HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-04-30, Page 9MINN THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1953 DROVE WHILE I'MPAIRRD, LOCAL LIN FINED $76 Charged with drunk driving, Victor Pagon, of Goderich, was convicted of driving while bis abil- ity was impaired and fined $75 and costs or nine days in jail by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C., in magistrate's court here last Thurs- day. The offence was allegedto have been conunitted on April 19. Pro- vincial Constable James Moore told the court of seeing the ac cused's car turn off the Square onto King- ston ston street and then onto Elgh2 avenue. The car, he said, weaved a couple of times from one side. of the road to the other.. -Pagon, who said he came to Canada about two years ago from Yugoslavia, said he had consumed six bottles'of beer during the even- ing at, a party at, a friend's hquse. BUSINESS DIRECTOkY I CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Licensed Telephone Municipal Auditor 3.43 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 66 South St. Goderich, Ont. Malcolm Mathers INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Now located at 46 WEST STREET GODERICH Phone 115W Western Ontario Motorways Departures - 7.20 a.m. To Clinton and RCAF Station. Monday to Friday. 8.30 a.m.—To London and Strat- ford daily except Sunday and holidays. 11.45 a.m. To London daily — to Stratford on Saturday, Sunday and holidays. 4.15 p.m.—To Stratford and Lon- don daily except Sunday and holidays. 5.45 p.m. To London, Friday and. Saturday only. 6.15 p.m. To Stratford—Sunday and Holidays only.— 8.30 p.m.—To Londor and Strat- -ford Sunday and Holidays. BUS DEPOT AT SAMIS MOTORS PHONE 344 Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant 1 Kensington Ave. Phone 2-9152 London, Ont. NOW LOCATED IN BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING ON THE SQUARE H. M. -FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured— . Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w CHIROPRACTIC HERBERT Z. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office -Hours Mon., Thum —9 a.m, to 5 p.m Tues.. Fri -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin, Therapy fece—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. - Phone 341. A. L. COLE Optometrist—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 48tiJ, Clinton. Charge moderate and -satisfac- tion Guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11-661 or Harry Edwards, Goderich Phone 144 C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty • Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST `'Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, - Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFICE—M tSONIC TE1VIt'LF WEST STREET f PHONE 230 GODERICH Admit Taking Car, Three Airmen Get Remand. For Week Pleading guiltyto taking a 'car without the owner's consent, two youths from the RCAF 'Station, Clinton, were remanded in custody. for one week to await, sentence in magistrate's court last ',Thursday by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C. The two airmen, Gary Blackman and Robert Reid, 17 and 18 years of age, were alleged to have taken a car on the night of April 17. Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays, Q.C., told the court that the airmen admitted in statements to police that they took the car after having been drinking at the station's wet canteen. They proceeded toward London, but missed a turn at Clandeboye, hit a tree and a hydro pole and completely wrecked the vehicle. Reid was taken to Westminster Hospital in London for facial lacer- ations and Blackman was lodged Chimneys Built and Repaired Brick Work — Block Work Reasonable ilyates ART BELL BILL HARRIS Phone 934r24 Goderich 908N3 Clinton -17tf GUY (VES' & SONS CEMENT CONTRAC- TORS - BUILDIN%BLOCKS and CHIM EY BLOC% Selkirk all -steel insulated chimney supplied and in- stalled. Chimney built or re- paired. Phone Carlow 1612 7-oxtf Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE & SON Clinton, Exeter; Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 41J, Exeter and we shall be pleased to call. STOP JUGGLING with heavy 1> WINTER SILLS Pay for your Fuel the EASY WAY—Let our 'blue coal' Budget Plan cut your winter fuel costs by enabling you to pay small sums spread over months. Start the winter with PAID-UP HEAT. You'll be sitting pretty with your bin full of 'blue coal', bought at today's low prices. '4 CLEAN FURNACE SAVES Don't . FUEL D Don't tt till winter unsuspectedncus leaks an when �. , experts fuel. tet d dirt con condition Put your our haired °n+11►lan rightfurnace 1n m is ails le at special Thiswer eis aVbR rates easy 6(, j be included spread -out nPay plan. our Ask us now about osir blue coar BUDGET PLAN EDWARD COAL COMPANY Goderich, Ontario Phone 98 V nu GOD It * siGNALorAs Fine Seaforth Man HURON COUNTY CROP REPORT Seeding was general throughout the County up to last Saturday, and already a number of farmers have reported that they have com- pleted the seeding of their spring grains, according to G. W. Mont. gomery, Huron County Agricultur- al Representative. • . Heavy ram the end of the week will be most beneficial, and should promote more growth of hay and pasture fields. Fall wheat is look- ing,particularly good for this time of the year and, in practically every case, has 'come through the winter in good condition. Most, farmers report ample feed supplies in storage to maintain livestock in good condition until pasture is available. Already enrolment in 4-H Club work in the County has exceeded by far the numbers enrolled in this work at the same time last year. in jail in Goderich. A third airman from the Clinton station, who also pleaded guilty to taking a vehicle from the station parking .,lot without the owner's permission on April 19, was re- manded in jail for one week to await sentence. Michael Burke, 18, the court was told, was apprehended in London going the wrong way on a one-way street. D. GUITARD. Stonework, Brickwork and Plastering A good job of plastering has no substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victoria Pid you know tht... THE MAN WHO INVENTED THE FIRST GASOLINE -POWERED AUTOMOBILE, SAW NO FUTURE FOR AUTOS1/4 ! \ )ITHOUT DOUBT, THE FAMOUS MARATHON TIRE BY GOODYEAR IS THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. IT'LL GIVE YOU LONG, TROUBLE-FREE MILEAGE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICE. GUARANTEED, TOO, LIKE ALL-0000YEARTIRES SEE US RIGHT AWAY ! On Driving -Count Fine of $10 and costs . or one week in jail was imposed on W. J. Duncan, of Seaforth, by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q,C., in magistrate's - court here' last Thursday when con- victed on a careless driving charge.,. Duncan was alleged to have been driver of a car involved in a collision with a car driven by A. R, Peterson, of R.R. 6, Parkhill, at Bayfield, April 7. Peterson said he was proceeding north on Highway No. 21. when he saw another vehicle approaching from the .AOposite direction. The_ other vehicle stopped, he ,said, then backed up and proceeded ahead across the highway. He said he blew his horn and the car stopped again straddling the centre of -the highway. He said he . swerved to avoid an accident, went off theshoulder of the •road, and hit a telephone pole. Duncan said he thought he had enough time to cross the highway, but stopped when he heard the other car's horn. He said the Peterson car was travelling at a high rate of speed and that he felt it could have passed his car with- out any difficulty if it had been travelling slower. Appearing on behalf of Duncan, Frank Donnelly, Q.C., contended that there was not sufficient degree of negligence on the part of the defendant to warrant a conviction. Careless Driving Charges Dismissed Charges of careless driving against two drivers involved in a collision at Holmesville on April 6 were dismissed in magistrate's court 'here last Thursday by Magis- trate D. E. Holmes, Q.C. The charges arose out of an accident involving cars driven by Allan Emmerton, R.R. 1, Goderich, and Bernard McGeean, 19, of the RCAF Station, Clinton. McGeean told the court that both cars were proceeding west on No. 8 highway and that he was follow- ing the Emmerton car. At Holmes- viIle, he said, the Emmerton car made a move as if to turn to the right and then turned off to the left. The front end of the McGeean vehicle struck the back right end of the Emmerton car and McGeean claimed the collision, occurred on the highway. Constable Orr. of the Provincial Police, who, investi- gated, said that he could find no marks on the highway to indicate the collision occurred there. Frank Donnelly, Q.C., counsel for Emmerton, claimed the ac- cident occurred off the travelled' portion of the highway. You canIqo> ALLOUT€ LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF* nuAUTY X-56 ATKINSON'S SHELL SERVICE SALTFORD PHONE: 4561 COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE IF you feel ALL!IN' These days moat people work under Pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys- get " out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system: Then backache, . disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 53 CARLOW The W.M.S. -of Smith's Hill met recently at the .home of Mrs. Tait Clark. Mrs. F. McElwain, the le4- er for the day, `gave the call to worship and invocation. The Scripture was read by Mrs. - E. Mitchell. Prayer was -given by Mrs. Mcllwain. An Easter medita- tion was 4iven by Mrs. Treble. The ladies were pleased to have Mrs. Harrower with them.,, Mrs. Harrower gave a meditation by Dr. Brewing, minister of St. George's United Church, Toronto. The roll call was answered by 11 members, there were four visitors. It was moved by Mrs. E. Stoll and seconded by Mrs. P. McBride that the vice-presidents, Mrs. G. McPhee and Mrs. L. Young, be the delegates to ,the .Presbyterial at North "Street Church in Goderich. The meeting closed with a hymn. Mrs. Clark served lunch assisted by Mrs. Wm. Clark and Mrs. Hen- derson Young. The Tiger Dunlop Institute at Carlow recently catered to the Auburn W.I. A turkey banquet was - served. After the banquet slides were shown. It was a splen- did get-together and all• enjoyed the fellowship of meeting their Auburn ,friends. Mrs. Girvin Young, Mrs. T. Lamb, Mrs. Robert Bean and Mrs. Tait Clark attended the W.I. ex- ecutive meeting in Blyth to make plans for the District Annual to be held in Dungannon on May 28. HAMILTON—GIBSON LUCKNOW.—The United Church parsonage was the setting of the marriage of Dorothy Jean Gibson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Gibson, Lucknow, and Donald Alexander Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hamilton, Ash- field. The Rev. G. A. Meikeljohn offici- ated. The bride wore a white satin dress with princess lace panels; studded with pearls and rhinestone and long sleeves tapering to points over the hands. Her veil was of tulle illusion- and French lace, and she carried a white Bible topped with a shower bouquet of sweet- heart roses. - Miss Carolyn Gibson, sister of the bride, was her only attendant and she was dressed in light green taffeta with a' bouquet of •pink roses. Lorne Hamilton, brother of the groom was the best man. For the reception at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother wore a dress of navy tissue faille and a corsage of pink and white carnations.. The groom's mother was gowned in navy -.net over navy taffeta. For the wedding trip to the United States, the bride wore a blue suit with navy and -white ac- cessories . and a corsage okkweet- heart roses. . They will live oft the groom's farm, . Ashfield. fifOnt FOP /f I/Y n16 WANT ADS Sii-PIERTEff EXTRA MILEAGE LAWN MOWER SERVICE D. HARMAN 187 NEWGATE SZ. Phone 820W !II All of these people serve you in useful ways through'their jobs. But, like people in all walks of life, they may also be helping you in certain important un- seen ways. Take your postman, for in- stance. He may have helped to build your home through his ownership o/ life insurance. It's possible — because the money of thousands of life insurance policyholders is invested for - theni in building homes throughout the nation. In the same way your milk- man, lawyer or nurse may have helped build new highways,. waterworks, schools, power planta or other essential public " works in your community. And— who knows—perhaps. your job too was created by these life insurance policyholders' dollars, invested to develop new bdsinesses and industries. So anyone who owns life in- surance — including probably you — does more than provide financial security for his family. He also serves his fellow - citizens in all these useful ways! THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA "It. is Good Citizenship to own Life Insurance" 1-12520 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnston of Toronto visited over the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dougal McDougall, at Porter's Hill. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Huffman leave early in May for Unity, Sask., where Mr. Huffman has been trans- ferred by the Dominion Salt Com- pany. (1) For the first 8 weeks. feed a "fresh -Mix" C:hirk Starter trade with T\ '1T tt. CHICK .Niue CoNCE1'I'R tTE Supplying e•s,•rttial animal pro- tein•, v ita mins and minerals. (2) For the next four months, feed a tasty "fresh -mix" pro%s ing,niash trade with NATIONAL 3I.e'r, DI:vE1.or1NG C( 1C NTRATE. This has:a growth -promoting meat -meal base and health -building vitamins and minerals. Remember, bigger birds mean bigger eggs- --and bigger profits. So grow your pullets the lY.-1 TIOiV c1 L w sy! CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP onyour \ iv/ br'eakfast cereal !" -S« Your NATIONAL Dsoler odoy— Look for the bright Orange -and f lock Sign C d CALL :US FOR YOUR WINTER GARMENT, STORAGE Why crowd your closet space—Our storage rates are reasonable. Free mothproofing with eve y garment stored. ith phone 85 CROFT DRY- LEANERS A QUALi T Y FEED Mi' tt1K ['fait RY i 1 Nk t TS NJ, WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED • INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL Well -Cured, Properly-Blended'FERTILIZER 041410111001901100 •