HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-05-14, Page 8!kG$ EIGHT • KINSMEN ON 1 D., AY RAIN OR SHINE: Kindly have your bundles in front of residences by 12 noon. OLD RAGS ALSO ACCEPTED. If anyone is unintentionally. overlooked in the paper ��' 1361 or collection please phone either Carl Banks at Max Cutt at 965: "Sunoco" Appointrnent Ross Scott of Brucefreld, announces the appointment of H. O. "Bud" Jerry as Farm Agent distributing Sunoco Products in the Goderich Area. Backed by over 50 years of expert engineering exper- ience in Oil Refining, and noted for top quality and economy in performance, Sunoco products include BLUE SUNOCO HIGH TEST GASOLINE HEAVY DUTY DYNALUBE MOTOR OIL MERCURY MADE MOTOR OIL LUBRICANTS SUNHEAT FURNACE OIL Now's the time to switch to the world's finest . petroleum products.' FOR ROAD FOR FOR FARM SUNOCO N. 0. Jerry PHONE 22 GODERICH KLNGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE, Mav 12.—Mrs. Nick Perry, of Detroit, and Mrs. Thos. Drennan, of Goderich, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drennan and family on Sunday. We are L�ssorry to hear that Mrs. Thos. bnnan has .. broken her hip. Her many friends in Kings- bridge offer their sympathy. Mr. Francis Griffin, of Flint, Mich., visited for a few days last week with Mr. Tom Wallace. Mrs. Tom i~Tpwood and children, Mary and John,. of London, visited their father, Andrew Martin, .re- cently. Mrs. Casper and son, of Detroit spent Mother's Day visiting with John -O'Connor. -•---- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Law and family, accompanied by Mrs. Wil- liam Lannon of London ..and Miss Hannah Hogan; of Goderich, visit-. ONT. SOUTH AMERICAN .13 Chinchillas - investment for the future. Clean, hardy, King of the Fur Bearers. Enquire now how you can -put'-yourself_...into_this_ fascin- ating and profitable business, either full or part time. Contact PARAGON CHINCHILLA COLONY, R.R. 4, HAMILTON, ONT No. 6 Highway at Ryckman's Cornier. 20-23 ed on Sunday at the Martin home. Miss Mary Murphy, of Toronto, was home for Mother's Day with her . parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Pat Murphy. Mrs. John 'Kenny, of 'Detroit, spent the week -end here. His 'Excellency Bishop Nelligan, of St. Joseph's, London, and Rev. Father Edwin Garvey, of Assump- tion College, Windsor, visited with Rev. Father, Van Vynckt last week. IRE GODERICH SIGNAL. -STAR THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1953 Horses Being Readied For Big Season Of Racing Events- At Various Centres By G -8'8 -introduce Taxi C. Lee, a two -year - With the opening of the sum -(.old by the sante sire, Zeb Lee. mer harness racing season less Reg McGee '& Sons will send no than a week off, things are,btistliu * fewer limn five horses to the post at , the Goderich racing oval these before the summer is out. Be- sides the reliable trotter; 'Joe Bunt - days. No fewer than 20 trotters ere and the eight year-�i1d pacer, and pacers are being worked out Bildad, they will t-year Dr. Chips, as the owners anticipate a busy a four-year-old pacer by Mr. Clips, season ahgad. Several local hayburners are en and Toddler, a fo}ir-year-old green trotter by Julian Todd. Also tered at New Hamburg on Mon- scheduled to campaign under their day; more wilt go to the post at Seaforth on Afay 27, and a record colors is The G. Boy, a two -year - entry pacer by Callie G., currently entry of local horses will turn out in training at Hamburg, N.Y. at the Coronation Day meet, being Bill and Jack Gardner will in - staged here June 2. troduce an entirely new stable Racing enthusiasts will recognize this year. They have acquired many of the locally owned horses four horses over the winter and all in the parade, but they will be are being trained at the track. viewing many others for the first They are: Brown Lee B., a six -year - time. . old pacer by Lee Harvester; In George Feagan's stable, Miss Chipsy Todd, a five-year-old mare Callie Grattan, the six-year-old by Mr. Chips; Maitland Brooke, mare, was seen only occasionally a four-year-old pacer by Miller last season, and Pat Lee Grattan, Brooke; and Sylvia Lee, a five - a two-year-old pacer by Coropral year-eld pacing mare by Corporal Lee, will go to the post for thy Lee. Brown Lee B. was raced in Goderleh last summer by its form- er owner. , Bill Gardner, who broke a hip at Strathroy last Thanksgiving Day, is once again .in the sulky, training the stable, andhhopes to be able to drive them in competition during the coming season. Three of the . above -mentioned - horses, -Pat Lee Grattan, Taxi Lee and The G. Boy are entered in the Supertest- two-year-old stake races to be run. at Ridgetown, in late August. first time this 'gar; Findlay Santis will start three horses out of his stable: Walter G•, the five-year-old pacer which made a name for himself last year; Just Teddy, the six-year-old pacer, which promised so much as a colt, but was injured last year; and Benson G. a six-year-old green pacer by Callie G: ` - Mr. Don Currie, formerly of Sault Ste. Marie, is the new trainer and driver of the Samis stable, and veteran horsemen attest that Don knows his horses and will see that the stable is heard from. Bud Jerry will be campaigning again with his pleasing four-year- old mare, Ima Chips, and will bring out Valuable Doc, a six-year- old green pacer. Kenny Kerr will be driving in competition for the first time this year with a four-year-old pacing mare, Walton Lady, which had con- siderable success on district tracks last summer and was acquired by Mr. Kerr .this winter. Len Okerholt 'will be shooting for the purses with his three-year- old mare, Nifty Marjorie Lee, which took third money in " the Supertest stake race for two -year- olds last summer. 'He will also ASHFIELD KINTAIL KINTAIL, May 12., =- The May meeting of Kintail W.I. was held on Thursday evening of last week at Mrs. Fred McGregor's home with a large attendance. Exchang- ing flower slips was an interesting roll call. Delegates to the district annual meeting at Dungannon arc Airs. Jerry Dalton, Mrs. Fred Mc- Gregor, Mrs. Ray Dalton and Mrs. Lorne Parrish. A report from the district officer's meeting at Blyth was given by Mrs. Fred McGregor. She also reported on the meeting at Dungannon at which Miss Edith Collins spoke on the duties of a good officer. The highlight of the evening came when Mrs. Simpson gave a historical paper. She told in a very interesting way, the story of Kintail from the time of the, first settlers.. who came in sailing boats to seek .a new life in a irew country. She told of the indus- tries and people and so many tain- iliar names of old-time merchants, doctors and teacners who influenc- ed the lives of the pioneers be- fore the turn of the century. The meeting extended her a hearty vote of thanks. Mrs. Jack Cowan read a poem called "Danc- ers of Kintail" of 40 years ago. The Order of Knights Templar was founded by French knights fighting the Crusades in the 12th Century. ST. AUGUSTINE ST. AUGUSTINE, May 12. — Miss Carrie O'Neill, Goderich, spent a day with Miss Carrie Mc- Cann here. Mr. and Airs. Fred McGuire, and Lenore, Seaf\orth, visited friends here over the week -end. Mrs. Dan McGee 'and Lynn Ann, Toronto; visited Mrs. Mary Foran and uncle, Mr. Thos. Foran. Mrs. J. A. Kasper and Arthur, Detroit, visited' friends here Sat- urday evening. A successful dance was held here Friday evening. A' large crowd attended, and a good time was enjoyed. A Guaranteed SNORT TQM Investment 470 FOR FIVE YEARS ASHFIELD; May 12. — Mrs. Bailey, with her son, George, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Mac- Gregor. Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacMurchy and Airs. Bickle visited recently with their neice, Mrs. J. Newman in Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald motored to Toronto -last week -end. Miss Sally MacDorkald . returned with them. - -t Mrs.. Ray White of Chicago is visiting her mother, Mrs. Kenneth MacLennan. Guaranteed Investment Certificates of the Toronto General Trusts are issued at par in amounts from $100 to $100,000 to run three, four or five years. Certificates pay:— , 4% ay:- 4% for 5 years 3%70 for 3 and 4 years Interest is paid half -yearly by cheque Repayment of principal on maturity and payment of interest are fully guaranteed by the Corporation. Certificates are a legal investment for trustees. Endorsed by investors for more than fifty years Write or telephone for booklet 253 Bay Street, Toronto, H..BASIL MORPHY, Secretary THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS Corporation Every Modern Trust and Agency Service People who appreciate fine cars are turning to monarch. `Some of us.» -ere talking cars the other day and Doctor Harrison said he was sold on Monarch. I figured a doctor would be pretty particular about the car he drove -ser Muer depends,on it..•Anyway, I took the hint and arranged with our local dealer to take .me out in. a Monarch. It didn't take .long to convince me—and there's a Monarch in our garage now. It's a beautiful looking car, no doubt about it. It's got more genuine style than any car I've ever driven --dud that goes for the interior as well. You can tell by the way people look at it that it makes a good impression. You know what a stickler Iam for engine performance—. well, this Monarch has a 125 -Hp. V-8 that's just about the smoothest thing they ever put. under a hood. Lucky thing we had that talk about cars—and I took the cue from my • doctor's suggestion."_, The same thing could happen to you ... why not see your Monarch dealer today? Famous qotoqeThers boy...girL..Coke Coke is the most asked -for soft drink in the world. `'And no wonder—it's so wholesome,. so delicious and pure as sunlight. off • MONARCH MONTEREY • .b'Lt47v • {•,4,:i } •}t�bti}J. rJiv :.'•M.:. r : • Avlemali, Yrvu,, mucron, Overdrive, ,,hlt, ,,dtr.nll /,, rind Lender thirh ,it ,,al al viten ,rel viten available. • CetISIATINO A HAIF.CENTURy Of FINE CAR CRAFTSMANSNI► GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS MAY IS SAFETY MONTH Ak Bottle Carton 36 i 1 • "`- t -7t l)t' belrellw/ frderd Fazes Plat depordt 2e, per Seale Awt artsod hatdor of Cae..C.$e Onefor ei. rest wlIh Coca -Cali Ur. 6?6, e4i onarc YOUR MONARCH, DEALER WILL BE HAPPY TO ARRANIGE A D-EMONST•RATION AT YOUR CONVENIENCE GODERICH MOTORS Goderich Bottling Works Goderich, Ont. !'Cato"Nfroello-oosolt. Phone 48! SOUTH ST. LOOK FOR THE FORD-IVIONARoH. SALEiI! AND uEENICE PHONE 83 SIGN OF VALUE 'HEN YOU BUY A USED CAR —SEE YOUR MONARCH DEALER 4 .