HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-1-23, Page 8eLesereemaeimewee
INsrn NCIt.
tf tiNE' S`1' r1LtJLIO I',A.GENT FOR
*Ili', of Toronto; also fox the PIItRNIlt
INSidRAZW3 COMPANT. er teoneon;
•e,lated.the BO Va,T4 r`+ANADIdN. of Mo1L-
c tl, ar<d the BRITISH RAIPIBE LIVRe AS-
,tANCH COMPANY, of 1.ondon, l ngland.
,,,oiiehed IS47, kasets over 45.000,0011..
s: cels and bonuses cold, over 910,000,000
To Oar Patrons.
A pertinent piece of advice in the
co:emus of a late 'Evade .leurual rail thus :
riowaver hard you may have worked dur
fug 1889, resolve to do at least a little
b;:tter during 1590. It is nota dit$eult
mat er to sae where better and more work
might have been alone if one care to scroll
nize closely, even though the vision lee de-
festive and poverty too great to purchase
a parr of specs. We hate noticed a few
weak spots ea ourselves and inspired, by
the above bit of advice resolved to adopt
it as one of our ru es for /S90 and faithfully
oi.eerve it ter at least a week. We are
trying to tut stock in the best possible
shape to MI every gap and give everyy
she f. drawer and earner the elean seas aid
neatness of a new pin. Our Book, St'r-
t eenerY, Smaliware and Wrapping per
ttopertme:ats rare in g god eliapt ane 1! wy
tnoieds ever ready to supply the dem:mals of
Wedding, Parting sad ether friendly gifts,
The l,atron$ „f loth ettr J& ping send Re-
tail Erode will kindly accept our heartfelt
dr,aftude for :h • ir past liberal support7 Milieu,,
Main -et., Exeter,
Bankrupt Stark Dealer, Exeter,
Fifty 7)er cent o `al
Fur Goods.
Fifty ver cent. off all
--AT THE---.
Come quick, for Bar
gains •
1r Mottle
Nice Present.
A great many new names have been
added to our list during the last two
weeks, by subscribers ordering TFiE
'TIMES to be sent to distant friends or
relatives. What more suitable present
could be made, than a paper with all
the local happenings which
Besides it which can never
be contained 1
a i slued in a letter
brings the girer recollection each week.
Improvement Exemption.
.A. circular has been sent to the muni-
cipal councils throughout Ontario, so-
liciting opinions as to the feasibility of
taxing the land only, and allowing build-
ings to be exempt. The idea of the
scheme is to encourage the improvement
of all kinds of property. Under the
present law both the land and buildings
are taxed -and the more a building is im-
proved the taxes are proportionately
•increased. This discourages the owner,
and he improves his property only to an
extent absolutely necessary. Were the
tax placed on the land, improvements in
the shatter of building would proceed.
doubly. It is claimed that the farmers
would suffer. Not necessarily so. The
scheme is a good one, to our way of
thinking. The feeble, why should a man
be fined for putting up' buildings,d, in-
creasing the value of the adjoining
property and giving employment to
his fellow' citizens f Neither can we see
why farmers should trouble themselves
about these civic matters. Surely the
assessment law can be SO altered as to
let the farmer keep to the old way if he
chooses, while the towns and cities can,
et their option, adopt the principle of
taxing teal estate only. By the way is
there a fanner who will object to having
the taxes taken off the stock and imple-
' moats ? Why should any progressive
farmer do so
31'Iinardrs Liniment curesGarget in Cows.
The Oouoty Councils throughout the
Province will meet on Tuesday next 28tb.
With the advent of the new n,nnicipal
council will be the resuscitation of the
Board of Trade.
The medical fraternity" estimate that
there are in the neighborhood of 400 cases
of la grippe in Exeter, 46.
The Exeter grist mill will be offered for
sale ou Tuesday. Feby 4rd, tinder mortgage,
et the instance of the 111o1sons Bank,
dr Frank Boaseuberry of Zurich, sus--
rained a heavy loss last week in the death
of tee noted stallion "Old Lord liaddo "
Inflammation cause-
During last week the wheeling was very
good, and as a consequence, wood came
to town in large quantities. The price of
good green woad rs $3 per cord.
The South Huron Farmers' Institute was
in aession at 13ensall, on Monday anti Tues-
day. The weather was favorable, the
result being a good attendance,
Mr, Cordingly of Toronto, is in town en-
deavoring; to effect a sale of a voealian to
the Mann at Methodist church people.
Theta far he has not been successful,
The Rev- Alexander. Langford of Lon
don, preached Missionary sermons in
,he Jaunes street Methodist church last
Sunday, at 10.50 a,tn. and 6.30 part
Tho new conned met on Monday morn-
ing, and after sttbsorihing to the neeessary
deeleretious o£ qualiiieation and pawing a
few account.:, the D•Jard acw,joereed to meet
Saturday evg.
We .tuderstand that dr. l.orrison, who
is visiting io tenon, is negotiating for the
purchase of the Exeter salt Week If
successful he will commence the manufac.
tore of salt en a very large a reale.
A report has gained extended currency
to the effeet that Mr, Thos. Beaman of
Exeter, had died of le grippe. The report
is ill-founded, as -lir. ef has totally re•
covered from the severe attack,
The sacred concert which was to have
been given in the Thames Road Presby-
terian church on Monday, Feby ard, has
heen posapoeed until Wednesday, 5th
Eclat-, owing to unforeeeu circumstances,
Here is the advice of an eminent phy si-
clan to a person Vita wanted a preventive
againet the grip ; "Do as I do. Don't bid
ticet devil good morning until you meet
hiIn, Don't take anything, for there is no
The Brendan San is mistaken when it
intimates that the mild weather we have
experienced in Ontario was accompanied
lty slush and nand, For the moat part
we have had dry weather with the dust
Ie order to complete our file for the year
1869, we require a copy of the Tinos of
each of the following issues :-Tune 6 and
20 ; Aug. 1; Sept 26. We wial =eider
it a favor if any of our subscribers can
furniab us with a copy of any of the above
People who rashly rush to anti•pyrin
when they catch the influenza, take warn-
ing. Its use in 'Genua is said to have
caused seventeen deaths from a atoppage of
the heart's action, Unlera under a doc-
tor's prescription, the use of the drug is
We will consider it a favor if our corres-
pondents will send noway budgets each
week, ar as often as practicable, It not
only aseiets us in making the Tram a wel-
come weekly visitor to each home, but it
places the respective villages and localities
in an advantageous light before the public.
Doo lone —A large, black and tan
bound, on Tuesday of last week. Answers
to the name of "Sport." Any person giv.
ing information which will lead to his re-
covery will he suitably rewarded by calling
on Wesley Snell, London Road, Stephen,
ar to Al .Bissett, Exeter t2.
On Friday last, whilst a five year old
son of Mr. Alex. Knox of Centralia, was
getting out of a buggy at the post office,
Exeter, his knee struck the wheel and he
fell to the ground. One of the ladies with
whom he rode, was also alighting from the
rig, and not noticing the boy jumped on
him, breaking his leg, and otherwise injur-
Up to the present time the indications
are that there will be at least three
aspirants for the wardenship of the county
of Eluron for 1890, namely Dr. Rollins of
Exeter ; D. D. Wilson of Seaforth ; and
Mr. Mcrllurchie, Clinton. Dr. Rol:ins has
as strong claims as either of the others and
will likely receive the appointment. The
council wi,l meet on Tuesday, 28th Jan.
While enjoying a cutter ride the other
day, during the few hours of scant sleigh-
ing, L. H. Dickson met with an accident
by which his cutter was somewhat demol-
ished. In turning a corner too sharply one
runner went over the end of a culvert, the
result being that one side of the rig suffered
total destruction, while Mr. D. was
landed several yards distant from the
cut'er. He gallantly held the lines and
prevented a runaway.
:t a recent meeting of freeholders in
S. S. No. 3, in 13iddulph tp., the following
resolution passed unanimously :—"Resoly
ed, that we are of opinion that the general
welfare of this township and country at
large cannot he effectually prom •ted with-
out lessening the exw bitant rate of interest
exacted by loan companies. Resolved,
that we are decidedly and unalterably de-
termined t o
r seek redress of theseagrievances
and we pledge ourselves to each other that
we will at the ensuing election support
those candidates only who will support us
in redressing our wrongs,"
Mr. Wm Graham of St. Marys, was in
town on Sato day and tells of a thrilling
experience on his late ocean voyage, He
went to Scotland to purchase horses for
importation. A few days after placing
them on the ship, " Warwick," a terrific
gale came on One of the waves which
struck the ship, tore off about 45 feet of
the deck. Six out of the seven horses on
the boat died inside of a week, three of
which belonged to Mr. Graham. Mr,
Graham has lost six horses in the same way
since last August. The captain says ho
has sailed the ocean for thirty-two years,
and never encountered such rough weather
before. Mr. G. will try it again.
Theother evening some youths of shallow.
brain sought to amuse themselves by
breaking in the doors and windows of the
building on Main.st., occupied by Mark
Clark._ They made a shameful wreck of
the house, destroying the property to a
considerable sum ; and if detected should`
be punished to the fullest extent of the
law. This is the second assault they have
teede'on the premises and in order to avoid
a repetition a close watch will be kept in
order that the miscreants may be caught:
If Mr. Clarke is repulsive to them there
are other 'means of ridding, him from the
building ; but if the act of 'cavinein" the
debts and windows was the outcome of
sheer deviltry, then the guilty ones ate
devoid of a spark of common settee.
... ,tc ' „
Children Cr for Pf i.er s C.listorl2
Saturday ,rt. dot mad � morningnd a a..
telegram was re -
calved at Exeter announcing the sudden
and Very ud death of Mr. Harry Wil-
kins, at Shelburne: The day previously
Mr, Wilkins performed his duties in the
general store of Mr. Nelson Hooper, and
up to the time of retiring he seemed in
the beat of spirits, and to enjoy perfect
health. He slept alone, and not re
,!ponding to several solicitations to arise,
an et.tranee was effected to his room by
Mr. Hooper, who, to his surprise and
utter consternation, found the body of
his moat respected and beloved friend
and servant lying upon the bed cold in
death, apparently, as though he had
entered a slumber from wliioh he never
awoke. He had written a letter to Mr,
W. Hawkshaw the day before, and the
of his death reached i
IL first, Heart disease is supposed to
have been the cause. The deceased is
known to everybody in Exeter and vi-
cinity, he having, until lately, always
lived here and for many years was clerk
in Mr. James Pickerel's store, Mr.
kins was 28 years old and was of a dis-
position to be respected by all who knew
hint. He was clever and energetic, and
bad succeeded in saving several thousand
dollars. He was unmarried.
counsel Proceedings.
The new council for Exeter met at
Town Hall, Exeter, 20th January, 1800.
Dr. Rollins Reeve, W. 0, Bissett Dep
Reeve, and Messrs, Oke, Spackman and
Ross took and subscribed thedeclarotions
of qualifications and office in presence of
the clerk. The Minletea of the last meet-
ing of the old council were read and
signed. Moved by W. G. Bissett, seed
by l i, Spackman that Mtn. Morgan's
taxes, $4.20, be refunded, she being in
indigent circumstances, -Carried, Moved.
by Jas, Oke, seconded by D, ,A. Ross,
that Mr, Creech examine and have put
in repair the tank covering at the corner
of Main and North its, and crossing; at
Dr, Hyndntate's.---Carried. Moved. by
H. Spaeknian, seconded by J. Oke, that
Arden be granted for the following aunts
viz: -J.. Creech, $2.00 charity to John
Piper; J. Creech, $2.00 to Jno. Veal,
$2.4}t to S. Fannon, and $1.00 to Mrs.
Wilcox.—Carried. Moved by W. G.
Bissett, seed by J. +dile, that tenders be
received for the use of the weigh scales
at the Market House up to Saturday,
2«ath inst,—Carried. The clerk to pre-
pare by-laws for appointment of officers
by the next meeting The council ad.
jaunted, until Saturday erg, at 7 o'clock.
M. .EAcnnyr,
Miss Mabel Graham Lae returned to
St. Marys after a few weeks' visit in
Exeter.—Mr. Morrison of Owen Sound,
formerly of Exeter is visitine friends in
town at present. —The many persons
who, last week were suffering the grip,
have rallied and can daily bo found at
their several posts.- Owing to the illness
of Mr. Martin the usual evg. service in
the Presbyterian church was dispensed
with last Sunday.—It is estimated that
some members of every family in town,
re either sick with the grip or have just
recovered from its effects,—Miss Edith.
Verity is at present attending .Alma
College.—Miss Brown of•Watford, who
has been visiting Mrs. (Rev.) Wilson for
some weeks, left for Brinsley on Satur-
day to extend her holiday visit.—Miss
Inman, milliner at Brumpton Bros., left
on Thursday for her home where she
will spend the holiday season. She will.
return.—Bev. Mr. Clement had an
attack of the grip last week. --Rev Mr.
Martin is confined to the house owing to
an ulcerated jaw. Mr. Brown preached
in the Presbyterian church and fined the
Chiselhurst appointment on Sunday -last.
—]firs • Jas. Hodgson of Usborne, hare
gone to Whitby to attend the funeral of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Elliot.—
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stevenson of Con-
stance, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. 3, Clarke during the forepart of this
week. --Mr. John teddy, one of Bran-
don's (Man,) bachelors, who has been
visiting in this neighborhood for the past
few weeks was married yesterday to a
Miss Bull of Bowmanville. Wo extend
the usual congratulations tofriendKeddy
and bride.
A careful and• observant man, who has
worn the same hat for twenty.three years,
says that it has come into style nineteen
People who a week ago made a wad that
the ice crop would be a failure, are now
complaining that it will be too much of a
Mr. James Balsden is at present very
ill.—Mr. H. Levett is .confined to his
bed owing to a severe attack of the la
Winter is half over, with very little
snow. and thef -
o record west 1 othe there.
memeter in these parts being a few degrees
above zero.
Messrs. Brumpton Bros. have moved
the groceries to the rear of the Dry goods
department and are now offering big
bargains to reduce the large stock.
Farmers are complaining of being over
run by the small cottontail rabbit. A. few
years ago they were imported into Canada
and now they are becoming as thick as the
detested English sparrow,
The Liberals of South Perth will hold a
convention on Wednesday, 29th inst. at
Fullerton s Corners for the purpose of ser•
letting candidates for the coming elections
both for the Local ,and Dominion House,
Proceedings will beg at 1.30 p• in.
The latest prescri lion • given for the
grippe is is as follows — '•.e
Let nature act„ .. .0025
Warmth .55
Distilled water.. .4475
One teaspoon every hour. "
On the fourth day the patient is= cured
and goes out to tell his friends that he hep
had the influenza. There are "people who
envy him.
DEAR TIMES, -1 notice by postern which
have been distributed that tenders are
asked for the use of weigh auto, and that.
the, tenderer is to state price per month..
This an unfair method, as no person can
determine what the scales are worth by
the month. One month may be .good,
another bad. Why not receive: tenders
stating price per year as was, the case ,for
1889 ? '1s the change an-oversig ht or is it
some kind of a eche
me m soh me.:.
ONE liti WO D' I9 li
tatUtZUSS t l"RAX~
Black and Colored Dress Goods.
Black and Colored Sinks and Satin Marys.
DTantlings, Ulsvers, Dolmans, and Jackets,
Men's and Boys Overcoats and Suits,
Men's Fur Coats, Caps and Gloves,
Men's Wool Under -shirts and Drawers.
Men's Felt Boots, Rubbers, Over -shoes, Etc.
Ladies' Fur Coats, Muffs and Long Boas.
act everything will be sold at prices which will ensure a speedy clearance,
Ohautaugua Orchestra Concert
coo. or Toronto
The mesieel event of tete season, in
Drew's Opera House, on Friday evening,
Jan, 24th, under the auspices of 8.0 E
Benevolent Society, orchestra 12 profes-
Mrs.:garret. Dickson Soprani
Sties etaeartlltvrty Bloom ioute;
Mr Herbert ie. Clarke Solo Cornetist
Mr. F ed 11. tallith Solo Itupbontmn
Signer P. L. Nate:ditan . Soto Violinist
(Late of Seipsto Genauuil
Mr. Joe Thornton Selo+ larionet
Ur. will ';, Itarasey Humorist Vocalist
•trttaur Derr a Musical Dir.,* on . Pianist
Reserved seats Mete. General ednilesion
2 ata, Tickets from any of the tnembeee
of the aoeiety. Plan of hall omen on Fri
da,v, J.in. 17th at 10 a m at Br. Luta' drug
store, Doors open et 7.16, concert at ti
BANNrsoTa:r,—In McGillivray en Monday,
the Bili iust„ the wife of .Mr. Wm Ben.
ning. of a tem.
Gould ssa--fin the 14th inlet„ the wife of
Bev. :dlr. Canierr, Grand Bend, of a son
McPIIIIDSort-..On the 4th tilt the wife of Lir
.las. 11ePtter on, Corbett, of asee
Jonas At Elimville, an the 18th inst.,
the wife of Mr Jos Johns, of a con,
LuxTos-.In Ue.borne, 4eu the 18th inet„ the
wife of Fred tauten, of a eon.
Saturn—Nlelton�In St Ma ys, on the 19th
hist., by the Bev J r1 Turetbull, d A L L
13, Dr tl P Smith, Bageretown, Mo., to
Matilda Mabel, St Marys.
Jouasmox—ICrair—At the Methodist par-
sonage, St Marys.oe the lath inat., by
the Bev Dr Stafford, Toronto, Wm John
stow, 'Winnipeg, to Sarah, ouly daughter
of Mr George Kemp, of l3lansbard,
FERGUSON--FuLL1:u- In Logan, on the 8th
inst., at the reside:toe of the bride's fattier,
Mr James Fuller, ?dr Ferguson of Us -
home, to Miss Ella Duller of Logan
Nien ATE opt' SODA —Over 600,000 tons of
Chili Salt-Pe.tre orNitrstc of Soda was used
in Europe last year for manure, As yet it
is little known 10 ibis country. It rs ad-
mitted to be tbn most powerful of all fortiliz•
era and the cheapest and hest source of
Nitrogen. In Harris' Rural Annual for
1890, full and reliable directions are given
for its use on farm and garden crops, small
fruits, greenhouse plants, roses, Ain It
will be sent rrxs to any of our subscribers
who send their' names to
Jeanie MUMS SLED Co.
Moreton Farm, Monroe Co., N. Y.
"La Grippe" or Lightning Catarrh
Mn Enrroa :—"La grippe," or Russian
influenza, as it is termed, is in reality an
epidemic catarrh, and is called by some
physicians " Tahtning catarrh," from the
rapity with which it ser ceps over the country,
Allow us to draw the attention of your
readers to the fact that Nasal Balm, as well
as being a thorough ours for all cases of the
ordinary cold in head and catarrh, will give
prompt relief in even the most severe cases
of "la grippe" or Russian influenza. as it
will effectually clear the nasal passages, allay
irritation and relieve the dull oppressive
headache accompanying the disease No
family should be without a bottle of Nasal
Balm in the house, as cold in the head and
catarrh are peculiarly liable to attack people
at this season of the year, and Nasal Balm
is the only prompt and speedy Dura for these
troubles ever offered the public. Easy to
use and agreeable, If you cannot get it at
your dealers it will be sent post free on
receipt of price (5C cents and 51 per bottle)
by addressing
FULFortD & Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Male a
11i to or Fiemalo—holding third class
Certificate—for S.S. No,13,Lake 13,oad, Stepheu.
Duties to commence at once. Apply, stating
salarv, to
Iiay P. 0.
Jan. 23rd,1890-2t.
R IYAL Pt diff
bsol Y
utel Pure
5hiapowelornevervaries, A marvelofpnr
t sirengthand wholesomeness. Moreeoon.
11 iaithanthe ordinary kinds and cannot
al din eompelitionwith them altitudes of
set, short weight, alumROYAL r pheephate,
In order to reduce fair win ier stock to the
lowest, limit so that it eau be more easily
handled, we offer
NOTE THIS—hast merchants make a sale
after stock taking to work off
old calamity catch pennies.
We make our sale before
stock taking and offer
'Without reserve at this special discount.
This offer holds good and no longer RE I�TEIa1B.EIt THIS.
Our prices are as low if not lower than any
others, and our discount of ten per cent. is
equal to twenty offered by two -profit stores.
Ever offered in our line will be made during
this Short Sale. Don't suppose that this is
the old chestnut sale of the snap variety.
The genuine reductions and be convinced
that we do all we claim. Wishing you the
compliments of the season..
Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country
they speak so highly of the Photographs that are taken in
Exeter. And how is it that there am so many Phot's sent
into the differeni cities of Ontario, from the Exeter Photo
Gallery ?
WHY? Because Senior's work is as good -if not better
than any of the leading Galleries in the city ; and their
prices are $4 and $5 per doz., while they get them at
Senior's for $3.
Frank Leslib's Popular Monthly
"Brazil and the Braganzas," written by
the Hon George Make,ioaoe Towle, and su-
perbly illustrated with portraits, views and
autograph lac -similes leads off the February
(Midwinter) number of Frank Leslie's Pop-
ular Monthly with admirable timeliness. It
is the first complete and illustrated maga
zine paper on the subject that has appeared
since the revolution of November 14th. An
artioe s on the Smithsonian Institution and
the National Museum at Washington is full
of interesting information which every
American ought to possess. .The biographi,
cal papers are a sketch of Louisa M. Al -
cattle noble and fruitful , life, and a delightful
account of the boyhood of the poet Schiller.
"The Land of the Lute," written and illus-
trated by Herbert Pierson, , gives an artist's
reminiscences of a sojourn in fair Provenoe,
the home of the Troubadours, the anoien
Rome of Gaul, and the birthplace of the re-
doubtable Tartarin of :Tarasoon. A. L.
Rawson contributes a racy Oriental -paper,
illustrated with his own. sketches, and Prof
:L B Fletcher gives an entertaining and in-
struotive "Talk aboutPhotography." There
are novelettes by Lucy Hooper, W H Sivi-
ter, Etta W Pierce and others poems by
Douglas Bladen, Charlotte Perry and the
ex -Emperor Dom Pedro of Brazil ; together
with the usual departments, all full and
are not slow to give expression to their
opinion where genuine merit is concerned.
D Derbyshire, president of the Ontario
Creamery Association, Bays : “Nasal Balm
beate the world for catarrh and cold in the
head. In my own ease it effected relief
ors:Sq on v in cape.— RAE;
from the first application:"
0 166 Wallrf'reet N.T.
ha Hanail fl11t'
The best grades of Roller flour
wholesale and retail.
Cook & Reith
neutral, Oct. 15th, 1889,
Leading physicians recommend Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Old and yaung take it with
perfect safety. It Cleanses the blood,
strengthens the nerves, and vitalises the.
system, Popular eaperionoe hes long
placed this medicine at the n
sad of: tonic '-
The Ontario Bank is; in• difiloultiefe : owing
to oroo]sednees on the part of; head clarkr,