HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-02-26, Page 7A THURSDAY, FEB., 28th, 1883 ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, Feb. 24. — Miss Margaret MacPherson, Reg.N., of London was home for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gaunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt and Mr. and , Mrs. Earl Durnin were in London on Friday where Mrs. Jos. Gaunt is a patient in Victoria Hos- pital.. Mrs. W. A. Miller is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Mc- euillin, after spending several weeks in the Wingham General Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. She underwent a major operation, from which shoji mak- ing favorable recovery. World Day of Prayer.—,Twenty- seven ladies joined with others the world over, on Friday, the World Day of Prayer, at the home of Mts. S. E. Hayward. Mrs. W. I. Miller, the president,. was im.. the chair and Mrs. John Cameron led in the service, the theme of which was "Walk as Children of Light:" Those taking part in the prayer service were Mrs. G. MacPherson, • • Mrs. Wm. Ruthersord, Mrs. Hay- ward, Mrs. L. Woos, Mrs. Mary Murray and Mrs. ,Alex Mure Rev. S. E. Haryana gave =.a short talk in keeping with they end Mrs. E. W. Rice favored• with a solo. At the conclusion a social hour was enjoyed with Mrs. Lorne Woods and Mrs. E. W. Rice as hostesses. Mrs. (Dr.) R. L. White of Chicago, Mrs. Roy McKenzie of Ripley, Mrs. K. F. McLennan of Ashfield, Miss Webb and Miss Cath- arine MacGregor of Lucknow were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. THE CODE IGH SIGN LL$TAI George Shunt. Mr. Wilbert Durnin of London spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Durnin. A cub reporter on a newspaper was given a lecture by his editor about being brief in his stosdes. "It is the most important ,thing in reppoorting," the editor claimed. The next daffy the •cub handed in this story: ' James C. Mulligan looked up the elexator shaft at the Morton Hotel yesterday to see if the elevator was coming down. It was. Age 33." New driving thrills await you, INTERIOR DODGE REGENT 4 -DOOR SEDAN smoother, livelier, easier to handle DODGE CORONET HAS`WORLD'S MOST MODERN V-8 ENGINE The Dodge V-8 engine in the Dodge Coronet models is of a design generally recognized as the ideal for power and economy. ft brings you the triple power advantages of "dome-shaped" combustion chambers ... short stroke design ... high lift lateral valves. And it easily produces 140 H.P. on regular grade gas. Drive the new Dodge Coronet. Thrill to its purging power and its easy "no -shift" driving. For new driving thrills —get behind the wheel of this new Dodge. 'You'll -realize that only a brand new approach to automobile design could have achieved such amazing riding and driving qualities.. Starting with a now, much wider and lower frame—for greater stability ---Dodge engineers have cleverly redesigned tie suspension .to make the famous Oriflow ride even smoother and steadier. The result .is a car which hugs the road . handles surely ... and takes the curves in stride. And they have achieved a"livelier performance by reducing fuel -consuming weight. But don't take our word for it. Come in today and road-test the new Dodge for yourself. You'll be amazed. DODGE CORONET V-8 • DODGE REGENT • DODGE MAYFAIR • DODGE CRUSADER • DODGE SAVOY • DODGE SUBURBAN MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED HAMILTON ST. Reg. McGee C3 Sons SERVE CANADA PHONE' 765 A "strong" Canada, today, is essential if we are to preserve our freedoth, our own way of life. Freedom demands constant guard and effort by all who enjoy it. A "strong Canada" is the responsibility of all Canadians. AND YOURSE Spring Seed Fairs For -the Farmers An indication that Spring is just around the corner is the two seed fairs coming up -:-Middlesex Seed Fair at London on March 2-5 and then the sixth annual Huron County , Seed Fair at Clinton on March 6-7. The 1953 seed fair at London promises to be the largest in Its 35 years' history. The entire ground filoor, as well as • the usual upstairs space in the Manufactur- ers' Building, Western Fair grounds will be used for exhibits, displays and programs. Agricul- tural machinery, cars, trucks, etc., will also be displayed. Mr. G. W. Montgomery, secre-. tary-treasurer of the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement. As- sociation, feels that the Huron County annual seed fair at Clinton on March 6-7 will be one of the outstanding agricultural events of the . year. Entries close on March 3 although a few post entries will be accepted, More than $500 in prizes is being offered, including some remarkable specials. The Huron County Junior Seed Judg- ing competition will be held Sat- urday, March 7, commencing at 9.30 a.m. All juniors in Huron County under the age of 30 are invited to take part. The juniors will include boys under 20 while the seniors will be from 20 to 30 years of age. _ Outstanding speak- ers have been secured and a program, of intense interest to farmers planned. DONNYBROOK • DONNYBROOK, Feb. 24. — The February meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. ,E. Robinson with Mrs. ITardy presiding over the W.M.S. meeting. The Scripture was read by Mrs. N. Thompson and Mrs. S.. Thomp- son. An article on Christian Stewardship was read by Mrs. .H. Jefferson Mrs. E. Robinson read a poem. Mrs. N. Thompson gave a reading on "The Good Neighbor Policy in Berlin." Miss Elaine Jefferson and Mrs. E. Robinson read the chapter in the study book. There were . 12 in _ attend- ance. Quilts are being made in preparation for a bale for overseas relief, and the following ladies have held quiltings in their homes: Mrs. Chas. Jefferson, Mrs. Morley Johnston, Mrs. Norman Thompson, Mrs. Edw. Robinson and .Mrs. R. Chamney. The March meeting will be held, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hardy. Mrs. Norman Thomp- son was in charge of the W.A. meeting, Mrs. Gordon Naylor was the winner of the bath towel don- ated by Mrs. Thompson. A sale of baking, etc., was held. Miss Rena McClinche.y, of Auburn was a recent visitor with her cousin, Miss Elaine Jefferson. Mrs. Christen& Mills, Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Mills. and son of De- troit were recent week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster and Brenda were Sunday visitors with Mr. acid Mrs. Stuart Chamney. OBITUARY r m GRAHAM SHARMAN Word has been received here of the death of ;Graham Sharman who passed away suddenly in Los An- geles, California,, on February 10. He was the son of the late Edward Sharman .and Emily Hick, both former residents of Goderich: He is survived by his widow and son and daughter ,and also by two sisters and one brother, Mrs. Werner'' (Blanche) and Mrs. Ken - dell (Olive) of Los Angeles and Bert of Chicago. Mr. Sharman was a' nephew of Misses Clara and Alice Sharman and ,Mrs. W. C. Pridham and a cousin of Mrs. Chas. Edward and Mrs. Albert Oke. County and District Thprofit eClinton hospital reports a fnet or 19of $7,776 on operations Seafroth has a new industry to be conducted by " a firtp toys and games. It is ex that about sixteen girls will be employed at first. The Clinton Women's Inatitute celebrated its 54th anniversary last week. Robert Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kennedy, Brussels, Won first prize in the recent Toronto Kiwanis music festival. A Chamber of Commerce has beet} organized at Brussels. Harold C. Thomas is the ftrst president, A ear stolen, from in .front of a store at Exeter . on February 11 was recovered by the R.C.M.P. at Strathmore, Alberta, on the 19th. It was reported there were four igirls and three boys in the car, including two Ingersoll youths who would be returned to face charges. Remuneration for Seaforth, Clinton Councillors The Seaforth Council has passed a bylaw setting a salary of $120 each for councillors and $200 for the mayor. Deduction for non- attendance at a meeting was set at $5. The Clinton Council has set $5 'a meeting for councillors and $7 a meeting for the mayor as re- muneration for their services. PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, Feb. 24.—The Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Glen Pickard on February 18, for the regular monthly meet- ing. The president opened the meeting. The reports were read and adopted and the correspond- ence read. Seventeen ladies an- swered the roll van with hints on the care of house plants. Plans were completed for the forthcom- ing card party and dance to be held .in- the near future. It was decided to send a donation to the overseas flood relief fund. The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Torrance and roll call is to be answered by "Something Irish." At the close. of 'the meeting the ladies played euchre. The high lady was Mrs. Bill Mcllwain and the low lady, Mrs. Bill Cox. ASHFIELD ASHFIELD; Feb. 24.—The Feb- ruary meeting of Ashfield Presby-' terian Woman's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Rose, observing the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie, first vice-president, pre- sided and acted as leader for the program. Prayers were 'offered by Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie, Mrs. Howes and Mrs, Stuart MacLennan. Mrs. Neil G., MacKenzie gave an interesting address giving the his- tory and achievements of the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. Dunc- an MacKay favored with a solo. Miss Sadie Johnston was chosen to act as our delegate at the Syn- odical which is to be held in Wing- ham on April 21, 22 and 23. Mrs. Wilson, the president, con- ducted the business part of tie meeting. The hostess and com- mittee in charge served a nice lunch and a social time was erl- joyed. BUS N TO LONDON 8.30 A.M., EXO1PT mix" AND HOLIDAYS. 11.45 AIL, DAILY. 4.15 PAL, DAILY, 5.45 P.M., TKIDAY AND SATURDAY. 31.110 C$1 8.30 PM., SUNDAY AND 8 ITI=E TO HOLIDAYS. AND .WLIgiNABIL CHARTER. AND SPBCIAL TRIPS arranged to points is Canada or the U.S.A. For your school out this CI y . year we suggest a 3 -day trip to Ottawa, your Gay room reservations and sighteeeing all arranged. Buses have► reclining seats, public address systems and radios. " Be seas. Portable and safe on your school bus trip this year. No extra deadhead mileage charges for trips from Huron County. See your nearest Motorways Agent for rates and sug- gestions. The Western Ontario Motorways Limited ri f -8-9 Iodized salt for brood sows is The United States in 1952 was cheap insurance against iodine de- the largest importer and user of ficient rations. platinum and palladium. • GET $50 TO $1200 PROMPTLY AT P�eon NEED CASH to repair or pay the down payment on a home ... repair or fyiance down payment on an auto ... or for &thy other worthy 1iurposes? Get that cash promptly at Loons $50 to 91200 on Signature, Furniture or Auto Amend where it's `lyes" to 4 out of 5. No bankable security re- quired. Modern offices and streamlined methods assure speedy service. Phone, write, or come in today.' • • • • • • • • • • 2nd Floor (Above Sally Shops) • 21 DOWNIE STREET, STRATFORD Phone: Stratford 2855 • Cornelius A. Enright, YES MANager OPEN DAILY 9 TO 5 • SAT.URDAY 9 TO 12 ' Loans made to residents of all surrounding towns • Personal Finance Company of Canada Competitive Prices plus Personal' Service NILE NILE, Feb. 25. -Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robinson and Sandra of Kincardine and Mrs. Russell Mc- Connell of Kingarf were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews. Mrs. George Sowerby, Goderich Township, spent a couple of days` last week with her daughter, Mrs. 1 Cliff McNeil and Mr. McNeil. Miss Kathleen McDiarmid is home from school with an attack of mumps. Mrs. Orland Bere is in Goderich hospital with a severe case of bronchitis. Her mother, Mrs. 1i. Horton of Dungannon, is helping at her home here. The World's Day of Prayer was 'observed by the W.M.S. and W.A. of Nile church. Miss M. Currey and Mrs. Allan Schram were lead- ers . and Mrs. S. Taylor gave the address. The annual death rate from auto- mobile accidents is three times the casuality toll of one year of the Korean War. Accountant, stenographer, typist ... cook, baker ... You can acquire one Learn about the NEW enlarged opportunities for ADVANCEMENT for COOKS — learn about a trade that will give you a promising career. Free health services, generous pension plan, 30 days holiday a year — all combine to make Army service a sound career for bright young men who are good enough to make the grade. IN THE ARMY h In the ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY SERVICE CORPS, the world will be your work shop. Korea, Gerniany and the far corners of Canada — the Service Corps goes wherever the Canadian Army goes. You can go with therh, gain- ing experience in your trade under interesting and, at times,.exciting conditions. }. You are eligible if you are 17 to 45 years of age and able to meet Army test requirements. Applicants should bring birth certificates or other proof of age when reporting for interview. For full information apply right away or write to: No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Street, Kingston, Ont. , Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. . No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting C$ntre, James St. Armoury, 200 James St. N., Hamilton, Ont. A344W-a & SONS CEMENT CONTRAC- TORS BUILDING BLOCKS and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Selkirk alI-steel insulated chimney supplied and in- stalled. Chimney built or re- paired. Phone Carlow 1612 7-oxtf Wit • Join the. CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCENOWI Cemetery Memorials Clinton, Exeter, beaforth Write Box 150, or phone 41J, Exeter . and we shall be pi'ased to call, DRUG. STORES Special "Values and Remind4rs for Thursday, Friday and Saturday SPECIALS on I.D.A. BRANDS SOLD ON A MONEY -BACK GUARANTEE SYRUP FfGS & SENNA 3 oz. Reg. 33c 27c BABY CREAM Soothing and refreshing, 3 oz. jar . 39c Reg. 50c. CAMPHORATED OIL 3 oz. Reg. 40c 29c CHERRY COUGH SYRUP. 4 oz. Reg. 50c , 39c COD LIVER OIL. B.P. Standard. 16 'oz. ""Reg. 89c69c IDOL -AGAR. 16 and 40 oz. Reg. 79c, $1.59...59c, $1.29 PENETRATING LINIMENT 4 ,oz. Reg. 45c 33c - SEIDLITZ POWDERS. Sealed for freshness Box of 7. Reg. 29c AN I.D.A. PRODUCT Bronch ida Cough Syrup A prompt, afe prepara- tion that relieves tight or chesty cough, due to colds 8 ounce bottle 75c I.D.A. Iodized Throat Gargle A concentrated throat gargle for the relief of ,simple sore throat, tonsil - itis, laryngitis and other throat irn�ations. 3 oz. bottle 50c IODIZED THROAT TAB- LES 50 for • 50c Talcum Powder "Jeanette" Brand In a 12 ounce shaker top tin 22c-2 for 43c Mercolized Wax The cream bleaoh for min- or skin blemishes. An ex- cellent beauty aid. 89c I.D.A. TOOTH PASTE .32c, 57c MACLEAN'S TOOTH PASTE 43c, 69c FASTEETH PLATE POWDER 39$1 59c, 98c I.D.A. SHAVE CREAM 49c dOLGATE- SHAVE CREAM 43c, 59c PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM 45c, 65c MENNEN SKIN BRACER 89c, $1:19 WILLIAMS AQUA VELVA .... , 65c, $1.30 .....e.: Campbell's Drug Store •