HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-03-12, Page 3106th Year—No, 11 obcrttjj GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, i953 - t'.tGE THRII S CHECK DRINKING HAMILTON., ---D. C. Gaskin, pre- I sident of the Studebaker Corpor- ation of Canada, Limited, has been electeddent of the Canadian A Chamber of Canunerce witch represents all Canadian manufacturers of autoniob„ trucks and busses. He succeeds Bays MSale, president of Ford 3totar Company of Canada Ltd., who bas beaded .the Chamber for the past two years. Mr. Sale con- tin.ues as a director of the CA..C.C. It pays to zine the Sigua1Star Classified Ads. ST. PETER'S C.W.L. The C.W.L. of SL Peter's Church met Wednesday► evening in the school auditorutm with kMtra►. Charles Gibbons presiding. Final plans were made for the SL Pat- rick's supper. A bed lamp and waste paper basket are to be pur- chased for the C.V.L. bospital room. Plans were made for an Easter dance, proceeds to be need for further furnishings for the Mr. C. Bridgewater reported . m Girl Guide work and it was de- cided to have Miss Wilkes address the April meeting. Competitive Friiees plus Peesesal Service � DRUG STORES March Drug Sale A WEEK 01' OUTSTANDING VALUES Monday to Saturday March 9 to 14 Here again is 1.D.A.'s annual March Sale -with its many specials and timely reminders. There are plenty of chances ' for you to save money on the products used in your hone. Check up on your needs and take advantage , of the unusual values offered during this full week sale at I.D.A. Drug Stores. Omura! OiI• Heavy grade 16 and 40 oz_ Reg. 55c. S1.10 43c, 81c T�ilctTissue 2 tor 23e, 4 for 45c Reg. 2 for 27c Wax Pape PaperZIngerade 28c, 2 for 55c HALIBUT LIVER OiL Capsules, 11 )'s and 500's Reg. 5129, $4.79 ANTACID STOMACH Powder '" "' 4 -and 16 oz. Reg. 75c, $l95 OLIVE OiL. 4 oz. Reg. 35c SCRAM ACID. 1 pdund can. "Reg. 45c IDAMALT 1, 2 and 4 pound. Reg. 73c, $L19, $2.09 33c, 83c, $1.53 COLD CREAM—Evelyn Howard. ' 1 Ib. jar. Reg. 89c 69c CLEANING FLUiD and Spot Remover. 4 and 10 oz. Reg 35e, ir9c 29c, 37c 93c, $329,. 59c, "$L59 29c 33c Epsom Salts 1 pound can. Reg 25c Milk of Maaesia 16 and 32 oz. Reg. 35c, 60c 19c 29c,49c Ilot Water Botile "=" RReg $L33 Wasb Clothroodqualiv 3 for 25c Writiui Pads —"Economy —Linen or Vellum NOTE SIZE—Reg. 10c Ladies' 6 Letter sizes Beg 15c 8c, 2 for 15c EivelopesPkBgs.eglofOc 25. 12c, 2 for 23c 8c, 2i,r 1 COLD TABLETS. 2S TabIRts.. Reg. Sec ..-.... 33c CASCARA—Aromatic. 3 and 6 oz. Reg. 30c, 50c _... 23c, 39c FLAXSEED—Wlisoki Seed. 16 oz. carton. Reg. 35c ..._......29c LINSEED MEAL. 12 oz. container. Reg. 35c 2 WHITE EMBROCATION. 4 and 1 oz. Reg. 29c, 49c .. 23c, 39c WITCH HAZEL 4 and 16 oz. Reg. 30c, 7Sc .. ........ 23c, 59c COCOANUT OIL .SHAMPOO. 8 oz. bottle. Reg. 49c 37c A.S.A. Tablets For headache relief 19e 49c 100 and 300 Thermometers Oral Clinical - 69c lc, 2 for 13c Combs Pocket and --Bobby. -- Reg: -Reg: l0c each Campbell's Drug Store • IN COUNTY DANCE .HALLS! Work Shop Of the Goderich W.I. Had Good Attendance The Goderich Women's Institute met Thursday of last week in Mac- Kay Hall_ There was a Large at- tendance with several visitors pre- sent, Mrs. R. Chambers, presi- dent, opened the 'meeting. Mrs. C. Bisset read the Scripture. - The roll call was answered by display- ing an antique dish and giving its history. A letter from the - St. John's Ambulance Corps granting the Wo- men's Institute membership was read. The annual cash prize of 525.00 will again be presented to the Music Festival. Several thank you cards were read from sick, members who have been confined to hospital. Mrs. W. Price announced that afternoon tea and cookies had been served to the large attendance of ladies who came to view the ar- ticles made at the recent work shop in the Town Hall. Needle- ; point and tapestry painting were on display with beautiful hand- i spade leather purses and handbags as well as tooled belts. moccasins and gloves. Some woven p1ase i mats, scarfs and handbags com- pleted. the exhibit. A gift of a matching pin and earring set was j made to Miss Ina Lindsay, instruct- ; or, by Mrs. A. Vilkin. Mr. Bea- I com, the janitor was given a box of cigars. Miss -Lindsay reported la good attendance at classes and all declared they enjoyed them- , .r selves. s The guest speaker for the meet.- ing was Mr. Forbes Neville of the Huron Co -Operative Medical Ser- vice. A group will be formed among Institute members desiring + to insure with this service. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. S. Bannister, Mrs J. Huckins, Mrs. A. Shore, Mrs. W. Riley, Mrs. G. Plante and lIrs. W. Price. TWO MEN REMANDED ON $709 THEFT CHARGE ELSTON CARDIFF, M.P., for Huron North who has asked !Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent 'if invitations to attend the Coron- ation have been forwarded to all Canadians holding the, V.C. In 1939 the excise tax paid at !the factory on the average new Canadian automobile was S3 and sales tax was $58; today excise tax same car is S217 and sales $145. — on the tax is Facts. Quick Canadian Ice Fishing Draws To A Close Youths Drinking Liquor Discussed By Councillors Referring to "disparaging re- marks" made about young people in Huron County, including Gode- rich, and the Liquor question, which appeared in a Toronto daily newspaper some weeks ago; Mayor J. E. Huckins stated at the town council meeting Friday night, "Our young people are no different than others; if they are, then we people are to blame for we make the laws." Home after being a patient at Westminster Hospital, London, for some time, • Mayor Huckins said after he read the daily newspaper articles mentioned above while in the hospital one would gain the impression that people in Huron County were "on the way to the dogs.' He expressed surprise th:.t the temperance people had not taken up the issue -more than they did. Saying that the C.T.A., was "ridiculous and degrading," Mayor Huckins believed it to be "at the root of all the trouble." He drew a word picture, for the sake of illustration, of the Reeve and him- self going to a city and each pur- chasing a case of -beer; each bravg- ing - the case of beer to Goderich and giving it to one another. "This." he said, "is perfectly legal." Councillor C. M. Robertson took objection to this statement, claim- I ing it had to be brought to Gode- rich by common carrier to be legal. ; "Individual citizens can not bring ; it in legally because you and 1 are not common carriers," sa!d Councillor Robe?tson. "Then why does the C.T.A. not have the Huron County border; i checked for these cars coming in with it." 'asked Mayor Huckin, adding. "They know the law is being broken about every five minutes." Objecting to liquor being drunk at dance balls, Mayor Huckins said. "I'm no temperance crank but there such a thing as decency and I think that, liquor in dancing halls should be checked." Councillors- John Vincent and Reuben Besse expressed agree- ment with the _ aforementioned statement. "The situation is rotten"' com- mented Reeve J. II. Graham. Referring to the question of the legality of having liquor on them which had been purchased by' them rather than given to them, Mayor Huckins said, "Just how often. if ever. 'are youths checked to de- termine whether the liquor -they're drinking was purchased by them!" "I think we should, back the police in their checking on these youths " said councillor Robertson. POLICE 'REPORT Police report to town ceased Friday night for the month art February revealed that of the V in- property stolen during . the month, $540 had been recon. There were 63 investigations, sue in fines, liquor to the valves el four dollars was seized. There were 50 warnings under the }Iigb- , way Traffic Act. A total of 311 places had been checked at night and of these Ave places ylrere found to have left their doors' unlocked and the owners were notified. John Sproul, Goderich and Cas- well Hackett, Lucknow. charged jointly with breaking, entering and theft of 5700 from the premises of Joseph Bowler., West Wawanosh Township, 'were remanded in cus- tody for two weeks by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C., on- Thursday. Bail for Hackett was set at $3,000 cash and $7,000' property; for "Aren't you proud of your little Sproul, 52,000 cash or $4,000 pro - man. he got his first pair of elect nor plead. were not asked to long pants today. We have many end tables with legs lice Grable's. What we mean is, if you like graceful Itrim -lined tables, as - utilitarian as they are beautiful, we have them. You will have a wide variety of styles, woods and prices to choose from. Figure out exactly what you want— that's exactly what we have. rilaCkSttine 'urniturc "On the Broadway ay of • N P. -ONE 24^-. ;,ODERiCH MUSiC EXAM. RESULTS Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, has announced results of the midwinter theoretical examin- ations. xaminations. For the students of A. W. Anderton, they are: Grade II—Helen Machan, first- class honors; Helen Potter, first- class honors; Elaine Hawkins, first- class honors. Grade III—Harmony — Gertrude Wilkes, honors. A pretty little girl of seven en- tered a store in a small town and said: "I want some cloth to make my dolly- a dress." - The merchant selected a remn- ant and handed the child the pack- age - "How much is it?" she asked. "Just one kiss," was the reply. "All `right,"`said the child, as she turned to go. "Grandma said to tell you she would pay you when she came in tomorrow." GODERICH PAVILION DANCING WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY 'NIGHTS very "e es' :y o Clarence Petrie's Nighthawks. ern an old time dairctng to Ice -fishing, according to one old pickerel, pike, whitefish, lake trout, guide and trapper in Northern particularly perch, even ling, take Ontario, "is for them as likes it.' the bait readily, are much firmer Certainly there is some divergence of flesh and more flavorable than they are in summ er. of opinion as to the popularity, and Lake St. Clair, according to Erie district reports, yields an abund- ance of pike and pickerel but the greatest proportion of fish taken are perch, the limitfor which was ; often obtained in a few hours. Anglers there cheered the removal of the 25 perch per day limit— especially, probably, one who was caught with 117 in possession for which he paid a heavy fine and lost the whole catch. At Mitchell's as "a sport enjoyed only by the Bay, 400 to 600 people fish the ice most hardy fishermen—those who 'on week -ends of which about 75(c brave the ever-present wind and are non-residents. The proportion inclement weather are ardent ang- on week days is about 50-50. In lers indeed." the Fort Erie -Buffalo area, poor Another report from an equally ice conditions' seriously handicap - worth of this winter sport. It's like the old nursery rhyme, per- haps—the one about "Peas Por ridge"—in which "some likes it hot" and "some likes it cold.".... Even in reports from different areas in Ontario to district forest- ers of the Department of Lands and Forests different views are expressed. In -one northern dis- trict a report refers to ice -fishing 0 MAKI H E REST OF. ivin northern section opines that "there is really- nothing to it. You just go out and cut a hole through about 16" or more of ice, take a - sounding, adjust your line ` o length, put a minnow on the hook and dangle it a few feet frgm the• bottom. "Most fellows tie a line to the end of a four foot long branch, stick one end in the snow, rest the other in the upright crotch of a .Mack and—then—hike—for shor where they build a big bonfire and try to keep warm. "As they tramp round and round n and his orchestra. the fire, stamping their feet and __— thrashing their arms to keep up and evening rentals. The the circulation, they cautiously peek from their parkas from time to time at the rods. When one, was Ronald Stewart of Toronto starts bobbing up and down or who has sung at Goderich wiggling a bit they howl with •glee, cral occasions. rush like mad for the hole, grab the rod and yank nut the fish The first Marconigrarn ��cirele But they don't 1iave, to run very mesS�sii el was sent from ('anadd often and after a few hours at to tlitt` United Kingdom in 1902.- - most are content to head for home, Quick ,Canadian Facts. a hot drink and warm blankets." Street So much for "the cynics—more encouraging are reports from Lake Nipissing, Lake St. Clair and Lake %� Simcoe where the sport is indulged, _eine. in by thousands of enthusiasts - even by many of the so-called "weaker sex." Many anglers. in fact, drive hundreds of miles on and Rod Cameron week -ends to enjoy ice -fishing in these prolific waters ---and can any hunter's story of the one blame them? In wintertime Every Saturday—Johnny Brenan Pay. is available for afternoon Management caters to lunches, banquets, wedding receptions etc. Phone 675 or 419. At QtheePARK n Square PRONE 1150 — Now—Maureen O'Hara and Peter Lawford in "KANGAROO" —Filmed in Color in' Australia. MON —TUES.—WED.— Humphrey Bogart—Ethel Barrymore and Kim Hunter In which a crusading -editor cleans up a vice ring and meets his deadline with a sensational expose. "DEADLINE U.S.A." THUR.—FRI.—SAT.— - ss, James Stewart—Janet Leigh and Robert Ryan An outlaw plays on his captors' weaknesses and the spur of greed impels each to violent decision. In Technicolor. "THE NAKED - SPUR"- Coming—Tyrone Power and Patricia Neal in "DIPLOMATIC COURIER." At The West C *PIL�T, PHONE 4: Now—"RAINBOW 'ROUND MY SHOULDER In Technicolor with Frankie f 0,4 of the 38,000 Sun Life of Can- ada annuitants receiving his moiler income cheque. In many instances this i,fet;me income.. was provided by regular small payments `during the annuitant's best earning years. Others ct older ages used a lump sum frons towns or capitol to guard against advancing years. Independence la old age can be mode certain with t Sur Life Pension policy. PLANNED LIFE INSURANCE BRINGS PEACE OF MIND Without obligation, let me ten you how the facilities of Nei SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- PANY OF CANADA can best meet.your particular needs in way that will fit your pocketbo k Harold W. Shore NORTH ST. Representative of SI -N LIFE %SST' RAN (E COMPANY OF (CANADA PHONE 766W Information available on N.H.A. loans. ped winter anglers both sides of the line. Lake Simeoe anglers are favored with an unusual choice of species for winter fishing. They can and e do take pike, pickerel, lake trout, whitefish, herring, suckers and perch—in - satisfactory numbers. Various estimates place the num- ber of fishing shanties spotted over the ice at from 1,300 to 1,500 with about 1,500 more holes being fished unproteeted---on a good. -day: 4 GUEST SPEAKER Rev. R. G. MacMillan of Gode- rich was guest preacher at First Presbyterian Church, Collingwood.'' on Sunday on the occasion 01 that church's 98th anniversary. Soloist MON.—TUES.—WED.— Cesar Romero—Marie Windsor Filmed in India, in Sepiatone. A expe- dition he led in search of India's famous mammoth elephants. "THE JUNGLE" THUR.—FRI.—SAT.— Luther Adler—Patricia Knight and William Shirer The fatiastic story of a master impersonator who killed Adolf . Hitler and took his place. eventually leading Germany to defeat. "THE MAGIC FACE" Coming—"THE UNKNOWN WORLD"— ' with Marylyn Nash and Brum Kellogg. �1{ 4 &Noe le wwNrAos SELL IT THRU THE MONSTER BINGO ST. PETER'S PARISH HALL, ST. JOSEPH (l�reneh S''tth-iii,rit SATURDAY, MARCH 14 0 p.m. sharp $250.00 will be given away in cash. 15 rounds at $5.00 each 4 SPECIAL ROUNDS 3at$25,00each -=A1 at $100.00. Admission $1.00. Special rounds 25c a card or 3 for 50c 10 11x Take no more chances with unidentified fuels FINISH THE INTER WITH blue coal' THE COLOR GUARANTEES THE QUA1.UTY Don't take a chance with, fuel or weather! Replenish your bin NOW with 'blue coal'. Come snow, cold , -or hitter temperatures, you'll he 'all set with a fuel you KNOW will give you Netter heat, more economy, more satisfaction, more rulut'.fur every cent spent! Order now! (,et acquainted w ill, fuel that takes every risk out 'of coal hug ing—'blue coal' is -colored LL` BE—vuur identification, your protection, your guarantee of the world's.titrest arithroeitc. FOR LOW COST AUTOMATIC HEATING Cut down basement trips ... save fuel, money,. time, trouble ... with the blue coal' TernpMaster. "Electric Eye" therniostat regulates dampers from liv- ing room ...gives you simple. inexpen- , sive, automatic heating day and night. • Order 'blue coal' now EDWARD COAL CO. Goderich, On*. t Phone 98 9