HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-01-22, Page 5tri ' THURSDAY, JANUARY 2244, ltlai3 ' TSE GODERICH SIGNAL, -STAR ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 Si* am. HOLY CO ;'ION. it aim. MO1R111'ING PR%YEIIL 3 p.m. YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE CLASS. 7 p.ia. EVENSONG. Monday, Jan. 2, Annual Vestry Meeting 8 par. A. W. ANDERTON. Organist and Choirmaster REV. KENNETH E. TAILOR, M.A.. D.D.. Rector North Street United Church Sunday. January 25, 1953 19 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. "Our Congregational Tradition? Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. Evening Worship and Study. REV. H A. DICKINSON," B.A., Minister 11IK. Ill. VI AIRK. Organist and Choirmaster Knox Presbyterian Church SUNDAY. JANUARY 25, 1953 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SU)i'P1ERt- 7 p.m. SAIDR.AMENP OF .T11I LORD'S SUPPER. Friday, Jan. 23, at 8 p.m. Preparatory Service Guest speaker: Rev. Donald MacKay, B.D., Knox Church, Stratford. REV. R. G. MarMILLAN. W. EI. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C..M. . , Minister. Director of Praise. • Coderich Baptist Church MONTREAL STREET Minister: Rev. an G. Hind. B.A. Interim Organist—Mrs. W. Donaldson 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR. 11 a.m. "THE WAY TO STRONG FAITH." 7 pini. "wimp IS TRUTH?" 1st in series on the Christian Armour. Missionary Fireside Hour following service. Monday 8 p.m. Young People's Union. Wednesday . 8 pan. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Thasgiit for the week: "Trouble will never • conquer' the heart of roan sp long as there is lau'ghter." A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS, YOU. AT THE Free Methodist" Church, VICTORIA ANI) PARK STS. 10 a.m. Sunday School. Don't just send them. Bring them. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Prayer -Meeting: The ramify that Prays together stays together. Ps. •31 _1 He that dwelleth in the secret plate of the " most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty: (Pastor) ' REV. G. E. BABCOCK, 84 Park St.; Phone 897R d BETHEL TABERNACLE WATERLOO ANI) ELGIN REV. HOWARD E. MIINAKER, PASTOR 10 a.m. Sunday School—Save tomorrow's 11 a.m. "EPHRAIM'SATTACHMENT." 7.30 p.m. "THE FINGER OF GOD." Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p,m. Christ's Ambassadors. '1'IIE LITTLE CHURCH WITI1 THE BIG WELCOME. generation TODAY! • i UNION - UNION, GODERICH TOWN- SHIP, Jan. 20.—The- W.M.S. meet- ing of Union Church was held Wednesday, January 14, at` the - home of Mrs. William Porter with 15 members present. The new president, Mrs. Harvey Fuller, was in charge, taking as her theme "The Beauty of Holiness." Prayers were taken by Mrs. William Porter, Mrs. \Reg. Fuller, Mrs. 'Thomas Sowerby, Mrs. Gerald Orr. The dedication of officers was con- ducted by Mr. -'Williams. The congregational meeting was ar- ranged for -Friday evening of this week. The allocated sum has been realized for our share in the Training School to be built . in Toronto. Mrs. Fuller read a chap- ter from the study book "Along African Trails" and closed the • meeting with a hymn. served by the hostess. Federation Meeting.—The Town- ship Federation meeting took place in the school, Wednesday, January 14, with Mr. Alf. Warner in the -chair. Plans- were --made - to en- courage more interest in the meet- ings. Mr. Robert Montgomery will speak at Holmesville school in February. Several films were shown by Mr. Robert Welsh, Bay- field. A fair crowd was present at the euchre and dance in the Orange Hall, Friday night. Music was supplied by , the Sheppardton or- chestra. Miss Bernice Fuller, Hamilton was home for the week -end. PEST 'IELD WESTFIELD. Jan- 20.—Mt<. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell, Mrs. J. L McDowell, Messrs. Graeme and Gordon McDowell visited on Fri- day with Mr.,,and Mrs. Elwin Tay- lor of Brussel: Gordon remained for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Peter De - Groot and Ann spent Wednesday with friends at Bervie. Mr. and M,rs. Gordon Smith and Barbara ,visited on Saturday with Mr. anq "Mrs. John Gear of Kitch- ener- Mr. ' and Mrs. Will Bell and family were Fergus visitors on Saturday. Wolff Woifl—The wolf that has been roaming around in the town- ship of East Wawanosh was seen crossing the fields on Mr. Howard Campbell's farm on the 5th con- cession and was tracked for some distance by Messrs. Will Snell and Franklin Campbell. • ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent of Belgrave visited on , Friday with, Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell and family visited on Saturda with Mr. and Mrs. Will Bakke of Blyth. Mrs. Clarence Cox spent a couple of days last week with her sister, Mrs. Alex Manning of Blyth. Mr. Bill Rodger of Windsor spent the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger. Mrs. Stevens of Auburn spent the week -end with her daughter Mrs. Ken Campbell. _.w Mrs. Emerson'Rodger was a Lon don visitor on Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse and Miss Eva visited on Wednes- day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl NVight-' man. Mr. and _Mrs. Jim Boak and i children of "Crewe and Miss Viole Cook of Goderich spent Sunday with Mrs. Fred Cook. Mrs. Emerson Rodger visited on Tuesday with Miss Chris. McClin- ton of Goderich. Crows Are About.—It sounds as if spring, cannot be far away. Crows have beer heard eawing in the wood lots. While we have some ice, we have no snow. On Wednesday morning 14 ladies. met at the church for a quilting. A pot luck dinner was served and during the afternoon' the W.M.S. meeting was held. The devotional program was in charge., of Mrs. Alvin Snell. Prayer was -by the Rev. C. C. Washington. The Scripture lesson was read by Jean" etta Snell. A reading, "The) Squire," was given by Mrs. Chas. Smith. The chapter in the study book on "Our Angola Missions' was given by Mrs. Norman Mc- Dowell. The president, Mrs. Chis. • Smith, was , in charge of the busi- ness. After singing "Count Your Blessings," Mrs. Smith led in i prayer, followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. The roll call was answered •by 20 present with I a verse of Scriptures The W.M.S.: treasurer reported 3225.00 sent to Presbyterial treasurer, and 377.00 to Toronto for the building fund for the training school. It was decided to have another quilting on February 12, and to have the World's Day of Prayer on Febru- ary 20. It ''rtias decided to have slides on flowers, landscaping, etc. on March 23. The meeting closed with prayer byMrs. Washington_ Four quilts were completed ready for overseas relief. DUNGANNON I, DUNGANNON, Jan. 20. — The January meeting of the United Church Women's Missionary So- i'ciety was held at the home of Mrs. Otto Popp with the 1953 I president, Mrs. Herb Finnigan, in charge. ' The theme,\ "The Beauty I of _Holiness," -was followed with Mrs. Mathew Shackleton reading the Scripture lesson. Five mem- ! tiers gave prayers. After singing a hymn, Mrs. Cecil Blake gave a chapter in the study book on I Africa, assisted by Mrs. S. Kil- 1 patrick. "Thank you" notes were !read and 1952 reports were given and found ' encouraging. Mrs. C. NEWS OF AUBURN AUBURN, Jan. 2O—Mrs. Harry East-Wawanosh, held a social even - Sturdy who underwent an eye ing in the school Friday night, operation in St. Joseph's Hospital when cards were enjoyed during London, was able to return home the- early, part of wthe evening. for. . euchre were: ladies last Friday: ' high, Mrs. Noble; ladies' low, Mrs. Mrs, Herb Govier attended the Carl Govier; gent's ' high, William wedding of her niece in Kitchener Haggitt;. gent's low, Robert Mc - on Saturday. Clinchey. Prizes' for Lost Heir Dr. B. C. Weir, president of the were: ladies' high Gail Lockhart; Public Library, has given a gener- ladies' low, " Carol - Arimstrong; ous donation of National Geo- gent's high, Clarence Govier; graphic magazines to the library gent's low, Gordon Charters. Those for the'' enjoy*uent of the public.charge of the evening were Horticultural M�;rtirg,--Mrs, W. Mr. and Mrs. William Gow, Mr. T. Robison was elected president and Mrs. Jack . Lockhjrt and Mr. of the Horticultural Society at the and Mrs. Gwyn. annual meeting held in the Orange The Throe A's.—Auburn Active Hall, Tuesday evening. Other Adults met Tuesday night with officers elected were: Honorary the new president, Kay Lapp, in president, Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen; 1st charge. Miss Maxine Durnin gave vice-president; Mrs. Arthur a reading. Ted Mills was elected Grange; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. treasurer. The Y.P.U. had lunch Gordon R. Taylor; 3rd vice -press- wit` the three A's and were serve,' dent, Mrs. Harry , Sturdy; recording by Kay Lapp, Louise Robinson, secretary, Mrs. R. J. Philips; tress- Irene Arthur, Carol. Beadle, Mar- urer and corresponding secretary, garet Jackson and Rona Mc Mrs. C. M. Straughan; directors Clinchey. County and District y for .one year, Mrs. Edgar Lawson, r Alf. Rollinson, Mrs. 'Ed. Davies, Arthur Yungblut and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt; directors for two years, Mrs. Herb Mogridge, Mrs. William Straughan, Mrs. James Craig, Mrs. John Houston and Mrs. Bert Craig; auditors, Miss M. R. Jackson and Miss Ethel Washington. A review of . the year's work compiled by Mrs. Edgar Lawson was read by Mrs. R. J. Phillips. Mrs. Herb Mogridge thanked everyone who - I had helped with the banquet when the Horticultural Society catered to the baseball team, champions of the W.O:A.A. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. R. J. Phillips Mrs. William Straughan and Arthur Yungblut for making the cement markers for Auburn. The treasurer, Mrs. C. M. Straughan, gave her report showing receipts of 3506.02 and expenditures of t� Miss Annie Sanders, an elderly resident of Exeter, died from ex- posure when she wandered out of her honig during an ice storm on Saturday night. A 'sister of the former owner of The Exeter Advo- cate, the late C. H. Sanders, she began with him a newspaper career which later included papers in several other plat®s in Ontario, returning to Exeter 35 years ago. , A sister, Mrs. Amelia McAvoy of i Exeter, survives. Roberts--McVittie At the home of Mr. and Mrs. William McVittie, Blyth, on Satur- day, January 10, the Rev. C. J. Scott officiated at the marriage of their daughter; Dorothy Josephine, to Owen Allan Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs'. Allan Roberts, Toronto. - Later the couple left on a trip �o Port Colborne and Detroit. They will live at, London. New "Cure" for Asthma The 2' -2 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crawford, Turn - berry, was treated for three months for asthma, until a few days ago when- an x-ray showed • a shingle nail lodged in his lung. He was taken to the , Children's Hospital at London, where the nail was removed. through his throat. Bryans—MacGregor In a wedding ceremony perform- ed in Burns United Church, Hul- lett Township, by the Rev. W. Gandier, Helen Laurine MacGre- gor, daughter of Mrs. MacGregor, Londesboro, and the late Frank MacGregor, exchanged vows with Stuart Francis Bryans, son of Mr. and Mrs. -Edward Bryans; Blyth. After a motor trip to the South- ern States the "couple will reside Carrick—Stanley Robert Carrick, Oakville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carrick, Clin- ton, took to himself a bride on Saturday in the person of Marjorie Kathleen Stanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Stanley, Colinton. The wedding ceremony was coo: ducted by the Rev. A. G. Eagle of Ontario Street United Church; Clinton. The couple will live at t Oakville. ' - .47, leaving a balance on hand of 3149.55. Mrs. Edgar Lawson and Mrs. Fred Ross were appointed to purchase garden seeds and dis tribute them to the school child - I ren in the spring. It was decided to hold meetings the first Monday of each month. In the absence of the president, the 1st vice-presi- dent, Mrs. W. T. Robison presided. Ladies' Guild. The Ladies' Guild of St. Mark's Church met on Tuesday in the church with Mrs. G. R. Taylor at the organ. The new president, Mrs'. Alf Nesbit presided. In well chosen words she expressed her thanks for the honor.' bestowed upon her and asked for the members' co-opera- tion during the coming year. The rector, the Rev. W. E. Bramwell, led in prayer and Scripture verses were read by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Readings' were given by Mrs. Wil- liam Haggitt and Mrs. T. S. John- ston. Mrs. Nesbit gave a paper on "Thoughts for the New Y,ear." The treasurer's and secretary's re- ports were given. The roll call was answered tly .the payment of membership fees. A "Thank you - letter was read from Mrs. Annie Walper and a donation of cedar for lighting the church fires by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell was gratefully accepted. The regular meeting of the Guild will be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The Rev. W. E. Bramwell closed the meeting with prayer. - octal -Evenings S. S. No. its; 'i Lunch was; In Egypt, where only one of every six i)ersons ean write, Hu. new Premier Mohammed Naguih gets 1,000 letters a day. THE VOICE .43F 11ETHEL REV. HOWARD 'E. MINAKER WHEN GOD SPEAKS "Heaven and earth shall pass away, hut my words shall not pass away." Matthew 24:25. These startling words which alone could .be truthfully spoken by the Almighty. We hear considerable- today of man's words and prophecies covering various subjeets. It is sadly true that man's theories ami judgments are rising in direct contradiction to the "Voice of Him who speaketh from heaven." Large portions of the Word of God whieh constituted the "Faith of our Fathers" are ridiculed, others are discredited, while still others are ignored. The most important teaching of God's Word is the num) ATONEMENT. This prNdoila teaching begins when God covered Adam and Eve' with skins and runs like a scarlet stream through the entire Bible. The great NEW. SONG sung by the redeamed in heaven recorded in Revelation 5:9b is "Thou hest redeemed us to Ged BY THY BLOOD out of every kindred, and tongue. and people, and nation." What meineth the presmnptuous declaration of Higher Criti- cism and Modem Thought when referring to the Blood Atone- ment they say, "Away with• this slaughtec-house religion, this teaching is not refined enough for us.' Man says, "There are VARIOUS WAYS to get to heaven"— God says there is ONE WAY. Man sao. "Do the best you can and you'll be all right's—Clod says "By the deeds of law shall no flesh be Justified." Man says "Are you enrolled in some chirrch." God says. "When see the Blood I will pass oveit you." Whose word will stand? SPONSORED BY THE FIETHhi. ADULT 1141BLE CLASS. !Blake offered her home for the ebruary meeting. Mrs. Harvey Anderson has been appointed lead- er of the newly organized C.G.I.T.- group which will be affiliated with the -WAS. - Mrs. -Finnigan --closed the meeting with prayer. Mr:. Popp served tea and Christmas cake. Miss S. Miller of Windsor is this week coaching Miss Mabel Thonip- son in making rubber mats, knit- ting an afghan and other Blind Craft work. Miss Thompson, a native of Dungannon is without hearing, speech and sight, and is finding this an interesting hobby. Miss Miller, while here, is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert lamorettes, Meet.—The Dungan- non Glamorettes held their seventh meeting on Monday night, January 19, at the home of the leader, Mr,. J. Finnigan. Barbara Wilson, pre- sident, opened the meeting with the roll call, "Why I chose the color I did for my dress." The minutes were read by the secre- tary, Lillian Popp, and the collec- tion received. 'The girls then worked mainly on their record books - and discussed -*plans for achievement day. Lunch was then served by Mrs. Finnigan. Orange Lodge Euchre. — The lodal Orange Order held a pro- gressive euchre in the Parish Hall on Friday night. Prize winnct's Wdre:. for the ladies, Mrs. Bert Alton, and Mrs. Gordon Johnston, and for the men, Messrs. Herb Stothers and Chas. Rivett. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole on Monday were motor party of Westerners, Mrs. Abe Evans, -ilverton, Man., and son, Hugh, of Leduc, Alberta; Mr. David Cummings and two children of Unity, Sask., and Mr. David Gardner of Dewar Lake, Sask. . "The United Church W.M.S. is sponsoring a service on Sunday evening in the church at 8 p.m., conduEted by the pastor, the Rev. G. Watt. Film strips will be shown on Missions in Labrador. Wingham Chamber of Commerce has bedn reorganized with Ceeil Merkley as president and W. T.- Cruick4hank as secretary. Irr SILO CONSTRUCTION HOL IESVILLE HOLMESVILLE, Jan. 2L -- Friends of Mrs. Kenneth Langford of Woodham will be pleased to .hear that she is recovering follow- ing -an operation in- St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Langford was formerly Miss Aima Trewartha of the village. Please keep in mind the Annual" congregational- supper to be held in The "Sunday school rooms at 7 p.m. on Thursday, January- 29; W.M.S. and W.A.—The meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A,' of. Ifolmes- ville United Church ,was held at the parsonage, home of' the Rev. M. G. and Mrs. Newton, on Thurs- day, January 15: With the new president, Mrs. Fred . Mulholland a leader, the W.M:S. , meeting opened with the hymn, "Breathe On Me,r. Breath of God," followed by prayer by Mrs. S. Walter. Mrs. Mulholland conducted the bttsiness, and the roll call was answered by New Year's resolutions. The secretary's" report was given uy Mrs. H. Cucjmore and in memory of the late Mrs. John Potter, a life member of. the W.M.S., Mrs. Cudmore read the words of "Peace, Perfect r Peace." The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. T. Elliott.. and the Mission Band report by - Mrs. Frank McCullough. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. W. Yeo and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha read "The Unexpected." Mrs. W. Norman read an article "At Wont in Severance Hospital." The hymn, "For Thy Mercy and Thy Grace," was sung and Mrs. N. Heard read "A Smile Is a Blessing." Mrs. Bert Trewartha gave. a talk on `Apron Strings," which was very interesting. Mrs. W. Norman and Mrs. Edward Grigg sang as a duet "The Saviour for Me." Mr. New- ton gave a .lalk on `'Beauty," tak- ing as his theme "Worship the Lord in the Beauty of holiness.' the meeting closed with the sing- ing of • "Blest Be the Tie t1i:,t Binds," and prayer by Mrs. Mut- 'holland. With the president, Mr.:. 11. Cudmore, in the chair, the \ V.A meeting opened with the singing of the theme song and repeating the creed. Reports of last year's work were given, Mrs. Fred Mul- holland giving the secretary's. ve- ! port; . Mrs. B. MacMath for 'the flower committee; Mrs. H. Wil- liams for the sale of Christmas cards and Mrs. S. Walter gave the treasurer's report, showing a bal- ance -on hand of. 5672.16. Mrs. 11. MacMatli and Mrs. E. Potter we e appointed auditors. Letters of thanks were -read frorn•Mrs. J. Har- rison, the lev. and Mrs. C. Tav- ener, the Roy. M. G. and 11T;•:s. Newton and Miss Susie Acheson. flans were in ids- for the coming year and for the serving of ,`;upper at the congregational meeting, `); be held ..in the Sunday school rooms on January 29. The meet- ing closed with the singing, .of "Faith of Our Father's 'Living • Still," and prayer by Mrs. Cud - more. hostesses for the day"were Mrs. Edward Grigg and Mrs. Frank McCullough. Brings tender thoughts to a &amity far away. May we make. your appointment ;today? • CLINTON.--The marriage too! place at the manse of St, AndreW's Presbyterian Church, here, Thurs- day afternoon, January 15, of Mr). Grace Carlisle Clark,. of Palmer- ston, to Mr.• David Alexander Stirl- ' !pony Vas performed by .the Rev. D. J. Lane, minister of St. An- drew's Church. HENDERSON'S NOW CONTRACTING 1953 mai, Malting Barley We can supply fertilizer at regular pricei to be paid when the crop is sold. , CONTRACT NOW Assure yourself of seed next spiing. Save early delivery fertilizer discounts. Treated,Seed Fertilizer-- Fast Efficient ;Service W. G. THOMPSON & SONS BENSALL, ONT. 4-5 • PHONE 32 ,Hugill Bros., silo contractors with 22 years' experience, are now accepting bookings for this year, and are prepared to fill your need for a cement silo. WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF A CEMENT SHORTAGE PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY. FOR COMPLETE Iii:FORMATION WRITE: Hugill Bros. This Week's SPECIAL! A GREEN, RAYON FRIEZE CHESTER BED AND CHAIR FOR ONLY ea, $152.41 — SEE IT IN OUR WINDOW — AT jacittutont'IN furniture PAINTS STOVES ELECTPICAL APPLIANCES PHONE 240-1 GODERICH REMNANTS Our *ANNUAL SALE OF REMNANTS after stock- taking—short ends gather- ed together throughout the store. • — ALSO — TABLE OF SPECIALS ODDS AND ENDS AND BROKEN, LINES TO CLEAR 410 DRAPERY - 48 inches wide 31/4 tO yards in a piece. LESS 25% 0 SNUGGLE DOWN ' PYJAMAS LESS 20% • : SPECIAL Balance of our I and colors pLASTIn npArirs PER PAIR • Good patterns • lit amm am 41.79 ' „ „, .,...................................... ••••••••••••••••••••if Shop AS EMILY AS POSSIBLE FOR BEST SELECTION 'ur GEO W *SCHAEFER & SON Store • Vaiu PFPNE 56