The Exeter Times, 1890-2-6, Page 4Established 1 77. B. i$' . O'3,EXIws BANKER, r, ,ETER, Cilli„r Traneactsttariefelbanking business Receives the aecounta of inerohante and others en favorable tertius. Oders every accemtaodatiou consistent with bare attdoonservativebankingprinciplee. Piveper cent interest allowed on deposits. Draftaissue.l payable at any office of the Merchants Bank. :NOTES DISCOUNTED, dt HONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES uttr Vint o. TfIrRSPAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1890. EDITORIAL NOTES. DR. MONTAGUE and M. Coltei will have another tilt at each oth• r on February 20, in H.aldillland. It 1s Dr. Monter,ue's turn to win. A Rsi;outt caucus was held ori Toronto last Saturday, anti as a result it as couceded that the gt neral electionsfor tine Legtsiature will be held during the don -Eng spneg. There is every'. ineacatioeh � 't. the clad. t• f rl 111. t'1 o c g A RtCBO.T lewletiit teem tee Cei/lral Experir: ectal Farm, Otte. wa, Beals with the subject of barley arld claims that even in au tilt favo' able seescln t r barley grow- ing row--n g there is a wide teriitory in Canada in which two -rowed barley for the Bushnell market can be grown with advantage, atel ;hat • a heaver crop eat two: rowed barley oldie varieties minted ct uli be raised than of ordinary six -rowed bar"ey. Tl:e farrntts are theaetore advised to champ- hom the sax to tine two rowed. A ifil;,At a 4111 company from the States has esteblislted in Walker Liles Canada, a very large malle- able ion works, at d will give em pll yinent to over 3oo hands. There is very little malleable iron made in the Dominion, and most of it is imported froze the United States and paying a duty of 33 per cent. it is tor the put prise td over- coming this duty that the pit rllotera of the enterprise wish to eetabbsh the works on this side, where they will be a►'1e to have tull access to the Patti -44n market. The capital toeseeepoehed. in r r©o,vuo, to be increased as necessary. The build. ing will be lighted by electricity and will be the best, not only in Canada, bet on the continent. This is another indication as to what benefit the National Policy is to Canada. DURING the past week upwards of a dozen car loads of eggs have been imported ieto Canada from the United States. There is free trade in eggs between the two countries. 011e egg and chicken trade a few years ago was one of Mr. Liman"s main argutneuts why the Canadian farmer should seek Commercial Union with the States; • he would realize much higher prices for his product upon the importation of the Yankee eggs the price was reduced from twenty- five cents to ten cents, which was sufficient to greatly startle the Canadian egg -producer. If unre- stricted trade breaks up the egg business in this way, what would it do to the manufactories ? The surplus stocks of the glutted markets of the United States which can find no outlet would be dumped in here, and the native workman might pack up his useless tools, while his employer sought the assignee. THE annexationists and assimila- tioliists of the United States are answered. The Parliament of Canada has by a unanimousvote declaied unswerving layalty to the Queen and British connection. Although the votes were taken, not one member in a. House of . a hundred and sixty-one members present voted against the resolu- tion. Representative members of all sections of the Elouse, English and French, Liberal and Conserve live, not one voted for, but spoke in favor of the resolution. If atter such a declaration American legis- lators and American journalists choose to assume the existence of Minard's Liniment Lumberrnan's friend. a poweriui annexation sentiment in Canada that is their business 1 he re'atior.s between Canada and the United States cannot be too close or too cordial provided they are consistent witil the interests of Canada and the Empire. The star-spangled banner is a ver}' pretty flag, but Canadians do riot covet it ; the Union Jack is good enough for them, N lithe scvsx million dollars is the .amount of the appropriation a:siied lir its \li. olrfe, Ui.ited St testi e .t ;rt tit -he itntexeor, for e+.. enters t'nei'- f'*#. canting fecal veer: Tins en ilea t)t.. the tabu • i3 :t' ,tet ek..' stol • for the preservatio'. of tee Unnee eta t Ilave ct+st t t ;g ti :'s !L or tSwentt- five years th. Se pe :roes hen a been aid and team s r ere rt e,st p:lss before they wil p.neese ers are proverha t le -, heel. fall" G obs s l" c s. «...,reeent says a ..I; nary er t he West- "t• rte ,ta-e- money ie ta-eawin eori ori per cern- pe- ea., :.Q fee', . Writ 118 lot 1..f 1C l Tr ih. :al interests hal', sat ly in e• h: e. q a• red .C. caw .,•, ti, tits as aii+r t l. . , -t. and dealers at six t. ; • - pe'r an til, but it nee:, i,..d as much es then- Am- :wee ee three chitin the mote mem .. ' crop it would mean nice :.x.61. Renee Tenn' acs +,91i 1',i,ynee decide the lecatien et tN awe ell , A r II f R Eta for aft 1 F •t3 ra a h ca 'fit 9 Pearl, will be vote i out 1"ecaese at is Denlv4rat and a Reim- levee Negress is not going to 1-r"•acee the immense palrw"mag.,e of the ten of the bands eat a Democratic Revere riot On the eve of a presi eiel etectior. Int Illinois Is I{epubla can and, by giving the Fair t Chicago, this patronage will be retained in Republican hall& lid used to help tine Democrats were the k air to be held at New York. A UNrrena STATES exchang ui.dcrtales tp g:ve Canada some advice. Our contcrnliorary thlrlks that the temperature of the French Canadians, "who are the rockiest' subjects of the Queen in the Donun len, and great lockers," will be raised by Mr. McCarty's bill to amend the North West Territories Act. "These agitations,” it sal' P, "should suggest to Canadians the need of a Government which wtll be more fusting. Then do their thoughts lead towards annexation." Our impression is that the United States Governmeut has got quite as much fusing to do as it can well attend to among its own people without undertaking any outside fusing. Why, at the present time Congress is engagedin discussing a measure for the transportation of about one.sixth of the citizens of the United States who have failed to fuse. In fact the unfused ele- ment in the United States is a great deal more unfusible than the unfused element in Canada. The indications are that the French will become English a long tine before the blacks turn white. Meantime, notwithstanding occas- ional little differences, the French and the English manage so live in together Canada Ca oda much more harmoniously than do the negroes and the white men in the southern States. LIEUT. GOVERaiOR Sir Alexander Campbell in his speech at the opening of the Ontario Legislature, alluded to the fact that Ontario still held a foremost plane in the pro- duction of cheese, the quality of which ranked with the best offered in the English market. The growth of the cheese industry furnishes a remarkable instance et the effect of the abrogation of , the reciprocity treaty. In order to punish Canadians for their alleged sym yathy with the .south during "the, late unpleasant. ess,"the American Government abrogated the treaty and adopted a policy of trade hostility towards them. . The Americans suffered the most from the action of their Government. ' In this way the manufacture of cheese was 'commenced and the product exported to England,.,. From the very start the business was a 1 success. Canadian cheese soon obtained a standard recognition in England. As the .demands of the market and the methods ot produc. don became better understood the Ontario article advanced in favor and the bustness assumed prapor. tions which made up very largely for the loss of the American trade in other the gs, till now it is aa es- tablished interest of the highest importance to the country. The moral of this is that the exclusive, unfrhendty policy of the United States has had a contrary effect to whet NN es intended. It put :anad:ants on their mettle •a' -d in many eveys helped to develop a self-reliant spirit of patriotic enter- prise m the Dominion which years only tended to eoefirni and strength- en, till now it has alt the force of a national sprit. Hoe. Mr Foster has laid before Pediment the . s tm ties for the frsc:d year re9e-e9 . They show that the curreet expenses charge ,?,,Ie a',ai st co)ns' �li:late l revenue net to $,36,o35•,445, Incl* rep_ see es a letnctilen of $499,,562 as tilt r ,1 with the previous year :•. har.•nedt lire un 't'r the head 9]t tl is estimates! at oet0,t,92, u41 eel :9.357,162 Ili the fisca a ache :•l, or an mere Ise of 13-t'13-th'ie There is, therefore, a ,u' •i ut ''s.35.324 i•. the -s ewes. rt, On len—nitrate into the a,y,a;t ,et the eeneral on current :S^'e° ,iitn7re, it is seen ilia the rant a is air, cel increase are:---t�ensus, rias ,gala; civil government, S. I `a ; administration of justice, e.y She, ; goy ro.ment of the North- west Territories, $26 750 ; rail1,; a1"tr and canals. $45.745 ; an•i pnt.t r3',fiicrb, $33,e yet. .4gniast these i ih,,, column tsar decreases there are cre6.hted suit items as:—Public debt. $ T9('n..It7; Franchise Act, 26s,4to; public work, $343,4ot mail sub,.idiee and steamship sub- venticr 5. et?6,533 ; ocean and river service. $38.950 ; 1' dials, $56.6bo an miscellaneous. $23,956. The account, as a whole, shoes very pl-siel; dint in all that rel.etes to what ' is termed the controllable ex- penditure. the Covetnin ut means to e:,t•retse ri+id econtemy. The following story hat been vouched for;- On Thursday [Horning the C P R ,•xprese uek a eow near a crossing at Thamesfurd. The prow of the etrueturc ran under the middle of the cow. lifting ner off her feet, carrying the body some diatsne. and sipping it open. So firmly was the cow atuck on that the train had to be stepped, and a good deal of force used to get her oil. When the body was rolled to one side a calf cams forth alive and uninjured from the womb of the dead animal. Theehoek of striking the cow caused a temporary scare am ung the passengers. Or Honszs.—At the meeting of South Perth Farmer's Institute, in St. Marys lett week, Mr Alex. Innis, of Clinton, delivered an add -ens on horde cu'ture. Referring to the Clydesdale he claimed that the starting point in breeding was a mixed class. Now, a prettier and amooth. erlookine horse was produced in place of the rougher mod hardier animal of 20 yea s ago. He thought that a model horse was es great a necessity as pe. fe,,tion in any other class of the animal world. tL let was the reason the horse of the present day was inferior in many ways to that of years ago, asked the speaker. The cause was too pure breeding. Hose breeding of the present day averaged 50 per mut., whilst thirty years ago the average was 75 The good and reheat animal was the kind to breed from. It was easy to get a pony, but difficult to produce the horse of nineteen or twenty huu'ired. The strong and rugged horse was better adapted to the wants of the present day than the purebred flexible animal. When the American dealer orossed the line in quest of Canadian horses he wanted not only a good pedigreed animal.but also a good animal. If we persist in producing the class required. then we shall coutinue to rule the market. Mr. Innes concluded his instructive address by a reference to other points of interest to horsemen. A spring medicine is needed by everyone. Winter food, largely consisting of salt meat and animal fats, causes the liver to become disordered and the blood impure, benne the necessity of a cleansing medicine. The beat is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The Central Pacific Railroad is open once more and the usual schedule has been re- sumed. 911 the overland trains which have been blockaded in the Sierras snow drifts have arrived at San Francisco. The first train brought 250,000 letters and 10,000 pouches of papers, THE CANDID TRUTH. I used l'Iatyard'a Yellow Oil this winter for the first time for croup and I mast say I find no better remedy for . it.=tillNNr>, Rem, Listowel, Out. Yello v Oil is a specific for croup and sore throat it never fails. HE YIELDED TO PERSUASION. 'Tor years I suffered from dyspepsia in its worse forms, and after trying all meaue in my power to no purpose, friends persuad ed me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, which. 1 did, and after rising five bottles I was comeletteeured," Nemr, McNarr., Leith, Ont. Don't Swear When you break some fancy article prized by Tour wife, don't swear, but go to your druggist, geta bottle STIX, menti it and make it aimed ,.qual to now. AMMER innEtos-iy .imp. rim ra arm '44- "Rik OCy Just Received a di Hennese/s.irandy In Casks Also other grades Brandy WHOLESALE she Huron,LabraaorWbite reot Irnportatoxa, of and Oases. Corby Whiskey French & Domestic Wines. AND RETAIL Fish out in l3b1s. 1-Z. bis Just received a consign- • � � mem' of This Season's Teas Our Grocery Department is Complete Every + "i 9>;103lla Do Y<eu Eutaw Its Wilson's Wild Cherry is a sere cure for colds coughs. bronchitis. croup. IAoopang cough and 1ossof voice. It has been in use for twenty )said eurro.e Children take itf reely,] itse taste being sweet and Pleasant. 1,121177' GOODs ,a CONnL sl)'rIQ1+l CORED: An oldhysician retired from,'r.ctiee hav- ing had pplaced in his hands by an East.adia RQB 1: s i'�,Oa,y;MTSON enss'ro, my the formula et a simple vegetable retnedy for the speed} and p •rueanent cure for Cousewptivn. Broneh tis- Catarrh Asthma dna all r beset and lu ,g att'ections, also a p' Sidra mod radical cure for nen ons debility and all nervous ceneptaioets, after having tested iia wonder:al curative powers in teou'ands of cases. h as felt it his daty to make is encore to his autleriinr fellows- actuatedtiythingie ive nn l a desire to relit.ve bean to swff. neat- I will t deet sendre retafehcr o o ]I w d t a who e4 ro charge. it, the recipe to german. l'rengh or Eoglisa., with Egli d,ireetiona t'or prp +rtug ,tad using. Sent1 rtceg w#Il 4o ft+ur►ti rt pnitcril bF idre s l g w+tYoa amrdp.enack,higt Ibi p ght in every lino, ester. N. Y. t exceedingly lntvl prices so obspecial Ilr;es g y prices, atoll as i ,ens' 4?verettnts 1 L Boys' overcoats $3 Mens' rants $1.450 Call and Satellite). No trouble to show . ,"' Goods, Highest prices peid for Farre ego to announce that. hie Stook of Goode r the Fall and Winter Trade, is now out ptete in every department. and ie well Worthy of inspection By the purobaeing public, to bera be ex Sande a cordial dial invitatioli to volt and exam ins before naatiug their selections 1'l, 1 aT.Ff TENDERS Marlced Produce. Don't forget the place -Double I liesy,ttpulies.. suStorce,p':e. .end utdrese,l to the Honorable the a 11)ister hotelbl rsha1Pa Block, Opp , of Railways and ('auaIs will be received up to il' a.0 ilu Ise<ine-dal, .lth lily of February'l+nr .mounted Police °t�+titin R•OM% MORRISSO \,. Saonldt,. 389 P-ntedDame oftender containing full in - fore .tion es to the articles and quantities rtl•a red tn'ey bo npplseati.n to tI'e a. ta s . rr, Pr: . u 1 s No tcudcrvriU he received unless wade on swell printed forms. Pntterapof ertioles tray b- ',en at the eel co of the undersigned. I.1'b tender, mast he nccotapar led by an ae- (p?e1 t'anadtonbank eh•,lue fad an amount nyltelstso ttendeer,le^rt. "wfhtaleh gilt l breaifnosrotrfittehe ' if lie Party draline to enter into a contract': del called upon to do so or if he WI to sup. Fa- o e, Os iho artia,ra c utmrt d for. If flan t n lar 01 .t11 k �t be oa =voted viae cheque will be rel. -trued • aaa taw. meat «,18 ids a, elle to newspapers in- .H.TROTT --'--TUE POI'i)7,AR— ,riles thi. advert' ie. without authority sing been lint obtainedFn WHITE, f'om pp cal ter, N,w.5i. Police, Ottawa, Jau'y eliaa,11�9a, ITANTE1), 7 To Sachem/ea quantity of first-class lar Punts for a bora pply to J(1., GILL. lots, On 8,1lay meta. P U' i 1009 ;rich. 4I'oerehy certify that I will not bo rosnonai- Meler geode envie ter wife a ter the Grog day 0 .tnuury 1M:Nr. ei as an E`:. tsr.<i.d Lend. Ja'r's 1a•t,'8ta I'1.1k 1+�11 on the premises 01 the t . t undersigned on or about Jung tat, lb''s% nee yearling heifer red. The owncrean tote* alum by.ctaiuuog property and paying eapen- se4, ltourtite FtvSN. Lot 8,Oen. 8, 'tephen. The Canada Cay. MPROVI;I) FARMS FOB, SALE The fallowing tends, now rented, will be open for sale atter 1st Novombet. 184, when the oxieting lessee will otaira:-- llaorrrrt+urr h, • Poh<a sa } , E} .G Ei, y• l9 N , 9 "}15 N 7, W},21.'25 Stephen .•• -• } 1$ S}, . 7 r '• dux Sables 9, E},14, El. N417 Wear William 14 E},$ 3 Stanley J 8„7,W}.8 GENERAL TERMS :-One-fourth of pur- ehaso mur.er dawn. and ten years given in in- terest to pay balance, at R rental equal to at5 percent. leer annum. Prices will bo given on application to the Commissioners, CANADA ClOMPANY, 1',srteut°. October 28th, 1889. The Farmer who Prospers. Locality in: ariably determines the degree of the farmers' prosperity. They work harder i, tan any other class ; but oircummta aces are often against them In many ,listr]cts the holdin::s are too small to support a family ; year be year the fertility oft .e soil decreases, and at last. tern necessity breaks up the home driving the , ounger members from the pater - pal roof to seek in otber lands the living de- nied by the sterility of the old homest ad, A little reflection before starting in search of a new tome would prevent many a heart ache. of en years of sorrow. 1'he home se ker na- turally caste his eyes towards the Northwest, and ho is too often deluded into settling on a treeless prairie, ft, removed fr m t,.e great markets, where every article he raises can only be sold subject to a heavy freight. In such a situation he cannot prosper. So much for the far IA rthwest Thl 'tasih'R w10 PRosPICR3 is the man who secures a home theyLaa NoRTnwltsr, amidst the great arteries of trade, close to the great markets, where there is a network of railways and low freight. In such a situation labor beats capital in the rase for wealth. An op, portnnit to obtain such a home is now offered The land grant of the St. Paul, Minneapolis Railway Company is now thrown wide open to settlement, at prices within the reach of every- bodyon long deferred paymen ta at low interest The lands are near to the markets of St. Paul and Minneapolis and the great shipping port of Duluth. They aro situated in the golden valleys of Central Minnesotawhere the majes- Mississi pi wends its stately course, and among the lovely dells drained by the Minns sots River, and on the broad prairies of Nor- thern Minnesota where flows the Red River of the North The soil of Minnesota is inexhaustible. The country is intersected by numerous and splen- did timber bolts and wooded hills which. ren- der it free from windstorms. Minnesota has nevorhad a crop failure, She leads all states. territories and provinces: in the quality and. quantity of wheat: produced. and has an enor- mous annual production of other grain and farm produets.'besides groatberdsof cattle, braid; of horses, hocks of sheep and droves of swine. Tbeaveragesummer temperature of Minne- sota is 68 degrees ; winter 16 degrees. The average yearly rainfall is 36 inches, The alti- tute of the State -1,000 feet above sea level - removes it from Miasmatic influences, and statistics prove the climate the healthiest in the universe' Furtherparticulars and 01ans will be mailed free on application to J. 1300KWALTEII,,. Eaq., land oommissioner, St, Paul, Minneapo- lis and Manitoba, Railway, St. Paul, Minn.. or to the Company's land agent, GEORGE PUR VIS, P.O. llox 7, or No. 2 UityHotel .,London. Ont, Deo ll -ams .(las opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones! Sewed work asvecafty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done, A CALL SOLICITlU W. R TROTT. REMOVED DAVIDSON BROS., ,Builders and 0ontrae- orelaave removed toSwallow's old stand, ear- ner Main .and Gidloystreets and are ro ered cheaper than Saab town moulding ngaoontraoted for. Plana. Sneoiflcptions and Estimates wit�hncatn ss and despatch and satisfac tion given. Seasoned Lumber always on band Davidson, 8ros.,, WU. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON NOTICE. ed Fresh and .New STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY rust arrived at the family Grocery, Also Pure Extracts and Spiced. A. beautiful piece of glass— ware given away with one lb. Maye11's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before pur: chasing elsewhere. G. A. HYNDMAN. INTEROOLONIAL RAILWAY OF CANADA WAI.) Dfen to take cede rsery for u r ,erg . tock, on Sal - pry or Ccnaimesion, I can make a auecesefai SA 1 1-+.,`'•+ . 1 N ot anyone who win work and follow my 'tructione, Will fat-nisi,halide. imeoutfit fr e and pay your smarty or Commission ever. week, lyrite far teru+aaton,'e Ps. 0. GRAHAM. Nuraeryntau. t►o4101.St t melee e, eat WILL GI.JRE OR RELIEVE DILIOU, NESS, 111 ZZINERS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART,. ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY' OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, QF THE $K/W, And every species of 1 naso ariaing frov disordered rdcr LIVER, Y R KIO NUY 5T UOWEL$ Ql 81,00.17,, STOMACH' . EilLi3URti & CO„ F'"1” �'z Qtmr't, COO* .2441' One Door South of Post Office --SE EIAs . -..-- A 37ILSV AND COMP -STOCK OF---- rr B Shoes, 1 Sewed work a speciality.,. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON,,. The direct route between the West and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale des Chelenr, Province of Quebec ; also for New Brunewle]e, Nova Rcotia,prinoe Edward CapeBretonlalands, and Newfoundlan d and, St. Pierre, trains leave Montreal and Halifaxi daily (Sundays excepted) and run through without change between these pointe in 30 houre. The through express train cars of the In- tercolonial Railway are brilliantly l.ghtsd by electricity andheated by Steam from the locomotive, thus greatly increasing the oom- fort and safety of travellers. New and elegantbuffetsleeping and day oars run on through express trains. Canadian -European Mail and Passenger Route. PLssongei-s for Goat Britain 01 the conti- nent by leaving Monti ea] on 11'ridaymorning will jell] outward mail steamer at Halifax on Saturday. The attention of shippers is directed to the sup minx facilities offered by this route ;or Mae transport of flour and genorol merchan- dise intended for the 'Eastern Provinces and Newfoundland . also for shipments of grain and pvocluoe intet,ded for tae Eeropean Mar- Stet. Tickets may be obtained and inform a tion about iho route; 0150 freight and Ipesseeger rates 031 application to 'N'.WE1THERSTUN, WesternFreight&Passenger Agent 03RossinHousetllock,York tit. Toronto D POTTINGEE, Chief Superintendent Railway oelco;Moncton .N.R„Nov, 14, '89. Sprinq Good In order to make space for Spring Goode We will olote the Balance Our Winter Stock AT COST PRICE FOR. CASH O1T1I'Y' INCLUDING Overcoats for Men and Boys, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs, Persian Lamb and Astrachen Caps,I A nice stock of Pur trimmings, Gents' heavy wool -lined hid Mitts and Gloves, for 75 cents, worth $1 Ladies' Fur Capes ,2 We cannot be undersold in Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash J MATHESON niithn.Donunlion.kinialuy HEA L QUARTERS FOR ----- Pure Drugs, Patent Medi- cines Dye -stuffs,. Perfumery and Toilet . Articles. School Books and Stationary Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco. Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges aIways on hand Prescriptions carefully pre- pared from the purest Drugs. Remember thea place, Sign, GOLDEN MORTAR, Main St,, lr Browning is 3