HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-1-23, Page 1-..1..47.447.71,7
doult wanes .t SONS
Publisher and Proprietary
a. DICKSON, Barrister,
L• sitarist Supreme Court,Notar9Ruplto
DeeeeYancer Deni nieeloner &re Alortev to
O%Acein Fengcnet Block. Exeter
1114 El. COLLIN S,
Barrister, Solicitor,' Conveyancer, Etc,,'
remiwit, ow.
OmceRaanwelf'i1 lock Hell'eold ornoe.)
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ?abhor
Conveyancers &e, &o,
tom" blopey to Loan at Lowest Bates of
e, v. SZ.T.IOT. 7. rentor,
1.1 L. RI NGS,
0*'Fgit: a1i ; iu'tT (PANE, VA Haat
Nitrous Oxide Oaa for Painless Extraction.
tittt;11FA11'R Bleck leak stf ESelet's
"street, Tooth wttboutpaln.
by giving Ve etableVapor.Gold
tramp end ail other deutat
'cask the best poaeible. Goes
Zrr ttvu on lastTha:ad%yln
eh mouth.
W. l3ttOWNIN( L D.„11, C
t • p.tS,aradnetelietorial3niver"%ty,OMee
aud•residenee,eion rionTiahoretorv.lexoter
R. I3YNDHA.h, coroner for the
County of aurae. Otftce, opposite Air.
. ttarlintes more, Exeter.
�,R. J. A, ROLT'TNA, M.O. P. S
O. Ottloa.3laia S..t.xater,Ont,Resideri
',shattaof-000ntks ocoupiee by P, afaPhtlifrrs,
r - %. CUTTEN, M D., 0. M.,
• L�J. Graduate Trinity iinivoreity. Tore
onto t Fel Tin Med. reheat. Toronto ; Qred.
Am Inst.. creutology t Member N. Y. Acad.
ethrupalogy; Member Col. P. S., Ont-
ca. Dashwood, Ont.
ENJ Y .EILBEI , Licensed Axe -
:fowler for ftay,ritephen, and tioaJill#•
es. 5rpoa-l:c1t loaf a fie OreditomnaOntate.
}UN `SILL, Auctioneer for the
'l`)trnahkneof Stephen, Clay and ttsborne
o Village of Reetor. A11 selee promutiy
este, acid, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at tins oftloe.
Tennent & Tennent
alnates of the Ontario Veterinary Collage
°aru t t One iroor South of Town Hall..
L percent, 595,000 Private Funds. Beet
Loaning Companies repro genteel.
7a,8 DIC11;SON,
Barrister, Exeter,
CAN .tD.&. Head Office, London. Ont.
After 30 years of su000ssfal business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
eentents.tbe most favorable protection in 0458
of loss or damage by fire orlightnine, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company elan afford to write. 42,24: poll:
o ios in force esteem ,1889. Assets 8378,209 M
in (sash in bank. Government depost. Dobai-
tures and Premium Notes. JUrES GRANT,
President ; D. C. lie troxe-D,Manager. DdVI»
AQUAS, Agent for Exeter andvioinity.
The Molsons bank
Paid up %vital $teouset
ReetPund ... ,. 1.000,00
Head Qtice, Montreal.
envie at.Meseeee
20brancboiiicesiuttie s,uminion. Agenoie
in the Domin on.U.S•A.and serape.
Exeter Branon,
Open every lewful day, from 10 a. re. to8 p.m
SAT'1:IRDAYtS.10 a.m to 1 p.ra.
4PerCent•per auuuua allawedforurouer oil
tC7 WQ^-^
Goldsmith 4. Haile
rifir'Personalattoutiongiven to repairing of
watobee.olooke andieweltxt
Opposlto Past Office, PARKHILL
Established in 1863.
-.his companv has been over tiighteen
en , uooessfu.l operation in 'Western On-
mendsontinues to.insure againetiosa or
amage byirire Butidings,MOronandise,Aian-
4actoriee,and t11 other•iesCaiptiousotjinsur-
b1e property. intending insurers have the
.ptionofinsuringon the Premium Note ox
ashSystore .•
Duringthe pastten years this. Company
hasisauerd i7,08a Policies,00verinrproperty
o the ttnountoi340,872,088 ;andpaid inloss-
es a tones100,752,00
Assets, :8176,100.00,00nsistingg of oaeh
n r3ink,GovernmentDeposit ,andthe unatal-
seed PremiumNotesonhandandinforce,
W:Neermis M D.Presidezt. 0.M:Tasr;oa,
Secretary. 1.8. Htraume,Inepeotor. CSAS:
NELL Agouti or 18xeterandvioinity,
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings, n
gs� Prop
Saving and Hair i
n the tatest- style1e
of the art.
Every attentso paid to outting
Ladies aha Chrla'ren's
15 lbs i3eautif al Sugar • $1
16 lbs Fine Tea Sl
25 lbs Rico
30lbs Soda .... ..... .• ...........Sl
Doupes Store gives
the best value.
Lots for sato, house to cent apply to
Perrone aro hereby cautloncd aaainat
furchasing two notes, dated March 1st, 1889, in
avor of Wm. Pybus, by 'Thos. Cadntor°, as
payment has been made. fe
Thos. Cunneen.
They Rave Come to Stay
W110 .k..0 P
!!.. The Elimville hotel, licensed, in the
County of Huron. Pasaeselon at °nee. Apply
on theremises or to MIME. Eaarorr,
Jan 0.4t 251 Talbot St., London.
IP is hereby given that the partner-
ship heretofore existing between Robert N.
Rowe and Walter Andrews, as Furniture
Dealers and Bud rtakers, doing business in the
Tillage of Exeter, County of Huron, underthe
name and firer of Rowe & Andrews, has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent, Robert
N. Rowe assuming liabilities. and all 'temente
due to the said firm must be settled with the
said Robert N. Rowe at bis office in the old
stand, on or before the first day of Feby,,1800,
Dated 1st day of Jany..1890.
Signed. 5ROBERT N. ROWE.
Charles Sanders. Witness.
Jan. 9 St
.-v,ilEyes Tested
A, S AY,
Practical Optician,
Graduate Optic School .N'.Y'
Eyes tested ; defective sight restored by the
aid of fine glass' s. Large assortment of the
fines tglasses on hand. A call solicited.
8.a:'rTRRB.'S -,
3.60 a'L7'1•l•33.EA..S-ST London.
A Trans -Continental Innovation
Sleeping car passengers for Pacific coast
points via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Dud and Uuion Pacific Overland Fast Mail
Line no longer have to wait in line .t Coun-
cil Bluffs Transfer Station to obtain sleep-
ing oar berth reservations west of the Mis-
souri River.
The new arrangements made by the Chi-
cago, Milwaukee & St. Pani Railway obviate
all euoh delay and annoyance.
For further particulars enquire of nearest
Coupon Ticket Agent or address A.E.B.
Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil-
waukee, Wis.
Don't be a Clam.
When troubled with a cough or oeld, get a
bottle of Wilson's Wild (Merry and ouroit at
once, before it has time to settle on your lungs.
Why experiment with new and untried reme-
dies, when this otd and reliable cure may be
gotfrom all leading druggists. Thousands
bear testimony to the remarkable optative
properties of 'Wilson's Wild Cherry in such
diseases as Bronchitis, Croup,
Whooping hoopin
Cough, Colds.Coughs, otoGet the genuine in
white wrappes owe.
G Brick for' sale. Hello William whore
did you buy those nice brick? At S.'lreunmer's
brickyard. He has some of the best brick I
ever sawmade. .I will leave you to judge for
Yourself if it isn't so. You will buy them be-
fore any other if yolt see those nieo bri ok that
he hes on hie yard; • Ho has things in the best
shape to please his customers. He oan please
You in prices and quality. Call and • see his
q Y
stodlrboforeyou buy. It will pay any one to
doso. Remember tho plane. Lot 9, non. 5. the
2nd yard south side, Crediton Road.
Shipping promptly ettended tot
Dee,5th, Sanusi Tauxxxas
Crediton P. 0
B• umptonBrus
(Successors to BRVAIPTON ,a REI fx)
In ordeeto accommodate twootherlarge
stocks, bought at half of the original coat,
which will be moved to Exeter ea soon es
space eau be made. we will sell the
balance of the large Bankrupt stook of the
Old Eatablialted
A«t Ai dr 23olow Cost.
This is nil vetch but are positive fade,vas Sire are going to remain hi Exeter.
Note a few of our p1"ZGE$
20 yarda of good shirting for 81.
Veacinatora, sold at 51.50, sacrificed at
Mvn'e and Ladies' aearfs, worth $t.75,
sold for 40c,
$lid all other lines equally cheap.
The S cock Mast be Reduced
Exeter, Jan 1 ith,1690.
Creborne Council.
The new commit mot on the 2004 feet
according to astute,.
The foilnwiug gentlemen having been
duly elected, trade and subscribed to the
Declarations of Office and Qaatifieatione,
and took their seats at the outwit board viz,
Thos M Kay Reeve, James Halls Councillor
S W Ward, William liydd do tor N W
Ward, Jonathan 8hior do 8 E Ward, Tiros
Cameron do N E Ward.
Moved by J Shier seconded by T Camer-
on that G W Holman be olork of the maul -
ideality of Usborne for the year 1890 at a
a tart'' of 3100 --Carried.
tloved by J Shier seconded by T Cameron
that TV .Sydd be Deputy Reeve for 1890 --
Moved by 'Thos Cameron seconded by .1
Shier that G Rutherford be appointed Audi:
tor for the current year at a salary of 45 and
that the Auditors meet to audit the ae.
counts on Saturday, the 25tb Inst at 9
a'clook a m --Carried
Tho reeve appointed Wm Mame as the
other auditor
Moved by J I3'alls seconded by T (;amort
on that Thos Coates be appointedTrearnrer
for the current year at a salary of $70 and
that he furnish bonds to the amount of
412,000 to the satisfaction of this eounoil--
Oat ried.
Moved by J Halls seconded by J Shier
that Thos Haywood be Assessor for 1890 at
a salary of $55
Moved by J Shier seconded by T Camera
on that W Rontly be appointed Collector
for the year 1890 at a salary of sixty dollars
and that he furnish ratiefaotory bonds in
the aura of $12,000 -Carried
&loved by J Halle seconded by T Cameron
that M Rontly, J Hazlewood, R Reddy, G
Rook, sr, T Paeemore, A Campbell, W OM'
fiilan and R Hunter, jr, be pouudkeopersr'
for the current year -Carried
Moved by J Shier seconded by W Kydd,
that the following be appointed Fence View
ere for the current year, viz. J Copeland,
Cole, P Moir, J Delbridge, 0 Switzer and e
Coates -Carried
Moved by T Cameron seconded by J Shier
that tbe Board of Health for 1890 be com-
posed of the Reeve, Clerk, Messrs L Hunter.
D McInnis and Monteith, 'at a salary of
$1 50 per day each when on duty, and that
Dr Irving be Medical Health Officer at $3
per day when en duty and 0 Tufts Sanitary'
Inspector at $1 50 per day when on duty--.
Moved by J Halls seconded by W Kydd`
that Thos Veal be appointed Caretaker o1
the hall at $5 per year -Carried
Moved by J Halls seconded by T. Cerner;
on that a bylaw be drafted confirming the:
appointment of the municipal officers awl'
fixing their sa,aries-Carried
Moved by J Shier seconded by W Kvd
that T Cameron placate cedar for the men
cipality for the current year -Carried
Moved by T Cameron seconded by J Shier
that the offer of J White & Sons to do all
the printing usually required by the Town:.
ship for the year 1890 be aooe ted -Lost
Moved in amendmeut by J 13allsseconded
by W Kydd that the Clerk ask for tenders
for all the printing usually needed by the
municipality, for the year 1890, parties ten:
dering to tarnish samples of paper at the
time of tendering -Carried
• Moved by W Kydd seconded by J Halle;
that the following taxes be refunded, viz, 8
Skinner'e $2 18, Mrs Jae Gardiner's dog
tax ried$1, and Alex Danoan's dog tax $1 -Oast
Moved by J Shier seconded by W Rydd`
that R H Collins be paid $2 for legal advice
in regard to the collection of ' taxes of insol
yent .°states -Carried
Moved by J Shier eecondod byT Camerou
that the Collector receive an order on the
Treasurer for the sum of $14`43, being
ell 25 non resident tax, and $318 refunded
tax- veCarried
W Kydd s
d by eoonded by J Halle
that the Oolleotor s Roll be received, his
bond delivered up, and an order drawn on
the Treaenrer for the Oolleetor's ealary-
The following orders were granted,, viz
R Morrison $2, A McDonald $1 10, G W
Heiman $10 30, B 13 Oolfinr, A Dungan $1,:
W Robinson 50ete, W $55 Routi:y
, do 144 3.
On motion the Council adjourned M meet
the first Saturday in February at one p m.
• G W Eonar,N, Clerk.
;h(Udfels Cry for P+tcher'S s it
Abort fifty oitizerte have 1* grippe. --On
Thursday last enother young rumple in Ore
vicinity were made one, sir Albert Slier tact
leg unto himself a wife iu the peraoe of :tries
>liinuie Hazlewood, Your correspondent
and numerous frzenda. °steed, oongeatela.
tions for future welfare and happiness. --
Rove Moir and Meteor are conducting a
eerier of protracted meetings in the Metboe
dist oburob.-Mrs doe 13ryana is senouel '
ill owing to an attack of iufuenzrt.
uters,--The revere -iad.torm of last
Teak did teach dernage to properly lathe
ylllage and the anrroundingoenatry.-i3el-
e Littler: Sooioty was re -organized on
liursday last end is now in a flourishing
twndition; •-Afr George Taylor has returned
from a prolonged ,fait to friends in Sesforth
and looks muoh better for his 'validity" -
Vies it lg. Halliday, who sureeistully taught
acuool neer this vitiage has gone to Girder -
lob to fit herself for a higher position. -.-La
grippe is bore but no one serioetly ilf.--J D
Nicol, who taught for the posit two ytara 1
tto 5, Morrie, and, formerly in Lumley, has
opeeed.,a eehcoi• iu Betgrave and bas, el -
ready. secured it targe sttendanoe. This ie
erns in the right direction as the village
Echo/ars had to walk two and s half miles to
".stool. -r dastardly act wan displayed by
rose destructive person er piteous by arlvt
Any a atone fiat Into it hole in the ode of a
iolz in the mill yard, the remelt of which is
e Drill being abut down for s. fear days for
spike. Thia matter shoutd be 1 Bolted titter
,s4 the guilty Puttee brought to juetatoe, as
Urea of the mill bands are atdttrrgered
snob acts.
(Too late for leer issue,).
I*treuzaxk.--In its trip Lound, the world
this unwelcome visitor bee not failed to gall
at the village of Zurich. Ofd and young
alike, wittingly or unwillingly must enter.
twin it when it comes, The attendance at
the publia school has been greatly diminish-
ed and there is some tack of cloying aehool
for a time to see if anything Dart be done to
prevent its spreading more.
1381),8.-Afr. Sam'l Ai, Bauch, priueipal
of the public solved, Dashwood, was in teen
on Saturday last. --Mr. 0 11 Latta and Mise
L, Ranch Have commenced their duties in
tbe public school hero. -:-Mr. F. Kibler was
re'oleoted Pres. of the Evangelical S. S. for
1800. Mr, Carriger was elected as ass's.
taut. --Mies B. Stelnbaoh has returned from
her Whiny trip. --Rev. Mr. Ortwern was in
town a few days ago on important business,
-Mr. F. Hees wits unanimously re•electeri
aehool trttsteo at the last /runnel meeting of
the ratepayers of 8. 8. No. 7, Hay. --A
number of boys were amusing themselves
skating np and down the streets on Satur-
day. Tba wife of Mr. E. Appel has pro.
stinted him with 4 baby boy.
Bloom bliss W Goodman of Elk'
RappMiob., arrived bore last Wedneedo
04 a kt her sister, Mrts F Vents -11r
W Fi Needham. leleeksesitlt of fiervie, Co
Bruce, paid hie Wends icit dna Beaton )rouse
is flying'risit ort Saturday last. -...Miss Sarah
Shank left bene teat Monday for Detroit,
where she intends to reside. -Air Janie-
fitcIatostt returned home front Meh. a few
days ago. --Mr Isaac A Wilson heard troth
Wa clippies following front the Wi abtabvrg
Enterprise of den 3rd, :...oar 408406t7 was
well represeeted Ira tire Relief Come enter.
taiuuteat. Met Purintttoa principal pre-
sided Attlee organ and Prof. Wilson ingtrue.
for on the cornet, led the band. Mra P.
and .prof W. gave it delightful iuetrumeutat
dues, -Mr W Sherritt mold bis feast to
Japbeth Tamer, Gtr acres for $2,800, Air
Turner dace not get possession aatil next
November. --•Mr J R Watson kat a veinal*.
horse last meets.
Bonita -A Sue atallion belonging 10
Frank Boasouberry died one day last week.
-Air Faust of Cairo, Michigan, is the"guest
of bis brother, Mr D Baud of this place -
Mr R Robertson, who has been in Montana
for the past five years, was in town on
Saturday last --On Sunday last the Rev Mr
Hauch was taken i11 with the influenza,
He was in Dashwood es the time and was
unable to return home until Tuesday. • We
aro pleased to hear that he is getting all
right again. -The council met on Saturday.
- Air S J Latta bas been very sick with the
influenza -Air R Bengougb is getting better.
-Mrs Hill is home again. --It is believed
that the Foresters purpose holding an
entertaiument sometime soon. -On Tuee.
day last Air Well received at one shipment
S new Ball organs, amongst them was a
handsome piano ease organ pith a pipe top.
Now people can get organs and pianos at
home and save money by doing so.
liliimvil el .
Baines, -The Unioi School House was
sold by ¬ion some time ago and part of
the proceeds, amounting to $60, was pre.
sented to the EtimvilIe S. S. on condition
that a good library be purchased and circu-
lated • through the neighborbood. The
business committee aeceptine the offer and
suppliwenting it by a grant from the r•obooi
funds, have purchased a library consisting
of one hundred and eighty choice books
and next Sunday its circulation will com-
mence. Henceforth there will be no lack
of good reading matter, and we hope every
one of the young people of this neighborhood
will cultivate a taste for readiug, as the men
and women of the future wbo are not readers
will fall behind in the race of life. Read,
mark, learn and inwardly digest. -lir.
Hunter, who purchased the Union Sebool
house, has commenced the work of retuoving
it. Che seating and floor have been taken
oat and the loaf taken off.-Qonsiderable
Russel fenoe was overturned by the reeent
windstorm. -Mr. 1ihn Slemon hes cut
down the willows in front of his residence
to that the light can get in. Such trees
area nuisance, especially in a garden. -Mr
Samuel Andrew, who oommenced attend-
auoe at the Stratford business college, was
taken with la grippe and forced to return
home for a few days. -Mr G W Holman has
his hands full now as there are over seventy
scholars attending school, more we believe
than attended when two teachers were em-
ployed. -Bea W Peahen began revival
services on Sunday evening and intends
continuing them for some time. -Wood
sawing has commenced. -The carpenters
sport the prospect for work to be nil and
lk of procuring ditching tools, but the
erospeot of work of that kind is not very
`bright, ne empty purses are very numerous.
-Mr J Hodgins, oar genial hotelkeeper
intenda to leave when his year is up, and
the place is, advertised. -No school last
Monday as the teacher had to attend the,
oounoil meeting. -Municipal matters ik
Usborne were yery quiet this year, in teat'
it was a difficult matter to get a nomination
at all, as it waa'within three minates of the
the nomination before any
to :aloes
candidates were put up for two of the
wards: •
Wilson's Wild Cherry Cures Coughs and
Biurea-The following officers were in.
stalled its i3rucefield Star Council, No 219,
R T of T, on Monday evening last t -liar J
IL $imPaon S 0, Alex Mustard V C, Jennie
Tortariugham R S,Jeaefa ;Dewier 4 R. S,
Omelet Alefntose P 8, Maggie Darner Trees,
Jades Alien, Chaplain ; tarn 5fnapse°.
Herald ; John Snider, Dept Reridd ; Wtu
Dowser, Guard ; Jar Aaltas, Sentiuel.
After inetaltetian a auitehia repeat war
nerved In the ball. The conned intend
having a grand social at Mr Janies Daih►'.'
the first sleighing -While Ur John Me-
intoah of this vilfa,`e, was splitting wood in
his ya.ul, bit axe caught on the clothes litre
which resulted in the axe'cesniug down on
hie left temple. cutting an ugly gash. Dr.
Eltt.4 stitched up the wound, which 'ie heal-
ing ujcely.--afr Iiobt Beattie bee returned
from Manitoba, where he hag been the pant
three months, 'Narking as operator on the
Outride Fulfill Railway. We understand
he hit purehaseed IGO item of land near
Moosetnim and intends nettling there -Mrs
Molntofb and fatuity left last Tuesday
morning to attend Ora fnueral of her daugh-
ter Aunie, wbo died in London laat Sunday
evg.-hien Emma Natio haaquite recover.
ed hero her attack of la grippe and is able
to bo out again.
Bntara-Cuttora and sleighs aro at dia.
count this aeasort and the juveniles are
wishing to rain for skating, ---I) Todd of
bleOillivray, is boarding iu the villave and
attending the Luoau high echoal. -Ur
Maalastor of Louden t' t« shine at 1118
relative, air MotWill t< a eastern e,,d
of the village.-Claybo, " • well repro
aerated at the Luarn high seltbal, fifteen in
all going from horn. -Turkey George
Hodgins has descended on this viflageagaist,
after an absence of four years. Humor has
it, that it came last week, being blown down
by that last cyclone. --Mr Shoff hid the
misfortune to lose his large foxhound while
hunting last week. It was returned a few
days ago by Mr Cooney of the second line
of, Riadulh, to whose -Dr Sutton is busy night lace rd
attending "gripper'," the two Lucan
doetora being laid up. or rather laid down
with the prevailing dieease.-afr 1) Nil of
the ith line of Biddulph, is visiting hie
danghter, Alta B Blaokwell, of this village.
-Mrs F Jones is seriously siok of inflauama-
tion.-Mr D Brewster, commercial traveller
and brother of Mr Brewster, merchant here,
was in town last week. Mr Brewster iatenda
starting a livery atabie here as soon as
spring opens up, so 'rehear,
Ray Council.
The following gentlemen made and nub:
soribed the declaration of qualification and
office as members of the municipal council
of Hay for 1890 :-Fred'k Hess Reeve, Hy
Heyrock Deputy Reeve, Wm Moir, John
Schnell, and John. Welker Counoillors.
Minutes of previous meeting rend and apt
proved The following appointments were
made: 13 Foster clerk, R R Johnston and D
S Faust Auditors. Michael Zeller Treasurer.
James Bouthron Assessor, Heury Lipp:
Hardt Collector and Mrs Reinhardt Care:
taker of hall. The Board of Health for
1890 consists of D Stenbaeh, Dr MoDirniid,
J Hail. the Reeve and Clerk. Dr Buchanan
was appoiuted Medical Health Officer and
Henry Greb Sanitary Inspeotor. Moved by
J Voetker seed by Wm Moir that the Exeter
lutes be the official paper of the township
for the current year, provided it do tbe
printing for the same sum as last year.
Moved by Mr Hayrook aeoouded by Mr
Moir that 0 Debug be permitted to take the
timber on the road allowance between lots 15
Sr 16, eon 8, on condition that he clear two
roads in centre of all rubbish and make it
fit for a winter road within two years' time
and that the Reeve be iustructed to oversee
the work. Moved by Mr Voetker seod by
Mr Schnell that tandem for cedar and red
beecb for the use of the 'township be received
by the reeve up to the 3rd Feb next. 'me
auditors were instructed to pr000ed at once
to audit the township amounts for 1889, and
prepare a detailed statement of the sante
in duplioate .and lay them before the
oouneil at its next meeting. The reeve and
deputy reeve were instructed to inspect the
bridge on con 2, opposite lot 20, and report
next meeting. Accounts amounting to
$145 11 were passed, when the council ad-
journed to meet at the call of the reeve.
.Ailsa Craig.
Baiars-T e Presbyterian congregation
held its annual meeting on Tuesday even-
ing. There was a large attendance, and the
report of the managers shows the oongrega.
tion to be in aroe eroua condition. The
auditor's report showa a balance in
treasurer's hands
of 8103 and no outatend-
lag accounts. The report of the Sabbath
school shows and increase in attendance
and collections. .A meeting will be held on
Jan. 28 to ascertain if the people are pre-
pared to. give a eall:. The probability is
that a tattled pastor will be in charge of this
field soon. -Mr Wm Graham of this village,
left here to -day for Vancouver,
If he
is pleased with the oo'untry he intends
settling there,-MrAndrew Cameron, baker,
of this village, has made an assignment for
the benefit of his creditors.. Mr 8,B Smith
is in charge.
.Grand Bend.
Bxntrs.Thi' Annuli meeting of the
Presbyterian ohurch wile bed on the 8th
4My of ,Fan. A arge number of the mein.
be a were presoak. The Rev Ur Carrier
wee chairmem. The Secretary react the
rep 'rt for the year 1890 which wan satis-
factory. A eomrnittee was appointed to
buy an organ for the ohureb'. There were
three organs in the church, oue from Gods
erich, one from tlhirtton and nae from
Zurich. The eoinmittee examined the or-
gan; and accepted Dir Ii 1Vell'a (Zurich)
offer for handsome licit organ. air Well
axpreaaed to the committee hie thanks ter
their traigtitfarward dealiuge of gent:mum
-Le grippe is here and quite a tow ease*
are hears of, but none fatal eo far ea we
The Canadian -')red trotting Straiton Amber,
bg Civer Grit, formerly owned by Mr• P. d,
Prkee. of D antrard, gran 's at the highest* fee
t any of the amnions awned by the rteliau
tioveraruent, which pail O3.ti00 for lam in Her-
man last year.- tax. Amber 1. owned by Mr.
is °JTloeurdtotehke obfesitt nasalolns#s iooCnaonfaatubHere, wapiti
stand at Murdock', stables during the incetn-
iqs seaaert Dee'9 --guts
Air James Derry of Mesial( bas recently
eurahas'd at a Wit g 0g0re the famous re emag
atatlian."Sdinber.i," from Reenters. It is
ab' be -t c)rc:i waft .u'i'.' its the fastest r
n'paatathon everltrau¢bt in -a i'ana+#a, as 11ia
record of 14.s would indicate. IN is a h
earae harse %:I i is a haired by everybody. the.
severiti pil#nts hotels euileraa-
ltart;fs. There was a largo at'eual.tuee
of farrnera at the Institute meeting here on
Mandey tied Tuesday.. A report of the
rrroceeilingr will be given next week. -air.
Jae Berry has said his trotting station
Feernaugbt Chief to American ituyera for
tit large sum.--alIessrs Cook sit Reith. Mit"
lore. have dissolved pertnerahip, Mr Reith
retiring. Mr I':t llosseaberry, has auti'ered
a severe- attack of the grip during the pant
few weeks. There are two hundred canes
in town ; none having as yet proved fatal.
--Mr Thos Berry has male some large
shipments of superior horses during the
part few weeks lir tlerry buys the beat
burette and pays tbe highest pticea.--The
concert ii Caxworth'a hall on Monday_ erg,
under the auspices of the South Huron
Farmer& Institute was a success and there
was a large audience, Tltere wav as ad-
mission fee. The lectures were firat class,
while the musical performance, were of a
high order. -Tho snow has cemeatlaetand
the eletE,'hing is plait. -The Mansion House
is neriine comple'toe. It is ono of the
moot eomnteriioue hotels in the county. --
Mr A Murdock, who was very low of in-
flammation at Goderich a few weeks ago,
is convalescing, and will soon take poa•ea-
sion of the Mansion House in this village.
January 2015, 1690
The newly elected 0°nm:il all present
ail having signed declarations of office
took their seats. tiinntee react and app.
Communications from Wm Raker atating
that certain fences are encroaching on the
bighway. Moved by H Bilber nee by J
Sherritt that the aufiitors'salary for meat
of 1889 be six dollars. 0 Prouty was ap-
pointed Clerk for 1890 at the same salary
as last year 8 8 Nash was app auditor,
and the reeve app Henry Doyle as the
other auditor. tit Fiukbiner was app care
taker salary $20, C Brown wait app Tres:
surer same salary as iast year. Moved
by iV White sec by F Weurth that tbe
Eai•;TEB TIMES' offer for printing be ae
cepted C Christie was appointed Assessor
at a salary of $75. Moved by H Either
seconded by W White that the tariff of
charges to be realized by Clerk in drainage
matters be as follows :-Receiving requisi-
tion and entering in book 25cts, dap to
engineer 25cts, every ordinary communi-
cation 10ets, re° award and making neces-
sary entries in book Mats, notices of hay -
received award each l0cts, copy of each
persons award 25ots, the ac.nal postage.
Moved by H Either sec by J' bherritt
that the reeve discharge mortgage No 6,
and that the instalment of $1200 made by
reeve and treasurer on mortgage No 7 is
hereby ratified. The following orders were
granted : • -Hart & Co election blanks $6 60,
Star office $3 20, G Tapson $4 40, let Ho-
gan drain in S B $2, t=ravel Road interest
$300, R Handford work Ceutralet Road
$11 20, Mrs Newcomb $35, G Lovas wk
151 S R $3 00, J Lamport & Co work
3 8 R $54, S Stauiake lumber 86 20..E
Hosdbine week 3 S R $5 75, Et Roeder
$6 con 83, Air Guenther rep bflg 12 con
12 50, J Iiebler err in s labor 31 65, 8
Hogarth sundry draining aoct 579, C
Brown nomination statement $10.
C. UnorrTY,
As many persons, in pfuttin; up perma-
nent fences, are in the habit of encroaching
on the road allowance. It wou'd be well for
thein to bear in mind that at the instiga-
tiou of any person, saki fences must be
removed within a stated time ander a
penalty of a certain amount daily fat neg-
lect, and the party whose business it is to
see the law enforced, is liable to a daily
tine for his neglect. As quite a feeling is
now np on this encroaching business, it.
would be well for parties, who intend
making fences, to be sure they are in the
right place.
Burns vowed to love his Highland Mary
"while grass grows and water runt," and so
long as nature continues to present these
phenomena it is safe to bet that Imperial
Cream Tartar Baking Powder will make the
beet biscuit.
That uI beauti a, so t glore y a he emach ad-
mired in hair, oan be seamed by the nae of
Ayer's Hair Vigor. There is nothing better
than this preparation for strengthening the
scalp and keeping it free from dandruff and
itching eiaptione.
' Read the advertisement of the Big
Bankrupt Store, Stewart. J.
A..S ewe t prop,
1 .. o
W gderful, during all of January ' you
oan get any kind of; ordered clothing .50
per cent, below regular prices at the Big
l Bankrupt Store.