HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-05-21, Page 11THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1933
AUBURN, May 2O. --Mr. and
F. O. Mellveen attended the con-
vocation exercises at Queen's Uni-
versity, Kingston, when their
youngest son, John Eric, relayed'
the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
He was also among the graduates
of the School of Physical and
Health Education at Queen's. '
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jardin and
family, of Clarksburg, visited the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Straughan at the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, of
Waterloo, called on friends here
Miss Mary Houston, of Hamilton,
Miss Frances Houston, R.N., Lon-
don, and Miss Jean Houston, M.A.,
and Miss J. Jamieson, of Toronto,
were week -end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Houston. '
is collecting wool for grading and
sale on the co-operative plan.
SHIPPERS may obtain sacks and
`twine free of charge from the
above or their Licensed Operators.
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Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison
visited friends in St. Marys on
Mrs. Fred, Ross and Donald Ross
visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duff
and fancily, Windsor, over the
week -end.
Mrs. Archie Robinson attended
the officer's conference of the Wo-
men's Institute • held at Guelph
last' week.
Mr. and Mrs Herb Mogridge aze
visiting friends at Kitchener and
Mr. Brown Milne, student of
Western University will have
charge of the services of Knox
Presbyterian Church for the sum-
mer, months.
The interior of Knox Presby-
terian Church is being re -decor-
ated., Mr. Fred Prest, of Londes-
boro, has the contract.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Craig vsit-
ed over the holiday with friends
in Flint, Mich., and Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. W#Haim S. Craig,
of Toronto, also Mr. George Wilkin,
of London, visited Mr. and Mrs.
William J. Craig over the week-
W.M.S. Meets. --Mrs. Don Haines
gave her home for the May meet-
ing of the W.M.S. of Knox Presby-
terian Church. The president,
Mrs. W. Good presided and opened
the meeting with prayer. The
Scripture was read by Mrs: Warner
Andrews artd meditations were
given by Mrs. Fred Ross and Mrs.
Roy Daer. An interesting letter
from Miss Ida White of India was
read by Mrs. Don Haines. Current
events were reviewed by Mrs. John
Houston. A pleasing solo was
rendered by Mrs. Wes. Bradock.
The .chapter in the stilly book
was taken by Mrs. F, O. McUveen. silver bowl of and lour tall
The minutes of the previous meet- tapers is Silver Ito rs and ether
ing well read andado A servitrsce were Tint sawed ri{ee
id to Mrs A. G srd
card of hanks was It was
decided to have a shower for a
sanitarium the articles to be left
either, with Mrs., Herb Govier or
Mrs. J. W. Graham. An invitation
was accepted from St. Paul's An-
glican -Church, Clinton, to meet
there May 19 to hear an address
by Miss M. J. Scott. Meeting
closed with prayer by Mrs. Good.
The : hostess, assisted by Mrs.
Davies, served � dainty refresh-
The eighth meeting of the
Auburn Teen -Age Entertainers was
held gat the home, of Marion Taylor
when the girls entertained their
mothers.' Rena McClinchey pre-
sided and opened., the meeting by
singing with June Leatherland at
the piano. Marion Taylor led in a
singsong accompanied by her.mo-
ther at the piano. Contests were
conducted by Betty Sturdy, Joann
.,Easom, Rena McClinchey and' Mar-
ion Taylor. Margaret Wright de-
monstrated how to pack an over-
night bag. Maripn Taylor and
-Betty Sturdy set a table service
for one person. Lunch was served.
Tu (p, Tea. — A tulip tel was
spon ored by the Auburn Horti-
cultural Society at the residence
of 'Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogridge,
Goderich street on Friday. A
good number took advantage of
this tulip display. The home was
delightful with large baskets of
tulip's and spring flowers. Mrs.
Edgar Lawson was convener of
floral arrangements. Receiving
the .guests with the hostess was
the president, Mrs. W. T. Robison.
Conducting a tour of the flowers
and inviting the guests to the tea
room was .Mrs, R. J. Philips. Pour-
ing at a well-appointed table with
lace cloth and centred with a low
s. Taylor. Se were Mrs.
F. Ross, Mrs. W. Mrs.
H. Sturdy. Misii E. Hutch, Mrs. T.
Haggitt and Mrs. C. Brown. As-
sisting with the tea arrangements
were Mrs. William Straughan, Mrs.
George Sturdy, Mrs. Carl `Mills
and Mrs. C. Straughan. The door
prize went to . Evelyn McMichael;
lucky bouquet, Miss Alice Roger-
son, Blyth; first gentleman to have
a cup of tea, Dr. B. C. 'Weir; Most
recent member. Miss Marion Tay-
lpr. Three .new members were
added to the roll at this meeting.
The (Horticultural Society is doing
a good work in helping to beautify
the village. Two new gardens ap-
pear this year, the Loftus garden
on Loftus street and the J. J.'s
garden at the east end of Goderich
• KINGSBRIDGE, May 20.—Rev.
Fr. Cyril O'Keefe, of Toronto, vis-
ited at his homestead 011 Sunday,
and officiated at the 8.30 mass in
St.. Joseph's.
Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins, of Sarnia.
were guests of Mr. and Mrs, John
Kelly over. the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe,Fitzpatrick and
son Kenny, of Kitchener, spent
the week -end visiting at the O'Neill
Miss Mary Friedman, of Preston,
visited at the rectory over the
week -end.
Dennis Dalton and James Wal-
lace made a business trip to Mild-
may last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finnie and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. Reid, of
Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. James Wallace for a few days.
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CARLOW, May 20, the W,M.S.
of Smith's Hill met at the home of
Mrs. Gordon' McPhee. Mrs. Percy
McBride, the leader fos the day,
gave the invocation and call to
worship. Scripture was read by
Mrs. Tait Clark. The study book
was given by. Mrs. Treble. The
minutes were read and adopted.
16 members answered the roll call
with a verse on a flower. The
ladies presented Mrs. Harrower
with a cup and saucer. as a rettiem-
brance of Smith's Hill W.M.S. Mrs.
Tait Clark gave the report of the
Presbyterial The meeting closed
with a hymn. 'Mrs. McPhee, as-
sisted by her 'daughter, Mrs. Pen-
nington, and Susan, served a de-
licious ltineh.
The Tiger Dunlop Institute will
meet in Carlow Hall on the even-
ing of May 26. The members of
the Club Girl Entertainers will be
present and give a demonstration.
Miss Joan Clark, accompanied
by a friend, Miss Arlene Rock.
visited at her home for a day' last
The current spring project "The
Club Girl Entertains,' sponsored
by the Tiger Dunlop Women's In-
stitute is drawing to a successful
close. On Tuesday, the 14 mem-
bers of the Happy Hostess Club met
at the home pf their leader, Mrs.
Lloyd S. Young, to entertain their
mothers at tea. Following the
final meeting on Friday evening,
the members presented the leader
with a gift in appreciation of her
work on their behalf.
DONNYBROOK, May 20. -- The
May meeting of the W.M.S. and
W.A.. was held on Tuesday after-
noon at the home of Mrs. John R.
Thompson with Mrs. Mark Arm-
strong presiding. Mrs. Gordon
Naylor gave a reading, Mrs. Sam
Thompson read the Bible lesson
and Mrs. Washington led in prayer.
The chapter from the study book
was read • by Mrs. R. Chamney.
Minutes of the April meeting were
approved as read. Mrs. Arm-
strong closed the meeting. Mrs.
N. Thompson had, charge of the
W.A. meeting. Mrs. Washington
spoke of the work of the W.A. A
bazaar was held with an attend-
ance of. 15.
Bob Chamney, of Owen! Sound,
was a geek -end visitor at the home
of Isis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Chamney.
Miss Lucy Thompson, of Onond-
`ago, was home over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson
and family, of Kippen, „were Sun-
' day visitors with Mr. and ' Mrs.
Stuart Chamney.
ASIiFIELD, May 20. --Mrs. Al-
lan, of Toronto, is visiting, her
daughter, Mrs. John Gould.,
Mr. Charles MacGregor, of
Kitchener, spent the week -end
with his brother; Mr. Fred Mac -
+i Miss Mabel Macdonald of Wind
sor, was home for the weak -end.
11Ir. and Mrs. Douglas Houston,
of Toronto, are visiting . with Mr.
and Mrs. Colin MacGregor.
Misses Anna and Charlotte Mac-
kenzie of Toronto spent the week-
end with their sister, Mrs. Earl
The May meeting of the W.M.S.
•is being held on Thursday at the
home of -Mrs. Colin MacGregor.
Services at Ashfield Preslvter-
ian Church will be cancelled on
May 31 while Ripley Presbyterian
Church is holding its anniversary
The teacher and pupils of Hem-
lock City School enjoyed a buy
trip to. Detroit last Friday.
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NILE, May 20;—Mr. and Mrs.
James Spragge, of Toronto. spent
last week with Mrs. i1. Spragge
and Mr. and Mrs. W'Valter, Pettrnan
and .Arthur Spragge.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels, Tor-
onto, visited Mrs. Amelia Mellwain
ori Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie
and D. A. McKenzie, of Blyth,
were guests of Mrs. Herb Morris
on Sunday. D. A. McKenzie left
for the mission field in Saskateh- I
ewan on Monday.
*Rev. J. Harrower- has accented a
call to Lawrence beginning July 1.
The May meeting of , the Nile
W.A. was held in the church with
19 members present. The meeting
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WESTFIELD, May 20. -- Mess,
Lorna Buchanan, of London, spent
the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchan.
Mrs. Annie Wolper, of Aanuburn,
spent last week , with her sister,
Mrs. Gordon Snell.
Mrs. William Mackintosh, t�f
Wyoming, was`' a week -end guest
,at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Marvin McDowell.
Miss Frances Aitken, of Wing -
ham, spent Sunday with her aunt.
Mrs. Hugh Blair.
Mr. and Mts. H. I. Smith, Mrs.
J. E, Ford, Miss Sally Taylor, were
week -end guests at the .home of
Mrs. Frank ChmpbelL
Mr, and Mrs. Bud Johnson and
family, of Toronto, were guests
over the week -end at the home
of Mrs. Fred Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Jardin and
family. of Toronto, were week -end
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger
and family, Mr. Will Snell, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Manse! Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshall and
Julia Ann, of Toronto, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur Spiegel-
berg and family visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Robt. Fitzgerald and
Mrs. Richard Gardiner of Dun-
Mr. Ed. Brooks, of Hamilton,
visited over the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Bosman
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak and -fam-
ily, of Crewe, Mr. Albert Nethery,
of Hamilton, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Fred Cook and family.
Mr, arld Mrs. J. de` Wilde and
children, Mr. Jan de Wilde, of
Holland, are spending some v4ime
with Mr. and Mrs. Ruur Koopman.
The iiiisstoolk' .Band meeting
held in the Sunday school roan on
Sunday afternoon with a
tendaice. The meetingo.
repeating the members' purpose
in unison. The Scripture was
read by Lyle Smith, prayer by
Mrs. Norman McDewel . Readings
were given by Ronald Snell and
Garth Walden. • The study book
was taken oy Mrs. Hugh Blair and
the story was told by Mrs. ' Me-
DowelL The meeting closed wilt
prayer by Mrs. 'Blair.
The . monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. was held in the church
school room on Wednesday after-
noon of last week with 14 present.
Jeanetta Snell assisted at the piano
with the program in charge of
A "` ''. 'from Africa Cook.
Lola Campbell. The study kook
was taken by Mos. F. Cook ?lir
president, Mrs. Charles Smith, was
in charge of the business.
roll call was answered by a 'Yestin
of Scripture. The report of . Alae
presbyterial meeting held at Gods -
rich was given by. Mrs.' Howard
Campbell ` A temperance
was given by Mrs. Hugh Blair. ' t
letter of appreciation was' read
from the Teachers' Training School
In Toronto for money sent. The
meeting closed with prayer by Mrs.
C. C. Washington.
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with Mrs. A. Kerr
cd with a hymn, fo
by Mrs. Kerr. S
was read -by Mr
The topic was rea
Readings were gi
Matthews. Roll . c
were read. Busi
lowed. The meati
hymn, The hostes
Fisher, Mrs. McGttatten and Mcs.
in charge open -
lowed by prayer
ripture reading
Ray • Fisher.
-1 by Mrs.. Kerr.
en by Mrs. H.
11 and minutes
ess period fol-
ig closed with a
'es were Mrs.
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