HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-05-14, Page 12THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY, MAY 14th, ' 1953 Wed.eaday nom Is lmaMae for Clad diWI Ada. Five lines, Me; lee for each. additional line. ON THE SQUARE AND .... HERE AND THERE " \'Patch Goderich Grow," could be a- slogan h f thet tell Years. { FURNITURE FINISHER, ComrngEvents Briefs "1ANTFD.I workieg conditions, •• definitely steady employment, group insur FOR SALE. -FENCE POSTS, AN - 16, sale, Saturday, May once, etc. See or write JAMES 1 CHOR. posts, brace posts and 16, at2 p.m., in Victoria Street A spring sale on all C.I.L. paints COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, stakes. JOHN HIND]11ARSH, R. R. Ingersoll. I9'..0 st Goderich, phone MAR tf United Church, under auspices ul such as Speed Easy Satin, llultia � � loll. Eureka (lass... ' -20 enamel, Celux enamel and outside The W,C .T.U. will meet at the house paint is on.' A special 10-, FOR SALE.—USED EQUIPMENT: hone of , Mrs. Win. Proctor, Gib- ' discount to every customer fur a r WANTED ,,Abdel UTS Minneapolis -Moline, bung street, on Tuesday, May 19; period ending )\lay. 15, 1953. Re- a good buy; 's1 Massey -Harris, 102 at '2.30 p.itt. Roll call --:Mothers. member to phone 22 and say "de WANTED.—r'URNISiIED ROOM Junior; 1 Ford -Ferguson with man- -so liver it, please." A three-foot j with light housekeeping priv- ileges.ore loader; 1 F er John Deere; 1 Rummage sale at MacKay Hail, , yardstick free to each customer , Phone 8231V• -20 good used set springtooth harrows; Saturday, May 16, at 2 itutp.mspun buying one l;allon•'or more. 18 0 TANTED.—ULD HORSES AND new and used disc harrows and sored by one 9t's Institute. For Jerry Hardware. cultivators; garden tractors. GEO. 2 AT 1'ENTIUN.-Calling all house- ; , dead Tattle. If dead, phone at WRAITH; Goderich. 11, pick up, phone attend' 0' unci.' t;11.liE1t'1' liR1►a., Mink - Plan now to attend our harness wives. Goderich IlotuSc .and \V;n t OR SALE. — COMPLETE -LINE 2 dow Cleaning Service- Still in , Mauch,_ phone collect 931; r 32 or . ' races in Goderich, 1, June business. Cellars cleared. Phone tete) r 21. =Ute of McCormick tractors and iCorunation Day), $1,800.00 in , 1$-20x ; farm machinery; one used Ford For Results - A Classified Ad FOR SALE ere or rex purses. Post. time 1.30 p.m: Ad- 1113. Order Shell furnace oil and stove "'ANTED.•---LISTLNC.S OF I'R tractor; one used W4 McCormick mission $1.00. Students .�50�� oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck 1'ER'I'IES for sale. No charge tractor; two used two -furrow Children Free. U Al condition; 13, 15 and 1� Olt SALE.—RED RASPBERRY � Bake sale at �1'orsell's Hardwal'e, dealer for, all Shell Oil Co. pro- to you until property is sold. plows• A couple of Goderich husbandsducts. Phone 98. -1i1t f MALCOLM MATHERS, R e a 1 16 marlAer drills. J. J. HOG- plants, heavy size, all ready be sorry they complained be Store on Saturday, May .3, spun • 115W. 12tf G�ZTH, 1! irri lion street.,-1.4tf to pick up and plant right away; may , Summer rates are in effect on Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode J cause dinner +wasn't ready When soreci by Port Albert United .,11 kinds of coal. At rock bottom rich. Phone FOR SALE.— PERENNIALS, black raspberries; early cab the)' got home Their wives had h l « Auxiliary prices, b f e ,,t li gage and cushion mums; also a t Evening 100 WANTED.—ORDERS Shasta daisy, painted daisy, new ,garden seeder never used. verbena, carnation, hybrid bearded WESLEY W. FISHER,. Saltford. I FOR SALE FOR SALE.—COTTAGE AT SUN- -11 - UN - SET .Beach. Phone 1019W. -16tt: FOR SALE. — GLADIOLUS bulbs, all colors, mixed; large bulbs 100, $5.00; 50, $2.50; 25, $L25; medium bulbs 100, $3.00; 50, $1.50. L. R. HOLMAN, Cam- eron street,4phone 722. . -15 ,�RESS CALLOUS SALVE RE- LIEVES quickly. Your Drug- gist sells ,Cress Corn Salve—for sure relief too. -20 FOR SALE.—LARGE SATE, AP- PROXIMATELY 1600 lbs. $75.00 cash. Phone 735W. 20x been exceedingly busy in a laud able effort to substantiate suspic- ions they were , being swindled in a transaction of great economic oral cottage, call IJ JC " ers or write CRA�IFORD'S importance. The two housewives The Honte and School Associa- cal itaes 181f laid complaints about a roll of i tion is holding a puppet show to 11 Edward 84 ('Dal Company summer HATCHERY, l.ucknow.' All stock. bathroom tissue, supposed to con ',Victoria School auditorium, Friday, I rices—Anthracite, 526, a reduc government inspected and banded. tain 1,000 ,beets. 'There were ,i'_liay ..2, at 8 p.m. Admission free. 20i � Pon of $2 a ton. good until July 1. only 650 sheets, they charged. They Olga Pocahontas, $21; Cavalier — DRESSMAKING, counted 'em. . stoker, $20; Hamilton eke, $24; ! IN"'''''"'. I Disco, $24• briquettes, �23. alterations, uric-ey rcas�ouabitr PUBLIC NOTICE j9tf t'I11)'a1t 11aUJ. More firecrackers are being lighted by children in Goderich -Buy coal now at lower summer f `,ANTED. BUSINESS GIRL this spring than •has been the 1,`'L(►uR SANDING. prices. Famous Reading Anthra requires room and board. .case for quite a fes+ years. Some cite chestnut and stove, $26.00 ton; Phone 823W. -20 of them are setting the firecrackers Old and new floors samied. Phone Reading Anthracite briquettes; off dangerously close to buildings_ CREE COOK, 23J, Clinton. 2tf $23.00 ton; Olga oil treated stove `�v�a`1:1i.—I.IS'1'1NGS OF PItU The youngsters are unaware, of a NOTICE. and egg Pocahontas, $21.00 ton. tT -'-'-'- i 11`11 ' for yule. " .1'. F. town by-law which states that fire- _ All these coals are rescreened at,' _\La.N, iteuitof. PHONE 18W. 1 300feet crackers must not bei set off within Guaranteed radio service. WILF. time of delivery. Dean Coal Co. i - 39tt 300 feet of any building. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton Phone 95W. -2011 � WANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED Either the building of a new street, phone 466. -12 horses or cows removed free motel or -additions to a present MODERN FLOORS, — FLOORS • AUCTION SALE j of charge. For prompt and ef- ore on the take careield roadh aredrum- laid, sanded and finished; bid -ficient service phone "STONES" Dred to of the demand floors resurfaced. Tiling a special-‘UCTION SALE OF HOUSE - ,collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich h for this type of accommodation ty I E. BENNEWIES, Mitchell, HOLD EFFECTS 936 r 2°L by tourists. phone 650 r 14. 15-22x from the home of F. W. Rowed, i Maitland Concession, lot No. 13, WANTED. — URGENTLY NEED- `'OTICE. Goderich Township, second house ED, ground floor apartment, • I south of the Benmiller bridge, on ; self contained, unfurnished, im- For artificial insemination at its' . SATURDAY, MAX 23rd mediately. FsW. W. ROWED, R.R. 2, best for all breeds, call the Water.' "at 2 p.m., consisting of: ',Clinton, phone 2313 Carlow. 20x loo Cattle Breeding Association be- I Three-piece chesterfield suite; tween 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week bed, springs and mattress; dresser; TEACHERS WANTED. - implements see the different sizes and various just like new; also garden cultiva- s and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on washstand; single mattress; oak ,implements that may be had with tor; cross cut saw and buck 'saw. Sand Sundays. phone collect, Clintono-61f 1 dining -room table and chairs; day - 20 -2 -4 -6th bed; electric rangette; 2 coal heat- ! Qualified teachers wanted for leach. These l may be doyen bought for, Phone' 967W, .85 Elgin avenue. — 20x 242. -. — — — ers; kitchen chairs; kitchen table; 'Goderich Township School Area. St:_. = NTOTle'E. — 125 ft.' of garden hose; quantity of Salaries to be from $2,200.00 to GEORGE WRAITH, Montreal 16tf FOR SALE.—STOP CLAW RID barbed wire; lawn mower; scythe; $2,600.00, depending on qualified- INC milk with genuine tag-and- ATTEN'1'Ic7N FARMERS. FOR `quantity, of 2s.; inch nails; pair of tions and experience. Apply ,OR SALE.—NEW .AND USED pull. Surge milkers are adjust- YEARS TIIF HIGHEST PRICESitire chains,2 _Chicken feeders; 3 FRANK YEO, R.R. No. 3, Clintons.1F radios, E. -N and battery for able to theurg individual cow because -19-20 IN Cis s llND IiiP N I'A1 .'feed containers; ' d s snow fence; _ sale or trade. Excellent condition of their hanging arrangement. Call IN At"Gl'`T ANI, SEPTEMBER.' 2 school pupils' desks; 2 screen r ___- Many to choose from. Sold with a LOVEir McGUIRE, Surge Service SCHAEFER.---At Alexandra Hos- ; s.I'Alt'T YU1'R W1?ANERS No�9 doors; curtain rods; 4 colored glass WANTED.—COOK GENERAL, �� in private summer home June M day guarantee. m R. MUNDAI, Dealer, phone 593, Wingharn. pital, Goderich, on May 10, 1953, ! 10 GET THAT MARtiF:'I'. SEE windows; quantity of cinder blocks; Radio and Sound Service, 7 Widder - 20x to Mr. and Airs. John Schaefer, I US All0i"1' k 11(0 CON'1`R ACT. power bench saw with t, hip- to mid-September, live in ,or ,out, street. Phone 598. -ltf Goderich, a daughter, . Mac PAY r iR FEED WHEN HOG$ motor; gasoline stove; a number , good -+wages, experience necessary: ' — FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF Louise. ARI: SOLI>. NO 'r:STR:1 ('IIARGE..t,f cinder blocks; is, roll of barbed Phone 652. ,,- -20 FOR SALE. WEST END BUNG - lte'mlock and ash lumber, 1 in., an GEO. WRAITH, MIPOLIS wire; dishes; cooking utensils; ,WANTED. —RETIRED COUPLE. ALOW, two bedrooms, nice 2 in. and. 2 x 4 inches. HAROLD �.�\i► FERGUSON FARM MA -numerous other articles. ' �� location. Agent, MALCOLM GOOD, Britannia road. Phone ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Fine home with attractive sur- � 20e �(_ II I N ERY, , 1 L E ET. FEEDS. . j TERMS—CASH. 't retired couple in I MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 1148W. �I1►\TREAT: STREET. PHONE! No reserve C arc t •es fill your in or n .. 1•'OR CAN North Streee - winter. Order now. Phone 13 ab will meet in the church parlor on 19-•te. ADIAN ApprovedY Tuesday, May 19, at 8.15 p.m. .A � Overholt clear dip, moving -and gen-. Chicks. For information contact FFER`', GEO. WRAITH, your Purina deal - CULBERT'S BAKERY "The Home of Tasty Pastry" FOR YOUR HOLIDAY WEEKEND WE SUGGEST: ORANGE CAKES -40c each with raspberry filling and Orange Creme Icing. PEACH PIES -45c each BANANA MUFFINS -35c doz. BREAD CRUttelBS FOR DRESSING -20c Ib. 3 lbs. fills a turkey and 1 Ib. fills a chicken. Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Cakes a specialty. Orders of $1.00 and over delivered. PHONE 465 PHONE EARLY IN' MEMORIAM CHAMBERS.—In • loving memory of a dear wife and mother', I' Marie, who passed away May 13, iris, 12 named varieties, Dye 20x 1950. medel winners. Rock garden and No matter when we needed you, border plants, Sweet William, VOR SALE.—ALUMINUM CABIN You were always near, Canterbury Bells, large pansies, trailer, sleeping accommoda- To help us with our troubles violas, choice variety English tion for two; also small boat trail- To wash away our tears. daisy, begonia. All varieties of er. Write P.O. BOX 15, Bayfield, When your time came to leave us; annuals to follow later. Also cab- phone 8. 20x We couldn t understand; gage, cauliflower, tomatoes, pep- _ There was nothing we could do, pers, etc. B. R. MONDAY, 127 POR SALE.—LARGE SIZE BOX Just watch and hold your hand. Widder street, phone 598. -14tf springs, like new. Phone 155. You couldn't hear our prayers to •20 .. God To let you stay; ,Mom, dear, We have lost, but God has gained The most wonderful wife and mom the world contained. —Lovingly remembered by her husband, family and grandchildren. Residents along Nelson street may not know it, but there's a night prowler afoot •in the district. But there's nothing. to get alarmed about.• ' He's just a little brown rabbit who. seems to like to get out after it gets dark. He was -noticed once in daylight_however, however, ;scampering into his ht , put under- neath the planing „mill -building.. BIRTHS FOR SALE.—IF YOU ARE IN- TERESTED in a nice new house, this may be it. This house, on South street, is well built, and well equipped, including modern oil furnace. Two bedrooms and bathroom on main floor; two bed- rooms upstairs. For further de- tails contact MALCOLM MATH - ERS, Real Estate Broker, phone. 115W. -17 FOR SALE.—USED REFRIGER: ATORS, electric ranges, rang- ettes and washing machines at BARGAIN PRICES. SHORE AP- PLIANCES, - Goderich, your head- quarters for hearing aid batteries. FOR SALE.—ICE BOX (WOOD), in good condition, $6.00. 134 MacDonald street, Phone 1113W. 20x FOR SALE.—LARGE COOKING stove, "Esse Major," two ovens. Apply ALEXANDRA MARINE & GENERAL HOSPITAL, Goderich. -20 ICOR SALE.—FLAMBEAN SOYA - BEANS, grade . No. 1, 99% germination. Early high yielding variety, recommended for this area. ARNOLD ALTON, R.R. 7, Lucknow. Phone Dungannon 67 r 15. 20-22x FOR SALE.—WATERLOO GAR- L J?OR SALE. — WHITE ENAMEL DEN tractors. Come in and Ruddy ice box, 100 lb. capacity, as proprietor is in roundings awaits re ire - o F. W. Proprietor. All persons having claims against 1VOTICE. $ EDWARD ROWED, Proprietor. then estate of Douglas McKenzie, 20-21- - Auctioneer. late of the Town of Goderich, The 13th semi-annual Grey -Bruce ' in the County of Huron, Marine En. and Huron -Aberdeen -Angus Sale is gineer, who died oft or about the being held at Walkerton on f April, 1953 are re THURSDAY, MAY 21st TO RENT 17th day o pri , Judging starts at 12.30 TO RENT APARTMENT, TWO i suite, unfurnish d, y you ng stye... Open evenings egg markets a quired to file the same with full All bull$ offered will qualify for large airy rooms with kitchen- couple, no children. Write P.O. 17tf Contact agent here and get full particulars with the undersigned 20' - premium. ,Catalogues on re -BOX 38, SIGNAL STAR. 20x particulars. RYAN & SON. Phone by the 23rd day of May, 1953, as P 10 St V 345, Goderich. -?0 after that. _date the assets of the MEL. MARSHALL, 17th S1ORY br' k estate will be distributed. FOR SALE.—TWO ;SINGLE TUB - Dated at the Town of G lericl1, ,l TION Reqwres rooms, oil h bl ULAR steel beds, dark color, in the County of Huron. t>rfis 30th 11 with springs, . also dresser with day of April, A.D., 1953. 19 20 Real Estate Broker, 46 West street mirror, Apply BOX 37, SIGNAL- R. C. HAYS, Q.C., BERT ALLEN, 171 East street, 13 STAR. -' ' • 20x. Goderich, Ontario,' 19-21- Solicitor for the Estate. A FOR SALE.—LARGE CRIB, LIKE TICE TO CREDITORS. 1`OR RENT COTTAGE FOIL ation or graduation from 1new, and baby buggy .(stroller); MERO, NOTICE : ity in Business Administration be sold as also record player. MRS. MERG, Univers- Ammer 1953 at Kintail Hydro 92A South street.' 20x All persons having claims against h DONALD McKENZIE, the estate of Sarah Jane Walter, , d y, M y 27th FOA SALE. — TEN WEANLING late of the Village of Holmesville, pigs, seven weeks -old. A. H. in the County of Huron, widow,, an Carlow BOYLE, . R.R. 3, Goderich, phone who died on or about the 20th q COULTER President. p in boxe 1 Carlow 1450. 20x day- of April, 1953, are re- 20 21 " quired to file the same with full ' particulars with the undersigned aged gentleman forced to retire from business due to ill health. Good pay and many privileges. Write P.O. BOX 242, Goderich, Ont. �, 19x WANTED. -- SELF-CONTAINED e b FOR SALE. --SINGER ELECTRIC MRS. J. J. HAYES, 43 Napier portable and an assortment of street. 20-22x sewing machines; elttctric stoves; bicycle; baby walker; stroller; trilight; ice boxes; washing ma- chine and other articles. Cheap for 'cash. C. WOODS, 4e-. East �t eriin Ys to 8p.m. • PULLETS.. NEW PRICES ON Kitchener Big -4. Day-old $19.90. Prompt shipment. Canadian Ap- proved. Good chicks for the good few months away ette . and . balconyin quiet home, available immediately.in• Vin- cent street, phone 213W. quest Presdent. T. STEWART COOPER, Secretary, Markdale, Ontario. `O RENT. — CABIN TRAILER, sleeps four, a conveniences, DOMINION -WIDE ORGANIZA- AUDITORS FOR SALE. — K FINNE, TWO- ` is house - in excel- lent west end location. Four bed- rooms, reasonable price. Agent, MALCOLM MATHERS, er es Phone 115W. FOR SALE. 1950 PLYMOUTH sedan,privately owned, must I havea new one. cKENZIE phone 189, Blyth. 19-20x "yrOTICE. with electric brakes. FOR KITCHENER OFFICE phone 1247. ' 20x Applicants must have professional standing in an Accounting ssoci- - installed but no other conven- mines Commerce and Finance, or The 15th semi -Annual Grey - Bruce Hereford Breeders' sale is being held. at Markdale Wednesday, a All bulls offered will qualify for 20% premium. Catalogues on request. • JACK T. STEWART COOPER, Secretary, 1,OR RENT. -FOUR-ROOM by the 23rd day of 'May,* as 20-21- ' ' Markdale, Ontario. apartment, including two bed aftersthat dateethe assets of the -r- rooms. Private entrance, bath. estate will be distributed. Available June 1. •Apply F. T. Dated at the Town of Goderich, hygienic supplies (rubber goods) ARMSTRONG, The Square. in the County of Huron, this 30th mailed postpaid in plain, sealed . -20 day of April, A.D., 1953. envelope with price list. Six sam- - R. C. HAYS, Q.C., ` pies 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mall Goderich, Ontario, order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER 19-21- -' Solicitor for the Estate. Co.. Box 91, Ilantil'on, Ont. iences. S. B. STOTHERS,Luck- now, Ont. FOR RENT. - PARTLY FURN- ISHED a artnient. Phone 404. x Accounting Starting Salary According to Qualifications FOR- SALE.— ARLY CABBAGE d cauliflower,tomatoes, pep- pers,s or loose,also flow- ers. FRED GILBERT, Huron road, Goderich. Phone 936 r 32. _19tf FOR SALE. -AT FISHER GARD- EN Nursery's evergreens and shrubs to beautify your home. A large, stock to select from in junipers, sabin, Swedish, Virgini ana Burke, pyrann1dals, blue glauca, Colorado' blue spruce, Norway spruce, white cedars 3 to 4 ft high, trimmed thick branches. Red raspberries, some black raspber- ries, red and black, currant; also shrubs in golden bells, spireas, 5 varieties; • dogwood silver leaf, hydrangaes, hills of snow and pee gee; also red leaf barberry and others. Walk around and see what you buy,- The prices are reason- able; and with every $5.00 worth you buy, you get one black currant bush, Cornett tWo years old, free. WESLEY W. FISHER, R.R. 5, Goderich, Ont., Saltford Village. OUR- SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY Equipment designed with the approval and cooperation of GM engineers and service experts means a double saving to. you --in time and in money. This equipment is specially designed to help us find and correct the cease of *trouble quickly. Thus you get a better, faster service job and you get it at - the most economical price. See us whenever your car needs service. PROTECT YOUR CO WITH OUR QUALITY SERVICE Samis Motors Pontiac--Buick--G.M.C. Trucks GST ON. ST. PHONE 344 T° RENT. - FOUR -ROOM UN- FURNISHED apartment, hot water available at all times, pos- Apply to BOX 34, SIGNAL -STAR`. session June 1. MRS. R. GOOD, phone 463. ` -20 Our employees know of , this TO RENT. — SELF-CONTAINED advertisement. three-room apartment, up- stairs, immediate - possession. Phone 733R. 20x $3740.00 and $4220.00 With Annual Increases Five-day Week, Three ,Weeks Holi- days with Pay per Year and Pension Benefits Personal Interview will be arranged • AUTO AERIALS Why spoil your driving pleas- ure with a faulty aerial. Let its check yours, and, if ne- cessary, install the finest. YOUR AUTO -_RADIO_-HEAD- QUARTERS gutchinson Radio - Phone 498R Huron Road -17tf FINANCE AND INSURE , your next new or late model car, truck or farni machinery at lower cost through Harold W. Shore iNSU'RANCE AC,ENCV "All Lines of insurance" NORTH ST. PHONE 766W i.oans also arranged on 1946 and latfr model cars. e.t f -20 DOMINION -WIDE ORGANIZA- TION Requires ACCOUNTANTS FOR KITCHENER OFFICE Applicants must have High School graduation and at least two years recent accounting or, bookkeeping experience Starting Salary According to Qualifications $2770.00 and $3010.00 With Annual. Increases hive -day Week, Three Weeks Holi- days with ,Pay per Year and Pension Benefits Personal Interview will be arranged Apply to 130X 35, SIGNAL -STAR. Our employees know of' this advertisement. FOR SALE. — GIRL'S BICYCLE, balloon ,tires. Phone 823W or 44 Victoria street. • -20 -20 VOR SALE. -...-8room...red_ briek_house on 10.1 foot by 104 foot lot in good Toed - tion. Two living rooms, dining room and kitchen on first floor with hardwood floors. Three bedrooms, linen rooms and bathroom c n sec- ond floor. Full Casement with nil heating. Automatic hot-water T05 16 heater. Two .garages. - i3 -room house sided with insul ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED brick. First --floor, living room, Mrs. Clara Bennett, Goderich, announces the engagement of hex dinette, 2 bedrooms with hardwood floors, bathroom and kitchen with (laughter, Thelma Mary. to Wil- tiled floor. Self-contained apart Liam Alexander Manning, son of ment on second floor, living room, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Manning, Blyth. bedroom, kitchen and two-piece The wedding to take place early bathroom. Present , rental of en in June. 0x tire property $75.00 per month. Mr. and Mrs. George GriffithS of Goderich announce the engage - Summer business opportunity. ment •of their daughter, Barbara Group of 10 cottages on four acre. Lenore, to W. Ross Lovett, ,son of lot. Excellent sand beach, located Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lovett on Blue Water Highway, a• few of Londesboro. The marriage will miles South of Goderich: take plata at 12 noon on Satur- day, June 6, 1953 , Victoria C. F. CIIAPMAN, Realtor, Phone I Street United Churchat, Goderich. 18W. lotf I 20x FOR SALE. — HOUSE ON ST. David's street, seven room frame dwelling, one; story, hydro and bath, garage and extra lot. Suitable for two family apartment. Apply FRED WESTON, )Mayfield. Phone 46 r 5. -20th mencing p.m.south20BARKER. TENDERS WANTED or less to a point in the northerly limit of Wolfe street produced easterly thence westerly along the easterly production of the norther- ly limit of Wolfe street 33 feet to the west limit of Albert street being the southeast angle of lot 680 in the said Town of Goderich, thence northerly along the wester- ly limit of Albert street 7 chains 33 links more or less to the south limit of Napier street being the northeast angle of lot 546 in the said Town of Goderich, thence easterly along the south limit of Napier street 66 feet to the north- west angle of lot 604 in the said Town of Goderich, thence" souther- ly along the east limit of Albert street 11 chains 491s. links more or less to- the place of beginning. Any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the•'itiy-law and who applies to TENDERS WANTED, be. heard ` will be heard by , the Council either in person or by Marked -sealed tenders will be his solicitor or agent at its regular meeting • to be held in the- Town received up to May 18 by the Hall, Goderich, on Friday, May 15, undersigned for the construction 1953, at 8 p.m.' The by-law stopping up and con- veying the said,,portion of .Albert street will be enacted pursuant to the powers contained in the Mun- icipal Act R.S.O. 1950 Chapter 243 Section 469 (1). Dated at Goderich this 21st day of April, 1953. S. H. BLAKE, 17-20-. Clerk. THESE SIIOULD. BE PLANTED AT ONCE PANSIES, wonder blooms in a fine range of color. "How many teachers do you have altogether?" her mother asked. "Seven," Carol answered blithe- ly. --The Reader's Digest. of a septic tank and bleaching pits at No. 6 school, construction of tank to ,meet with the approval of sanitary inspector. Plans and specifications . may be obtained from the chairman, Mr. Benson Straughan, or the secretary. Any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. . WM. WATSON, Sec.-Treas. for Colborne Township School Area, 19-20 Unclench, R.R. 5. VIOLIAS, in two colors. These do better during the heat of sum- mer than pansies. HEAD LETTUCE. Last call for these and early cabbage and cauli- flower. OTHER HARDY FLOWERS. English daisy, garden carnations, snapdragon. Late frost will not hurt these. TENDERS' WANTED. The- Goderich Separate School invites tenders to complete- the 4th upper classroom. Involves the removal of three small windows and brick wall, insertion of steel beam and large .window. Further particulfirs from Secretary. Tend- ers must be in by June 10 and work to be completed in July. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. W. A. COULTHURST, 20-21- Secretary. SPANISH -----ONIONS are now ready. If you like to have tomatoes in early we now have them 12 to a box at 40c. JACKSONS FLnRIS 'S, phone Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heitman have returned after spending six months in Florida. immenimuimmommedeeiMie PERSONAL "ULD AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN! You're Crazy! Thousands. peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For run-down feeling many men, wo- men call "old." New "get ac- quainted" size only 60c. All drug- gists. 20 gists. - LOST LOST. --AT LODGE FUNERAL home or Baird cemetery, Bruce - field, a black leather zipper key case and keys. Finder please re- turn to W. C. SNAZELt Goderich:. -20 • s f Emerson Drug Store Corner West St. and Square Phone 45. We deliver. "As handy as the Postofce" • FOR TSE HOLIDAY WEEK -END MAY WE SUGGEST TO PREVENT SUNBURN Skol 55c Sunbrella 75c Noxzema Suntan Oil Noxzema ,Suntan Cream Gaby Suntan Lotion 39c, 75c 39c, 75c 65c, 1.00 FOR SUNBIJtN Noxzema 65c, 85c, $1.69 Unguentine 63c, 1.00 Tangel75c .. .,FOR POISON IVY Bristamin Lotion with Zirconium, relieves the itching of poison ivy or poison oak at once. Easy to apply, no mess. 1.00 a bottle. J, ki 0