HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-05-14, Page 2THE GODERICE SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY, MAY Mk 1 anittrirh titua1tar HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Published by 13lgral.Star Publishing Limited • irbocription •fatal.. --Casaba and Great Britain, $2,50 a year; to United Slate)), $3.50. Strictly In advatire, Advertleing Rates on. request. ` '1'eleptu,ne 71. Authorized eat second -clubs nail, Pest Office Department, Ottawa. Outu l Town Representative:- C'.Vti'.N,A,, ,, s • 4211 Temple BBldg., Hay and Richmond s• St*, Toronto, Me nher of Canadian Weekly News- ' Tapers A sociation. ,Afembcr of Audit i3ureau of Circulations Weekly Circulation Over 3,000, GEO, L. ELLIS, Editor and Pi/blither. / o ve,ns1` JLSl)AY, MAY 14th, 19.5;3 � 1Ht _..._.v., ..m� A REVOLUTION IN better health cure for the disabled, AGRICULTURE and bette=r facilities anti services to help doctors' diagnose their We all know that great progrc •s patients.' illncs,nes,, The; rnuncy itan been m=ule in the science isf , will be placed at the disposal of agriculture, and an address given ; the Provinces for aiintirtistratton; by Dr Clifford Hardin, head of tics Coupled with substantial grarttss Michigan Farm Experimental Sta. already tuaude for tuberculosis et/ti- tian reveals Chow in tetany ways ; trot, for the aid of crippled child - recent progress will resvolutienize sett, for cancer research, for hon - taunting practigias and in turn will ( vital construction and other health affect human. economy, measures, the Federal Government Said lir. Hardin: "ll your rem' Iss doing ax much as can be reason, urs of how things were dune mt ably •expected ,in existing circurn• the farm then back no further stances, Whe=n defence t.�xpendi• than to the turn of the century, i tures show a nubntuntial decrease you have seen more progress .n it will be time enough to consider agriculture than occurred. in all what further can be; donee, the yearn from this birth of Christ' tap to the beginning of the ;u)(la EDITORIAL NOTES century." here are some of the; , things mentioned by 1)r, Hardin, The Canadian Congress of Labor Land is yielding touc=h more per 3ug444!st.. threw, Canaria accept s,ter• acre. We are feeding twice the ling for wheat and other Camelia!' number of Peoples we fed in 190) exports to the United Kingdom, off just' about the name number; tilde Souder if the ('_C.1.. could of acres. This is title , to the .rapid- persuade Labor to accept sterling 1y expanding use of special retail.' about 60 cents to she dollars. for wages, &esii' to meet ) pecitic needs, to the plant breeder for developing retrains of much greater productiv- ity, to the plant physiologists, and to entymologists. And to about 1.5 per cent. of the total acreage released for human use because so longer needed to feed horses and mules. Hybrid corn is an example of ;the .work of the Plant breeder. More than 99 per cent. of the corn grown- in the Middle Weld- is hybrid, a change of the past twenty years.' "And they have a lot more such tricks up their sleeves," The plant physiologist is having a field day with chemicals and sprays that set hlossorns, protect theist against frost, and produc<s such things as 'tomatoes three weeks earlier than before. He can keep onions and sugar beets and potatoes froth sprouting in storage. He can spray a yard of mixed, grass and dandelions and kilt the dandelions and not hurt the grass. "And he, doesn't know why it works the way it does." They even have the prospect of a treatment that will arrest the growth of grass at lawn mower height -and keep it sip -cam the length of the seaison, Bugs and plant diseases are on the run. Fruit won't drop until tekecl p addition to payments for housing, In the livestock world, artificial food,'clothing, rata=.---'t'heresarr►--mtt= ~ -- breedirig iassilready accounting for lions of families that are not take(' one-sixth of dairy herd reproduc• (to any such amount. Persons of tion. One herd bull-' at the colleite wealth pay tens and hundreds of I is already poppy to, 20,00(1 calves l thousands 01 dollars in income tax) and many bulls laser, 10,000 calf - ls,ne, -and these large payments ! records, The Use Of proven sires' reduce the amount (eollectcd from ei already stepping up the milk, others, 11 those responsible,. for -production of state herds to an' the brochure had stated that the .all-tirno high. total mentioned meant an AVER. If you remeniher the hard work AGE of,$300 for every nein, wornait of curing for caws in your boy• and child, no objection could be hood, you will find it still hard, but just the slime ,you would have 25 per. cent. less physical work to do. And thousands of dairy - s T men_,rlxm't' even know hew to milk at cow by hand. Cows can now be brought into bull milk production without first producing calves. " Pigs ted on synthetic Milk from birth are big- ger than - their litter mates left with the mother ' until weaning time. - "In short," Dr. Hardin con- cluded, "the biological revolution may well bo called greater than the industrial revolution, or the atomic revolution we are present• ly exploring." Somehow this reminds otic of the old story about the clergyman who complimented the old colored man on his garden. "You and God have certainly done well, . haven't youl" "Yes 'sir, Parson, but you should have seen this here place when God had it just_ to himself with. out me to help Ilim!" • Down Memory's Lane 30. Years Apo About 2'$ Collegiate student,; marchted to the. back, ut the harbor for sate practice at short rane,C1) with miniature cart- ridge* etude specially" for such practic=es, The distances fired at were 18 and 25 yards and the prise. ttce was the surto 'as it would have been at longer distances with regu- lar ammunition, The old ticket office, at the sta- tion-- w ta-tion-v vas cut in two and it was in- tended to Weave the sections and use, there for sumnwr -cottages, The county jall was almost free of tenants, all winter visitors hav- ing left for their numrner tours. Hire destroyed the lealorth Mill- ing Company's warehouse mid elevator. Firemen succeeded in saving tfi a retain brick firth, but machinery was damaged consider- ably. 25 Years Gull. *Westminster Gulld of Knox Church took their play, "'fake My Advice," to Auburn and played before ;1,101 house in the Forest- erts' Hall, "his was the first time that an entertainment was given in ttw hall since the installation Of hydro, • Goelericb Fall -Fair Board de. chisel to hold a three.dayy fair on September 17, 18 and 10. The dates set were, later than in former years, • Plans were being made for a meeting to force a quoit and horse- shoe club. Many inert had signal- led their desire to help revive the see Mayor Lampert of 'Toronto stave gauws since u ►lumber of tlw sur- rounding centres had Started -10 pl.•ay. It wase proposed to form. a club in Guderich and arrange a schedule between - the vurwtis Wards of the town, 13 Years Ago • Large shipments ut 'corn from Chicago were keeping the Godertch elevator and both railways busy. The turn was being trans erted by rail to Montreal and uebec.• Final destination of the shipments Was unknown, but it wars believed the corn was going to Great Britain as a precautionary measure again• sit a punsiblcl war blockade. Approximately 200 Boy Scouts of Huron district were ``preparing fur a big rally in Goderich on May 24 at Agricultural Park. After an inspection and a parade around The Square, an afternoon of garner and contests was scheduled. Mollasses, boiling, thick and gooey, created a sticky tress at the Big Mill when the heating byte tem, inadvertently left on, caused the liquid to boil out of a huge OBITUARY MKS, WALTEK E, LATIMER Funeral service was held yester- day for Mrs, Walter E.,Latimer, the former Leah Durand, who died at her bona in Hamilton un Sunday. interment wase .made his -hayfield Cemetery, Mrs, Latimer is sur- vived by tar husband, and two daughters, Mrs, Hugh Lumsden of i.Iamilte,n and Mrr3, Kenneth Ran- kin, of North Bay. MRS. MABI:"l. JI=NKINS Mrs, Moban Jerikina, 6(J, who died last 'Thursday in, Clinton Hospital, Ihail heed in Clinton all her life. ter husband, George Jenkins, died tour years Aga,. She warn an active number of Wesley -Willis United Church, and of lturonte Rebekah Lodge. luring her 2() years merribersbip in the lodge she hard been a noble grand and pant district deputy. '!There are no sure ving relatives, Services were conducted at the Ball"'and Dutch funeral tome, Sat- urday at 2 p.m. (DST), by the Rev, C, Wilson, and interment resole Im Clintun cemetery. MUS. ANNE G. MacMILLAN Mrs. Anne G. MacMillan, mother of Rev, lt, G. MacMlllun, minister of Knox Presbyterisn Church, died Friday in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Her husband lfugh MacMillan, died rseverel Years ago. • Mrs. MacMillan, who arrived in Stratford from Perth, Scotland, itt storage tank. the molasses rolled 1923, lived in that city until my- down novdown a gradual slope, across they int; to Sarnia and later to Montreal, railway tracks and poured into She crone to Goderieh trine months the harbor before the damage was ago, di*covered and the heat turned Besides her son, she Is survived off, "s - . by rine brother, .John G. Wilson, A . joint deputation from the. of Stratford, and one sinter, Ws, 'town Council and Board of Trade J. A, Walker, of Montreal, left (Soderich -to meet with - the Funeral services were conduct -ed Minister of highways at 'Toronto Monday at Stratford in St, An- and lay before him a request that d• rew's Presbyterian Church, con• the work of paving the Blue Water ducted by Rev, F. J. Barr. - inter• Highway be hastened to cornple• merit was made in Avondale came. tion, - tery. ' sh=ip MARY MPTCHELL LEEBURN ALEX 'CLARK ACCEPTS Mrs. Marx L, Mitchell, who died — NEW' POSITiON AT ARVA Friday in lexandra Hospital, bad an address a few nights ago at 14,4S'an was' I Pr BURN 'May 12,—mrs, ,loe If, Alex Clark, teacher of music lived all her life in Goderich Town. orillie and; according to The News- burn sssM.S. when thev hostess to the Lee- at Goderich District Collegiate In- ship, near Hayfield. Iler husband, met. for :dame _and organist and choir- Alexander Mitchell,, died 28 years Letter, tited benefits that, ha ad, their April meeting. There was master at North Street United ages would accrue to Orillia from the a good attendance and Mrs, Wm, Church, has accepted the position • She was a member of Christ .projected deeper St. Lawrence Sea- Sallows was leader of the worship service. A letter of thanks was Way. it will meats he said, "that to be sent. to Mr. -Frank Rising, raw materials- brought in will lisivei thanking Leeburn ehurch for pay. to be processed and manufactured ,i'lg balance of the allocation due into finished goods," ' As' one of '1 the ' _Uniti:d Church Training ;School in Toronto, Members were the Main objects , 01 the deeper i asked to bring artilces for the waterway as to transport Labrador , bale for Korea to the May meeting, ore to, the steel mills of ohio, it Mrs. Bert Bogie read 'two chapters ni quite evident that Tittonto's i from the study book, Members Mayor was talking homethie when wth(,•,re asked to have an item frem Missionary Monthly for roll lie_ asked his hearers to talkie!! i call for May meeting, which will that this would be of benefit to ', be held at the home of Mrs. Jarvis orillia, Contrary• to his stale; McBride, Carlow. At the con. , elusion of the meeting Mrs,- Jos. ment, Canadian ore is to be ' Harrower was 'presented with a brought NI United States Mills .for ' gift of towek from the Society lo the benefit saucily of united states • acknowledgment of' her time and industries. , , talent with wide) she was SO generous while in our athirst. Lunch • ;'was served by the hostess assisted • In a brochfire issued by the ,b,y her daughter, Mrs, Don directors of the,Canadian Weekly ,Straughan. Newspapert Asso-ciation it is stated that Canadian expenditure of 41,4 billion dollars "Is over $300 fot• every Canadian—man, woman and child." This, of eourse, is not true The statement would mean that every family of four (nian, wife and two, children) would be pay. ing $1200 in Federal taxes, in MORE FOR HEALTH Federal tumors will be pleased to_ see that Hon. Paul Martin is keeping his feets on the ground In the matter of a health insurance plan for Cenada. the House of Commons last week, stating that such a program would taken; but in order to make, as they thought, an impressive argument they started ell With a ridiculous statement. The C.W.N.A. directors were presenting views on GO.Y.Cril• ment radio and television policy. Whether the views expressed would heve the approval sof the membership„ of the Association may be questioned—but that is another story, PORT ALBERT CHURCH PLANS SPECIAL SERVICE Following completion of a re- decoration program which luis been carried out during the past two years, service .nest Sunday in Christ Church, Port Albert, will be a combined one of realedic,a• tion and of Rogation -Tide to bless the seed that has been sown and is So be sown. Last Sunday, the congregation held the first service In the church auditorium in about a month, While redecoration was being done, services have been- held in the The service, to be held at 3.45 p.m , will recognize the efforts of the' front ehtrance, construction of a centre aisle, and redecoratien of the auditorium. The day will also !mirk the 04th anniversary of the first Church of England service in the port Albert district and the 64th anniversary of the oMcial opening -of the church Rev. L. Jennings will be as. - out $600,000,000, he Raid that the of the Church of the Messiah, , people of Canada would not' ap, Kincardine.' A buffet luncheon,. I will be served following the ser. -proVe such an expenditurtt on top of present heavy expenditures for vice. At the same time the '.Mitilster tannotinced new health • grants Mounting" to, $42,000,000 to be monad .ol;rer flveL years. These igranta.are to provide„ better health are for. mothers and children; and health education at Q1100104. DEGREE will receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts at convocation exercises et Queen's University, Kingston, en Saturday. Ile la also among tne gradtmtes of the school of phycical of --ninsic director at Medway High Church, Hayfield, s School in Arva, near London, and Surviving are one brother, Wil --- WILLIAM A. ROSS will 'continence 'his new duties in 1 liam J, Elliott, and one sister, Miss The death of William A. Ross Septer,nber, a raises islliott,, both of Goderich occurred suddenly lust ThOrstiay Mr. Clark, who came to Goderich !Township, - . 21" WESTINGHOUSE SPECIALA. SET. FRINGE ARE only 5399• ELECTRONIC CARIFIER Viliatelft SINGLE DIAL CONTROL TUNING ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY RECEPTOR 3 WAY GLARE PRIVIIMION TUIll ilf Reinhart ',Electric r,..1 Television 79 HAMILTON STREET GODERICH 123 ONTARIO STREET STRATFORD Donald McKenzie, Walter Wallace, the age of nine with his parents Samuel Westlake, Alfred Warriner and started working on lake boats and James Young. when 16 years di age. He later lived ie Michigan, bet retained five years -ago fthrn Brantford, has; Resting at the Lodge funeral rbilt, Mich., after an ill. Vande been organist for the Don Wright , home here, where services were ness'of two years, Born at Claw Chorus in London since early this; conducted Monday,- at 10,30 a.,m,, met, Michs 1601, he was a son year, and will continue in that by Revs Carew .lones, and inter- el the, late Mr. and Mrs, Charles capacity, His . wife, the former nicht made in Hayfield ceinetery, itoss, of Goderich. • Joan Scott, will also sing with the Pallbearers were. John Wayne, Mr. Ross came to Goderich SUCCESSFUL. DANCE A large attendance and an excel. lent evening of entertainment was , enjoyed at the spring fantasy of I Beta Sigma Phi at the Goderich Pavilion Friday night,' Dance con." vener was Mrs, Betty Westbrook, , President of the organization is; Kay Holmes who expressed thanks , for the fine attendance.. Decors! Miami were daffodils, forsythia and PUSH BUTTON.... OOKING on this exciting FINDLAY "Space Saver,' ELECTRIC RANGE The Model UR4T is for the housewife who wants a compact range with all the "big range" features. This deluxe model 'means more freedom from cooking wor. ries--truly a_ work.saVer as well as space.saver. EXTRA ,PEATURES•ON MODEL UR4T Signal light indicates when any surface eliment is on.. Automatic Timor turns oven on and off at the desired time -- No peed to hurry home to prepare a hot meal. "Clear View" window and oven- light .mako it possible to check the baking Withetif optintnii the oven 'dear. Convenient warming drawer heated by separate eliment keeps food and dishes warm until ready to serve. Deluxe Model' - :Less Lamp Standard ,11/odel $272.50 $259.50 $197.50 NoW ON DISPLAY IN OUR NORTH STREET SHOW ROOM E.BREEKENRIIIGE HARDWARE PLUMBING HEATING property in Goderich, Ile was here_ last fall on a visit. - Surviving are hi$ widow, the former' Marjorie Campbell, of 'Vanderbilt, Mich,, whom he mar- ried in 1040; two 'sisters, Mrs. Floyd Smith, of Detroit and' Mrs, Elizabeth Penningten, of London; mul three brotheeli,-. Dave and George, of 'Detroit, and Fred, of Winnipeg. A brother, Charles and a sister, Margaret Ellen, pre. deceased him. -FUtlerhl tiCeViCCS were held at Vanderbilt after which the remains were taken to Goderich for a ser- vice on ,Saturday at, the E. E. Cranston funeral home, Rev. 11. A. Dickinson., of North Street United Church, officiating. Interment was made in Maitland cemetery, Rela. tives from Detroit . attended the • Whit•wall Wes and chrome wheal trim drips optional at 'intro cost. more people than ever want Meteor V-8 smoothness most powerful engine in -the low price field! 000D DRIVERS DRIVISAPE CARS MAY IS SAFETY MONTH 1111 MI 1 11'1 You're seeing more new Meteors on tlie roads thew dayii than ever before. The reasons are exciting. Take power. In the 10%4 price field, Meteor Customline and Crestline Series offer the most with the 120 Hp. "Fury" V-8 engine, acclaimed for its supreme smoothness, dependability and longer life. Take com- b' rt. For easy-going cinnfort, Meteor'm "Wonder Hide" in a 04fatto' Here's the simplest and greatest of all auto - revelation in quieter,_softer. tr.1.1Y.oLc.t1”11P Meteor with _dilem- matic drives. Look further into Metebr's extra values, and you'll discover. Meteor is the style -leader its class—the only ear in the low price field offering two V:8's by the vvorld's largest builder of V-8 enginea, Choose either Merc-O-Matie Drive, or thrifty Touch -O -Matic Overdrive (both optional at extra coat), or Silent -Ease Standard Transmission in your new Meteor! YOU'RE INVITED ... TRY NEW "METEOR WONDER RIDE" BEFORE YOU DECIDE ABERHARTI$ GARAGE ANDREW's STRUT 'PHONE 625W FOR A 'SAFE -BUY' IN A USED CAR ... SEE YOUR METEOR DEALER