HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-02, Page 10OKTIM $QDANE AND ... .SRRE AND THERE Welcome to Goderich, summer visitors! If any tourist should ask a Gode- rich citizen about points -of interest to see at Goderich, don't fail to mention the Huron County Mus- eum. Familiarity breeds contempt. Because the museum is readily available for you to visit you might underrate its popularity potential with visitors. The vast (majority of them will find the museum ex- tremely interesting. Huron coun- ty is exceptionally fortunate to 'have such all enthusiastic and well- informed curator in charge as Mr. J. H. Neil. Speaking of visits to institutions, we might mention statistics just released for the year ending March 31, 1952, with respect to Ontario reformatories, industrial farms and common jails. For the year mentioned, enforced visits for varying periods .of time were less at the Huron County jail at Gode- rich than at any other similar institution in Ontario with the ex- ception of one. The number of persons committed to the Huron County Jail for the aforementioned year was only 103.. ,Tlle,i)nly other county or city jail with a smaller number in the year's time was the pufferin county jail at Orangeville with 50. The Bruce county jail at Walkerton had 136. Simcoe county jail at Barrie had 884. There were only 302 in Peel coun- ty jail at Brampton. At London in Middlesex county there were 1,886. Then we come to "Toronto' the Good" and we find it had 15,247. j Wallace Miller, and pictures shown Lansdowne, made by :�ordheime Coming Events The regular meeting of the Afternoon Women's Guild of St. George's Church will be held in the Guild Room on Tuesday, July 7,at3p.m. -27 Summer Festival, Wednesday evening, July 15, on St. Peter's Church lawn. Fun for everyone. Mingo, pony fides, refreshments, etc. Draw—good prizes. -27-28 EVANS--CAMPION St. Peter's Church, Goderich, was the scene of the wedding of Evelynne Campion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Campion and John Studdert Evans, son of Mr. acid Mrs. F. C. S. Evans, Montreal. Rev. Father J. P. Gleeson officiated. Given in marriage by- her father, the bride wore a gown of white nylon net and lace over satin. Her fingertip veil fell from a cap of matching lace and she carried white gardenia and• stephanotis: She was attended by her • sister. Mary Campion, wearing white net and lace over pale blue taffeta with matching cap. David Evans, brother of the groom was . best man while Robert Lucas, John and Torn Campion ush- ered. The bride's mother received in navy blue silk ` Crepe and large Milan straw hat, assisted by the groom's mother in powder blue silk print with matching hat. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. I. B. Lucas, and daughter, Shelia, lla her AUCTION SALE EXECUTOR S AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS from the home of the late Mrs. Sarah Walter, Holmesville, on No. 8 'Highway, on SATURDAY, JULY 4, ' at 2 p.m., consisting ef: FURNITURE — Bedroom suite; 2 "beds; 2 dressers; 2 washstands; 2' rocking chairs; Bell organ; hall rack; Brussels rug, 9' x 12';- dining room extension table; sideboard; 2' Congoleum rugs, 9 x 101•.'; 1 large Congoleum rug; sewing ma- chine; Wingham Clipper enamel range; enamel rangette; Frigidaire, 6 cu. ft. capacity (nearly new); electric heater; 2 coal oil heaters; coal oil stove; oval extension table; corner cupboard (antique), numer- ous other articles. PROPERTY—At the same time and place, subject to reserve bid there, will be offered Or sale the propety consisting of approxim- ately 1_, acre of land on which is situated a • two story nine -room solid brick house with a slate roof. This ..house is also equipped with an oil burning furnace; a three- piece bath and both .hard and soft water pressure system. Also on this property is a small barn. 'TERMS — On household effects cash. TERMS ON PROPERTY —10' down on dale of sale, and balance in 30 days. Possession upon ar rangement. BARRIE C. WALTER, Executor of the Estate. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 26-27- Auctioneer. of Markdale; Mrs. T. D. Ga g and daughter Patricia, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mils and• son Dennis, Aurora; Senator and Mrs. Peter Campbell, Toronto; Mr: and M •. Mrs. Douglas Mitchell,_ i .ir Dug and Mrs. •IRby Dunlop, Toronto; Miss Mary Graham, Toronto; Rev. and Mrs. Arnold Ruskell, -Toronto; Stuart and Bob Lucas, Toronto. - The couple Will reside in Mon• ?THE EXECUTRIX OF THE estate of the late Douglas Me - iKenzie wilt sell by public auction l on SATURDAY. JULY 11, 1953, at 1 o'clock at the' premises situ- ated on the corner of Cambria f road and St, David's street, in the 1 town of Goderich, the real- estate - I consisting of the north half of lot running number 134 in the town of Goderich, being.' 52 feet i II Briefs. Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank- truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. -pro- ducts. Phone 98. - Summer rates are in effect on ail -kinds of coal At rock bottom prices, fill your bin for next winter. Order now. „ Phone 1002. Overholt Coal Co. 't -19-22 For clean-up, moving and gen- eral cartage, E. JEFFERY, phone 843W. -18t1 Children's training panties, sizes 2-4-6; first quality, 25c, 5 for $1.00. See our infant's sizes in sleeveless summer vests, 39c. Our sale of clearings continues. The Textile Shop, 5 West street. -27 WANTED `�JANTE).--OLD HOItbEt Aall dead eattle. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Mink Ranch, phone collect 9311 r 3:: or 936 r 21. -26t1 •`VANTED.—LISTINGS OF P80 PERTIES for sale. No charge I to - .you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46. West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. -12tf ,IWANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES fur sale. C. F. :CHA1'MAN, Realtor. PHONE 1t W. I 39tf 'WANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and of ficient service phone `'STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich 936 r 21. -10tf WANTED.— V.L.A. APPLICANT wishes to purchase two acres of land with town water. Phone 778M. 26-27x fecal.`!ANTED.-WOMAN FOR GEN- About EN- by 104 feet on which there is situ ERAL , housework, 25 to 40 SALKELD REUNION ,'ted a seven room, two-story, brick house, with hardwood floors in liv- + years, experience, fond of children, 70 f !live in, references. MRS. A. - _ - members e g room,dming room and hal keld clan gathered at Harbor ; in WASSERMAN, 19145 Marlowe, De - picnic hot furnace, full Park, Goderich, for their annual goo o air ur based i 27x picnic Supper was served and I ment, three piece bath' and garage troit, Mich. then all went to MacKay Hall, At the same' time there will be , h election f rs was con- sold the chattels contained in the • where. a ec ion o office ducted by_the 1952-53 president, j said house, consisting of In the Perth county jail at Stratford there were only 169. We trust that the Old Home Week Celebration at Stratford- this week won't unduly .upset the Shake- spearean' city's past good . records. Incidentally; we congratulate the Stratford Beacon -Herald forw.its fine Old Home Week issue on Saturday. Recalling the vast amount of extra work we had last summer in put- ting out a special issue for Gode- rich's. Old Home Week we can appreciate the midnight oil burned by the Stratford B-H reporters and advertising men over the past few weeks or months. rl ht n and t by Dlr. Elbert Salkeld Cleveland ' Company, uprig pia o TO RENT TO RENT: — SECOND FLOOR apartment of three -rooms, bath, kitchen, at No. 59 Kingston street. MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46. West street. -23 The new slate of officers for i bench; mahogany • upholstered .1953-54 is as follows:. President, I settee and two occasional chairs William Dalling, Monkton; vice- i to match, 2 oak occasional chairs; • whatnot; oak din - rich secretary -treasurer, Mrs Roy I ing. room , p g P I president, Amos Andrew, Gode- 1 mahogany syall 1 suite hono ra h and re - Rundle, Goderich. cords, pedestals -and hall tree; ''"'ANTED. — BABY CARRIAGE Mrs: George Mathieson read The magazine racks; small tables and and crib in good condition. Spectator which gives the high- rockers; Singer drophead sewing' phone Carlow 1113. 27x WANTED. — INTERIOR DECOR- ATING, paper hanging, etc. Part-time work. WM. TUCKER, phone 1389W. WANTED. — BOARDERS IN private home. MIIS. JEAN PATTERSON, -60 Waterloo street, phone, 414J. 27-28x For .moults - A Classified Ad FOR SALE FOR SALE.—USED REFRIGER= ATORS, electric ranges, i'ang- ettes and washing machines at BARGAIN PRICES SHORE AP- PLIANCES, PPLIANCES, Goderich, your head- quarters for' hearing aid batteries. -18tf TO RENT.—TYPEWRITERS DUR- ING July and August. GODE- RICH BUSINESS COLLEGE. •reel RENT. — OFFICE, BARBER shop or small living apartment. Apply JAS. A. CAMPBELL -26tf lights of different members of the machine( extension table and num- lar for the ear her of kitchen chairs; couch; 3 _ c y. di The 1954 picnic is to be held at furnished bedrooms including Lions Park; Seaforth, on the third beds, dressers, s an s, p g , 'Thursday in June. Members were � ner spring mattress • (like new), I present from Auburn, Dungannon, � quilts, - pillows and bed linens; Lucknow, St. Helens. Grand Bend, 'Wilton rug, . 9 x 10; 2 Congoleum Cleveland, Clinton, Monkton, Tor `rugs; 'scatter mats; dishes; kitchen onto Stratford and one 'from Eng- utensils; . jardinieres; electric 'i`O RENT. — SELF-CONTAINED apartment, four rooms and bath. Priyate entrance. Apply P.O. BOX 301 or phone 556.. -26 "10 RENT. — sleeps four, equipped with BERT ALLEN, phone 1247. 26x CABIN TRAILER, .all conveniences, electric brakes. 171 East street, 21-24x TO RENT.—HUNTER'S BEACH- Cottage, spring -filled mattresses, screened porch, hydro, July and August. MRS. TERENCE HUNT- ER, R.R. 3, Goderich, Tel. Dun gannon, 19 r 6. 27-28x TO RENT. — THREE . UPS'T'AIRS rooms, furnished for house- keeping, by week or month. Phone 1130R. 27x RENT. — FURNISHED BED- ROOM in quiet home near Post - office. BOX 55, SIGNAL -STAR. • -27 land, Mrs. G. Barclay, who is here on a visit with „her father, Mr. Ir- vin Hunter, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Breckenrid of Chicago have arrived in Gode- rich for the summer months. *,-,\BIRTHS • TOW,--At-Alexandra-. Hospital, Goderich, on June 27, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs:• Gerald Dustow, • R.R. 1, Port, Albert, a daughter. KERNIGHAN.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on June 30, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kerni- ghan, R.R. 4, Goderich, a daugh- ter, Gertrude Joanne (Trudy). WESTLAKE,—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich,, on June 25, 1953, to- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Westlake, R.R. 4, Goderich, a daughter. HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED AGES 17-40 YEARS TRADESMEN UP TQ 45 YEARS MARRIED APPLICANTS ACCEPTED FREE MEDICAL SERVICES UNEQUALLED PENSION PLAN • 30 DAYS PAID HOLIDAYS PER YEAR A CHANCE TO TRAVEL To Get All This And More ' See The Army 'Recruiting ' Officer at The LEGION HALL TUESDAY 7 JULY. -10 to 12 NOON -27 lamps; pictures; books; Connor washing machine; folding ironing board; fernery; extension ladder; lawn hose; garden tools, and many. other articles. The real estate will be sold sub- ject to a reserve bid. Terms: 10% cash on day of sale, balance within, 30 days. Possession will be given immediately. The vendor will, if desired, take as part payment on the house a first mortgage for one- half of the sale price. Real estate will be put up for sale -sharp -at• -•2.3444: ams Gliatte cash. For further particulars apply to HAROLD JACKSON, Esq., Auc- tioneer, Seaforth, Ontario, or to R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. -26-28 setvice10')' -� a1% ways rv�e it1 r t0 God loo ve of rt+e it on of lobe 1 ovr h1a o`, 19teose oke this `I Goa, ,` or *ate. M Eor hoods- r flee ,� stotior ,� onea ' stop 1th o Smi�e1 ,tett' ice � FOR SALE.—WATERLOO GAR- -- tractors. Come in and see the different size and various implements that may be had with each. These may be bought for as low as 15% down payment. GEORGE WRAITH, Montreal St. -16t1 FOR SALE.—NEW AND USED radios, electric and battery for sale or trade. Excellent condition. Many to choose from. Sold with a 90 -day guarantee. B. R. MUNDAY, Radio and Sound Service, 7 Widder street. Phone 598. • -ltf FOR SALE.—NEW HOUSE, FOUR large rooms with three-piece bathroom, built-in cupboards, s.," maple floors, nicely decorated, full- size concrete basement, well in- sulated with 3" insulation, heavy wiring. A 56,000 house for only $3,700 for quick cash sale. Apply at site of house on James .street, Clinton, or ELI GALACHIUK. 27x FOR SALE.—COT`T'AGE AT SUN- SET Beach. Phone 1019ri. -16tf FOR SALE. — EIGHT -ROOM house on Trafalgar street. Apply MISS MARY B.. HOWELL, St. Vincent street. Phone 213W. -21tf FOR SALE. — A FINE, TWO- STORY brick house in excel- , lent west end location. Four bed- tooms, oil heat, reasonable price. Agent, MALCOLM • MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. -la FURNITURE FINISHER WANTED, EITHER RUBBER, stainer or sprayer, Pleasant working conditions, definitely steady employment, group insur- ance, etc. See or write JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, 1 Ingersoll. - -26-27 i . FOR SALE. — A ROY DELUXE refrigerator, excellent condi- tion, used three years, 9.6 cu. ft.; 1, horse Hoover Bracket 60 -cycle motor; set of four golf clubs. Phone 1107M mornings or even- ings. 27x 1�, FOR SALE FOR SALE.—MAN'S C.C.M. BI- CYCLE, in good .conitti�x Phone 1367. FOR• SALE. —. LAWN CHAIRS. Phone 552J. EDWIN HORNEY, Nelson street, Goderich. 25-8,s �e•OR,6ALE- — TWO-STORY white brick house at 44 Essex street, in fine location, close to lake; four bedrooms and bath up- stairs, hot air heating, good two - car garage. This house could easily be duplexed. Enquire at premises or phone 814. -25tf FOR SALE. — TWO-STORY IN - '1" dwelling with three bedrooms. Close to schools. Ap- ply 169 McDonald street. 24x FOR SALE. -30-30 WINCHESTER and 38-55 Winchester. Priced right for immediate sale. Apply BOX 53, SIGNAL -STAR. FOR SALE.—NEW HOUSE ON Anglesea street, possession at once. Phone 1248J, Goderich. -24tf FOR SALE.—NEWLYWEDS CAN select from 22 living room suites, 18ibautiful bedroom suit's at the Mildmay Furniture Show- rooms. Also four new and 16 used pianos. GODFREY SCHUETT, Mildmay, Ont. Free delivery. FOR SALE.—ONE HOT PLATE, heavy duty, two nine-inch'burp- ers, in'" excellent condition. A. NORDAHL, 154 McDonald ,street. 27-28x FOR SALE. — 11 PIGS, TWO months old.. LLOYD FERGU- SON, Huron road. -27 FOR SALE.—SEVEN -ROOM house — four bedrooms, over- looking, lake and river, fireplace and sun porch, lot 200 ft. x 200 ft., reasonable. CASEY ATKINSON, Box 324, Bayfield. ,27-29x CULBERT'S BAKERY "The Home of Tasty Pastry" Fruit Salad Cakes -40c each A layer cake with Butter Creme Icing and Pineapple Filling. ANGEL FOOD C and 60c each By Popular Bequest: • FRESH STRAWBERRY PIES -45c each Mary Ann Shells every day during the Strawberry Season Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Cakes a specialty. Orders of $1.00 and over delivered. PHONE 465 -. PHONE EARLY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE. Guaranteed radio service. W1LF. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 NOTICE. New houses built. Alterations, remodelling, carpentry work of all kinds. J. SPIVAK, phone Blyth 20 r -6. -21tf NOTICE. ATTENTION FARMERS. FOR YEARS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR, HOGS HAVE BEEN PAID IN AUGUST AND SEPTEMBBEIR. START YOt1R WEANERS NOW TO GET THAT MARKET. SEE US ABOUT A HOG CONTRACT. PAY FOR FEED WHEN HOG£ ARE SOLD. NO EXTRA (?HARGE- GEO. WRAITH, MINNEAPOLIS. - ANL` FERGUSON FARM MA- CHINERY, PURINA. FEEDS. MONTREAL STREET. .PHONE 1285. -ai)t1 FI,,OOR SANDING. KITCHENER BIG -4 DAY-OLD Old and new . floors sanded. pullets now priced at $17.?(l, � Phone CREE COOK, 23J, Clinton. immediate delivery..Canadian AP- . Summer months, 65 r 2, Bayfield. proved. They also have similar,I • -22tf OR SALE.—CEMENT, TRUCK bargains in. mixed chicks, day-old, or carload lots, immediate de- started—also broilers. Ask me NOTICE. livery. Phone 41 r 2, Wroxeter, Goderich. Phone 345. -'L7 or contact HAROLD or ALLAN- , HYNDMAN, Gorrie. -24tf FOR SALE. -9.5 CROSLEY SHEL- for articulars. RYAN & SON FOR SALE.—DESIRABLE BUILD- ING lots for sale on the north side of Gloucester Terrace at the top of the new road to the harbor. Lots 2 and 3 Craigie's Survey. Written oilers to purchase will be 4 accepted by the undersigned to natural finish, red -trim, tate, , four chairs, pa a seats; matching cupboard, 16" x 56" high,• in new condition LOUIS HOGAN, R.R. 7, Lucknow, Phone Dungannon 76-17. -27-28 ' VADOR . refrigerator, 50 ]b. frozen food capacity, in good con- dition;' also Sunshine . heavy duty two -burner electric stove. Phone 1037: . -27 FOR SALE. — DINETTE SUITE, July 8th. Purchaser to build on dd d red leatherette the lots within one year. Highest 32" or any offer not necessarily ac- cepted. S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk. -27 FOR SALE. — FOX FORAGER FLOOR SANDING 1 DECORATING INSIDE AND out; floor laying and sanding. E. J. THOMAS, 125 St. Patrick street, phone 216. -27tf IN MEMORIAM ls.4-S.TODDAI .- InUouing estiony. a�f Ethel Stoddart, who passed away July 2, 1943. Though out of sight, she is near, Still missed, still loved, still mine, She will live with us in memory, i Until the end of time. —Sadly missed by Husband and :t UCTION -SALE OF HOUSE- Ask HOLD EFFECTS - atresidence of Mrs. Charles Hunt, 43 St. Patrick street, Goderich, on WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 • at 1.50 -p.m. The following: Curtis electric refrigerator; com- bination Gurney electric coal and wood enamel range; large brass bed and springs, inner spring mat- tress and some bedding; large radio; small mantle radio; 2 steel wire beds or cots, suitable for camping , cots; white bedspreads; pieces of rag carpet; 2 comforters and quilts for camp cots; pillows; old white bookcase; Eastman fold- ing camera; antique buffet; antique platform -rocker; 2 electric fans; electric heater; large handmade fernery; small fernery; card table; handmade wicker table;. small kitchen table; 2 small ' utility tables; kitchen stool; kitchen arm- chair; plain chair; grey painted - table; bathtub seat; -lamp; folding ironing board; galvanized washtub; wringer; 2 stepladders, one small; 2 old trunks, one steamer, 'one regular size; roll of linoleum; lawn mower; many garden tools; hose; bread box; cake box;- round cake box; 2 camp chairs; dining room chairs; pictures; books; odd dishes; pieces of china;4$lassware; kitchen utensils; flower pots"'fruit jars, and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH. No reserve as property is sold. 'MRS. CHARLES HUNT, • Proprietress. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 27-29- Auctioneer. Hygienic supphes (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plata, sealed envelope with price lift. Six ram• pies 25c; 24 rumples $1.00. Mall Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. . ..1 Samir Motors jlo—Bui4k--G.l .O. Trucks ' • PHONE $44 NOTICE - Closing for Vacation JULY 4th OPEN AGAIN JULY 20th Please keep thele dates in mind.. Hutchinson Radio Phone 498$ Huron Ro2ad 4.7 Harvester with quick change Harvester units now being solely distributed by the Waterloo Mfg. Co., Waterloo, and sold by Geo. Wraith. Come in and see the most modern "forager -:.on the mar- ket. GEO. WRAITH, Montreal street, phone 1285 or 931 r 3. - -25tf FOR SALE. -YOUNG AUDGIES, $5 and up, budgie Ed canary seed, 25c lb; gold fish, water weed and supplies. C. WOODS, 44 East street - Family. • 27x IN MEMORIAM GAULEY—In loving memory of William Gauley, who passed away June 30, 1943. His memory is as dear today As in the .hour he passed away. —Always remembered by family. • 27x ARNOLD.-In . loving memory of my dear Mother, Mrs. Beatrice Arnold, who passed away seven years ago, ,July 6, 1946. We miss her because we loved her,. She was ' dearer than silver or gold; No treasure on earth can replace her, Remembrance will never grow old. Good was her heart, her friendship sound, Loved and ,respected by all around. Her beautiful life came to a sudden end, She died as she lived, everyone's friend. —Sadly missed by her daughter, Beatrice and son-in-law, Gordon McGratten. • 27x ERRINGT0I$.—In loving memory of our dear father, David S. Errington, who 'died one year ago, July 6, 1952. One year has passed' dear Daddy', Since you were called awry( How well do we remember That sad and weary day. You suffered much, you murmured not, We watched you day by day; We cried and prayed that your dear life . Would not be taken away. He has gone across the river, To the shores of ever green; And we long to see his dear face, But the river flows between. Some day sonic time our eyes shall see, The face we loved so well; ti • Some day we'll clasp his loving hand, - And never say, farewell. ---Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by Daughters and Sons 27 FOR SALE.—SMALL WARTIME house on large corner lot, pos- session August 1. Also. used Frig- idaire in top condition and Me - Clary ,rangette in good working order. Call 776M after July 3. • 27-28x CRESS CORN SALVE. FOR SURE relief. Your `Druggist sells Cress Wart Remover, leaves no scars. -27 FOR SALE. — PHONOLA CAR radio, $15; also child's playpen and extension gate. Phone` 1082M. -27 FOR SALE. — USED CHESTER- FIELD. Enquire LODGE FURN- ITURE, West street. -21 Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Palest, form- erly ,I3arriet Porter, of Cleveland, are renewing acquaintances in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Papernick have returned from. New York' where they Were guests at the Harris -Katz wedding at the Plaza Hotel on Sunday, June 21. The - bride is a cousin of Mr. Papernick. FOR SALE.—SMALL HOUSE_ON Palmerston street, lot 62' x 125'. Phone 14481 27-9x FOR SALE.—FRIGIDAIRE ELEC- TRIC refrigerator, sealed unit; rangette, automatic, nearly new; six venetian blinds, various sizes; two used camp. cots. 37 Elgin avenue.. -27 FOR SALE. — USED CHESTER- FIELD, in good condition. LODGE FURNITURE, West street. -27 FOR SALE. --CUT FLOWERS, peonies, Sweet William, roses, cornflower, 'etc. B. R. MUNDAY, Widder street. -26tf FOR SALE.—I NEED ' PLENTY of shotguns! Trade yours in on a Kelvinator refrigerator. W. G. LUMBY, Kingston street, Gode- rich. . -26-27 FOR SALE. ---STEEL OR ALUM- INUM • roofing in best pre-war quality. All lengths carried in stock. Ask us for an estimate in supplying your material or laying your roof or siding. All work and material guaranteed. IRVING KEYES, Glamis, Ont, Phone Pais- ley 114 r 4. -23 FOR SALE. Two story eight -room red brick house. Oil heating, full basement, 104 foot lot, two single garages, house in real good west end loca- ion , and in excellent condition. One and a -half story insul brick sided house, five rooms on main floor, three room apartment up- stairs. Full basement, coal stoker heating, south end location. Nearly new, :live room bungalow sided with insul brick locatedon , 1/, acre on main highway a few miles from Goderich. Garage. Lovely summer cottage, .five miles south of Goderich, living room 40 ft. by 12 ft. with fire- place, four bedrooms, full bath- room. Cottage fully equipped. Large lot on lake bank in beauti- ful location, . Immediate posses- sion. FOR SALE. — FIVE BIG FEA- TURES of the Surge Filter Cooler—filters and cools in one eratiion. dill. ndle_ uu to 40 gallons of" milk an Hour, need's only to be . attached to pressure system, is all stainless steel con- struction, and no milk is exposed. Call LOVELL McGIJIRE, Surge Service Dealer, phone 593, Wing - ham, collect. • -21-24-27 For artificial insemination at its best for all breeds, call' the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association be- tween 7.30 and 10.00 ' a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect, Clinton 242. 20-2-4-6tf FOR. SALE. — 35 MM GERMAN camera, f2.9 Cassar lens, com- pur shutter 1-1/300 seconds, T. & B. case included. Must sell. Phone 652. ' -27 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1 , . LOST LOST.—BLACK PERSIAN „GAT, in vicinity of Wellington and West streets. Finder please phone 721. - -27 TENDERS WANTED All persons having claims against the estate of Eva Grace Dunlop, late of the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, Spin- ster, who died on or about the llth day of June, 1953, are re- quired to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the l lth„ day of July, 1953, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. • Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron? this 23rd day of June, 1953. R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, 26-28- Solicitor for. the Estate. FOR SALE. — TWO BULL calves. 'VERDUN VANSTONE, Carlow, 2904. • - 27x - FOR. SALE.—BUCK RAKE TO - fit Ford tractor. HAROLD GOOD, Goderich, phone 1148W. -;•,27x FOR SALE.—SMALL COLEMAN - space heater. Phone 788J- -27-28 TENDERS WANTED. The Colborne Township School Area will receive tenders up to July 16 for painting inside and out of Nile school, work to be done by August, 15. Any tender not necessarily accepted. WYi. WATSON, Secretary, 27-28- R.R. 5, Goderich. TENDERS WANTED. The Colborne Township School Area will receive tenders up to July 16 for transportation of pupils: No. 1, from No. '5 section to No. •9 school on Blue Water Highway; No. 2, from No. 3 section' to No: 6 school, • Saltford, route pupils along boundary and 8th concession; No. 3, from No. 4 sec- tion to Nb. 7 school, starting at corner , of lot 10, concession 1, Colborne. Tenders to pay for pr insurance. Any tender not neces- sarily accepted. WM. WATSON, Secretary, 27-28-' • R.R. 5, Goderich. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received until July 13, 1953, for painting the in- teriors of ,the following schools in Ashfield Township School Area: S.S. 5 (Zion); S.S. 8 (Dungannon); also walls only of S.S. 4 (Lochalsh). Tenders please quote prices 'for spraying and for brushing. Two coats of good quality paint to be used. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. 'T. KILPATRICK, Sec.-Treas.. 27-28- ' R.R: 7, Lucknow,. Ont. VACATION RESORTS TO RENT. — HOUSEKEEPING cabins and two bedroom cot- tages on Lake Huron. $20 couple weekly. Everything supplied. Saie beach, good swimming, 1!, mile from highway. Fine for children. Write or see. G. HAZELWOOD, R.R. 1, Bayfield, Ont. -26-34 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT.—UNFURN- ISHED house,by air force couple with ' one child.' Phone 118R. ! -27 FOR SALE. — CREAM ENAMEL ice box in good condition, $10.00. Phone 1193M. 27x FOR SALE. — '29 CHEV. CAR. Pricedeasonably. Contact MRS. ANDERSON, phone, 178R, 24 Cambria road.. 27x FOR SALE.— P'E E R L E S S threshing separator, 36 by 52, equipped with Mildmay grain thrower and pipek two years ago, also new cylinder -and concave teeth. -This machine has good belts and is in good running condi- tion and will be 'sold for $300 or. best offer. E. G. ZINN & SONS, R.R. 1, Dungannon, Phone 14 r 15, Dungannon., 27x FOR SALE. — -24 F. HOUSE trailer, Propalie cook stove, oil heater, electric brakes, 160 St. David's street, Goderich. Phone 731R. 27x FOR SALE.--SOME'DOZENS OF used gallon jars. See T. R. LEE, --R.FL 2;--Goderich, or phone- 935 r 33. ' -27-29 FOR SALE.—RED BRICK HOUSE. Nine rooms, 1 acre of land. Immediate possession, $4,500, Four Miles soyth of Goderich, on . Blue Water highway, the estate of the late, Mrs. Emma Calweil. - 27-28x C. F. CIIAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W. -25(1, LARD OF THANKS FINANCE AND INSURE your neet new or late model car, truck or farm machinery at lower cost through Harold W Shore - INSURANCE AGENCY "All Lines of Insurance" NORTH ST. PHONE 766W Loans also arranged -on 1946 and later model cars. otf CENTRAL . MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION TENDER • Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned, will be received until 2.00 p.m., E.D.S.T., Tuesday, July 14th, 1953. for File No. 119-3-4-64 Job No. F 1/52 Landscaping of Twenty -F. (25) Housing Units at Goderich, Ont. Plans, specifications and tender documents may be obtained . by general contractors only, at the address shown below. A deposit of $10.00 is required for each set of plans and docu- r ents. s a osit is forfeited if said-Flansai docl�meniT are lRit returned intact and in good condi- tion 'On or before the seventh day following the . date of cbntract award. Sub -contractors may view the plans at C.M.H.C. Field Office, R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, Ont. and at this office: Each tender must be accom- panied by a security deposit as prescribed in the tender docu- ments. Such deposit shall indem- nify the owner against loss in the event of withdrawal of the success-. ful tenderer subsequent to the acceptance of the bid. In the event you have not had a previous contract for landscaping with C-.M.H.C. you will indicate your qualifications and references in this type of work in your letter requesting tender documents. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . R. P, OPIE, P. Eng., 40 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, Ontario. 27- i GET STATED On a good open stock ENGLISH, DINNER SET at Smith's Art & Gift Store East St. Phone 198 THE FAMILY QF THE LATE David. Lockhart take this means 'of expressing their thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown them by neighbors and friends, especially do they wish to acknow- ledge the loan of . cars, cards of sympathy and floral tributes.._.. -27 Emerson Drug Store Corner West St. and Square Phone 45. We deliver. "As handy as the Postoffice" FOR POISON IVY OR OAK Try Bristamin lotion with Zirconium—a soothing lotion for treatment of poison ivy or poison oak as well as for the relief of itching from sunburn, insect bites and other minor irritations. $1.50 per . bottle. Coty's stick coloines, in a beautiful travel container comesin four delightful perfumes, Paris, L'Origan, Emer- auiie, or L'Aimant—Ideal for carrying in pwse. 1.50 Don't forget to come an for your free chance on the 6.00 perfume or the cologne—by Angelique. Nothing to buy; just spin the wheel. 10 c. s G ii a 'a a 3 1 .1 .` .