HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-06-18, Page 3106th Fear—No. 25
for--7;-link. wt ith the SITE IS POSTPONED BY LIONS
past, Thomas A MacDonald,
of Tetac, whose father mowed A. lengthy' discussion, followed be Ideated in a new wing to Alex
away from be about B1 years by a visit to the camp site, result- ! andra Hospital to be built Next !
ago, was in Goderich last Sat- ed finally in the Lions Club decid- '1 year- Lion Hill Lumby was .gip- '`
uxdat} _
He had little hopes of find- ing Friday night Last not to exert r pointed chairman of a committee
•ing even distant relatives, but a cabin Tor the Boy Scouts at the to purchase the refrigerator- at ast
wanted o his d agy records present but to wait until such tithe :approximate cost of gyp.
conacerning Laxer, as conditions at the camp site are ! There Was about a MAY per cent
Mr_ MacDonald, former Corn- more suitable for building_ :attendance at the Lions Club nwet-
misesione_r• of Public Roads with It 'was felt that the condition Ing held at the Bedford Hotel.
the United States Federal of the road leading to I -be camp , Atter the regular se,~ ,ion the Lao
Government- in Washington, is Ow at Black's Point, the access to , motored to the Loy Scout camp 4
now with the Tec -as A. and M. , the site over a farmer's field and site to look it over.. i
College. He said that his 1=11„y the area in the bush where
New Otters
grandfather, James MacDon- it Was proposed to erect the build- ;The election 01 officers�
e here from Nova i ing are not suitable at the pm -sent 11 George Parsons being made'
Scotia_ There were three sons, time for carrying out the project president ' Other offices are: first
John, Mr_ )McDonald's father, The camp site is reached by turn- vice -President, George Filsiziger;
James and Angus. ing right off the Rlue Water High. . second vice-president, , Merein
At the time of the Ch.iraga,d way at the second road past the Stephens; third v -ice -
fire, his pneai+aent,
A� p-andfather and -fain- southern town limits, ?.Andy Boutilier; secretary, Bruce great catic,ati iaf
ilyt moved from Goderich to
Chicago to take part in that
city's rebuilding program. The
visit marked the first time
Mr_ MacDonald had been in
Goderich_ Accompanying him
were Misses C. L and 3.
Fuller. •
THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1953
mind building
The Lions had m Symonds.; dues secretary, newsprint
neww j rint
arrived here £ridav of last weer. it rank-
a $1,500 hut for the boys to be Az�IIstZong; ami -stout dues yerrerank- via ('_\.R_ from tiie;panded their en;iaeerznn divisic:n
e pro -
.camps. treasurer. - e►iiip�tty 1_irriitrri, �.ywr�, ate �Iar= �. ar* ;j r looked over a pro_ ; �v, �; boa tamer, Frank Cum;' fri,ruaper Mills Limited. Lrnn�3:,zz_ Hall she rar3��d duction machinery en• in
second site at Alen g,tail twisters, Bill Lumby tri' e used' by the S aua1 star sed the ethe-, nal lav the fabricationel avid
ut it. was thought this would be ' Sully; directors, A_ oleander. H. ?equiptseut-
unsuitable and it was understood.e:Sule, Bert rvsdale and Arnold ; Exeter Tures _idvc►eate. By buvin_ in eziar t t�- ...eine s„av;n,- "\\'e are nor► in a position to
help other conit
also, that the boy scouts pt,eferreriM�-onnell_ � effected in the root of uewv:g►rrit uh=c•}r 11-•: gene up w-..7 PPemex or indiizdu- due to our increased production
PAGR Timms
I DRMC° Has Special Products Division
_ has ,bees made :
i that the Dominion Road V e!'iorr' 1
!Co, Limited, hate set up a Special
Products Diwon to handle the
; production of
I spec�sal contract wort in the gen-
' r�r field is addztion to
�trall. r�sc�tarid►
n�tn n *' their r standard lines
of road mach -mei) products and
aircraft t g,
Mr. Robert Fenwick has been
appointed Director of the Special
Products Division of DRMCO_ Pao-
fare taking aver his new duties
with DR.1CO, ]Ir, Fenw:ck oper-
ated his owrn co:—pony as a manta-
tatturer-s representative in Ot-
t 1:awa A former executive with
the Bank of England. Mr" Fenwick
served with the RAF during World
War IL
ever tc• ,he shipped le (Uet,i'r:ch Recently, the cuuiipany has ex -
used by them on week-endtart', aiale°Im slathers• A t ihi -e` l' , • and i metalled' additional new
The Lionsalso 1 ked l• Kt !i _ e < < l e d including rt a-
po esetun and Join n E dreg sheet xnetzl
1 i
. John K Sully,
= als the e
their camp site at Black's Point_ aver 300 ter rent aauee before the wry* n neerod and rants gene al stat-
thrill you wait!
Complete auto glass
replacement service,
. Hobbs a and
• Duplate � Glass
installed quickly, eco-
nosnicalla Drat- in
Beevers Auto
dot only did the liens BURKE--BELL 1 ilrrr , t c ��ii ?h first far -Turing of their products or pant 1 general manatee.
bo boy
scout for the night but later in 1 Holmesvrlle United Church par-
' 1ril,-klt+,ad. oft tLx• car arriving, . t the :zielial z ` +
their tour o4 inspection they went songs ewas the scene of a pretty
Indian, trailing single file through wz'edding Last Saturday at 11 a -m_
wet fields to the camp site ani .when Rev- M- G_ Newton united in
finally holding a pow wow late at 'marriage Lois Doreen Bell, (laugh -
night at Menesetung where their ter of Fred Bell and the late Mrs.
final decision was made_ Bell, of Goderich Township, and
°Lion Arn McConnell suggested CpL William Reginald Burke, son
that the Lions purchase a reiriger- .of the late -Mr. and Mrs. Rickey
ator for the nursers which is to ; Burke. of.. Coderich Township.
The bride was attired in a street -
length Robin's Egg blue crepe
dress with white accessories and
• a corsage of pink carnations She.
. THOS.Phone 295KOVIAK attendeby d her sister, Shirley
who wore
was a turquoise printed
nylon dress with white acre:eories
tions. ,. ,
AND DECORATING The groom was attended by G.
W. McLeod. of Saint John. N.B.
Interior and Exterior The couple will reside in London
(R -R- 3, Goderich)
where the groom is stationed with
24tf the RC a-sl.C.
t _ Of Canada': aarger cities. Ed-
monton, alta., had the "?:realest
pereentaage increase in population
' from 1941 to 1951, -Quick Can-
} adian Facts.
PAINTING and a corsage of deep pink. carna-
drive safely
JP D 1
When the steering wheel
begins to fight back,
turn in where you see
the big red cooler.
Pause , . , relax . .
and be yourself again.
. Dias he/era rows
Authorized bottles of Coca-Cola ceder contract with Cote-Calis Ltd
Goderich Bottling Works
Goderich, Ont. Phone 489
"Coke" is e reghlu id 4 d4,+wsalr.
PARK the
Now—In Technicolor --"i LOVE MELVIN"
- with Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds.
'Way down in the Argentine a- gaucho deserter and a high-born
Spanish girl enact a thrilling and dramatic romance.
Gene Tierney -Rory Calhoun and Hugh Marlowe
This is eomedy=with music at ifs light-hearted best. A roman-
tic tale of Indiana in 1919.
Doris Day--Gbrdon MacRae and Leon Ames
Coming—Errol Flynn and Maureen O'Hara in
-- SiggnalStar Photo by Henry
Relief Find For
Tornado Victims '
Started By County.
Striving to get aid to areas cif
Huron County stricken in the iris
cent tornado, County Council de-
cided last Friday to set up a com-
mittee to investigate damage and
distribute funds collected..
Named to the committee were
-members of the wardens commit-
ee: Reeves H. C. Johnston, Mor-
ris; J. H. Graham. Goderich; Earl
Campbell, Hay. J. Morrissey, sey, Ste-
phen; and V_ Pineornbe, Usborne.
tis era. slated Cee mow
years ego. an* sane, aestabtiaitaed a
same:0v. ttrs.
Ease ".'.e r.d.r.:.:em Ort after h -s demob
ttia r. be a so sea*.
bse�en r c mss 5..+ life Caossifis
6h :^u ens saved 1►a Now
the e,, erp,,,e k.. p'' ed hew
las .r.0 Sir eaar7a.-,ram^ a
Fere set d:ring Pa itetwa.
RedShield �p teal
Stratford. staid a setting of shaseph s Hcts iital. Sarnia, on Sits- '
only daughter of Lr. and Mrs_
cG:ll !lr_ a1cG►ll w, bora at .' Gflderich this week with the Fines
David .Marshall. Strtiixni. became Corun._a. in 1Sb'O, a on 401 the
of Mr. John Vsc(1e er P O Mary McGill. He
wYy Erskine, Ceoderich. rzi Catur race - -- --- th, forrze..s of . Bink_, is chairman of the corem't-
y Goderich. by 'atom he i_• sun ivied tee_ If you are unintentinn�ILy
In Si Paul . Anglican Church. The death occurred at St
peonies, tnc bridal wreath. and ' ! The Red Shield Appeal of
cern, Jot ueline al w ath. 1 d azta of Last week of Francis Joseph
M Satiation Army is under wal
Without obligation, let ioe
r troy how the facilities of the
the bridelate Joseph an
Erskine, con of Mr and Mrs Ra.r- ; was married at Sarnia to the ick paign. Kinsmen President Carl
er G t1, _3
day, at 4.00 P m Rev_ R. A. E.
Ruch officiated. The iune_ral .service was conduct- a os'erIooked during the campa gn,
' Misa 1'hyl.iis Dison was ergani_ ed from the McKenzie and B!und_• you can leve your donation at the
while Vi_ Gail aziderseui t funeral home to Our Lady of Merev ; Canadian Bank of Commerce Godo
ev- :i er n or phone 04W, local head -
ford, wa_: :soloist and cans --p.' lurch where tite R F th L P 'rich. h
1'rrntnisee de_ , LUwr} - requiem high . quarters, Few, if any, campaigns
Given in marriage by her father Relative_ from 1ti'a-� e. Royal Oil.- `axe more worth.. of Tout support
the bade wore a��owvti of ivory- Port Huron. Detroit. Toronto and `than the annualRed Shield .Appeal
Dorchester attended Interment of the Salvation _array. The work
toned bridal satin styled' with fitted wa_s in Oar Lady
bodice and w cwwe ox
illsivoti nt �' le
Duty of the committee will be w . outlined try3ppligt:ta1 satin fleowrer -_ ter'•. Sarnia,
theneed_r is ren considerable and , Information available
investigate damage and to meet The full length hand -embroidered ' a is done without fanfare_
with provincial and federal ir-,v-eil was gathered inin a headpiee-e MJSS E G. DI'\L P This is the first year for, the',
ernment representatives to work !of > ;II;all satin 'Bap se • V� Eva G L r Kinsmen to direct the
rcy a eme- done by the Joh ation Arm`v for
meet your particular needs is a
way brat will Flt your pockeeb.
Harold W. Shore
Representative of
out a method of aid_ lanai cam - .. • um0P-
. .a p,3tg't
rpt reee-s on top of her whit: died Tliuz.:dayw eat I:� wreck for the Csiwa.ion Armv. In pre
Council decided. also to set up a'lora, r book front wr ick flowed a ex ora Hospital. had lived in rious rear: it was directed br
fund to be known as the Huron ; shower of sih•er and white nbtxan. _air �'itY-M:ar-haI J. A Sully who
Dainty Wind '' �� her
- �Ce d Di.. . tet Relief Fund GcwCc Heir ten. . e. life_ «t v� ,:� a _tareeYYnside,�iole time in c
and donat � 'dud of ho aur.- alis Barbs ar�in�
PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ed l0,tk� -to Mart t5«' 1 Bra it Th dau'hier or th 1 V �l t surcescfui
7 d: ire for funds rolling. A motion , eaten o f net over yellow Ilu h t' D campaigns but of ill
Openings at
Let'. of St- onnas� w e ate _ . _ and:`_ - Uu
•who. because
unable to do
woos adopted .that provincial. fed- ,» - e :owv ei;�. Dunlop.
with fitted bodice in strapless s sti ie She was a member of Knex
Brat and county relief mcwncr L-� + - p
health: is this
and a ye II net stole- Her head- Presbyterian Church
pooled and the committee d- - -
r_ silo- dress-
was a band of baby rhe ran Surviving is • oae bei the: , H_
ute tl� "ni int; blended 't ' thatch h D 1 a lth whor.t she made her
$35 to $53 a
The ,coon followed an address + '` o is her . . uti of
w•rrss- She raffled a prayer boot horse.
by Thomas Prycie, MLA for Huron i c overeft at* yellow net and a The retains reeled at the Lod -e
Scouth. On Thursday, \IP's L E
- "spray et baby chrysanthemums tied funeral' hone. where private • ser-
'Cardiff and A. l'_ McLean ha•?' in raribow-c wlored nbbone. Brides- vices were conducted S... urda)-. • ,;t
. for - 'spoken on the need for tcornada ! near were V �[ ^ b R
\!r_ Prde urged immediate :,c- e u :. masa Lee Smith, an inter
: and- that council {H3rtow and Visas Patricia- Deana cemetery.
i^amnniitce to a no wore stain t avers were John Marriott.
proposed meeting:tear it ar to thathhie Townsend.
of other stricken Smith to mauve. and Mics ' Dema -
areas. He said he had been pro- . ray in pale blue All carried pray--
miscd by the premier that Huron er books covered it ith eta tater:.-
q31�. {����Q would be given the same consider- *ng their dresses and a spray- of
to x749• a Week ation as other stricken areas ., chrysanthemums. \Master Jack
Reeve O_ Taylor. of East \\'aua Marshall. nephew o; the bride, was
Remuneration according to ex- nosh. hardest hit area in the Court, - ring heart r.
ty, called for financial aid as ear:; - Best man was alr Bruce Erskine,
perience and qualifications aossilile. .if there is going to of Goderich. Usher` were Mr_ Carl
THREE WEEKS' ANNUAT, be rebuilding. the farmer. W:.! Hoffman Harrow. d Flt -.Sgt 11_
was ',mare Anne Er: .. Pan-
w ev- R. G-acMil,lzn.
relief. l lam God r 1 \t d ment ,made in Maitland
enographers .
appoint a raw t uetph wl Pallbe
ee' with the at the maid of honor Howard. McNee. Air
provincial cabinet and ; wyith Miss Erskine :n pink. M and C.:'. t haprnare
VACATION to do it nwiw, not in sig month, MacLennan. Clinton.'
tic•"e 1e said. . The wedding ree-eption %vas held
at lhnecrest iron. St'. Marys. where
; BY-LAW IS ADOPTED the tables were decorated with
FOR SIGNING LEASES sit peas. and tall white tapers. .
,The a -mother received in a-
.auron County Council in one
GENEROUS SICK LEAVE of the final moves last Friday at
Apply to itsJune session passed a by-la•v
• . ,' authorizing- the warners and sled:
o sign leases or oil rights_
Caval Service Co P t
�QijSSIOD County Clerk -Treasurer A 11
Room 475 Erskine explained that the refor-
estation committee had been re -
PARLAMENT BUILDINGS, 1 quested .by Imperial Oil Company
TORONTO i to lease portions of reforestation
.triple sheer, crepe dress of skipper
blue with dusty rose accessories
and a corsage of rose-colored car-
nations tied with silver ribbons_
The bridegroom's mother assisted -
ins receiving dressed -in a brown
taffeta coat -dress. with hat to
mate_, and white acres -ear -tea ie Her
corsage of pink • roses was tied
with a white -ribbon_ slice Patricia
e •
--Pen pal:" since they attended
;MacDonald Institute in• Guelph in
1915. 'LC Ontario • wo .en. includ-
ing ing Mrs Roy Rundle. of Goderict.
and one from Saskatchewan. have
.the distinction of writing one of -
the lone -est letters in the world
Although some of the -ladies
haven't even met in the inter
ins 38 years, they kept a circulat-
ing letter moving--continuously-se
that each received it about fear
times 3 year.
Quebec is the only walled city
in North America —. Quick Caw
adian Facts
,o_ area , Taylor. Stratford, assisted with C
-•-b Before this could be done; he place cards. '
Learing ono a trip to a summer
re`ort on Lake Huron. Abe bride
wore a grey flannel tailored suit
with navy and white acrescorie '
and a corsage of red roses_ On
"their return the young couple.will
take up residence in Goderich_
Guests attended the wedding frons
Goderich, Clinton. St. Thomas.;
Guelph, Harrow. Atwood. Ottawa,
•St_ Catharines. Stratford and Niag-
ara Falls.
Every Wednesday—Modern and old time dancing to
Clarence Petrie's Nighthawks.
Saturday Aright --Bal Nichols and his orchestra.
Vocals by Kay Jennings. -
The Pavilion is available for aftrrnoen and evening,. ren-
tals. The Management caters to luncheons, banquets,
wedding receptions, etc. Phone 675 or 419. -21-2
--- PRONE 4:.--...
Now—"IVORY HUNTER starring
Anthony Steel and Dinah Sheridan.
A band of raw young recruits from Green Hill. Oklahoma add
glory to the famous Thunderbird Division on a European
John De%ek--Mona Freeman and John Barrymore jr.
Filmed in southeast Asia. A Malayan rubber planter and his
wife find unity, after a night of barricaded terror.
Claudet Colbert --Anthony Steel and Jack Hawkins
with Judy Canova end Stephen Dunne
' 4
said. the provincial goi•ernment +
required that the warden and clerk
sign the leases,
Council also approved the neces-
sary by-law for adoption of 1953
equalized assessment.
Automobile Insurance
Prompt, Fair and- Friendly
Claims Service .
Investigation of thirteen compre-
hensive claims resulting from the
tornado which struck Sarnia and
�rieinitq._ea...-Ma\r•21 Viii -" eleilTe?= -
ed by Co-operators insurance Asso-
ciation within a week, Co-op Com-
prehensive xaveci from loss ten
Sarnia and three Middlesex policy-
holders. One car was damaged
beyond repair and was replaced
with a new one a days after the
storm. .
Co-operators Insurance Associa-
tion comprehensive coverage pays
for damage to your automobile,
from most causes other than col-
lision or upset up to the actual
cash value of the loss • For real
protection in automo'lsile insurance
and unexcelled"tlaims service, call
your Co-operators insurance Asso-
ciation today.
W. V. ROY, Clinton
Phone: Office 557 3,2
Res. 4,1
. -25
fling ideas from a china)egg
LOANS ora available for
many useful purposes. Ari
for our booklet on the
webiecf of your osorest
"tloror tion t .
In days gone lav, many a farmer's wife had faith in'the chins
egg as a "starter" for reluctant hens. It was supposed tcII.
suggest to them that laving eggs was *good idea, A"'nest egg"
in the Royal Rank is a good idea, too. It is it strong induce.
meet to you r to save more. AS deposit follows deposit, you
watch your saitings grog. Then, almost before you know ire'.
sawing hat become a habit . . . and a `fistful one. Build up
vordr nest egg et the Royal Bank. There's no prettier picture
tlian a healthy looking'' hank hook.
F.roinratr your riildrrr to hare a west rn, >M.
Orr breUet "Fissrcial Training for yearn Sew aid Dauyiter'•
desrribrs a prococul plow for tewiirt your tii1Jrrie lwr. N inrdk awls- so,
frawcial affairs. Ask for err free copy at awry broods,
*04 C4N 4a4 eat eie —Rorer