HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-02-26, Page 5THURSDAY, FEB,. 26th, 1953 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH - SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION (Chorai) 7 p.m. EVENSONG. THURSDAY, MARCH 5 10.30 a.m. Hcily Communion. 8 p.m. Mid -week Lenten Service. A. W. ANDERTON., Organist and Choirmaster REV., KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector North Street United Church SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1953 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. "TIMID CHRISTIANS." Nursery and Junior Congregation. 1 p.m. through the afternoon visitation of all our families. p.m. "Jesus Teaching on the Good Life." "Objective of Education." REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MR. H. A. CLARK, Organist and Choirmaster 1,7 Knox Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, MARCH 1 , 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Sermon: "Woman, Behold Thy. Son." (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7 p.m. EDUCATION WEEK SERVICE. Music by Junior Choir. The public is cordially invited to these services. REV. R. G. 51aeMILLAN. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister. Director of Praiser Goderich Baptist' Church MONTREAL STREET Minister: Rev. Ian G. Hind, B.A. Organist (Interim) Mrs. E. Donaldson 10 a.m. The Sunday School Meets. 11 a.m. "GOD'S ONLY SON." 7 p.m. "The Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit." Monday 8 p.m. young People's Union. Wednesday 8 p.m. Hour of Power. Thought for the week: "The Lord is my shepherd,. 1 shall not • want." Ps. 23:1. A 1-1EARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE Free Methodist Church VICTORIA AND PARE STS.. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 1 " 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Subject: Will learning bring man to a knowledge of the truth. 7 p.m.• EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Wednesday, 8 p.rn. Prayer Meeting. Prayer is a must in every life. Prov. 2:6, 7. For the Lord giveth Wisdom:, out of His mouth cometh Knowledge and understanding. He layeth up sound wisdom for the.righteous: he is a buckler for those that walk uprightly. BETHEL TABERNACLE WATERLOO. AND ELGIN REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER, PASTOR 10 a.m. Sunday School—Save Tomorrow's Generation Todayzi 11 a.vm Rev. and Mrs. Cameron Stevenson of.Arnprior will be 7.30 p.m. . ministering at both services. SPECIAL MUSIC AND SINGING Just three nights left—Thursday 26th, Friday 27th, 8 p.m. Sunday, March 1 at 7.30 p.m. i)ONI' FAIL TO HEAR THIS YOUNG EVANGELIST WITH A BURNING MESSAGE. THE LITTLE CHURCH 'WITH THE BIG WELCOME. • ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, Feb. 25.—Mr. D. A. MacDonald is this week visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Cowles, and Mr. Cowles, of London; also with friends at Chatham, Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald, Messrs. Maurice Bowler and Bud Farrish spent a day with friends in London. Mr. Donald Drennan of Toronto spent the week -end with relatives. Mrs. Will MacDonald is this week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. MacDonald, while • WESTFIELD WESTFIELD, Feb. 25. — The World Day of Prayer and W.M.S. meeting was held on Friday after. noon in the church school room. The meeting was in charge. of Mrs. Lloyd Walden -and her group. The World Day of Prayer program was used. The prayer service was led by Mrs. Harvey- McDowell, ,Mrs. Frank Campbell, Jeanetta. Snell, Mrs. Alvin, Snell and Mrs. Thomas' Biggerstaff. The address was given by Mrs.' Norman McDowell and Lois Campbell favored with a piano solo. Winnifred Campbell presid- ed at the piano throughout the service. Mrs. Charles Smith was in charge of the business meeting for the W.M.S. The roll call was answered by 15 ladies present. The supply secretary was author- ized to procure material for a hospital gown. It was decided to have a quilting at the March meet- ing when three quilts are to be completed. The March meeting, will bd in charge of WS. Edgar Howatt , and her group. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell visited on Tuesday with Mrs.. Amos Ball of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wightman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Marjorie and Mrs. J. L McDowell were London visitors on Thursday. Mr. Gordon Smith was a London Ivisitor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak and babe of Crewe visited on Sunday with Mrs. Frank Cook. . James returned , home with them after having spent a week with his grandmother. Mrs. 'Alva McDowell and Lloyd visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vodden of Clinton. Mr. Will Spiers of Toronto spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spiegelberg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. Gordon Smith were at Kitch= ener on Saturday assisting Mr. and Mrs. John Gear to Moveinto their new home. Mrs. Emerson Rodger was a Lon- don visitor on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Mathers and Carolyn, Mrs. H. Mathers and Miss Hattie Gallagher of Lucknow visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman. Miss Eva Stackhouse of Bruce - field visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman. Mr. "and Mrs. Melborn Cox and Beverly .nf Goderich visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell and Graeme visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw of Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Vincent of IBelgrave visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. L. McDowell and Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas `Campbell land Miss Winnifred visited- on Tuesday- with Rev. IL C. and Mrs. 1.Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter of Clinton. Mr. and 'Mrs. Emerson Rodger and Bill attended the recital by the Western Ontario ' Conservatory of Music in Convocation Hall at Lon- don on Sunday, in which Mrs. Rodger was a participant. Mr. Ken Boyd of Brampton spent the week -end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ken Campbell. CREWE CREWE, Feb. 25. — Mr.. Bert Maize and Marlene of Dungannon were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hasty and Mr. Will Hasty. A few from Cre0e Church joined with the Dungannon folk for the World's .Day of Prayer service in the Anglican Church. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran and family visited With Mr. and Mrs. T. Anderson of Lucknow on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Finnigan and David visited on -Sundaywith Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry- Gardner of Zioh., The teacher of Crewe school held a successful euchre party in the school on Monday night with thirteen tables in play. The prizes were won by Mrs. D. Paquette, J. Keane, Mrs. W. Reid and D. A. Hackett. her sister, Mrs. Margaret Oliver, is having some holidays jn Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown of Amberley left last Week to visit friends in Texas. THE GODERICh SIGNAL -STAR NEWS. OF AUBURN AUBURN, Feb. 25.—Dr. B. C. Weir who underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, has returned home. Mrs. lierh,Govier who has been visiting, her sister, Mrs. J. Match, London, has returned home. Guests at the home of William Jr Craig were William S. Craig of Toronto and hip two friends, Charles Turttle of . Sudbury and Hqward. Lyons of, Copper Cliff; also Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wprsell and Terry of Goderich, Mrs. George Hamilton is visiting. friends at Brucefield and Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson and family of Seaforth visited Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Bradnock on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craig, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamney, attended the games night of the O.E.S., Clinton, and report a very enjoyable evening. World Day of Prayer. — Miss Laura Collar of Wingham was guest speaker at the World Day of Prayer service held in the Baptist Church. Miss Collar, who is a missionary -4)n furlough from Af- rica, spoke on prayer. The theme of the program used throughout the service was "Walk as Children of Light." Mrs. J. Ostrom of the Baptist Church was the leader as- sisted by Mrs. A. Campbell of the United Church, Mrs. Alf. Nesbit of the Anglican Church and Mrs. Wel- lington Good of the Presbyterian Church. Prayers were offered by Mrs. C. C. Washington, Mrs, Fred Toll, Airs. T. S. Johnston, Mrs. J. Ostrom Mrs. Gordon Dobie and Mrs. Fred Ross. A solo was con- tributed by Mrs. Gordon McClin- chey and duets by Mrs. Andrew _Kirkconnell and Miss Lila I)aei, and Mrs. Wes. Bradnock and Mrs. Don Haines. The offering, receiv- ed by Mrs. Stanley Johnston and Mrs. Frank Raithby, will be sent to the Women's Inter -Church Coun- cil of Canada at Toronto. Mrs. It. J. Philips was at the organ and a union choir led in the singing of hymns. In the evening Miss Collar showed pictures on her work in Africa which were greatly enjoyed. The pastor, the Rev. J. Ostrom, was chairman. The evening open- ed with a sing -song' with. Mrs. R. .1. Phillips at the organ. Scripture was read by the Rev. .1. Ostrom and the Rev. C. C. Washington offered prayer. A sextette, Misses Ruth Million, Gladys and Rena Mc- Chnchey, Margo Wright, Wanita Young and Marlene Easom, ac- companied by Miss Margaret Jack- son sang. a number. Mrs. Ostrom introduced Miss Collar who spoke on conditions in Africa. A duet 'was contributed by the Rev, 4, and Mrs. Ostrom. The. •offering„ was received by Harold Ralthby and Bill Dobie. Mrs.- Qstrom of- fered the closing prayer. Follow- ing the service Miss Collar dis- played various articles *she had brought home from Africa. Women's Institute. — Mr. Bob Carbert of CKNX, Wingham, was guest speaker at the February meeting held in the Foresters' Hall on Tuesday. Mr. Carbert spoke on "Radio and Some of its Probldms." Mrs. Frank Nesbit; convener of Agriculture and Can- adian Industries, introduced. the guest speaker. A chorus "The Future Dietors" was. contributed by the lunch committee followed by a one -act play "Diet Begins Tomorrow" by the -same ladies which was greatly enjoyed. The cast, introduced by Miss Sadie Carter, were Mrs. Gordon R. Tay- lor, Mrs. Archie Robinson,. Mrs. Robert Chamney, Mrs. Fred zer and Mrs. Albert Campbell. Following the play they sing an- other chorus, "Good -Night Ladies." The president, Mrs, Wes. Brill - nock, presided , and Mrs. R. J. Philips was at the piano. During the, business period the secretary, Mrs. Dlanald Fowler, read several "Thank You" letters and letters regarding the projects "The Club Girt Entertains" and The. Girls' ,Garden Club. It was decided to sponsor these projects and Mrs. Oliver Anderson was appointed leader of the first project with Mrs. .Carl Mills as assistant and Mrs, Alf Nesbit' leader of the sec- ond project with Mrs. Stuart Anaent as assistant. It was de- cided to present. a program at the County Home in the near future. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Albert Campbell, Mrs. George Hamilton, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs. Fred Plaetzer, Mrs. Robert Chamney and Mrs. George Beadle. Local Orange Lodge. -,-The local Orange ,Lodge held a card party in the Orange Hall on Friday even- ing. Winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Bert Craig; ladies' low, Billie Brown; gent's high, William Hag- gitt; gent's low, James Craig. Lunch was served. The Auburn Horticultural So- ciety will hold a public meeting in the Foresters' Hall, Monday, March 2, at 8 p.m. Mr. Eric Mil- ner, florist of Seaforth, will speak. Collection to defraY' expenses. -9 HOLMESVILLE HOLMESVILLE, Feb. 25. — The Women's World Day of Prayer was observed in Holmesville United Church on Friday. Mrs. Fred Mul- holland, president of the W.M.S., was in the chair, The meeting opened with soft music played by Mrs. Wm. Norman, and Mrs. Ninian Heard reading "The Drum Call," as the call to worship. The theme of the st,rvice was "Walk as Child- ren of Light." Following a re- sponsive reading, a hymn was sung. A set of responsive Bible readings were read, and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha read "This is He, the Great God." Mrs. Heard read a prayer that was written by a South African student. Prayers were -of- fered by Mrs. Mulholland, followed by a prayer for the Queen -and her family by Mrs. M. G. Newton; for homes and families around the world by Mrs.. Wm. Norman; for increased private and family prayer by Mrs. W. Yeo; for follow- ers of Christ around the world by Mrs. Lloyd Bond; for rion-Chris- tians everywhere by Mrs. Frank McCullough; for peace by Mrs. Ed- ward Grigg. Mrs. S. Walter gave a short talk, taking as her topic,. the theme of the day, "Walk •as LChIldren of Light." With MrS. W. "Yeo att the piano, Mrs. W. Norman and Mrs. E. Grigg sang a duet. The collection was taken up by Mrs. Harry Cudmore and Airs. Car- man Tebbutt, and the prayer of acceptance was given by the leader. . Miss May Jardine of Goderich was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. .• Frank McCullough. •Mrs. Frank Reid leaves by plane on Friday to join her husband who is at Pinehurst, North Caro- lina, . UNION UNION, GODERICH TOWNSHIP, Feb. 25s ---Mrs. Richard Porter and Mrs. Benson Sowerby spent a few days in Detroit this week. Social Club. — The February meeting of Union Social Club was held in Union School �n r *Friday evening with , a fair attendance. The president presided. Plans for the next meeting Were made when it 'was decided to invite a speaker. The Social Club Gazette was read by Mrs. Everett Mcllwain which was both humorous and education- al. Plans were made , for a social evening to raise funds or overseas relief. A backwards Kong by five little girls caused much merri- ment. Joyce Sowerby and Marilyn Orr sajig the "Teddy Bears Picnic." A spelling match ended in a win for the ladies. A duet "Lavender Blue" in costume was sung by Joyce Sowerby and Marilyn Orr. A lovely lunch was served and a social half hour enjoyed. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. ST. A UGiJSTINE ST. AUGUSTINE, Feb. 25.—We extend our most sincere sympathy to Mrs. Stella King on, the death of her father, Mr. Joseph Mederak who died in St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, on Friday. Mr. Gus Devereaux has returned after spending the last few days in London. Miss Bernadette Boyle, London, visited her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boyle, over the week -end. Mrs. Gus Kinahan and .Mikeal visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtney'on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan King .at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. Joseph Mederak on MondaX in Kitchener. Mrs. Gus Devereaux who was confined for several days to Wing - ham General Hospital was taken to London by ambulance where a major operation was performed on 1 YOU CAN DEPEND ON When 'kid nev fall to retile'e.e exec:. acid:3 arid waite,, back - :1.0w, feehpg, re,t often Dodes tat ii1;tfrito len co IIjar You eel t‘r —,I better. work Cet 11..11, any drrtrt You depeti‘i Oil DOid.S. 'Year ellzill4resess grewittep years • • • • Is portrait; A phone call will arrange your appointment. HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE GODERICH Saturday morning. We wish "Mary" a very speedy recovery as her absence has been greatly miss- ed in our community. , Girl to suitor: "I Wink a double wedding would .be nice. You mar- ry someone else and so will I." Banish battery worry with a Brand New — Factory -Fresh A MOB -POWER CANADA'S- BEST -BUILT 'BATTERY Big Allowance for Your OId Battery 18 -MONTH GUARANTEE MOR -POWER "HEAVY-DUTY" REG. LIST $16.95 YOU SAVE $8.05 — Full she, full BO - 96 amp. capacity. Replace your old "grunt and groan" battery now with on action - packed Mor -Power, 39 Plates. Fits most popular cars (except Ford V-8). .90 and Your Old - Battery Fits Ford Products -45 plates, 85-105 amp. capacity. Reg. list $20.50. SAVE $1,0.20. With your old battery BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY If you have $1,000.00 — Here is your chance to earn $10,000. EXCLUSIVE local area open for manufacturing and distributing NATIONALLY FAMOUS QUIK-STONE. It's pre -cast and can be bonded to Frame -Brick -Stucco -Block - etc. New or old, and is applied like wall tile—No special forms to buy—No expensive equipment needed--LNE) skill _required. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for an aggressive firm or individual. Phone TORONTO HU. 1870 —or— , MAIL THIS COUPON TO -DAY Company Representative will be here next week. Please have hiri contact me, no obligation. Name Address City Ivo 2 -YEAR GUARANTEE MOR -POWER "SUPER -SERVICE" 45 PLATES—REG. LIST $20.50 YOU SAVE 58.85 — Full i10 -amp. ca- pacity. Loaded with extra - re- serve power for top per- formance In any weather. Fits most popular cars (except Ford V-8). Fits Ford Products -51 plates, capacity. Reg. list $23.95. SAVE $11.00. With your old battery •65 and Your Old Battery Phone Call Time CANADIAN BRICKCOTE LTD. 120 amp. 1 2.95 3 -YEAR GUARANTEE iviER WINDSOR, ONTARIO 111 -WATER 1,111M01111 -CLASS" 51 PLATES REG. LIST $30.25 LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE COCKTAIL LOUNGE • ONF ,DF DE T ROl 15 FINEST WILF REINHART ELECTRIC Atithorized WESTINGITOUSE Dealer STRATFORD HOTEL TULLE First thing to do in Detroit is check in at Hotel Tullerl You'll enjoy every minute. Newly modernized. Beautifully decorated. Within walking distance of all downtown stores, theatres and business activ. Die! - . . yet, you enjoy the ever- green atmosphere of Grand Circus Park . .. The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria, for excellent food modestly priced. 800 ROOMS $3.50 WITH RATH FROM NOTE—Add 56c4o above prices 5 and Your OId Battery YOU SAVE $13.10 — Built to outlast any battery you have ever used. Three times greater reserve of electrolyte. 135 amp. capacity for extra power. Fits • most popular cars (except Ford V-8). Mor -Power "Armor-Glass"—Fits Ford Products - 51 plates, 120 amp. capacity. List 4 As $28.45. With your old battery for installation or delirery. up 'Harry E. Paulsen, General Martgeer DETROIT NORTH ST. Goderich, Ont. -7-21 Drive in today for a battery and eliminate further bother •