HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-09, Page 3106th Year—Nu 28 eriti) tina GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1953 W. L lEEE'TING HEANS .ACCOUNT OF TRIP Mrs. Durgin Philips, Dungannon, newly -elected president of the West Huron Area W.L was guest speaker when members of the Tiger Dunlop W.I. gathered for their June meeting. Mrs. Philips gave an interesting talk in her recent trip to Florida and New Orleans. The roll call was "Bring a Grand- mother" and introduce your guest. Those grandmothers present were presented with a corsage. A poem was re ud by Mrs. Toynbee Lamb. A report of the district annual held in Dungannon was given by Mrs. Tait Clark. Also; mentioned was "Canada Day" on August 21 when the A.C.W.W. meets in Tor- onto. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Girvin Young, Mrs.. Ray Moore, Mrs. Frank Allin and Miss Beulah "Long. There will be no meetings dung July and August. { REPLACE TO GLASS while 'ow wait Complete auto glass replacement service. Hobbs Duolite and Dupla.. Safety Glass instalkd quickly, eco- nomically. Drive is Beevers Auto Supply Goderich Phone 295 Call New Tenders for Swimming Pool New tenders for construction of 1 a swimming pool at -Judith Gooder- ham Memorial Playground have been called, according to Town Clerk S. II. Blake, with closing date set for July 27. A number of weeks ago, the Town Council's swimming pool committee received tenders for the job of building the new pool, but all proved higher than anticipated and none was accepted. At that time, lowest tender was that of $87,400 received from the Goderich Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Together with costs of fixtures, it was estimated the final cost would be over S120,000. It had been hoped that the pool construction could have been start- ed early this month; but no de- finite time has been set for the beginning of the work. The pool is to be a donation of Harry W. Knight, of Toronto, a former Goderich resident, who made the offer to build it la.tt year. Once an acceptable tender has been received, it will be sub- mitted to Mr. Knight for consider- ation. Mr. Knight also donated the Judith Gooderham Playground to the town. BUILDING PERMITS Eight applications for building permits were presented by Town Clerk S. IL Blake to Town Council at last Friday night's meeting, totalling $17,790. Two of the per- mits were for erection of dwellings. They were referred to the fire committee for consideration. FOB.]IER RESIDENT DIES IN STRATFORD HOSPITAL An esteemed resident of Strat- ford for most of her life, Mrs. James Henry Clarke died early Monday morning in the • Stratford General Hospital after three weeks' illness. Mrs. Clark was born in Strat- ford, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snazel and was the former Aarie Snazel_ She had lived in Stratford for most of her life except for a few years when she resided with her family in Goderich. She was married in Stratford on April 9, 1925. Her husband died in 1936. Mid Clarke was a member of Mackenzie Gospel Church and a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, Stratford branch No. 8, B.E.SL. Surviving are two sons, Harold and Gordon anda daughter, all at home; three brothers, William Snazel, Goderich; Robert Snazel, Regina, Sask., and Roy Snazel, Stratford; three sisters, Mrs. Ruby Roller, Detroit Mrs. Secord Allan, Goderich, and Mrs. Eva Steeles, Stratford. VISIT GODERICH Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Foster, Eldon street, were Mr. and Mrs. I.. Mohr, of Gadshill, and Mrs. Hattie Foster and her two daughters, Marion and Margaret, of Kitchener. Visitors on the holiday last, week were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith,. of Ripley; Mrs. Margaret Sproul, of Luck - now; Mrs. Martha Millian, of Lon- don; Jim Begley, of Moose Jaw, Sask., and Warner Begley, of Vic- toria, B.C. TAG DAY o Town Council last Friday nightd you know III granted permission to the Goderich Women's Institute` to hold a tag day on August 8 for the benefit of the Navy League of Canada. EXHIBJTJO N OF PAINTJNGS- by CLARE BICE' CURATOR OF LONDON ART GALLERY ON JULY 15 - 24 - 3-5 afternoons. 7-9 evenings. AT FORMER HIGH SCHOOL, PICTON ST. ENTRANCE Tea served opening day, July 15. • -28 Kirkton Community Association ANNUAL. GAI4IYEWVARTY FAIR GROUNDS—S.IRHTON, ONT. Wednesday, July 15 6 P.M. GI -8,4S' SOFTBALL, London Central Auto Marts vs. Stratford Kroehlers. 7.30 P.M ---JUVENILE PROGRAM OF MUSIC AND DAN - 9 9 P.M AIIL STAR PROFESSIONAL STAGE SHOI'*�!!`om. 'London and Toronto, including a new girls' dance, line and sparkling vaudeville. Ample facilities for refreshments and seating. Free super- vised parking. 4,000 attended last year. ADULTS 75e. • CIN G. Se$ YOU there this year. ,,CHILDREN 30c Happy Reunion At Kingsbridge When St. Joseph's Has Amuversary Event (Signal -Star Staff) KINGSBRIDGE, July 6. — Kings - bridge's sons mad daughters of. former days gathered here over the week -end trona various parts of ° , • the United States and Canada and joyfully reminisced on the days of their youth in this village and district. The occasion was the 50th - anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of SL Joseph's church. Following morning mass in the church a banquet was held at noon which had a capacity attendance. At the head table were:, Mons: J. A Roney, chancellor of the diocese of London; Mons. F. J. Brennan of Windsor; the Rev. Major J. Hennessy of London; Father E. Garvey, C.S.B_, of Assumption Col- lege, Windsor; Father H. Vsn Vynckt, parish priest; Father J.1. Uyen of Delhi; Father J. Miles of London. Chairman, Was Father Garvey who referred to Mrs,,. J. O'Lough- lin's history of the parish and Mrs. Pa who named the eleven parihbi former i priests in charge from 1860 up to " THIS 1890 COAL -BURNER IS ONE OF THE CLAIMANTS TO TME FIRST AUTOMOBILE IN NORTH AMERICAN DISTINCTION. IT WAS STEAM POWERED... REAR SEAT WAS FOR THE ENGINEER- FIREMAN. AN OLD STRETCHED INNER TUBE RESULTS IN EXCESSIVE FLEXIN6 AND EXTREME HEAT, REDUCES TIRE MILEAGE. PROTECT YOUR TIRE INVESTMENT -.SEE US FOR 600DYEAR HEAVY DUTY INNER TUBES. DROP IN SOON t,00nt r-oR nits HIGH SIGH" X-66 ATKINSON'S SHELL SERVICE SALTFORD PHONE: 456J COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE GIFTS PRESENTED TO THREE LODGE NEEMBERS Goderich Rebekah Lodge. No. 89 held a special meeting last Friday evening in the lodge rooms at Mac- lay Hall for the purpose of bear- ing the reports from Grand Lbdge. Mrs. W. Bannister and Mrs. F. Fritzley gave accounts of the �c- tivities carried on at the assembly sessions. Mrs. Alice Abell thank- ed the lodge for having the Degree of Chivalry bestowed upon her. A social hour followed with a few games of "500" being played. the winners were Mrs. G. Orr and Mrs. G. Kaitting. 'A lovely lunch was served by the committee in charge at which time gifts we -e presented to the following mem- bers: -Mrs. Laura Riley, who is -taking a holiday trip to England; Mrs. Chester McNall, who is mov- ing to Waterford, and Mrs. Clyde Mock, who has moved to Clinton. Local Men Assist At Drowning Gay Photo by McLaren's ' At Drowning Scene Paddy Finn of Goderich oldest Kingsbridge resident at re- union. from Goderich by Provincial Police the present time as follows: Fath on Sunday night to assist in drag ere.- Wassereau, Beausang, Boubat, Dixon, McCormick, Dean, McCardie, was called upon to say a few ; ging operations for the bodies of Quigley, Donnellan, McMartin and !words. Mrs. Finn was 96 on May 1 two men who were drowned when Van Vynckt Ile referred to the 1 10. The firstchild born at Kings- their small motorboat overturned many parishioners who had gone' bridge was Thomas Finn, a rela- a mile north of Grand Bend. Grappling hooks were rushed to various parts of the United 1 States and Canada, principally to Detroit and Toronto, 'over the years. The chairman told . of 1 Sister Marguerite who is in charge of the first separate school in the North-West territories. Introduced by the chairman, Father Van Vynckt expressed his happiness on the occasion of the. re -union and stated that although many people had moved away in. the intervening years it was evi- dent from letters received that their hearts were ti11 at King -- bridge. He said he was proud -that St. Joseph's had set such a higj example in giving so many of i:s sons and . daughters to the church. Thanks were extended to the ladies and inen who had worked so bard to make the anniversary a success. As reeve of Ashfield Township, Elsner Graham extended an ol- ficial welcome to the many visitors. He pointed out that Kingsbridge was notorious .for its hospitality. Debt to Kingsbridge Mons. Brennan recalled his con- nections with .former ,residents of the parish. Mons. Roney said the diocese of London owed much to St- Joseph's for its contribution of priests and sisters over the years. Ile said he brought a mes- sage from the Bishop, viz., "Give my best regards to the people of Kingsbridge for we owe them a lot." The . guest_ speaker, the Rev. Major J: Hennessy of London brought greetings from Fathers John Hogan and Ford who were unable to be present. "You are obviously a parish of very good Christian homes, said the guest speaker; referring to the number of its sons and daughters who had been dedicated over the years and who had served in the diocese: Major Hennessy said St. Joseph's church had "so many pleasant mem- ories" to look back upon in he past 50 years and expressed his confidence in the present genera- ion--4o-carry-on-the-traditions-of. enera- aon--tri arr t--on-the-ixaditions.tai. their forefathers. With character_ istic humor, the gtfest speaker re- lated many amusing anecdotes., Present for the occasion were Elston Cardiff, M.P., and Mrs. Cardiff, Donald Blue, M.P. aridt -Mrs. Blue, John Hanna, M.L.A., and A. Y. McLean, M.P. Each of the political representatives were called upon and brought greetings to Kingsbridge on the anniversary occasion. As the oldest former parishion- er, Mrs. Paddy Finn, of Goderich, GODERICH PAVILION DANCING WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Every Wednesday—Modern and old time dancing to Clarence Petrie's Nighthawks. Saturday Night= -The, Glen Williams Orchestra. Vocals by Ruth. The Pavilion is available 1.)afternoon and evening ren- tals. The Management caters to luncheons, banquets, wedding receptions, etc. ' Phone 675 or 419. - -21-2 anevellausimementemeenseilmesilenniew ;fit; . Qn the T,�e- PARK Square H— PHONE 1150 Now -Rita Hayworth starred in "Affair In Trinidad" MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY— Richrd Widmark, Jeanne Crain, Fred Allen, Charles Laughton, 4' ,Anne Baxter, Marilyn Monroe Head a' tctily All Star Cast in an unusual picture based on five 4'Henry' cgmrdy-dramas. - `O'I.ENRY='S. FULL HOUSE" THURSDAY, P,RIDAY and SATURDAY— . "CITY- BENEATH the SEA IN TECHNICOLOR 99 4 Pwo deep sea drivers, seeking a million in gold bullion, .dis- borer a submerged city off the coast of Jamaica. Robert. Ryan, Mala Powers and Anthony Quinn Coming—"A Queen Is Crowned"—The Coronation in sparkling 1 echnicolo'r. - At IY AL west CAP treett The PHONE 47 Now—"Son of Belle Starr"—with Dona Drake and Keith Larsen —in color. - MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY— Dana Andrews arta Toren and George Sanders In Paris, where anything can happen and usually does, an American adventurer finds a dramatic romance. "ASSIGNMENT --- PARIS" THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY—,n "The NET" Featuring Muriel Pavlov This J. Arthur Rank production ranks high on the list British mystery stories. • Phyllis Calvert, James Donald, Robert Beattie Coming—'The Lady Wants Mink"—Eve Arden and Techni- color. tive of Mrs. ,Paddy Finn. Among anther former old parish- ioners called upon were John Hus- sey, Tom Drennan and Mrs. J. Foley of Goderich, Mrs. Mary Roy of Jackson, Michigan, Pete Martin of- Pittsburgh, Penn., and Philip Austin of Lorrain, Ohio. Visitors 'From Distance, The Signal -Star circulated lists among the guests to -get the names and addresses of visitors from a distance but found it was difficult Drowned were Cameron McGreg- or, about 45, of Parkhill, and Daniel Burns, 23, of RR. 1, Staffa. Two others, Jack Greenley, 21, of Harriston, and Alvin E. "Ted" Munn, 39, of London, escaped by clinging to the boat until rescued. Reg. McGee, of Goderich, to- gether with Bruce Parker, of Lon- don, assisted in the rescue of Greenley. ' Provincial Constable Elmer merman, of Exeter, took charge of to secure a complete list. However, dragging. operations, assisted by a partial 'list was obtained as fob other members of the Provincial lows: - Police. From Detroit: Dolores Dalton, May Martha Moore Cathaleen O'Neill, Marjorie Moore, Mary, Peggy and Eddie O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doyle, Gladys O"Reil:y Redfern and son David, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Perry and daughter Therese, Merla .O'Loughlin, Ber- nardine Kinney, Mrs. P. C. Vogt, Frank and Thomas O'Connor, John Dineen, Philip M. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Murray. Walter Dalton, Paul Kasper, P. E. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Len O'Loughlin and family, John Mur- ray, Shannon Sinnett; Mr. and Mr,. C. Rollins; Mr. and Mrs. J. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Tom JoY and family, Joseph I. Sullivan, George Mc - From Toronto: Mary Murphy, Joyce and Matta Simms, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Finnie, Mrs. Dan Bass, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McConville, Mr. and :firs. Joe Reid, Mr. and -Mrs. J. M. Garvey and Margaret. From London: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Law and family, Sisters Marie Brebeuf, Laurentia, M. Marguerite, M. Gabriel. Marie Therese, Euphemia, Mary Philo- mene, Maureen. From Grosse Point. Mich.: Mon- ica .0 -Connor Kaskeer, Arthur F. Kaser. �- From .Jackson. Mic4s:- ' Margaret O'Connor, Mrs. Mary Roy, Nina Judge. Others: Mr. and Mrs. James Sin- nett,- Gorrie• Mrs. Leila Fitz erald "1'ti"oriFitiri;'"''lilr7fd'e'i' rilfn, TITh Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dalton, Hamil- ton; Mr. and Mrs. dike Martin, Stoney Creek; 'William and Kath- erine O'Brien, Roseland; Josie Dal - on Cleary, Wallaceburg; Mary Mc- enna, Ireland; Mrs. George (Sarah Latiff) Beaumont and Helen, Cleve• land; A. W. O'Connor, Moira and Pat of Pickering; Cassie O'Connor, Los Angeles; Pat Dalton, Whitby; Sisters M. Dolorosa and M. Clara of St. Thomas; Sister M. Apollonia' of Leamington; Sisters St.'-- Charles and Maureen of Sarnia; Sisters Ur- sula and M. Augustine of Wind- sor; Sister M. Dionysia of Inger- soll; Sister M. Denise of Delhi. The day was concluded with a big garden party. Airman Fined For. STREET LIGHT A recommendation from the water, light and harbor committee that the Public Utilities Commis- sion be requested to erect a street light at the corner of St. David's and Kingston streets was approved by Town Council at its meeting last Friday night. New r'O°�S f Id or o k NUMBER of ancient English churches are replacing their equally ancient roofs with alumi- num. One of these is the Ch-,apel of Si. James in the tillage of Nether Warton, Oxfordshire. Its lead roof, originally laid in 1665, brought £47! as scrap - enough to pay the whole cost or installing the new roof. It is a neat example of how, while most metals have been get- ting more expensi'e through the centuries, the cost of aluminum has.been going down. Aluminum • Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan) Impaired Driving Remanded from a week previous when he told the court that his leg had been injured, account4ng for his staggering at the tilde of his arrest, Robert Richard, of the RCAF.. Clinton, was found guilty of impaired driving by Magistrate 1). E. Htllmes, Q.C., in police court here last Thursday. He was fined $50 and costs or seven days. Richard had original- ly been charged with drunk driv- ing following his arrest by Chntoa police on the early morning ' of June 7. - Carl East, of Rif. 4, Clinton, was convicted of careless driving and fined $10 and costs or seven days. He pleaded not guilty: A charge of careless driving against. Sid Harvey, of Huron Road, was dismissed. Harvey pleaded not guilty. The charge arose out of a car -truck collision on the af- 1 ternoon of May 8 on No. 21 High- way in w high a London man, James Simpson, received serious chest in- juries and Harvey suffered internal j injuries. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES OF MUSIC EXAMINATIONS 1 List of successful candidates in examinations held recently by the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto in Goderich has been re- leased. . Following is the list. The names are arranged in order of merit: Grade IX piano -first-class honors, Herbert A. Kempster. Grade VIII piano—honors, Helen Videan; Cora Driver pass, Mrs. J. W. Wallace; Shirley Burden. Grade VI piano— first-class honors, Robert Fowler; pass, Douglas Wilson. Grade V piano — honors, Emily Collins. Grade VIII singing—pass, Shirley Burden. DOUBLES TOURNAMENT DRAWS LARGE ENTRY Sixty-two bowlers took part in the Wood doubles tournament It the Goderich Lawn Bowling Club, last Friday night, M. Telford and 11." »Larkin taking home the silver- ware by winning three games with a plus of 25. The winners were presented with radios by Bill Wood, who donated the beautiful trophy in memory of his father, who was an ardent bowler. Other winners were A. ' Fergu- MAKI !int DIST 01 Oar of the 38,000 Sun Life of COO. ado annuli -Pets receiving his regular income cheque. In ebony instances Ms lifetime income , was provided by regular small payments during the annuitant's best earring years. Others at older ages used a lump sum from savings or capital to guard against advancing years. Independence le old age con be mode certain with Sun Life Pension poky. PLANNED LIFE INSURANCI 'BRINGS PEACE OF MIND Without obligation, let me toil you how the facilities of the SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- PANY OF CANADA can best meet.your particular needs in • way that will fit your pocketbook: Harold W. Shore NORTH ST. PHONE 761W Representative of SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Information available on N.Ii.4. roans. son and T. Brant, Walkerton; , L Millet and S. C. Rathwell, Luck - now; H. Scrimgeour and 'S. Robin- son, Goderich; Archie Townsend and C. Cutt, Goderich. BUILDING UNDER THE NATIONAL HOUSING ACT, .-i944 We have made arrangements which enable , us to offer a com- plete service to prospective home -owners including -- f DESIGN individually tailored to meet your exact require- ments. INITIAL FINANCING AND MORTGAGE up to 80 per cent. of total value obtainable, repayments as low as $34.00 monthly. '� - LQ -.PSE -Leve berl room .home ata x low &47-,9S0.04. - 1* CONSTRUCTION to strict C,H:M.C. standard under C.H. I M.0 inspection e * NO EXTRAS. Quoted price is total price. Further inforritation available at David Ross Construction Picton Street—Goderich PHONE 1486 28-9x YOUR ibM E £1 " INVESTMENT Let's help you select the most suitable building materials and protect the most important purchase you'll ever make. . For Building Materials of all kinds...You name it... We have it! Goderich Manufacturing Co. Ltd. PHONE 61 or 62 ANGLESZA ST,