HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-03-26, Page 4SPIITS C11111
4 stares ?mows
-Trapehooeing is NM; caws& wee*
WSW be astosod a popular sport. It hos •
lioNsessing. So it was hoe assoral
of allarifirlosi C.1011•6111110. whose feet io foresk-
=edge It tisk Stewart, •theeild have beim sees& Casumars
Ilideard is the Babe Rath of hockey. a dynamic showman -
a inageetie figure. But it seems ao though the selectors. per-
haps soured by Canada's braise of homers at the Olympic
Games. oveelooked oise of the most brilliant achievements ot
WM by a Canadian youth. We mean the performance of 17-
sehool boy who won 10 of Canada's total of 30 points, and its
only Gold Illedal. symbol of Olympic supremacy. when he
detain' the greatest trap -shooters in the workL That ono' so
yamag should win such honors is uniesiaL That be should
lack the acclaim such a performmice merits. is unfortunate.
George Gesioreines record kr his favorite sport is little
share ei fahadows. Hie IMO way 13 gears old wheel he lest
shweed these st the Saskatoon Gun Club. His ability was
Wad* spotted by Jimmie Girpolis, widen= traletheeting star-
bossimese owe afternoon. by letting Ikon sheet at birds with a
Ale shotgun, when George 'joined in. TWO proved to be as
Glrillitlis haat George under wing and has beam his coach
andl iisesstor ever slam
The first major victory in competitive shooting for George
was in 1949, when at' the tender age a 14 be shot his way to
the ILinitisba-Saskatchewan Handicap Championship. Two years
later at the American Trapshooting Associatioin competitions
at Vandalia, Ohio. he won three North American championships
—the Junior, the Junior All -Round and the Junior iligh Over
Last year at thecontests sponsored by the A.TA. he was
runner-up in the Junior Preliminary Handicap Championship.
and won the Junior Champion of Champions of !iorth America
title. To this he added the Saskatchewan Championship
(Singles). Then before going to the Olympics he stopped at
Oslo. Norway. where he placed second in the World Chem-
George Generous is just a normal bay. In a game that
requires chilled -steel nerves, there is no ice -water in his veins.
At school, he a star in hockey and baseball, And a good
stodent. Just a normal, healthy_ young Canadian, whits, line
feat was, unfortunately, overlooked in the attention paid more
glamorous competitive sports.
Tour commants end suggegions for cohima wit be welcomed
by Ebner Ferguson, c o Calvert Noose, 431 Yong* St., Tomsk,.
Industrial League
High singles—Bill Cassidy. 361.
Bob Williams 326. F. Helesic 273:
high triples --Bill Cassidy 828. Boti
Williams 786, A. Boa 629.
Ladies' League
High singles — Isabel Westlake
276, Mary Jeffery 248, Nettie Me -
Whinney 240; high triples ---Nettie
McWhinney 660, Norma Kingswell
652. Philips Card& 627.
Luclmow Social League 1952-53
I S=P -O -R-1148
, Coders* has mason to be proud too; the the %;Cleirees ware the
lei the aumaer ia whack its tw• best ever. that the recenlies '
Itepunius hockey bailers along the !Goderich's hockey represeatatives.
iplaydowa trails
Last Saturdey eight the- Posher& 1 Olar Kings Edge
tarsal in a mese creditable per- ce_____e_L we A_ _ ____• ib
Kings. bolding this strong agpeSe- :-
lion to on 84 score. Those in the Saiie ot 8 to 6
b.... teel confident this Elmira
teals, will monism* take the in-
termediate "4" 011.4. title, WM- Playing aggressive hockey
lareberg. =lairs and Coder's* are i throughout the entire tame, Gede-
sow nimpeting ia a roemd robin etch goo-jo polestars held the ES.
series and from all reports It IS , iThra pow Kings to an 8.4 seem
wdl emerge as the two top teams i sight jo the seeoste goose ot 'hoe
who will then have a home and playseg seises with Einem
home series to decide the inter- I wain opesee the stoking atter
Fr_o!F_ dianillions- 11 tills should about five agnates of play. GOde-
, De. law eine WOW rutted contests i rich ansetered with twcrste=
with Ehnk a are on the books 1 little Wee both by •
for fbe near future- Friday night i to' Ind Goderich into a 2.1 lead.
Wallarebtire PlaYs bere and the :B the end of the first period,
PeableS elie be" counted on te ; however, lithium added four more
turn OM the bead for this encounter to mite the met 5.2 for titer
The Lions Bantams have all the In the second period, Elnura
earmarks of being provincial title- i outscored Goderich 3 to 1 to make
holders. After playing to a 3-3 tie the score 8 to 3 for Elmira at
here and then another 44 tie at ;the end of the second stanza.
Newmarket they have to play an -1; la the third period Goderich
other home and borne series to i put on the pr•easure to score three
determine a winner. Last night :unanswered goals with the game
they played at Newmarket and on ;ending 8 to 6 for Elmira.
Saturday night they play the final i Despite injury in the game at
game bere when a bumper crowd ;Elmira, Goderieh's Stealer, Turner,
at the arena is expected to cheer ;did a. fine job in the nets. Cruick-
the boys on to the 'bantam OMHA !shank performed the hat trick with
three goals and Newcombe, Allen
"B- championship.
and Miller registered one apiece.
hi the ga me at Newmarket last . The Pontiacs never let ins trying
Saturday a telegram from Mayo* tand turned in nne of their best per -
J. E, Huctins of GodLsrkh was Mad furinailees of the season -
Bantams Meet
Newmarket In
Finals Saturday
Every loyal sports fan is, Godes
rich and diebriet win ,be at the,
Godericb arena Satairdal ',meld to
giv' e Meal support to the Lions
Bourame * their Aral game with
Neermarkeisiase She 011111A Beinam
Wheal the ern series was wiped
out because of two tie games, 3-3
at Goderich arid 4-4 at Newmarket,
of this second series was
We• dnesday night the int=
and rime the Sigaatatarafirsoot:
press late Wednesday
we are unable to report the sane
of this image However. it was
learned tha about 75 fans accom-
panied the bantam to Neinnerbet-
In the game at Newmarket last
Saturday anemone, Bad William-
son scored botb goals for Goderich
to make it 2-0 for Godes** at the
cud of the Sint period_ At the
end of the sewed period the store
remained escheated. In the third*
period.' Newmarket scored two
goals to tie the game up in reguLi-
tion time_
In the first nun' rite of overtime
Newmarket scared but Goderich
tied it up again, 3-3, with about a
minute to go. Goderick scored
first in the second ten minutes a
overtime play but Newmarket tied
it uP again befme tbe end of the
second ten minutes of overtime.
In the third ten minutes of over-
time play, neither side scored and
the game ended a 44 tie despite
the 30 minutes of overtime. it
was a heartbreaker of a gaine for
Goderich not to win.
to the boys just before they went j Punnt intermission Mrs- -Tyne Oril
on the ice.
the boys the town was most inter- ii*L.; e'abib_itin'n skating- Never Criticized—
et4e4 in their efforts to bring a 11445-11US-4.031, Kilby; defence,
, provincial title to Goderich an wings. miartin, make; subs.. (continued from paie 1)
The telegram assured mt gure skating instructress,
Ur. and Ma. IL J. IfeCermiek
Pasts. weer the guests et their
esisrao. the Kam ItoeVicar, at
the weetead.
Mrs. W. Peeks has seaweed,
hem spridirg die wirer mordos
with bar deettstse, Mts. F,
Nicholls aid Wicliefls at 01 -
Ike. Mild Tietbeirey. with her
dangistee sod hisobeisil. Mr. aid
aim Side atlebt, shot *gems
a few Airs is Cederidi are leas-
ing far Caldron* where they will
make their *we is the hawed
J. Onward Friekor, Doitirmia
road, Woe has hoes midi Sidi Oil
Company ter 15 MM. *ended
the Lew fervier *want Amer
a the company tbe loyal York
precious store to mirk his 15
years' service_
/1101111M511L SAWN alt. MI5
for performing tho "bet *risk."
No gets a MEAN NAT fres Gesuirdra.
The legal practice of William A.
Sutherland has been taken over
try J. K. Hunter. mid Mr. Hunter
now ocatpies Mr. Sutiseriand's of-
fice on North street.
Mr. Sutherland, who conducted
over 12 years is saw associated
street, Toronto, He graduated
from Osgoode Hall Law Scheel in
1940 and articled With R. C, Hays.
QC. Burns Boss bas inoved into
Mr. Hunter's former- office. where
he will conduct his surveyor's prac-i
Nobody enjoys a typographical
error nsore than an editor,—pro-
vided it happens to somebody else.
Discussing Uwe harmless little
y Teacher mistakes, that are often na so
d ;Bowman. Vines; centre. Stoddard;
wished them every success.
Schivint, Quinn, Brown. Miller. not a single parent has the snail-
Wildfong. Beaver, Trapp. Carroll. est complaint to make, do you
In addition to the fans from ;
GODEft101--GoaL Turner; de- know where to look for hert—
day there were former Goderich subs., Williams, Cruickshank, Mer- eHow does a parent's loyalty to
residents now Living in Toronto
iam, Newcombe, Dubick, Bisset.
aBe com, Gould, approach to school life?"
game All in all there were about
the teacher give the child a better
or district who went to see the ,
Prejudicing Child
60 Goderich supporters present to • 1—Elmira, Beavpr (Miller) 5.03 A child accepts everything at its
cheer the boys on. Among them : 2—Goderich, Creickshank (New- face value, and parents may be
was Nick Burnside, of Bradford,: comb.) 623
shocked. that they started a pre-
- Ontario, who in former days was 3—Goderich, Cruickshank 6.51 judice of the teacher by making a
a coach in Goderich and coached , 4—Elmira, Vines (Martin) 14.07 disparaging remark about her in
Walter Westbrook,, now the, coach '
; 5 --Elmira, Bowman (Martin) 18.20 , the presence of the child.
/*championship won by the A hi i. Other teachers assisting were
verines. -- -:--" the game again at Newmarket on • 7—Elmira, _Beaser (Martin, Bow- Miss George, Miss Turner, Miss
Commercial League A Group 'Wednesday night of this week and
Arlene Rouse and Miss F, Sturdy.
318. ,c.,, purdaromiyses to be in Goderich on Sat- :
night for ttie final game , Stoddard, Brown.
High singles --B. Cassidy Penalties --Arbour, K. Miller, Miss Helen Videan sang in love -
',Fisher 285, i ly voice "At Dawning" and "Ab -
C. Nivins 267: high I here. Second Period
;triples—B. Cassidy -717, Tom Fisher ; sent," acCompanied by Prof. A. W.
; 679. ' Anderton. Miss George contribut-
-Nip" Whetstone states that 9—Goderich, Cruickshank (Mer- d
both officials and members of the
Mrs. Bowra thanked the teachers.
t A Scotsman, upon entering . 3 Newmarket team are loud in their ;10___FAmira, Wilfong (Beaver) 16.01
; saddler's, asked for a single spur. praise of Coderich. On Saturday ill—Elmira, Martin (Stoddard) agnradmothers_ taking part in the pro-
; the man. I Penalties—Allen, Vines. • Miss Gertrude Wilkes addressed
and officials were told by New -
the meeting on Girl Guide work.
I "Well," replied Sandy. "if I -can !market that the Goderich arena ,
She _stressed the need for leaders
Third Period
I get one .side of, the horse to :go, i, was the best they had played in 112--Goderich, - Neercorithe (Cruick
7. a Brownie Packs, and pointed ad
' the other will hae to come wi' it." 'this year: that the ice was the best,: shank) .41
• of the Lion.s Bantams. He was at : 6—Elmira Mill (M rtin 19 10
ra, pp (Stoddard) 10.04
"What use is one spur?- asked 'at Newmarket the Goderich players ; is_30
Shredded' Wheat
Globe Choice
Dessert Pears
15 oz.
for 25c
15 oz.
2 for 29c
Sunny Morn, American Blend
Uncle Ben's
Converted Rice
Tomato Juice
Lb. Pkg.
15 or.
Fruits and Vegetables
White Swan
Toilet -Tissue
Book Matches
Kraft Handl Snack
50 Packages
Lb. Roll
Challenger Sockeye
Libby's Deep Bream
• Halves
10 es.
Texas Original Bunch
;13—Goderieh, Allen (Meriam) 16.10
17.16 and reward is found in the en -
lays a foundation for the future
14—Goderich, Miller (Newcombe)
Penalties — Williams Carroll thusiasm of the children. ;
A single goal by Dubick with
:only about two minutes left to la
' in the third period saved Goderich
; Semis Pontiacs from being shut-
: out in their first game with the
'Elmira Polar Kings at Elmira Wed -
1 nesday night of last week. The
game enciEd 12-1 for Elmira in the
that membership in the duides
Carrots 3
Dutch. Set
Bunches 25c
No. 1 size 29c No. 2 size 24c
Meaty Blade Lb.
ififiNCED BEEF 39c
Swift's Brookfield Lb. Pkg.
Breakfast Sapsage .45c
trAseirftreON Lb. Pkg.
L4f IEVNG , BEEP 39.11
first game of the OHA Intermedi-
ate "A" round robin playoff series.
First Period
k—Elinira, Stoddard (Vines, Mar-
r tin) .56
2—Elmira, Brown (Martin. Miller)
3—Elmirit, Blake (Martin) 15.37
4—Elmira, Vines 16.35
5—Elmira. Martin 18.11
1 6—Elmira, Martin (Blake, Miller)
Second Period
7—Elmira, Stoddard (Martin,
Blake) 2.11
0—Elmira, Miller (Martin, Bow-
man) 10.35
9—Elmira, Quinn (Brown) 15.51
10—Elmira, Vines (Martin, Miller)
Third Period
11—Elmira, Miller (Blake, Martin)
13—Elmira, Blake (Vines, Martin)
Jacob: "Why did Ikey invite only
married people to his wedding?'
Abie: "Well, in that way he
figured that all the presents would
be clear profit."
One can take for granted
that alcoholic beverages have
in them the likelihood of creat-
ing a nuisance in any environ-
ment and tinder any law. There
is no evidence that the nuisance
is greater under the Canada
Temperance Act than under
the Liquor Control Act. There
'is bootlegging under the one
Act and there is bootlegging
wider the other Act. Minors
are getting liquor under both
Acts. It does not make sense
at all to cry down our Huron
County and its Temperance
Act—and clamour for the On-
tario Liquor .Control Act With
its nrultiplytg outlets. There
is not the illthtest protnise or
hope that such a change would
improve conditions in Huron.
Nothing could be MOT'. blared -
ibis than that more outlets
would mean., less drinking or
lest nuisance caused by liquor.
The Huron Temperance Feder-
ation believes in the Canada
Temperance Act.
Comity Temperance Federsti(m.
Tea was served after the meet -
harmless, editor Hugh Tempi* of
Fergus tells the old ore about the
southern farmer who put an ad 'in
his local paper, worded thus:
and ask for my housekeeper, Mrs.
Armstrong. llios. J. Snuth." The
next week. following a hot session
with the editor, appeared tbe cor-
rection thus: "CORRECTION I
have a winch for sale. aot a wench.
yleas• do not call Mts. Armstrong
'about it. She is just my house-
, keeper. who loves with me. l'hos.
'J. Smith." The third week, the
following appeared: "IMPORTANT
NOTICE—It is all a mistake. I
haven't anything for sale. And I
haven't a housekeeper either. 'She
has moved away. Thos. J. Smith."
Editor Temprur recalls one in
his own paper that said: "The
coffin was carried from the chur•ch
by six old fiends," but claims it
was caught. and the fiends turned
into friendr. before" too many
copies had been run. A typical
mistake recently was "Miss Brown
sang feelingly: '0 Rest in the
Lard'." That recalls the one that
came out in the Wiarton Echo a
few years ago. The linotype oper-
ator set up the lines "The meeting
ended with the singing of 'Blest
be the Cheese That Endre." The
proofreader didn't catch it, but •the
editor did—from the ladies whose
meeting 'was being reported. .
Wally Wein. of Dashwood, was
elected president of the Huron -
Perth Baseball Association at the
annual meeting of the group held
in ashwood.
ther officers are Jim Fairbairn.
of Exeter, vice-president; Gorda!
Stock, of Clinton. second vice-
president: John Livermore. of Clin-
ton, secretary -treasurer.
Noy Fisk During Lent
SATURDAY front 11 a.m. to 11' p.sa.
SUNDAY frau 2 pm. to 11 pa_
Closed Mondays except when holiday.
Al's Fish Chips
Irish and Chips—Haubsugs—Light Lunches
Phone 197 Abs. Jean Gillespie*
Town of Goderich
Federal -Provincial
Housing Project
The 25 houses being erected under the Council's
agreement with the Federal -Provincial Governments will
shortly be ready for occupation and will be let to per-
sons, with families, having a gross family, income of be-
tween $150.00 and $300.00 per month. The rents pay-
able will be approximately one-fifth (1-5) of the family
Persons with the above qualifications and wishing
better housing accommodation should call at the Town
Office for an application form which must be completed
and *retitrned not later than 9 a.m. on the 31st day of
March, 1953.
Consideration of the applications and the selection
of tenants will be done by the Goderich Housing Authori-
ty and not by the Town Council.
Town Clerk,
e" Town of Goderich,
On behalf of the Goderich Housing Authority.
Sunday, March 29
from 2 to 4 p.m.
Public Utilities Commission