The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-06-04, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1953 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH JUNE. 7—First Sunday after Trinity 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION (Choral) 7 p.m. EVENSONG. Thursday, June 11 --St. Barnabas' Da) Holy Communion at 10.30 a.m. A. W. ANDERTON, Organist and Choirmaster. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A.. Db.. Rector North Street United Church SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1953 REMEMBER THE SHUT-INS 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "When It's Hard to Hold an Opinion." 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. Rev. W. J. Rogers of Hensel) will be the guest minister at the evening service. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MR. IL A. CLARK. Organist and Choirmaster KnoX Presbyterian Church 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. REV. R. G. MacMILLAN. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister. Director of Praise. Goderich Baptist 'Church MONTREAL STREET Minister: Rev. tan G. Hind, B.A., B.D. Organist (Interim) Mss. E. Donaldson 10 a.m. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETS. 11 a.m. "1 AM THE BREAD OF LIFE." 7 p.m. "HIGH FLIGHT." Monday 8 p.m. Young People's Union. Wednesday 8 p.m. Hour of Power. Golden Text—Show me Thy ways 0 Lord, teach me Ps. 25:4. / Thy paths. - The Church of the Light and Life Hour heard each Sunday at 9 a.m.-900 CHMt—Welcomes YOU to worship -at the Free Methodist Church - CORNER VICtORIA AND PARK STREETS 10 a.m. Your Sunday School convenes. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Wednesday, June 10—Prayer Meeting. Thursday, June 11—Christi,an Youth Crusaders. Ps. 150:6 Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. REV. G. E. BABCOCK, 84 Park St. (Pastor) Phone 897R BETHEL TABERNACLE WATERLOO AND ELGIN REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER, PASTOR SUNDAY' SERVICES 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL—Save Tomorrow's Generation TODAY. 11 a.m. REMEMBRANCE—RECOGNITION—REVELATION. 7.30 p'.m. THE LANGUAGE- OF BROKEN THINGS. Tuesday 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.m. Presentation Service. THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME. ,AUBURN UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY • and ANNUAL FLOWER SERVICE. SUNDAY, JANE 7 11 a.m. REV. W. J. MAINES, B.A., Brucefleld, Ontario. Junior Choir and Program. 7.30 p.m. REV. A. R. CRAGG, Waterloo, Ontario. Orchestra, Ontario St., Clinton. Minister: REV. C. C. WASHINGTON, B.A., B.D. Superintendent: MR. CHARLES SCOTT The offering of hydraulic power A six-wheelrive,yehicle which steering gears in passenger cars can operate under water with the 1s the culmination of more • than aid of a "snorkel" breathing de'\ice twenty years of engineering, ex- is in production for the Canadian perimentation and development army at the Oshawa, Ont., plant of work by General Motors. General Motors of Canada. THE VOICE - OF BETHEL. REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER ONE SIN IN HEAVEN A Christian worker - once asked a twelve -year-old child this question: "How -many sins would *it take to shut one out of heaven?" " The child replied thoughtfully, "Could God .allow one sin an heaven any more than one thousand?" God could not. One sin in Eden spoiled it all and the earth beside. The human misery and suffering is the fruit of i5ftiCARY: n i t tl;"+Dl 11Id"l "_•rOftler'bylillrbile-Aft ..pe lifted- t5' enter its portals. God's Word says in Re'. 21:27, And there shall in no wise enter into ,it anything that defileth . . . ., but they, which are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. ' I do not think.•there is anyone who will declare that they have not committed one sin. If such there be God's Word disproves any such boasting. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Rom. 3:23. Many expect to go to heaven and still more would like to go. It is God's highest desire that everyone of His human creation teach heaven. There must be some place found for our•sin. there is but one way to get rid of sin. "Christ died for our sins." I Cor. 15:3. The blood of Jesus Christ, Gold's Son, cleanseth us from all sin. I John 1:76. You must have your sins cleansed now and receive here your passport for heaven or you cannot enter there. Sponsored by the Bethel Adult Class THE OOD6WOH BIGt1AL@l'Al TIP FOR IZAAK WALTOI$. NOw TO REMOVE FISH-HQOK The pretty girls shown above weren't included as part of the winner's spoils. The handsome trophy. however, was presented by the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company to the district winning the most points in the A11 -Ontario Interscholastic Track and Field Championships held at Lake Couehiehing. The Tor- onto High School Cheerleaders shown above are Cynthia Forbes, Malvern Collegiate; Doris Christoff, Central Tech; Toni Cox, Jarvis 'Collegiate, and Ivi Riives, Central Tech. BOTH DIP DEEP (The Financial Post) Both Canadians and Americans pay out the same amounts of their personal incomes . to , keep the wheels within wheels ofgovern- ments spinning—federal, provinc ial (or state) and municipal. For 1951 and 1952 Canadians paid in total taxes 32% of their per capita personal incomes, and Am- ericans 31%, says a new table on tax burdens produced by the Can- adian Tax Foundation. And where does the money go? Relatively more of the Canadian tax dollar goes to welfare pay- ments, relatively Iess to defense, than in the„ U.S. As a result, our per capita financial udertaking for defense is less. And this is what our critics like to emphasize. As well, the relative burden of income AUDITORS A Number of Young Professionals Accountants are Required for Service in Kitchener. • Must Have Degree and Public Auditing Experience. Excellent opportunity for advance- ment while acquiring valuable technical training in an interesting and diversified field of . auditing. Starting Salary $4,200.00 Apply to MR. L. A. CRAIG Bedford Hotel Goderich, Ontario after 11 a.m.23 NNR•NNi4lNN•NONNi •••••• •••••••••••••••••41114 Accounlants A Number of Young Accountants are Required for Service in Kitchener. Must have at least three years j broad accounting experience. Excellent opportunity for advance- ment while acquiring valuable technical training in an interesting and diversified field of accounting. Starting Salary According” is ..c Qualifications. $3,010.00 and $3,740.00 Apply to MR. L. 4. CRAIG Bedford- Hotel Goderich, Ontario Friday, June Sth, 1953 after 11 a.m. 23 NNO tax is less here than in the U.S. And that too, is supposed to show our lack of interest in world af- fairs and hardships. Less is said about the proportionally much greater burden of sales and excise taxes in this country. Nothing can upset the act which the Tax Foundation's table makes clear, that individual Canadians have just as heavy a tax burden on personal income as have in- dividual Americans. Whether it goes for welfare or for defense is another matter and one which the individuals can hardly decide from year to year because the welfare items are largely fixed ones. In adidtion, it is a matter of opinion whether certain items in both countries are properly charge- able to defense. The main point seems to be that both of us are paying heavy taxes. And Canadians could not make any additional contribution to defense without increasing the total tax burden. And that is reasonably high now for any long term, and in 1951 and 1952 at least equal to that of the Americans. QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. Does Vancouver or Montreal handle the largest total of foreign cargo in a year? 2. Where are the "Reversing Falls?".• This is the time of year when fishing accidents occur and the angler instead of. the fish " "gets booked." One of ' the best methods of removing a fish-hook from human flesh, approved by physicians, and recommended by Department of Lands and Forests conservation officers, is as follows: 'First, study the wound for a moment and decide the best direc- tion to point the „hook to force it our through the flesh without strik- ing anything vulnerable, such as a bona or blood vessel. Carefully and firmly turn the point of the hook to the direction decided upon and force it right through the flesh with a quick, controlled motion. 'When the barb is free outside the flesh, cut off barbed point with a pair of sharp - side -cutting pliers ( a -pair of which is a must in every tackle box) and withdraw the remainder of the hook backward the way it went in. Fish-hook wounds are very likely to become infected. To allow the cut to dry up and close on the surface while possible germs re- main imbedded inside is to invite infection. That is bad enough` when modern medical aid is avail- able but is far ,worse when one is away off in the busfrAnany miles from such care. The wound, therefore, should be encopuraged to bleed for awhile after the fish-hook • has been re- moved.. 'This will relieve the wound of some of the dirt and possible germs. It should then be sterilized with alcohol from your first-aid kit or a little iodine (but not enough to cause an iodine burn). `Never place adhesive over a fish-hook wound or cover it with greasy ointment. The best treat- ment, after encouraging the wound to bleed for a time, is to cover it with a moist boracic dressing. Keep the dressing moist and change it frequently. The travelling salesman was away from home for a fete days. A courteous hotel clerk -handed him a copy of his home -town news- paper, and with , amazement he found a notice of his own death in the obituary column. He rushed to the phone and made a long distance call to his wife, explaining everything. "Darl- ing," he began, excitedly, "have you seen the notice of my death in the newspaper?" "Yes, sweetheart,' came the re- ply. "Where are . you calling from?" Always use cold water in wash- ing your car and never wash it in the direct rays of the hot sun. Always wait until the metalsur- faces have cooled before starting to wash the car, General Motors advises. Nichikun lake in the Ungava area of northern Ontario has an area of 150 square miles. 3. Was the total "of immigrants in 1952 more or less than in 1951? 4. What body regulates activities of privately owned radio stations in Canada? - 5. Is a greater amount of,'.Carlada's forest wealth harvested annually for fuel, by the pulp and paper industry, for lumber and Logs, or consumed "by fire and disease? ANSWERS: 5. Annual forest con- sumption is 29 per cent by fire and disease, 25 per cent for lumber and logs, 24 per cent for fuel, 221 per cent for pulp and paper. 3. 1952 total was 164,498; -195I total was 1-94,391. 1. Montreal. 4. The CBC. 2. At the mouth of the St. John River, N.B. (Material splied by the editors of Quick Capgdian Facts, the hand- book of facts about Canada.), Don't Spoil a - good typewriter for lack of a little expert service ... Call 611 SKEOCH'S BLUE WATER MARKET SALES & SERVICE LAKEVIEW. CASINO GRAND BEND EVERY SATURDAY MUSIC BY NEIL McK'Y and -hip ALL-STARS FEATURING JUNE, JOHNNY, AND THE QUARTETTE .n 23tf Counter Sales Check_ Books - • PLAIN or PRINTED Printed, Bummed Tapes obtainable at Signal -Star Ltd. West Bt. Phone 71 IN MEMORIAM CHASE.—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Herb ert B. Chase, who passed away one year ago, June 2, 1952. His road was hard, his pleasures few, He did not deserve what he went through; These words are written, with deep regret, By those who loved him and can't forget. —Always remembered by his wife Laura and family. - 23 MOWERS.—In loving memory of my dear Dad and Grampa who passed away in Longlac, June 8, 1951. Life is empty without you, Dad, Nothing's the same any more; - Still we listen in vain for the sound of your voice, And your laugh and your step at the door. As we open our eyes to the dawn- ing Of each new God-given day,. In one split second things seem as before, Then we suddenly know you're away. Two years to this day Dad darling, Death took you away on its wings; And left our life empty and broken Without you in the scheme of things.. So we drift through this life of the present, And look to our meeting at last; But in .mind and - in heart we're with you Dad, In our irretrievable past. —Sadly missed by his daughter Myrtle and grandson Harold. 23x Experiments by Genliral Motors engineers reveal that if a car with a white top and a car with a black top are parked side by side in the sun, the lighter topped car will remain 15 degrees cooler . inside. this day is yours ...forever All the magic of this longed -for day is yours forever in your wedding portrait. You can depend upon our skill and experience -to make your portrait a flawless mirror of this Day. We invite you to come in, or phone for your appointment early, HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE GODERICH CARD OF THANKS THE FAMILY OF THE LATE Wm. Henry Young would like to thank those who sent flowers, loaned cars, or assisted them in any way. -23 AUCTION ' SALE. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS SATURDAY, JUNE 13 at Ernest J. Craig's, Palmerston Street, at 1.30 p.m.' Further an- nouncement in next week's ,issue. -23 NE SPECIALS! Made-to-rneasure EN'S SUITS --- Top QualityMake --- GABS, PIC & PIC, WORSTEDS We guarantee our fit. It must fit ,or you do not have to take the garment. CHECK THESE PRICES C Range - Reg:'" $48.95 - Special Range - Reg. $54.95 - Special 38.95 4.95. M Range - Reg. $59.95 - Special 49•95 Remember - * they must fit or you are not obligated to take the suit. GERRARDS t-