HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-06-18, Page 10es =it Kum
The annual Masonic church par-
ade is Sunday evening when. the
Masons will attend service at Vic-
toria Street United.Church.
This is the open season for sum-
mer visitors to Goderich trying
to find particular streets around
town without any signs up to
- denote which street, are which.
,c MRS. J. J, McEWEN ComingvBriefschisM69, of bin-
treat strut, died yesterday morn -
ing in Alexandra Marine and Gen- Women's Guild of Christ Church, "'"`� "�"'
eral Hospital. She was a daughter Port Albert, will hold a bake sale Order Shell furnace oil and stove
of the late Mr. and Mrs. James at Worsell's Hardware on Satur- oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck
Tait, and was born in Goderieh. day June 20, starting at 2 p. ! dealer for all Shell Oil Co. pro -
She is survived by her husband, 24-25x.mducts. Phone 98. -18tf
J. J. McEwen, and one sister, Nina A strawberry' festival and- con- Summer rates - are in effect on
Tait, of Goderich.' cert will be held in Knox United ! all kinds of coal, At rock bottom
The remains are resting at the Church, Auburn, on Wednesday, rice fill
Lodge funeral home, .vhcre service: � Y, P �. your bin for next
will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. June 24. Supper served 5,30 to 8 I winter. Order now. Phone 1002.
by Rev. It. G. MacMillan, of Knox p.10. -251 Overholt Coal Co, -19-22
Pre>byterian' Church. lnterm<�tt Dressed Ilam and strawberry For clean-up, moving and Ben-
in Maitland cemetery. Supper at Union Church, Goderich _eral cartage, call E. JEFFERY,
Township, on Thtirsday, June 25, . phone 843W. -18tf
from 6 to 8 p.m. Adults $1.00,1 Edward Coal Company summer
children 35c. -25-26 :prices—Anthracite, $26, a reduc-
AI)VANC E NOTICE.-- July 15 -'tion of $2 a ton, good until July. L
24, Goderich will be privileged in'.Olga pocahontas, $21; Cavalier
having an exhibition of paintings i stoker, $20; Ilamilton coke, $24;
of t;odcric•h. Mrs. Young ',,as the bt• ('{are Bice; ARCA., OSA. cur thsco,
fernier Amelia West, daughter of! $24; briquettes, $23.
ator of London Public Library and-19tf
the late Mr. and Mrs. John West, Art Museum, shown at '`the Art Watkins Products featuring suis
and was born at Bright, Ont. ilii Centre, now located at the former mer drinks, orange, lemon and
fancily muted to Dungannon whenhighng'�
school. -Tea will be served grape. Promptly delivered. L. J.
she was a child. - the afternoon and eventing of July Baechler, phone 628R. - 24-26x
had lived in Goderich for 41 years. 15. •2;i I Sale of towels—fancy Jacquard
S re was married in 1862 awl
Although the \- and P Store is Notice of Saddle Club ride, Sun -120 x 40, classified as subs., $1.25
rumored to have been looking over lies husband predeceased her in tray, Juni: 4?1, of 1.30 p.m., from pair; heavy weight; ,{Bain .colored, UR SALE, ---WATERLOO GAR -
19'..1. She is survived by one son, Agricultural Park, Goderich. !'ferry, 20 x 40, $1.58 Bair_ The I I DEN tractors, Come in .and
a site at Clinton to start . a store r
Lorne. 1 p, „see the different sizes and there as well as having the one Everybody with horses or ponies .''Textile Shu 5 West street. •
•s at d various
at Goderich it is understood thst 1 he remains rested at the Lodge is invited. R. BUCHA: AN, 25 im ,
this project ..has been set aside funeral home. where service vitas Secretary. -25 For gifts and ersonal use—Tex- , elements that may be had with
to be held todayat m., Rev. P each, These may be bought for
for the time being. r The Women's Institute Corona- I imine homestead. sheets, hetnstich- as low as 15` � down payment.
lf. A. Dickinson, of North Street ; tion Tea on Thursday, June 2,5, at I ed, 81 x 100, $8,49 pair; pillow GEORGE WRAITH, Montreal St.
Percy Johnston, Goderich barber, ' 1. sited Church officiating. Inter ;firs. J. A. Snider s, Essex street. 'slips to match, $1.75 pair; colored -leaf
finds that resembling Donald Blue mens in Maitland cemetery. _25 , hemstitched sheets, 81 x 100, $9-50
The death occurred in Alexandra.
Marine and General hospital on
Tuesday of Mrs. S. J. Young, 90,
For Results - A Classified Ad
- COR postsbrace posts and
2, Goderich, phone 1190J.. tf
shasta daisy, painted daisy,
verbena, carnation, hybrid bearded
iris, 12 named varieties, Dyke
medel winners. Rock garden, and
border. plants, Sweet William,
Canterbury Bells, large pansies,
violas, choice variety English
daisy, begonia. All varieties of
annuals to follow later. Also cab-
bage, cauliflower, tomatoes, pep-
pers, etc. B. R. MUNDAY, 127
Widder street, phone 598. -14tf
ATORS, electric ranges, rang-
ettes and washing machines at
PLIANCES, Goderich, your 'head-
quarters for hearing aid batteries.
M.P., for Bruce has its difhcultres. — pair; pillow slips to match, $1.05 FOR SALE.—NEW AND USED
When Percy attended the horst''
races at Hanover \\ • 1 . { natite. of (=odsrtch Township 'pair. ir. The Textile Snop, Goderich. radios, electric and battery for
-25 sale or'trade. Excellent condition.
Many to thbose from, Sold with a
90 -day guarantee. B. R. MUNDAY,
Radio and Sound Service, 7 Widder
street, Phone '598. ' -ltf
• i � . , �par
` n cc nest "y •' who lived there all her life, Mrs. 1 R TIM S
of last week he met up with sev- �
eral greetings of "Hello Donald" nn .Johnston, widow of the late
not to mention some hearty hand Christopher W. Johnston, died
shakes in the name of Donald '.1londay in Alexandra Marine and
Rine.- General Hospital. She was 89
-- years of age and was a daughter
Mr. Lorne Wakelin has planted of, the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
So\\ei by• ' Susan Joan ers, rn boxes or loose .also flow-
DURST.—At 25x
a hewer garden in front of the ones. 1:1111iE1t'1' lel{t r5 mink P
arena and wishes it would grow as She is survived by one son, T —At Alcaand> a Hospital, liuu 1 t ers FRED 'll
CHISHOLM.—At Alexandra Hos-
pital, Goderich, on ,lune 8, 1953,
to Mr. ' and Mrs. Kenneth Chis- 1 % ANTED. ---•OLD HORSES- AND FOR SALE.—EARLY CABBAGE
holm, Goderich, a daughter, dead cattle. If dead, phone at i and cauliflower, tomatoes, pep-
DORS' . p' , c c, -roue collect 1►- - r s_ or . - V •BERT, Huron road
to Mr. ann Mrs. .filbert Durst '
a ra Hospital o • g
funeral home where service was �June � , io to you' until property is sold.
Mr. aneMrs, John Peter Gran% , MALCOLM MATHERS, Rea 1
to be conducted today at 3.30 p.m, Goderich, a son, Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode-
by Rev., Dr. K. E. Taylor, of St.
hent in Maitland cemetery. D1z, and irs, Lloyd Hodges, � l��IA\T1 D --LISTINGS of'. PRO -
Phone 300, or call at 234 Ox-
ford street. _25,
KETS you can. Add more
Kitchener Big -4 Chicks. Day old
Pullets $19.90. Special prices on
started chicks, mixed chicks, broil-
ers. Prompt shipment. Agent,
RYAN & SON, Goderich. Phone
345. • -25
standing hay — mixed Alfalfa
and Timothy. STEWART PLUNK -
ETT, Auburn. „ -25
important, Surge milkers lead
the field. Safe operation, faster
milking, easily cleaned equipment
makes profits for the farmer. Surge
service is tops. LOVELL McGUIRE,
phone 593, collect, Wingham, has
the proof: -22-25-28
relief. Your Druggist sells
Cress Callous Salve too, relieves
quickly. -25
CYCLE, in good condition.
Phone 1367. 25-27x
WHEAT; also cedar posts and
anchor posts. LORNE FARRISH,
R.R. 7, Lucknow, phone Dungannon
82 r 15. 25x
Kroehler chesterfield suite,
used three - years, reasonably
priced. Phone 1107W after 5 pan.
quickly as the bird nests da locat-
Reg., of Goderich Township; two Goderich on June 10 1953 J31, r "1. utt Goderich. Phone 936 r 3Z FOR SALE, -= SIX -ROOM INSUL
ed behind the letters A -R -E -N -A slaughters, Winnie A. (Mrs. Albert 19tf brick cottage with three bed -
on the front wall of the arena. E. Barker), of London, and Edith GRAF%2 Clinton, a tion ``rAN TED LISTINGS OF PRO rooms. Close to Salt Co. Ltd., on
Behind each letter is at least one Johnston, of Goderich Township. t ,Alex nd H p tel PERTIES i i sale. No charge FORSALE. =- NEW SEVEN- Walnut street, Phone 1178J.
bird's nest. Lorne tears 'em down The remains rested at the Lodge Goderich on ]6 1953 t 1 ROOM ranch house, near • 25x
as fast as th are built but they're Square, consisting of kitchen, din OR SALE. —LAWN CHAIRS.
orif da ht back i eke again in a matter Y ing room, living room, three bed- Phone 552J. EDWIN HORN '
Y HODGES —At Alexandra Hospital rich Phone 115W 12tf rooms, bath, basement and garage.EY•
George's Anglican Church. Inter Phone 1576W. _22 24 Nelson street, Goderich. 25 8x
r----�----. -, Goderich, on June 12, 1953,
gannon, a daughter. ! P1:It'l els for .use. C• i VOR SALE,—COTTAGE-AT SUN- 1'O RENT.—ROOMS, FURNISII-
etiers to theEditnr.S. G. McKAY MITCHELL.—At Alexandra Ha i • iLli,11'J1AN, Realtor. i'1lON1: lit\V, SET Beach, Phone 1019w. INUM roofing -•in best pre-war OId and new floors sanded. ED or unfurnished, in quiet
Simon George McKay,sp t quality. All lengths carried in Phone ,REE COOK, 23J, Clinton. home in nice location. 116 Cam-
t,Goderich, al, Goderich on June 14 1953 Cam -
Watt -16tf g -25tf
• died Monday in Alexandra Marine' i "' , stock. Ask us for an estimate in Summer months, 65 r 2, Bayfield. bila road.
Editor, Signal Star.to 141r.'.and Mrs. Glias. rilrtehell, i supplying your material or la '
Sir,—Perhaps through the met!- and General Hospital after a long R.R. 5, Goderich, a son. `)`)'ANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED VOR SALE. —EIGHT ROOM ging -22tf
your thy illness. He was 73 years of ' horses or cows 'removed free house on Trafalgar street.
your roof or siding. All work a(id
tum of paper, a matter con WOOD.—At Exeter General Hosmaterial LOST
age.May •, of charge. For prone and et Apply MISS MARY B. HOWELL guaranteed. IRVING AUCTION SALE
g the contract for the County pital, on ,-1, 1953, to , Ails i . St. Vincent street. Phone:213W KE 1 4 r 4: this, Ont, Phone Pats _
Home at Clinton could be brought AIr. rileKay was born in Goderich I and Mrs. Des. Wood, nee Ann ; ficient service phone `'STONES' 23 UCT10N SALE OF CHURCH
to the notice of those taxpayers and lived here all his life. He Whi,Yten, Crediton a daughter, i collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich 21tf Y •LOST. --TWO CHILDREN'S SUN :i PROPERTY (Crewe Church)
directly concerned with this very
was well known and had ttorked I Patricia Desanne. 936 r 21.• -loft' suits, blue and brown, between
for the C.N.H. for a number ' of SALE.—TOMATO PLANTS. VOR SALE" — SIX PIECE DIN at Lot 4, Coneession ?, E.D.,
necessary project. j ( I , Ash-
FORETTE suite, $50.00. Cost over Sea Gull Cottage and Square. Feld Totvnshi on
It was stated in the last issue ;years. �y ANTED. — YOUNG MEN" The large plant in individual $100.00• Phone 654,1,_ 25K Finder please phone MRS, J. BRY MONDAY JUNE 29
Ile is survived by 'his wife and PERSONAL MENTION Between the ages of 18 and band becomes more important as ANT, phone 644M. 25
to the Signal -Star that the accepted I four daughters, Helen (Mrs. James 25 for training - as Sub Station tithe season advances. Just dig a at 2:30 p.m:
tender of the Ellis Don Limited,: FOR SALE. — 340 C I N D E R
Blair), London; Mary (Mrs. Jack , D'' Gilbert Frayne and tirs.'Operators. These positions oiler hole• rind set them in. They :lo blocks; 3 M1 Property consists of: L-shaped
construction firm of London, was g not wilt or stopg y k lode{ B Ford in ACCOUNTANT frame shed; frame Church build-
London; Colleen (Mrs.!
T ra) ne spent the week -end in Lon- the advantages of a Pension and , growth The good condition. 1RWIN'S GARAGE
$50 higher than the lowest of the den and Forest assurE you=
thirteen tenders received. Irvin F.sds), Dungannon, and 1 Insurance and Sickness Ilan and ! ' of getting the full cry �lr •
Dungannon. 25x STRAYED: — int„ 30' x 45'.
1Ve, as an interested body, have ' Fileen (Mrs: John L. Aitken), of i ,Airs• �\' II. Doak and tii)'a. 40 hour work week. Only single tripe We still have the small __- ___v__ SIX MONTH OLD Contents of Church, inclut7in :
Portland, Ore. Twelve Charles Lockhart, of Chatham, applicants with matriculation edu ; Irlant5, 12 to a box, i'n full steer: FOR SALE. V E steer calf, white face, from seats, pulpit, table, organ, Coleman
definite information thtet the ten:( ),rand- visited last week with friends in cation can be considered. A r in ,host lines of vegetables` and 1 N E T I A N John Kelly's grass farm,. 10 con lamps.
er of the Ellis -Don company was 'children also survive. I blinds- ons lar r,e size, 6' 10' ,
P a Lucknow, plications stating age and educe- bowers, JACKSON FLORISTS.. wide, ? G" tiro one siz cc ssion of Colborne Township, Mail bids accepted.
nearly $3,000 higher than the low The remains rested at the Lodge Dr W. Sherwood Fox and fate- tion should be addressed to: Phone 105. _Z4 wide, o e, 31 Anyone knowiri the whereabouts 'FERb1S--('North and
est tender received, and as such , funeral `home and requiem high; de, 7' 6" drop; one size 23 wide g shed half
we feel that the chairman of the mass was to have been sung to_ fly of l.ondoi have taken up resi- ; I1.E.P.C, of Ontario, Att: Personnel , 5 10'' drop. Light tan aluminum ' 1 of + this calf, please notify JOHN cash; balance prior to removal of
deuce "at their summer home here Officer, Terminal Building, Han;- ' 1' C)R SALE. - IZE111NG'1'ON ELEC-
. P g I KLLLY, R.R. 3, Goderich. 25x buildings, which must be removed
Huron .County Home Committee, slay at 9 a.m. in St. Peter's Church' fQI the season. ta, slats, brown-- tapes, MALCOLAI , ,
by Rev. Father J. P. GIeeson. In i Ilton, Ontario. 23.25 TRIC adding machine, used. MATHERS, phone 115.1, 2a ! - -•-� by November lstCHESTER953.
Reeve It. B. Cousins of • Iment is terment in Colborne,Roman Cath gal I hone 611. 25x
should make a public statement to Dr._ Florence Smith • of Haver NOTICE TO CREDITORS FINNIGAN
otic cemetery. I College, Toronto, has returned to ,"ANTED, -- REQUIRED 1M- FOR SALE.—MC( LAKY RANG'', Secretary of Trustees,
clarify this Ill►eco r, and give the flier home on Arthur street for MEDIATELY men with ambi �+ OR SALE. — A FIN : T\V0= ' I CTICE TO CREDITORS. R.R. 1, Dungannon, Ont.
taxpayers the correct (inures on the summer month$, , tion and initiative ,to represent i- STORY brick house in excel-
, as good asne v waterfront, t1026W. el' ! WELL. IIENDERSON;
how their hone is in sent. WOMAN'S GUILD {
Y e g P The regular meeting of the Rev. L G. Hind is attending the Goderich and district selling a na-
, lent west end location. Four bell ,25 j All persons having claims 25-26- . Auctioneer,
no Yours truly, Baptist convention of Ontario and tionally'advertised Canadian pro- 'rooms, oil heat, reasonable price., UCTI
JOHN A. LT. PIRIE, Afternoon .Woman's Guild was held pAgent, A.IALCOLAI MATHERS against the estate of Florence E. ` ON SALE O. 30 YOUNG
" in the Guild Rooth with the vice -1
Quebec bein•g held at A1cMaster ,duct, the only one of its kind. ; , �' OR SALE. — WESTINGHOUSE C, Neftel late of the Town cf t1
Recording Secretary, United .,resident Mrs. B. Wilmot, presid ;University, Hamilton, this week. Experience not necessary, Com- eaRl Estate Broker, 46 West street. combination coal or wood and Goderich, in the County of Huron, DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS
Brothel hood of Carpenters F I Air. and Mrs, Will Lockwood,' plete trainingPhone 1151V. -13 electric stove. Oven control. Spinster, who died, on or about at lot No. 31, concession 6, Gode-
and ,Tethers of America. ;nu. i given. Write BOX , - rich Township,, one mile south of
The. Scripture lesson was read of Comber, visited with their tour 48, SIGNALS'I'AR, stating age,' t`OIt SALE.—NEW HOUSE ON White porcelain enamel all around I the 12th day of May, 1953, are ,
Editor's Note: when
the County sin, Airs. \V. ,H. Doak Keays street marital status selling experience I Phone 1073W. 25x ;required to file the same with full Porter's Hill, on
Council session, when the County by itis. Tweeiiio. The roll was y' , . Anglesea street, possession at -- ___ _ ..— TUISllAY, JUNE 23
called and the minutes of the last' last week and with Hugh. Hill wl:o' tf any. 24 2dx g, o ,.particulars with the .undersigned
Home Committee report via,, is in hospital, once.' Phone 1248J, Goderich. ' .1 0 I SALE,—ONE USED PIPE- I by the 20th day of 'June, 1953, at 7.30 p.m., consisting of:
' brought In, the chairman of the meeting read, followed by the ; After being confined to Alex "'ANTED. ---ROOM AND BOARD 24tf LESS furnace, Phone. 324. as after that date the assets of Holsteins, Jerseys and Durham^,
committee explained to council treasurer's report, Airs. Palmer, andrtt Hospital for several months b5' 16 year old T 7 springers, 23 milking, some re-
committeegirl, in Chris W. FRANK SAUIDERS. -25 j the estate will be distributed. t"
members the difference in the reported on the meeting with men through illness Mrs. F. R. Redditt tion home from July 13 to August I( OR SALE.—GOOD WHITE EN I Dated at the 'Town Gently freshened, others recently
in charge of raisin the pledge to ; ' of Goderich y
tenders and why• the contract was g P g left on Monday for Oakville to 29: Note. Could exchange good A1ILL ice box, like nett'. 65 ,'Olt SALE. - - TWO STORY ! in the County of Huron, this 1st bred,
let to Ellis -Dan Ltd, Last week's ligron College and that an auction 'visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. i accommodations in London. Kind -1 Elgin avenue, phone 967W: 24x These cows are all young,
white brick house at 44 Essex I day of June, 1953. g, most
story should have Lead $500 higher .sale was to be held. Mrs. Patter Elson, Her many friends hope ly reply stating reconimodations — fleet,• in fine location,' close to R. C. BAYS (, ly vaccinated and are of good
than the lowest tender received. sot\ made a further report on the !for' her speedy recovery. rales, etc. to MR. 'L. P. CLARK, i 1' OR SALE.ICE BOXES IN lake; four bedrooms and bath u IOntario,' Q ' quality 'and will be sold to the
vestments. The conveners for the good condition, cited to clear. P Goderich hi
Mr. -and -Mrs. Frank Kneeshaw733 Whetter ave., London Ont., APPLIANCES. P stairs, hot. air heating, good twohigh bidder.
— - annual garden party were chosen: i i SHORE AI I LIANCES Phone 586Solicitor for the Estate
and Rebecca, f cargarage. This house
M(111 A Tif(1111
Patterson. A h CANTED \L '
THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1953
"The Houle of Tasty Pastry"
A three layer cake with pineapple tilling and
Butte' Creme Icing.
DATE CREAM PIES -45c- each
22c doz.
Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Cakes : a specialty.
Orders of $1,00 and over delivered.
Guaranteed radio service. WILF.
apartment of three -rooms, bath,
REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton kitchen, art No. 59 Kingston street.
street, phone 466. _12 b1ALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate
-- Broker, 46 West street. -23
New houses built. Alterations,
Beach, two miles south of
remodelling, carpentry work of all Goderich, furnished two bedroom
kinds. J. SPIVAK', phone Blyth cottage," stove, bathroom, screened
20 r 6. -21tf porch. 11. GLENN HAYS, Q.C.
Phone 1369. -24
START YO1?1i " \VI.ANE1IS N()t\ ri 0 RENT. --GARAGE ON- PIC -
1'01' street. Apply US AItOU'I` A HOG CONTRACT. pI Y at 101
PAY P011 PEED WHEN. HU{' South street. 25-26x
1285. - -2Ut.
49 Victoria street, only respon-
sible party considered. Apply in
writing to MRS. 13. HOMAN, Ridge-
wood Park. - - -25
TAGE, all modern conven-
iences, five bedrooms, two bath-
rooms. Situated on lake bank, in
Goderich. Apply P.O. BOX 5, or
telephone 163. -25-
e ecce, o Corunna, and Mrs. -25 ; , pis could 23.25., • t — ASH, -
Mrs. 'Wilmot, Mrs. Nonacid, Mrs. I I 24tf Easily be • duplexed, Enquire at A. E. TOWNSHEND & SaOv
ri1ac11wain and Mrs. t t Edwin Monk and two daughters i
social hour was enjoyed. Marlene and Melanie, were guests ` — OULD LIKE TO 1� OR SALE.—HOUSE AT t{LN- premises or phone 844. 25tf NQTICE TO CREDITORS. Proprietor.
of their parents, rir. and ribs. buy a fairly small home to TAIL, 1 , acres of land, near. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT,
Albert Kneeshaw, having come to Goderich for retired couple. Pre stare c 1' OR SALE. — FARGO t,_ -TON All persons having claims 25-
5 Auctioneer,
blr. and Airs. John Carlyle of , } mile from'lake. Just r panel
Paris and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest attend the 50th anniversary party fer central location. Phone or few rods from Blue Water H! h pick-up truck, new condi- against the estate of Emma Cal- UCTION SALE OF HOUSE -
of their grandparents, Air, and !write MRS. DAVID I1IacKENZIE ( g tion, 8000 miles, cheap to quick well late of the Township ��
Clunt of Brantford visited the g P way. Hydro, heavy wiring' insul p of
Mrs. Peter Glazier. 66 r 14, Dungannon, R.R.3 Go e•
buyer. Phone 140,1. 23x Goderich in the CountyBOLD .EFFECTS
titacVicar family on Monday. lased, downstairs newly decorated, , - . of Huron, at residence of ribs. ,A, George
rich. Q upstairs,y NOR SALE. Widow, who died on or -about the.
Wee lend guests with Mr and 25 ;three bedrooms Plenty
For month of July occupancy
by one family only- and if
possible Jun 27 or 28, fur-
nished house r apartment
with three bed ms, modern
conveniences and cooking
facilities and garage location.
Prefer quiet area close prox-
imity to• Memorial Skating
Arena, quiet area, free from
transport or truck route.
Write immedyitely full des-
cription an ent asked to
J. L. Rudd, 715 Island Park
Drive, Ottawa,' Ont.
Excellent references if - de-
sired. 22-3x
Auto Radio
Sales and Service
Hutchinson Radio
!Phone 498R
Huron Road
Mrs. Clayton -Edward were Miss ANTED TO - RENT. — FOR of soft water. Hard water avail-
able. Priced' for quick sale,$2,500. ' Two storyeigred brick
ht -room Ackerman of the High first two weeks in July, a Apply DUNCAN A. MacKY, Kin- house. ' Oil eating,, full basement,
School teaching staff at Dundas cottage, two bedrooms, on lake tail, Ont. Phone 12 r 17,Dun-104 foot lot, two single
and Mrs. Wm. Butler, formerly H' B. DATE. Write P.O. Box 92, gannon. 24 25 house in realg garages,
or phonKathryne
Park,d ch.west
-'l5 end loca-
of Toronto. Misstion and in-' excellent condition.
Ackerman and Mrs. Butler wereOR SALE,—HAI
former mothers of the Goderich ANTED,—CLERK TYPIST FOR - -
23 feet long. Excellent condi- One and a -half story insul brick
Collegiate Institute teaching staff ,County Health Unit, Clinton. tion. Phone 731R. 24 25x
interesting work. Shorthand desided house, five rooms on main
and renewed acquaintances with sirable, but not essential. Apply floor, three room apartment up -
other members of the staff and PP Y Ii -'OR SALE. — MASSEY-HARRIS stairs. Full basement, coal stoker
pupils. in writing to A. H. ERSKINF, 1 Pony tractor with plow. In
Miss Charlotte A. Grierson, who Court House, Goderich. 25 good condition. Price rasonable. heating, south end location.
left Goderich for Saginaw, Mich- - JOHN' BRODIE, Concession 2, Ash- Nearly new, five room bungalow
igen, about 1900 with her parents, field.24xsided with insul brick located on
the Tate Mr. and Mrs. Samuel iN MEMORIAM 'A acre en main highway a few
Grierson, sends along a clipping RUDDOCK,—In lovingmemoryof' Ii OR SALE. — TWO STORY IN•miles from Goderich: Garage,
from the Saginaw News tellingof SLIL-BI�IC dwelling with three _
a dear son, Robert Ruddock, who bedrooms. Close to schools. Ap- Lovely summer cottage, five
her retirement from active nurs- was drowned 12 �
ing, She had been 32 ,years in Years ago .on ply 169 McDonald street. 24x
the 'nursing June 21st, - miles south of Goderich, living,
profession in United He is gone, but not forgotten, Fon SALE.—CEMENT, TRUCK
room 40 ft, by 12 ft. with fie
States., Canada,' Panama and Hay. And, as dawns another year, or carload lots, immediate de, Place, four bedrooms, full bath-
ana. She graduated from Saginaw In our lonely hours of thinking, livery. Phone 41 r 2, Wroxeter, ot on lake bank in beauti-
room. Cottage fait equipped.
General Hospital in 1921. "Maybemareat f Y q pped.
I will have time to call at the Days of sadness still come o'ereus, HYNDMAN, Game,HAROLDar. or contact or -ALLAN
Signal -Star office when I visit Gode-
rich this summer," Miss Grierson Friends may think' the wound is • ; -
wrote. healed • FOR SALE. -1952 AUSTIN A-40
But they little know the sorrow sedan, low. mileage, perfect
That lies within the heart con- condition. Reason for selling own -
coaled. er leaving town. Phone Clinton
' —Sadly missed by 7.:ol:ae - and 405. -24-25
RUDDOCK,—In loving memory of Harvester with quick change
Robert Ruddock who was drown- Harvester units now being solely
od 12 years ago June 21st. distributed by the Waterloo Mfg.
'Twelve yeni' today our "brother Cil:; Waterltl t, and—sold by Geo,
was called - Wraith. Come in and see the
To his eternal rest; most modern forager on the mar -
Gone where the angels sing so ket. GEO, WRAITH, Montreal
sweet, street, ,phone 1285 or 931 r 3.
And taken when God knew best, -25;f
We miss hi- h" 't' •�r Lnich,
His presence eft sr^ is ni-:i; SPECIAL. SALE OF TWO ANI)
But wt ail hope .in Heaven to meet, id p ii S ��ndard
Where no one says good -by.
--Ever remembered by Sister
Phyllis, Brother-in-law Earl and
niece Edna. _ . — 25x
From 1939 to 1 ,' g .
and salaries earned by Canadians
climbed from less than $3 ,billion
to more than $10 billion; in terms
of constant dell^,•R- the tot^1 of
es andsalaries
e in those . _
t -Facts
Give a beautiful .Picture
for their home from
Smith's. Art &_Gift_ Store,
- East St. Phone 198
Faulty ignition and carburation can be an-
noying, expensive—and dangerous: - It costs
less, ultimately, to keep them in tip-top con-
dition at,, all times.' 'That's our job. Start
out right TODAY. Begin .your` regular
check-ups by driving in NOW!
Pontiac—Buick—G.M.C. Trucks
Counter Sales'
Check Books
PLAIN or •
Printed, Gummed Tapes
obtainable at
Signal -Star Ltd.
West St. Phone 71
three weeko pullets t
Quality 2 week old White Leghorn,
Black Minorca X White Leghorn,
White Leghorn X Barred Rock,
Black Australorp X White I,eg-
horn $38.95 per hundred, 3 week
s_ t jt.. tta�= , c 'd add $5.00; Money Maker Qual-
ity add $1.00; Extra Profit add
$2.00: Special Mating add $3.00
per huncJred, These are all egg
h' -ed r„lletc, Alco clay old pullets
wag more than
in above breeds $27.95. -Special
doubled years. Quick Bronze Turkey Poults non -sexed
Canadt^ir for June delivery Money Maker
Quality 80c each, Extra Profit 85e,
Money Maker Toms 69c, Extra
out by a Roman emperor who re- Profit Toms 74c, lower prices for
cognized the need for efficient` .Tiny. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCH -
transportation -facilities 2,000 years ERIES LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario.
age : -2S
Paved streets first were tried'
C. F. CIIAPMAN, Realtor. Phone
18W. -25tf
PEP? Thousands• of couples
weak, worn-out because body lacks
froth, get vim, vitality taking--Ostrex
Tonic Tablets, Introductory size
only 60c. At, all druggists.
The fi,rst lighthouse in th Am-
erican "colonies" was built in 1716
On an island in Beston barba '.
your neNt nrw or Irate model
ear. -track or farm insiehinery
at . Ibwer cost through
Harold W. Shore
".%I1 lints of Insurance"
Loans also arranged on 19.46
and later model ram
fit f
5th day of June, 1953; are required
to file the same with full particu-
lars with the undersigned by the
27th day of June, 1953, as after
that date the assets of the' Estate
will be distributed.
Dated at the Town of Goderich,
in the County of Huron, this 9th
day of June, A.D. 1953.
R. C. HAYS, Q.C.,
Goderich, Ontario,
24-6- Solicitor for the Estate,
In. the 'estate of ELEANOR
LEVENIA CRICK, late .of, the
Township of Goderich, Married
Woman, deceased.
All persons claiming against the
above estate are required to for-
ward full particulars to the under-
signed by July 3, 1953, after which
date the assets of the estate will
be distributed,
Solicitor for the estate. -24-26
38 South street, Goderich, on
at 1.30 p.m., including;
' Chesterfield and 2 chairs; metal
ice box; double bed, - inner spring
mat redsa
and spring;
'studio couch;
gas stove (2 burner); kitchen suite;
2 cook stoves; 2 couches; dresser;
2 organs dining room suite; pic-
tures; , sideboard; chairs; 2 bed
springs and mattress; Quebec heat-
er; trunk; floor lamps; clock; light
fixtures; garden tools; lawn mower,
and other articles,
' r
Hygienic snpptteg (ribber goods)
mailed postpaid In plain. • sealed
ens -elope with price list. Six sam•
plat 2Fie : 24 Rntnplt's $1.00: Mall
Order D, -pt, T-I'i:l. NOV.11i71111E11
C0., Box 91, llatoil 'on, Ont.
Emerson -Drug Store
_Corner West St. and Square '- Phone .45, we deliver.
"As handy as the Postofiice"
Once a year comes Father's Day, Give"' him a break. He
doesn't wash the dishes, get the meals, bear the children, mend
the socks, sweep the floor, etc., BUT HE DOES BRING HOME
He goes to work, gets pushed around, does as the boss says
(even when -he knows the boss is wrong), wolrks when he would
rather not, attends meetings when he would rather play golf,
(oafs like heck when he is at home (Maybe he is tired?), maybe
he isn't so hot but he is doing his best—to—BRING HOME
So let's remember him this Sunday, even if it's just a card.
He doesn't want much, nor expect much; he would only be
embarrassed, but don't forget him;' he will appreciate it.