HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-02-26, Page 6PAGE SIX 1p, the Profit Scales -in your o w n favour! Sure, you make money by marketing your own grains. They're good for your livestock, too. But grains alone won't do the job you want from 'your livestock. a Give your livestock the necessary balanced nutrients, contained in XL (EXCEL) Concentrates—the proteins, minerals, and vitamins that make profits grow ! You can't afford to feed grain alone. Good Health - Fast Growth - Top Production Have us mix your groins with XL (EXCEL) Concentrates thls wtryt— For Dairy Cows in Production: 1 Bag XL (EXCEL) 24% Mflkmaker Concentrate to 4 bogs of your own grain. or 1 Bag X! :cx(7F1) 32% Dairy Concentrate to 6 Bogs of your own grain. For Growing Hogs: 1 Bag XL (EXCEL) 35%, Hogmaker Conte*. trate to 4 Bags of your own grain. OR 1 Bog XL (EXCEL) 40% Hog Concentrate to 5 Bogs of your over; grain. There's a, full line of XL (EXCEL) Concentrates for every feeding need of your livestock and poultry. SOLD BY Pfrimmer Bros. BENMILLER KINGSBRIDGE. the Alexandra Hospital _recently KINGSBRIDGE, Feb. 23. -- The with a bad cold, is recovering. Kintail and Kingsbridge Women's) The painting of St. Joseph's Institute held a very successful' Church is about finished. A fine - euchre and dance in the Kings- job has, been done and the bo>s bridge parish hall on Monday deserve a lot of credit. evening of last week and all report Mr. James Garvey, who has been having a pleasant time. • a patient in Alexandra Hospital Rev. Van Vynckt who went to recently, is improving. THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR NEWS OF DUNGANNON OBITUARY DUNGANNON, Feb. 25. — Dis- l of Antioch" and then led in a dis- trict's Oldest Resident.—Mr. and cussion on the pictures. The min - Mrs. Amos Cornelius, Whitechurch, utes of the last meeting were read were visitors on Monday with the`'I by Delmer Maize and approved. farmer's aunt, Mrs. Jesse Gray, I Wilmer Errington, president, took at the home of her daughter, Airs. � over for the business period. Mr. Matthew Shackleton,fit. Gray, i Watt answered questions following a discussion by some of the mem- in her nineties, is much improved hers.- Ronald Alton and Jean Free after having beep. quite ill's for led in ,games. several weeks..,.Mrs. Cray was also Erskine Y.P.S -The Y.P.S. of witslted on Saturday by her daugh- Erskine Presbyterian Church was ter, , Mrs. Clifford -Webb, and Mr. held on Monday evening with Betty Black presiding. After a hymn with Barbara Wilson at the organ, Bill Black gave the topic,,"Why Fear the Waters." Margaret Black, president, led in a discussion and plans were made for a party. The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction. Barbara led in games and a Bible baseball contest. Webb of Goderich. Mrs. Abner Morris was visited on Sunday -by her daughter, Mrs. Russel Drennan, Mr. Drennan and Reta of Bright's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGee, Gode- rich, were Sunday visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp, and grandmother, Mrs. R. A. McKenzie. Mr. Jack Eedy of the O.C.E., Ton onto, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy, and sister, Mrs. Ralph Henderson, Goderich. Double Trouble.—We are glad to see Mr., and. Mrs. Melvin Stewart out again after a seige of illness. Mrs. Stewart has returned home from Goderich hospital after an appendectomy. Mel has been suf- fering with infection and swelling of his feet. ,In fact, trouble came double for his wife was first strick- en with the signs of appendicitis while :Mel was receiving attention at the doctor's office and there were indications that an operation was necessary. Women's Association. — Mrs. Everett Errington, presjint, pre- sided at the February meeting of the• Women's Association of Dun- gannon United Church at the home of- Mrs. - Robert. Irvin. firs. Otto Popp was at the piano. The sub- ject of the devotional period was "Prayer." Mrs. Arthur Elliott took the Scripture lesson and. Mrs. Har- vey Anderson gave the •lesson thoughts. Mrs. Cecil Blake offered prayer. Mrs. Harvey Alton, •secre- tary -treasurer, gave the reports. Mrs. George Hodges- reported for the parsonage committee. Mt . M. Reed conducted a very interest -1 ing contest. Arrangements were i' made for the St. Patrick's congre- gational supper to be •held on March 17. Rev. Mr. Watt, _assisted i by Mrs. George Hodges, showed slides which were ver}' interesting, and enjoyed by all. A lovely 1 lunch was served by the hostesses, 1, Miss H. Sproul, Mrs. Alvin Sher- Q.00d, Mrs. W. Sillib and Mrs. Mel- vin Reed. Mrs. W. R. Andrew, who has been ill at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Ben .Mole, is. .much in: proved. C.G.I.T. Meeting. — The' United Church C.G,I.T. group with Mrs. Harvey Anderson, group leader,, met at 7 p.m. in the church on Monday night with Marylin An- derson presiding. .After the call to ;worship, a prayer was read by I Marlene Maize, followed by the -"Purpose" read in. unison. 1aret Carter read the . Scripture, 'Anderson Teri Commandments. Mrs.Anderson read a story after the collection. and business period. A social evening was 'discussed and plans will be made later. After singing the C.G.I.T.. hymn all re- peated the Mizpah benediction and Elizabeth Pentland led in games. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pentland • and family spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Pent- land. in Detroit. United Church Y.P.U.—The bi- weekly meeting of the United Church Y.P.U. met 'in the church basement and .Lillian Popp pre- sided. Miss Edna Rivett led in prayer. The Rev. George Watt showed a film on "The Kingdom 15 OZ. TINS LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE LIBBY'S FANCY SAUERKRAUT LIBBY'S FANCY 20 OZ. TIN 22 TM Mr. Ernest Breckenridge is back to work After having a two ,weeks' bout with the Hu. NO W'S THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR CHICKS —If you want best m.arkets. Kitchener Bigg -4 Chicks Canadian Approved. Agent is here to quote prices. Complete line—all breeds— pure breds---crosses-30 years Hatchery, ..:experience. Day-old Started Capons RYAN & SON, GODERICH -9 JOSEPH E. MUTCH Services for Joseph E. Mutch, 65, formerly -of Goderich, who died at his home,' Langmuir avenue, -London,' were conducted at Gode- rich by the Rev.. Q. W. Uirtch of Dundas Centre United Church, Lon- don, in the Cranston funeral chapel, and interment made in Clinton cemetery. Pallbearers were George Ryan, Clarence Mac- Donald, T: Laiigridge. Goderich; George Stewart, Ray Hart and C. McKenzie, London. Flower -bearers were members of Goderich Fire Brigade of which Mr. M,utch was a member 30 years, 23 yeas as secretary treasurer. The service was attended by residents of Sarnia, Wingham, Auburn, London, Clinton, Mitchell, Kitchener, Toronto, Peterborough, Leamington, Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, Lewiston, N.Y. and Goderich. Mr. Mutch was born in Colborne Township, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mutch. He was a - barber for 50 years and had lived in Wingham, Clinton and in Gode- rich from 1913 to 1948 when he moved to London. For 20 years he was in charge of the weather bureau in Goderich. After going to London, he opened a barber shop at his home. . Surviving besides his wife, fortlt- erly Emeline Aitchison, of Wing - ham, are two daughters, Mrs. Wal- lace R. Kent, Londdn, and Airs. Albert J. Jarvis, Hull, Quebec. India's biggest industry is the texile industry, accounting for one- fourth of the country's entire in- dustrial production. Annual out- put amounts to fourbillion yards of cloth and over 350 million pounds of yarn. Middlesex Seed Fair WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS, LONDON March 2-3.4-5 LARGEST DISPLAY , EVER—FINE PROGRAMS MINSTREL and VARIETY SHOW—SQUARE DANC- IIG—FIDDLERS — BANDS — GIRLS' CHOIR --SEL- ECTION OF FAIR QUEEN—AUCTION SALE. IMM1041•••••••••••••41M1410410•••••••••••••••64M1411N40 THURSDAY, FEB , 26th, 1959 TO BE SURE OF tile BEST ORDER— Famous READING ANTHRACITE Chesinut and Stove, $27.00 ton - Reading All Anthracite Briquettes $23.50 ton Reading Anthracite No. 1 Buck- wheat, specially suitable for Herco burners, $18.50 ton SATISFACTION GUARANTEED _ Dean Coal CO. Goderich Phone 95W Conservation Officer Kenneth ilton were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Juek, Mary Jutk, Mrs. Juek and son of Ham- street. HY TAKE LESS THAN THE BEST? eke% what yowr misashig and pia change to TOMATO JUICE LIBErs FANCY NEW ..CANADL1131 TASTY ' MILD CHEESE 1.b. 450 BULK RICE • FRESHLY GROUND • BAG 14 OZ. LOAF 2 LB. TIN CHUBBY OR HANKY KLEENEX 1 cHnzeTzrs '1,404mm TISSUES Pkg. 200 soDAL 290 GOOD LUCK MAINARINE PKG 4°0 ENTER GOOD LUCK S EASTER OUTFIT CONTEST LB 350 BUMMED IWDIURRIUMADIC 290 LUZ GRANULES ST. WILLIAMS — ^ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT 24 OZ. JAR PER atm= OR PLAIN' MEDFUM SIZE—Bt/LK, MEATY QUAKER WITS 350 i PRUNES 2 Lbs. 41 AF1144,. POWDERS .9111,11111GE JUICE itmINT Burn= iutArir DINNER 'Immediate service" •Fordomatic Drive, Overdrive and whirr skleorall tires optional at extra cost. 2 ROLLS 290 3 "GS 290 2 '2TIgt 310 1,,az 330 2 "GS 290 IN YOUR LOCAUTY Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and AdvisOry Service 3 3/4% Guaranteed Investments Iniported Fresh Bunch Carrots For prompt attention call RAW, B. PATERSON Trust Officer tiensall, Ontario, Phone 51 POWERED Try them all compare them any way you choose—then accept your - Ford Dealer's friendly invitation to Test -Drive a '53 Ford. Step inside and you'll discover so much more in comfort and luxury—spacious interiors—a wide • range of fabrics—soft, fodm rubber seats—Full Circle And right from the stirt, you'll discover that V-8 difference . . . for Ford is priced with the lowest and yet it has a V-8 engine, the kind that powers the finest cars. The Ford Strato-Star 110 -hp. high -compression V-8 engine has been developed by the makers of more V -8's than all other manufacturers combined, Ford is so easy to drive—with a choice of three transmissions, Fordomatic*, Overdrive* or Synchro-Silent Shift . . . and its "Wonder Ride" levels out the roughest roads! Yes! See it . . . compare it check it—youll change to Ford in '53. will' TAKE LESS THAN THE BEST ? with the finest.. PRICED with the lowest or any office of Oranges Size 288 doz. 27c OUR GUARANTEE All merchandiss sold at "'Your Dominion. Stour Is un000ditIoti- ALL vAiur.ii Er/etc-rpm De GODERICH Mau Mooing Throe r•b. DOMINION STORES LIMITED GUARANTY - TRUST 1111M. IMO monnecu YOUR COMPAN7, OF CANADA TORONTO • MONTREAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR NIAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY CALGARY • VANCOUVER SOUTH ST. "TEST, DRIVE" the new153 FORD CD DEALER WILL GLADLY ARR ANGC IT—ANYTIME ,GODERICH *MOTORS iORD-MONARCH SALES AND SERVICE WOK FOR THE 4 - PRONE 83 SIGN OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A USED CAR —SEE YOUR FORD DEALER