HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-2-20, Page 1seenseiseeesealleerelreseese AND HURON RON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY," VOL. XVII. NO. 2L EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20, 1890 liEGAL Z. DIOK8O14 , Barrister, Soli. 4. citorefSupreme Court,NotaxyPublio Uonveyanoet Commisasoner.&:a. Money to roan; Ofhoein Velum's B31ock, Exeter, R i ► of,t aNsr Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Btc,, kixET'ER. - ONT. 0filee5aumwell'ahllark .Hall'aald ofitae.) ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Batrh.:ters, Sally cors, Notaries Public, Coliveyancers &o, &o. l'11'oney to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFFICE, - MIN . STREET, EXETER. le Y. f',r+LIOT. J. nW4OT. PE11T4.L. T 14 -BILLINGS, zaaalz3'xxs's, 0F.F'ICJt : oYes'Q'.h'EIL'SBan Vitreus Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. H. 'KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S Sant -well's Block, /Vainest, Exeter, o witch , l Extracts Teeth v i m#1 a n. by.ivin.,Ve• etableVapor.Gold Filiu;;s andall Other dental work the beat possible. Goes to Zuntoa onlaatThuredvyin each month: MEDICAL, r, JW. B1.10\VNTNG M. D., i41 0 • P.ti,GradnateVictoris.Univoretty.Oftlee ud;residence.DOreiniouLaberatorY.I7xoter T'R. EYNDMAN, coroner for the 1 _ County of Enron. Office, oppoaito AIr. . Carling's etoro, Txetor. rift. J. A. ROLLILVb, M. 0. P. S O. Otilee, Main 5...1;xetez,Ont.Residen 00 houser oocutlyoccupied by .MoPlulhipe, Esq• L• CUTTEN, M. D., C. M., .x..J • Graduate Trinity University, Tor- ontoFol. Trin. Med. sobool. Toronto ; Grad. Am Inst., Craniology ; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropology, number Col. P, 6,, Ont.— office, Dashwood. Ont.. AUCTIONEERS. 4� LLr1111 rIT13liii, Licensed A uo- nhig:fga,s9oeupdhnoomMoGaUtedray Ttoiwo Cates, Ofaco--At Post-ofilee,Oroditon.0ut, ' ILL, Auctioneer for the ,5 of Stephen, Ray and'Osborne and ties tie ;e of Exeter. AU sales promptly abteit,led,au ,satisfaction guaranteed, Sales a rrnugod attires office. VETERINARY. .. 7 Tennent & °Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, L... athletes ofthe Ontario Veterinary College Oi rxcE : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Ex eter, ti INSURANCE. THE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Officio, London, Ont. After 30 years of successful business, still continuos to offor the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or contents,tbe most favorable protection in ease of loss or damage by fire or lightning, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respeot- ablecompany eau afford to write. 42,243 poll: cies inforce 1st Jan ,1809. Assets $378,20954 in cash in bank. Government deport. Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JAMAS GRANT. President ; D. C. D4o0mute, Manager. DAVID JAQUES, Agent for Exeter andvioinity. THE WA'1'ERLOO MUTUAL .EIRE INSURANOECO, Established in 186'3. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO,ONT. This comxanv has been over Eighteen ears in 1 oocessfu.l operation in Western On- ario,anil tontinuea to insure agaiustloss or amag'o}sire Baildings,Merahandise,Man- factorie at d ill other description softinsur- ble property .latending insurers have the ',Conofhusuringonthe Premium Note or OashSyetom. During the pastten years this Company ltasissued 37,096 Policies, coverin e property o theamountof$40,872,038 ;andpaid inloss- es a lone 6 709,732,0 0 AssetS, S176,1.00.00,consisting of Cash n tsank,GovernmentDeposit,andthettnass- ssedPrem4unhNotesonhandandinforce. J W WALnEu:1 M D .President. C . sI . TAYLOR, Secretary. J.B. Huaurris,Inspector. CHAS NELL Agontfor 17xeterandviciuit17, CENTRAL I3arber Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK, A. Hastings, Prop Saving and Hair wetting in the latest style of the arta Every attentio paid to cutting Ladies and Children's Hair.: .YOUN WAXIT w a saes Pahl's/ter*arid Proprietors A HOUSNG SALE ;et Youi' For there is going to be A TREMENDOUS RACKET at the Vii' EANZMI,VV *volt*: Nearly Thirty Thousand Dollars Worth Of Dry -Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groo,eries and Furs, that must be cleared out at once. For the next 30 days we are going to flood this entire community, with the BIGGEST BARGAINS ever heard of in Western Ontario. Just Think of It . Nearly Thirty Thousand Dotllot s worth of the boat • goods that money can buy, to be subjected to rho Rigorous, Iter'ikless and Riddling effect of a 30 days' Annihilation Sale. This great Salo will be the talk of the entire community for the next 30 days. For 30 days business will boom at the Big Benkrupt Store. For 30 days we will ,give bargains that will elevate the hair of every merchant to the perpendicu- lar. For 30 days the Big Bankrupt Store will bo crowded with eager, delighted and satisfied buyers. Note This ' We show over 400 pieces of Dress Goods• •-the finest in the ■ laud. We /have always done the Dress Goods Trade of Exeter, and we are going to continuo the good work. JUST FANCY —Over four /hundred pieces to select from, and every piece • Reduced. from. 25 to 40 Per Cent FOR THIS GREAT SALE. Silks, Satins and Mersa all at sale prices. I%Iantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths and Curls must go, for they are too bulky to carry over. Sealettes aze sure to go at the reduced prices. If you want a sealette for next winter it will pay you to buy now, Wool Clouds, Wraps and Shawls all at clearing prices, for30 days. A nice Cloud for 15c. ; cheap, ain't it ? Our Tailoring Department is Booming Very fine pants to order for $3.50 ; try a pair. Sold under guarantee. Read on ; don't skip a word, but 'read to the end. Note some of the reductions. 10c Dress Goods for 5c. 12ic Dress Goods for 8i 20c Dress Goods for 11c 30c Dress Goods for 20c 35c Cashmere for 19c 30c Table Linen for 190 25e Grey Flannel for 16c 8e Print for 3ic 0 papers best Pins for l0c 50c all -wool Tweed for 30e 75c all -wool Tweed for 45c 50c Shirts and Drawers for 25c 150 Feather Ticking for 100 20c Feather Ticking for 14c Black Cashmere, Black and Colored Mervs—•all 25 to 40 per cent. off, for 30 days. , Gents Coon Coats and Ladies' Astrachan Coats at your own prices- for 30 days. Fur Caps of all kinds reduced 50 per cent. for 30 days. An Immense Stoc of Mens ani Boy'Overcoats All Reduced 60 per cent. for 30 clays. nl"'5 OVERCOATS for $3,75. They must be sold, no matter what the loss to us. Our loss is your gain. I n foots and shoes Overshoes, and Rubbers -we have a very large stock, and have put the prices down so low that they must sell at sight. We are bound to do the Boot & Shoe trade of Exeter. We will sell Boots and Shoes cheap for 30 days ; see i.f we don't. OUR GROCERIES ARE ALWAYS FRESH And for 30 days we are 'going to boom Tea and Sugar. Om 25c Tea beats everything. Best Baking a Soda only 3c per lb, ; best Vinegar only 30c per gallon. All other Groceries equally cheap, and cheaper. WE { {, >;ADERS. We ARE THE L stand far r l Rememberahead t, any house in '4Vestern.Ontario. Our stock is the newest, largest, and cheapest. Our business is constantly increasing, proof positive that we are the people to deal with. Forget yogi own name if you will, but don't forget the great 30 days' annihi- lation sale now on at the big Bankrupt Store, Exeter. • .E' Produce'. Hiphest Prices for Farm Ice. J. A. S TE WART, Bankrupt Stook Dealer. Exeter. Municipal Council. The council met at the Town Hall, Exeter, 15th Feb. 1890. All present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Moved by 11. Spackman, sec by D. A. Ross, that orders be granted for the following sums viz: -.-Executers of the late Jas, Balsdon $2,: labor; Jas Creech $3 charity to John Piper, $2 to J irate, $2 to S. Fanson, 50e to Mrs Wilcox, 07,60 wood for town hall, and Hart de Co, 63e for blank forma,—Carried. Mr Christie was granted the privilege of removing the poplar trove in front of his premises .on Huron -at. on conditiea of replacing the same with hard melees trees ui the spring. The Mechanics' Institute be charged 840 per year rent for room—rent to cornnhence from 1st January, 1890. On motion of W. G. Bissett, seconded by J Oka Mr. Wm. M. ilne'$ tender for cedar posts at $3.85 per cord was accepted, and 22 cords ordered to be delivered on or before the let of May. Mr. P. D. Bell's tender for cedar lumber -8U per 1,000 feet was Accepted.. The Reeve and Mr Oke were appoint- ed and authorized to nuoke necessary alterations and improvements in the cattle yard at the Market Square. On motion of I1. Spackman, aeo by D. . A. Roes. Mr Bissett voted nay, R Jo1hn is kd10 h allowedi 1,5(1er week until further orders. p The council adjourned until Saturday the let of March, at S oclock p.m, M. Eaesu rr. Clerk. LOO .LS. Mr R M Raeey, formerly of Clinton, was arrested in Geneva, Ohio, last Saturday, on a eharge of forgery, et the instance of some of our citizens, Mr Wm Graham of Stanley, lost do valu- able horse the other day. The animal took a swelling in the head and died in It very short time. Mr. (Iraharn had bought the beast a few days previous for $150. There is no account of the defaulting Treasurer, Mr John Flanagan of Biddulph, to date. Interested parties are looking anxiously for his whereabouts in order to force an assigunzent, to the end that the proceeds of his estate, which- is quite tx- tensive, may be realized. SVord was received. in Exeter on Satur- dav I'st of the death of Mr. John Bell of Hdmfenee formerly of Exeter; cause, In. grippe and complications. The many friends bele will no doubt be surprised ; and all will join in extending sympathy to the bereaved ftdmily. Several crows and robins have been seen in this neighborhood during the past few days, This may be an indication of an early spring, but as the weather this winter has been so contrary to the usual order of things, we need not bo surprised to experience a very revere storm before March. Then the bird adage will fail as it has helots failed. H B Blanchard, brother of the man killed at Parkhill recently, wishes Squire Jarvis to proceed against McColl, and has telegraphed to that effect. Squire Jarvis has telegraphed to McColl to gat his bail renewed, and has instructed aerbert B Blanchard to show what evidence he can produce. If the evidence is sufficient to warrant a re -opening of the case it will be done, but if not it will of course be dis- missed. Newspapers have devoted columns of space to arguments showing the value of advertising, sa,ysthe experienced journal- ist, but the practical lesson has been taught by extensive and successful adver- tisers, who have demonstrated the value of intelligent and liberal advertising by ex- ample, and who have, by their own work, compelled their competitors to follow or be left hopelessly behind in the race for business. The London Advertiser has this to say of the sidewalks in that city, and we feel constrained to add that in. no other city in Ontario are such miserable sidewalks to be found. They are so low that when it rains the walks are covered with water to a depth of two Inches : —Asphalt sidewalks are failures as evaporators of melted snow. They should be higher than the ground on either side of them, but the wise men who devised them seem to have thought differ. ently, and the result is that by the lixge majority of persons t..ey are voted nuisances." A rural correspondent and a farmer says: -" Why there are any farmers who desire closer relations with the U. S., ,is a ques- tion of surprise. Here are the prices of a few of the articles in this market of $60,- 000 000 :— Per cwt. 13eef (difficult to sell) 8 4 4 Pork 4 4i Hay (pressed per ton) 10 11 Wheat (per bushel) 60c to 7Oc Oats, 22c to 25c Potatoes, " 30o to 35c Butter and eggs are scarcely marketable ; barley and peas no market. Let commercial unionists ponder over these figures. A poor widowiu L don has fallen heir to 540,000. Queen Victoria receives an average of 340 letters a day. Six hundred thousand tons of ice have been harvested on the. Kennebec river. Mr. James Hamilton, Elma, claims that he saw a robin on Tuesday of last week. Bezenah, the pugilist who killed Tom James in Texas, has, been discharged on the ground that there is no law to indict a man for killing another in a licensed exhibition; The world-wide reputation of Ayer,s Sar- saparilla is the natural, result of its surpass- ing value as a blood medicine. Nothing, in the whole pbarmaoopceia,'effects ' more a- t nl ' o shtu rasa ' g tete, un scrofula, rheumatism, general debility; and all forms of blood disease,than this remedy. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's friend. Kir1?wtou. BaIsrs,—La Grippe has almost vanished from, the vicinity,-- . fr and Mrs Gla Kerley returned home last week from visiting friends in Mo]iillop,—.A series of serrioes Imre eowmenoed in St Laauis church, and will be continued each Wednesday evening iu Letst,--.1s' Wm Somerville has returned home from Dins head. i Urnv lee. Buyers, --Mise Annie Coates who spent the Christmas holidays at Immo returned last week to Tilbury (entre.—ha Qrippe seems to be oeashng its riiveges, hut it bee left many considerably weaker ---A block• eolith hae long been, desired in our village and will doubtless gratify many In learn that next week there will be a smith at the sliop,-...It will soon be necessary for every- body to keep a fierse mastiff or bulleiog in order to keep agents and peddlers from pestering thein to heath. A great many seem to be =red by these hard tithes to seek an easier and teeter way el making mouey.—Tbe revival sorvioas have not been well attended but have been fairly auccessfal as over twenty, mostly the S. S. eobolars have made a profession of the saving faith in Christ. ---Mr Wesley titer - wood, who recently took onto himself a lhfe partner, moved into the house on the St. Marys road between Winchelsea and h limvifle, The place Tooke much better now that it is occupied and we join their many friends in wishing stern v long and happy' married life.. -•iffy Francis and family who reside not ter from W inchelaea were the Tictinls of a plea=amt surprise from their friends and associates of the Senehine ooneregatiou on MIouday evening. A very plea/ scut time w.al spent. Mfr Francis laud Son have purchased a farm in Michigan and futeud gloving there soon. Crediton. Buyers,—Mies'Mary Wieland of Michigan is the guest of Mr Fred Wuerth.---Misses Lizzie and Lovina Merleck of Exeter spent Sunday in Crediton art the guests of their wothor,--Mr 3 W Grant inteudu moving to Exeter by March let. where be will asmumo the leadorehip of the baud. --Mr Fred Gebauor who has been i1.1 mule last annimor is failingrapidly p T and paralysis has satin on one side, he is not expected to live another fortnight. Mra Gebauer has also mot with an accident by which her arm was brokeu. Truly trouelee never c;mo singly.—On. Tuesday lest Division'(1ourt wrg held in the Town Hall before' his honor Judge Doyle. A number oY caeca were disposed of sad a few postponed until next court. The ease of McLean lei Willert was interesting and the decision a;,ows that a chattel mortete e given when the mortgager is in insolvent circumstances does not hold good as against other oreditore. Iu the absence of bailiff Banes bailiff Gill of Exeter officiated during the former part of the court and gave the audience to understand that In was run- ning the show.—Mr Fred Heist has purch- ased from Geo /dote the tile machine lately in use by him and has moved it to his yard where he will manufacture tile during the Doming season, --Tho Pastor and Sept of the Sunday school of the German church have engaged/ Mr Howie, the blind leetnrer, who is a native of Palestine to deliver a course of three lectures on the evenings of March 4th, Sal and 6th. His subjects will be on the Holy Land, and promises to be interesting_ Admission to lecture 10 etc each or the three for 25 cents. Proceeds to go towards the S S Library. The Canadian press speak highly of Mr Howie's lectures and he has been attracting large audiences wherever he has been, he will speak in the English language and appear in oriental costume, Heneall The Canadian -bred trotting stallion Amber by Clear Grit, formerly owned by Mr. P. J., Pikoy, of B.-antford, stands at the highest fee of any of the stallions owned by tbo Itilian Government, which paid $3,500 forhim in Ger- many last year.—Ex. Amber F. owned by Mr. T Murdock of Hensen, is son of Amber, and is ooeof the best stallions in Canada He will stand at Murdook's stables during the incom- ing season Deol9-2m Bluets—Mrs Davidson, of Stratford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Rev) E.A,Fear. —Mr. Coad was at Wingham last week, at his brother's funeral, —Mr. Geo. Kydd had au auction sale last week, preparatory to going to Montana. where he intends spend- ing the summer.—Prof. Brush, the horse - trainer, was in tows on Monday, and gave an exhibition.—Rev. J. S,. Henderson and wife are on a visit to their former home at Melbourne.—We are pleased to state that Mr. John MoClymont who had his arms; badly smashed about two weeks ago, whilst coupling cars, is progressing favorably, -- Messrs. A. Murdoch & Co., are making ex: teneive improvements in the 'Mansion Hotel,' and when completed it will be one of the finest and best equipped hotels in the county. In this connection we are pleased to note that Mr. A 14lurdooh has entirely recovered from his late illness, and has as- sumed the active management of the house —Dr. McTavish of Seaforth was in town this week. —Mr R. Young and wife of Wing - ham, but formerly of this place, were in town a few days during the week.—The Presbyterians will hold their anniversary and aaored concert, on Sunday and Monday next, 231-5 and. 241h,—The regular meeting of the Y P M I Association was held on Monday evg. last. The attendance was large, though the roads were bad. The pro gramme consisted of readings, reoitations, essays, songs and three-minute impromptu speeches. The next meeting will be held on the lot Monday of March, when a very. interesting debate will be on hand.—An exchangef o pulpits s was madeon p P Sunday last between , e ween Rev d Mr. 'Ra ce of Blyth and Y Y Rev'd Mr Bridgman of St Paul's ohuroh here. ---Miss Ella Carlisle of Brussels, who has been visiting relatives' here for `some, time, returned home on Monday morning.' —The Canadian Order of Foresters bore. is, we are pleased to say, rapidly growing, no fewer than seven initiatiohs taking plane on Tuesday night last, at their reviler meeting. "1 have used Ayer,s i?ilie for the past 30 years, and satisfied I should not be alive to day if it hail not been for them. They cured me of dyspepsia when all other rem- edies failed." -T. P. Bonner, Cheater,` Pa, Ayer,s Pills are sold by all druggists, Ceiltrssi R. O. }Y, Smith having made arrangements to ran the Centralia Cheese Factory daring the coming Aearresi would respectfully motifs the faotory iwilkb© runmtots fediesdertent diet the b t those wishing to become patrons will be dealt dsaired Will bee cheerfulli Given on a P11 ate p Soliciting the kind' patronage of ail, ire/awn yours trulT, C. W. Sawa. 'WI/alert. tree have received from title poet re, a OQtr Mtlnication, the purport of which is directed no doubt,, 84 the Twee' -arrecpondeJ5t, in !retaliation for au its 4 pubiished in leis last Reek's budget, co cerning the local ma'ksolan ; but as the writer has the wrong n. an in mind, and .ss his attack is eorpowhat i ersoual upon inner- -��-- the eoturnuuicl.inn. if published. net have the effect desired. At all we ihnagiee that the cenu gnicarion is sorrl°what hare!), as the item refereed te. froul our way of interpreting it, was lotaed ed ate a gagers harmlevs joke. The writer would do well to di cover the guiitT mean. -- Era. Ti:ix9. Farquhar. lirtt> Fa.—paepite the incietneuey of the ether there was a crowded home at they entertainment given in the hall on Friday last by the Independent Order of Foresters. The program was filled by local talent. Misa Park famed the audienoe with selections which were well reeeivod and art brought forth nese g 1 rncri to do genres. hiatus - 1116113i0 by a trap was gireti in goad etyti Mr. G. >v,, Money fully suetsiuod lds former reputation and brought forth peals of laughter and hearty encores to hie raudition of comic Bongs to which he resended. A comic duet by Messrs, Money and Vickers entitled "Deer um is that ppoosAble," wee very laughable aud is one of Mr Monex's composition, they responded to eueore with a ronderiug of "We are two champ." The dialogues deserve si>ecial eulogy each one taking part doing just= to the portion assigned theta. The worthy roore of Uaborneand U 1) of Farquhar Court I 0 F., Mr Tilos Eayoccupied the chair anal disposed of the programme in a meaner eattsfactory to all. Brucefleld,, Buten,—Mr Bolin Jamieson, ono of our meet papulas young men, has gone to spend a month or two in Granton, preparatory to going to Mauiloba. Ho wilt be greatly missed hole as he was a general favorite with all. May success go with flim, --Misses Ellen and Bella AlaDnuald are upending a : w well earned holidays under the parental. ♦roc.` : w , ..... .., • t , i .► T,nr;l's C r n.. pen n by td -1; e pastor. The Tho A u °1surch lastSalib t ervhee on Tries a ,h conducted by Rev ere B Y was Acheson of lifppeu. A,i'a by by Rev Mr very largely attended.--Tlre7e,"zeos were turor Dr. Cadieux of New York;)EPted 1ec. known in Canada and the United S2 well delivered one of his highly inetrnctivc aole. entertaining lectures in Union church iu mid of the Royal Temxlars of this village, The meetings were largely attended coa- sidering the weather and bad state of the roads. Hia lectures were without exception the most interesting and thrilling we have ever heard, in fact the like of snob lectures were never heard in these parts. The Pastor of the church, Rev J S Sim icon, occupied the chair. Proceeds amounted to 525. --rhe Royal Templars intend holding a social at the residence of Bro Dallas, 2nd con of Tackersmith on Tuesday evening March 4th. A good programme has been provided and a good time is looked for. A hearty invitation is extended to all. Ad- mission singlo tickets 25 eta or 2 for 25 cts. Misses Annie and (lassie Diehl have obtained situations in Clinton, We wish them every success in their new labor. Bayfield. Bx7EFs.—A few evenings ago anumber of youud people had a grand time dancing al the residence of Mr Andrew Stacker, Sable line.—One evening last week a dancing party was held in Stapleton, at the home of Miss Hattie Fordon, and the following from Bayfield were present, and report a grand time ;—Messrs John Morgan, John David- son, John Gemeinbard, H King, W Stalker H Darrah, Misses E Erwin, IC Ahrens, M Connell,—Mr V'Roth, who has lived here for a number of years, has disposed of his property and intends moving with his family to Listowel. We are sorry to see them leave and wish them every happiness in their new home. On Thursday evening a grand farewell party was given by Miss Roth.—Messrs Jas Ferguson and John Moyan had a pleasant time last week with the bronchos. With a little more experi- ence they will become expert horsemen.— Mr Hugh McLeod is busily engaged building a large fishing boat. When Obrie gets on. deck look oat for squalls.—Mi Richard Loohart is now driving the stage foe Mr D. Hays who is at present very ill,—Ails Nora Ferguson had the misfortune to scald her hand very severely with hot lard last week —We understand Dr Nichol who has prac- ticed here for the past five or six years, has disposed of hie property and will soon re- move with his family to Hamburg where they formerly resided. Hie successor is Dr W H Wright, 0 M, graduate Viotoria Uni- versity 1885, College. of Physicians and Surgeons 1885, New York Post Graduate College and Hospital 1800. We welcome Dr Wright to Bayfield, and trust he will soon establish a large and lucrative prao- tioe.—We are pleased to see Dr Stanberry. is, again able to attend his patients after see attack of la grippe.—Died, in Stanley, town- ship, Bayfield Road, on Friday, Feb 14th, Ann F nsou a formerly wife of the late MI Ching, aged 75 years.—In Bayfield village on Friday, Feb 141h,' Rev George Jamieson, aged 67 years. Deceased was well knowu and highly respected, and .since Rey AL. Forrest's removal has taken charge of 51, Andrew's eburah,, Bayfield, and Bethany church; Goderiolh tp,. and by those oongre• - gatious will be'greatly missed.—Rias A 13eettie of Clinton, is visiting friends herr, .-Miss Mary Huestou has returned .from a visit to ' Lustowad de -Mr James Huestran btu , pnrohased a' nn 5300 team. --Mrs T J. Moorehouse ha. returned after e 10091111 visit with her lughtote in Liuoonniug, Mich. borough and on 're,. j'us' ' 0!Londee ;7