HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-1-16, Page 6T$£ lj•t ,RBDR, QF ill', LUUQIA most hopelems. Leeabea are applied to the
pWes where the`fanga penetrated, the skin
aeing fuels scratched, and when the leeches
asetilandn New Station in the 'eat Indies, have donetheir work the neighboring garb
It was ab the opening o£ a glorious trcpl• iawell squeezed with the baud* in order to
talc morning in deemary, 1854, that the little draw out as laugh venom aB payable with
1.600 ton, steamer on wbtctx I had taken the blood, and the Dumker of leech appli•
ppusage oast anchor in the very unhealthy cations varies with the degree in which the
lira remarkably beautiful port of St Lucia, blood flaws; "Q, glue of spirits with a
one of the Cerribbeant Islands. Lofty variety of medical concoctions accompanies
thea treatment after the application of the
leecb, and the residue of the bexbs goes to
make a ponitioe for the wound. The pa-
tient is kept as warm as pQseible and not
from its charm of geographical situs• allowed to go to sleep, nor in he allowed to
tion, however, St, Lucia promiece to play drink save a preparation Made of the berbe.
an impertant role by reason of the Eaglieh already used, mixed with a little lime•juioe
Qovernment,'v having selected it as a piece and a third part at eplrita. The first band-
to atone coal for it* war ebipe, ;amct, as coal age le removed at the end of twelve bourne
meet' be protected, the taxpayer is now once alter witch a second poultice, similar to tine
more caned neon ler a few nmllioza to build first, is laid on for the next twelve bourn,
fortif catkne at the mouth of the barber, to ab the end of which time one may term an
open, the channel, ereet Steno wharves, and opinion regarding the oouree of the patient
pub into shape the venerable Morne fort by the colcda+ion, of the atrflanrnaation and the
that frowns down upon the town of Castries, amount of venom drawn into the poultioo.
In three or four Jaya at the outside tbe pa-
tient baa reoovered,unleea the serpent's ven-
om pierced an artery or a tendon or en im-
potent vein; for in eneli oases human ani
fa eseleee and in twelve or fifteen hours 'on
peva Ie'cribut a hat natures # "
Lebat sesa tells ne that many atka* the
serpent's wound mane drastically by gargl-
ing their throatwith Spirit and then euck.
bug the venom Item the bitten pari, repeat-
ing thin, eperation over and over and pre:armg
aronnd the injured par* at the saute time..
phe risk io great in case any of thin venom
gets into the eyateea by swallowing er other-
wire. Ile also tells of a rnako called the
coubemore, which appear; later under other
Hamer, whets eepe;Ial deligb4 it is to attack,
the Ter de lance, Perhepe the is Cribs de-
scribed by Breen; at any rate, it bites like
a dog, is 'nob pobeenane, and hoe a
head long and round like as eel,
While that of the ter de lance lr toren•cor.
tired and fiat, The ooulentero which Lebec
referral to particularly had been
eaob stage in tbe frog's program' being mark
ed by the extension of the skin of tie make,
which wall ton fee* long- Should ono Of
arastl to nesse « the*, beeata gime a man, the right thing
Mostly grass emleen,ly enb;ed to the to do, aaya the reverend gentlemen, is to
reptblo taste, and In that rima not only wan i 114,z,g, ter the oonlermore getaao MUM bead,
be nob bitten, but noneof the trooper; or Rwy on him tbatbe ie Unable to doublerap•
laborer* *offered An that score, 04® he said idly ; in tact, ie Pas halploen .as a wolf on the
hia 11ajor was walking aver :clue mowu ice running atter a skater. When the
grass directly towarel a'•fer de lance", with- coUiemore and ler do lance meat ooh Is
cut eeeirez it. The beast, however, instead • operoaate by the desire to swallow the
of following the rales laid down for bis gnid.other's head immediately and time euffooete
ansa in such cases by Mr. Fronde, tamely hire, .Uckiag the resit of the body down
Samnned hie cgly head into the matted grasp ; afterward in leisure morneatL
in the hope at eixaping, and in that pesittort 1,030 noticed In 1694 what Ober, the status -
the Major walked over him. Nat only that, alist, asys of thf*sneke under smother Immo,but the death•dealing monster remained in that wham bitten by kiwi venomonr enemy,
that oatrich.like peeliion until the Sergeant be rube bbnfeu avocet en herb celled " La
hadene back Sf,y feet, ploked 411a stick, . mal•nommee, barba flue, polntue, asstzdonoo
and broken hia back with it. the aagro'au toucher, raafa fort *pro an gone' --aa
boya who acted at cur guides were volatile herb which, he *aye, it used by the blacks
In painting the savage qualities of the far de as so antidote to the bite of the for del/One
lance and assured us that many were killed Aa boor Mr. Breen and Pero Labat had
by their bites, but, as I expected, they meld A*
at least ten yosee In the Antilles before
not refer to a single case of which they had
personal knowledge. My well informed Son
SCAM; said tint if the bite was attended to
even within twenty.four hours the victim
need not be laid up more than a month, and
that; lice jeicewaa an excellent thlog as an
antidote to the potion.
No part of the Weal Indies Is se rich in
snake starlets u S. Lucia. Froud* tell,
how this far de lame bunts Ma human prey
by ,creeping along a garden path until the
guileless tourist falls foul of him, when in
the flesh of the eye the fierce beast hoe
stabbed him with fan s that never do 1
than kill. Coleridge, a nephew cf rho poet, Tho,deafre to Impress the reader's imaghi.
who visited the inland in 1825, .gtvee the Arlon induced Fronde no doubt to lend
gentle reader a shudder by eeying that nob ready ear to snake stories—a motive that
even on horseback is the irgni'itivetraveller operated with (quid force when' ho speaks of
5;te7: EROm A seveou MONSTER scorpions, which in reality need never
known ae the wood elavo, whose bite ie ee frighten an intelligent ,person. Lebat saps
deadly ae that of Froude'a horror and whose that ono of hie workmen, who received a
Ming from one of these insects, suffered no
more than from a wasp, and did nob think
ib of stfeolenb importance to coxae working.
In feat, the'workman assured the sympa•
this subject more autho,itative than the yarn thotic misaionary that the pain was " fort
volcanic peaks use abruptly from the
mean's edge and bent the harbor SO
securely as. to remind one of the moat
beautiful of ports, Nagasaki, Aside
Through the courtesy of a gentleman to
whom, I Clad a .lino of introduction, horses
were provided for my friend Page and my.
:self, and we est out for the Memo fort,
perched on a peak 900 feat high. The road
wax macadamized, but So Wept as to be ini-
practicable for vehicle's, especially as there
are no occaiiocal levels to make a primerefreshing. Tbo buts cf =green heavily
thatched and shaded by ceceanub and banana
trees, were picturesque otlects an either
aide ofus, turd increased the rceenahlance to
Jape'where the native hats and temple's,
parched in tea delle, enliven the lubuntain
aides to great heights above the water,
Scsl SEN ABOUT VS W4s ¥Axl:rrzCa.'lT
and moailuxuriant in tropical growth. We
sew no soaker', however, and could lied no
Authentic' account of any cue here having
been killed by a Ter da lance, at being
the snake of'which Fruudo tells meet won=
derful stories labia aeceunt of this island
S:rgeaat of Royal Engineers whom 1
gnestloned told me that he bad been here;
three and a half years and bad surveyed the
hill on the north aide of the barber, where
earthworke were now being erected : that
his Survey was in linea five feet apart and
recording their opinions of the makes there
and as neither Air. Fronde uor M1. Colerid
had spent much mere than as many hours
in St. Lucia, the weight of evidenoo appear
to me, at least, overwhelmingly in favor o
the etatemcnte of the firat quoted. Wo m
rusonebly conclude, therefore, theb maker
like ,harks, wolves, and other savage ant
mels, may bo vary nuts,enetomers to deal
with when desperate by reason of hunger o
a painful wound, but that wader ordinary
circumstances their instinct leads then. to
ran away whenever they menet quite oer
R less taI* of the object they meat,
ge by raison of the operatione of Cauadisn
sealers have orgioatod with the Alaska
s Cnupany. From what the Sun *eye it can
t be seen how little reliance is to be placed on
ay these assertions.
, "Nelly Illy" reached Hong Hong on Tees
• dayleetoilhertripround the globe for the
New World. Sho arrived two days in advance
✓ of her itinerary, but she had five days to wait
for a steamer for Yokohama. She has nova'
traversed nearly two-thirds of the whole
• diatsuce in about forty dere bub the slowest
part of the journey is before her. Not muchMi,
has yob been beard of u Bisland, who is
a travelling in she oppositedirection far the
Cosmopolitan, but the greater part of her
journey so far baa bean serosa the Nolen.
Melt people aro inclined to believe that she
will be the winner In the strange race, as
tho obateelce in her way are nab *0 great as
those encountered on the journey the other
way. Both ladies, however, are aimoab
oertaln to accomplish an unprecedented
likely to; appear ?r these *ens, and depth
enough for any ship in the British Navy
excepting tbe very heaviest monsters—oer-
teinly water enough for all her oruisere.
Everything at English, Harbor is ready for
oocupamoy. It is on a very healthy island
and one well situated, from a strategiostend.
fndan Pale Ale and XXX Bran Mut
There are !even monuments to the ven.
ices olties of Italy to (sionst Cavour, bub not
one in Bonar*
Confound yen 1" Dried en *abbot to hie:
model who was dressed in chain armor
from heed to foot; "can't you keep mill?".
rifles yen pias*, sort," replied the model,'
"ye'veahut a mushkeeter inside thehilmiti".
somewhat singniar vase of blood -poison
ing has ocarred in Berlin,, A woman walked
across her room without slipper,, and a pin
ran into one of her feet. .It was pulled ou.b'
at once, bub the foot soon swelled, with most
violent, psis, and a lector was called in, He
deolared le to be a case of blood -poisoning,
canoed by the colored wool of the etooking,
Re ordered her to he taken art once to an
hospital, where the feet wan amputated.
There are many people a .ve yet veils want
something for nothing. A man named R. A.
Sears, of ¥inneapoiis, eenbautoffereogive,
tbroa piecee of ele.gentlee nphobatered parlor
furniture m an advertisement to all who
would send 90 sauna to pay boxing. tiny !,
sent the Mena). and gat three cuta little iron
toys with plash cease and pretty Salol.
The recipient* were surprised, and yob alms
n ot chits that tbay were badly awhtdied,
for they gob all they paid for.
7t le astima*ed by the New York "Eat
lathe' latlu that the IAveatmA@Ala of Baldish capital
be foreign countries for the current Year will
e xceed $900.010.000, List year the otpital
subscribed to bower and oorenenfe*of all dee•
ctiptlone amounted to 1800,745.000; its 1887
the entomb was U80 880.QQ0, and in. 1896
over 1505.890,.000. Theextraordbnary meg-
nitude of the eggregete of tbeso some stay
give rise to doubt as to the wiedomdlspIayed
to their £nveab rents, bub it leaves no uacer-
tafnty whatever as to the grant wealth of a
country whfoh has Pao much capital te;pare.
[m. this oounection 1t, I* Intonetitg to
tenni that Air. Robert Giff'en, the welt•
known statistician, *etiolates tite acaurnu-
l�at,t0ady',wea tb of Great Bitola at 210,600,-
Speaking of the foot that under the now
lease at the. Alaska seal fitbariea the bisalt-
atbon of the catch lar to be reduced to 69.000
instead et 100,020 as at protea*, the New
York them quextlene the neetwatty for the
reduction, I* sane ;Itiaperfectly evident
that it Is for the interos* of the Alaska Com
menial ;.ompaay, which wishes not only to
rauow its lease bub to do so with the lout'
possible competition and an the loweat pos-
sible terms to magnify the extent of the
Illicit poaching and its injury to the coals.'"
It la well to remember thao all the aaaertloas
so freely wade duning the past year or so ss
to the danger of extermination of the far Boal
inatinote are no lees desperate. Neither of
them gentlemen had seen any snake in St.
.Leola; no mare have I. But ib will never
do to leave the island without eomethingan
of an Engineer Sergeant. mediocre," and by nighb the pan heti quite
I therefore take pleasure in asanring pro•dne
nand at
ong with the swell'm
opective travellers to thio plane that in 1844 Every schoolboy knows the beautiful poem
St. Lucia was pronounced to be "infested by Wolfe called "The Burial of Sir John
by countless reptiles," and this from the pen Moore," the same who audited in robbing
ia# one Who lied resided thirteen years in the Sb. Lucia from Franoe, and for his eervioes
Awe, Mr. Breen. BM hie snake story was made Qovenucr of the place, In stroll.
and Coleridge, in that he appears to know rite lruJxsxlo nun S
differs materially from those of both Prouder about
pe_ither fer she nines porwoof] elate, but tell" bf the Morns Forb ib is pleasant to think
that in this lonely spot once laved the hero
whose name and fame ere now on the lips of
millions of children in all lands where the
English language is spoken.
This fort, formerly galled the Morne For-
tune, was a feeble affair during the French
occupation and surrendered to the English
in 1794 without firing a shot, although the
French commander, Gen. Ricard, had 300
men ander him at the time. R'card, by the
way, was strongly suspected of treachery in
connection with this surrender, for he asked
the English rah to send himto Am
erica instead
of to his own country, anticipating little
pleasure from remaining in the 'service of the
Revolutionary Government of the Paris of
that day. His position could never have
been taken by storm, for even in 1700, when
Lebat was there, he says that "10 men
could crush 10,000 by merely rolling logs
down on them," In the seventeenth cen-
tury the Morne and sister peaks were
refuges for the deserters from men-of-war of
all flatlet's, who retreated to those pinnacles
whenever a ship hove in sight, and .managed
to have a very good time in the intervals,
for food was abundant and easy to procure.
It is popularly supposed that the English
captured this fort by storm, but this is a
mistake, if we may believe the Chaplain of
one of the war ships engaged in the attack
upon the place in 1795, who himself accom-
panied the troops during all the operations
and witnessed Ricard a surrender.
Since the British Governmenthas changed
its mind and concluded to put Sb. Lucia in
a state of defence the barracks on this lofty
pinnacle are being pub into habitable shape.
Carpenters were at work putting down floor.
ing, and ib cannot be many months before
this ruin is converted into one of the most
agreeable residences if not the strongest
military posts in America. The buildings
are of thick masonry or brink wake, ane
designed with taste,
The British taxpayer,: in oonjnnotion .with
the West Indian, ba nailed upon to spend a
large amount of .money in ,St. Lucia for the
purpose of erecting here a coaling depot.
If the island was famed .for theexcellence
edits climate there would be good reason for
keeping troops here ; bub on the contrary,
it is notoriously a bad place for Europeans.
As if there were.no other coaling station in
the Antilles, we could imagine the expendi
turej notified; but therein a most excellent one
on the island of Antigua, where ships draw-
ingtwenty one; feet can haul up alongside
a magnificent stone dock and bake in coal
with every convenience. English Harbor is
the name of the place, a port 'sheltered from
the wind and
about hick '
w in ti
millions of pounds ' timespast,war A p da have been spent for war
defence. Only the other day I inspected
there mot ample spaco for the largest fleet
of a nbfqulboua "yellow asepant, whose bite,
however, maybe effectually cared if prompt.
Iy attended to, and from what 1 learned in
Castries I am disposed to back the state.
menu of the thirteen -year reaidenter as
against those of the two gentlemen fiat
quoted, though the one be a historian and
the other the son of a Bishop. This yellow
serpent, however, has an enemy oohed the
oribo, who is both aggressive and powerful,
and attacks hie yeilowahip at eight and
withcnb provocation. Mr. Breen says that
the elle serpent w a enb in these sae samba
y ba usually
comes off second hest, and that the cribs s
so clever that when he is through with the
fight he rolls about in the leaves of a plant
called Pied poule, which operation not only
counteracts any evil effect' from the other's
bite, but ants as a tonin for more fight of the
same kind, so that ultimately the oribo is
sure to gain the victory, whfoh he signalizes
by swallowing his victim whole, commencing
with the head.
Sometimes the oribo is called upon to
swallow an adversary longer and bigger than
'himself, an operation that might discourage
one Iess fruitful in resources. The work is
accomplished in this wise: The oribo swallows
as much as the cubic contents of his skin
permits whereupon he goes to sleep until
time nerves him for a second effort. He
then stoke in what is needful to keep him-
self distended, and thereupon once more
r t and alae repeating a
p, p g b hese oper-
ations until the apparently impossible task
to accomplished, , namely, swallowing more
than himself.
No one since 1694 seems to have become
t.t`er acquainted than the Dominican
missionary, Labab, with this much -dreaded
beast, and ib somas but fair to quote our
clerical pioneer, on the subject,' for he had
practical experience with ;his snakeshlp. To
begin wfth,. Labat agrees with the best.
informed Creoles of to -day that the bite is nob
necessarily fatal, and that the method re•
sorted to by native medicine men, or bush'
doctors, as they are called, is as follows :
"First, bind the bitten member strongly
seven or eight .fingers' width above the
wound and walk home as gniukly as posse
ble, without touching anything to drink, 'a
twins du'on ne venflle boirs de ea propre
urine qui dans oette occasion est un puissant
oontre•polson.' 'Walking fe under the oir•
cumstances, very, painful, owing to rapid
swelling, but it roust be done, Sometimes
the victim, in drawing himself away from
the bite,'breaks'away at the same time the
bioh of course produces
w p a duces the most aggro-
anted case, unless it be that the venom has
been poured into an artery; when it fe al.
.S Former Manuel Bridge Projeot.
The prcj:ob for a bridge across the Eng.
lith Channel, says the "Engineerirg and
Building 'Record," recalls a scheme of th
name kind proposed twenty years apo, beaid
which the present one appears tam
indeed. In 1868, according to an old volum
of London "Engineering," the French limper
or endorsed a aeaign prepared by M Marie
Bouteb, who was called an. engineer. Bente'
modeetlq proposed, for £8.000,000, to build
in three yearn, ten opens of 9846 feet each,
with a capacity of 24 loaded trains at the
centre of eaoh span. There were to be five
parallel rosin trusses 198 feet deep at the
ends, and 51 at the centera, each truss fear-
fully and wonderfully composed of .120
parallel (nearly) horizontal iron wires 2.inch
cable in the same vertical plane. After being
woven together by cross ropes they were
to become endowed with enormous resistance
to flexure and aat as rigid. beams.
wrought -iron piers were to be floated on
buoys, adjusted by an enormous set screw
in the center. and leveled on and bonded
with the underlying eand by sorewpilee,
much like the adjustment screws or level
The Lass 0' Logia.
Annie wi' the gowden looks,
Brewed lass on Louie braes,
Where, npspringing'mang the rooks,
Hazels cluster wi' the elms ;
Proudly waves the thistle braw,
Golden broom tee poets praise;
But the behest flower o' a'
Is the lass o' Logie braes...
Shepherd lads on Oohil'e steepa,
Dand 'ring through the heath and whin,
Sigh for Annie, while she keeps
Tryst wi' me atour the lynn.
And she's promised to be mine—
Mine for aye, whate'er betide ;
Bide awee, she'll no repine :
Soon she'll be my bonnie bride.
Winter soon will pass away,
Though the days be long and drear ;
Summer brings her bridal day—
Parting wi' the braes sae dear.
Far free Airthrey's bosky bower,
Allan's stream so clear and bright,
Though I gae; at gloaming hour
They, dear spots, will rise in sight.
Farewell, Logie'e bonnie braes,
Lonely wood and ferny dell ;
Oh ! what memories ye raise ;
Wae I am to say farewell.
Wae e'en though l've won the flower
Fairest found among thy rooks-
Wee till thou'rb set in my bower,
Annie wi' the golden looks.
A Scant Pattern:
Mrs. Bascom (rushing into the house with
a scream) : "For mercy sake 1 Ebenezer is
down in the pasture and the bull's goring
h1mL Deam
r s ak ornails fnobl through
. ( "Indeed b y, owah.
half a dozen pins)d1 I didnt
know as there was enough material in
Mr. Bascom for that 1"
Highest awaras ana Medals for Parity land Excel-.
Inceo at Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia,
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Rev. 1'• J. Ed. Ps e.Professor of Chemiatry /anal Uzi.verPity, Quebec. says :—^'t have analyzed the Indian Palo'Ale
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forted it u lighta?e. eenteluiug but litho alcohol, of a dolt--
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ous iy with any iapported arti.l•e.
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Pref« Loisette's
la spite of adulterated imitutionr whttah mise the
theory. and ptaotiasiresults etthe Original. la Of
site aroaaeet mterepresentati001 by Carious wouldloo
oompetttorn,audiospits o "baseat ptatorob'"biat
of the fruit of his *bora, fall of which demonstrate the
undoubted superiority and popelaritzof his teaching)
Prof. Layette sArt o Never .Oersatene s reeojtiiaed
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M f arae e
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tally studied hi W b correspondence, showing
that his Sys , .. on K tehifa baigq tudfed.got
reading.o i ` a ocwcI,eke. ,AvxIirop.clu,e
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superfluous hair withoutnurto rue akin.warrantedPrice $1.
rourdtl toeadaye. warranted. Pricoforae days treatment,
, Baw7i , . '9 •pmebpoe.,pDint is amat1nAit le i halm.(ottab7o or nlaskonable—TT POLES Ugh*
V'o1LPUz.tNon PILLS" -lose 1611,,,' a month. They cane,,
no sioknoss ; contain no poison, and never fail. Price for one
t10nth•e treatment. Sea. or throe months medicine, 06.
4 atirarlbed.
Wattleskin,develop the form. Harmless. Permanent
lnt.,; ;Warranted. Price 01 a box, or aft boxes for $6,
A'ohs lml,P,7313114Ill GIOVANNAN;
* 296 Bing Street West Tuxontm, ec"ate
Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78 New Oxford Street,
late 033, Oxford Street, London.
tr Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots
If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, Landon, they are spurious,
Exeter Lumber Yazd
The Undersigned wishes to informhepublic in general that he keeps
—constantly in stock—
A large stock of hemlock always on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding
dr ssed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doom,
Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, &e.
SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.--Sompetition challenged. The best and the
largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1.
All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for : use. No shrinkage
assured, A call will bear out the above,
TH t�
OLD EST � r�
.ABLIS F G{l Y �i/ 111,
13. �D S
Hay Township Farmers' Mut..
• ual Fire Insurance Co..
Live .Stook also insured, when in the .fields,
or on the road in-oharge of owner, or,sordants
alsoinaanfaotnrer of the. Improved Surpries
washer and Wringer Machines. ',Agent inc
Tomb Stones, and the Watson .Implem eats.
Uudertakin8 promply attended to.
z kcam ;zr ;.
:L talent 3F,JkXOR EiLla:ES$,r� r li , 1 crrllx• ii^
t...sE Hops
anto' ed .
. :1:
10ra.:itiall ors. Stook ea7il lata with iast-selling aoeClait,,G.
PIT ;mar ,vr.at . ae Gse'Write 1
Sd.8tD4„1S C-
axen, ^Fai 6 a 4ro(This nus l ,.labIa.