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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-01-29, Page 4
Newcombe, Quinn, Meriam and S. Leitch, t . Leitch 5, C. MaeDon-, Avenue. before World War II, cost of it �"- --- Cruikshank each getting one. Ser- ald. R. Dockstader, P. Long ire, Mr. Cecil Hoffman is back at. to the Signal Star is now almost eral penalties were handed out A. Fisher, E. Glousher, R. 31. Col-' work following an accident a week 350 per Bent higher. Where news- during the contest with each team lins-15. ago Monday at Hamilton. lie was print used to. be only a minor ex - drawing a pair of majors. ` JLNIORS—B. Dockstader 14, A. in a taxi going to the station at ! pease. in the cost 'of producing Wilson 5, D. Maize ,3, J. Hicks. Hamilton when another car rarr a newspaper it has now advanced To make Bordelaise sauce. chop B. BoScra, J. Kane; L. Dougherty 4; into the taxi. Both,. Cecil and the to the status of a major factor. up a small onion and a clove of B. Sanderson 2, F. Buchanan- 4, taxi driver suffered injuries and Many newspapers • have com garlic, mix • these with brown sauce F. _Moss 2.'-34. Cecil was in hospital for several ' mented on1 the rapid price risen. to which has been -added a tumbler SEIIORS—B. Gardner 17, B. At- days. The Wiarton Echo says: "Another of Canadian claret. Simmer it tridge 8. F. Skelton 3, D. McBride, $10 boost in the price of news - down, cool and serve. R.,. Venn 2, B. Carruthers, P. BETA SIGMA PTO HEARS print has weekly publishers shale - Bushell, D. Sanderson' 13, B. ing their heads mournfully. News Schaefer' B. Larder. -43. TALK ON MEXICO ;print has just about quadrupled The Seniors played host to a in ubscprice ipinion theanpastadvertising ten yearn. team from Stratford Normal last On\'ednesday last, Miss Lonna', Si hu rates week and- were taught ,. a real les- Wilson was -hostess at the home of have not nearly kept pace:" Says son in basketball. We were so Mrs., S. C. Anderson for the regular the St. Marys Journal Argus: "The busy, holding our ex -teammate, increase in price of newsprint of George Harris to four points that Beta Sigma Phi meeting. Final ten dollars per ton which is to the rest of the boys had a •field arrangements were made regard -take place in January, 1953, means day. Their standout player was ing the Bridge and "500" party. that the -Journal--Argus and many; ' Ron Heimrich from Zurich, whom Mrs. William Manion was guest hundreds of -ether Canadian week - we have played against several of honor for the evening and gave newspapers will likely he .pay-; ,-times:--- -Bob -Gardner-- potted- -1a a• 'very vivid" talk-- on her trip to t ing from` $12 to 515 per ton more points for us. Mexico. Pictures, woven baskets, for newsprint including the goy- G.C.I.—Gardner 13, Sanderson jewelry, pottery, etc., all added ernment ten .per cent sales tax. ! 2, Venn 3, Larder 6, Carruthers 1, to this most interesting talk. Mrs The newspaper industry as n whole Attridge 7. Bushell, McBride, • Hazel Wilmot, -on behalf of th'e faces some pretty tough sledding sorority. 'sisters, expressed appreci- in- the future it would seem. The ation to Mrs. Manion: price of machinery, materials. and The regular draw was Malde by other equipment are at almost Miss Eileen ; Gliddon and won by prohibitive heights and according , Mrs. Leila Kendall. A social half- to some authorities the five cent , hour was enjoyed in which "an ap- daily newspaper may ' even soon propriate lunch was served. see its last days." , Schaefer. -32. STRATFORD-Harris 4, ' Patter -i sori 9, Butler 10, Dale. Frier .8, Lancaster 4, Shanks 4, Heimrich 9.--48. BOWLING SCORES Bowling league scores are as follows: Industrial League High Singles S. Ryan, 288; II: Helesic, 271; W. Dean, 250. High triples—B. Williams, 677; W. Dean, 664; S. Ryan, 602. Auburn League High singles—Fred Seers, 295, 261: Ken McDougall. 218. High triples, -Fred Seers, 786s Ken Mc- Dougall, 598. • Lucknow League High singles—D. Hamilton, 22d; B. Hunter, 211; C. Eedy, 216. High triple—D. Hamilton, 601. Church League High Singles --A. Hartman, 303; I. Westlake, 253. High triples -- V. Smith, 803; V. McDonald, 571. t "PERFECT EIGHT" Skipping a rink in curling com- petitions at the arena Wednesday afternoon of last week, Dr. Ray. Hughes got a "perfect eight" end. In case 'you don't know your curl- ing, that's like a "hole in one" in golf, a perfect hand in bridge or what -have -you. Mr. Lorne Wakelin ' was skipper of the op- s posing rink but confined the re- marks to polite statements when the opposition pulled the surprise. DUNGANNON LIBRARY ; HAS MANY NEW BOOKS SOMETHING NEW IN PUBLIC SKATING Adult Nite—Couples Only -_ PROGRAMMED SKATING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MRS. JUNE SMITH, New books at the Dungannon Public Library, their authors and their titles are: Neville Shute, "Round the Bend"; Ernest Haycox. i Action by Night"; Ruth Moore.' l Spoonhandle"; Agnes S. 'Turnbull, 1- The ' Gown - of Glory"; Henryk Sienkiewicy, "Quo Vadis"; Ethel Wilson, - "Hetty Dorval"; Zane l Grey, "Desert Gold"; Maxine Dale, "The Tangled Web"; Zane Grey, "The Desert Wheat"; Ernest Hay - cox, "Canyon Passage"; Zane Grey, "The Light of the Western Stars'; Grace Livingston Hill, "The Sound of Trumpet"; Neville Shute, "Ruin- ed City"; Ernest Remington, "To Have- and Have- Not"; Thomas B. Costain, , "The Silver Chalice"; Alice Ross Calver. "The Parson." Other books are: "The Home Freezer," "Mother Craft," "How to Help _Your Child in School," Lloyd. C. Douglas' new book, "The Shape of Sunday." There were six winners at the "500" and -Bridge held by Goderich Rebekah Lodge on Thursday even- ing at MacKay Hall. ,For "500" they were: • Ladies' igh, Mrs. Noble Young; ladies' low, Miss Elizabeth Robinson; men's high, Mr. Jas. Young; men's low, Mr. W. F. H. Price. For bridge they were: Ladies' high, Mrs. C. Videan; ladies' low, Mrs. T. Legg. Phan roux January Clearance Sale Fawcett Torrid -Oil Space Healers WE MUST CLEAR THESE FOR OUR NEW MODELS. SAVE UP TO 25% ON THESE MODELS. MODEL 706 FAWCETT— Reg, $76.00 —SALE $55.00 (Heats one room, cabin trailer, etc.) MODEL 768 FAWCETT— Reg. $91.25 —SALE $65.00 (Heats two rooms, cottage, etc.) MODEL 708 FAWCETT—Reg. $115.00—SALE $81.00 (Heats two to three rooms) SEE ELLIOT RIVETT AT THE GODERICH 3IGNA-STAR Pontiacs Drop 5-4 Goderich District Collegiate Institute News Game to Wingham . Wingham Mohawks meet Gode- rich Samia Pontiacs at Goderich Friday night, in a scheduled -inter mediate \\•.O.A:A. fixture when the Goderich team -hopes to .reverse the decision of Monday's exhibition "gage here which Goderich drop - THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1953 Art Center Shows `HATS OFF T O Striking Pictures) The second of a seriea of six Toronto Art Gallery exhibitions was open to the public Sunday and Wednesday_ afternoons this week at the Goderich Art Center, This particular exhibition, "The ped to Wingham, 54. TWu goals By Kay. Hamilton .Forestry Club ,in the school. The;Painter's Art in Layman's J.angu- late in the tinal period on \sonde}' Friday' last the gymnasium was „evening was climaxed with films'iage," has. two parts, and has been Avon the game for •\\'inghatu. The . the: meeting place for.the 'High ,'on '-Farm Reforestation. prepared ..by the Ontarro Society Goderich team dominated the play ' School Agricultural Clb: Par- t On Tuesday- the assembly was; of Artists. It is a tabloid course but loose clearing- by the Goderieii , eats . wereinvited to hear guest presented by 10-11. The program- j -in picture appreciation.' Part one • defence handed the visitors two speakers, _lr. H. H. DeVries of the included such ' talents 'as singing consisted of 18 large panels which, soft goals. For Wingham, West- . Department of Lands and Forests, and baton twirling with the COM-' by means of sketches, photographs lake was outstanding, both • otfen Stratford, and Mr. Butler, Assist- edv supplied Ity a clown team and and , texts, explained many of the lively and on the defence. San;;- , ant County Agricultural represent- 110 -B's version of a girls' basket- basic ingredients that go into the teL in the Mohawks' net pulled alive, Clinton, and Mr. E. Robert- i ball game. This was highlighted business of picture snaking. Part oiT numerous sensational saves. ' son. Mr.. DeVries and Mr. Butlerby a fashion show with the boys two is scheduled to arrive this Brume MacDonald led the Goderich spoke on the organization of a ; of the class participating. week -end. It is sub -titled, "Ari attack and was credited with one - .lartist builds a picture." Its 20 goal and one assist. 'Myriam and panels will show 19 pictures in i —_ __ __ - Gould else played strong games fur G•D.C.I. SPORTS ,. PERSONAL MENTION stages from the first line to the news a ors is also de 1 a the Semis Pontiacs. About 8tNJ i completion. It will be open Wed- } P' P oP Y Ppre- people attended the game. , , nesday, February 4, and the fol- Letters to the Editor (cm ted. By publicizing the various Stratford Normal lir. and Mrs. A. P. Boutilier, lowing Sunday and Wednesday i mailing dates and other pertinent "BABE" ARBOUR for performing the "hat trick." He gets a ,CREAN hat from Gerrards. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.41004101111100••••••••41 BANTAMS WIN SHUT OUT Patricia, Bobby and Barbara spent afternoons I Information, the newspapers as- _ , 1 The Editor, Signal -Star. ; listed greatly in assuring the pub - corned „into the local art group, ' Sir,—May I; on behalf of the lie support which and are now drawing people. Miss postmasters of Canada and the , to us. Ruth Reid is posing for Tuesday postal staffs generally, express our I My and Wednesday evenings as a � appreciation of the very. great as- I typical high school girl Join ,- sistance extended to us by the . BUT MIDGETS LOSE ?-3 Basketball Team the week -end in Toronto. N mEinb, - hav•e been we l 1 ' h wa o helpful • Goderich Bantams shut out Sea - forth Bantams 7-0 at the Goderich arena Thursday night: Bud Wil- liamsonByBarry and Bill Smith led the. °public in mailing earl during the homework. � P g y g Bit Too Class y } Mr. Steve,. Sadler of Essex is assisting in Emerson's Drug Store during the illness of Mrs. Emer- scoring with two goals each while Last Friday our three cage teams �1ir. and Airs. Sol Gerofskv felt a Christmas season which ,has just Wall, Biller and Doak each netted nThrough a grant received from J met up with Wingham. Only the last week. on a trip to Montreal ssed. the Atkinson Foundation, the Tor- Through Junior boys were successful, win ;and thence to Florida for a vaca onto Art Gallery has.,arranged to "°'AccoedIng to reports already re - bill the Goderich In the second me of liidgetshe losttwin to ping •their tilt , by a comfortable tion. send one distinguished 'artist to ceived from many of the offices Wingham Midgets by a score of score of 34--24. - They kept up a 1 andr. Air and T. Caley of Port Dover llu19 ®rated lecture G.ocntario centers to gierich"isive a free ! across b Canada, ublic was co-operation greate given bythe 7-3. Jewell, . Allison and Whet- torrid pace in the first half; taking left this week for a holiday in than ever before,. and as a result stone each scored a- goal for Gode- ' a 25-7 lead. Bob Dockstader play -be one of these centers. The Art ' offices'. • complete Florida. Club chose from the list of 12 were rich. The referees handed out ed a splendid game, scoring 14 ! Miss Isabelle Dlurrav, has left directors, professors, and t their deliveries •by Christmas Eve. four major penalties in this bitter- ,points. - - P o s ar prur for Timmins to spend the month ci els; 11ir. Iliartin Baldwin, i There is great satisfaction in ly fought game. . The girls played a thriller all with her sister, Mrs. Gordon P. dicey beingable to record such a result. GODERICH BANTAMS' — Gar -the way but were always a point for of the Toronto Art Gallery. ; rick, Doak, Stubbin on, William- or two behind. Ruth !1icNeviled Brown. He has accepted and is coming For many years, the volume of son, Wall. Smith, Robinson, Lamb, ' the team with 8 points. half time , lir. D. M. O'Brien was one of, to the Public School Auditorium, ;Christmas mail has been steadily P threev charter members of Kilroy Wednesday, February 18, at 7.45 increasing and this was again the Council, Knights of Columbus, who p.m. He will use black and white case this year, when more than attended the annual communion and Kodachrome slides, and a' 250,000.000 individual items were ug b breakfast Sunday morning at the sound colored film on the famous handled. Careful planning and GODERICII MIDGETS — God- was close, ending 20.18 in favor of Masonic Temple, Stratford. great) augmented ;.staffs are, of lard, Walters, Bowra, McLean, 'Wingham. They increased their 111r. A. G. hlaskell of Bul ea Hapsburg Collection to illustrate course necessary to cope�, with Jewell, Whetstone, Hicks, :Alison, lead to 10 points in the third y his lecture on Art in .the COM - Jewell, y Sask., when renewing his subscrip- munity." !such a flood of :mail. All of our F. Buchanan, Masse, J. Buchanan, quarter, but in the last 'quarter, tion writes that he has been �._ however, would have get- _ own efforts, Laithwaite. on a desperate drive, we could ting the paper over forty yearE DRASTIC PRICE RAISE counted for little if the public only whittle them down to a 43 40 and "I don't like to miss it• it had not co-operated by observing GODERICH 10, MOUNT FORESTS victory. One main reason for our ;keeps us informed 'of the doings IN NEWSPRINT COSTS the suggested mailing dates. The Goderich Semis Pontiacs defeat -loss Was my terrible shooting. On down there." • — public, deserves the credit fo'r ed Mount Forest Redmen 10-5 in ' the brighter side, Bob Gardner Mrs. F. E. Hibbert entertained With another increase in the what we have been able to accom- an Intermediate "B'' R'.O.A.A. fix -clicked for 17 points, while Don a few of her friends to a turkey price of newsprint of ten dollars plish. To one and all I wish .to ture at Mount Forest on Wednes ,Sanderson collected 13 paints, the dinner at the Bedford Hotel. on per ton scheduled for the month say "Thank you!" day night of last week. Arbour highest of his career.. ; Friday of last week, after which of January, newsprint now reaches The help also generously �c- with three and Dubick with a -pair, GIRLS—M. Emerson 2 R. Mc- the evening was spent playing- an „all-time high. In comparison corded, as m other years, by the starred for Pontiacs, vath . Allin, Nevin 8, R.M. Clark, R. Willis, bridge at her home ` on Elgin to the price charged some years Million, Fisher, Graham, Gardiner, score, 8-8. '�� rRutherford, MacArthur, -Thur- Our Senior boys also got off LISTOWEL TAKES..10-4 feating Goderich Pontiacs 10_1 in I lough. on the wrong foot The first half WIN FROM G-ODERICH a scheduled W.O. A.A. intermediate fixture at Listowel last week. games, Listowel ran their victory I The Canadian 1952 tomato crop After dropping - six straight string to two consecutive by de- -was.harvested from 42,630 acres. HOCKS GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA (Li `t scheduled game of the season) FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 'WINGHAM MOHAWKS VS. GODERICH SAMIS PONTIACS ADULTS 50c 8.30 P.M. CHILDREN 25c -5 JOIN GROWING \\\\\.' /�crtnti CROWD OF SATISFIED 1 r.. CUSTOMERS AT\ = ; •• -=' "� BLOE_PS SUPER IGA MARKET EVERY DAY LOW PRICES Hereford Corn Beef - 43c Dole's 20 oz. Pineapple Juice 2 for 29c. ruiby's 15 oz. Ft Cocktail 25c sma r t Choice 13 oz. Red Pitted Cherries 19c Miss Canada 15 oz. Red Raspberries 27c Guardsmen Sardines • 3 for 22c Palmolive Soap 4 Bars 29e • LG.a_. hoice Peas 20 oz. tin 2 for 39c LG %. Choice ' Tomatoes 2 Libby's Fancy 20 oz. for 39c 15 oz. • MEATS NEW -DEAL MEAT BARGAINS SLUE BRAND BEEF Meaty Blade Roasts Thick 4 Short Rib Roasts Lean Boiling Beef 49c Lb. - 51c 19c –SPE' AL-- The makings for beef and kidney 1 lb. Beef Both for 1 lb. Kidney - 59c Liver and bacon combination sale 1 tb. Pork Liver Both for 1/2 lb. Rindless Bacon 51c Sauerkraut 2 for 25c Swift's Premium I.r.r1. 50 PKGS. Book Matches 39c Lihby's Deet) Brown Beans Regular or Chubby Kleenex Sunbrite 20 oz. 17c Frankfurters Swift's Premium Bologna 1 Iii. 35c 1 Ib. 29c 20c FRUITS & VEGETABLES ib. Margarine 29c . • –SUPER VALUES - Aylmer Fancy 15 oz. Applesauce 2 fm. 25c Globe Choice • 13 m.. Dessert Pears 2 f °r 31c FrodteDac Serviettes .. 2 for 33c. Pkg. Rinso - 35c Cot kite 125 ft. roll Waxed Paper 31c mimes Cornflakes fort Special Mend Tea 2 for 8 oz. 29c 1 lb. 49c OUR- FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT HAS Golden 'Ripe Lb. Bananas 19c California Lemons Tomatoes 300's 6 for 23c- 11 oz. pkg. 19c + ;Harsh 24 oz. -sag 2 for 25c .Carrots Waxed Turnips 3 lb. Cello Bag Onions Florida Green Pascal 1 lb. 05c Each 29c Celery Stalks 10c ----`FIGURE : SKKTIN-T8TRUCTRESS ENJOY THIS OLD FASHIONED SKATING NITE— *Paul Jones *The Circle *Grand March *Figure Eight *Waltzing on ice and many more. MAKE UP A PARTY AND ENJOY TWO HOURS OF FUN AT THE - GODERICH :- ARENA • TUESDAY, FEB: 3rd ADMISSION 50e. -5 All LADIES OF GODERICH AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT WHO WISH TO TRY THEIR SKILL CURLING Are cordially invited to Goderich Memorial Arena Wednesday, Feb. 4 FOR 'FREE TRY-OUTS—Teachers for beginners. —OPEN HOUSE FROM 4 P.M. TO,6 P.M. ONLY= LADIES' CURLING EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT FROM 9 P.M. TILL 11 P.M. PRICE 35c -5- - very best wishes for 1953. • Yours sincerely, W. J. TURNBULL, Deputy Postmaster General. PERSONAL "SKINNY" GII(L,S: GET 1I)V•ELY -Ci'IIA'ES! Cain 5 to 10 lbs., new pop. Try fatuous health and ‘reirlrt-builder, 1$strex Tonic Tab- lets. Introductory, "get -acquainted" s;r,,' ONLY t;0c, yA11 druggists. AS OF• FEBRUARY 2, 1953, VERNA'S Beauty Salon. will be located in the CAPITAL THEATRE BLDG. WEST STREET, GOI)ERICII For appointments Call 1095W ENJOY A WEEK -END EXCURSION TRIP TO SEE BARBARA ANN SCOTT IN THE HOLLYWOOD ICE REVUE AT OLYMPIA, DETROIT ONLY $12.50 FOR THE OUTING THE $12.50 INCLUDES BUS TRANSPORTATION, TWO - NIGHTS AT THE DETROITER HOTEL AND ADMISSION TO OLYMPIA. Western Ontario Motorway bus leaves Bus Depot at Samis Motors, Goderich; at 6 p.m. on Friday, February 6 and returns at 8 p.m. Sunday, February 8. . For' additional information. phone bus depot 'at 344, Goderich. No reservations after February 1. -4=5 iHECalvert SPORTS COLUMN 4 &7eagudosc Painting, music and theatrical art, 'par- ticularly the first two, would seem to be a far cry from the rough-and-tumble hurly-burly of hockey. And in a sense, the gulf between them is as wide as the Grand Canyon. Yet, r ai e -bra -fie; -ti- -tiepin a pa4-"ge Mostly, when sports scribes take their typewriters in hand to deal with the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, they dig deeply into the books of synonyms to find n Varlets' •of terns that will embrace acid criticism, and biting sarcasm. directed at the C.A.H.A. and its methods. Strangely, it's seldom that any good word is spoken for this body, possibly "because the "A" in the title standing for Amateur hes become something of a . byword, the amateurs remaining in hockey, beyond school age, being as rare as the dodo bird. But the C.A.H.A. is quietly doing a first-rate job for strug- gling young Canadians in a .field quite apart from hockey. -- This is in the form of C.A.H.A. scholarships, promoted .lfy the Canada Foundation, and awarded annually since 1949 to'provide advanced study abroad for young Canadian painters, composers and theatre students. Coopetition for the awards is on a national basis, and this year seventy-five applications were received from stu- dents hi - eight of the provinces. Since the - beginning of the awards thirteen scholars have been aided in their studies in England, Scotland, France, Italy and the United States. It les something of a coincidence that, in the flretoent year, one of the winners was an athlete of note, who mixes long- distance running with musical an rik:ions. This is Paul Collins, who received his basic musical training at Nova Scotia's Acadia University and followed this with advance,) sturdy in musical ('r mposi•tion At the Jul li a rd School of Massie. Nem- York and Yale University. Ile has earned his education mainly hy working at odd jobs dna through winning several sc'holnr':©hsi.pQ. , - Colljns is well known lis sport circles, Having -byes --a member of Canada's marathon team at the 1952 Olympics in Hellnski and at the British Empire Grimes in New Zealand in 1950. The C.AJI.A. scholarship to assist the financing of advanced studies at the faculty of music. in Edinlnirgh University will apply" to Collins, rated by many expert observers -as the Best long-distance runner in Canada today. Perhaps he is the only athlete who com- bined sport and musical ambitions who ever made an Olympic team from (1atlada- As a continuing indieation of Itis interest inw 41I- balanced Clarradian citizenship, the (1.A.1I.A. has nuthori7,ed a rencnvaii of its rh',1,n-•hip-Avt istnn4.0 to ndVilneed etnrlr.'nts of'dri,ina. l,ninai»rg -and- !mislead composition. .Seholorsliips ranging in valrie from sr, ' to $"()'V►, with an a,zrzrcenn t e value of $-t(►('t). are of fercvl . And so, omit of the winter -long battling on the fee rimae from (unit to coast, mine the funds to aid nnmitrtl -. four young Canadians whose ambitions are far removed from sport in any of its varied forms. Your comments and suggestions for this column in b by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonne St., Toorron Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERsteul10::ONTARIO 1 Js