HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-05-14, Page 3ISOM IO6tb Year—No. 't() AMAZING SOLDIERR BACK FROM WAR TO VISIT FRIENDS HERE Home in Edmonton from service in Korea with the First Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment, L/Cpl, Ron C. Beattie, plans to visit Goderich to renew old ac- quaintances in the near future. According to a letter received by the Signal -Star from his mother, Mrs. II, W. Mossip, of Namao RCAF Station in Edmonton, L/Cpl. Beattie is at present visiting her and Fit. Sgt. Moult'. obertcjj GQDERICH, 01JTARIU, THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1953 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT HEENTOBITUARY JOHN, DICKS Friends in Goderich will be sorry to learn of the sudden passing of John Dicks at his home In Tor- onto. Mr. Dicks with his wife and two daughters, Shirley and Ruth had spent his vacation for a num- ber of years with his friend, Mr. Mac Fritzley and family. Mr. and Mrs. • Fritzley attended the funeral which was held on Tuesday at the Cook funeral home, 'Poor street, Toronto. EPPS Power Lawn Mower • 'Trouble Free Betray Action • Made iii ('lintsm ' Complete Factory Servige " Fully Guaranteed " I:eonornienI Operotion PLUS These Additional Features Easy to Operate Light Weight (34 lbs.) 18". Cutting Width Clete Trim Feature Three-point Suspension Slip Clutch C. Phone 264 * Four Cutting Heights • 1.6 h.p. Engine • Direct Drive * Rubber -tired Bali - bearing Wheels $90.00 Come In and See For. Yourself _ -AT — O.EppsMfg rLtd. Clinton 19.20 GET SET F0r FRI and join the PARAD at the Wingham Arena FRIDAY, MAY 15- FEATURING Roy Ward Dickson and his GOOFY GANG IN PERSON .. HUNDREDS OF PRIZES VALUED AT OVER $2,500.00 Be sure to bring a "Gagbag" • • a shopping bag filled with odds and ends. Ons Item in it may win you 'a. fine NEWS EASY WASHER. ADMISSION ADVANCE SALE GENERAL $1.40 Sponsored by Kinsmen Club of Wingham Tickets available at THE ESQUIRE GRILL CANADIAN ARMY'S 00110NATION CONTINGENT SAILS. The above group representing every province in Canada will form part of the Canadian Army's represent atior► at the' Coronation eertyrnonirt; in tendon ort the 2nil of .)tine. They - flailed last week on the h'raneoriia frprn Quebec City for the U lilted Kingdom. CITES NEWSPAPERS AS BEST FOR ADVERTISING Newspapers are advertis- ing's "big guns," Robert S. Mark, advertising manager of Robert Simpson Co., 'told the A',sociation of Canadian M- vertisers at 'Toronto Thursday Iast. Dircet mail is only "rifle fire,"- he said in speaking to a forum discussing direct mail advertising at the 30th annual meeting of the admen. Ile said "an army which uses only rifles when they should br'ng up their heavy artillery I lose the battle, if not the r. And any. merchant who d ends on direct mail when lee shguld,be using newspaper advertisinW will surely Iose sales, if not his shirt." W • Levy Fine of $75 On Assault Charge Pleading guilty to a charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, Donald Patterson, of Gode- rich, was fined $75 and court costs Of $88 or 30 days in jail by Judge T. M. Costello in County Court -last Friday. The charge arose out of a fracas on February 18 in which Patterson was alleged to have struck Donald McPhail, also of Goderich. The offence was- alleged to have taken place at the accused's taxi stand. Sumrning up evidence taken at a preliminary hearing held on Feb- ruary 26, Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays, Q,C,, told .the court that" the incident occurred after' some remarks betdeen the accused and McPhail. "The atmosphere," he said, "appears to have changed NEW LOW SPRING �:oal Prices Old Company Lehigh hard coal, stove and nut, effective immediately—$26. Pocahontas, Indian Maid—$21 Cavalier Stoker—$20 We are now in a position to serve you SUN HEAT FUEL OIL, Please phone your needs to i H. 0. JERRY PHONE 22 GODERICH - 18-19 GODERICH PAVILION DANCING WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY 'NIGHTS Every Wednesday --Modern and old-time dancing to Clarence Petrie's Nighthawks. Saturday night—Johnny Brenan and his orchestra. SPECIAL MID -NIGHT DANCE, May 17, at 12.05 a.m. Johnny Bronan and his orchestra. HOLIDAY DANCE, Monday, May 17, 10 to 1 a,m, Clarence Petrie's Nighthawks. from one of joviality to one of Big Turnout For hostility," Frank Donnelly, QC., who ap- IOddfellow Service t >• neared .,for Patterson, submitted that the evidence showed Patter- son had been -minding his own business and that the fracas had been provoked by McPhail. He said that Patterson had agreed to pay civil costs,- of medical and hos- pital bills..arnotlnting•to more than $200. -No witnesses were_heard at the County Court hearing. , "Good Anytime" 4tvwcomlftsted. ICE CREAM The biggest turnout of Oddfel- lows for a -number of years was seen here Sunday morning when Iluron Lodge, I.O.O.F., No. 62, and Rebekah Lodge, No. 89, held their annual divine service in St. George's Church." ' Led • by L. 11 Watson, Noble Grand of the Oddfellows, and H. M. Harris, Noble Grand Rebekah,i, the group of close to 150 formed up at MacKay Hall and paraded to the church. The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Kenneth E. ,Taylor, who preached a sermon emphasizing the importance of fellowship. Dr. Taylor told the Oddfellows that love, honor and fellowship were especially important today, and told how St. Francis •had -start- ed a move for universal brother- hood. CORONATION DAY. PARADE A parade will be held in the morning on Coronation Day, Tuesday, June 2nd. The parade will' leave the Public School and proceed to Court House Park, weather permitting. In case of inclement weather,, the Parade will proceed to the Arena. All groups and organizations desiring to join the parade should notify Mayor John E. Huckins or Councillor• K. J. Pennington, Chairman of Special Committee, not later than May 25th. S. H. BLAKE, 19.0 Town Clerk ar NEXT 10 TBRIGHT FUTURE FOR GODERICH FORSEEN BECAUSE OF SEAWAY "(loderirh will be a terrific town in ten years," stated W. R. Mathieson, of 'Poirot►to, hinting at future development here ait s result -of the St. Lawrence Seaway plan, in an address F'ridsy ' night last' before the Lions 'C`nh at the Bedford lintel, ][r. " Mathieson, setsretary-treasurer of the Astweiation of Municipal IEleetrits Utilities of Ontario, a branch of the' J1.E.P.C., spoke optirnistieally of the proposed seaway and. added, "In the.,very, very near future we 're going to -see Kos a reports wine out in the press." Robert H. Saunders,chairman entertainment provided by Lion of rife If.E.t'.C., was ttohave erten Gleh eee- GGardiner. Lion Harry Be - toe truest acnt be use os unable ducted thebvisitorshe afar and afternoon, hc, present because, of a Ball for him to go to Washington, D.C., rich on a civic tour. in connection with a conference re.Tem Pryde, MLA. and Donald garding the St. Lawrence Seaway Blue, M,P., amused the gathering development. In his place, 51r. with an impromptu duet. Mathieson came and also '1'. E. Diet rich, of the H.E.P.C., public rela- tions department. Guests at the gathering included: Toin Pryde, M.L.A.,, South Iluron; Donald Blue, M.P,, Bruce; A. Y. McLean, M.P., Ildron-Perth; Al- vin W. Kerslake, warden of Huron County; Mayor J. E. limekiln; Dr. W. F, Gallow, chairman of the Public, Utilities Commission; Elmer Weaver, manager of the P.U.C.; Carl Banks, president of the Kins- men Club; Cecil Hoffman, presi- dent of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Lion president Gor- don McManus was chairman, Mr. Mathieson expressed admir- ation for the manner In which Mr. Saunders told United States officials of Canada's intentions to proceed with the St. Lawrence Sea- way alone if United States failed to help. All Canada wants is a little co-operation from the 'United States, Mr. Saunders was quoted as saying. Honor Dr. Gallow Mr. Mathieson paid tribute icr Dr. Gallow, chairman of the Gode- rich P.U.C., for his remarkable re• cord of 40 years of service. "There aren't -many men like him around," said Mr. Mathieson • 'Water tables in Europe and in America are -steadily dropping, making -it difficult for industry," said -Mr. Mathieson. "On the Great Lakes this water table is and will keep up,': he said, which was his reason for believing that the Great Lakes will see continued industrial development including siich areas as Goderich. The organizational structure of the II,E.P.C., was outlined by the guest speaker. 1'. E. Dietrich, of the public re- lations staff of IL.E.P.C., stated Goderich- was a good place to coma back. to since he once at- tended the old central public school here, alis mother was Mabel Trethewey and the family lived in the old Jones -Bateman house. • The Dietrichs lived in the Randall Marriott 'house and had a feed mill at -the •end of Nelson street. -Mr. Dietrich paid his respects to Dr. Gallow and also said they had called on J. B. Kelly, for many I PLANNED LIFEINSURANCC C. "A -remarkable :man,. for - te remembered me even_. though tlithout obligation, let me t I had not seen him for some ten years," said Mr. Dietrich. eyou how the facilities of the, Big sDevelopments owing power develop - SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM.ments throughout Ontdrio includ- PANY OF CANADA can hod int; tremendous development Sir Adam Beck No, 2 at Niagara at meet your particular needs in a. hydro is a very imports* thing in the life of everyone to- day " said Dr. Gallow. "It has be- come so common pcwople don't.read- ize the value of • it. They dea't realize where it comes from. When we first had hydro in Godericia we agreed to use .800 ILP, spur it was quite •a number off years before we could use any more than 200 H.P. Now I sign a ch= for $10,000 every month. will show you hew much power we are Using now." The loon, common to many Cata- adian lakes, has a black and white chequered back and is pure white below. This man started out for himself many years ago, and soon established a 'successful one-man business. Theo came the problem that after hes death his widow might be obliged to sell the business of a loss, Sun life of Canada Business Insurance, salved this. Now the enterprise will be purchased from his widow by senor employees at figure set during his lifatimw were shown. He related how On- way• that will fit your pocketbook. tarlo was undergoing the greatest Harold W. Shore hydro expansion program of any ..,sere In the world. Lion Jim Graham, in his charac- NORTH sr. PHONE 751W teristic humorous manner, intro- ' Representative at dtfced the guest speaker. Lion STUN LIFE ASSURANCE Jim Kinkead 'moved a vote cif - COMPANY OF CANADA thanks. Loud applause greeted the playing of the bagpipes by Information available Donald Bert McAdam, part of the on N.II.A. ,Joann UMW King of the Fiddlers AND HIS SONS OF THE WEST PHONE 1150 West Street Now—Gary Cooper --,in his Academy Award Picture— "HIGH NOON"—with Grace Kelly. Moil., fives: and John Wayne—Nancy Olson and Jim Arne:: In his first picture since "The Quiet Man," John Wayne returns in another dramatic hit with a story you will remember. "BIG JIM McLAIN" Thur. Fri. Sat;—A Big Special Attraction I 1 1 The, John Phillip Sousa Story— Now—Wayne Morris and Lola Albright—In "SIERRA, PASSAGE" Mon., Tues. Viand -Ward..--. -_--__ .__ _._..— John Hodiak-=Linda Christian and Stephen McNally A newsreel photographesr and a Red Cross nurse strike adventure and romance in strife -torn. Koren. "STARS and STRIPES FOREVER Thur.-:Fri.—Sat. Double Feature— John Archer—Marguerite Chapman and Lyle Talbot Offer; a mystery drama concerning a derelict freighter on the high seas. Clifton Webb portrays file March Kingin this great Technicolor,• presentation of 'the We and music c of Sousa. A picture 'OU will thoroughly enjoy. Clifton Webb—Debra Paget and Ruth Hussey Coming—"JEOPARDY" starring Barbara Stanwyck—it's NEW i "SEA TIGER" Stanley Clements and Elena Verdugo Tell a thrilling tale of modern high speed aircraft. "JET JOB Coming—"THE WELL"—with Richard Reber —Christine Larson and Henry Morgan, COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST HOTEL TULLE first thing to do in Oetroirtil-ettil t---4' in at Hotel Tullsri You'll enjoy every minute. Newly modernised. Beautifully decorated. Within walking distance of all downtown steres, theatres and business actives hies ... yet, you enloy the ever- green atmosphere of Grand Circus Park ... The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excellent food ,.., modestly priced. PLUS OLD TiME FIDDLERS" CONTEST__ _-.-__- 12 Entries Only For the King Ganam Trophy SOD ROOMS $ :50 WITH BATH FROM up Harry 1. Pastime, O.e.rel Mena er' DETROIT Goderich Memorial Arena MONDAY, MAY 18 OLD TIME FIDDLERS' CONTEST — 8 to 0,30 p.m. DANCING from -- 9.30 p.m. to 1 a,m. �► Admission -1.00 per person N Sponsored by THE KINSMEN CLUB 'r OF GOMMRMMM. -72' •