HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-02-26, Page 8cos maw 0 tics !SQUARE THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR FQr Results -. A Classified Ad FOR SALE FOR SALE, AND —.HERE ,HERE AND THERE London's share of 1952 suburban roads costs is $32,600. A Goderich statistician points out that with a population of 95,000, the per cap- ita cost to Londoners is 35 cents. Then, he turns with dismay to Goderich's picture and points out the per capita cost is $2.50. Quite a difference. He points out Gode- rich's 1952 county roads costs, even after taking into consider- ation the county rebate, is $12,514. With Goderich's population at 5,000 in. 1952 this figures out to .....eimi T V t........ RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS T.V. ANTENNAS, TOWERS and ACCESSORIES SALES & SERVICE Hutchinson Radio . Huron' Road Hello homemakers! Half the fun in candy -making is in the eating -- which makes " success doubly im- portant. When candy is good, it $2.50 a head. The statistician feels there's something wrong somewhere. Our friend, Fref Arnott of the London Free Press "Facts and Fables," doesn't believe SOME sub- scribers on rural telephone lines (and in towns, too, for that matter) sometimes go into marathon con- versations of from one half to an hour over the lines while others wait to place a call. After decades of years of exasperating experi- ence, the Mornington Township Municipal Telephone System has placed`a five minute limit on calls in order toeliminate this unneces- sary chit chat. However, because Fred has been using a township telephone lin near London for "a couple of yeas" he feels qualified to deny any such charges. We in- vite him to interview any 50 wo- men subscribers within a radius of ten miles of Goderich on the subject to really get an "earful." Regardless of anything, however, perch -fisherman Fred and the writer of this column both agree with Voltaire, who said, "I dis- approve of what you say, but I will defend to the death your Phone 498B ! right to say it." WISE WOMAN. with an eye to the welfare of the home who will STOP AND CONSIDER our spec- ial• offering of Gom binat io 11 Doors WE HAVE FEW- NO. 1 COMBINATION DOORS ,I LEFT WITH COPPER WIRE AND GLASS INSERTS— THE BEST YOU CAN BUY. Replace your old storm door with one of these NOW. Included in our door stocks are, several newly ar - rived fir slab and 2 panel doors. Front and rear entrance doors of latest design. We also have a large stock of: fir plywood, gy'proc; Tentest sheets and Tentest ceiling squares, 16x16 and 12x12; Greenboard--Masonite; Barclay wall tile; chrome trim and mouldings; roll roofing, 18x36"; roll brick siding; building papers. Also a quantity of %x11/2", oak and birch .dooring— door and cupboard hardware --barn door track --Mable - door latches, in fact, we can give you any requirements for building needs. We specialize in millwork of all kinds—sash-frames —screens—cellar frames and sash. Kitchens built to I order. Cabinets, etc. Just PHONE 782 and we will call and advise you of your needs. John Jeffery & Son • Elan v ----Goderich is' very -very good, and when it is not—it's such a disappointment. Youngsters often beg to make candy on a stormy afternoon, and believe it or not the atmosphere can make a difference. Such can- dies as caramels, creams and fond, ants are tricky to make while taffy and brittle candies are not as diffi- cult. Then, too, we have sweets that are good yet simple to make. Before we list recipes we wish to repeat a message from Dr. Sandy MacGregor who gives il- lustrated lectures on dentistry for children: Do not give candy to wee tots and insist that children "dance" the tooth brush carefully along their teeth immediately after eating candy. • Turkish Delight 1 once (2 tbsps.) gelatine cup cold water 2 cups granulated sugar 1..! cup boiling water Grated rind 1 orange • 1/3 cup orange juice 3 tbsps. lemon juice Food coloring. Soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes. Combine sugar and boiling water, stir until mixture boils; add gelatine, and simmer gently for 20 minutes. Add flavor- ing and coloring. Rinse shallow pan with cold water and pour in mixture, about 1 -inch deep. Cool in electric refrigerator. Remove to bread board that has been sifted with powdered sugar. Cut into cubes, roll in sugar. Nigger Babies 2. ounces sweet chocolate 2 tbsps. butter • 1, pound marshmallows (about 15) 1, tsp. vanilla i3 cups of ,ready -to -eat cereal Nelt `.',hcolatel butter and marsh- mallows (cut finely) in top of double boiler. Add vanilla, mik well and pour over cereal which has been placed in a large, greased bowl. Blend well. Shape into balls, or press lightly into well - greased pan. Allow to harden, and cut into squares. Chopped nuts, fine coconut or chopped glazed cherries are. nice additions, and popped corn may be substituted for the cereal. Almond Butter Crunch 1 cup butter 1 cup sugar '3 tbsps. water 1 tbsp. syrup 1 3 cup toasted almonds 1, pound sweet' chocolate 1, cup finely chopped blanched almonds Melt butter, add sugar and stir 'Until sugar is dissolved add water and syrup and cook slowly, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Boil gently ,until small amount of mixture dropped into cold' water will form brittle ball, or until candy thermometer registers 300° F. Remove from heat, add toasted almonds. Turn into greased pan and mark into squares immediate- ly. Melt chocolate in top of double boiler and' when candy is almost cool, spread with chocolate coat- ing and sprinkle with finely cut almonds. If desired, the candy may be turned over and chocolate and nuts sprinkled on both sides. TAKE A TIP 1. Every particle of sugar should be melttd before candy syrup is allowed to boil as this may cause . a granular fondant. 2. Cream of tartar or corn syrup should be added after sugar is dissolved to prevent crystals from forming. 3. Do not stir fudge or fondant syrups after boiling begins; scrape around the sides of pan and gently across the bottom occasionally. 4. Allow the syrup to settle before beating. 5. To shape bon bons from fondant allow the mixture to ripen for one hour, then knead well. Break off small pieces and shape into balls patties or strips. Let stand an flour or so todry. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Feb. 24.—Mr. and Mrs. Roderich McKenzie and famil visited on Sunda with the former's sister, Mrs. Percy Dalmer, and Mr. Dalmer of Waterloo; also his mother, Mrs. Jas. McKenzie, who has been spending thewinter months with -her daughter. Mrs. McKenzie fell and broke her arm a week before. Mr. Frank Upshall of Brampton is visiting with his nephew,' Mr. Carman Hayden and family. • Mrs.. Wm. Crawford after visit- ing for,a couple of days with her daughter, Mrs. Watson Sheardown of Goderieh, is now spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Oke of Belgrave. -*. Mrs. Roy Petrie is having a mis. cellaneous shower this Tuesday evening for her niece, Miss Donna floY, bride -elect of this week. Mrs. Will Crawford gave her home for the February meeting United Church with ten members present. The president, Mr's. Bert Crawford, presided, using the World*, Day of Prayer prrigram theme, "Walk as Children of Light." Prayer was offered by Mrs. Lednor. A chapter in the study book was read by Mrs. Craw- ford. The business period folloW- ed. Mrs. Earl ,Bogie opened the W.A. meeting. Reports were read and adopted. Thp making of quilts was discussed. Lunch was served by the hostess. Elated Eunice has A message that true and tried: Regardless of your problem T-rn 1^ +'-e classified. Briefs Reserve Friday, March 27, for a Variety Concert, in Victoria Street Church parlors under auspices of the choir. Skits, vocals, instru- mentals, tun. Home talent. 8 p.in. sharp. Admission 50c and 25c. • -9-13 Please bring your retrimming, remodelling, etc. in early this sea- son • and avoid disappointment. Mrs. McArtliur's Millinery, the Square. -9-10 'rhe regular meeting of St. George's Church Women's Guild will be held in the Guild room on Tuesday, March 3, at 3 p.m. -9 Print Remnants, one yard up 29c yd.; short pieces suitable for quilt patches and other uses, $1.00 per one- lb. bundle. The Textile Shop. • -9 The Rebekah and I.O.O.F. Lodges are holding their annual , "At Home" Friday, February 27, at 3 p.m., in. MacKay Hall, Goderich. All members are invited and Re- bekahs and Oddfellows resident in Goderich and affiliated with out- side lodges are also invited to attend. •9 The regular meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., will be held at the home of Mrs. John Wallace, Wellington street, on Tuesday, March 3, at 8.15 p.m. -9 Larder Slie11 furnace oil and stove oil frons Edward Puels. tank truck dealer fur all Shell Oil Co, producb4. Phone 115. 4_tf Planning to re -decorate your home? Choose from a large range of floor covering, the latest Sun- worthyallpapers, window shades, We will measure and install Kirsh Traverse Rods, Venetian blinds and drapes chosen from our large at- tractive stock of drapery. At SCHAEFER'S. -6-9 Special offer, Ladies' Horne Journal, new and renewal: 20 months; $4.00; 30 months, $6.00; good only till' February 28. . Chate- laine increases its price March 15. Reader's Digest now half price for new subscribers only. Ernie Barker, phone 1060W. -8-9 A good buy in towels—white with colored stripes—about 18 x 36, imperfecta, 75c pair at The Textile Shop ;r =9 A BETTER BUY—Famous Read- ing all anthracite briquettes should not be compared with other bri- quettes. They burn cleaner and longer like the best anthracite coal. New lower price—$23:50 ton Or der from Dean Coal Co: 8-9 For your interest at the Gode- rich Art Centre, adjoining the Business College, Sunday after- noons, 2.30-4.30: March 8—"Look- ing into Pictures"—enlargements of details of some well-known paintings. March 15 and 22— "Yours to See"—final exhibition of series. Attention is drawn tg works of Canadian painters, wood- carvers, architects and , photo- graphers of fine merit. Courtesy Toronto Art Gallery. -9 Costume concert by • Marjorie Hays (Mrs. Robt. Dunlop) at Coy legiate Auditorium, Friday, March 6, at 8.15 p.m. Mrs. Dunlop will be accompanied by Mr. Alex. Clarke. Tickets adults 75c, students 50c. -9 IN 'MEMORIAM LONGMIRE.--In loving memory of Mrs. John Longniire who passed away one year ago. In my heart your memory lingers Always. tender, fond and true; There's not a day, dear mother 'I do not think of you. —Always remembered by 'her family. 9x CARDS OF THANKS FOR SALE.—NEW FRAME COT- TAGE, automatic oil furnace, hot water, oak flooits, built-in bath with shower; garage; possession soon. Phone 166W. 9x EOR SALE.—PUREBRED POLICE dog, Ila years old, priced very reasoi*able. Phone 1167, •9 CRESS CORN SALVE FOR SURE rend. Your Druggist sells Cress Wart Remover, leaves no scars. -9 port SALE.—USED STROLLER. May be seen at LODGE FURNI- TURE STORE, West street. -9 FOR SALE. --- USED TABLE. LObGE FURNITURE STORE, West street. -9 VOR SALE. -- HALF FINISHED ranch house 42 ft x 30 ft., on Quebec street. Write BOX 15, SIGNAL -STAR. 9x `FOR SALE. -.=-FULL FASHIONED nylon " hose, substandards, 42 gauge, 88c; 51 gauge, 99c pair, by a fully reliable maker At THE TEXTILE SHOP, 5 West street, Goderich. -9 FOR SALE. — COTTON TEA towels, checked and striped, about 17 x 28. Week, end special, 25c each, 5 for $1.00. THE TEX- TILE SHOP, 5 West street, Gode- rich. -9 FOR SALE.—FIVE REGISTERED and accredited Ayrshire cows, due to freshen late in March. FRED PLAETZER, Auburn. -9 FOR SALE. -ALL STEEL WAG- ON, 16-600 tires; International three -furrow • tractor plow, Rex Bottom; used Hornet chain saw. CHAS. HUTCHINS, Clinton. 9x VOR SALE.—NEW AND USED radios, electric and battery for sale or trade..._.I'; c01r111..cutii, it on. Ma'uy to choose froul, Sold with a. 1.10day guarantee. 1i. R. MUNDAY, Radio and Sound Service, i Widder street. l'hone 595. -1tf '`OR SALE. — SIXTEEN CHUNK pigs. ELWIN POLLOCK, 'Nile. Call atter 6. 9x Full SALE. ---A. VERY ATTRAC- TIVE bungalow in west end location at 1'25 St. Patrick's Street. j Property has living Town,. siiia1i dining room, kitchen. laundry, hedruouis and bathrooru, .oil fur - 1 nace, uice',Carden. Agent MAL- ; 1 MATERS, Heal Estate ? 1IBroker. -lei \Vet Street, Goderich. Phone : 11.W. 44t.f ' LAVING SLOW MILK 1 N G troubles? Give the Surge Milker a try. Call LOVELL Mc- GUIRE, Wingham, phone 593W. We specialize in milking cows. 6-9x FOR SALE.—EVERYTHING RE- DUCED; high back sink; kit- chen table and chairs; heavy duty ' electric stoves, large- and small; sewing machines, hand and treadle; I buffet; boy's bicycle with dynamo; budgies, 20% off; budgie and can- : ary seed, 25c lb. Store open 1 p.m. to 9 p.m, Saturday, 10 a.m. '-to 10 p.m. Not open Saturday, 1 February 28. C. WOODS, opposite I Town Hall, East street. -7tf IFOR SALE.—LIME AND WEED sprayer mounted on two 'wheels, 250 gallon capacity, driven by 8 h.p. engine made by London I Spraymotors, complete with 150 feet hose and gun; may beused for warble fly spraying. OLIVER { McBRIEN, 77 Nelson street, phone 1904J. 7-8x I FOR SALE.—FENCE POSTS, AN- CHOR posts, brace posts and stakes. JOHN HINDMARSH, "R. R. '2, Goderich, phone 1190J. tf D-- YIR.Sr WM, -4 R and Mr. ani Mrs. James T. Videan wish to extend their thanks to those who were so kind to them, those who sent messages of sym- pathy, loaned cars for the funeral `and especially those who sent flowers. -9 I WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPOR- TUNITY to thank those who sent me cards, gifts and flowers, FOR SALE. — SIX -ROOM CE- MENT block house. Apply to HAROLD GOOD, 151 Britannia road, Goderich. 8-9x FOR SALE.—WE HAVE A LIM- ITED quantity of spy apples;. also cooking apples. Phone 600W2, HARRY MITCHELL. -8.9 `Olt SALE.--41AM11ER MILLS, Fairbanks Morse, various sizes. either stationary or power take- off styles. GEO, 'VRAITH, Phone 1'lti or 931r3. 44tf CHICK BUYERS—HOLD EVERY- THING ---until you contact me for Hi Chicks Canadian Approved plus many years of Hatchery research, Wide choice mixed, pullets, cock- erels; pure breds, crosses; day -olds, some started; capons. Remember —the earlier chicks are best money-makers. LITTLE BROS., South street, Goderich. Phone 938 r 14. -9 FOR SALE.—USED ItEFItUUER- A'1't)ltS; electric rangy , ran- ge+ttes and Washiug machines at BARGAIN .I'RIOES. SH0ItF AI'- PLIANCEJ, Goderich, your bead - quarters 'for hearing aid batterietl. • 47 FOR SALE., SPRING GARDENS, pots of a combination of spring flowers have been so popular that we have been, unable to fill the demand. How- ever, with heavier supplies corning on we will be able to do so in the future. OTHER NICE PLANTS—Ciner arias, cyclamen, primula, azaleas, etc. Spring flowers always lovely and STILL lower in price. Carnations and roses always in stock. JACKSONS FLORISTS, Bruce street. Phone 105. 8 WANTED WANTED. -MARRIED COUPLE, caretaker and,, cook for sum- mer camp for July and August. Write P.O. BOX 67, or phone 269, Goderich. -9-11 WANTED. — PART-TIME saleslady, either senior high school age or young married woman. Apply GERRARD'S, phone 375. -9 THURSDAY, FEB., 26th, 1953 CULBERT'S BAKERY • "The glome of Tasty Pastry" Pumpkin Spice Cakes -40c each with raspberry filling and butter creme icing. BANANA WHIPPED CREAM CAKES -40c asoh 'ALMOND CRUNCH BUNS 5c doz. HOT CROSS BUNS EVERY DAY DURING LENT. Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Calves a specialty. Orders of $1.00 and over delivered. PHONE 465 PHONE EARLY TENDERS WANTED COLBORNE TOWNSHIP GRAVEL TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 9 p.m., Monday, March 2, 1953, for crushing and hauling approximately 6,000 yards of gravel, :/," screen for gravel. Delivered on roads as directed by Road Superintendent. Completion of graveling, June 15, 1953. Mark- ed cheque icor $200.00 must accom- pany tender. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. GEO. F. BEAN, Road Superintendent, R.R. 5, Goderich. WM. SALLOWS, Township Clerk, 8.9- - R.R.. 5, Goderich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Greer, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the 13th day of February, 1953, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 14th day of March, 1953, as after that date the assets of the estate will be dis- tributed. , Dated at' the ,Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 21st day of. February, A.D. 1953. R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH- ER as secretary to general manager of progressive manufac- turing company. Must have good shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and dependable. Top salary to capable girl. Write full par- ticulars- in own hand and salary desired to JAMES COLE FURNI- TURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. -9-10 `'ANTED.—FOR HURON COUN TY. Young married rnan, 21- 28, who wishes to better his pre- sent position. Must have car, be alert, clean-cut and aggressive. For personal. interview write BOX 16, S1GNAL-STAR. A11 replies strict- ly confidential. 9x WANTED.—ORDERS FOR CAN- ADIAN Approved B a by Chicks. ` For information contact GEO. WRAITH, your Purina deal- er; or write CRAWFORD'S HATCHERY, Lucknow. All stock government inspected and banded. -5tf WANTl' D. — alterations. PHONE' 1130J. DRESSMAKING, ttrices reasonable. 1tf WANTEL).-1.1ST1NuS o1 PRu- L'EItTlES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, R e a 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. 12t1 WANTED.—OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. If dead, pbone at once. GILIiERT BROS' MInk Ranch, phone collect 936 r 32 or 936 r 21. -26tf (18 AN EVENING. FOR YOUR 'P spare time. Just 3 easy free trial sales amazing Patented Auto- matic Refrigerator Defrosters can pay you that. Hundreds of hot prospects. Commission. Rush name, address for guaranteed pro- fit offer. D-FROST-O-MATIC CO., Dept. 107, Newmarket, Ont. -9-12 %ANTED.---LISTING8"OF 1'RO- I'ERTIES for sale. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor. PHONE lt1W. • 3911 ''ANTED:— ACCOMMODATION required for air force per• sonel stationed at Clinton. If you have a house or apartment, furn- ished or unfurnished to rent please call Station Housing Officer at Clinton 382, local 252. -3tf WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR an ambitious man or woman to call ,on customers of nationally ad- vertised Watkins Products in Gode- rich. You can operate your own business and be your own boss without having to invest any money. See what we have to offer. Write - immediately - piety.Sales Dept. -THE J. R. WATKINS COM- PANY, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal, Que. -6.9 WANTED.—YOUNG LADY FOR business office of Bell Tele- phone Co., Goderich. Prefer mini- mum Grade 12. . Apply C. B. SYMONDS, Manager. Telephone 436. -8tf THE VOICE OF TEMPER- ANCE So we have everage rooms in Huron. Thai's not what 'they are called by their pat- rons—but that's wktt thq are 'called by outsiders. And that's 'what they are. -We have bev- erage rooms even though the COMMERCIAL LEAGUE !people of Huron have never High triples—T. Fisher, 740; (,7 voted for them and do not gomery, 624. !want them. This is just an - LUBRICATION IS IMPORTANT DRIVE IN FOR A CONEPLETE JOB AT Pontiac--Buick—G.M.C. Trucks BORN PRING.--At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on February 24, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pring (nee Woehl); Goderich, a . son, Jeffrey Lang. WILLIAMS.---At St. Joseph's ,Hos- pita], Sarnia, on Thursday„ Fen; ruary 5, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. -Glenn Williams, Sarnia, a dough. ter, Dianne Elizabeth. FINANCE AND INSURE your next new or late model car, truck or faint machincr) at lower cost through Harold W. Shore IN81'11ANCE AGENCY - "All Lines of Insurance" NORTH ST. PII0'74", 766W ...Loans AiS9 arranged on 1916 and later model ears. fltf other way in which the letter of the law is being evaded and the spirit of the law frustrated. It is in the record that every one of these beverage room3 has had police action brought against it. The question is— how long are men going to keep on paying a third more for their intoxicating bey,erages. Moreover, beverage roomli rep- resent.ohe ofthe worst features of the liquor traffic nuisance. The people of Huron do not t 'beverage rooms. This advt. sponsored by Huron C!onnty Temperance -Federation. WANTED. —• TWO BEDROOM apt., with private bath March 22. Reply to OSCAR WRIGHT,' Kenilworth, Ontario.. -8-9 9 -11 - Solicitor for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of John MacRitchie, late of the Town of Goderich, deceased. All Persons claiming against the above estateare required to for- ward full particulars to the under- signed by March 21st, 1953, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed. FRANK DONNELLY, Q.C., Gode- rich, Solicitor for the Estate. -9-11 TO RENT TO RENT.—TILREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, pri- vate bath and entrance, no con- venience for children. Apply 54 Picton street, phone 1040W. 9x TEACHERS WANTED 1G ODERICH PUBLIC StHOOL Board requires two additional teachers, male preferred; duties to commence September. *1953. Sal- lowance for exnerience. Ability to promote and 'lead in sports a prime .f.onsideration. S. II. BLAKE, Secretary,- Goderich Public School Board. Mrs. J. Baigent of Toronto is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mal calm Mothers, Mr. Mothers and ! Mrs. John Thorpe visited in Chatham on Tuesday. TO RENT.--#-TWO-ROOMED heated apartment, in quiet home, private entrance, partly furnished if desired. Apply 116 Cambria road. . 9x, TO RENT.—ONE ROOM, FURN- ISHED and heated, lady pre- ferred. MRS. ADAM FOSTER, St. Patrick's street, phone 1007W. 9x TO RENT. — THREE HEATED rooms, private entrance and conveniences. Suitable for couple only. Phone 565. 9x TO RENT. — LARGE BED-srr- - TING room, furnished, hot and cold water, grill privileges; also 2 room cabin, fully winterized and furnished, oil heating. MRS. KEN ALL1N, Maple Leaf Cabins. • -9 WANTED TO RENT - WANTED. -- UNFURNLSHED apartment or house, in Gode- rich, Seaforth, Clinton or Bayfield area. Stove and refrigerator pre- ferred. Steady income, good re- ferences. Phone Clinton, 382, local PERSONAL "SKINNY" GIRLS! GET LOVELY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10. lbs., new pep. Try farnons health and weight -builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab - size ONLY 60e. All druggists. • PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GODERICH AMUSEMENT COM- PANY LIMITED, will apply to His Honor, the Lieutenant -Governor for. the Province of Ontario, for leave to surrender its charter. Dated at Goderich, this 26th day of November, 1951. -9 Guaranteed radio service. WILF. street, phone 466. .42 FLOOR SANDING. Old and new Boors sanded. Pho.oe CREE COOK, 23J, Clinton. -2tf ATTENTION FARMERS. FOR YEARS THE HIGHEST PRICES Fon HOGS HAVE BEEN PAID IN AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. START YOUR WEANERS NOW TO GET THAT MARKET. SEE US ABOUT A 1100 CO.NTRACT. PAY FOR FEED WHEN HOGS ARE SOLI). NO EXTRA CHARGE. GEO. WRAITH, MINNEAPOLIS AND FERGUSON FARM MA- CHINERY, PURINA FEEDS. Mt)NTRE'AL STREET. PHONE 1285. -20t1 ATTENTION -TRUCKERS. Your attention is directed to R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 167, Section 36, Subsection 4, 5 and 6 re Load Limits during months of March and April; these sections will be strictly enforced on all County ' Roads. PETER D. PATTERSON, 9-10- County Engineer. pUBLIC NOTICE. Take Notice that the Council of the Township of Colborne proposes to pass a by-law to close part of the original but unopened road al- loWance in Plan 16 for the 'Town- ship of Colborne. The road allow- ance to be closed may be more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the North-east angle of Lot 1; THENCE North 890 56' West, 746.6 feet to a. point; THENCE South 1° 07' West, 67 feet to a point; THENCE North 89' 56' West, 66 feet to a point; THENCE North 1° 07' East, 167 feet to a point; THENCE North 89* 56' West, 150 feet more or • less to a point on the High Water Mark of Lake Huron; THENCE North along the High Water Mark of Lake Huron, 66 feet more or less to a point in South Limit of Lot 31; THENCE South 89° 56' East, 201 feet more or less ,to a point on the west boundary of Lot 27 in said Plan 16; THENCE South 1° 07' West to the South-west angle of Lot 26 in the said Plan 16; THENCE South 89° 56' East, 745.4 feet to the South Easterly angle of Lot 2 in said Plan 16; THENCE South 1° 07' West, 66 feet to the place of beginning, Anyone interested in this matter may appear before the Council of the Township of Colborne at the first meeting after the publish- ing of four weekly advertisements to this effect. STANLEY SNYDER, Reeve, Hygienic supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six san)- ples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T -5A. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. Emerson Drug Store Oorner West St. and Square Phone 45: We deliver. "As handy as the Postoffice" First home permanent with take it or leave it neutralizer. Can be used three different ways: for normal hair, for problem, bleached or dyed hair, for a softer wave on all hair. Makes every type of hair look and act like naturally wavy hair. $2.00 HAIR DRAB LOOKING Rubinstein Color Tone shampoos wash glorious color in to your hair. Leaves your locks sparkling clean, color bright. In four heavenly hues, Blonde Tone adds gold- en glints to blonde hair, Brunette Tone gives rich dark depths,t Silver Tone gives gray hair a shimmer of silver, Red Tone shampoo kindles Titian "flames". 6 oz. bottle $1.50