HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-1-23, Page 6DISTRICT DOINGS, The Latest Current News Throughout tbe 1 teiteriet. Godertch has .an elopement excite- nlent, Kincardine secured electric tight on the 20th. Lucan boys aro playing marbles on the streets. Mrs, Edward Roach of Dublin, died on the Sth inst. Yankees are buying Canadian horses throughout the district, ?1Trs Cluii of Ashfield, died last week at the age of 78 years. Mitchell taxes have all been paid in excepttaa ;x66, which is not collecta. llt.t. A Parkhill man was fined $14 and costs for maliciously breasting a win. dow. A Wittgham youth peddles eoal oil througk the town and is doing a ru-ts- irg trade. Mrs. Thomas Sanderson of Bayfield, bas fallen heiress to as estate valued at $35,000.000. Mr. John McPhee of Sable, got hits foot bruised Last week, by a log falling on it from a trigon. Mr. James Metaugblin of McKillop, was thrown from his wagon in Seaforth and sustained serious bruises. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Campbell of Ootierich. have lost their entire femijy of four children through dephtberi.. Mrs. Davis, mother of tate proorie• tors of the Mitchell Advocate, the last T urselay of ittflarelmatlon of the Bungs. If all the remedies for la grippe, given by aur exchanges, are followed. the ewe will be worse tmau the dib Me. A isoree belonging to Mr. Williams, of Logan. kicked a cutter to pieces near Air. Vt, ck's planing mill on Satur- day, Mr. Andrew Elliot of Sylvan, los two cattle during one of the recent wine storms by part of a strew *tack telling ort thelia, new, J. lite ,gatone of C.l.itton, la wonting on The Human Voice !rob- atey lee bas had a erne nightexpe'rtence with that settle. Mr. Peter Knepp of Listowel, fell demi while unloading some hogs. Rupture of a see at the heart was tint+ cause of death. A young girl in Clinton was badly burned whale popping corn. This sla(attlil tcs.t+h fir15 to let the young men do all the "popping."' 1 atherine E., the second daughter of elle D. Lemon 01 Dunlop, trussed } smite last week to that Bourne tom ishiclt uo traveller returns. „ a neat wrote to the Mitchell Auno- este. last week complaining about earunningt t a lag's. b cats 1• That week 1 . his own how was run into pound. I lost their imported horse last week. iteDougall tiros. of Porter's Hill, '7Chi;a is the fourth Import .1 animal they ''save lost since they commenced to port. ' Auction sales are reported to be very carer- throughout the district. chis ray generally be looked upen that the t nancee of the farmera are in good ndttion. 24gen Ingersol colt became frightened train and ran away jumping into a r, taking the buggy whicb he was ;heti to, sent a man and bay who _a iu the vehicle. � Hardly a week passes but the papers have something to arty derogatory of the electric light Something wont wrong with St. Marys' light and only half the usual light was supplied. Dan McDonald, who was sent from Ripley to Walkerton to stand Ina trial for poisoning a horse was found guilty, and was aentenoe.l on the 20th- fie will do service in the penitentiary. Tie Russel recce wan calculated by tbe builders to stand the largest wind sire ms. Like a 1 the rest ot these patent fences, hundreds of rods of it has been blown down in the district. An exrilia.nge says that the dear girls needn't he alarmed at the threatened fai:urof the spruce gum supply so log as old hornsand hoofs yield a sub - stilly e. Go richt on chewing, girls. Yoe won't notice the difference. Mr. 'Tomas Porter of St Marys, fell from the loft of his stable on euesday and sustaiaert severe injuries to the back He was also hurt internally. Medical aid was summoned and the old gentleman is progressing favorably. According to law the new municipal councils throughout the Province met on Monday last at eleven &clock a ill., and took the declaration of office. The county councils will hold their first meeting on Tuesday, January 28th, at 2 p.m, Mr. Gharlist Nichols and family have loft Aiflsa Craig. It is s.ipposed that he has tottde the States bis future place of residbttce. Through sickness and other ae iarses in business he was obliged to ii,ake an assignment for the benefit of jisb' e;creditors. ,yir. Jobn•F. Dale, who works 200 r acres of land on the Huron Road, Tuk- ersmith, last week sold to Mr. J. I3. McDougall of Seaforth, about 45 lambs for which he received the sum of $304. These lambs were all raised on Mr. Dale's own farm. Daniel Moran, who claims to be an old newspaper man, but, to use his own language, whose '•facial appear- ance tells against his intellecti;al abili- ty with the people," went to London a few days ago in search of work and has bean having rather a hard time of it. Inspector Bell shipped bine to Clinton, where he writes for the New Era and Sunday Sun, according to his own story. The Brussels Post makes the follow- ing corrections in the notice which went the rounds of the pressregarding the failure of Mr- F. 0. Rogers, of that village : elst, llo farmer is interested to the amount of $100. 2nd, The total liabilities will not exceed $30,000.. Mr Rogers' failure is due to the large amount of money he pat into his salt block, coupled with long credit and ' dull trade in the sore. Minard's Liniment Lumber nap's friend. Dogs: are worryin neighborhood of Westfield: Mr Alfred Son tie and Miss Annie Bell 01 81. Alarys were wanted last week. Mr. Henry Vock's little three-year old boy, of Mitchell, died of la grippe. The total debt. of Mitchell is ahOel $4'e 290. whs•e Listowel has a debt tet $80.000. St Marys bas a new bridge on Park St., which has been ohristeued in- gratitude" Barrister limestone to spoken of as Likely to be the next clerk. of St Marys. If good looks count for anyining he should get it, old Granny Kiasman of Mitchel , walked to tee poll and marked her Own ballot. notwithstanding that she is 88 years of age. While Mr..lohu eiclnteah if Bruce - field was splitting wood his axe caught in the clothes line, and in coming down cut o• ugly gaab over tris left temple St Marys g *in market seem•i t', be growing unpopular, says the Lucan Record. As a proot of this aortae of the :iissouri f'ermers haul their wheat. twice the distance to the Exeter market. The latest business embarraasreent8 are enriounced as fol"ow..--JlItflec Angus. grocer Clinton; Jaynes Beatty of St Marys. in the grocery bushiest', is teeing to elect a settler tent with his credit ore. Mr. Dewier, confectioner, R'ondatock. is the possessor of prohab"y the oldest Bible in e*tnada. It suns printe 1 in London Eng , in I593, and the print ran t et he easily reed. The are severe, death entries in it, one beim[ mane in 1610 Mr, •.sirs `ptt'row, aerie) myelin near Verna. and who is taking hie place in the front rank as a breeder ot good horaea sold tat ieaforth Faer, on Wed- nesday a lour year old filly for the gond sum of $:,t?ii. The animal Watt putcbaeed by Mr, .Iaesies Whtto of Hensel'. :VI. was sired he Old Wellcome and is from an imported mare. These are th'+ kind aeons [lint pay fartu.ers. Alter thy+ aintlee of strayed annuals tr ' r is l u t8h('d Osseo [tales in a local pa- per. the notice torane one mewl) alter the «duettisement has been ;given as above: and the notices for sale ,hail be put up in three, public pieces. at lest anti kept mien up for three successive days in the unmcipelity, and shall specify the tame and place at which the animal will ba publioly sold if not sooner returnee or redeem tel by the owner or some one for hitt[. The annual meeting of the members of Blanchard Agricultural S.eci,ett was hel 1 in the torte hall, Kirkton, on Thur•day last for the purpose of eleot• ing otlioera for the ensuing year. The following is the results—le'ecitlent, 1.t'. Rover; fice•Prer.ident, Wm. Heade- woo.1; Darnctora, I4mes liaa°ewoo1, Ionathan Shier, David Creighton, Wm, Hanson. Wm Marshall. Geo Bentley, R. (a l4•aete it£', B. J. Roadhouse, Ron. ben Switzer; See-'I'reas,. Rohl. Beatty; tuditors, A. A. Doupe and D. W. Dul- uage. A well•to•do farmer,named Campbell -Janne, of Winghnm, threw himself into he Maitland river which rune through its farm, early last Wednesday marri- ng and was drowned before assistance arrived. Tbree of his neighbors wit- nessed the act, and rushed to assist him, but the river, being very much swollen, they were unable to do any- thing. nything. tine of these man had a very narrow escape from drowsing. A strange coincidence in connection with this is that the previous owner of Hanna's farm, named McCourt,drow led himself at the same spot, and in the same manner. some years ago. No cause can he assigned for the act. At the annual meeting of the Tuck- eramith Ag'I Society the following officers were appointed :—Jno McLean President, Gordon elcAd m Secretary, Charles Wilson Treasurer, ;x. E. Cress- well and David Johnston Auditors. Directors,—Robert Charters and Simon Hunter, Tticker'-mith; Thomas Gavel). look, R. Common, McKillop; George Watt, Wm. Atchison and James G. McMichael, Hullett; ,Eames Watson and William Hawshaw, Seatorth. The rEceipts amounted to $914 and the dis hursements to $886, leaving a balsnce of $2b in the Treasury. rhe sum of $594 was pard out in pr!zes at the fall show. The members' subscriptions for the year amounted to $300, and the gate receipts at the fall show amounted to $314 59. At the annual meeting of the Hay township Ag'I Society the following officers were elected :—Dr Buchanan, President ; Henry Hevroek, Secretary and Treastitee; J. A. Williaths and E. Murner, Auditors. Da -Voters, John Jarrett, John Decker, Alex. McEwen, Wm. Buchanan, Robert McAllister, J. Voslker, 3. 11.Shell, Aaron Karcher and henry Lippert. The financial statement showed that the year had been commenced with a surplus of $151.65 in the treasury, and the opera- tions of the year decreased that surplus to $50.58. The total receipts, leas the surplus, amounted to $388, and the disbursement to $489. The receipts from members last year amounted to $193, while the sum of $363 was paid out in prizes at the fall show. The de- hciency is accounted tor by the wet weather, and meagre attendance. VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE is one of the handsomest catalogues published. The illustrations are intended to give the reader a correct idea of the plant or flower illus- trated. The grossly exaggerated, absurd /matures which deface so many catalogues and reflect upon the integrity of those who issue them, do not appear in this. 'The list of potatoes is good, and several new kinds are offered, among them the Early Market. It is said to be of the Ohio Class and is especially reoommended for early marketing as the quality is excellent in the early stages of growth or •'anripe" condition, Tue entire catalogue is one that the R: N. Y. greatly commends to the examination of its readers;—Rural New -Yorker, New York, N. Y. Send 10 cents (which amount may be cie- dueted from first order) to ,James Viols, 'sendsm;an, Rochester. N. Y., for copy of Goias. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria EJUDIC'ES VANQUISH- ED— —Vie E T$tIIM/.H3 OE ♦. GREAT DisotevetaT. The nagnetic influence of gold attracts the psolle of every clime to our shores. Men of ill nations and speaking all the language of civilization, are to be found conereC.ted on our enriteroue plains. Dif- fering ie ail other things in their customs, hireligion--.vet there is one coint inabits whirsl their opinions coincide. English- men an Americans, French, S.viss, Ger- mans, &odes, Italians, and Chinese admit, without[ dis-enting roles. that the great remedieintrodudee to the warlu forty years ago by lulloway are better adapted to the cure of Iseases ie this cognate than any other proarations in existence. This ap- pears, itf*et to be the experiensa of man - in. 11 nan- in:11 parts of the worel and hence 'n iimsr•al papula-ity of the e reedneinee. re conger, ,however, that 'he boundless co 'ifideni placed in their efffcaey by the rep -eieniives of so many nations at the nee 's, is *•riking phenomenon in meal - al teeter. "'tiny et thea people in tied: reek ;tret Oren 41 maturity, Were aesn.- „mod ttee''le use of drnga and nostrums pe - ti, un,” 'i'ye .l eow,sries. These remedies sere cnnnect(d i( iri.-1..",'.;;`l wirh atasoeiatiota, of home, cud ineorted, ae were, by hair sssti:.nal Fes -indices, Yet tteee have Dern thrown aside end utter), re- "udiated, chile Dr. Holloway's Filia and Ointment 'ave been adopetei by a common Inersahe thnueleout the entire gold regirus. /via ie• the rivet ,.f ca+ '.r, -ti,'n nartietfon <:r euneed e pert *scat er. erie'unee wed obvee- tioti. The tOiu' eent is 1e, -ea reels audi wonetter. ful aueaeas is a rdreseing for weitnds. Ulcera and sere lege and for all the external'lIs- tates and etaualtits tri s Kish Ibo adseuter- nns gold heater is ptealitttle Halle, that scarcely a 4 tier's tett eats tie foetal veneer the vast erre of the gold fields nnprn• 'tided with s sinal[ of this healing, soethinir. welling prominent The hard fare of the digger, end soauetisaes his li>itbits tend to viitatee the h1'o1 anti devei:.p rallying enter and purulent ulcers of tbe Body stud limbs. Bad lege. esreeiallr, aro Tory oarsman at the eigginirssnd etrtiouely interfere with the tabors of the diet, re. The woreet eases of tine class ars cured by the Ointtmut with extraordinary ispidity. The best method of heating ,sere legs, and sores and niter* generally, is by rubbite! the Ointment int the infletnei rare. arouv1 the (rieea. first openiuft the pros mot softaaters the lvtli with turns eee'atsiainrte, The ri►'t einseisel 'a3tl eti dresea with Ilea aad lines atoes o t el with the fiiaattrtstt, $ zolt is the east*elect trettmeist, lest it is sloe peeper fro wee the pedant a fern dotes of the Pills during the nrogrees of tke eve, se iliey +reeve k patty ilio hbod *MI d't+echsrga morbid matter Er na the systriin, when the Oautraeut h u1„ - inn its work on the surface...eTlte Seieutele Witness. SBC N'9�l t r, REPORT. Mr. James / W#''eelly, of hounds 1.G Mc.. Carte's Colle"+ticg Bereau, Drenthe, "Out.. states:—i,2lsvarusetl Nvetel, bottles ,tf 13urdnnk lllrxid Bitters for ki'iuey diser,ler end find it a wondsrfal remedy. Previus$., ly I toed been taking pills, thinking 1 bad liver complaint. Int now I aru quite well and will always lraies D,1i.R.' Touton r. OF TOOTHACHE. I can recoeraaseuei. klagysrd's Yellaw Oil as a sure cure ;Its toothache. I sulsmal for several days, then I heated sae sleep and rubbed the Y. -Hew 011 on it and wee immediately relined. MRS. DAVID G. Anson, Rime), Mao. HERRING SEA. Contains t'ie great seal'of the Amerism Republic, and BurJtek Blood Bitters eon. teeins the virtues tetra/ate barka and herbs from our fields and forests, making a won eerie) remedy for erristipation, dyspeeilia, biliousness, bad blood, eercfula and all skiu diseases A little of Gulbourt's Parisian Balm applied at night. wilt so•ia weldor tke herds soft and wl ite. l sesMs [baim is delightfully Perfum- wrsitrt. A. WINTER'S TALE, Last wintes ray,littts girl caught a severe cold whia t', tasted all season. I doctored with everxteing Peoaee gat, but to no arse. Finally I got; Hegyard'a Pectoral Balsam and gave her two doses which improved beg, and in a week she was entirely cured by its use. Mas. C. Noailaa, Cornell, Ont. FIRST HELP FOR THE WOUNDLD Insall cases of %semis, bruises, sores, oats and sprains prompt'action isnecessary awl/the wisdom of those who ekeop Hag yard's Yellow 011 on hand is demonstrated. It is a prompt, effectual and reliable cure or all injuries, croup, ri,eu•na tism, sore throat, etc. Used internally or externally. LITTLE LUOY'S LUCK. "I had a disease of the rain for which Ma tried Everything she could think of, hat without effect, but the first bottle of Bur- dock Blood Bitters I tried, I found relief It gave me great satisfaction!' Laos VetteeeEs, (age 11,) Boissevain,'•Man C. t), I%Ioa ens & Co. Gents,—I certify that MINARD'S LINI MENT cared my daughter of a severe and what appeared to be a fatal attack of diph- theria after all other remedies had failed, and recommend it to all who may be afflict ed with that terrible disease JOHN D. Bourereee. French Village, Jan'y, 1680. MONEY FOR ALL. ' WANTED—A good energetic many ur men, to sell our Fruit Trees "Roses, Shrubs, Ornamentals, etc. Permanent employment. Write at once for terms, and sr cure choice of territory. We sell only first-class stock, handsome outfit free. Address MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen, Rochester N. Y.-81 Nov. 21, When Baby was /tick, -we gave her Castor -ht. When she was a Child, the cried for Castoria. Then eh() became Miss, she drag to Castoria, 3Then she had Children, she gave there. Castoria, ADV -00 Toi'Lomamite.—Areyou disturbed at nightand broken of your rest bya sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable, It will relieve the poor little sufferer ire mediately Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It mires Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and 13oweis,cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation; and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup” for children teething is pleasant to the tt. a anclis the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physfoiaus and nurses in the United Status, and is for sale by a1l druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and askfor"Miss Wrtrerrow's eoorarxcs s',nun "and no zither incl. MARKET REPORTS.. ExemesR Red [Wheat •. Spring Wneet... eienley ... .•. Oats ., Clorox S ted .., Timothy 4 .., Peas Cora eggs flutter Flourperbel • Potatoes,per bushel £lpples,per 005 Drieddppiespr b (,nese per lb. Turkey per ib necks per lb Ohiekeaaper pr Plogf,ereeeedpertCO its snough, .. bosses i-'eepskine eacl ecalfskins wont per lb ,.. eeeeperton (lrionr,perhuee ver eleeroord 0,0 • 44. 0075to0082 00 75 to 00 Se 35 to: 0042 25 to 26 00 1 Oso 700 53 to053 04010052. 09etoe20 t s 0 Po to 516 40 to 1 66. 1COto110 0 410050 016to007 0O8to 10 000to007 025 to050 450 te500 400to595 200 to 250 35etri9 t. 060 to 80 050 to 090 018 to 074 7 0o to7 00 050 to0tiO 25010300 ST.at&RY8 $ Fall LVboat .................... a leo 0 8a spring 1VLeat ........ 0 87 n 80 leney. € 30 038 Oat.I, 25 O 26 Plover Bead ....... ........... . '3[0350 truothr •..... ............ .... 2 50 i 00 Peas. e • 0 Se 0 e3 kegs ..:•:-.......... 19 0 1e sial er ... , .. c............ 15 0 15 Peratoes ear .beg"....... ......... ...... 73 99 lentos per bleb. ----- 055 mewl per lb. .... .......... ee 02e * !Iran per ton . • .... . ... a Qn 14 CO rut;2i1c ^eataier blot.,., 640 T.OND0 e Whsat-Sed to Fel per hue. O*'s, Vete `2 o per bus'. Peas. e4e to :7s per bus. Bele lee. at eitir.g_ 43 to 4gc per busBerlee Feed, e'er- to 41e per lets 'ora. 4'8 10 47te per L=nabs!. 't'ult 'NTO. Torus:[, Jan f" —wheat-Sprin No, 2. A. to '-! ' per but ,red winter. N0 Nits toe: per hti lanitoba Ne.- hard. II 4 to 1 "6 No. •., CA: 1'I: 'ac t;' d •e pe tae '1.'Z'" ?se re tTe per bus. ,FLesl"11. extra. $3 00 to ''r e,4 rer bet: straigkt roller S`1. Si to $3.80 roan betsre.-e4 00 to $4 -0 BARLEY. No `ea to -let Yat 47e to tie: Vo 3, extra is to 4'.: No. 3.34e to t3a. VOAiUUCEETS, KesitA.SMIlS, AND Alam We.STINti It7S•iR.liteRS OI' CHILDREN $r.•te'e theitl•ioas of Pa'(' (od Liver Di . ca,i( Al l npli+itetiae a it a [mole i, ' h. rase etly with whish eliiifetres gate if eels dead a . a T w� r rte . "I •.rtti•ll u 1e, i i « .tee 1 b i it f h lass' meet :heel** F,!•144":•.4 04 in Case:* (.4 ti;eICtd awl derecose ' i i ,,. eaaaa ieog, In ee sy (saes. the ilslaroyesevit was mai k. ell"—e a[ VAIN, III 1)., Nu...; Tork. 89ld by all Druggist,i, Sok. ars l $1.,011 To Our Subscribers. The epeciai anuouneenleut whi. o ap- peared in out column ettne timieeiece.80' ue ure'ing,.t speriee arrangement with Dr. 11 J. hctulteltCo.- of F.nusburg , pathlislicrs of 4• A Treatiso on the Horse and his Diseases,"whereby our subecriber8 were enabled to obi*ie a copy of that vat% able work Fw. 1•y' seeding their address to IL. J. KENf)A1.1. CIL, meal euelosin; a two csat getup for n uii- in4 same) is re reeved for a limited period. 1.1'e t'uat all will avail tlteinselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work To every lover of the Hone! it ie iudie pcnszble,asittreats in a eienp'c menthe .til the die ases vehicle rifiliuttltis noble ani Huai. Its plienominai sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it stan- d'trd authority. Mention this paper when sending for a •''rre:ttice." Nov. 4tlr -lat The anida Co T Y� IMPROVED FARXIS FOR SALE The following land', now rented. will be noon for saleafter 1st November, 1889, when the existing leases will emirs:— Towirsnu' Coraase/0e Lor Ray . 8 , Els, N3, 6 9 16 well;7, WI.2L 25 Stephen...........•, 14 sf, l West�'Villiam .' Aux S14 ablesE}0, .E}8, i4, E. N# 17 Stanley 85 WI,7,We. 8 GENERAL TERMS :—One-fourth of pur- chase money down. and ten years given in which to pay balance, at a rental equal to in- terest at 5 per Dent. per annum. Prices will be given on application to the Commissioners, CANADA COMPANY, Toronto. October 28th, 1889. Faib ty1! 0 0 T TH11 BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET i Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price. est Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 save your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the bes Cutting in Town, yon are sure of, atisfao- ion. PUMPS, PUMPS, PUMPS A WANT BCPPLIED. We will hereafter melte and keep ort baud, a good supply of wooden pumps, weigh we will sell at nanal prides, and guarantee tl'ern to fill the bill: witb satisfaction. We respectfully ask a share of your patronage in this flue, 8114 we will endeavor to supply you with good pumps, and promptly. Iron Pumps will be burzusbed Whten Desired, Shop one door south of Parson's Blacksmith Shop, Main-st., Exeter, W. TRE1ETHIi Ali, • $►• RE. NSALL, •-, 'iARDWARE fihR0'H NTS • 1Sa4 11Z LE0e 00 ALL T00 L;lutti4 STOVES & .1.t if SA e .411 AU -as -of . '(f/, % . and Heavy Ra?'dwa7''. MECHANICS 'TcoLSa CUTLERY, ETC. COAL DELIVERED ON SHORTEST KOTIC1 AT LOWEST PRICI.S. ONT. 1/1119ERt_AJ1 F. S. A CoOD SUPPLY OF GOODS. Emblems of tlae Diferenf Societies, Evetyoliing 1 arty and first Ct`list3. FUNERALS CONDUOTE^ D AT MOD. ERATE COST. THE REST HEARSE IN THE COUNTY. C Ivo u a, oa..i for ax), ,a ,g .z1., the lima OCKED OUT! WE WILL START A GREAT KNOCK - OUT SALE " —ON— Thursday Dec. l9lh, 1889. AND eONTI.'NUB THE SAME FOR 40 DAYS. We will offer our large stock of Steevos, Tinware, Axes, Crostcut Saws, Lamps and Lamp Goods Fon C AS$I QNLT At prices that will KNOCK I3ANKRI,3PT PRICES into A COOKED I- A.T This is no bombast but actual facts. A. call. only necessary to con- vince you. Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machine. All kinds of miserhino Needles and Oils. All accoun's must be settled by cash or note by the 1st day of February, 1889. BISSETT BROS. CENTRAL Drug More A. full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Willan's Condition Powd- ers the hest in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es= carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exeter. c Lir'rz. nu, and EMI c3-OODS- I have just received my largo consignment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make, -xoom for them I am now selling off my Previous Stock ! At figures away down, I do not believe in carrying over goods until another year, and will always sell at REAR 11 That we are still continuing our Discount Sale DURING JANUARY. 20 per cent. off on Drygoods and 10 Der cent. off on Hardware & Crockery FOR C IABI .. HAPPEL & CLEGHORN, ZURICH. N. B.—All parties indebted w save trouble by settling prior to Jan. Isth. DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FIRST-C:�i_ i SS FURNITURE. AT LOWER. RATES THAN SHAM GOODS. —ARE USUALLY SOLD -4 —THEN GALL AT -- G I D L ' S - ROCK BOTTO4II PRICES --ONLY FIRST-CLASS—. Bather -than hold them over, MY STOCK is the best assorted in town and of first quality goods I am here to exchange goods with the public for cash or pro- duce and am bound to do it., J. 1?. ROSS, Market Store, EXETER. Nov. 13, 1889. lieliable Goods At Prices Lower that so -cal: led Cheap Hooses can give Undertaking in all its &Fang e h s. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to 0, & S. Gid'ley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOC`A