HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-06-25, Page 7ti THURSDAY. JUNE 25th, 1953 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. JUNE 28—Fourth Sunday after Trinity. $.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.m. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE. {, PARADE OF LOYAL ORANGE LODGE. NO EVENING SERVICE. A. W. ANDERTON, Organist and Choirmaster. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D.. Rector' UNION SUMMER SERVICES NORTH STREET AND VICTORIA STREET CONGREGATIONS SUNDAY, JUNE 28 SERVICE IN VICTORIA STREET CHURCH 11 a.m. "DON'T BE TIRED TOMORROW" Rev. D. W. Williams Sunday School as usual in both churches. "Evening Service withdrawn during July and August. s Knox Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, JUNE 28 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Guest Preacher—Rev. F. J. Barr, M.A., Stratford, Ont. Nursery and Junior Congregation. NO EVENING SERVICE. REV. R. G. MacMILLAN. W. 13. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister. Director of Praise. Goderich Raptist Church MONTREAL STREET Minister: Rev. Ian G. Hind, B.A., B.D. Organist (Interim) Mrs. E. Donaldson 10 a.m. THE SUNDAY. SCHOOL MEETS. 11 a.m. CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS. 7 p.m. "WHAT IS.THE FINAL ISSUE OF EVIL?" (3rd in series on the after -life) Monday 6 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC at Harbor Park. Wednesday 8 p.m. The Hour of Power. 'Golden Text: "The Peace of God, which passeth all understand- ing, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" I The Church of the Light and Life Hour heard each Sunday at 9 • a.m.-900 CHML—Welcomes YOU to worship at the Free Methodist Church • CORNER VICTORIA AND PARK STREETS 10, a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7 p.m. EVENING EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Thursday 5 p.m. June 25—C.N.C. Picnic. PhD. 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again 1 say, Rejoice. REV. ,G. E. BABCOCK, 84 Park St. (Pastor) Phone 897R BETHEL TABERNACLE WATERLOO ANI) ELGIN REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER, PASTOR SUNDAY - 11 a.m. WHY ARE WE PENTECOSTAL. 7.30 p.m. PLEASANTNESS NEEDING A CURE. Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.m. Surprise Night. ' THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG, WELCOME. ASHFIELD ASIHFIELD, June 24. — Mrc. George Collinson left on Saturday for Sault Ste, Marie to attend the funeral of hey nephew, Cecil Mc- Whinney. Mrs. Mckeith, of Vancouver, is visiting- with her sisters, Mrs. Pete Farrish and Mrs. Russ Bissett, and brothers, Will Johnston, and Noble, of Lucknow. Mrs. Moncreith, of Pentiston, B.C., is visiting with her son, George Moncreith and Mrs. Mon- creith. Archie Maelntyre, son of the late Mr. and illus. Duncan Mac- Intyre, • graduated in medicine in Winnipeg recently.' His two sisters with their husbands, of Under- ! wood, Mr. and Mrs. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Cole, attended the graduation. His many friends in Ashfield Aire pleased to hear of his success. He is beginning his prac- tice in.the West. The 105th anniversary of the Ashfield Presbyterian Church took place on Sunday when Rev. G. S. Baulch of South Kinloss delivered two addresses jo large congrega- tions. Many were present from the adjoining congregations. The choir provided special music with Mrs. Duncan Simpson at the organ. In the morning Mr. and Mrs. Dun- can MacKay sang a duet and Ben Farrell, of Clarke, favored with a solo. In the evening Mr. Urn- bach, of Lucknow, and Miss Anna Robb sang solos. WHAT TO DO . . . When Death Occurs- Away From Home Through our connections, we can aid a family, regardless of where they may require funeral services. We will handle all details and can avoid delay, while saving you from unneces- sary expense. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, June 24.—There will be no service in the United Church next Sunday on account, of a special service being held in Crewe church. During the months of July and August church services will be held at 9.45 a.m. with Sun- day school at 1045 a.m. Com- munion service will be conducted the first Sunday in July. ,Elsie Essex, 13 -year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Essex was taken to Goderich hospital last week for an appendix oper- ation. The north side, of the United church received' a new aluminum roof recently with the work being done by the men of the congrega- tion. The windstorm recently damaged the shingled roof. The neighbors and friends of Miss Reta Doherty .held a benefit dance for her on Friday evening of last week in the Kingsbridge Hall. A large crowd was in atten- dance and presented Reta with a well filled purse at lunch time. Reta answered thanking those pre- sent. Miss Doherty was seriously injured in an automobile accident in Hamilton last December. The June meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. of the United' church was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Earl Bogie with 12 mem- bers and two visitors. Mrs. Bob Oke and Mrs. Cook of Belgrave present. Mrs. H. Lednor was in charge of the W.M.S. meeting and opened themeeting with a hymn and prayer. The theme was taken by the leader, Mrs. Lednor. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Will Crawford. The chanter in the study kook was taken by Mrs. B. Crawford. The business part of the meeting was then taken by the president. The top for a quilt was shown to be quilted this week and sent in the bale for Korea. The bale will be packed, by .Mrs. Essex ,and sent the end of June. Mrs.. Earn Bogie. president of W.A. onened the meeting with a hymn. Mrs. Mel Dickson read the Scrip- ture lesson. Mrs. John Fielder gave a reading. Reports were read and adopted. The business. period followed. The hostess served re- freshments. .. SI`IEPPARDTON SIIEPPARDTON, June 24. Ralph Foster and family motored to Toronto Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pritchard. Barbara stayed to visit with her aunt and. uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAvoy and Mr. and Mrs. Ede Harder and baby, of St. Catharines, visited during the week -end with 'Mrs. McAvoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Clayton, of London, visited Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Marshall. Visitors Sunda? with Mr. and Mrs. F. Rising were Mr. Rising's sister, Mrs. Campbell, Mr. Camp- bell and Jean, of Teeswater, also his brother, Bob, and Mrs. Rising of Windsor. CREWE CREWE, June 24. --Mr. and Mrs. B. Shackleton and Carol Anne at- tended the wedding of Mrs. Shackleton's brother on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Finnigan and David were Sunday evening visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. M. Henry, of Ambcrley. Roy Maize left on Tuesday morn- ing for a visit in Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Finnigan, of Weston, visited at the beginning of the week with his brother, Ray- mond Finnigan, and family. Mr. and -Mrs. Don Paquette and sons spent the week -end' in Til- bury. The Gaspe peninsula of Quebec was widely known in pioneer -liter- ature •as "Gaspesia.'= THE GODERICH SIGNAL8TAft DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, June 24. The annual Robinson re -union will be held on Saturday at Turnbull's Grove, near Grand Bend. The June meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home ' of Mrs. Ernest Snowden with Miss Elaine Jefferson in charge. Mrs. E. Rob- inson read . the lesson and prayers were offered by Mrs. Tom Arm- strong, Mrs. John Thompson, Mrs. Sam Thompson and Mrs. E. Robin- son. Mrs. Gordon Naylor gave a reading and a poem. Mrs. N. Thompson also gave a reading. Mrs. Hardy read the chapter in the study book. Minutes of the pre- vious meeting were approved as read. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and Miss Grace Thompson attended the Thompson -Harris wedding in Tor- onto last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leatherland and family, of Auburn, were $un - day visitors at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Chamney. Mrs. John McClinchey, of Au- burn, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Chamney and family, of Owen Sound, were recent visitors at his home here. Graham, who has lived in Owen Sound for the past eight years, is being transferred to Goderich and moved with his fapiily early this week to Benmiller. LEEBURN LEEBURN, June 24. — House guests for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bogie are Miss Sylvia Smith, of Toronto, and -Jack Mast- ers, of Weston. Visitors last Fri- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bogie were Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pollock, of Pine River, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moran, of Frankford, Hastings County, and Mrs. Frank Jeffs, of Stirling, Hast- ings County. Miss Joan Clark was home for the week -end. Peter Green, of Goderich, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Tait Clark while his parents at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Green's mother in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stant, Falconer. of 'Dartmouth, N.S., accompanied Pithlado. Karen; Peed, Leonard by the formers, parents, Mr. and (Math. 27); Reid, William (Ag. Se. Mrs. -Mac Falconer and his sister, 29): Richardson, .Paul (Math. 41); Miss Marie Falconer, of Clinton, Riehl. Reg (Ene.`J1): Riehl, Shir- visited on Tuesday with Mr. and lev: Rivett, William: Salkeld. Keith Mrs. James -Horton and family. (Ag. Sc. 21): , Smith, William; Squires, Douglas: Stewart, .Tames (Eng. 48: Math. 17); Sfurdv. Betty Sturdy, William (Fr. 45); Thomas, Parole (Fr. 431; Thompson, Sandra; Townsend. Charles: Treble, Do,.. pen: Turpin, Bert: Vanstone. Ted: Wall, .Terry (Math. 40): Watson, Ivan; Webster. Harold; Williamson, Rod (Math. 20. Shop 35); Wood, Murray: Wrieht, Margaret. Con- ditional — Culbert, Barry; Easom, .Toanne; Longmire, James; McPhee, Thomas; 1Vreyers, Norine; Stowe, List Names of Scholarship Winuers, Pupils Promoted At Local Collegiate The following students of Gode- rich District Collegiate Institute have been promoted to the next grade as shown. Names are ' in alphabetical order. Where a sub- ject appears in brackets after any name, special permission must be obtained before the subject is con- tinued in a higher grade. Condi- tionally means generally low stand- ing, but permitted to attempt the work of the next grade in Septem- ber. Marks of those failing have already been mailed. The list was announced yesterday by Prin- cipal rincipal A. R. Scott. The following are scholarship winners: Veterans' Memorial — Grade IX, 1. Laurine MacDonald, 2. Donalda Banter. Peter Adam- son Memorial—Grade X, Marilyn Elliott. McKim Memorial—Grade XI, Robert Dockstader. Peter Adamson Memorial — Grade XII, Glenn Feagan. Grade IX to Grade X—Alexand- er, Mary; Anderson, Charlotte; An- derson, Marylin; Andrew, Mary (Eng. 32, Ag. Sc. 23); Baker, Zita; Banter, Donald' Bedard, Shirley; Beverley (Can. Hist. 27, Fr. 17); Benninger, Marvin; Bogie, Cam- Ralston, Joan; Rutledge, Verna; eron; Breckenridge, Linda, Broshe, Shobbrook, Dennis (Can. Hist. 33, Leonie; Chisholm, Sylvia; Clark, Mary; Clark, Ruth; Compton, Gail (Hist. 16); Craig, Mervyn (Math. 19); Crane, Marilyn; Curry, Mary; Daer, Gordon; Dalton, Frances; Doherty Ann; Durnin Donald; Jane; . Straughan, Clayton; Walter, Irma; Webb, Joyce. Grade X to Grade XI—Allin, Gerald (Math. 24, Fr: 43); Anstay, Beth (Fr. 39); Austin, eannette; Baker, Patrick (Can, Hist. 32); Beadle, Carol (Can. Hist. 37); Bed- ard, Tony; Bell, Irene; -Bell, Shir- ley; Bowler, Janet; Bowra, Bever- ley; Buchanan, John; Cook, Ruth; Cranston, Corrine (Fr. 25); Currie, Arthur; Davis, Harold;' Driver, 1 leanor; Elliott, Diane; Elliott, Marilyn; Ellis, Verona (Can. Hist. 38), (Bus. Pract. 47); Ferguson, Thomas; Fisher, Auleen (Hist. 33, Ag. Sc. 38) (Home Ec. 48); Fisher, James (Eng. 42); Ford, Jayne; Fowler, Thomas (gr. 28); Freeman, Arthur (Eng. 46, Hist. 36); Gauley, Barbara; Graham, John; Haggitt, Beverley; Hamilton, Kay; Harrow- er, Margaret; Hill, Kathleen; Jack- son, James (Fr. 43); Jeffery, Sarah; Johnston, Ray; Kane, John (Fr. 19); MacDairmid, Allan; MacKenzie, Beverley; McKay, Ramona; Madge. Richard; Moore, Isabelle; Pentland, Ann; Pridham, Helen; Proctor, Fr. 34); Simpson, John (Fr. 35); Snyder, Jeanne; Stewart, Norman; Stewart, Velma ,(Home Ec.); Tigert, Isabel; Turner, Edward; Vanstone, Joan; Venn, Jean; Venn, Roy; Vol- Larder, Evelyn; Lauder, Eleanor; land, Robert; Walzak, Ken; Web. Leitch, Shirley; Longmire, Patricia; Glazier, Joyce (Hist. 24): Glenn, ster, Lois; Westbrook, Ruth (Math. Lutz, Joy; MacDonald, Catherine Marie; Grigg, Fred; Hamilton,, 30, Fr. 24); Wilkinson, Jean; Wil -(Fr. 34); McBride, Donald; Ouel Audrey; Harrison Donna' Hicks lis, June (Fr. 29); Wilson, Ken; lette, Robert; Reid, Douglas; Riehl, Leonard (Eng. 31,E Math. 32);'%Jill,'' Wood, Robert (Shop 38); Worsen, Benson; Rivett, Ross (Eng. 40); Pauline: Holmes. Lois; James, Wil- William. Conditional — Skelton, Robb, Anna; Sturdy, Peter; Thorpe, ]lam (Eng. 39, Fr. 44); Johnston, Sylvia. Dianne (Latin 32); Videan, Patricia; Vera; Laithwaite, Arnold; Lapaine, Grade XI to Grade XH—Baer, i Willis, Ruth (Geom: 45). Bruno; Larder, Clayton; Lodge, Ronald; Barwick, Williatn; Bean, i Graduated from Commercial De - Laurel; Loiselle, Maurice; Long- Shirley; Bowra, William; Buchan= partment — Allin, Lorna; Christ - mire, William; Love, Marilyn; Lutz, an, Fred; Carruthers, William (Alg.flaw, Leone; Donaldson, Clar4; 'Shirley; Lutz, William; MacDair- 28, Fr. 19); Clark, Rosemary; Col-, Fisher, Barbara; Leitch, Viola; mid, Kathleen; MacDonald, Lau- line, Rose Marie Cowley, Joan; Longmire, Kathleen; Moss, Ruth; rine: McArthur, Donald; McDoug- Dockstader, Robert; Dougherty, young, .Annette. all, Mildred; McDowell, Gwen; Ills- Lorne (Hist. 40); Dougherty, Mild- • oe For Wedding Pictures HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE GODERICH Gee. Delores (Feng. 37); McIntosh, red (Hist. 22); Emerson, Margaret; Marilyn: McLean, Dick (Feng. 2.5i: Freeman, Beryl; Gardner, Robert; j Masse, Joan (Geog. 36. Ag. Sc. 24): Hawkins, Elaine; Hay, Barbara; i Withers. Keith: hlelick, Robert Hicks, Jack; Lee, Zane (Alg. 5; Fr. (Eng. 27, Math. 24): 1Viillian, Ruth; 45); MacDonald, Margaret; Mc Mitchell, • Ruth; Morley, Violet: Dowell, Gerald; McNevin, Ruth; Naftel. Paul; Orser. Marion; Orsllr, Maize, Delmar; Moss, Fred; Nivins, Ruth; Payne, Donald: Payne. John; Isabel; Pinder, James; Pitblado, Pinder. g.g.c.Marion; Pepp, Lillian; Reed, Ruth; ! Reinhart, Ruth (Lat. 46); Reis, William; Robinson, Sylvia; Ruther- ford, James; Samis, Patricia (Ag. Sc. 44); Sanderson, Donald; Skel- ton, Fred; Stingel, Sylvia; Taylor, Marion; Van der Meer,' Carol; Wil- liams, Marilyn; Wilson, Allan; Wil- son, Barbara; Wright, George; Young, Jeneane; Yungblut, Bob. • Coming Soon! DAILY VACATION' BIBLE SCHOOL for boys and girls. I July 6-10 9 a.m. to 12 noon ,. • •••••N ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • ICE! 10E! •I • • • HURON ICE CO. ' .i 26-9 PHONE 1165 1••••.••••••••••111•••••••11 Clinton Lions Club $1400 Bingo IN AID OF ARENA BUILDING FUND TUESDAY, JUNE 30 Clinton -Lions Arena - 5500 JACKPOT 12 GAMES AT 550 EACH 3 SPECIAL GAMES AT 5100 EACH 1 . SPECIAL MYSTERY BINGO REGULAR ADMISSION Doors open at 8 p.m. Game starts at 9 p.m. Iofoiowts e I GET $50 TO $1200 at Need mdney for down payment a Or repair. on an auto... repairs or down payment on a home... or other worthy purposes? Now you ran get that.cash on bringing proof of ownership. On approyal, get cash. Of course, you keep your car. Phone or come in today for a Mamma/ loan on your auto. your auto promptly and simply Loans, plod, on signature or at /e»e[. Drive it to office-- furniture. -Leans $30 to $1200 en Signature, Furniture es, Auto j t:r "1r e(} NI ,)I' i l-`• F( -ti I RAI_ I1OME 1 2(1 • (r(t)(;R1C11 2nd Floor (Above Sally Shops) • 21 DOWNIE STREET, STRATFORD Phone: Stratford 2555 • Cornelius A. Enright, YE$ MANa5er OPEN DAILY 9 TO 3 • SATURDAY 9 TO 12 leans mode ro residents of ell serr..wding tarns • Pers.nel Finance (.openy of fonds Grade XII to Grade XIII—Bowra, Betty; Daer, • Clarence (Geom. 42. Alg.); Daer, Ruth;, Dockstader, Ruth; Driver, Cora; Durst, Fred (Hist. 43); Ellwbod, Mary Joyce; Errington, Wilmer ,(Eng. 31); Fe' gan, Glenn; Callow, Sheila;, Gloush- er, Evelyn; Gower, Shirley; Gra- ham, Jane; Grigg, Joan (Geom. 39): Jenkins, Leonard; Langille, Jean;. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Irwin and family of Timmins were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Irwin. Week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels of Toronto and` Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kramer and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bull of Oyen, Alta., who attended the Snell re- union held at Londesboro on Sat- urday last. Mr. R. J. McMillan has returned from spending . a week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillan at Tor- onto., uction Sale AT 1.30 P.M. ON Saturday, June 27 AT GODERICH MOTORS, SOUTH STREET Among the articles for sale are 2 Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Coil Springs, Rug, Plates, Child's Car Seat,- Child's Play Pen, Crockery, Basket, Desk, Jacket Heater, Settee, Quebec, Heater, Lamp, Cedar Fence 'Posts, A.B.C. Northern Electric Washing Machine, Lady's Bicycle, Electric Refrigerator, Furnace Blower, Table Lamp, Doll's Furniture, and useful household articles. Proceeds of this sale are for Huron College Building Fund. SALE SPONSORED BY ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH.' 26 Illustrated: Studebaker Champion b Reea14-door sedan. Whitesidewail, and *brume wheel data• optional Id extra cost. It's the most talked about .new car on the road —and a stand -out in gasoline economy! -, I , Find outhow little a new Studebaker costs! CIDfortiyr car flair in 9 body styles CD Canadian comfort and handling ease CED longer wheelbase; and wide treads CID expanses of elass for big visibility Cproad-hugging stability on turns and curves Check the price tags! It costs less' than you . would expect, to buy a brilliantly powered new Stude ► ake Commander V-8. And, the long, luxuri, ' new Studebaker Champion 6 is actually one of Canada's lowest price cars. Order your own strikingly original new Studebaker right away. Own this outstanding star in style, performance and economy. All models o'er Studebaker Automatic Drfw or Overdrive -and glare -reducing tinted gtatr-.at extra caret BANNISTER MOTORS VICTORIA STREET AND ELGIN AVE. PHONE 70 GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS... MAKE EVERY MONTH SAFETY MONTH