay of red and
white roses:
Her attendant was Shirley Mac-
Donald, of Goderich, who wore a
light blue ballerina -length dress of
nylon tulle and flowered headdress.
She carried a bouquet of pink
roses with white stephanotis.
Gordon Nivins,' of Clinton, at-
tended the groom.
The reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents on
the Bayfield road. The bride's
mother wore a. white and mauve
nylon dress, while the groom's
mother was gowned in a blue
dress. Each wore a corsage of
For a trip to the United States
and Western Canada, the bride
donned a nylon sheer dress of
white trimmed with navy and navy
accessories. -
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford 'Jenkins, of
Given 1n marriage by her uncle,
Wesley `Russell, of Brampton, the
bride was attired in a floor -length
gown of white nylon net over satin,
with lace bodice and yoke of nylon
net, seed pearls and rhinestones
and long pointed sleeves. Her veil
of net nylon was embroidered and
studded with circles of pearls and
ended in a long train. It was
caught to the head with a nylon
net halo and white forget-me-nots.
Matron of honor was Mrs. Harvey
Jenkins, of Wingham, sister-in-law
of the' groom, wearing a mauve
taffeta dress, elbow -length whi'e
lace gloves and carrying a bouquet
of yellow roses. Bridesmaids were.
Mrs. Norman Begg, of Guelph,
sister of the groom, wearing light
blue organdy and carrying Talis-
man roses, and Miss Shirley Pro -
tor. of Clinton, wean g yellow
nylon net over satin an carrying
a bouquet of pink Hildegarde roses.
Harvey Jenkins, of Wingham,
brother of the groom was best man
and ushers were Norman Begg,
of Guelph, brother-in-law .of the
groom and William Riehl, of Clin-
ton, brother of the bride.
Flower girl was Wanda Fremlin.
and Yanon Begg, .,. of Guelph,
nephew of the -Mom, was ring -
Port Albert Pair
Mark Anniversary
Mr. and Yrs. Charles Crawford
celebrated their 40th wedding an-
niversary at the home of their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Glen, of Goderich.
A family dinner washeld in
their honor. Their family, grand-
children, Mrs. William Crawford
and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crawford
were in attendance..., They were
the recipients of a nymber of cards
andgifts. The evening was spent
socially in playing cards and other
Their�entire married life has
been spent on a farm in the Port
Albert district. Tbey have two
sons and a daughter. The elder
son, Fred, lives on the home farm
and the younger son, Horace, on a
.farm in the Leeburn district. The
daughter, Kathleen, Mrs. Hugh
Glen, lives in Godericb. There
are also four grandchildren, Phyl-
lis, Donald, Joan and Janice Glen.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Hunt of
Toronto, with their daughters.
Judith and Nancy, were week -end
visitors with Mrs. Charles Hunt,
St. Patrick street.
ASHFIELD, Julg 8. -- Bobby
Drennan, of Camp Borden, is visit-
ing bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Elwood Drennan.
Sandy MacDonald spent last
week at his home here.
Mrs. Bailey, who spent a Jew
weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
Fred -MacGregor, has returned to
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gour, of
Batavia, spent the week -end with
the latter's sister, Mrs. Earl
Howes. Miss Marie Gour is re-
maining for some weeks.
Mrs. Emil Nougard, of Chicago,
is visiting relatives here.
Mrs. D. Rose spent a few days in
Detroit last mak.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackman, of Tor-
onto, were week -end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs: David MacKenzie.
A nuptial event in St. Paul's
Anglican Church, Clinton, was the
union of Beverlie Jane Smith.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin
Smith, and William James Chowen,
son of Mrs. Florence Chowen, • all
of Clinton.. The rector, Rev. R.
M. P. Bulteel, conducted the cere-
mony. After a trip to northern
points the couple will make their
home in Clinton.
Special Attraction -Thursday, July 9
The "Arthur Murray" dance instructors ulxrll give
exhibition and tuition of all modern dances
at price of 7St each.
— Conte and see how easily YOU can learn
Thursday, July 9 at 6.45 p.xn.
For quick results—try a classified ad in The Signal -Star
. Get quick relief for
aching muscles, the easy
soothing way. Rub in
fast -acting Minard's Liniment
Mode/by model. . . mile by mbe
�_Thiiftiest movers of Shem a//
The strikingly new ,
Sedan Delivery is an ideal
advertisement for the business
it serves—model 2271 Max.
G.V.W. 4100 lbs.
Good appearance and
utility are combined in the three
G.V.W's 4g 0 C 5800.Pick-up deliverypodtrucks
G.V.w.'a 4800
The Carryall Suburban takes
eight passengers comfortably, and can be
readily converted to handle equipment or
supplies. Model 9316. Max.-G.V.W. 4800 lbs.
A truck for every
'v• n chassis parnd carbsthe
windshieldr1� 9g30
to) Playtex
Look !or it
is skis newest
With new non -roll top and hidden power panels,
it slims and supports you as Nature intended!
Fabric lined ...
4 reinforced
adjustable garters
Extra -Large size, $10.50
WWI Timmy -flatten-
ing latest "finger" pan-
's els firmly assist the gentle
lift of your own body
muscles. -
NEWT See how the bonelesti,•
non -roll gyp, and the latex "fin-
ger" panels are invisibly mould-
ed in.
We've nelber seen a girdle like
this before! It's the new PLAYTEX
MAGIC -CONTROLLER . . the closest thing
to Nature's own support. It has all the freedom and
comfort that has made Playtex famous ...
PLUS sensational, new control features that have been but a dream
up to now/ It has a new boneless non -roll top that whittles
your waist gently, firmly narrows your silhouette.
It has new latex "finger" panels that flatten and support your tummy,
jest like youthfully firm muscles do. Anti it makes yon look
and feel a full felter ' '-" ' "'^^'t believe it until you try it ...
so cube in and cry it toasty ... no matter what your rieel
NEW/ Fabric lining in-
side, with lovely textured
latex surface outside.
Magic -Controller is as com-
fortable as your own skin.
Geo. W. Schaefer & Son
"Your Store of Value" Phone 56
Powered by the famous 235.5 cu. in.
Loedmaster engine, this truck has puffing
r to match its bed carrying sbrlrt�r.
Vicith many outstanding features. 9500
Series Chassis and Cab Jeax.G.V.W.
16,000 lbs.
An ideal truck for heavy hauling upto 16,000
pounds G.V.W., the 9700 Series Option 131
provides a wide range of wheelbases. fester.
road schedules at top economy., are made
possible by the proves 246 cu. in. Torque-
mester aerie.
r:;, :::.� fit .t•:
A wide variety. .ol.special body types
cin be used to adverrdtage on these 9800
series Cab -over -Engine models. Power -
plant is the husky sten 235.5 Lad -
master engine.
MODEL for model, feature for feature, these 1953 trucks are
the greatest GMC trucks ever built. They bring you new
staying power and new safety with heavier, more rigid and
durable construction. All 1953 models provide increased horse-
power and higher compression ratio. These thrifty valve -in -head
engines give you faster acceleration, greater hill -climbing ability
-and even greater economy than ever before.
The big. rugged, 15,000 pound roar .41. teems
up with the optional Workmaster engine's 130
hp. to bring you • truck that Lives an outstanding
account N itself on or off the highway. Illustrated
is.the 9700 Heavy Duty Series.
Multi -stop deliveries are made easier with
�d ere crassis (flat face
cow ype r es
wide variety of needs, chassis are avail-
able in either 11,000 or 14.000 G V.W..
with choice of 125 in., 137 in. or 161 -in.
But there's only one way to really know what advantages are
'waiting for you in these new GMC's•
Drive one yoNrself.'
Your GMC dealer •will put you behind the wheel of one of the
wide variety of models available. You'll thrill to the drive of
sparkling horsepower—the lift of responsive high compression
—the solidity and stamina which will enable you to save more
and make more on every hauling job—with GMC.
PEON'S 344