HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-04-30, Page 12THE GODERI SIONAL"-,, AR = THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1053 WANTIIDS AND—. .HFRF AND THERE Keep your eyes peeled for an absent-minded professor at the i'ost Office. . Joe McNevin went .for itis mail on Monday and there was ..othing in the pockets of his spring elvercoat. When he came out he . ound a large bunch of keys in one of his overcoat pockets. He figures that someone standing beside him ,:nd opening a mail box absent- .ainded-like slipped his keys into .ioe's pocket instead of into his vin after opening his mail box. . Vire are relieved to know that Toronto still- belongs to the Bri- : ish Commonwealth. Our inform - ,.tion comes from the. latest figures of the Dominion Bureau of Statis- ,dcs, just released. Of Toronto's total population of 675,754, as of 1 he 1951 census, 465,457 came from the British Isles. Other groups are as follows: French, 21,865; German, 11,585; Italian, 18,441; Jewish, 40,809; Netherlands, 6,742; 'olish, 20,857; Russian, 3,926; Scan- dinavian, 3,772; Ukrainian, 23,383; other European origins, 31,523; Asiatic origins, 8,274; native Indian and Eskimo, 805; other and not tated, 18,315. The last time we walked down Yonge street, some ,nonths ago, we imagined we heard :norc foreign tongues in action than we did •English, A, Mt. Forest weather prophet who last September predicted the" past winter exactly, says that un- seasonable spring weather will re- train until May 10. The Signal -Star went theatrical on Monday. When the curtain rose on Dungannon Junior Fartn- ers' production of "Fetchin' Pa :Around" at the drama festival in MacKay Hall, a family was shown seated aound the dinner table and ►here was "Pa" reading the news- paper. And he was reading The signal -Star. TO RENT FOR RENT —FURNISHED TWO - ROOM apartment downstairs. Kitchen with sink and built-in cup- boards. Near the lake. Suitable for a couple. No conveniences for children. Apply 33A Essex street. Phone 1104R. , -. - • l ltf 1 TO RENT.—APARTMENT,. TWO large airy rooms with kitchen- ette and balcony in quiet home, available immediately. 10 St. Vin- cent street, phone 213W. -17tf TO RENT. — FURNISHED BED- ROOM for lady. Phone 1007W. 17x FOR RENT. — PARTLY FIiRN- ISHED apartment. Phone 404. -18 Coming Events Frigidaire Cooking School spon- sored by Ahmeek Chapter, LODE,- will ODE;will be held in Collegiate auditor- ium, Wednesday, May 6, at 8 p.m. Tickets 50c on . sale at Hibbert's and,Emerson's Stores. -15tf A Ilospital Day Tea and sale 4'f home baking and candy will be held on 'Tuesday, May 12, at Knox ' Church auditorium from 3 to 6 p.m. Come and support your ho- ' petal. -17-19 "Look Out, Lizzie!"—a three -act comedy:will be presented at Vic- toria Street Church, by the Wood- ham L.O.B.A., on Friday, May 8, auspices Willing Workers. Admi, sion, 50c and 25c. -17-19 The regular meeting of the Afternoon Woman's Guild of St. George's Church wi)l be held in ' the Guild Room, Tuesday, May 5, at 3 p.m. -18 48 Bargain -wise Bedelia, A stickler for value received Read the classified - And never was deceived! Briefs Friday and Saturday this week 'only, sale of ladies' French crepe dresses, $3.95 each. The Textile Shop. -18 For Mother's Day, buy Laura Secord candies and nuts, fresh each week. Campbell's Drug Store. -18-19 Irish and Polish linen tea towels, substantial quality, 49c each at The Textile. Shop. -18 A spring sale on all C.I.L. paints such as Speed Easy Satin, Dulux enamel, Celux enamel and outside house paint is on. ,A special 10% discount to every customer for a period ending May 15, 1953, Re- member to phone 22 and say "de- liver deliver it, please:" A three-foot yardstick free to each customer buying one gallon or more. H. 0. Jerry Hardware. -18-20 ATTENTION.—Calling all house- wives. Goderich House and Win- dow Cleaning Service. Still in business.. Cellars cleared. Phone 1143, 18-20x Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. pro- ducts. Phone 98. -18tf Summer rates are in effect on all kinds -of coal. At rock -bottom prices, fill your bin for next winter. Order now. Phone 1002. Overholt Coal Co. -18 For clean-up, moving and gen- eral cartage, call E. JEFFERY, phone 843W. -18tf The regular monthly meeting of the Goderich Women's Institute i will be held May 7, at 2.30 p.[n., i at MacKay Hall. There will be installation of *officers. • -18 The Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D E. will hold a rummage sale on Satur- day, May 2, at 1 p.m., at Mar„Kay Hall. -18 The regular monthly meeting of Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., will be held at the home of Mrs. D. D. Mooney, Tuesday, May 5, at 8.15 p.m. -18 BIRTHS CHISHOLM,—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on April 27, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chisholm, R.R. 3, Goderich, a son. HOY, -- At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on April 27, 1953, to - Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoy, 11 R. 3, Goderich, a son. IN MEMORIAM STIRLING.—In loving memory of our mother, Mrs. Pearl Stirling, who passed away two years ago, May lst. The years • may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never— The memory of those happy days iWhen' We were all together: —Ever remembered by her I daughters, Florence, Margaret and Mary. 18x TO RENT. — GROUND FLOOR near Square, office or barber- hop arber -hop or small living apartment, 'seated; bathroom facilities. Bank ',nd front:entrance on same floor. JAMES A. CAMPBELL. -18 TO RENT.—TWO FULLY MOD- ERN summer cottages, we11T urnished, overlooking the lake. "hone 1042R or call at 271 Cobourg street. } -18 To RENT.—THREE LARGE UN- FURNISHED heated rooms, -mailable May 9. No objection to one child. Phone 1382. -18-19 `FI OR'~RENT,- --THREE-ROOM A- PARTMENT, private entrance, • uitable for elderly couple. or vung working' couple. Apply. 167 "ambridge street. Telephone 1193W. 18x ° CARD OF THANKS THE FAMILY OF THE LATE Mrs. Sarah Walter would like to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who were so kind to them in their recent bereavement, to 'those who sent floral tributes, messages of sym- pa'thy''and for the loan of cars. 18x PUBLIC NOTICE FLOOR SANDISG• Old ::nil neer flours sanded. Phone CREE COOK, 23J, Clinton. -2tf NOTICE, Guaranteed radio service. WILF. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466° -12 MODERN FLOORS. — FLOORS laid, sanded and finished; old floors resurfaced.Tiling a special- ty. I. E. BENNEWIES, Mitchell, phone 650 r 14( • 15-22x ATTENTION FARMERS. FOR YEARS THE HIGIIEST PRICES FOR HOGS HAVE BEEN PAID' IN Ai'(iI-ST AND SEPTEMBER START Y(lt'R WF.ANERS NOW TO (GET THAT MARKET. SEE t."S A BOUT A HOO CONTRACT. PA 1' FOR FEED WHEN IMO ARK SOL NO- EXTRA_ CHARGE.. GEO. WRAITH. MINNEAPOI48 ANI) FERGUSON FARM MA• (VINERY, Pi'ItINA •'FEEDS. M(►NTREAL STREET. PHONE 1283. -20tf N'T ESS Faulty ignition and carburation can be an- noying, expensive --tend dangerous. It costs less, ultimately, to .keep them in tip-top con- dition at all times. That's our job. Start out right TODAY. Beginyour regular check-ups by driving in HOW! Samis Mayors Pontiac---Buick�11 M.O. Trucks KINGSTON. ST. PHONE 344 .TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings — Province of ' Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "TENDER FOR COAL," will be received until 3 p.m. IE.D.S.T.), WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1953, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Pur- chasitig and Stores, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Dis- trict Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with depart-, mental specifications and . condi- tions attached thereto. The Department reserves the right to demand from any success- ful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered -bank-in --,Canada, made -i - payable to the order of the Honour- able the Minister of Public Works equal to 19 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Com- pany and its constituent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Do- Iminion of Canada, or the afore, mentioned bonds and- a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 15,) 1953. -18-19 PERSONAL -SKINNY" GIRLS! GE'1 1A VELY t't'ltVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and eight -builder, t►strex 'I'oule Tab - lei S. aitleis. Introductory, "get-nequainted" size (1NI.V 60e. Ali druggists. F N D EMBARRASSING BALD- NESS. At last a tested proven hair restorer. Quickly promotes hair growth in all cases of bald- ness, regardless of age or condi- tion. Sold on full money -back guarantee. For particulars write distributor THALIA HERBAL PRO- DUCTS,, 72 West Avenue South, Hamilton, Ontario. 16-19x AUCTION SALE j,JXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND HOUSE - HOLD 'EFFECTS of the Estate of the late Mrs. Margaret Green from her former 1 residence, St. David's street, Gode- rich, on SATURDAY, MAY 9 at 1.30 p,m. (D.S.T.) the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --- Six walnut ladder -back chairs; walnut love seat; walnut, settee; 2 pedestal tables; wicker rocking chair; leath- er rocking chair; other rocking chairs; Doherty organ and stool; two 3 -piece bedroom suites; mat- , tresses; single. bed and inner -spring mattress; dressers and washstand; large hall table (walnut); cherry desk (antique); sideboard (an- tique); pine chest of drawers; 2 pine cupboards; radio stand; elec- tric cabinet radio; mantel clock; 2 kitchen clocks; 6 cane -bottom chairs; 2 pine chairs; 3 fire screens; several small tables; 2 pine side tables; extension table; 6 kitchen chairs; Singer sewing machine; bar -room chair; cherry drop-leaf table; rosewood jewel box; .jardinier; trunk; ice box; gas stove; woollen blankets; quilts; linen; dishes; cooking utensils; garden tools; numerous other articles. PROPERTY.—At the same time and place, if not sold previous to sale date, there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid the property with anadditional build- ing lot being a -i!, acre of land more or less on which is situated a seven -room frame, one-story dwelling with hydro and three- piece bath. This house is suited for a two family apartment. Also on this property is a • one -car garage. , FRED WESTON, Executor of the Estate. 'EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 18-19- Auctioneer. NNW Ai1T-O AERIALS Why spoil your driving pleas- ure with a faulty aerial. Let us check yours, and, if ne- cessary, install the finest. YOUR AUTO RADIO HEAD- QUARTERS Hutchinson Radio. Phone 498R Huron Road -17tf FINANCE ANDINSURE your next new or late model car, truck dr" farm machinery at lower cost through Harold W. Shore iNSl'RrANC1 AGENCY ".til Lines of Ensuranee" NORTH ST. .I'I1ONE,,,?6aw' Loans also arranged on 19.16 and later model ears, - titt NOTICE OF PROPOSED BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE A PORTION OF ALBERT STREET IN THE TOWN OF GODERICH AND TO CONVEY THE SAME TO GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED. Take notice that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich proposes to pass a by-law at its regular meeting to be held at the Town Hall, Goderich on Friday, May 15, 1953, at 8 p.m. to stop up a portion of Albert street in the Town of Goderich and to convey the same, to Gode- rich Manufacturing Co. Limited. That portion of Albert street which it is proposed to stop up and convey may- be -more -particul- arly described as follows: ,Com- mencing at the norheast angle of Albert and Anglesea street in the said Town of Goderich being the southwest corner of lot 612 in the said Town, thence west along the south limit of lot 612 produced westerly 33 feet to the centre line of Albert street, thence north- along the centre line of • Albert street 4 chains 161/2 links more or less to a point in the northerly limit of Wolfe street produced easterly thence westerly. along the easterly production of the norther- ly limit of Wolfe street 33 feet to the west limit of Albert street being the southeast angle of lot, 680 in the said Town of Goderich, thence northerly along the wester- ly limit of Albert street 7 chains 33 links more or less to the south limit of Napier- street being the northeast angle of lot 546 in the said Town of Goderich, thence easterly along the south limit of Napier street 66 feet to the north- west angle of lot 604 in the said Town of Goderich, thence souther- ly along, the east limit of Albert street 11 chains 491 links more or less to the place of beginning. Any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard will be heard by the Council either in person or by his solicitor or agent at its regular meeting to be held in the Town Hall, Goderich, on Friday, May 13, 1953, at .8 p.m. The by-law stopping up and Con- veying the said portion of Albert street will be_ enacted pursuant to the powers contained in the Mun- icipal Act R.S.O. 1950 Chapter 243 Section 469 (1). - Dated at Goderich this 21st day of April, 1953. S. II. LAKE 17 20 , Clerk. • 1101110..11.1111111.110.11101.1111.11101111.011111111010 "My hair is falling out," admit- ted the timid man to the chemist, "Can you recommend something to keep it in?" "Certainly." replied the obliging chemist. "flcre's a cardboard box." FOR SALE FOR SALE.—FENCE POSTS, AN- CHOR posts, brace posts and stakes. JOHN HINDMARSH, R. R. 2, Goderich, phone 1194 tf FOR SALE.—USED EQUIPMENT: Model UTS Minneapolis -Moline, a good - buy; 1 Massey -Harris, 102 Junior; 1 Ford-Fergeson with man- ure loader; 1 AR. John Deere; 1 good used set springtooth harrows; new and used disc harrows and cultivators; garden tractors. GEO. WRAITH, Goderich. -11 FOR SALE. — SWEET CLOVER cleaned for seed. CREE FREE- MAN, R.R. 3, Goderich. Phone Carlow 1410. • 17-13x FOR SALE. — COMPLETE LINE of McCormick tractors and farm machinery; one used Ford tractor; one used W4 McCormick tractor; two used two -furrow plows, Al condition; 13, 15 and 16 marker drills. J. J. HOG- GARTH, Hamilton street. -14tf FOR SALE. — PERENNIALS, shasta daisy, painted daisy, verbena,- carnation, hybrid bearded iris, 12 named varieties, Dyke medel winners. Rock garden and border plants, Sweet William, Canterbury Bells, large pansies, violas, , choice variety English daisy, begonia. All varieties of annuals to follow later. Also cab- bage, cauliflower, tomatoes; pep- pers, etc. B. 11. MUNDAY, 127 Widder street, phone 598. -14t1 FOR SALE. — BUDGIES WITH cage from- $12.00 up, Goldfish and supplies. C. WOODS, 44 East street. -17t1 FOR SALE.—NURSERY" STOCK of different varieties: Ever. greens, junipers, low spreading and pyramidais; shrubs, spireas, four varieties; red leaf barberry; red raspberries, five varieties true to name; currants, black and red; some black • raspberry plants. Everything as good as can be got anywhere. See what you buy. WESLEY W. FISHER, R.R. 5, Goderich{ Ont. Saltford Village. 16-17x FOR SALE.—IF YOU ARE IN- TERESTED in a nice new house, this may be it. This house on South street, is well built, and well equipped, including modern oil furnace. Two bedrooms and bathroom on main floor; two bed-. rooms upstairs. For further de- tails contact MALCOLM MATH - ERS, Real Estate Broker, phone 115W: -1.7 FOR SALE.—USED REFRTGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rang- ettes and washing machines at BARGAIN PRICES. SHORE AP- PLIANCES, Goderich, your head- quarters for hearing aid batteries. -18tf FOR SALE.—WEEPING •WILLOW trees, 3 to 7 - feet high; also mulberry trees. FRED GILBERT, Huron road, Goderich, phone 936 r 32. -13tf FOR SALE.—WATERLOO GAR- DEN tractors. Come in and see the different sizes and various implements that may be had with, each. These may be bought for as low as 15% down payment. GEORGE WRAITH, Montreal St. -16t1, FOR SALE. — FIVE -ROOM bungalow, two bedrooms, bath- room, living -room, kitchen, built-in cupboards, roll -brick siding. Rea- sonable. Evenings 7 to 9. Apply 169 Mary street. -17tf spoR -SALE:-=-NEW AND 'USED • radios, electric and battery for sale or trade. Excellent condition. Many to choose from, Sold with a 90 -day guarantee. B. R. MUNDAY, Radio. and Sound Service, 7 Widder street. Phone 598. -ltf FOR SALE.--ALLIS CHALMERS "tractor, 25-35; three -furrow In- ternational" plow with "spring hitch: M. -H. drag harrow, 4 section; -18 colony bees; 8 frame extractor with automatic reversible; medium size strainer; wax extractor . capping box; one electric and one steam capping knives; wax press; equip- ment for 70 hives; new electric "Century' 3 h.p. motor; also" new ball-bearing Guelph 1 h.p. motor. D. W. HAMILTON, Auburn, phone 9 r .19, Dungannon. 15-18x VOR SALE. 7 -room frame house, large living room, dining room, very modern kitchen, 4 bedrooms and modern 4 -piece bathroom, hardwood floors throughout, full basement, oil hot- water heating, garage, 104 by 70 ft. lot. House in excellent condition. 8 -room fired brick hoose on 10.4 foot by 104 foot lot in good loca- tion. Two living rooms, dining room and kitchen on first floor with hardwood floors. Three bedrooms, lin" on he he rt rooms and bathroom c n sec - floor. Full basement with oil ting. Automatic hot-water ter. Two garages. 8 -room house sided with instil brick. First floor, living room, dinette, 2 bedrooms with hardwood floors, bathroom and kitchen with tiled floor. Self-contained a})art- ment on second- floor, living room, bedroom, kitchen and two-piece bathroom. Present rental of en- tire property $75,00 per month. Summer business opportunity. Group of 10 cottages on four acre lot. Excellent sand beach, located on Blue Water Highway, a few miles Smith of Goderich. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor, Phone 18W. 10tf FOR SALE CULBERT'S BAKERY FOR SALE.—WEST END BUNG- ALOW, two bedrooms,. nice location. Agent, MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street, phone 115W. -15tf FOR SALE.—COTTAGE AT SUN• SET Beach. Phone 1019W. -16tf FOR SALE. -- GRAHAM RANG- ETTE, electric. Phone 893J. -16 FOR SALE.—SINGER ELECTRIC portable and an assortment of sewing machines; electric stoves; bicycle; baby walker; stroller; trilig t; ice boxes; washing ma- chine and other • articles. Cheap for cash. C. WOODS, 44 East street. Open evenings to 8 p.m. -17t1 FOR SALE. — WELL -KEPT eight -room brick house with four bedrooms nicely decorated, in good residential district, attrac- tively priced. Will sell to reliable party with a reasonable down -pay- ment and balance at a monthly rate. For further information call MRS. C. M. LANGILLE, 44 Victoria street. -17-19 FOR SALE. — GOOD USED metal "ice box. Phone 1345W. -18 FOR SALE. —. GERMAN SHEP- HERD (Police Dog) puppy, seven weeks old, $15.00. Phone 1297J. 18x FOR SALE. — .22 REPEATER rifle. Phone 1345W. -18 FOR SALE. --- TWENTY LITTLE pigs, two young sows, ready to breed; also duck eggs. HARRY JENKINS, phone Carlow 1319. 18x FOR SALE. — FRIGIDAIRE IN good condition. Phone 590 day or 646 evenings. -18 FOR SALE. — HARRISON COAL and wood stove. Apply 106 West street, morning or evening. -18 FOR SALE. -- UPRIGHT PIANO in walnut case in excellent con- dition; also dining -room suite, quarter -cut oak. Price reasonable. Phone 889J. 18-19x FOR SALE. -1936 CHEV. COACH, standard, rebuilt motor, good rubber. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 360M. . 18x FOR SALE. — 81/2 CUBIC FOOT electric refrigerator, like new: blue convertable baby buggy ,in good clean condition. Phone 561J. -18 FOR SALE.—AFRICAN VIOLETS, the ideal gift for Mother's Day. We now have the special Violet fertilizer recommended by Cope- land Violet House and also free folder on Violets. We are taking orders for latest varieties of Vio- lets. MRS. JACK GILBERT, Huron road, phone 936 r 21. 18-19x FOR SALE. -9.5 CUBIC FOOT Crossley Shelvador refrigerat- or, 50 Ib. frozen food capacity; also six -piece breakfast suite, na- tural with red trim. WALTER WESTBROOK, 163 St. ''David's street. , -18 FOR SALE. — THHREF,-BURNER electric " stove with oven, in good working condition. $12.00. Phone 375. -18 FOR SALE. -- OFF-WHITE spring coat, size 16, like new. Apply 44 St. Patrick street. 18x P0ULi'RYKEEPERS -- •S -E -K these new May prices on Hill- side Chicks. Pullets — day-old $19.90—two weeek $30.00—three week $33.90. Also older pullet3. Mixed chicks. Cockerels. Can- adian Approved. Contact agent, LITTLE BROS., South street, Gode- rich. Phone 938 r 14. -18 F0w SALE. -. RUUD WATER_ heater for use with propane gas, used about two years. Rea- sonable. Phone 86711 or see MRS. J. McKINNON, 34A East street. -18 FOR SALE.—SUNSHINE ROLLER skates. Adjustable to any size. Put your children on 'roller skates. FRED BEEVERS, West street. -18 FOR SALE. , -= A FINE, TWO- STORY brick house in excel- lent west end location. Four bed- rooms oil heat, reasonable price. Agent", ` MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate. Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. -1e3 I)LANT THESE NOW WITHOUT , DELAY. PANSIES. We have some won-. derful large and colorful blooms. See them in front of our shop. You won't be able to resist them. Flat of 18, only $1.35. HEAD L'bTTUCE, early cabbage and early cauliflower plants are now ready. All these do their best in the cool weather of spring and early summer. GARbEN MANURE. Have you given up buying manure for your garden because you get so many weed seeds. With. it that it is'..nt worth while? If so, we can het' y'ou, for the chicken droppings we offers are blended with shavings and are free from weed seeds. Just the thing to tone up your garden soil, to use in perennial borders and under evergreen§ and flower shrubs. JACKSONS FLORISTS, phone 105. - -16 Pumpkin Spice Cakes -40c each with raspberry filling and butter creme icing. DATE AND NUT LOAVES -35c each DATE CREME PIES -45c each Wedding, ,Anniversary and Birthday Cakes a specialty. Ordera of $1.00 and over delivered. PHONE • 465 PHONE EARLY FOR SALE FOR SALE. — GLADIOLUS bulbs, all colors, mixed; large bulbs 100, $5.00; 50, $2.50; 25, 151.25; medium bulbs 100, $3.00; , 50, $1.50. L. R. HOLMAN, Cam- eron street, phone 722. -15 FOR SALE.—USED THOR AUTO - MAGIC washer. SHORE AP- PLIANCES, the Square. -18 `OR SALE. --GIRL'S . BICYCLE. Phone 987J. 18x FOR SALE.—WHITE WOODEN. • ice box, 50 pound capacity. Reasonably priced. Phone 1042R. 18x FOR SALE. — EMPIRE COOK stove. Call at 159 East • street, phone 943. 18-19x IFR SALE --WINE GABARDINE Suit, size 14, perfect condition. Phone 1249. 18x FOR SALE. ---1937. CHEV. 1/2 -TON pick-up truck, stock racks, in fair condition, new battery, good tires; also child's crib, large size, in excellent condition. STANLEY J. MCGRATTEN, phone 3008 Car- low. 18x FOR SALE. — NEW ELECTRIC Frigidaire, 41 years guarantee, terms if, desired; motors -1/5 h.p., 1/6 h.p., >>► h.p., all new; washing machine, new motor. Phone 248. 18-19x FOR SALE.—MCCORMIGK DEER- ING tractor on rubber W4 Al shape, half cash. J. SCHUMMANS, R.R. 7, Lucknow, phone 82 r 4, Dungannon. 18x FOR SALE.—COTTAGE- AT PORT Albert. Furnished, two bed- rooms, 'hydro. Close to lake. $1,500. Write BOX 27, Goderich. 18-19x CRESS BUNION SALVE RE- LIEVES •fast, wear stylish shoes soon. Druggi§ts sell Cress Corn Salve too. -13 NEW PRICES. KITCHENER Big -4. Canadian Approved. Day-old Pullets $19.90. They'll catch up with good . markets for you. Prompt shipment. Ask agent here for fuller particulars, RYAN & SON, phone 345, -Gode- rich. -18 FOR SALE.—MAN'S ROLLFAST bicycle, new saddle, good con- dition. $25.00 cash: Phone 712M. 18x FOR SALE.—ALL METAL ICE box, in good condition, 75 Ib. capacity. Price $15.00. Call 539J. 18x =imam,timmommomee NOTICE TO CREDITORS WANTED TO REh1T_— QLIit_-OR NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of John MacDonald late of the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron, retired, who died on or about the 14th day of March, 1953. • Creditors and others having claims against the - Estate are re- quested to send full particulars of ,said claims to the undersigned, on or before the 14th day of May, 1953, after which date the assets of the Estate 'will be distributed having regard only to claffns that have been then received. D-ated at Goderich this 20th day of April, 1953, by J. Kenneth Hunter, Solicitor, North Street, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. -17-19 WANTED `WANTED. — MEN BOARDERS. Phone 1193W or apply 167 Cambridge street. -16-18 WANTED.----ULI) 1UuftSES AND dead cattle. If dead, •phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Mink Itanch, phone collect 9313 r 32 or 936 r 21. -26tf WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. No charge to . you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, R e a 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. -1211 WANTED.,—ORDERS FOR CAN- ADIAN Approved Baby Chicks. For information contact GEO. WRAITH, your Purina deal- er; or write CRAWFORD'S HATCHERY, Lucknow. All stock government inspected and banded. W TI1D. — DRESSMAKING, alterations, prices reasonable. PHONE 11304. - ltt ]'ANTED.--LiSTI N (; S OF I'RO- YEIt`1'II3S for sale. - C. F-,- CHAPMAN, Rmlitor, PHONE 18W. 39t1 , WANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. .For prompt and ef- ficient service phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich 936 r 21. - _10t1 WANTED. — WOMAN OR MAN as short... order cook, experi- ence not essential but preferred, must be willing to work nights:. Apply BOX 28, SIGNAL -STAR. -18 WANTED. --WORK IN AFTER- NOONS by man, rates reason- able. ALEX GLEN, 180 Huron road, "phone 1465M. - -18 WANTED. --SMALL CHEST OF drawers. Phone 1029R. -18 WANTED. — EXPERIENCED butcher' to take complete charge of meat department. Good salary to right man. Apply DUTCH BOY FOOD MARKET, R.C,A.F. Station, Centralia. For interview phone Exeter Exchange 640W, collect. -18 WANTED.—TWO MALE OFFICE clerks, immediately, by local manufacturer. Group insurance benefits, five day week, good work- ing conditions with opportunity for advancement. Apply DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY COMPANY LTD., Goderich. ,.18 WANTED TO RENT five room house or apartment, unfurnished, possession June 1. Phone 1138W. 18-19' FOUND FOUND. — HEAVY MACHINIST ball peen hammer on West street; April 24. Owner may __have same by paying for this ad. and proving ownership. • Phone 880, local 29. -18 Hygienic supplies (rnhher goods) mailed postpaid in pia in, sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- ples 25e; 21 samples $1.00. Mall Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 01, Hamll `on, Ont. - Emerson Drug Store Corner West St. and Square , Phone 45. We deliver. "As handy as the Postofljce" SUaGESTION3 FOR MOTHER'S DAY Neilson's Chocolates 1.15, 2.25 3 Yardley'Soap with -stick cologilb - „ !,50 Lotus Cologne . -. 1.75 Apple Blossom dologne Yardley Dustin* Powder L15, 1.85 2.00- Coty Muguet de Bois in many fragrance forms—she will enjoy the New Purset a purse size stick cologne ,with z eflll at 2.00. 3 cakes ttand s'ap in ' a beribboned plastic gift box at 1.75. , Other items include colognes at 1.50, 'perfume 1.25, talc 1.00, dusting powder 1.75.