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The Exeter Times, 1890-2-20, Page 2
POpi ouder [7[!HElsT they find how rapidly health, Y y is restoced by taking Ayer's faar- taaparllia. Tito reason is that this preparation contains only the purest and most powerful alteratives and tonics. To ,titch sennds ,vv. early is proves ra veritable elixir of life. I Mrs, Jos. Lake. Brockway Centre. Mich„ writes : "Liver complaint and indigestion made guy life a burdeu and canto rear ending my eeisteuce.. Tor more than four years I. suffered sun told agony. I was reduced Almost to s skeleton, anti hardly had strength to drag myself about. All Muds of food ediatressed use. and only the most Irate ,lel£ ate could be digested at all. Witbiu bhe time mentioned several physielous gated lore without giving relief. Nath- lag that 1 tcalt seemed to do any per: xaaneut good until I began the use ei .Ayer' i Sarsaparilla, which has pro- einoed wonderful results. Soon after .aomrnema ill;; to take the Sarsaparilla,1 could se:s an Improvement intmy condisien, my appetite bun to return and with t came the ability to digest all thee food taken, tray strength improved d e•aeh tkw, and after a few '3asonthe of fix athfazl :ttentiou to your directzoa:s, E found myself a well evvoraau, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given nine a spew lease of life, stud I cannot thank rill, too aler* h," 44Wet, dm uudersigued, eitizeus elf: • Alrockwoy Centro, Nish„ hereby. certify *hat the above stetemeut, made lay Mre. Lakin la true in every pertieulnr souei entitled to full cretieuce."..,.O. •Is isClisautherlaitt, G. W. Waring, 41.•.t. Weil% Druggist. "31y brother. in England, was, for a Ioug brae, unable to attend to his occas= patttam, by sou of sores on Ms foot. Isom l> m ttt•r's Alumnae and the tel. tan.sla': at E•t+nl:tnr>tl induced lafza to *iry -tee -% Sarsaparilla. lilac nsill ; it C t " A, :to 1-.T34 t, 1, i>14i is new tat 1::-.11 i .. wonting ht a is .«r ?laid its I r:,'+ t ,tilt i:.l nt, finer t Oda 64i Lltltl+;nitta,+Iitari=)s AtLat we yfeli 117trt py ?t...,tIllhiltIMI rS VW. 4. Q. steer Cr:.. i.w.liieda Olathe 144:4$23 *sit l.•.':.. , , . Ss W:::z e + eeetes. SuesselnvelelsWelsWerailet E3READ-MAKERT Kale Fate :; Or Saloom PCR SAE 37 ,'Sill. "1EA:';RSi •ar •ttmex not: : niist.aza tan to on-, s'am:: ^get. roe a-1•, ?Ant Orli by The esSo etas aces `t•; �rvn ;in !b. s i7t: iF}ete r ssmeprvcrit ng to a,ti^s^,orInidylwiitt►tk�y"`''t�t;IR�,iTtfl0 ell,, . ar° iw4 ,i�`s''a'wasmoz1i«slairstc' u.'ptr'e woe i Pa Es t t`.i , i'.9. Stones hake toe ova, r nsor^sa, ik 100e. Piet. a Eek mast fiiEs. m Olt tilt forme l.. Scar.:c..'?12-g,rit.4"4t3, N.* ;it,- rim tc i. Pon}t:loarned ,..trr, T tir^a:lsatyfr�malt a g. bar�!1 I'ral.p^,utas r<sr 'setae, 2r7R Fdih Ave. hotProt.o tai Szm in the Toils. Wife twith r.iibitu'lo of tone)—"1b must le very loneaotue siting all by yourself at night, Jahr, bataueing your books ?" Husband (tenderly)' --"It is, my darling." W,—"I havo been thinking about it for twine time and now I have got a p'easanb surprise to you." S.—"A. pheasant eurpriee?" W.—"Yea, dearest. I sent for mother yeaterday and I expect her thio evening 1 mean to have her stay with ua quite aobile. She will take care at the house at ,ighb and lock after ill ctuldren and 1 eau go down and sit in the elfin with yon while you work." H.—"The deo'—.:hut is to say, I couldn't think of you going down 'o•rr." W.—"it's my duty, dearest. I ought to have thought et it bet are, bas it never came to my mind till yesterday. Oat John, for- give me for not thinking of your comfort sooner. Bat I will go and ala with you to- night." H.—"To-nighb 1 Why, II—the fact in j got through with my books last night." W.—"You did? How delightful! And I'ou can now stay at home every evening 1 m so glad." And the delighted wife ran off to make preparations for the reception of her mother, while the husband, with sombre brow, sat looking at the picture of a poker patty with one member absent in the glowing, grate. The Proper Way to Ge About It. Mise Harryup— "Ah, George, you cannot tell what troubles a girl has who is receiving the attentions of a gentleman." Mr. Holdcff—"Troubles, Carrie. 01 what nature, pray ?" Mise H.—" Wel, brothers are always making fun of or+a and one's relatives are always saying, " When is it to come marriage a off?"as if arra a were pr z • fight. But g that is nob the worst. There's the inquisi- tiveness of onesp areata The want to know everything. There's pa, now ; he is oouatantly asking such questions as "Barrie, what are Mr. Holdoff's intentions± What does he call upon yon so regularly for and ptay so late when he does call?And he sometimes looks so mad when ho asks this question that I actually tremble." Mr. H.—"Anti what answer do you make to his questions, Carrie, dearest Y" Anes H.—" I can't make any answer at all, for, you see, you haven't said anything to me and—and—of oourso I—I—" Then Mr. Holdcff whispered something in Carrie's ear, and next time her father queations her she will be ready wink a aatil- `t factory reply. HODSE1101AD CHOPPED MEAT wiTl1 RIOLr, pal Ono. half cupful of rice twenty minutes in enough boiling water, well salted, to keep the kernels dancing separately, Chop bite of cold, roast beef or steak fine, beteg °Willi to remove all fat and gristle. Pat a table• spoonful of flour in a spider on the stove and when it is nicely browued—don a let it burn —addthe mama meant of batter, and a Tittle salt and pepper, end mix thoroughly, thea pour on enough boiling water to Boake a rich gravy. Stir the meat into this until thoroug,h'y heated. Spread the doe on a hot platter, and the meat oil top of that and serve Immediately. Woe should always be put to boil in boiling water, and never stir- red ex.ept with .a fork. BAKED RICE AA') ToMATOEs —Butter a pudaing dish and grated cheese with bite of butter, spread cracker crwabe over the top, well bntterad, pour over the whole the stewed tomatoes lett froiu yesterday's dinner --enough to thoroughly moisten the rice-- 413(11)4m ice-- andbake twenty or thirty minutes. Serve very hot. ITALLAy BOILED Bios wi ur CHEESE (To Ssnvs, WITH. Qn:out:tt),—Boll one cupful of rice In some of the water the chicken is boil- ing la, exercising care not to die out zneall if any of the fat, Salt to tante, and when done drain the rice if nob already boiled dry euaugh, and with a fork stir in one -ball of a cupful of grated eheeae. Serve very hot. If the chicken labelled whole make a mound of the rice on a platter and lay the chicken on it ani, garnish wittt parsley, Gltal\ar,RAr SACCu WIT', Ries--Grauberry sauce served In a Blasedish with a rlan of bailed rice around lb makes a pretty alld delia.ous relish. RICO AND 3.PPLs Flrpnz iQ.--Put a cupful or store of old, belied rice in a farce pan with enough milk to nearly cover it and let it come to a boil, then attr in the yolks' of three eggs, well buten, ono tablespoonful of sugar and a pineh of salt. Remove at once from the sieve and while hob spread the mixture at oelthly an the bctam of a pudding dfeh. Ozer this spread hot opg,Ie Nam t";ade from five sour Apples and two tablespoowtula of sugar and beaten to a pale. Over thio spread the whitea cf the ee a beaten eta, and set to the oven until the frosting begins to brov'a, Serve with rich cream. Glt,+ltaat Rpt.LS,—itvo eup fele of Graham, r>ic•half of a capful of flour, aro egg, one 1 and cue Balt capfuls ©f milk, twa teaspoon. flea of Of ohm CI tartar, ono of sada, aue.helf o, a cupful of sugar, batter the m z a of a walnut and a little salt. Site the dry ice gradients together, including the Graham which many do not We, add the woll•beaten i egg and the milk stirred together, and lastly the batter, melted. Beat tneraugly, always adrrit% one way. Drop in hat roli pans and bake twentydve minutes in a steady, hot oven. Doraitatss,—Two cupfuls of milk, two eghe, two cupfuls of sugar, one tablespoonful at nutter, melees and caroled a little, one• half of a nut -reg, two heaping teeepoonfuls of clear.,, of tutor, ono tempoonful of soda, ' a little salt and enough Hour to roll. 1):ughnute should net be kneaded, and eliouit ba turned often in frying. Be euro that you h:too not too much shortening and tbbac your fat le smoking hot schen they are put in, and your dougtinata will hover soak , frit I CINNSMO BREAD —Take somolfghtyeaat brvatl dough :cod sell ants,abaut three -quart. i era of an tre'i- thick : cut Tato round oaken 1 the sire of a breakfast plate; cover with 1.'at'uh et sea of butter, sprinkle well with 1p:nuamoa, then with sugar ; let it rise till very light and bake. St'At'ISH FRITTERS —Trim the crest from stale bread, baker's, or, if :home-made, it i ehcnld bo vary Light. Cub in any pretty' faneifnl shape, and tank in a mixture of beaten egg, ono cupful of cream or milk two; 1 tablespoonfuls of sugar, and a little nutmeg and cinnamon. Fry a lighb brown, and eat with stewed fruit or a sweet sanoo. FlUntelU Sour.—Put together in a soup kettle about air pounds of beef, one pound of veal bonen, a pleas of calf's liver, and couple of chickens' heads ; over with four quarts of cold water, and let It boil up a few minutes. Skim and add a couple of turnip!, two or three leeks, a head of oelery, a burnt onion, a oarrc.: salt; slimmer for seven hours, removing the aaum carefully as it rhea. Serve with bits of fried or tooted bread. Now She Knew it Was the Shortest Day. Atrlew example of the readiness of some minds to apply illustrations to phenomena came recently under the writer's notice. An Irish servant girl, newly admitted to service in a lady's house, was told by her mistress' that the current day was the tthortest of the year. Bridget replied:' "Is ib indade, mute? Sure, and now Oi come to think ef it 01 bad no sooner taken down the dhinner than it was teime to bring up tie. thy." OYSTER PATTIES —Pub ono quart of oys- ters into a saucepan, with Liquor enough to cover them, set it on the stove and let them come to a boil, skim well and stir in two tablespoonfuls, of butter a little pepper and , salt. Line some patty pane withpnff-paste, fill with oysters, cover with paste, and bake twenty minutes in a hot oven. The upper oruab may be omitted if desired. Foriobater pattlee use the meat of a cold•boiled lobster. OReraon Carl.—One-half cup of batter, one cup of sugar, two eggs ; one-half sup of milk, two caps of flour, two teaspoonfuls of bsking powder and the grated rind of one orange. Bake in two layers. Stir powdered sugar into the orange juice until quite thick. end spread it between the cakes when cool. lce the top with a white iceing flavored with orange flower water or cover it with orange quarters thickly covered with powdered sugar, LOBSTER RIssor rs —Bail tile lobster, take out the meat, mince it fine, pound the coral smooth, and grate for one lobster the yolks of three hard-boiled egg;; season with cayenne and a little salt ; make a batter of milk, flour and well -beaten eggs—two tabfe- epoonfnia ot milk and one of flour to eaoh egg ; beat the batter well ; mix the lobster with it gradually until stiff enough to roll into balls the size of a walnut; fry in fresh butter, or best salad oil, and serve. for, wittiest mach notelet. then If Degleoted 4 French kid shoe, if Socked around on the closet am or under the bed, will not lash as. long or look aa well as ane inferior In l quaiity if properly cared for. When shoes are taken off they should be wiped with a soft cloth, and, after airing a little while, oiled or polished and put ht a box by them- selves or a shoe bag, and when wanted for use can be taken out ready for wear. The Domestic Doctor. For nose bleeding bathe the face and neck with cold water, Treat tired or Inflamed eyea with a bath of warm water five parts .and witch hazel one para three times a day. A gargle of salt and water used before re. tiring at night will ebrengtheu the throat and keep off bronchial attacks. If the tbroab is inflamed and there are no white spots to be seen, use the following One ounce each of chlorde of potasea, borax and sugar. Dissolve one-third of etia I.n one quart of ws+tar and gargle the throat frig gently. In fevers one blanket is enough for warmth since it le an old axiom that people with fevers cannot take cold ; bub there should always bea scra of soft woolen oovera close at hand, and, if possible, an eider -down quilt. -for there faa no knowing the hour 'when the temperature will fall, or when a collapse may occur, and In either case you need instantly all the artificial heat you San supply. Cmoerning cataract: Thi cryetaline lone of the eye is situatedjest behind the pupils and ilea between two guide, the ague - QUI la front and the vitreous behind. Its objaeb is to focus tato rays of light whish pun through tbopnpil open the ret inabehind where they sat upon the terminal ends of the optic nerve, and thus give vision, This lona seems to get Ito awsteuanoe from the flcllde in which ib Is Unmerited, and when dfneaso of its a:rnotara occas, it probably arises from some lack of proper nutrition from these saurese. Perfect tranapareaoy of tat) lens int eaaeutial to good vision. When any portion of it becotuse opaque, the an- tranos of light Is obstructed, er it passes through, in an irregular manner, and los* of vision, more or leas complete, moults. Thta condition cf opaqueaets constitutes what ctmay howl's as It as a e$aat only a portion of the lean, or the whole env' be ea dense as to prevent thepereteptionof any object, though it eau never of itself be so complete as to atltth off entirely the senastion of light. Cetoraet may be congenital, ar it may some on inyou:h or in adult life, bub Totaany(at the opsrn for the firth time)— by Lotto ms. achy of cases amour in person, "Ea where are the boxes ?" Father--" Over over fifty yearaof age, in whom it takes the there where these people are sitting talking name ot senile catareot. Generally there le so load." Tommy—"t Oh, I sterna they're found some embarrassment in the use of the chatterboxes, then." eyes fora longer or a shorter period before Jones—" I never maw anything go like 'the enmity Is visible to the eye. The cloud- thesugar in this home Four pcuuds in kis inose meetly hats a definite starting point, wreka 1 It's avant 1 How do yon account and from that place ib may progress until far it?" ,tire, Jones—" Ideal know, Hales* the whole lens in Involved, or It may he ar. the grace: pats quiokeand in ft:" r.rtal apantaueanely in any part of its conflict. Such ems of arreab have given rine Tao greet question now is, " Should to the belief that eerteia nostrums will pre. clergymen use tobeeoa?' We think not. vent the formation of cataract, or will re. The eleggy is absolutely overworked testing move it. lereality no means is known of and testimonialfzing patent) medicines. We shouldn't expect too muck even of the clergy. FliDACANTSIDEL A big hat is no sign of a great head. Beet place to bold, the World's Fair -- Right around the waieb. Church lotterie, may be wrong, bub the aorieter gets hie money by chants. Thexe it one good thug abon'y the apple. of the. eye. You dont often see one that is green. Women rarely aro great inrtentors, though they are oftenthe first to discover .,ew wrinkles. When you truly and devotedly love *girl who is as rloh as she is pretty it's hard to take no for an *newer. Brown --"'Dees your wife keep her tem- per very well +' Jones—"lint-er—some; but I get the most of ft." in same respoote horses oan beat black- smiths' at their own trade, It doesn't take them as long to make a bolt. Baah"ainets is very becoming sometimes to a young Man, bus it is well for him to get WAIT It if he is going to board. A man is very like a buckwheat cake in this weather, he is disinclined to rise, and when he dose he is four end heavy. .4n ingenious Western man has made at musical a instrument from acorncob, Any one can play by ear on it. Fencing clauses for ladies are vary pope. lar now, and we don't wonder—ladies are :to fond of making thrusts at eaoh other.. When we see a young father wheeling his first baby in the street we obtain a reallaiug sense of the lean of a carriage and "" pere." There is one old fellow its Hamilton who is pretty hard up. The other day he went into a shop and tried to pawn the coat of Isis stomach. P*nny-6' The pipers are making a great fuss about smokeless powder now.' Arabella—"" Yeo; just as though we had not used it for years." Ifs-. "sl am thinking of embracing a liter, ary life:' She -44 I do not doubt that the life will ben very happy one if 3 -re—if you should treat it the way yen spoke. of." Mrs, H.—" Singer, where do you sup• rose you will go to if you tell such falsehoods es this?" Maggie—"Sure, ma'am, I don't care ; Ih-v have friends innythen la e, u Gas--"" How was the Gushington Dressed last Right', Jsek ?' Jack..--" Learns see, she had on Freud, slippers% and striped ailk stockings, and--and-1'tl be hanged if I remember what else, Gua." otaying or proventfng it. The only hope ilea in removing the mechanical abetruotion by eurgieal methods. The forst of otteraot which ,nitons as iojuiry Is t5tplained by the feat that the meanie which surrounds the leash raptured, and a portion of the fluid ontere the lane and protium a sudden eon - neon atone riot .f rept wbich•the disinteg- ration may concaouo, .there mime to be a predisposition to the formation of aataraob in sums poop's, for in elderly arson when p P. vp r one eye bas become affected, the otnef Is very likely to peas through the same expert. once. While it is boat In order to get the moaieatiefaotory result, to delay the opera- tion until the ca,Ierect is "ripe,' that period being the time when is is moat easily removed, one should never wait until the sight is entirely lost, for there is danger that the process may go so far ua to render any operation entirely fruitless. ANarrow Escape From Twins,. Two old time negroea met in the road :. " Good mawnin', lair. Gruen, good mawnin', sah,•' " Good mawnini ter yo'se'f, Mr. Jaokeon, How's you gittin' erlong Y" " Fasb rate'ceptin, or little trouble in the congregation once in er while. Doan trsb no trouble in yo' church, does you Y" " Better blebs I dopa, ash ; better blebs dal fack. Do braddera an' de sisters gibs ter rarin' an' er chargin' over once In er while, an' ef I didn¢ stay right dar plum by em ever' thing would be dun gone tet reek an ruin. Wall, now, corrin down from de famity' o' de bawd ter de fam ly,o' aaeha how's yo' own folks gibtin erlong?" "Patty well'alderin'." " How's dem twins." " We ain't got no. twine." " Look yore, you don mean ter tall zoo dat yon ain't got no twins down ter yo' house." " Yee, I does." " Bat you did hale twine down dar. tilde you?" " No, not twins, but lemma tell you we're some widin one o'• it ten times—jot oome widin one." " Wall, I knowed yer eider had twine dar ur a mighty :terror skape. Good maw - lain', Bah. 1 mus' go on down yonder an look after de family o' de Lewd." Hints to Housekeep ern. Silver oan be kept bright for months b being placed in an air -tight case with a good sfzsd piece of camphor. Biscuits can be warmed to be as good as when just baked by placing them in the oven dry, covered closely with a tin. If one wishes to cool a hot dish in a hurry, it will be found that if the dish be placed in a vessel full of cold, salty water it will cool far more rapidly than if it stood in water free front salt. Female tiuriosity. W tfe_T think I moan advertise foe my mirr+l,•p• l;u••e. Hu.o..0,14--Aa it was probably stolen, you will nob get it beak unless' you say that no gaestiona will be asked. Wife—What 1 Nob ask any questions ? what do you takeon Why,me for? Y think I'm a dummy Y p., The SpiritWilling but the Flesh Inade- quate. Willie—" Mamma, will God hate us if we don't do just exactly as he,says in the Bible?" Mamma—" Oh, I truss: not, darling 1 Why do you ask Y' Willie—" Because Billy Wilkins panelled me in the stomach and I didn't have any other stomach to turn to him." Boiling hot liquid may be safely poured into a glass jar or tumbler by first putting a silver spoon in the dish. Be careful, how- ever, that a draft of cold air dove non strike bhe vessel while hob. Delicately oolored goods of any kind should never be washed without a salt- water bath first, bub oars should be exer- cised in reference to materials which are likely to shrink when immersed in water. Silk must never be ironed, as the heat bakes all the life out Ib and makes ib seem stringy and flabby. If, however, you wish to press out old bits of silk and ribbon for fanoy'work, use an iron only moderately hob, and place two thickness of paper bet- ween that and the silk. Shoes that are worn regularly, if oared The Appropriate Costume. Mrs. Brown—"Ian's that Mrs, Dasher go- ing down the street?" • Mrs. Rtbinson—" Why, I thought it was she. and it Mrs. B.—"Meroy me,I was told that her husband died last week 1" Mrs. R. -"So he did." Mrs. B. -"But don't you see she's in sec- ond mourning." Mrs. R.—"Well, he's her second hue. band." Without the ideal, this inexhaustible source of all program, what would man True honor is that which refrains from be 9 and what would society be ? doing in secret what it would not do openly, Women are right to crave beauty at any and where other laws are wanting imposes prtoe, ainoe beauty Is the only merit that a law upon itself. men do not contest with them. Charles—"Iadoreyou, Edith, but, alas, I am, poor. However, I have a wealthy uncle, from whom I have expeo—" Edith (eagerly),' •—•"" is he married?" Charles—" No, dar. ling." Eiitk---"Then introduoa the to hill:, there, a dear." The latcab trust : We've Dome to an ora of " Trnate " it a eara P P ;, d " Alllk Trust's' the latest that reaohea Our ears. A milk trust ? Well, well t we get on pretty haat-- Here's something that will hold water ab last 1 Mra. Grubb's O,ok— "" Lew, bub the mitten, do hate to have a hoarder come from your house to aura." .kern. Hashoroflr'e Gook—"I 'apeot they do grumble a good deal. 1t'a no different to what they have been used oo." Mrs. Grubb's Cook—" Bless your howl, that Isn't it. What she kicks on is their bean' so awful hungry." Mrs. Montmorency Smythe—"No, Mrs. Elagglee, wo never have any family jars in In our howls. Whenever a diffi3ulty ooeure between my hatband and me, Mr. Smthye always takes his bat and goes oat." Mrs. De Bereaferd Boggles -4' Ab, yes, I've often wondered why it was that Mr. Smythe spent no much rime on the streets." SOME FRENCH SAYINGS. Words are the key of the heart. Happy love counts lest momenta. Sensitive seals live more than others. An injustice to ones is a menaoe to all. The profession of'women is very bard. The only rose without thorns is friend- ship. The oleveresb of all devils is oppertnn. iby. Every: philosopher is cousin to an athe-- 1at Love u, like medicine, the art of assbsbing, nature. Men do nothing, excellent but by imitabiont of nature. Men speak of what they know, women of what pleases them. Women are teo.imaginative and seneitiao to have much logic. However talkative a women may be,,love teaohee her allose. Tirbae : a word easy to pronnnce difiaaalt to understand.. n not always oblige, but 1- e can we can :al- ways y 8, ways speak obligingly. It Is to a woman that the heart appeals) when it needs consolation There ane beautiful flowers that are scentless, and beautiful women -that are unlovable. Nowadays we no longer laugh,, we only smite, and our ploasurea oome very near ennui. We need the friendship of a man in great trials ; of a woman in the affairs of everyday life. Nothing proves more the necessity of an todiesolueble marriage than the instability of passion. ���,,��pp There is a greater oiff,renoe I etweon I some men and others, than between soma i rap men and beasts. High positions are like the summit of high ebeep rocks ; eagles and reptiles alone oan reach them. Every man has three characters ; that which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thilike he has. .e�aaweaw.e.a .� .��� �>e;n:�\,•NIN. te\-`Nstta.N:; '`�: telt.; " ,Tats for Infants and Children. BO well adapted to children that i recommend it as superior to any prescription known to rest" l A. Auction. 31.2),, 11180. Oxford St,, Brookiyn, Oastorte. cures Collo, Co*.etipation, Sour Stomach, ) iarrhma, Eructation, $illy, Worms, givess sleep, anal promotes di, gestion, Without lujurious medloatkur. Tam Cz_.r ave COmpAIau, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. GOING- TO CALIFORNIA VIA THE $a f". ta.. a ...Gine. � ArLr, Chi $eases o Oft - Ar. Ht*tabinaan 0:25 p. tn. Sun Ilton 'Tea fWed: ,Thu last h:'.` v. nal, mon Tues di: !Thur -Pat tlun, 1 Tao p. ,u, Mon Tues Or E't'her IFS Sen Ale, rrinzdadon...... •11:15 a.rn. Tees ,red !Thr Fri ISW Itica An Las Yesys g 6005 p, m. Thea Wed .Thu �t'ri Sat Igen Ar, Albuquerque C12;30 a. M. Wed Thur hEri trot Sun 'Teta A Berstein welet'. ,i14 20 F. M. Thur Fri Sat ;Sea Monn ;Wad Ow J* Ssit D ego .p 2;44 to 'so Thur Fri. Sat ?Sun p +ed_ You get the only, line of through caro without change Chicago to Lob Angeles. and you SAW 27 hours time. OFFICE -74 GRIS QLD.ST., DETROIT, !4IPli. ORO, E. OILMAN, Passenger Agu*4 PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, CONTAINS pin ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or allinaurioss materials, E. W. GI L.L.ETTr Tonne vo, oxr. E. LLE i euzc.eoo, int.. ¥i lel. of lbs CEI,Z1J^.d^.MA: wSALY?.dM^CA ', iIIE EXETER TIMES. Is nubile god every Thursday morn moat TIMES. STEAM PRINTING NOUSE Lhath-t;treet,ne;rlyoppaalte Fitton's Jeweiery htuze,leretur,slat.,byjoint White at thallArill. urietora, naTne OP ADPBnT)91Nti : First i wont tou, per nue . . 10 coots '::tela sub.erpie.:t ineertion,per lira .....Boort*. To insure insertion, advertisements should o swath) uotlatorthau Weduentay morniug QurJOla PRINTING lil1P•A2:TMENTie one ,thiluroue largest.All anwork d besc wtutte'hetptetp,eato luus tlaawill Cauuxecettyy 1 •ar praml'taeteu;t1)tlon: pers. iieeisioais Regartding News-. Any poreon whotakeaa pnperrennlerlyfram pa post.othea. whether directed in his mare or a nother•e,or n het tact be ISMS subscribed or not :a reeponittbfef.,rpayn:sat. 11 a perssa a mora bis paper dieecntinnetl no mutt pay allotrears or the publieber new aentiuue to acrid it until thio t.ayzuatis made, anal then collet•, the whole ramnunt, whether alio papule) taken, from the muco or not, 3 lueurtsfor eubseril,tione tks euitmay be netttutctl in the entire where the paper is pub. i,hed, ultaou ;h rho subscriber may reside uuutbeds of milk* twat. 4 TLet:i,utts l.an•ettt'cided that refustrg to *alio nownpaper nrpea ladiealefrom the post. office, arretool lee anal leaving then uncalled or is urine frac t±Tidence of intentional trust Who most Sncceseful Remedy ever dtreoa- end, es it is certoni in its, streets and does not blister. Bead proof below. KENDALL'S SPAN CURE. Oreaaz oa Cnanu s -A. estosn, BieNNZIlar or CLSVxLaED BAS ens Tsorirsa• Hahn 13oain,n I'LuwooD, Ds., Nov. zit, Ise Die . B. 1. Kmrnstz. co. Jieer Stn • I have always ynrehnsed yeltrZe I dant $8i»»aavin Cure by the half' dozen Atones, one of the best prises con quantity. I ttst� used it carry stables:or three years. Yours truly, C.eAs..S. SlctDrn, KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. BsoOttLTs, N. Y., D'ovenib,rS, 1556. liiB-1: BinD.Ln Co. Dee.r Mrs :I desire to give you eoeth:nonial of my geed opinion of your Routh:Ors ttw�in Cure. I have rased is for Lameness. Stun' Johns land disgc t-lns, and 1 have found it a surecuze„ I cordi- a17y rceommend It to all horseu,mu. Yours truly, A. S_ OrrasucT, Hangar Ti:F 7,.aundry Stables. KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. SANT, WnNTOx Costar; OexO,Dem. 28, 3.8X tee.B.J. K1tNDALL Co. Gents: I feel it my duty tmwrrwhat/ have Sone with your Kendall's Spavin Coro. I nave twenty-five horses that had, a to Ring fB ne, nine a foto&and ho kner Bigt[ J&w. ee ori year books and lol7b the ��have never lost a ca_cYourse or nay . ANDregor Tons n.. Horse Doctor, KENDALL'S SPAN Price Oa peg bottle, or eilsbottles for $a.., 'rug• gists have it or °angstIttor you, orItwin.. ,nt to any address on receipt of prise by the pro,.., . tors. Dn. B. J xnansa.L;uo., Enosbargh Palls, V, ,OLD BY ALL DItUGGrISTS, USE5, RAN) or� BrRESH yOUR r . � v4•-•- " TH&V ARE n PEERLESS ,N NAN • QUALITY +rrf FLAVOR C.H .REAR SON & r.=AL:i. 'MOH E.MD rn vow +iKF.blolltl :alit lv*ui.J Mink tl 10040 . rot S watch In the ,t,tr:d rotten tttnekccptr Waresntrdhasty, setup 0411•n hunting clan, Bot it L antSNaN. mill ONt: rxaUNl• and CASCOO Neld ttC4 te'. • eau a,turo se-. (fixe, tr*ather ,.int ott;,btr�{r mad vaivatlnlhle tntreaald "•.AflNit+ • Natnp*ps, b3-,..,"•.e.,u writ as the writ, yea la Bs e,rark Oat—goer need de it to show what „e amid you to thou who cab—roar *:,nada and nmthbora an'.i mann ah'.nl yda-.tlutatnaya raeent Invahtab0tmdefeatu,whkhhasitf4rysatt tate t,et , Ate. and thus wo-aro aepMIt. Wa pkv tats exprttnt for ,eta Atter you know all 11 Xan would Aka toga to work for ua, you out earn fronts LitLO to *SO per week and a^.na„ tldre,t, $stn*etn.,da 4a,Bo i061te.IPo (.. tttno. KANSAS, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA. COLORADO, UTAH, NEWEX1CQ, CALIEO RNIA, ARIZONA., OREGON, And all points west of the Miasour Rive via the Sang Fe Route FROM CHICAGO. For particulars and ticke•s are year eareat ticket agent, or address CGEO. E. GILMAN, Pasaeoger Agent, • 74 Gratwold ab, Detroit, Mich ( .EO. T. NICHOLs0N, General Pass. ant Ticket Agent Topeka, Kansas. rds Oft HOURS - 611 -5 ..; Ii• 2. Yid ..;.s• / o NO IuACI1i;HE. c ,f ONE: MAN. -TV rite fo"descriptive eatalogne containing' testimonials frou. tamndro4s or people who hero sewed. from 4 to a cords doll .0�pppp now success. felly used. Aroncv can bo heti where there la • vacancy. . n NEN t ?o IYVLIthe foo chis saws erybfrom with OaCT, mnektaol as the use Of this tool everybody' can file their own saws DDea klfil do i$ r than the re s ate t. a n Q8p wi 4s twit it. o to al Dross -cat Ilaw fry oh $�t who o •�eaw sould have Ont. !loon Pan af.•mannewittreln swrqeade. Asst your dealer wtlSA�� MA. SItL. CO, 808oSi8, 5anal t,Chicago, In. 81af li,MOO sea ren MOT MILES tees 15 u To One Of the BISST Tel- escopes I ei 1 t, • E ;oat the world. ourtba78tTesire. unegnaled, and to Introduce our euponor goods We will sandmen • to etre ransox in each loealtty, as .Love. Only those who write to as at encs can make sure of • the chance. All you have to do in return Is to show our goods 5* those who call -your ne hbora • N and those around. you; a he - ginning of tilts advertisement • • shows the small end of the We- eny rix the appearance of it reduced to Lr' -t. ,cop°. Tho.. .w. 15. about the fiftieth part or it, bulk: It le a grand, double size talo. seeps, se large. is easy to carry. We will also show you how yes can make from au to sae a day at least, from the etart,wtth- outexperience. Bettor write at once, we pay ell express ebergea. Address, H. HALLE'rT a CO,, Box 080, PODTLAND, MAINS. FREE ! l e, GRAND LOVE SUMS, a package of goods worth two donuts to manufacture, and CO lenge 10op Pinta re Book, that .will surely pbt yen on the road to a handsome forhlno. R quick, and send se. ailvnr, to Help Pao t, tags...A2ention this paper. a • 1. W. KINN7f114iiasmeae6,Pr.% s. ee'senit_too. o