The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-12-04, Page 16Q79"3IVVi"I09"$t74'R.1d":3'a9'tt� -For Your Christmas Confectlonery IT'S IK Blackstone's "ON THE BROADWAY OF GODERICH" °t 0Ai 14111:41r41114-4:114-41-4 TA B' ``U YOU MAY' HEAR Rev. Jack Vanimpc, OF DETROIT renowned accordionist and speaker on radio and television with Mrs. Van Jmpc, pianist and vocalist. This' couple has rev ntly 'returned from Belgium. Art 4'l11h will a4141I'4'' the 1'4114,4 1 Shin,. 4l;irk blue 114'4•.,:4• 1144• .!'4 IN THE CLINTON DISTRICT 7"4'''4,41 4 .4,14, 4411 F1'141;t , , Ilt-4.4'1u;„ r 4,1` 1.141,, 1ri441-, ,,11ut,'+t tuira,•ul- 1'.: .i nonsb•r of exih,! u- ss„,..- , 1-;1-11,',',•,',1:rl;C %%11,1-4. 4'I11'lrli4'.,is .1,4,1114. )1;. V4. f;ail,'41 in 11:44 4'xt4'14I4i14:44:„n �) 1►41r 4'',11g;t':ftlt4:11;„II- t,. 11:4• 1.14 ,,f ;:4,'41-N'.•e41. ;I .,•4,arriz.• or Ii",rl.h Saturday,,Dece lJ :0014•, Jlr. l'Aisv.,1,1 s:r,1;:;. 4'44;1111,14i:1 farmers. ' At the 4 14,1111,444 corn -h•44%, h4',4I _- R i'.M. 1iv! nl,er 1.1 io for ell••"prul' t'!'.4• ,114-A11,14E:in 1:11,4,r income reaeh4'4I ('i.1"'POS AREA1,(0.'f1I IOi{ " :1 ' •►1111,4„• 11 r. Kenneth S„«erhy ' the aII tiu4'r• 'non eh;1 illy p0k of (':1511+,, 11:,41 the 114,11 'r or 11 inn II r,,,,,,,,, $1-W,',000,-000 in July, 111.7,':: labor prize f,.r 1+) e.i r' ,f p; i-14.1, }14. 11.;41: - income for 1lie "whole ye:Ir of 1:1:;:1 II 114,kajg: corp. t1':4),F .'`�_',:,ti:,.4$4,(MN/. �iOOPER1011 BIGNAIATAR WINGHAX *AN BRADS 'CountHealth' Unit Board Requests TnIPILEAMOZ GROUP y Provincial Regulation of Abbatoirs The annual meeting of the Huron 1 4. i t h. id i4, .1ittnsrll 11.1.1441 Church 01 11'e4111c»41., of 144*, ween. with i largae utl4:ndance t1..'l ► 14.4 parts 4,t t11e c•vuuty. 'Two inspiring addrt•itst a were de -J. llisercd by air. Ituy.1 11.4uitua of tlgl• t.lIt,lrto 1'ederat1ou and the ! Huron t.'auuty 'health Unit board, meeting at Clinton last 1'1'bursday afternoon, was informed iby its secretary -treasurer, A. 11. Erskine, Goderich, that the unit hos been operating within Its 1052 budget of $50,000, at which 50 per cent 1s rcvuveruble trout Ilite Pro- vince. The bound utppravett next year's budget at thte ' time amount ex that of tIilld pest year. ° rl'he beard passed a resolution which svi11 be furwurtled to the provincial 1)ept{rtment of Health requeatiug Utast, regulations regard. lug abbutulrs be created under the Pilt►lie llealtb Act. Progress Report A p►rogress report from June up melt the present date, as prepared by Dr. Thomas 31elady, labile -health veterinarian, ineluded u de- scription of the 'specific health prob- lem 1n the county and indicated a plan to be followed, metiliodu to be used, and provision for tile evalu- ation of results. 1)1,, Milady's report hs as follows: 'rite supervision of fluid milk and meat supplies In Huron County constitutes the work of the project. ('rhe county's population is 40,000 and its area is 1,213 square lnUes,. 'Pliers, are apr►n►xiU41tely 75 dairy farms and 13 dairies supplying milk to the Iiuron County consum►- ers. '!'here are some 30 (slaughter houses, Which are used by the. butchers to supply-.asizeable pro- portion ortion of the meat used In the county. Other phases of the health problem include the inedible slaugh- ter houses, piggeries, loe•ker plants( :Ind butcher 1110p14, In sr step to ltrylrrove the quality of raw milk, the plan will take the form of an .Nfucstion program with the pro- ducers and dairy operators, An in- centive to refractory students will be supplied through the enforce - 'tient of existing legislation au(1, where necessary, 'abtsalnf ther control through Jrlvnicitnil tis ws Bev. II. A. l►i1•kinson .,t North I Street l tilted Chur.,'b, 4, tloderich. tilt. aluuttuu stressed the import - twee of educating; 1111 yuuug anti outlined tnethed,s for teaeblug the beau. -lila of ,sohrlety, Few Complaints "1 have lived for -a year uud u { hlslf in un urea nude?( tate Canada ;Tempt -ranee Act," said the Bev.. 'dr. Dicklusiou, "Uurfug 'that time 1 hose heard a few cuutplaiute !because the uct does not bar all liquor from the ureu. While we all iknow that 114) act is perfect, I have come to feel that many people 1u Iitirun County Just don't know what it 110.1us to live outside a restricted :a teen. During the 11111 I have lived in Goderich, 1 have seen very little drunkenness, even during 0141 114)1110 Week, I have ,44:4111 110 woman under the influence of liquor. In an area with beverage rooms and liquor stores,.I have seen more boot- legglug, ,1I•tsrrk,; monopolizing the .1444sv4Ik, vomiting on the street and 111 stores. One I saw full through the display window of a 1 r t/de and once a mother .and son, { ;1 r11( in arm on the street, singing 111tt13, immoral song at the to1,s •,f their voices. . . 1 am, for the 4':tnad:4 TemJ1'ranee Act." The nominating committee re- ported :a new slate of of)leors for the 4.01111118 y -ar. 31r. Frank Iiow- .4,14 4.f t,1'il,gtlanl was elected 141,4 .rd4'l,� KI 'G�SBRIDGE hl\e,14.11Itll►t;E, Dee. 31isres 111,rion and Dolores 1)4I11on 4,1 De- troit spent rhe week 4•1141 with rein - tiles here. i (>;ODERICH TOWNSHIP a1rs. '11rrray and w,I1 Ittily of 1 11el roll V 1((i 14 111111 John (►'('ontsor (Nri1I 111( li '1'(141' ~fill'. 0.-.•. lever $u11.k1 . 11 r; and 111,;. Br4p•k (►1,r ;and Mr. lknt Fra.vm4' :and friend, .311ss I)4'+yc•r of London visited at the t:,n,ily were 4.414''.1, of Mr ;41141 11r F'r;I;vne home,' over Sunday. 4:,,r414.11 •4WI' •,ver. the Wielf-411,1. Miss Framer of liesso11 spent .I, hn 4'.4:4„uel: i► 111,1114' apt -4.. Sunday with 31r, and lits. Eugene .1s -ruling the-11u1n,1-r sailing, 4,n the k1-ayn4. -11rn, Mary Austin ,'arse home rt:,(los • ; from the hospital feeling much 11 r. :,1141 11r.. 1're.41 11'il. ,u. 4;ode • better. •1',1'1,, `.44.44• !I11111,,C 1:.i1„r" :11 :he 41r, 4•,,ri4 ..�1►rill4 iK-.'rv1118•4,11 114,1114• of lir.'an41 11 4;.•l,441 ((r: the jlyrty this week. 3,1 Lin 1111141 oi" t le• a ;''(I,- , h ! COLLEGIATE 1111111111111111111•11111111t- y..-J,111...o,.. 411. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTO!_ SATJRDAY, DEC. 6th. Ann Page Famous FRUIT CAKE 'IEW IMPROVFn FORMULA 3 -Ib RING Si,39 ib 49c 2 -Ib 9 5 c 4 -ib SLAB $1.71 Vigorous and Wittily BOKAR COFFEE Mild and Mellow EIGHT O'CLOCK Rich and Full Bodied RED CIRCLE SAVE Be Ib bag 93c 3 -Ib bag $2.73 SAVE Se Ib bag 88c 3 -lb bag $2.S8 Ib bag 91c • DEEP CUT SPECIALS! Christie's RITZ salads Fuel BAGS - 1 CRISCO ...blacga►rine .�, • ThLLSWEET and Vegelahli 3anada, No. 1, Fully M,itored P r. POTATOES !MANGE; hPFLES Ont., McIntosh Red, Best for Eating APPLESN. Spies, No. 1, Best for Cooking CARROTS Bradford Marsh, 'Tender Crisp, No: 1 3 lbs 171 S0 -Ib bag Florida, Extra Large 176's 1,i8 do 39c, 6 -qt bask. 79c 6 -qt br,sk. 7 9c Arr'.e Page KETCHUP Dr. Callcrd'a Champion- Dog or PET !'OOD irtnct e ; n t': z,11c i WNW r CHEESE MINCEMEAT Christie. _r'r'mium SODAS 13 -ox btl 23c Cat 2 tins 25c v* -Ib Z%4' 2 -Ib tin 39c . Ib pko Z4c SAVE 14% 8 -oz Pkg lBc SAVE 14% box of 60 67c • SAVE 6°/. lb 31C SAVE 11% lb 33c Ann Page MILK BREAD SLICED or UNSLICED 24 -oz loaf 4c WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT ANNE......._... Yul,on Club (Contents only) -New Low Prices GINGER ALE Dole Crushed PINEAPPLE 20 -oz tin 29= Fancy Grapefruit JUICE Ann rape, 4n Tomato Sauce BAKED BEANS 2 20 -oz tins 27c A&P Choice Purple P*U'NE PLUMS 215 -oz tins 33c 2 30 -oz btls 23c 20 -oz tins Z1c Could Improve Supply The milk supply from the Mutein ('ounty milk shed can be greatly improved 1»' imI►r4-s4lsing the, dnIry farmers 84.1111 the in►p ortance of (3'airy farm milk eoolers in the production of yule, quality milk. I .('Iasse liaison with the awned ser- ' through the eons►nand hygiene 011te4=r has been instituted. 1x5.41111,.4 ,1;f the• need for toeal supervision over the milk supply 14, the UA'.A.le", st811ons at Clinton :lad Centralia, Additional service - to the dairy farmers 1s avail:l1le In the form of asxtstanee in the control of 111:14- , this 11 hru0i110as in the dairy herd, with fllrth.'r expansion Orf this work planned. The evaluation of 'the Improvement in the ruse milk !supply ly will be measured by detltr•- tnilIIrIgthe 4)•h:s 11re 1►i percentage a ,:14i!8-factury 1111Ik oattip! VS 10 1hr' l,ublit. 1►egl1th 1ai,oratoriess. The 4s1ucatlona 1 program with the butchers swill be similar to the milk program in that it will be utilized with legislation being 4'nfore'd nu a la,: resort. Thr m0a1ure of pro - 1 cress in the project respecting rne.l t ;141114l►lies is not ,$) (,Awious 1114 1141.1 fn the milk control program. This is due to an increase in numbers of new i11sta1lat1011s, Itnprov:d estal,lishtnent44 and animals 111.- ,sls'4 -t txl. ,The veterinarian stated in 4,is- r4'turrt that satisfactory 4-ontrol can its. instituted :end exorcised over, the ether plosse" of the health pro- ! gram. suet' as daughter 'piggeries. loekor plants 141141 101(0144.1. ;ships. ;1,14 animal ease -finding ,11111 e.lucn(14,11111 Jirucelh,.is program i ('.11)141 by Launched when tete per - mita. A survey of„ 1110 county stiuuld Out be uecefgxary to deter- mine the extent of animal infection, Ke por$s On Parley Supervisor of 'nursing for the unit, a11s1( �esrult Cunssiusbrtiw, In reporting on the Awerieuu .i'ut►lle Health (_.'unveUtion She attended re- cently in -Cleveland, staled that 15,8. citizens, wiio often have uwre money than cunitdlans for health surveys, oxo enypbaryring more 'mythologists, sociologists a n d beaitlir2ducators lu• the health edit - dation and approach to community health programs. She stated that they were attempting to do some- thing that Is very difficult to do, that is, to measure the Amount of success of various types of ap- proach to health education. !'.residing at the meeting was t°►oatd chulrurtan W. A. Galbraith, 3Vingttatn, and present were mem- is.z's, Karl Campbell, IR,AI. 1, Exeter; Frank Sills, 'Heaforth ; Murray Johnson, Winghani ; E. H. Snyder, It,it. 2, Clinton, along with '1)r. It. 31. Ak}ts, the unit's director. PORTER'S HILL 1"OKTN,Jt'S 11I'LL, Dee. 3. - - A social evening was held in the school -house on friday evening In honor of u rcecutly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. W. IL afotterssbead (nee Audrey IIarris). The first part of the evening seas spent 1n. playing euchre. ','hose getting the prizes were: Ilig11 lady --Yvonne Harris; high gent --Allen Betties; low lady -Mrs, .1. Harris; low gent -.Nelson Williamson, The young errsple were asked to come forward and an address was read 1►y Wil- fred IUeke-s and a lovely t r'illght lamp and cake plate were presented by Keith (ox, The' bride and groom thanked their friends for the lovely gifts in a few well- chosen words. Lunch was then served. The' Community Club has decided 110 omit -.its. Dm -miser meeting, Jug to the lousy (Shr(sttmis season, Iloweveer, it will be held a week earlier than usual, ,January 1.1, :at Mrs. John M e('owan's and the pro- gTaua will be curried out the same 44•:1/4 decided for December. Don't forget the Sunday 4.•111'•;1 concert to be held - In the basement I of ' the ehureh on Deee:,(jer 12. 1 1,e'eryoIle welcome, WESTFIELD '4VJ';S'J'1•'IELD, D(•r. :1. (;114'1.41 . t the hone of Mr, 'and Mrs. ('1arerlco ('ox net Sunday. wore Mr, and Air,. D kola Id Sprung and chi1(1ren of llnIlett Township aril Mr. and 31r.., Mel ('ox and Beverly of (;odc•r'i,•h. i Several from the r(11111y a1t4'14d- Id 4110 temperance meeting at Ault - urn ell 11'edni's(Jay afternoon. The W.M.S. had ss social even:lI at tht• church on Friday night, W11011 a ea11ple of Christmas films were• shown, After ;c short 4)111- grarn of pria.110 stilt*, duets and readings. hinr•h, conWistipg 'of s11nd- wtelaes, pie and tea, was nerved, Mrs. Stevens of (;4-41er14'h. s144n1 the week -end with , her 4141ughte,•, Mrs. Kenneth ('atrp1xe11. Mr. and Mrs. Karel 11'lghtnlan visited on Sunday with airs. 1lertry Mather": of I,ueknow. Guests on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Fre,} C-iok were Mr. and Mrs. ,lin Bonk and c11ildr4-n of ('rent, Mr. and - Mrs; Bo:1,k 'sr01.1 For transportation to the polls on Monday next PHONE 162 1354J - 412 This ad sponsored by the Goderich Jaycees. IN APPRECIATION of the honor you bestowed on me by acclaiming me as' YOUR MAYOR FOR 1953 4.4 May I assure you I will do mr utmost to live up to your expectations. SEASON'S GREETING AND BUT .WISHES. JOHN E. HUCKINS 48x For Sound, Progressive Municipal Government RE-ELECT K. J. PENNINGTON FOR COUNCILLOR FOR 1953 For a ride to the polls Phone 796M - 1281 y-- 272 As in the past, your vote will be appreciated. FOR RE-ELECTION VOTE WILLIAM R. WOOD COUNCILLOR FOR 1953 FOR A RIDE TO THE POLLS PHONE 403 LEEBURN 11,11•:111'!tN, Dee. a,---.31iss Lizzie Horton has gone to Dungannon to sp►elid the wetter mouths wit'b her brother, air. Henry Morton unit Mrs, Murton. Mr. and firs, Wilfred Smith net torcd to Walkerton on 'Tuesday e4 -ening to attend the funeral of 311', '13mlth's,s'ister, Mrs, John Mar- tin- un Wednesday morning, Mrts. A. 13. Cluttou, sr., received werd of the death of her sister, 31rs. Alex alonteitti at the home of her ..,nephew, lir. W'illiain lfutiiering- ham at Jlrueeileld. 31nr, Monteith was tormerly of Kippeu. )lrs. t.sluttun wus,t utile to motor to 13uee- field on Friday; The funeral was held on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bennett and Terry of Detroit visited reutives here over the Thanksgiving lwliciay. .Leeburn W.M.8.,-!rile Nov4'mber meeting of the Lecbur'n V.MM. was held +1 r1ier honi.e of Mrs, An- drew Bogie with a splendid attend-1unee of members. )Its. J. Morton led the worsJblp service, Miss Belle Shaw led the .rZespunstve Scripture reading and )firs. Bert Bogie offered ,prayer, 51rs, llurrower, who acted as delegate to the:sectional meeting In Auburn, delivered un excellent report of the day's happenings. abet. 13. Bogle introduced the new study book. The articles for the bale to be scent to Labrador were oq display. The bale was valued at ;20. A 'suggestion by the president that the officers remain the sante for the coming year was quickly put to (c motion by )fess Helen Clark and seconded by airs. Wil- liam Bellows. Following the SOCIA 1 hour, Mrs. Elmer hunter displayed a lovely selection of Christmas cants, wrapping's, ete. The Decem- ber meeting is being held one week earlier on December 10 at the home of .airs. J. Morton, Mr. Waiter llurvey.of Bruno, bask., Mr, A. E. Cook of Myth and Slim Violet took of Godenich, air, and airs. %Vatter Tisdale ref Kfudersle_t, bask,, v1.5114d 4)1 111e home of air.. unci Mrs. Maurice Bosnian on 11'ednest111), ,1r. and Mrs. Charles Smith, airs,. J. 1.: 31e1)owell, air. 1;44410;1 e- l-howell and airs. ("llar•Ies 1$righ:iin ;arid Catherine WWere London visitors o11 'Tuesday. - 31r. and 31rs. Duncan M,NltI,',l :an.l 1'113111s of Walter visited els Stin.1ii with .Mr..ss 1141 Mrs. Bos- nian, ,, - nian, Miss Jit•ity Rodger of G4sler'I,•h wee k the spent sp I weekeiul with her par- ents, 31r. and .31rs. 1:wcrs'at itodg;r'r, ; 31r, Harold Itoritllan of Toronto !pent 111e week -end with his par- ents, air. and airs. AI. Jiosm.lot, Jlex►srs, 19111 1141411er and ,'ern Nicholson were :'ort pluton v.islhrrs Over the Wet1k-en(1. THE VOICE OF TEMPER- ANCE , The question was whether or not the new suburban commun- ities around Dallas, Texas, should be incorporated in the city, The decision was that they would not. And the reas: on gen w,as that they did not want liquor outlets in these new housing areas. They knew that liquor outlets in their midst would mean more liquor -more liquor consumption - more drunkenness -more acci- dents -more broken homes - more wrecked lives -more tra- gedy. We in Huron . der not want liquor outlets in our county. We do not want all the nuisance that liquor brings with it. We want the Canada Temperance Act which forbids the opening of liquor outlets and forbids the sale of liquor. This advt. sponsored by' Huron County Temperance Federation. RE-ELECT WM. ANDERSON YOUR ACTIVE COITNCILLOR FOR INDUSTRY AND 'LOWER TAXI$ VOTE 1 JAMES • CH SHOLM FOR THE 1953 GODERICH TOWN COUNCIL As one of the largest residential taxpayers in Goderich and :hav'Ing had eight years experience on the Con borne Township Council, he feels be can serve the best interests of the Town of Goderich today, LOOK TO THE FUTURE - Let's annex more land to the Town of Goderich and be prepared for future expansion. For immediate action on the 1953 Goderich Town Council, VOTE R. B. (Rosie) DESROCH (X) For information and free transportation call 1372, - IF one good term deserves another RE-ELECT CHARLES M. ROBERTSON FOR 1953 COUNCIL, VOTE I S MISS � JOSIE SAUNDE FOR COUNCILLOR More co-operation with the Ontario Department of Education' in co-ordinating recreation facilities in Goderich. YOUR VOTE FOR JOHN VINCENT FOR' TOWN COUNCILLOR 18 SOLLIoITED, I served on -your council 111 1951 and 1952 and I feel with tiiat experience I could give you gots service in 1953. If elected, I shall do my part to see that all matters are handled carefully'" and fairly to everyone. JOHN VINCENT 48x 1 's:li 4 T3 Q1 ® 3 l iJ �F3 �3 V4 's^S e's,311, 13 Ladies! No More Wash Days with the WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat and Clothes Dryer WE HAVE NEW LOW PRICES ON ALL REFRIGERATORS - MODELS AT - $279, $289, $299, and $349 .$5.00 DOWN DELIVERS For your Christmas shopping we have a large stock of CLOCK RADIOS ., PERSONAL "RADIOS COMBINATION RADIOS TOASTERS IRONR GRfLLB DEEP FRYERS - MIX MASTERS COME IN OR PHONE. FOR A DEMONSTRATION VVILF REINHART ELECTRIC79 Hamilton St. - Phone 466 �e F �►�t' �'f, fi� 1 r* Z: t 4 �,`i i~#'� � 1 03 � 1 4 74���=1 " i 43 1 /-i 't l ✓41 �1 T '*4 I III IM rte! ,s.