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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-01-29, Page 6
•R SILO CONSTRUCTION B zgill -Bros., silo contractors with 22 years' experience, are now accepting bookings for this year, and are prepk:rec to all your need for a cement silo. WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF A CE1Vl•ENT SHORTAGE PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION WRITE: 1-Jugill, Bros. BOX 70 92 CAMBRIA ROAD GODERICH, ONT. 4-5x NEWS OF DUNGANNON NEWS OF AUBURN - 2200 Books ' From Auburn Library Head During 1952 AUBURN, Jan. 'L8. - The Wo- men's Institute are holding a con- cert in the Forester's hall, Thurs- day, evening, February 5, at 8,15 p.ni. sharp.- The ,program includes a debate, "Resolved that ladies are more efficient car drivers than Hien. A minstrel show, ,drills and other numbers in costume. ,Ad- mission 35c, children 20c. -5 Mrs. harry Govier is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Earl Caldwell, Blyth. • - Air. Thomas Hallam who is a patient in Clinton Hospital is not improving as fast as his many mends would like. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson, Mrs. W. J. Craig and Mrs. Luella Phillips of Mitchell attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. J. Cauterun, Luckirow, the iornrer DUNGANNON, Jan, 27. --Erskine !Caesar, Mrs. Gladys Rivett and Lttie F'luker. Annual Meeting. - The Erskine , Mel. Stewart; caretaker of Parish Women's Institute. -The Janu- erian Church held their an-' Hall, Charles Fowler. A vote of ary meeting of the Women's lnstt- I'resbyt ' thanks was expressed to all who tute, held in the Forester's Hall on nual meeting in the church, cin had held offices the previous year 'Tuesday, took the form of a birth - ducted by the Rev. C. A. Winn. , and the Rev. Jennings closed with day party. The hall was decor- Reports. ecor• fie orts were given and accepted prayer. aced with baskets of flowers. On p Tom secretaries in each depart- United Church Annual Meeting. a table un�akeplatform flanked was w with' loll k e irom Officers were elected for , -The United Chuich annual a tcrnuon , birthdayandlesThe president, Mrs. Wes. 1953 and. are as follows: Caretaker, ing was held Thursday � witht,Mrs. R. Mrs. Frank Jones; 'congregational with a very good attendance, con- l3radnock, presided secretary, Mrs. Hugh Bennett; bud- ducted by the Rev. G: Watt. Grati- ; J. Phillips at ,ave piano.he oMrs. se X, the get treasurer, Mr. Allan Reid; or- .Lying reports were given lyaftcr talk Maurice The St. Lawrence ganist,sting Miss Barbara Wilson; as- secretaries showing a surplu � with the ussa map. MeSeaway,,, _ sistant'aorganist, Miss Norma !ilii- ,allocations had been met. Discus- ray. Sunday school treasurer, sion took place on what is done , fired Nesbit n iv e a paper n Londonh Y the 1 Douglas Reid; Sunday school sup- with lands over and above • e:.- � anda Mrs. Wes. 13radnock gave a erintendent, Donald hurray; as- allocations, the minister clearly sistant Sunday school s.upertnten.l- plained and said that they should I report of the soio 'tally held deinclSe - ent Jimmy Reid; auditors, Messrs. not be too satisfied, and that Cht t I Rodger. Janette by Arthur Stewart and Robert McA!- tianity must be far-reaching.the :Mrs. ie Emerson.ger a recitation and Mrs. lister; Sunday school organist, Miss Harvey Alton was elected to• 1 William llaggitt contributed a Norma Murray. Ladies' Guild. - The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Church held a progressive euchre party in the Parish Hall on 'Thursday night• an instl amental. In the Eleven tables were in play, the Rev. Watt for faithful service by gave ab - prize winners being, ladies' high, Mr..K. K. Dawson and in turn the sence of the secretary, the minutes Mrs. H. Eedy, 2nd, Mrs. Lorne minister thanked all for co-oper- of the previous meeting were read lvers and the men's high, Mr. Fred ation in •making it a successful by Mrs. Albert Campbell. Several "and 2nd M '• John Finnigan. year. -A film -strip on "Join the Trustee Board to replace Mr. Vs, i. Petrie; who resigned and Mr. Otto I'opp was nominated and appoint- ed to the Session Board. A vote of thanks was tenuered to the reading. Mrs. Alf. Nesbit read a letter from the secretary , of a W.I. in England telling of their work there. Mrs. Frank Nesbit Young Vestry Meeting. - The annual Church" was shown, depicting a vestry meeting of St. Paul's An- young couple who were led into glican Church was held at the a happy Christian life. Parish Hall - on Thursday after- Benefit Dance.- Mr. and Mrs. noon:" The meeting opened with Clifford Sproul, fire -"victims, who prayer by the minister, Rev. H. L. had their home burned three Jennings. Various reports ,were weeks ago, were tendered' a dance given by different organizations ori Friday night at the Agricultural and a letter was read frotn 13lahop Hall. Music was supplied by Mr. Luxion, London, bringing „greet- Don McGuirerand his triple -"G's" ihgs and best wishes to lAit eon- composed 0, Doily and Eugene gregation. The election of officers - Gee and Howard Godfrey. Mr. followed. Mr. William Caesar was 1 Walter Mason, Blyth, at lunch time appointed as Minister's Warden: spoke a few works and presented Mr. Thomas Young was elected as,; the recipients with a purse of ,$100 People's Warden by acclamation; : to assist in furnishing their new 'delegate to the synod, R. J. Durnin; I home which they have purchased substitute, Elmer -Black; sidesmen,l from Mr. Orville Durnin. Paul Caesar, Robert Mole,. Jack ! Young People's Union. - The Caesar and Ben Mole; Board of ! Y.P.U. of the United Church met Management, Wardens William'' Monday night for the bi-weeklY Caesar and - Thos. Young and R. J. ' meeting. Shirley Finnigan opened Durnin, Elmer Black, Mrs. William the meeting and Margaret Joy l , Durnin read the Scripture lesAon. Lois Mole led in prayer. The topic was "Who's Your Neighbor," taken by'"Shirley.Finnigan, steward- ship and traint+ig convener. A talk on the hse of church en- velopes was given by the Rev. G. Watt, followed by prayer. After a short businests period a social thne was enjoyed with games, led by Jean Free and Ronald Alton. Film Shown. - The Missionary Maintenance of the United Church sponsored a service on Sunday evening in the church. 'Rev. Mr. Watt read excerpts of letters from tnissionaries on far-off fields and a film -strip was shown on -Labrador and the mission work of Dr. Lester Berry. The choir sang an anthem and solo parts " were taken - by Marylin -Anderson. THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR "-Thank Yott" cards were read; also ;home farm, a daughter (Fern) Mrs. a letter of thanks from the Child-1,Gibson Rmtoul, Wingham. A ren's Aid in Goderich for gifts . daughter Janet passed away De - received at Christmas. Mrs. Wil- ceniber, 1945. The funeral was liam Straughan displayed patterns held from Knox Presbyterian of a pot holder. These were dis- Church, Auburn, Wednesday, with tributed among the members who Rev. R. G. MacMillan, Godet'ich, are asked to make one. The roll in charge`. Interment was in Wing - cull was answered by each member ham cemetery. paying a cent for each year of ; Library Meeting. -,-Dr. B. C. Weir their age. Mrs. C. M. Straughan was re-elected president of the received the prize for the one Public Library at the annual meet - whose. birthday was the nearest ing held in the Library, Monday to the day of meeting. The -meet- night. Other officers elected were: ing closed by singing the Queen, i 1st vice-president, Mrs: W. T„ Robi- Lunch, including birthday cake. son; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Alf. was served by the" hostesses, Mrs. Nesbit; . secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Wellington Good, Mrs. Wes. Brad- Fred Ross; librarian, Miss Marg, .nock, Mrs. Wni. Dodd, jr., Mr;. aret King. The retiring directors, Ken 'McDougal, Mrs. J. C. Stoltz Mrs. Robison, Mrs. Lawson and and Mrs. Keith Machan. 1Mrs. Nesbit were re-elected for a Weston -Rollinson. - A quiet three year term. Other directors but preay wedding was solemnized are 'Miss M. Jackson, Mrs. C. M. in Toronto on Saturday, January Straughan, Arthur Yungblut, O. E. 2.4; when Mary Isobel Rollinson, Erratt. The librarian, Miss M. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rol-. King, presenting her report stated linson, Auburn, was united in mar- that 2,220 books were read during riage to Alfred G. Weston, son the year. Of these, 1,434 were of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred., Weston, fiction, 345 class and 441 juvenile. Toronto. After the cereinony, the This is an increase from 1951. young. couple left on a wedding There are 38 members and 40 trip to Buffalo. On their return public school children receive they will reside in Toronto. books free. The treasurer, Mrs: Death of William H. Thom. - Ross reported, receipts $455.04, ex - Following a lengthy illness, W11- penses $257.99, with a balance on Liam H. Thom passed away in hand of $197.05. During the year Goderich Hospital Sunday evening $125.00 of new books were Aur- in his 81st year. Mr. Thong had chased. The library is a member been a patient in the hospital for of the Huron County Library As - 13 months. Ile was the son of sociation and receives an exchange the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles of 150 books every three months. Thom of near Wingham. Fifty The president, Dr. B. C. Weir, benediction by t e Rev. C. C. one years ago he married Jane presided. Coulter of East Wawanosh. Fol- Knox United Annual. The an- Washington.. • r marriage they lived nual congregational meeting "of _our _ S�-_ Grnnds "ei ESTABLISHED ' 1$59 �. • DLL ?12�R711arx*Ef�oos. HFcDNf8EE��fiKaw ,.:>xa:.,.. S<•r:•,h%`"Ehi`,;+'isbair�C,;4•cYbiA;�'`.:`:fjy?;:'� �c;r .......f:�,�}f':'•�rr''y`:'"�'.•:%v�`•:'� .}.:?;',' i�R%t�b'�^o.Kyi,�v{;;3�,•,.,•.•�..i•�,•.,c•4'��{.... •+2�s��..°.,. seed -Ag Parkay Quix MARGARINE Shredded - !HEAT TOMATOES Salads TEA BAGS ur: Quick or Regular _OATS 5 -lb bag 44c PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, JAN. 31st. Clark's Ib 41c SOUPS Salada Yellow Label Z .kgs 31c BLACK TEA 28 -oz tin j9C 60's box 69c Belmar Chicken SOUPS - Bassett's Licorice ALLSORTS • T.V. Nut Milk CANDY BAR ANN 1 1 10 -oz tins 29c Th -lb bag 47c 3 Pkgs Z9c 8 -oz pkg 29C each 29c PAGE L J.ut� and i%geta6P� BEAD POTATOES Prince Edward Island No.1 Table Stock 10 -lb bag 45 C Arizona Fresh White, No. 1 CAULIFLOWER Florida Pam al, TendSweet, No. 1 CELERY--Siulks .Ca1irornie Navel, Fancy quality, excellent ORANGES Ficrida, U. 1', Fresh Green CABBAGE Bradford, Washed, No. -1 CARROTS each.29c 26,191 for eating -size 220 39c lb le UNNYHELD-LARGE GRADE A EGGS n"�=47c 3�6.}7c SLICED or UNSLICED 24 -oz loaf1 ( WHITE .or BROWN . BAKERY SPECIAL Ann Page Cherry POUND (AKE- each 3 9'c REG. PRICE 49c -SAVE 10c CUSTOM GROUND BQKAR. . COFFEE VIGOROU�I & WINEY Ih SAVE 6c 3 -Ib. BAG $2.73 $11JJMK6CRIEVS Tr( t,.(A' A1:AMfi�( AVQ PAfltlfTES (9M1. services, with its own superintend- ent, was formed and a Woman's Association formally organized, both already functioning with splendid records. The reports df the other organizations evidenced encouragilig growth, under the splendid leadership of the Rev. C. C. Washington. The tteasurer'a report sh©wed a substantial bal- ance; the Sunday school , closed the year with an average- attend- , ance of 100 and a fine contriPution for missionary purposes; th Wo- man's Missionary Society exceeded its allocation, by free-will offering. sent two bales weighing- 53J pounds and valued at $650 *for United Church Relief Abroad ,and Christmas baskets to siek and shut- in members of the congregation; the Mission Band exceeded its al- location, sent • parcels to mission- aries in Trinidad, and a bale and money to United Church Relief Abroad headquarters for use in -Korea. Miss E. Mutch was . re- elected church treasurer; Miss M. R. Ja kson, church secretarx, and Mr. W. '',Straughan, missionary treasurer. , Mr. A. Campbell was re-elected to the session;. Messrs. J. Durnin, E. Lapp, E. Mills and II. Webster added to the Board of Stewards; Mrs. M. Bean and Mrs. O. Anderson were elected as audi- tors and the ushers were re -ap- pointed. A vote of appreciation was extended to the Rev. C.' C. and Mrs. Washington for their ex- cellent example and church leader- ship. The meeting closed with the lowing thei on the 5th concession of Colborne , Knox United Church, Auburn; was Township where he has resided I held in the Sunday school auditor - ever since. Mrs. Thom passed rum, -Wednesday afternoon of last away nine years ago. He was - a l week, with a splendid attendance. member of Knox Presbyterian A bountiful 12.30 pot luck dinner Church, Auburn, and a . member was served and a social time spent of the Session. For a number of together, after which the Rev. C. years he served on the Colborne C. Washington took charge and Council first as a councillor,' later conducted, devotional exercises. A as reeve. He was a member- of short 'memorial. service was held the Canadian Order of Foresters. for'those in the congregation who He leaves to mourn his passing, 'had passed on in 1952. During two sons:. Wilbur of the 5th con- the year a Nursery Department cession of Colborne; Charles on the for the Sunday school' and church WESTFIELD WESTFIELD; Jan. 48. -Annual Meeting. -The Congregation of the Westfield United Church held their annual meeting with a pot luck supper on Thursday, January 22t with a .good attendance. A film, "Let me ring it," with the story recorded, was of much interest to all. A memorial service was con- ducted in memory of the members who had passed on. After the minister had given his report to THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1953 NOW CONTRACTING 1963 CROP. Malting barley We can supply fertilizer at regular prices, to be paid when the crop is sold. CONTRACT NOW Assure yourself of seed next spring. Save early delivery fertilizer discounts. Treated Seed -- Fertilizer - Fast Efficient Service. W. G. THOM'PSON & SONS HENSALL, ONT. 4-5 PHONE 32 the congregation, he resumed the chair ,while the various other re- ports were presented. All depart- ments showed encouraging pro- gress during the year, each report showing a substantial balance. The relief work bales sent to Toronto during the year were valued at $756.67. Mr. Marvin McDowell was re-elected to the session for a five year term. Roy Noble and Lloyd Walden were re-elected to the board of stewards for a three year term. Jack Buchanan was re -appointed as church treasurer, Marvin McDowell as church secre- tary and Wm. McDowell as mis- sionary and maintenance treasurer. Organist is Winnifred Campbell, assistant, Graeme McDowell; church officer, Edgar Howatt; re- presentative onofficialboard from the board of trustees, Alva Mc- Dowell. Mr.‘ Harold Bosman of Toronto spent the week -end with. his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bos man. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith of Molesworth visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. Mr. Ken Boyd of Brantford -spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell and family visited on Sunday with Mrs. Annie Walper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Deer of Auburn: - QUICK CEtNAl 1AN QUIZ 1. What is the distance from Win- nipeg to Calgary? . 2. What great, salt water body is called Canada's inland sea? 3.-1tow many foreign automobiles entered Canada during 1951? 4.1u 1939 Canadians earned .$4,289 - million. How touch in 1051? - 5.In 1939 average employee in Canadian manufacturing worked 47.2 hours a week for $20.14. What' did he work and earn in 1951? ANSA\!'ERS: 5. For 41.8 hours, $51.62 a'week. 3. More than 2,200,- 0110. 1. 821 miles. 4. $17,100 nail- - lion: 2. Hudson Ilay. - ( Material supplied by the Editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the hand- , book of 'facts about Canada.) yesterday... today... tomorrow... unchaiI of achie qed' standard' ment and quality • Through 20 years the Ford organization has gilt more V -S's than all other manufacturers maned • More and more waaufacturert are swinging to V-8 Engines: *litre than 13,000,000 Torii; Wt.. V-8 Engines have been owner -proved: • The Reed cars built in North America are WS powered, be, Nese there is lathing finer. FORD TRUCKS MERCURY TRUCKS. why take Iess than the best? all TORO 01 CANADA. ducts'offeryo---- '8 power OF C