HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-02-05, Page 6PAO* SIX
Man From Mars?
An excellent opportunity for our customers who know
these beautiful English Wools to purchase a "Woolcraft"
at a real reduction. You'll love their bright colors and
smart styling. Sizes 12 to 241/2 included.
Winter Coats 1-3 te 1-2 off
Still a good variety of plain and fur trimmed coats,
Chamois and. interlined -All sizes.
All -Weather Coats 2r° off
Clearing these coats -some from stock and our new
arrivals all included.
Dresses reduced to $5.00
So popular were the last dresses that we've decided to
reduce another group.
Nighties $2.00 and $2.50
Silk nighties -Reg. 5.95 and 6.95 -White and Pastels,
tailored and plain styles, all sizes.
Grandmere-Angoras $2.50
All Beret and Bonnet Sets with matching gloves or
mittens. Reg. 3.95 -Clearing now.
TI1U11SDAY. FEBRUARY 5tb, 1953
A wedding of Interest took place
in St. George's Anglican Church.
here on Saturday when the Rev.
Kenneth Taylor, D.D., united in
marriage Martha Jelin Invin,
white orchids formed the 'dal
bouquet. Lillian Zrembski was
her sister's maid of honor. Sister
of the bridegroom, Patricia Vogt.
and Phyllis Deufel were brides-
maids,. Their jackets of crimson
(laughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. velvet matched bouquets of Am -
Irwin, of Goderich, and Thomas erican Beauty roses. Best man
Glover, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S.
Glover, of Burlington.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a suit .of English
pick and pick tweed with brown; _
tinted -blue carnations. of grey lace and silk crepe with
'Dirs. Vogt chose a dress
tweed accessories, and corsage of senior
Miss Ruth Irwin, sister of the black accessories. Iler hat was of
bride, was her only attendant. Mr. white violets. The bride's eldest
Robert Miller, of Toronto, • was sister, Mrs. Edward Olschanski.
groomsman, and 'Mx. Burns Ross, wore black - velvet with bodice in -
of Goderich, and Mr. Bruce Bates, serts of lace and a sniall black
of Burlington, were ushers. velvet hat. Both wore orchid cor-
A reception was held, following sages.
the ceremony, at the home of the Among out-of-town guests who
bride's parents. Mrs. Irwin receiv- attended lhe breakfast and eveningCon
ed the guests gowned in mauve reception were the bridegroom's trgr.aatuoldatimonsrs.!
i with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
family of ,Walton visited on Sun-
sories. She was assisted by the Kingsbridge, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. day Jack Dosman and
crepe with matching velvet acres- wide, Mr. John L. Sullivan of
groom'ssories. mother wearing a Eric Johnstone of Goderich, On -
velvet dress with matching acces-
tario, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mc- Mrs. Wesley,. Rectmie of Blyth is
Laughlin of Grand Rapids, and visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter
, wine
I Later the couple left for . a trip Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Van Dan -
1 1 Cook.
to the United States. They will inck of St. Clair Shores. On their Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell
i reside in Peterborough. return from a Florida honeymoon, visited on Friday with Mr. and
Guests were present from Tor -
the newlywed couple will live in Mrs. Bert Vodden of Clinton.
onto, Weston, Burlington and New
Wyandotte, Michigan.
' Master . Allen Bosnian of Bel -
Haven, Connecticut:
SWIN--GARRICK grave spent last week with his
VOGT-ZREMBSK I grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Maur-
' waltz -length gowns ' attended ' wedd i lig a t ice Bosman.
week -end with her sister, Mrs.
Mrs. Emerson Rodger spent the
1 Kt. Gt-orge's Atu..i.'it-an Churcii was .
i Three bridesmaids in white t tie sett i ogifor a pretty
Stephanie Zrembski when she ex- , („
noon 1.1t Sat. ii rda r when Clla ra Ntliiam Roninson of Toronto.
I changed nuptial promises with ' '''''.e' 'laugh". of Mr. a" Mr.'" 'Miss Violet Cook of Goderich
,spent the week -end with her moth-
er, Mrs. Fred Cook.
marriage by her eldest -brother, death of Mrs. Gordon Johnston of
Word has been received of the
.iieurv Swan. if S.-af,irt h. the Re%
St. Catharines, ;I . -former resident
Stanley Zrembski.- •Father Mitchell IKviiiict ii T:01.,1-. 11.1).. ofticlatIng.
Bednarski read the double ring of this vicinity. Before her mar -
ceremony precedinThe bridtwre a bige sitif vi-::
g a nuptial high I browit
• oe:1
accessories. ore!A e.rs,. iiage to Gordon Johnston, she wai
, .-,-,•
a Miss Lovett of Clinton. It is
around 30 years since they left this
community. Besides her husband,
she leaves three girls. ; Irene,
Evelyn and Iona and one son,
Douglas. One daughter predeceas- ,‘
ed her a few years ago. •
Mr. Bill Rodger of Windsor and
Miss Betty Rodger of Goderich
was Eemneth Clark Edward 01-
schan.ski, nephew of the bride, and
Chester 1Cawka, a cou.sin of the
bride, completed the wedding
party. For her son's 'wedding the
WESTFIELD. • Feb. 3. - Miss
Lorna Buchanan of London spent
the week -end with 'ner parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchann
Mr. Cecil Campbell was a Lon-
don visitor, on Friday.
Miss Ruth Cook spent the week. -
end with Margaret Wright of
'Inc members of the choir and
the young people of the comintui-
ity enjoyed a party at the_ home
of Mrs. Fred Cook. 4 number of
them went to Belgrave to skate
and returned to Mrs. Cook's for a
social evening, practice and lunch.
On Tuesday; January 27, William
Robert arrived at Wingham hos-
pital for Mr. and Mrs. Einest SnelL
On Friday, January 30, a baby
girl arrived at Wingham hospital
tor Mr. and Mrs. Murray McDowell.
Peter Jerome Vogt Saturday, Janu-
ary 17, in St. Andrew's Church,
Detroit. The bride was given in
William Garrick. IIrr41er1c4t.
united in.,: marriage to Ke-ethett,
I.orne Swan. .on of Mr. and'Air,
Mass. He was assisted by Fathers
!and rhinestone et rrila
tus m! ii,.:-:
Daniel Bogas and Jan Tyminski. i lace, the gift of tile gri“,111
Parents of the bride are the .
late Mr. and Mrs. Alichael 1 worth,Asvi:lsterli.tatri:i.11.,,fillt:::1r..1%:-.1;akr
Zrembski1, The bridegroom is the ai
son g t o f MMr.rs.. avn od 'g tM rt ss . tPheet e rf 0 Cr my reirl te a royal blue snit wIlli navy
Ann Sullivan'of Kingsbridge. The of
(,..7.1.1(1,1rt.lesi,,14....a it,,,,. -,,,w:zif ic,:-,i•rijI.7,
bride chose a traditional gown 'of I 1 St*Tf"rt th. ‘1‘ -is gr""" -m".
tulle fashioned with Queen Anne leitt, rt:.11*7•11:11:14. r',II:,•(!-1111,„1:ri1- 11.1
a11., :1114. Nv.i.14. ilirliati..11, ill ,-.r-
white Chantilly lace and nylon ' a ted s -pent the week -end at their home
collar, wrist -pointed sleeves, and c Mr. and • Mrs. ;Douglas Campbell
Modelling the pressure suit designed to protect RCAF jet • pilots from the ill-effects bros.u,ghoti, ii veil fell from a crown of orange 1
blossoms while stephanotis_ and aereSgories. 1.1
...... 1,111.4..rti,t.ir„ ,411::),:t4.:(11(r.111,,,,k.1li,.fii: rrr13114.11 _:,, 1 .
....eo dress. with pink vor,,atft. :in] ter .IcBrien, of Goderich.,
1 Mr. and Mit.. Walpole and fam-
la cathedral train. Her full-leneth '. • - i - . ' i 1 ,' visited on Thursday with Mr. Jasp-
al-totit bv flying . at altitudes oVer 40,000 feet, ts Flight Lie -tit enan't Doug Biden, I)FC, -,;1 ..14, gi-“ovil's ilvillier , -
lloneton, N.B., a te-st pilot with the RCAF's Centrid Experimental and . Proving Establish- was gowned. in •light blue (wile wit a !
. , I fly of --Myth visited on Saturday -
, , -1-11 'Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Camp -
ment near Ottawa. , This latest innovation in jet flying attire brings added protection for is, to appoint. its own eh a i rm an . i tg-•:rt(rIn a t ion;,.
• -v accessories aInl VeNzp,e of reo -W1-
Th.ona, :Ind ji.)elklirs. Jasper McBrien of Goderich
,the pilots who fly fit great heights and at speeds faster than that of 'sound. Alade of nylon '.seeretary and treasurer, Rev, mr. I After a trip to Kt.
;Harrower (losed the meeting with m It : . is spending several days at the
oontri ye41 •;elf-ountained unit providing defrosting, radio-mierophone and oxygen systeins. !prayer. ...a..on. the eotrt0e win resie 441
Steaforth. I home of Mr. Ernest Snell.
fahrii,. these pressure suits provide ventilation tin(' -warmth The helmet is an ingeniously
(National Defence Photo) 1
'County • and District
' Tlasecond vote set f4.1. 'Alai!, it 'up the 4111,1'1 i"" "f °Wnt"''1111) of ',°1 1 N'ietoria Hospital. I
KLNGSBRIDGE, Feb. 3. - Mr. ST AUGUSTIN.E, Feb. 3. - Al- 1 1 11
--A, at Tee,-Wate14 i.11 the 1 11
11,., 41 a
lnm ooierk•-pumpenw
r o 111 ., tile
's ,
Desmond O'Donnell has returned Morgan King spent a few days women', beverage room Ita.s la ..11 Ili:kids of the Minton lire tbparf_ Mr. Leonard ,Mehilwain. ihoine
home, accompanied . by his wife, in London recently. imletioitely deferred by thi: e Lit. mem. Belt tlibirings 4.f Clinton from 01)11101101)111011airport.
Miss Kley iMethclian of itetImore 1
Mr. Ken. Leddy is spending this of APiwa 1 Alt er,)1,nit". olaitti., 1111 he pure,hasem tile pain --
after a busy season on the lakeswas a Week -end guest of Mr. rand 1
Messrs. James and .Dennis Sin- week with his uncle, Mr. Norman , II i NI- k
...o‘‘ .c . _et•_er, NI .I ' wa s the per f t•oni 1144 Ita tis Pord est a te an
nett of Detroit are spending a few O'Connor. sPeeial spuitkor on W,Thic-,lay'
14.1241 :Ind Otto" he lent it to the Mrs. Graham 3It.Nee,,
days visiting their friends in our Miss Ada Brophy, R.N., Toronto, , night Of 11,4 wet.k at the otti iia,i Town on a teurport.try basis and had Nile \\:M.S. met la 'tile home of I
midst. spent the week -end at her honte ' re-o,p !ling of1
LH' 4 ,..,H.11.4,11 ii•i.i. iii lleVer been able .to get i't 1) irk., Ntis ...1Ittry Ourrey, January, 1:6, for i
...-- - ,......,.... their regular meeting. Ten, mein- I
_Efrish Hall Euebre. '-. A large here,. Mr. Ambrose Brophy's. which an artificial lee- plant has Connell is holding the pumper until
crowd-reieirdertlieWeRW euc e -1Mr-Tafs-Drtrerezur-and--ItranH-been---iiied,-;------------ ---L,.-akttbitr'- ltr...V.I.R.,...-.....U..11)ersiiii,, bers 'were , present !Ind a bale for
Kprea-was-piteltede.-‘- -----
party in the Parish Hall last Fri, spent Saturday in London. 1•Clinton Lions Offer Watson Brothers
day evening. There were 22 tables Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Kinahan, !Arena to Town Council , Have Narrow Escape
Two brothers. .14 41in It. and W. N.
congregational meeting of Nile 1
'Nile United Aminal. -The annual i
in play and every person enjoyed Goderich, spent Sunday with Air. i- clititott Town ontiti, ii is 4,14,141
the evening. The ladiessupplied and Mrs. Morgan King recently. erittg a proposal by the Lions c!tit, watson of 1ii!yli,11. 1114(1 a (.1„4, (.ai United Chum+ was heal January
lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leddy andr.)
Iittt the ti)W11 1:11:e oVer 11e. 4,V1141.I.- at the Brits:4(41s raitlway station on 20. • The Itev. Mi. IlarrOWer Was
Renovating Church. -The paint family, Goderich,, visited Thosand) i 1
isa.p ois . t ae eeinaviinity arena. There Wednesd:ty itfterntsin of last week. chairman and opened the •meeting
ing of the interior of St. Joseph's Edmond Leddy on Sunday. 1is .
.1 debt of $.1.739 against the As the afternoon train was :fp- with prayer. The minutes of the
Church is progressing favorably, Those from here who attended,ar„.4..1 n ii
.tig. tind with ownership in the proatbing the station, the linitlwr former meeting, were read by.Cliff
under the direction Of Rev- Henri the euchre party in the Kinszs- ('outwit. instead of the Lions. it i, driving- the Wa tson t•ar attein,..ted 'McNeil. The trustee report was
e fortheoming from the Invtarn, when the car ..skidd“1 and struck
road, read bY C. I•eNell. and approved on
Wedding bells will soon be ring- evening were Mrs. Mary Foran, Ir
the 111,0tin 11 4.)f. G (4) rge 111.1t:ledge.
Van VanzYnk, parish priest. °ridge parish hall on Friday understood- a grant of.$5.1100 wottl:1 to ship before erossitn:, the
ing here. Mrs. Ray Leddy, Maureen, Dennis, Depa nt 'tient 44 Agriculture. An the side•rod 44 !the engine. The cat- The W.A. reflort was read by Mrs.
Late Spring?, -Did the 'ground- Mrs. Theodore Redmond and Cor- effort would be made 44, elear off was thing end •for" end and thrown Dave !MeDiarmid and approved on
hog see his shadow on Monday? inne, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kinahan, the reiwiiiiiiig :,,47:11). A &vision in into a deep ditch beside the tracksthe motion, of Mrs. A. S'Oram.
We suggest he had better stay Bill, Mikeal and I‘liss Mary Ken- the matter was deferred :at the .„ meeting' of the Connell l•ast %reek eeived try the brothers. but the:t•
Bruises were the only luitivy, 1.,..., The,•Kunda•Y7'School seport %Vas read
put for at least six weeks or more. nedy.
by Harvey !McPhee and approved
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lane and fam- . - Who Owns the ear was badly dimagetl. on the motion ,of Miss Currey. The
ily of Seaforth visited relatives An advertisement in the Signal- Ancient Fire Pumper?. Fire Destroys Vine -. W.M.S. report •was read by MTS.
here on Sunday. Star bringS results. An effort is being made to clear Barn ,.in Tuckersmith
• liarrower and approved on the
The trarn on the farni of A.Ilister motion of •-Mrs. 11, GodfreY• Tile
liroadfoot, 'fileket;initli Township. Cradle Roll report was read by
one of the !largest and Iresitin the Mrs. George Rutledge and approved
on the motion of Miss Currey.
torwiiship. Was destroyed by lire 014
Till1r.,rilly eVelling last. with 11 ••,,,,,IThe treasurer's report was yead by
Watch Our Store Windows Every Week For.... (.1-4r-ps. were lost, altrng Witll im-
plements and a number' of pigs and
estimated :et $10.000. The season's Howard Squires and approred on
report of the M. and M. was read
the' motion of Frank Hawkins. The
hens. The 1.,ss, was pa rt,ty e4rvercd
by iinsura nee. The Seafort It tire
brigade went to tate 54e110. t*f the
fire but could only prevent its
spreading to the farm home. While
the brigade •was returning '1'4 Ken-
rt.11-1,11 01-1 rm was_sonaded for II_
fire in AleGonigIc's grocery store
in the town, which was extinguished
w ilt It sl i ghtt 41 inlay.. .
N Feb. 4.-31 rs. • T.In
iLS '1104111e after 'two weeks i
This Week Our Special Is •
2 piece suite,
chesterfield bed
and arm chair,
,Belgium frieze
Regular price $175.00
Special $139.50
Blackstone's F urniture
"On the Broadway of Goderich"
by Howard: Squires and approved
On the .1/1.0t1011 Of Itay Fisher. MT.
Rnyl Robinson gave' a report on the
summary of the work 4110111.'
by ti holt NI of st e rds. •
Thtt annual report leaflets with the
financial mro_t,r we're
_ to be printed_
omitting the, name of contributors
on the motion of Ray Robinson and
Ita•y Risher. !Rev. Mr. Harrower
gave a report of the church mem-
bership -402 Illelltlwrs; comincted
four weddings, two funerals, three
baptism 1s ,and •three communionS.
Rev. tMr. Harrower aaso gave tlirs.
Pfrimmer's tinanelail report that had
been given at the official board
meeting. Mr. Ray Robinson raised
the question of the board of stew-
ards handling all t he 111)11 1101 nIl
money Of the eliiirch, according to
Judge T. M. Costello at a special
sitting of County.,Court, dismissed
the action brought of Judy Dianne
McKerral, by her next friend,
Arthur J. McKerral of Exeter, a-
gainst Ronald Gunning, Usborne
the manual. This was proved by
Township farmer. .
The action arose out of an ac- 110 Robbtson mid swtooded by Mrs.
- .
cident in Exeter when the infant Dave M(11 armIe11 55015 11101'411
plaintiff DIanne, McKerral suffered 1A31 Ross McNee and seconded by
facial injuties when she was struck George Rutledge Hint the elders be
by a car driven by the defendant,. re-eleetedl. Amendment was- moved
Gunning, on January 11, 1952, at to, 'Mrs. IA!ts l'entl•anti seconded try
Exeter. 11113' Robinson that Ow board be
Claim was entered by the plain- ,re-oloeted with the exreption of
tiff: for permanent disfigurement, iloward
'Striiire& The amendment
$1,500; for pain and suffering, carried •Whiell now becomes the
$2,500. :Inotlirn which was earried as fol -
Evidence was that the little girl 'lows: ,Robert Bogie, three years:
da.qted across the street to her , Thomas, Merliee. and (miff iMeNeIC
home, Gunning was driving at a two years; Gordon iNtePliee 11(1
low speed, toward Exeter. He saw Itoy Fisher, one yettit,,ih
her on the sidewalk and then she Isteicards are 11.S fo
ran out on the road. He turned 1Melthee, Mrs. A. Schram and MTs.
the car to the right and was nearly 'Graham MeNee, three years; How -
stopped when the car '-swerved ard IScptires. Frank Hawkins and
after -he applied his brakes. 1 Ross MeNee, two years:'itay Rob -
Robert McLean. taxi driver, of !won anti Glordon !McPhee, one
Goderich, was at the scene of the year. This was moved by Howard
accident and took the child to Dr. Squireta and seconded by Mns. I,.
Dunlop in Exeter, and defendant Pentland. A motion; waP pat forth
went with him. by Ray Robinson, feerrtmled .lry 'lily
In disfnissitig the action, Judge 'Fisher flint the board of trustees.,
Costello stated the defendant had ,become vacant and n new slate of
handled the car well and could see J.rnstees, .fiveIn namher, he appoint -
no neglect. He assessed costs on ed. They ore' aa follows: 1Mrs. D.
a county court scale to the plain- Menianiniirl, Douglas McNeil, Thom -
ti ff . . • n Pt ,MelAbee, Graham MeNets torl
Frank Donnelly, Q.C.,
for de- 01.1cf• MeNeil. was tiVived
fendqnt; E. D. Bell, Q.C., for by Rass, INfieNe'e and socondnd
plaintiff. Nfrs. Cleonite Rintiedee. Envelope
ate -ward is floss MieNee; nuflitors:
Canada has . the most extensive Imr, and (MTP. Robert .Rogie: treas-
•fishing grounds of any country in
the world.L--Quick Canadian Facts.
Seivo eatiada...
and gourself...
,..in gighals
;Titer, Mr. TifzW11rd Squires,: secre-
'tars-, 4.Ir. rIff :NteN4!,1. Oich
Service in the Canadian Army is not
:nerdy a job, it is a worthwhile career in which
the young man fits himself for a successful
future, and, plays a part in the vital work of
keeping Canada secure and safe.
For the young man interested in a trade, the
Royal Canadian Signals has much to offer...
outstanding trades training . . . special trades
pay and promotion - and, of course, thetana-
dian Army's outstanding pension plan, free
medical and dental care, 30 days annual leave
with.pay, service at home and overseas. In the
Signals you will be Working with the most up-
to-dite communication equipment and xnethods
that science can devise. Your experience and
training will be available to you wherever you
go in the Army, or in civilian life.
You are eligible if you are 17 to 45 years
of age and able to meet Army test re-
quirements. Applicants showld bring birth
certificates or other proof Of age when
reporting for interview.
For full information%pply right
away or write to:
No. 13 Personnel Depot,
Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts„ Ottawa, Ont.
No. 3 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, &mot St., Kingston, Ont.
Canadian Army Recruiting Station,
90 Richmond .St. W., Toronto, Ont.
No. 7 Personnel Depot,.
Wolssiley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main St. W„ North Bay, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centre,
James Street Arnfoury, 200 James St. North, Hamilton, Ont.