HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-12-11, Page 6NIX NEWS OF AUBURN t,JISURL�I, Dec. 1O. --trite school section of U.S.8. uo 18, (East Wawa - nosh, started- its series of social evenings last Friday night. It took the term of a miscellaneous t;hower Aar Mr. and Mfrs. • Ralph Hill, the termer Donna (low. Duriug lanai' tour, air. Carl Midis read au ad - trees extending congratulations and feat w•hthee and the ',millennia gifts were ;pre 'nted b, Oawl Aruaptroug, 'Rfi'Laiam Andersen, 'Vernon Nichol- ▪ W ' astd Bill Paterson. air. Hill *pouded very fittingly. Prizes were: Euchre, ladies', high—Mrs. Alvin 'Plunkette locales'. tow—Mrs. Cartiw•right; irents' thigh --- 'Ted Quoin ;' gents' low --visa'► Armstrong; Lost Heir, ladies' high ----Mrs. A. Campbell; ladies' low --tarot Arm- strong; mens)' high—Everett Tay. 1pr; mess' -low --(Freddie Armstrong. Music for dancing was supplied by Mur. and Mrs. Gordon MoClineht y, Arthur Yungblut and Alvin Plunk- ett,. Those in charge of the even= Je g were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arm- -strong, _ Mr. and Mrs. Murry Arm- strong and Mr. and airs. Oliver Anderson. Lunch was served. Ladies' Guild. --The Ladies;' Guild of St. Mark's Church held its De- cember meeting in the church on Thursday evening, December 4. The hymn, "Joy to the World" was sung. Prayer was offered by Miss unison, one verse of 0. -Canada was sung and the Artery Stewart 43ollect was repeated. Mrs. liraduock made mention of the couventiou she had attended in Setaforth' and stated that every meatber of the Institute In Heron County had been asked to at least three goals iu a single gain.13,111 Isiew wmbe, who le at the top of the tearing list, has been a hat winner three blues. while Jack Meriam hats' pulled the hat trick Duce.. Veteran right-winger J'i".m Bisset turned up.at, practise over the week- end and has signified his intention to play iter the. remainder of the season: It is expected that • 'Bisset will 1111 do • at defense. Scoring Totals 'Scorers and their totals in regu- larly. scheduled games. in W.O.A.A. Intermediate "B" play for Santis Pontiacs, including Friday eight's game wadi' Durham Huskies, are as follows: BfaciDO. FOUR TIMES WINNER OF CREAN HAT 'Standing third in tie scoring so tar this season for Goderich Stunts 'Pout-iatcs, Bruce MacDonald has won a total of 'four Crean hats, ttouated by Gerrards, for . scoring make a lot holder to give the 1,500 delegates who will attend the world couvention ate .Toronto next year. airs. D. Fowler, Mrs. William Straughan and MLss Sadie Carter were appointed, a coaumittee to dru•ft a pattern to disteibute among the xnemi ers- at thee January meet- ing. It was decided to send $5 to the War Memorial Hospital. The Januatry meeting will take the form of a birthday ,party, and every mem- ber is asked to 'give a eent for every year, of her age. Carol sing- ing was enjoyed throughout the meeting. A ladies' cluaertettk G. aliillian, Mrs. Fred Plaetze G. IleClinchey and Mies Carter .rendered a number. roll call, an exchange of Chri gifts and ,shower for the Call Sid Society was in charge o Mrs. Gordon feeble and Mr. Roy Finni- gan. Mrs. Gordon It. Taylor read part of the history of Auburn which the committee. have compiled for the Tweedsmuir book. The meet- ing -closed with singing "the Queen." The hall was decorated in keeping with ;Christmas with two decorated Christmas trees with lights. munch Collinson and the Scripture was was served by Mrs. Ernest Patter - read by Mrs. Thoma, Hnggitt. The Dan, Mrs. H. Mogridge, Mrs- C. M. Rev. W. E. Bramwell gave a short address on Christmas in Australia. Following a short business period, Mir. fremwell took the chair for the election of officers, which •re- sulted as follows: President, Mrs. Alf. Nesbit; s-ice4president, Mee John Deer; secretary, Mrs. A. Kirk - column; treasurer, Miss Laura Phillips; press secretary — Mrs. Thotnas Johnston: program oon- vener, Mies Laura Phillips and Mrs. ' Ed. Davies. Women's Institute.. --Mrs. Wes. Dradnock presided for the Christ- • mats meeting of the Women's Insti- -_tute- held _en --the- Foresters' -Hadi- on Tuesday . afternoon. Mrs. R. J. P'hilhips presided at the ,piano. The meeting opened by singing the Ode. The' Lord's prayer was repeated in , Mrs. Mrs. 'edict The, itanas hen's Straughan, Mrs. Bert Daer, -Mr+s. 1W'. Goddard and Mrs. Herb Govior. CHURCH LEAGUE BOWLING Victoria ° A 68 -United 52 St. Peter's 11 51 45 Knox C St. George's 40 Knox B 38 Baptist . 37 Knox A 27 St. Peter's A le Victoria B 16 H ig single—F. Shea rdow n 248; V. Smith 265; high triple—F. Shear- down- -663.; J. McKinnon._. 711., • _ ._i Overtime Thriller Won by Pontiacs from Durham 1542 A crowd of • over 900 fans just about bought the roof of the anent' down on Friday night, when Gode- riek Samis ,Pentoses -defeated Dur- ham Huskies 15-12; scoring three goals iu a ten-minute overtime ,period, in one of the utost exciting oontests played here In saute time. With Iwo ,Huskies iu the penalty box,'Newcombe netted the winning goal after seven 'minutes, of • over-, time. bras*Donald sparked the Gudenich victory• with four goals and two ,assists. While J. Nixon starred for the Losers with five goals, and two assists. Referees Archie Hubert and 11111 Rrtur5ey of Seaforth handed out 15 ,penalties, including two majors, in the hard-fought game. Line-ups Goals Assists Point (GOODRICH --Goal, Turner; de - Newcombe 19 17 36 fense, Arbour, . Beacom.;; 'centre, Meriant 12 17 ,29 Newcombe; wings, MtoDonald, MacDonald 17 10 27 Mariam; alternates, M'aithail, Allan .G (1 11 Rivers, Aplin, Gould, Miller, WP- , Williams tiil- Williams 3 7 10 lianas, Doak. Miller 5 2 7 fU ilIIAM—^Goal, •Reeves ; de - MacPhail 3 4 7 fense, Schenk, B. Nixon; centre, Rivers 5 1 6 Baines; wings,,Faweett, Me(Qreight ; Gould. 2 3 5 alternates, Lake, May, D. Nixon, Arbour ' 1 1 2 J. Nixon, Lawrence, Whitney, Mich - Doak 0 1 1 anik, LeBouohe. There were ov,r eighty million clothes pins manufactured in Can- ada in 14150. FIRST SCHEDULED O.H.A. GAME CENTRALIA' R.C.A.F. FLYERS vs. CLINTON R.C.A.F. ELECTRA Thursday, Dec. 11 GODERICH ARENA ADULTS 50c 8.30 P.M. CHILDREN 25c e Rindless Swiss CHEESE Ontario Mild Coloured CHEESE Cl eese Individuals BLACK DiAMOND Kraft Hindi Snack CHEESE ROLLS 1/2 -lb 2SC Ann Page . Famous RYE BREAD RUITCAI(E - 24.0= 3 -Ib LOAF ��C RING 1.39 . SLICED , 7 �1Y RIN6 DEEP CUT 'SPECIALS! $alada Brown Label TEA Aylmer Cream Style CORN Maple Leaf • MINCEMEAT Margarine (Regular) ' MAr►RGE= Yukon Club (Contents only) GINGER ALE Yukon Club (Contents only) SODA SAVE 9%. 1b 99c SAVE 7% 2 20 -oz tins 27c SAVE 10% 2 -Ib tin 3'e�ie SAVE 11%. lb 33c __SAVE 8% 2 30 -oz btls 23c SAVE 9% 230 -oz buts 21c �}ruiE� NEWS OF DUNGANNON DUNGAN'NON, Dec. 10.— The eesssful euchre party at the Dlegltt's Young People's Society of Erskine school on Friday night with nine Presbyterian Church met Monday tables, P'r'ize winners were: High night, Deeen ber 1, with Donald —+51r. and Mrs. Graham MeNee; Murray, feel+owidxip convener, open- low— Eveltvn Young and Gail God- 'rug the meeting with the cell to trey. worship. Atter a Wean, the Scrip- Mr. William Maize, St. Lambert. ture lesson was read reeponsivek,y, P.Q., Who attended the funeral of followed by the Lord's • prayer in This fiatther-lin-flaw, they lute O E. uniisou. "The Touch of Kis Hand in Matte" was also read. After a .short business diaeussion, the meet- ing closed with a hyeru and bene- and Vejetab/eJ P.E.I. Canada No. 1, Fully Matured, Excellent Keepers 50 -Ib bag '2.29 POTATOES diction. Erskiue I'reslyiterian• ()harsh _ on December 3 was the ,eenire for the meeting `of the executive of Huron- M�aintland Presbyteriaal. Donald Murray spoke of the leadership training conference it the Spring. A committee was appoitated con- sisting of Roy Stanley, Bill Schaefer anti Donald Murray. P1nus were made with r e'ga rd to the . visits ulade among the societies of the Presbeterittl. W.M.S.--Mrs. Matthew Shackle- ton was hostess at her home on Friday aftCeiiuon with tahe roll cull answered by 10 members re-. plating a Scriptural verse. Mrs. Henry Horton, president, opened the meeting with Mrs. Shrtckletou in charge of the worship service. Mfrs.' Bodges and Mrs. Iltake read the Scripture respousivebe with the members. Hymn 51 was repeated as ai lrra�yer. M1u-s. Hodges gave a paper on Christian stewurci hap. Mrs. Popp i:ivited tate members to her home for the next meeting en January 9. .The Rev. George Watt,' pastor, i nsita fled the 1953 skite of vtlicers, which is as feltotvs : Pres- ident --.Mrs. Herb Fibnigen ; 1st t�ii-pi-esideut--Mrs. J. J. Ryan; 2nd vice-preosid�ettt--Jtrs. Cecil Blake, assisted by Mrs. Robert Irvin, tvho !areNi.leeioa_-_Ifa:ntl....ieaders.;-...re ord _-. ° tut, LL sceretary�--wire. J. ltuveCt ; i treacmurer----Jars. Melvin Reeed ; Luis �. slummy secretary—Mrs. W. H. Mc- -eel-twee- c:- -.eel-twre;-•Baby_ Band _secrettwyr Mes- ; ;Otto Popp; Christian stewardship .seer eta ry--4Mes. George Hodges; cx►rrespoodeuce sc retary—.Hiss Re- ' beta Snrotul ; temperance secretary t,--,.\ars. Art Elliott ; associate s ec- retary--,Mrs. 11. Horton; supply se*ereta�ry---^Mrs. Popp; literature secretary ---Mrs. G. We tt ; transport - sc .arepary---Miss !Bette Elliott; pi�anistls, eMe . Otto Popp and :airs. M. heed; auditors—Mrs. Ryan.. and Mrs. Poprp, 1 Two but loads of young leen and 'young women of this district 'at- tended the 4-+11 conference !and gar- den elub night at Exeter on Feebly. Mr. Cdaester ,Fin.nigan is 4-11 Club leader aaul•_akns.-..I-loth .1_i Mrs. John Finnigan ,are leaders of the garden dub. j. A barge crowd attends d the silo nee reception for .Me. tied Mrs. :Murray Oke (nee 'Marie Chisholm), newly - Weds.. iWi�Iliy's orchestra ;provided music for &teeing. At tun,eh�ime the young couple were . presented Lby Mr. Lloyd Hodges with a purse of money, on behalf of the many - fniecnds' present and an address Iwas read by Mrs. Jack Caesar. 1'.P.U.--trhe United Chi:reh Y. P. U. met Monday tnighit for the bi- weekle meeting. Wilmer Erring-, kten, .president, opened the meeting with a prayer 'ley Sylvian Stingel. Ilrmn 58 was repeated as a pray- er. The Rev. George Watt showed a films. "Boy Dates Girl," followed - by a di soussion, after which Rev. Watt off( red prorer. I)colmer Maize gave a ' report of the last meeting and recent executive meet- ing followed: by a disdu_saion. The ele�etioe of officers was held ,ail resale d .as foie) v s : Preeiden t-- \'Iilrner I�:rningtv►n ; vieepreeld•ent j--{1Cc'n P4t,rie ; sec ro�tary-treasurer ---�1)clnier Maize; ; a's istant secre- tinry-- Tel-en�,v , Fowler pi�andst- tiorana Sherwood; faith and evan- gelism –lois: Webster;. stewi-ardishigt and training ---(.Shin' y Finnigan ; ,citizenship ,and. community eerviee ,I---�.1im Gra'bam ; 'nasion atud would ' onteen eh - Idi'ili�an Popp ; recreat.ioti and mit nr'--Tean Agree nncl Ronald Aidttrn : In neh roinnrilftee—,Sh1rlev Irim•nigan and merioric, Errington mesas—aranen rot .loy Durnin, 1)6na Iti'vet.t, Norma Errington, Sytivin SI -ingot ; newer co n vene'rs--Ca rlet o n Stingei and George Errington. Mrs. Albert Orser wets taken ill with n weak spell on Sunday morn- ing. bee we are glad to say she is rrtns!tlernhlie improved. Her son Cecil and wife, arrived bate Omit ' dtn�r from Detreit and remained 1111 111rtnrmrih y. Her dhatghter +inaner.• Mira. Ta eft (1trser, Toronto, 'is there this weak and _wilt reran In with Mr. and Mrs. Orser far a while. The t nn'lwroh Club hell a sue - 1 Lola. TW O mean Air Commodore John Gordon Kerr, C.B.E.,, A.F.C., of Arnprior, Ont., will be promoted to the rank of Air Vice Marshal, effective January, 1953, and appointed Air Officer Commanding Training Command, with headquarters at Trenton. A/C Kerr, who n w commands the R.C.A.F.'s Tactical Air Group at Edmonton, wi�l take over his new duties January 8, A�ugtutiaye least week, visited his succeeding A/V/M C. R. Siembn, who has been appointed Chief brother Mr. Bert Maize and rela of the Air Staff. (National Derence Photo) tires fat Crewe. Four more CREAN HATS from Gerrard's for performing the "bat trick" HOCKEY OPENERHERE Centralia R;C.A.F. Fityers will: open their 0.114. Intermediate "13" schedule at the Godertich Memorial Arena tonight, Thursday, when they meet the,Clinton RiC.A.F. "Electra" team. These two' service outfits have played exciting exhibition hockey here before this season but. this marks the first time they will meet in scheduled play. , CLINTON 8 GODERICH 5 Bob Starcher led the Clinton Electras to an 8-5 victory over Gode- rieh Saris PotrtIaes at the Goderieb Memorial Arena on Tuesday night, as he scored three times. Bill Newcombe was high scorer for the locals, netting two goals. The Dlectras led all the way, 2-1 at the end of the first period, and 5-3 at the end of the second. Eleven pen- alties were handed out in tate ex- hibition tilt. tarnbEWCZNEVtaitar GINE AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GMT FOR CHILDREN. A GIFT In Canada there are 5.300,000 workers. Of totem 1,100,000 belong to unions of one sort or another. Skating Certificate GOOD FOR VS ADMIS- SIONS FOR 2200. GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA Phone 721 Ism - wager ryasrnoe� Here it is! The new '53 Meteor ... greatest value in . the low price field! Miles ahead with advanced styling ... miles ahead with striking new body colours and upholstery fabrics . - . miles ahead with a greatly im- proved "ride system" that sets an entirely new standard of safer, quieter, smoother riding!' And '53 . Meteor offers three distinctive series—two instrument panels—two V-8 engines including 120 Hp. . "Fury" V-8—three transmission. See the exciting new '53 Meteor on display now! Florida, Large No. 1. Sweet -176's � doz 25c TANGERINES ORANGES Calif. Navel, Seedless 220's doz 45c LETTUCE Arizona Iceberg — No. 1 each 19c CELERY STNS Bradford — Pascal No. 12 for 29c ATTENTION PLEASE! WE WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 0.00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2$rd, FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. K ' pRIIC*$ EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, DEC. 1$th. 3 -WAY CHOICE IN TRANSMISSIONS Merc-O-Matic Drive or Touch -O -Matic Overdrive (both optional at extra cost) or Silent -Ease Synchronized Standard Transmission. Whit. sidevioft tires and chrome wheel trial rings are oploeal of eadra costa ON DISPLAY TODAY IHovarnment stntistielnns report that $i,560,000 was colleeted in 1951 eta the result of special add anti- dumping dtltles on textiles. • ER cu ay. :the .greatest yet: introduces unified design ldere s '53 Mercury ... with exclusive Unified Design, where chassis -engine -body blend to give greater comfort, convenience and controlled roadability. 'Unified Design also means flowing lines, distinctive styling, com- bination bumper grille, "Interceptor" instrument panel, "Space planned" interiors. Mercury's new; improved, high -compression V-8 125 Hp. engine delivers more power and economy. Examine '53 Mercury ... it's the greatest yet! White sidewail tires, rear fender shields, and bun,p.r•grUIs guards are optional at extra cost. - 11(11(.tiRY Merpor se. 3 -WAY CHOICE 1N TRANSMISSIONS Merc-O-Matic Drive or Touch-O-Matic'Overdrive (both optional at extra cost) or Silent -Ease Synchronized Standard Transmission. seethern at your Mercury -Lincoln -Meteor dealer's ABERHART'i GARAGE . _ DREW'S !TREE* PHONE 625W