HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-12-11, Page 11SPECIALS for Thurs., Fri., and Sat.
PINEAPPLE _ each . 35c
...� ...�. CHRISTMAS
lb.. 39c
Mel Cranston.
Among 247 members of lis-estock,
grain and forestry clubs who re-
.cedved cash prizes and other awards
at the 'Huron County 4 -til clubs
Aotievement Day held in Exeter
on I+lriday night were the following
district winners:
Bayfield swine club, 1 d by John
Deeves, R.R. 2, Bayfield, and Tom
Penhalc, RR. 3, i3aytield ; Bernie
McGeean, R.R. 2, Clinton, 910;
Mary 'McCullough, R.R. 3, Clinton,
880; Bill Longrnire,' RJR, 2, Gode-
(AIUBU1LN, Dec. 1Q --Mss. Mary
Ellen MuN'all.'of -Welland visited
friends here at "the week -end. ,
William J. Craig and Allan *visit-
ed over the week -end in London.
Mrs. Craig, .who had been visiting
her daughter, MTS. George Wilkin,
who has anew baby daughter,
Patricia. Ann, returned home with
The Horticultural Socsiety will � sage in song, "TheI3irklt9 of the
sponsor a contest for decorating I King." ter singing " hymn 57,
Mrs. W. : tobiaon contributed a
most °theIptul and inspiring Christ -
Inas message. Miss Viola Thomlr
son and 51re JohnDwrnitt 'received
the offering, `t5oUowed by the deafen-
tory ',prayer. The president, Mrs.
Fred Toll tools charge for Wittiness.
Miss M. Kling, Mrs. D. Fowler,
Mrs. Roy 'Finnigan and, Mrs. Albert
Campbell were appointed a com-
et the, plane. (rhe service in the mittee to pack boxes fare the shut-
Misetionary' Monthly was Used. The 1,118. Miss M. Jackson presented the
manger and the nativity ,,scenes slate of officers for 1953 as follows:
were effective with lighted candles Honorary presidents, Mrs. C: C.
in the background. .. 'After sift Washington, Mrs., F. Toll; Tresi-
muslO the ,third verse of hymn 51, dent, Mrs. A. Campbell; vice-presi-
was read for the call to worship i, dent, Sirs. Oliver Andersion ; re -
and Miss Jackson led in prayer.°cording- seoretary, Mise Margaret
Mrs. W. T. Robison read from Luke,King; assistant, Mrs. E. Wighkmatr ;
2X8-20, the story athe shepherds �.eorrespondtng . secretary. Allis. H.
Mrs. tA. Campbell read from Mat- Mogridge; literature ' and Mission -
thew, 2; 1-12, the stony of the cry Monthly secretary, Mrs. C. M.
Stnaughan ; stewardship secretary,
Mrs. G. -McOlinchey ; treasurer, Miss
Lloyd Holland Clinton, 885; Jacque- V. Thompson; finance committee,
line Cluff, RJR. 2, •Bayfield, 872. .Mrs. G. McOlindhey, Mies Viola
.dwin Dunn, ,Bayfield was one Thompson, Mrs. 0. M. Straughan,
of several winners of special Mrs. A. Campbell, Mrs. B. Wlight- l Colborne Township. For four years
awards. ' I man ; strangers" seeeetaries, Mrs. F. he owned and operated .the Auburn
rich, 851.
'Dungannon baby beef calf club,
led by Chester Finnigan, Dungan-
non, and John Clark, RJR. 5, Gocle-
rich ; Lorne Hackett, R.R. 7, Luck -
now, 008 ; Frank Alton, R.R. 7,
Liieknow, 902; perk Logtenberg,
R.R. 7, Luoknow, 887.
(Huron ,Holstein cult club, led by
Simon1Hailahan and Maurice Hal-
lahan, Belgrave; John Feagan, R,R.
6, Godetrich, 902; 'Edwin Dunn, R.R.
3, Bayifield, 8%; Betty Storey, RR.
2, 'Seaforth.
Bayfield calf club, led by Arnold
R>athwell, R.R. 3, Clinton ; Joanne
McCullough, R.R. 3, Clinton, 905;
wise -nen, and. Mrs. A. Rob asou
,read from Luke, 2:25-32, the etor$.
of Simeon, after which two verses
of hymn 48 were read and ell sang
hymn 03. Mm, Alvin Plunkett
read trout Philippians, 2:6-11. con-
taining the theme for the medita-
tion and pryer which followed,
"Let this mind be in yell which was
also in °heist Jesus," and. Mrs. erred
I'laetzen, rendered n.OQrristrnas mes-
your front door for Christmas when
prizes will be ' a*,anled. Contest
nets will please register with Mrs.
R. J. Phillips or Mrs. C. 31.
Straughan. The judging will be De-
cember 18.
W M.S,—The Christmas meeting
of the' W.U.S. of ' Knox. United
Ohurch . was held in the Sunday
school room with Miss M. R. Jack-
son in charge and Mrs W.J.Craig
•1'A 1 !Ara. Mogridge,Mie. 'Wllttatr cboppiug auIM awl 26 Posts age.
lityraughan, Mrs. E. 'Millis, Mfg; J. ranted to conceogiolon 1, West Wwwa.
Durum, Mise E. Muteb. Mian M R. not r, about Dine and a quarter miles
Jameson ; ,'supply committee, Mr . Us went of Auburn. For a number of
Mogridge, Mrs. Williaul iStratigha yerare he throttled. Mr. Scott was
Mrs Jiannes Craig, Mrs. C. Cox, a inetnber ug Knox LAreebyteriau
Mrs. Jame Jackson, Miss A. Mc- ()hurdle iHls wife died in 1045. Mr.
Ilwain ; - temperance eeeretaries, Scott Is survived by nue son, Ken -
Mrs. (i- Siillian, Mrs. G. Cunning- nett, on the home farm; tour
slam;, social committee, Mrs. B. de ighteres Milts Grace Scott, Kit -
Craig, Mrs. S. Ament, Mrs. F. Tay- chener; Miss Mildred Scott, R.N.,
lora Mrs. K. McDougal, Mrs. N. 5iitchell; Ons. Isobel Gar'di,ner,
E'attetreen,. Mrs. W, Young, Mrs. O. Beumiller, and Mrs. Leo Ziler, De -
F). Krratt, Mrs. A. Spiegellrurg ; trolt. ,The funeral ' was held from
puniest, Mrs. W. J. Craig; assist- Knox -I'+r rby'tenian Church on Fri
ant, music day, with the Rev IL G. MacMil-
bid, S. McCliucirey ; suis$ ofiiclatin The
.cwmnrittee, Mies (Sadie Carter, Mrs. Ian of g.
G. McClindhey, Mee. . Derain; pallbearers wem Juhn Houston, J.
Mission Band superintendents, Berl- J. ROUertson, 7/tiger Lawson, W. T.
lore, Miss M. R; Jackson; juniors Robison, Ed.Davies end Howard
Mrs. M. Bean; 'dower committee Robertson. , The Profusion at
for church 'services, Mrs. Mogridge, flowery was, au expression of the
Mrs. D. Fowler, M^re. G. Sturdy, esteem in which the deceased was,
M!ns. C. M. Straughan ; press eecre- held by a host, of fnlends. , Inter-
taries, Miss M. King, Mrs. E. Wight-.ment was in Colborne cemetery.
man; special fiwer committee, 'Mrs. Relatives and friends were present
I1. hlasotn, Mita. C. M. Straughstn. from Detroit, Port„ Dover, Forest,
Mrs. Toll, retiring president, thank- Welland, Goderic+lr, Mitchell, Kin -
ed those who had "worked with her tail and the surrounding commun-
duning her four years of office. The ity.
meeting was closed with hymn 602, A 'White •Gift service will be held
followed by .the benedletion, using in the United Church this coming
tierce tour of hymn 51. Sunday. This will be, as in other
Robert J. Scott.—•Robert 7. Scott years, a joint service of the Church
passed away on Tuesday, Decembeir .and s�cchool and will be led by the
2, in Goderich hospital, . where ,be mini:Per and euperintendent. . .
bad been a patient for some time junior choir will lead the music,
with a heart condition. "Deceased, under the guidance ofthe organist
*who was in his 70th year, was and Elliott Lapp will sing. •A "Pro -
the son of the late 'A y. and Mrs. cession of White Gifts" has been
Ames Scott of Port Albert. Fol- arranged and a story sermon will
looming his marriage in 1912 to be given. The gifts are to be dis-
Margaret McLean of Kintail, he bributed locally and the offering
(fanned on the 8th concession of will be sent to the Overseas Relief
Fund of the United Church. All
friends are invited.
aF BRANCH 109, cuatAMAN.
Thursday, December
FROM 7 TO 9 P.M.
at Legion . Hall
All children must be accompanied by an adult. -40
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