HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-01-22, Page 3e 106th Year—No..4 BUSINESS DIRECTOkY , CREWE Cfil. 1J Accoukzorr Licensed Muu%eipal Auditor A. u. ILULI'E14 CHARTERED AOOC UA'TA`iT 65 South Bt. Gndericla. Out. Telephone 1 ;313 t;l1 110PRACtlf ITEItHElT F3. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours,: Mon.. Thum —9 a.m. to 5 pm. 'rues.. Fri -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ' 7 p.m. to 8 p.m, Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office --Corner of South St- and Britannia Road: Phone 341. Western Ontario Motorways 0 — 128 acs. To f..adoo► drily extent Sat., Sri., and holidays. L38 a,a.—To London and Strai- ford daily except Sunday and holidays. 111.45 a.m.--To London and Strat- ford Sat., Suss- and holidays. 4.15 p.m.—To Stratford and Lan- dau daily excerpt Sunday and 5.45 p.m—To London an Friday only. 8.30 p.m.—To London and Strat- ford Sundays and holidays only IWS DEPOT AT SAMIS MOTORS PHONE 344 Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant 1 Kensington Ave. Phone 2-9152 London, Ont. Crewe, Jan_ 2Q. --The January meeting of the W.M.S. of Crewe I was held at the home of Itht ' Hasty on January 8 at 2.30 p.m. The program in the W.M.S. Month- ly; wasfollowed and the Rev. G. installed nstalled the new officers. Mrs. Bentson Shackleton gave a temperance reading. The chapter in the study book was given by Mrs. Warren Zinn. Several of the heralds gave reports. The meet- ing closed with a hymn and bene- diction by the Bev. Watt. The hostess served lunch. Mr. Benson Shackleton has been assisting with chores for his bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Archie Jones, rt Wingham, who was a patient in Winghamn General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. Crozier and family visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake of Clin- ton. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Finnigan of Weston visited at the week -end with his brother, Mr. R¢ Finnigan, and family. Congratulatidns to the Rev. and Mrs. G. Watt on the birth of their daughter in Goderich hospital on January 15. - GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1953 'Verandah St . ruck, A man from a city Nova LOOK TO ONTARIO payee Prepare• • EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. immediate arrangements can be made for Bales Date by culling Phone-I&(''J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. Y' ` HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER , HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11-661 or Harry Edwards, Goderich Phone 144 NOW LOCATED IN BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING ON -THE SQUARE C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w Careless "Driving Charge Dismissed A charge of careless driving against Dougias Cruikshanks, 21. hockey player with the Santis Pontiacs, was dismissed by Magi* trate D. ` E. Holmes, Q.C., last Thursday. The charge arose when a car driven by Cruikshanks went , past the corner of the „Bayfield road and Britannia road and wedged itself under the verandah of a house occupied by the Misses Jackson. Cruikshanks, who moved to Goderich on December 26 after sailing on the Forestdale, said that. he was unfamiliar with the corner: He had set out for Owen Sound shortly after 6 o'clock but soon 'realized that be was going in the wrong direction and said he turned t around and headed back for Gode- rich. He did not see the checker- ; board warning because he was blinded by the bright headlights of an oncoming car. Icy Road He said that when he saw the stop sign about 50 feet from the corner he applied the brakes but they failed to take hold on the icy road and the car went right through the intersection, crashing into the verandah. F. M. Samis gave evidence that he had driven in the Bayfield road about an hour and a half before the accident and it had not been sanded at the time. Provincial Constable Morley Groves, who in- vestigated, said that he had no knowledge as to whether or not the Bayfield road had been sanded, but admitted, when cross-question- ed by defense counsel Frank Don- nelly,, Q.C., that water from a hydrant on Britannia road had made that street icy. Sentence was suspended for two years on Douglas Ross who at a previous hearing had pleaded guil- ty to five charges of breaking, entering and theft in Goderich and Clinton. Defense counsel J. K. Hunter said that restitution to the victims of the theft had been made by the boy's father. In suspending sentence on Ross, the magistrate said that he didn't' want to send him to a reform- atory, which was "no place to send a boy of 16." "One can't expect a boy of i6 Scotia writes to the Signal -Star as Leaders of Future Speaker Declares follows: "My family, who are pros- perous farmers in, Prince Edward Island, are contemplating a move to' Ontario in order to enjoy the facility of rural hydro and the better markets resulting from. low- er freight rates, etc._ Please send m to y family, at the Prince Ed- ward Island address found below, copies of the Signal -SW for one month in order that they. might assess markets, prices, etc,, in your area." to carry an adult's head on his shoulders," he said. Careless Driving William Watson, RR. 5, Gode- rich, was fined $10 and costs or a week in jail when he was con- victed of careless driving. Joseph Hickey, R.R. 3, Auburn, said that he was approaching the Carlow corner from the east on the county road on the afternoon of December 20 when a truck driven by Raymond Fisher crossed the intersection from the side - road. When the truck had cross- ed, he said, he came across Wat- son's car making a U-turn "very slowly," and he was unable to avoid a collision. Watson said that the road was icy and his wheels spun as he at- tempted to make the turn on an up -grade. The magistrate said that when he lost traction he should have waited until the truck had passed. Hearing of a charge of theft ons $28 against Earl White of Welland was adjourned for one week. Rus--' sell Jervis of Clinton said that White had done some work for him and he had gareed to pay him 512. He had given him a cheque for $40 to cash but White had failed to return with' the change as he had promised, Harold Johnston was fined $25 and costs for failing to file an in- come tax return, l The answer to the question, "What is:a Jaycee?" was., forcefully given by Jaycee Jim Brophey of Parkhill, guest speaker at`a dinner meeting of the Goderich Junior Chamber -of Commerce, held at the British Exchange Hotel on Wed- nesday evening of last week. Mr. Brophey, who is at present a member of the Goderich Cham- ber, has been a Jaycee since 1946 and has held membership in the Sarnia and Chatham chambers as well as Goderich. Looks at Future "A Jaycee," suggested the speak- er, ,"is a young man with an eye to the future, who realizes that with the collective effort of his ehamber he can do -. very much in helping his town and country to a greater future." Mr. Brophey suggested that membership in the Jaycees was a medium through which to learn leadership and gain organizational IL M. FORD Get Insured -- Stay Insured— Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH [gFFfOONS BY BLACKSTONE'S MBS. TICK$ours GIVEN W.A. LIFE *EIB IP The regular meeting of St. George's Church W nixes Aux- iliary_ was held last esday after- noon with the president, Mrs. Taylor presiding. Alter opening the meeting with prayer, the pcesi- dent called on Mrs. F. Hunt to read the portion of Scripture sel- ected for the day, followed by Mrs - Allan who read the Litany prayers. The envelope secretary, firs. Prit- chard, reported an increase in those taking yearly envelopes. A full list of the clothing and other requirements for the bale for the boy and girl at the Indian board- ing school at Cardston, Alberta, was read by the Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Needham. During the meeting, the rector, Rev. K. Taylor, took the service for the presentation of a life inetn- bership to Mrs. H. Tichborne, for 25 years a faithful worker of St. George's W -A. After the service, the rector congratulated the re- cipient on the honor bestowed upon her. Mrs. Tichborne replied by expressing her thanks to all. The new study book, entitled DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, Jan. ^U1.— 7`be W.M.S. and W.A. met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mn.s Noritnan Thompson, with 15 ladies present~ Mrs. Edward Robinsea was in charge of the • meeting which opened by singing. "Breathe on me, Breath of God." . Mrs. William Hardy read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. E. Robinson led in prayer, followed by the ` Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Norman Thompson gave a reading entitled "A Happy New Year." Hymn no. 488 was sung. Mrs. H. Jefferson read an article on Christian stewardship. Mrs. Sam Thompson sang "It is no Secret." The chap- ter§ in the study books were react by Mrs. Morley Johnston and Mrs. II.. Jefferson. The treasurer's re- port showed that our allocation of $70 had been forwarded and a "donation of $30 sent to the chair- man of the campaign committee for the new training school at Toronto, also that a 60 -pound bale had been - sent for overseas relief. A " letter from Mrs. Thomas Bari- , ford of Goderich was read, than:;- I ing the society for the life mem-1 experience, necessities for promo- ."Thune is the Glory," was pre- . ber's certificate which she had i tion and success in ordinary life. sented by Mrs. Pritchard. This is i received. Hymn no. 90 was sung I A man must have the ability . the history of the Missionary So- in closing and the benediction was 1 to put his viewpoint across or else ciety of the Church of England in pronounced by the Rev. C. C.! he will fall by the wayside. Man- , Canada. The forward showed how Washington. I agement is continually looking for; the Mother Church in Englan‘ leadership attributes—enthusiasm, , through the S.P.G. and, the C.M.S.,'i George Jardine has sold the last amiability and ability to express • 4 "Immediate ser nice" IN YOURLOCALITY WR Geo: G.-MaeEwan Fire, Aeciient and Motor Car D. °ilITASD Stonework, Brickwork and Ptetring A good job of plastering hal ao substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victoria Estate Planning and Wells Investment Management and Advisory Service 3 3/4% Guaranteed Investments Insurance OFFICE-MASOtiIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH • AITHIITIC PAIN don't sailer sight and day—with dull, me aaher—,ar sharp, stabbing Lead an active life again. Take' empleton's T-R-C'a, Canada's largest - pelting proprietary medicine specially *a&to bring longed -for relief to sufferers from arthritic or.rheumatic pain. T-841 65c.TEMPLETON'S T -R -C's IT'S A FACT :. . that the Sun Life Ansuranoit Company of Canada has well over a million policyholders throughout the world. In the tore than three -quartans of a eet:tury of the Conipnnv's ext-tfnci- ut cr two balcun dollars has been paid to policyholders and l,cneftriari(-a Reprerx dative of Sun Life 'Assurance/ Company of Canada, Harold W. Shore ormusimmummormrsimmarommorrrroraorMINWOMIJ ST. PETER'S P.T.A. HOLDS of his land holdings south of Point I FIRST OF CARD PARTIES one's ideas. __ __ ; Clark to Charles Laidlaw of Ate! The speaker appealed to the :THE VOICE OF TEMPER- i members to assume responsibility 1 ANCE j in the club whet) such a position i i is offered to tbem. Turning to the international set -i A United States Senator up, Mr. Brophey • expressed the puts it this way—"The appeal opinion that Canada s economic ' for, temperance should contin- position is the most 'stable of any I hall be made upon the high country in the world. This is Y po g proof that our administration is : basis of the good of the indi- sound and it is this way because it is built on a sound foundation. home, the happiness of the A few years from now- those -lead, pp ers will be old men and the load ,'`family, the advancement of is going to fall on those who are community life, the develop- now young. Training, such as can 'anent of high moral fibre and I be gained in the Junior Chamber spiritual strengthof all the I of Commerce will greatly benefit p our leaders of tomorrow. people -- young, middle-aged Land of Opportunity ! and old" --The Senator might The speaker suggested that have added—the safety of the there are greater opportunities in t highway and the efficiencyof Canada than in any country in the I . g y we s, w isorld. often ThenviedUnited by CanadiansState,hich de ththe e athlworkerete. Alland these `the arestamina de ii fof - pends a great deal on this country able ends. .The use of alcohol for many 'natural resources.y is a threat to everyone of We are few in this country, but intelligent and young and Canada them. This paragraph does 1 vidual, the preservation of the will expand greatly in the future. appeal for resistance to the en- 1 ! We must grow larger with it. !lir. Brophey suggested that Mel croachment of alcohol. Jaycees should strive for self -bet- I TILT advt. siN►n��►r►�-i by limon .8erment as well_as civic -betterment . Carmy Temperance Ftrleratiun, and warned against tendencies to become cliquish. The view of any ! for the betterment of the organiz- ation or the community. Special guests • at the dinner were Mike Rabatich and George Kekich of the British" Exchange Hotel. As a gesture of apprecia- 'tion for the sincere co-operation displayed by these gentlemen to- ward the Junior Chamber, Presi- dent Cecil, Hoffman presented Mr; Rabatich, the manager, with an honorary membership in the local chamber and presented each with an appropriate gift. Elmer Gaul, chairman of the council committee, presented a re- port (A, the committee's activities during the "get out the vote" cam- paign for the ,municipal elections. Due to the resignation of Jack McKinnon as secretary of the Goderich chamber it was necessary to hold an election to fill the vac- ancy. Jack left Goderich early in the week to join the Royal Can- adian Air Force. Gerry O'Brien was elected secretary of the cham- ber for the balance of the term. isolated group may not always be A. L. COLE Optaretrist—Optician Eyes Ezandned, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 t Goderich, Ont. Malcolm Matters INSURANCE AND. REAL ESTATE Now located at 46 WEST STREET GODERICH Phone 115W GUY IVES & SONS CEMENT COITEAC. TORS BUILDING BLOCKS and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Selkirk all -steel insulated chimney supplied and in- stalled. Chimney built or re- paired. Phone Carlow 1612 7-oxtf "Who in blazes ordered the radiator for this job!!" i"Horne, home on the range.." Some . fun if you like to play I with the ' deer and antelope. ; However, speaking of ranges, we have some of the sleekest, moat ' gleaming ranges in the market. Every one is loaded i down with handy gadgets which even we can operate. Have us show you how to put the "coo" in cooking. rtl a t -h otianes urnitttrc PAINTS STOVS• ELECTRICAL APPLIAVC_ES 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed For prompt attention call RAYS B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hermit, Ontario, Phone 51 "On 111. Broadway of -Goderich" PHONE 240-1 GODERICH or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • MONTREAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR NIAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY CALGARY • VANCOUVER wwwwwwwwwwwirmormorrprowwwwwwwwwwa COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS BASKETBALL SCHEDULE The Huron secondary schools basketball schedule for the 1953 season has been set. Four teams are represented in the group, Sea - forth, • Wingham, Goderich and Clinton, and the winner of the group will advance into the W.O. S.S.A. play-offs in London. Wed., Jan. 21—Clinton at Seaforth Fri-, Jan. 23=—Wingham at Goderich Mon., Jan. 26—Wingham at Clinton Wed., Jan. 28--Goderich at Clinton Seaforth at Wingham Fri., Jan. 30—Seaforth at Goderich Wed., Feb. 4—Goderich at Wingham Seaforth at Clinton Moft4Feb. 9—Clinton at Goderich Wed., Feb. 11—Clinton at Wingham Goderich at Seaforth Fri., Feb. 13--.-Wingham at Seaforth wood. The property had been in I In spite of inclement weather the Jardine family since 1851— January 8, the flat card parer over a hundred years ago. of -a series, sponsored - by St. Peter's Parent Teacher Association was very, successful, and a grati- fying sum was realized. The prize winners for high score were Mrs. Flint and Mr.. Tony Bedard. At the .conclusion of the games a tasty lunch was served by the committee in charge. had assisted in many ways to help this great missionary work. The meeting closed with prayer by the president. after which tea was served by Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Shore and Mrs. Sturdy: EDWARD FUELS FOR FARM and HOME xf SHELL TANK TRUCK DEALER Phone 98 R SALE CONTINU AVE - $60 On This Model IGIDAIRE 4 PREINVENTORY SAIF OF FAMOUS FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS ... ALL MODELS REDUCED IN PRICE IN HUGE JANUARY CLEA2ANCE' • 8jcc&kMatter .174-L PARK On the Square PHONE 1150 -- Now—Gregory Peek and Ann Blyth in "The World In His Arms" tTeehnicoibr. The CAPITAL Street — PHONE 47 Now—"You For-Me"—Peter Lawford, Jane Greer and Gig Young. MON., TUES. and WED. -- MON., . TUES. and WED. -- "ABOUT FACE" Fltlane'ci• do Technicolor, a new and sprightly nn inicai comedy con- cerns a contused cadet in a military* itrotitute and his mari- tal prybles. Gordon MacRae, Eddie Bracken, Aileen Stanley THURS., FRI. and SAT.— "SALLY AND SAINT, ANNE" Listed as Great ententatinmont is MIR comedy -drama with. a re- liglirtte motif. The &tory of a girl with a new approach "The FAMILY SECRET" A man stain in self defense',—ii fii1 teen atiotn and n surprising; ctintax ecmxhine to produce a gripping suspense drama. John Derek, Lee J. Cobb, Erin O'Brien-Mbore Has Full-witth Super -Freezer Chest and, dl these other New Features! i freezes and'kteps 41 lbs. frozen foods • 3 full -width shelves • 1 adjustable shelf • Sliding Chill Drawer under Ireezee for extra ice cures • large, all-poreelun Hydrators • Super -powered Aeter-Miser mechanism • Exclusive Ouickuue Ice Trays • Extra storage spat on door • lots of tall bottle space • 1 -piece all-parceldn interior These fingers are now warts. E. DEIGHTON'S WART REMOVER 15 made from herbs. It is ;not a burning arid. • Warts and • other fungus growths on hands, fare or feet have been removed in 3 to 5 weeks without discoloring or leav- ing any disfiguring marks. It -does not injure the health] flesh: For sale at Campbell's Drug Store 'and druggists. ,,' Maltby Bios. Distributors, Toronto 10. -45-etc, THURS., FRI. and SAT.-- to fnilth. . "A YANK IN INDO-CHINA" Three Americans opernti•ng an nir-cargo line in Inch-t'itlna tell of their imprisonment by the Comrnnntl4ts. Douglas Dick, Jean Willis, John Archer Ann Blyth, Edmund Gwenn John McIntyre free from SEE IT NOW AT NOW ONCY$4339: Tyr $34.00 24 MONTHSO PAY! SHORE APPLIANCES` ON THE SQUARE , y •