The Exeter Times, 1890-2-6, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS. The Latest Current News Throughout the District, A creamery is to be started in Clin- ton, by a joint stook company. Mr, Robt, Keeler of Mitchell, is dangerously ill of pneumonia, brought an by an attack ofla grippe. Fifty-six sheep and lambs killed, and twenty worried shows the prowess of Bosanquet dogs during the past year at a cost of $284.17. There have been several fatal oases sit la grippe in Parkhill. A prominent resident, W. E. Wilkinson, was one of the victims. Mr. James Prindiville, farmer, of Logan, has assigned —Mr. Andrew Cameron, baker of Ailsa Craig, has assigned. William Stroud of the 14th con. of Aahwood, was killed In the lumber woods in Michigan last week. I'he parents have the aympathv of the com- munity in their sad affliction. Last week Mr. John Thompson, of he village of Nairn, out and split 12 ords at wood from an elm tree, which grew on the farm of Nett MoTaggart Etq., 4th con, East Williams. Mrs. Farmer, wife al Christopher Farmer, the e,'r. IL brakeman who was killed to Strattor:d a few -clays ago, has through her solieitore entered suit as dna the O.1'.Re for $20,00e. It is with regret that we have to chronicle the death of the late Mr• Bumphrev Baird of Grand Bend. wheat* s i s were 1st reels. n r i s was 85. veers- twee , interred in the Grand Bend cemetery, On Annie'', the ;,6th tilt. The other dao' a :lir. Bowker of Stephen, met with a serious accident While in Park hid. 'le Watt drivi ,g (;long the road when his wagon canoe in content with another wagon, throw- ing him s iolentiy to the ground and cutting his bead aevere y. 'arab Smith, a pitted of Mies tt ma. Gowan, teacher ot School Section No. 13. Btanshard, bas beeuawarder' seaoncl scholarship in a"nneetton with the December eCMAI natenn of 1889en- trance trance to liigli Sehooth. County Council. of Huron. The county council of Huron assembled in the. court house of Goderieh on Tuesday afternoon of Last week The firat business being the election of a warden. Joseph Griffin, reeye of Ashfield, wan nominated by Messrs. Manning and Betz, and John Britton, reeve of fIullett. was nominated by Dr. Rollins and Mr - Cook , r -Cook, A ballot resulted in a tie, each candidate receiving 24 votes, and the muni- cipality of Howick having the largest equalized aesessment, the reeve of that nunicripality gave the casting vote in favor o` M". Britton, wbo was declared duly elected, and sworn in, Mr. Britton re- turned thanks for the bonor done him. A selecting committee to strike the standing committes for the year was bel toted for, resulting in Messrs. Milne, Ratz, Girven. Cook and McKenzie being chosen. On motion of Messrs, Beck and Smith, Mr. R. Radcliffe of Goderieb, was appoint ed auditor, and the warden appointed .lir,. Jame'r Patton as the other auditor, On Motion of elessra. Kay and :4anniag, Mr Halle of Goderich and Mr Turnbull of Cdntou, were appointed on the board of county examinees of =heel teachers. The memorial of the municipal couven- tir•n to the Lieutenant Governor in council was rear* and referred to the special com- mi:tee. SEC01:D DAT-^-WEDNFSDAY, Council resumed at ten o'clock. All the members present except Messrs Proudfoot and Mcalurehic—absent through illness. The selecting cotnmitte presented the following lid( at stludiag committee ; 1:yr tiazenoteeDultnage, Griffin, Milne, MaiLean ontlfout, Hess Ratz, c Aur- chie Johnston. Wilson anti lienueweis, FINANCE •.-.Cook, Either, Taylor, Mc Pherson. Rollins. O•dver. Cox. MManui"g, Saimiris. Strothera, Kay, Kelly, ;lloonoy, Ti"raucet McKenzie, ROAD AND BIOME. • --Gtre„ol y, Bryan. Scott, Efeyreek, Girvin, Bissett, Kydd,. Beacom„ Howe, Beck, Jacque. T'hompeon, Webber, f ochert Castles. SC11001. As» PlttliTINO...Anderson, Gra- hem, C'ae'1e5, Henderson, Smith. Malloy, Wilson Torrance, Ttylor. Masa Strothers. JAIL. AVD Comte Horse. ---Johnston, fihcrritt, Jacques , :rratt, Howe Morrison. son . .yr 1. Ie roGk, ler, Lohart. Gregory McKenzie Miss assLte 'rumba, only daughter Set,Mair+.--Rollin%(Ivrdt e. Kelly, Beek, of the worthy head weeder of the S.tnders, Beacom, Bryans, Clinton Collegiate Institute, was tinted Spicier, -•-Prondfoot, Girvin, Dulenage, in nlarriago to Mr C. ff. C. Wright, Nay. McLean, Orahani, :ticMurehie, his - WO Engineer of Boston. and son of lett, Cos, the late Capt. Wright of Halifax. majority of the. council favored only two sessions. The special committee were instructed to find out if possible what amendments are regnired to m;eke the hawker's and peddler's by law workable with a view ot getting the Ontario Legis atut'e to remedy any defects. On motion of Rollins and Ratz the warden and clerk will memoralize the Ontario government to the effect that the school system of the Province makes too many calls on the public funds and asking the cost be lessened Kelly and \loLean moved that in the opinion of this council theamonnts realized by the Registrars in large counties are excessive, and the fees shou'd be teaselled or a larger percentage paid into the county treasury. Carried 1 eeettne---Alcl'herson Cook, Moouey, The bakers of Winghum, will here. Either, Mime. Manning, Raiz, after have to be pretty correct In wetgbing their bread as the couneit has authorized the chief to inspect the weight thereof once a mouth, anti if any is lound under the standard, to give it to rho poor. The death oecurred at Luoan an Thursdity of firs Wei Frank, aged 84. Deceased leaves the following children; --Me Win, Prank. Bran dont; Mr. J. Frank, Lueau ; Alra. Wells, Stratford ; ,Mrs Morrison, Winnipeg, and wee Sarah Freon, Inman, Mr. Thomas Botes, wbo resided on Bayfield road, swat of Varna, tor asv- erast years, ]res exchanged hie farm with tie Rev. Mr. Meitonnel, for some rop"rty In the vietnity of Komoka He has taken possession and is moving his ell '.te there, Mr M. Bixel, the senior partner in the firm of Bixel d 00., brewers of Strathroy, diad et tis residence there on Saturday evening to the sixty-first yfrir of 1118 age, Ile had been il. for ae • months suffering from lung tr ie, Diphtheria, measles, influenza and Eepnrt of Mr. Tom, I. P. S., read and all manner of diseases are to be found referred to school committee. in Parkhill. The local items in the local papers, last week, were made up Of obituaries and obrnniclinga of sick people. The Review calls on the Board of Health for attention. James Bailey, so well known as the former proptiotor or the Union Hotel, Goderich, died on Saturday night last Letter from the jailor, requesting sundry after less than a week's illness. On supplies for the jail; referred to commit - Tuesday he wait lairs us) with influenR.t, tee. which developed into congestion of the lungs. Circular from the county council of Brant, requesting the eo•opetation of this coursed to have farm stock amused as heretofore i referred to apecial conuuittee. Communication from the Prisoners' Aid Association; referred to finance commit- tee. Circular from the clergymen of the town of C:oderich, requesting the county council to erect a County. Poor House ; referred to the special committee. Certifie^ite of the lunacy of Mary Hays of Morris ; filed. C'iretilar from C. Chamberlain re•litens- ilignorestail'iarl stellton; referred to special committee. Circular from the county council of Welland, in reference to the assessment of railway property; referred to the special committee. Circular from the county council of Sim• cue in refereneeto railway discriminations, etc ; referred to the special committee. Letter from MajorJordan, thanking the conned on behalf of Col, Coleman for the grant to the volunteers ; react and filed. Letter from Jailer Dickson was read and referred to jail and court housecominittee, FOURTH DAY --FRIDAY The Treasurer was requested duplicate. from the Registrar and that the clerk bare the same printed in the minutes annual y, The clerk was instructed to ob'ain the number of persons coined ted to the jail during 1887-8-9. the .cause, length of time etc., and the cost to the county and front what municipality, Dr Rollins and lir (tanning le ought up the House of Iniiustry question. The council by a majori^y of 14 refused to entertain the matter. On motion of Smith. and Beck, $15 were granted forflowers to be placed around the court house, Council adjourned to meet again the first Tueaday° in January. The toad and bridge committee recom- mended that a bridge he put over the Mait'and river on the boundary between Grey and Rhea. That tins council send Toronto the noeo ta er o T u Inan tt f widening sleighs, That the Grey bridge on mill road east of Bushfie 4 be rebuilt, also bridge on 'ake shoe road. Ashfield. and the south span of Clinton bridge. Also recommend the retaining of the ser vices of the county engineer, Treasurer 'Holmes; report ahowed esti- mated expenditure for county purposes for 1889 to have been 825,697.77 ; actually expended 524.247 05, leaving a net surplus ou hand of 8951.12. The total iuves'nteat of county aiuking funds reaches $125,919. Inspector Tom's report showed the tntal receipts for West Huron public sahoo's in 1859 were 306 818.6#; expended firK 8,3x,6.- 21 ; balance on head 89 298,42. Paid for teachers salaries $40 826.65 ; number of pupils of ;wheel age 10.14.1, on register for 1809, 9,022, number of teachers employed 122, The higheat salary paid a teaeller in the Inspectorate, 5750 by the town of C;oderich. The Inspector trade 1,8"0 school visits during the year. Mr/RIOT IEPDRTS. eninrelt Red Mies t Spring Wileat.. ••• Barley Oats Clover rued .. Timothy r Peas (lora .„ Riggs **titter Flour perbbl •... Potatoes,per bushel Apples,per oag 0nledApplespr b (*ease per lb. Turkey per lb Pucks pet Ib (Thickens per pr gogs,dressedper1t'0 .». nee! sidesrongh, .., 000 O 04 001.11 404 0.0 O 00 4,00 005 Report of a cad commissioner Ansley, referred to road and bridge committee. Tolearam from county clerk re widen. ing sleighs; referred to road and bridge committee. Four tenders for the county printing : referred to the printing committee. A had accident happened to a lady of Uoderich town..hip a few days since. As Miss S. Wigginson was on her way to Clinton. walking, she slipped on the har i road, and In addition to breaking her lett. was so harpy bruised, that she has since been cnnfined to the house of her sister. Th, combined salaries of the clerk, treasurer, assessor, collector and two auditors of the town of Mitchell for the year 1890, only amount to 5510 I'he eateries paid the same officials in St. Marys the past year amounted to $1,160. In Exeter the combined salaries of the above with other officers included only amount to 5400 Letter from the sheriff, in reference to lighting the court room, was referred to court house committee. A *notion to raise 83 000 for the improve- ment of boundary lines was referred to finance committee. The resignation of Mr Menzies as high school trustee for Clinton was accepted. Moved by Mr. anning, seconded by Mr Wilson, that the following trustees be appointed : Seaforth, Cr. Smith ; Clinton, Robert Coates and James Scott to serve out the term of Mr. Menzies' ; and for Goderich. Dr. Ure. On motion of -Messrs Eilber and Tor- rance. Messrs. Peter Adamson and Joseph Beck were appointed on the board of Criminal Audit for the current year. Moved by Mr Milne, secouded by Mr. Oliver. that the county engineer act with The death is announced in Clark the engineer for Perth in having a bridge County, Dakota, of Mr. Gilbert Dusty, built ove• the river Maitland on the boun• second son of Mr. Samuel Dusty, and dary of Grey and Elena at the fourth con. Son-in-law of Mr. Robert Reid, of St.Referred to the finance committee. Letter from the county treasurer. and the Marys. The deaPAPPd hail not yet . reached 29 years of age. He was at atatemaut9 of non resident land, etc ie• the time of his death a partner in ferred to finance committee. business with Mr. Wm. Somerville, jun., formerly of St. Marys, and who is at present on a visit to friends in that locality. Two young hardware clerks of Lon- VW/on, are in trot.ble. At a party they 'attended the other night there was a double mock marriage in which they acted as grooms, and married two young ladies (on the other side of 25). The young ladies now claim that the mar- riage was bona fide, and that the young men are theirs The supposed hus- bands are very much frightened, and are thinking seriously of leaving the city. At a meeting of the members of the Blanshard Farmers' Mutual Fire Ina. Co., the auditors' report showed the total number of policies in force to be 654, with a total insurance of 5890,530. 00, and premium notes amounting to $26,156,29. At a subsequent meeting of the Board of Directors, W. F. Sanderson, Esq , was re-elected presi- dent, and the former secretary, Mr. Geo Moir, retiring, .Kr. P. S. Arm- strong was elected sec.-treas. Six hundred men are now employed on the tunnel between Sarnia and Port Huron. Crhfldren Cry for PItchdr's Castori"c .04 " dressed , Sheepskins each ,., Callskins .,, Wool per 1b ... ,., 3ayperton , Oulonsuexbueb Woodoereord ... c0 75 to 00 82 •.. 00 75 to 00 82 25 to�a6 •� 1 50 to T 00 53 to 054 040 to 052 020 toc20 14 to 016 00 to 5 16 40 to 1, 5.5 10010100 o 41oo50 006to007 0 08 10 10 006 to 007 0 25 50 0 30 450 to500 400 to525 200to3.50 350 to 3 5G 060 to 80 050 to 090 018to070 7((10700 060 to 000 260 to300 004 00,0 100 0,00 0,00 ST; Meas Fan Wheat 0 110 080 "Spring Wheat .......................... 0 80 0 80 ';t:rie ........ 5 0 30 0 38 rite- ' 0 25 r 26 mover Seed 4 60 3 50 Timothy ..................... ... 250 4 00 Peas 050053 teeter .................. .. ........................... 17 0 17 Butter 15 0 175 I'ote.tnes per bas .....................•75 075 Apples per bush Wool per ib.. Bey porton Bran per ton Shorts'• ,. Oatmealper 20020 7 rti720 140("1400 20 eo 20 00 600700 WOULD NOT laE WITHOUT IT, SIRS. ---We bare used your Haeverd'e Pretarial Talaam for aoverti coughs and eello and can recommend it to he punt what it is represented to be. We would not be without it. II. SABINE, Cataract, Out. No lora than 4,000 men are niw at work en the Newfoundland railway, and rho 'work will go on throughout the winter. Tho twee are 51 a day. In six menthe 8000,000 would thus be spent in laborers' wages Alone, Then there aro artistries of engiuecrs and various offimals. A loan of 51,000,000 will be needed for the first your. THE FISHERIES QUESTION is an important ono, bat the question of paramount- importance to -dal, is "what ;hal! wo'nse for catarrh 2" Mr. John Mo. Swain Model Sohonl tenohar, Cla.rlottotowu P.E,I . says, -1 melons you 50 coots for which please send me a package of Nasal Balm. The packago I received soma time ago has done me a great deal of good, so winch tbat I think it will cure me, Mr, Relit McEwen bee purchased Mr Moat folio's farm of 65 awes, on the 8th eon McGillivray, for $2,500. "Ayer's Cborry Pectoral has given me great relief in bronobitis. Within a month I leave sent some of this preparation to a friend suffering from bronchitis and asthma. It has done him so much good that he writes for more."—Charles F, Dumterville, Ply- mouth, England. Jos P Huron, the oldest inhabitant of Belleville, died Wednesday in his 97th year. Deceased was a veteran of 1812-14, and was for upwards of seventy years a Freemason, being the oldest member of the Craft in Canada, and the oldest but one on this con- tinent. Thursday morning, January 30th, the wife of George Lemerade, Mich., gave birth to four babies. three boys and one girl. All are healthy, bright and active, and with. proper care may live. Au applicatiion from the Ontario Rifle Association for the uanai grant was refer red to the finance committee. A motion to grant $300, to be divided between the branch agricultural and horti- cultural societies was referred to the finance committee. TRIED DAY—TnURSDAY. On motion of Kelly and Bissett the Warden and Clerk petition the Dominion Parliament to appoint a Permanent Rail- way Commission. On motion of McKenzie and Bissett, Messrs. Manning, Kelly and Wilson, were added to special committee. That Christina McMartin of Grey, in• sane indigent. be made a ward of the county and receive 57 per month. Messrs. Cooke Kelly, Rollins, Eilber, Wilson Sanders and the mover, Manning, were appointer) a committee to revise the rules governingthe conduct of business at the council anreport at . June meeting. The clerk was instructed to procure for each member of the council a, copy of the Ontario Statutes of the present year. On notion of Wilson aud, Kelly, the road and bridge committee were instructed to report as to the advisability of retaining the services of a county engineer. The Warden of Bruce telegraphed the council asking for inform'stion a, to how two sessions a year has worked. The ll'.tinsi'rl'a Liniment Cu,rea l)isfcnnper . Wheat 830 to Asa per hue, Oars. Veto 21e per bus. Peas.64e to 57, par bus. Bar - ler, 41e pert to per re u45,1 BarleyT a Per bus e . hl TORONTO. Toreut., Feb 5—Wheat-Seri,,Bra No. 2, 55e Ines Menttnba No, hard. 1'3to 1n, :10,2,1 til t ' rl ; PP .3;, TAB to 6"c pe' bus HATS 27o to »90 per bus, F1,'t['tt, °etre- S3.00 to "3.65 per b` r1 straight roller u3 8', to ¢3.90; a rang b•tkers. 4.06 to S4 -0 BARLEY. No I. s; e m ''o \`e G 41e to 4+1s; Io 3, extra 410 la 42e; No 3, MS to 57+, F'llt Ili(Z1:Tti Vd,'"A'tfi'S, AND ALL WASTING= DIS 'RDE,I:S OF CIIILii tEx. Srott's E :ul•don of Pure Cod Liver Oil. with Hyeophosphitea is unequaled. 'Flee raeridity with whish children gent 9eah end •trenytll upon it ie vary udarfnl re. have weed Sttott'e F,«utull.ien in eases of Rickets and 1,ltuI.:masa of tangatandang. he ev ry ease the irutt'soeeraent was mark. ed." -.J 'd Maur, M ll., New York. Sold by all Druggists, t<Oa. and $1.00 to A0 pe -bus , red winter. No e - _ tof+7 per MESSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & Co. Dear Sirs,—I took a severe cold in nab - vestry 1a4 which settled in my back and kidneys, causing excruciating pain. After being without sleep four nights through in- tense suffering, I tried your MINAR1'S LINIMENT. After the first application I wag 00 much relieved that I fell into a deep sleep and complete recovery shortly fol- lowed. Lawrencetown, JOHN S. MoLEun. The care of the hands is a matter no lady shouldnegleot. When chapped, apply Parisian Balm at night according to directions on each bottle. Parisian Balm is delightfully perfum- ed, andis unequalled for cracked lips, Rough- ness of the skin and chapped hands. Sold be drugeis1 s. TO NERVOUS MEN. If you will send us your'address,we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Volltaie Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor. manhood and health. If you are thus afflicted, we will send:you a Belt and Appliances on trial. VOLTAIC BELT Co., Marshall, Mich, • ••••• When Baby was sick. we gave her Castoria 1i'hon oho was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, silo clnug to Castoria, When oho had Children, she gave them. Castoria, 04,0001-02 --.000.0 ,000000...40 PUMPS, PUMPS, PUMPS A WANT BC PPLI M;D. We will hereafter make and keep on -hand, a good supply of wooden pump s, which we will eon at usual prices, and guarantee teem to au the bill with satisfaction. We respectfully ask a share of your patronage in this line, and we will endeavor to supply you with good pumps, and promptly, Iron Pumps will be 1eurnlshed When Desired. Shop one door south of Parson's Bleoksnuth Shop, Main -at., Exeter.' W. TR'EVETITICI c O &WA:401013 FLENSALL, - - ONT. "ARDWARE MLROHANTS (/IUDERTAKER9. SWIM d1`,G NIAGARA. Is an espy way to end life, and suffering dyspepsia to eaglet is an taw way to mete it rulaerable. Taking Biel -dock Bitters lean es„y way to cure tiff spep iia and it never fag to thoroughly tone and strengthen the entire system at the some time. A CUiIRE FOR DEAFNESS. There have beeu many remarkable aures of deafness made by the nsn of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great hottaeltotd remedy for vein, introns nation and sarenoas. Yellow Oil cures rheumatism, Here throat and croup andis useful internally snit extert.ally for all rains and iojuties. Tho now lemons 'Taylor -Johnston sedum tion calm has finiuhed at the Civil Assizes Saturday. Toe jury gave a verdeat for the ruined girl's father of 51,200 in addition to the 8800 wbieh had already Mean given on behalf of defendant with a view of comprom icing to case,—Toronto ex CONSUMPTION CURED. An old phyeleiun, retitod from practice, having had placed in bis bands by au East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent euro of Conaumption, Bronchitis, C•atarrb, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure AMHERST ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. "I aoknowlodge the good I received from Burdock Blood Bitters. I bad constipation, irregular bowels and accumulation of wind causing severe pain in my stomach, Two bottles of 13.B.B. cured me. It is all you claim It t0 be.” ALL A. teen. Health Officer Dr. Coventry, of Windsor, has submitted his annual statement to the town council, showing the death rate in Windsor during 1889 to have been 13 52 per 1000. The doctor claims that the establish- ing of a good sewer system has effected' a remarkable improvement in the sanitary condition of the town. HOW SHE WON A HUSBAND. Though she was a poor nook yet she won his heart by treating him with cake made from Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Pow. der. ADVICE To iioTIILias.—Areyou disturbed at nightaud, broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and Drying with pain of Cu (tine Tooth? If so sond at once and get a bottle of"Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable, It willraliove the poor little sufferer lm mediately ')epouc5upon it, mothers there isuomistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhma, regulates the Stomach and li owels,curea wind Colic, softens the Gems. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to thewhol e system, Kirn win slow's Soothing Syrup" Per children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United -States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. 335 sure and ant lot -tuns Wiestowe O'^OTIpINO s"En'p "•end no ether incl, radliOng)10 S1710: ! H .,.t18 H L1 Z(: OC) H0: gt 1 %f s-.+.--. DEALERS is ALL Title LRADINCt STOVES & RANGES. 411 lands orf Lighit and Heavy lar4ware. MOCHA ICS =LS, CUTLERY% ETC.. COAL DELIVERED ONSH SHORTEST NOTICE T LA`ES PRICES. THL BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET I i A GOOD SUPPLY OF GrOODS. ,Eanbleins othe Different rSocf,etirs. Everything new nnt1 first e1II. 8.. FUNERALS CONDUCTED AT MOD- ERATE COST. THE BEST HEARSE NINF THE Give us a call, for anything in. the lin,e KNOCKED OUT! Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- ings at any price; Pantings at any price. est Ordered Clothing pi educed in Exeter Gentlemen I eave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, and the bas Cutting in Town, yon are sure of atisfao- ion. • qqr WE WILL START A GREAT KNOCKOUT SALE ! -_ON— Thursday_ Dec. 19th, 1889. AND CONTINUE THE SAME FOR 40 D AAS. 'We will offer aur large stock of Stavo4, Tinware, Axes, Crosscut Saws, Lamps and Lamp Goods FOB. G A.SzI OILY At prires that will KNOCK BANKRUPT PRICES into A COCKED H AT- Tlns is no bombast but actual facts. A call only necessary to con- vince you. Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machine. All hinds of.Machine_ Needles and Oils. All accoun• s must be settled by cash or note by the zst day of February, 1889. BISSETT BROS, CENTRAL Drug Store A full stook of all kinds ole Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ars the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. c LU TZ. FALL and WIXTER I have just received my large consignment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for them I am now seliing off my Previous Stock At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods untl another year, and will always sell at ROOK BOTTOM PRICES Rather than hold thein over. MY STOCK is the best assorted iu town and of first gnality goods I am here to exchange goods with the public for cash or pie duce and am bcund to do it. �T P. _ROBS,_ `, , r r Market Store, E4;ETEl;. Nov.13, 1839, Sailing OOT ! .As we are giving up business we will dispose of our general stock of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware —AT COST PRICE— FOR GASH: Now is the opportunity for bargains, as everything will be sold. Time will be given to good parties purchasing large bills. HAPPEL i L CLEGHORN, ZURICH Me All parties indebted from last year are requested to call and settle. DO YOU WANT TO BTTY FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE. AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -731EN CALL GIDLEY'S —ONLY FIRST-CLASS— Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so-ca'led Cheap Houses can givl Undertaking in all it :Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Sueeesaor•to C 8. txidley) 01)DF1.LLOW'S BLOCIi