HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-1-16, Page 5HEN ALL Holiday Sale -0E-- Boots an,cZ Shoes. AT.. $ esololits Below Bankrupt Prices. Alt kinds of Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Goods of all kinds. Veit Beets. Felt Socks, American Rubbers, also TRUM anal VALISES 1 Satchels for ladies of all sizes and styles. Leading lines in Fine Shoes, I have Cooper ,k Snaith':, John Me- Pherson a t?o's celebrated makes rd'}l3E BEST TO WJEAlti, OF ANY 6Q0Ds IN TUE 1)0. M11N1c0l , T bare a large stock vette Bell, of winch I am bound to sett to make room for airNew Goods Arriving Daily '0 Wo reesanable offer refused- 1!ia troul)le to show geode. Bums tend leges taken in exchange far goo Stand-Mc1:eretes Bieck, apposite Rayne!t hotel. A. WESELO , TOT DIf 1TRICT DOINGS, else, ea term Cori rnt News -Theo salvo et t5nea Dietrtct !Mise Mary U311 of Hills Green, died ren ,Ian, 2nd of consumption. The l ucen Gossip Iles changed its name and will hereafter record events in Lire Record. Mr. R. Dookfng of fla'•iiieaville, lost *valuable core taut week. Cause, stats its the etortirtclt A aupper of boiled onions and an rs n ehest. are i plaster o , the €,) st, pre- scribed sass 1? is scribed as a mire cravat for it Buena*, Mr. Wm, Hamilton at Clinton, eras married on Now Year's Day to Aliso cDonekt of Stratford, An exchange sears that a lsi:*)tin,g- case watch should be closest without pushing batik the spring on the stew. On Friday. 3r,1 inst., occurred the death of Aire. Win. Stuart of Ashfield, at the age of W years. ,firs. Wm. Stewart of Sltelborn<', dropped dead at Brampton railway depot on "Thursday last of heart dio- cese. A woman passed a counterfeit 05 bill ot the .flank or Brinell Borth America on Mr. Hain, stareke,-per, Dutton, the other day. Mr Peter Campbell has bought from „`stir W. Moffat of the 4th cors.. Stanley e 50 acres that b.stts his own lot. tie mid $t,t5t} for U. Tho editor of the'Mingham Advance and he at the Brus els Post recently received a Christmas turkey each. The other county editors got the ,goose " Mr. Isaac Lawrence of Hullet re• eygutly got :Ins hand caught in the cog +%te7tesel of a cutting machine, by which why' end of one of his fingers was taken off. Two snakes isave been seen moving around near Dist Wawanosh. The hotel)) were all cloned on election day, else the animals would have been more plentiful. A little girl, Young by name and young in age, came to Wingham on the 7th inat, She is the daughter of Mr. Robert Young, who will remain young until be dies. The Seaforth council granted $50 to provide a supper for the members of the Creamery Association whioh met there yesterday. Some of the rate- payers are expressing indignation. i1r. Bert Smith of Fernhill, narrowly escaped having his barns burnt last Thursday night. He fell from the hay loft upsetting the Ian. tern. Ile was severely hurt but sue- ceedee in extinguishing the flames Mr. Thomas Stevenson of Clinton, a few days ago had the fingers of one band badly crushed, one bursting. As he was wheeling a loaded barrow it fell and caught his hand, resulting as stated. On Tuesday evening last, Mr. D. J. McDonald of Lucknow, made applica tion to the council for a license to run a billiard and pool table in thatvillage, but the council unanimously refueed to entertain the application, A young man named Maines of Hills Green, who had justreturned from the Black Hills, died last week. He was 24 years ot age and was the son of the Maines who was killed in a skirmish near Blyth a few years ago. District Magistrate Barry recently ,4 decided that it is improper to dun a Yldait On- the street tor a debt, that doing so is constructive assault. A creditor, he said, had no right to at. tacit his debtor anywhere else than in his domicile. After a short illness, Mr. Joseph Itattenberry sr., ot. Clinton, died last Thursday morning, at the age of 70 years and 11 months.. Ile is the last of the four brothers whose names are household words in the County of jd uron. A. Seaforth drug store slats had a bottle of beans in his window, and of- fered ,several: pr:Les to those who guessed the nearest nientber it eon- • seined. It was found to contain 2,606 Beans.' The numbers guesaed ran from 230 to one million. The Davis family held .z re -union at the residence of Mr. W. R. Davis, NewYear's Day,42 Devises Mttc Bell, - ._ .. , Were present besides other relatives. Rev. Uenon Davis of London South,sat at the head of the ci'inner table, and Rev. R. Davis of Sarnia. proposed the health of "Father and Mother, to which the oil entletaan, Rev. W. ya g. Davie, r'epl'ied feelingly. Thegathering was a pleasant one, and the day to all present a happy and joyous one. Prof, A. M. Shrieves of Windsor, Ont., and Prof, W. S, Matthews of De- troit, Mich., are now staying at the Central hotel. Exeter, for one week. See ad in this piper, Mr Angus McInnis ot Paramonnt, lost one of his horses last week. The animal seemed apparently all right at night. and was found <lead in the morning. As the section. 'mor of the G.'1. R, were preceeding, east from Seaforth station one day lately the handle of the "jigger" broke, throwing Mr. 1. Wilson on his bank ,n front of the "Jigger," which paased over hint, in. juring him severely. !'here died in Zetland, on the let inet., little Daniel ,Arbackse, aged 11 years. The little fellow had had the measles. from which he was rerovering nicety, when be caught fresh cold, which turned to digestion of the lungs terminating in his death, There died on. Sunday moral ng of last weak the oldest resident of the village of Wroxeter, and one of the oldest inhabitants of that section-- . Tare, A;argaret Dunbar. Mrs. Dunbar was a native of Banfl:shire, Scotland, and died et the ripe age of 93 years tad. 4 days. One, day last weds na Mr, G, Atarri- son. father of dlr. Hugh ttorrieon, lawyer, of Lueknow, warn corning out et the new Presbyterian church building, he ,fell, breaking a couple of hie ribs well na receiving other tniurtes, The old gentleman bas since been con. fined to bed, and is is a very low con. dation. Clinton has epork paokzng industry. An the 2nd inet., wink a son of Mr. Wzu. Spain of Seaforth, Was wrestling All another boy, be fell and broke his lett leg just above the ankle. ft was put up in a Plaster of Paris bandage by a physician in that ton) and the little fellow le now doing well. He wiU he laid lip for six weeks. C. J, Thomas, late at Ottawa, gives the following cure for La Grippe:.- - Take ane cup of beef tea. tea hot as" possible, every three hours, and ane three.gratn quinine eve Ile after ea tfr eup of beef teaFol ow thin up f r 24 hours and you will had immediate re. lief and a posittre cure. Keep your in a warm room while taking the above, For a preventive take one cup of hot beef tea and one three -grain capsule just before retiring to bed for the night. A gentleman wtio once enjnyed great parliamentary honors in the county of Huron, and a very clever scholar at', the same time, writes a very indistinct hand.. At ane tittle a letter written by hint had to be read before a court of justice. The clerk labored with It for A long while. and finally, in despair, banded it over to tine author of the same, who was ata 1054 to rend his own menus:ript. This gentleman does not Mend mono in the learned and `rent who in teeny caeca could not read what they had written, -Wings' ham cor. Clinton New Era During the past fete days considera- ble talk has taken place among lovers of the gun, that awtld cat was roaming in the bush belonging to Dr. Sloan, in Rullatt Accordingly several sports have been scouring the bush in search of the animal, but nothing definite was done until one morning recently news camp that the animal had been shot but had been lost in a hollow tree. A pat try was at once organized, and a tramp was made to the bush, the tree cut down by a longlegged gentleman, and the animal captured, but, lo, it turned out to be a cat owl. The cat still roams at large and certain parties say the howl of it can be beard all night long. 1V EWS NOTES. Toe eleventh census of the United States will be taken next summer. An estimate of the population, compiled from State enumerations and other reliable sources has been made by the New York Sun. It makes the population of the United States 64,761,500, as against 50,155,783 in 1880. The greatest growth appears in the Southern States, whose population has increased from 14,638,- 936 to 16,489,150. The most remarka- ble increase is in Missouri, whose popu- lation was 2,168,380 in 1880, and is now 3,050,000. Outside of the Southern States the greatest increase has been made by New York, whose population has grown from a little more than five millions to six millions. Michigan has gained about 400,000 and now has a population of two millions. Illinois has added half a million to the three millions of 1880, and Ohio, making about the same increase, has now about 3,700,000 people. The States whose population has remained almost stationary are Connecticut, Delaware, Mame, Vermont, New Hamphshire, and Nevada. If these figures be correct, the South in the nee Presidential election will gain 17 new electors, the West 25, the Middle States 3 and the Pacific States 4, while New England will lose 1. Canada's Comic Paper. ann. begins its thirty fourth volume with the New Year, which means that this brave little journal has celebrated its seventeenth birthday. When we say -es' We can• without hesitation -that its ability both literary and artistic has bean kept up to a uniformly high standard throughout this long period, and that to -day it is as bright as ever, we mention a fact exceed- ingly creditable, not only to the comauotors of Ge,I1, but also to the C'•anadiau people, rtitthout whose appreciation and support this phenomenon of journalism would have been impossilile. We call it a phenomenon adViseclly, for 'so far as we are aware, there is not another country of Canada's age--:, cbrtainly no other Colony-that.,cau boast of a sixteen -year-old Comic Journal. Gitlr has well deserved its success. It is nob merely a clever and amusing paper, it is also .t recognized pewee .in Canadian. public life, and a power which, we aro glad to say, is always on the right side where' questions of moral principle are concerned. It ought to be a pleasure to every Canadian to contribute to the success of such a )onrual,-ancl the moat practical ,way of, doing this is by subscribing. The price is only Two Dollars per year, or if taken in connection: with Tile Timms the price , of both will be $2.75. Subscriptions may be scut direct to GRIP, Toronto, or 'te this offioe. every Interesting discussion has arisen. 3t] Winnipeg regarding the bi1( of rights whioh was presented to the Dominion Gosernmeut eighteen years ago when the North-West 'eras perohased by Canada, Archbishop Tache pnblishea a copy of the original bill, iu .hich there are nineteen elausee, one of which claims separate schoolsfor the people iu Manitoba. Dr. l3ryco publishes another copy of the ori, i ' Rind, n w hiela there are leanly clauses, none of which refer to the separate schools, It hes been decided that Dr, Dryce and a representative of Hie Grace shall meet shortly and compare documents, The groat popularity of Ayer's Elle as a cathartic is duo no less to their promptness and efficacy than 4o their coating of 'Agar and freedom from any injurions effects. Children tithe them readily. 13ee .Ayer's al- manao for this year, pet out, The grip has caught air John A Mac- donald, though we might say. mildly. . I3USINESt3 REPORT. Mr. James MaDorty, of Rounds 4 Mc- Carty's Collecting Bureau, Drgmbo, Ont„ stares:-`'lisve used eevo'al bottles of Burdook Blood Bittern for kidney die eller And find it a wcudertul remedy. Previous., ly I Pad been taking pills, thinking I bad liver complaint, hut now A am quire well aucl will always praise B,B.B," John Perrin, merchant ot St. Marys, is among another batchof assignments, eflei&lty aunonneed, TGIlAf1 NT.,i OF TOOTHACHE. 1can recorutuend flags -wore Tether Gil as a sure onre tar toutlesche, 1 suffered far several days, thee I 'tented my cheek and rublt;ti the le flow 0it on it and was mmediateiy rcli a'.J, Man. DAY111 0, Amen; Rwswl, Man, The off'+aial urajerity for Mayer Clarke of Toronto, is 1894, t31;UIRING SEA Car#twine rte -teat seal et the American Republic, and R'rrdcek Blood Batters eon- teins the virMee ofro'ts, barks and barba trout our fleets and Wesel, mel dsg a won- derful remedy for constipation. drape{.sia, bilioueneas, bad blood, scrofula and all bkiu dieenase. Aa elderlr womeu owned. Jane Spears ot Agues atrect. Toronto, was found t.rribly bruised and half strautrle:l iu her hence last Thereaay. a rope l:oing Armee her nets when disc.averei. She was ra-41av0,1 to the hospital and +1it-1 shortly after:ver Is, There is every Hvi, ct? t1+brutal murder bas been oamtnittrd, relelery Whig the ouly aa- siguab le owe. Weak oyes and iutlarue i. lid r i 1,lie*lea au impure canditien of the Mood, The 'beat remedy is Aper'a S,trssparille. It vitalaea the Woad, rce,ut<tte a the eteretiona. awe ex pole all serofetirus ftucnprs from tiro axaroan, Wry It. Prim 51, Wrath $3 it bottle. A proclamation. Appears in The Ofliciel Gazette calling the Of'tuitoba Lcgtsletnre together for the de pat::ls of basilicas on Jauuary Uotti. If there aro any of our enbscribers tint havo not triel Ireperinl Cream Tartar Bak. lug Powder, web' all minus urge them to do so, toe it really is the beat He ever fount, and makes Weenier that are really de- icions. A little et. Gunmen's Parisian halm appt led at night. will seen render the hands soft a ad white. Parisian balm is delightfully perfum- ed. Sold 1»' alt druggists.. Wheat is quoted at 03 cents in Grafton, Dak, At situdtuly sitnateci plates in Mani- toba the price is from 70 to75 canto. A WINTER'S TALE. Last reinter my little girl caught a severe cold whioh lasted all season. I dootored with everything leaned get, but to no avail. Finally 1 got Hagyard'n Pectoral Balsam and gave her two doses which improved her, and in a week abo was entirely cured by its use, tins. C. Nonatah, Cornell, Ont. Minister Carling and Deuuty-Miniater Lowe say there is nothing in the report of a movemeut to orlon the St. Lawrenoo route for the shipment of American cattle. FIRST HELP FOB, THE 'VOUNDLD. In all cases of wounds, bruises, sores, outs and sprains prompt action .is necessary ar,d the wisdom of those who keep Hag- yard's Yellow Oil on hand is demonstrated. it is a prompt, effectual and reliable etre for all injuries, croup, rheumatism, sore throat, etc. Used iuternally or externally.. Premier Greenway of Manitoba, proposes having an immigration agency established in Chicago next season. He thinks many immigrants might bo seon.od in this way. Mr. Greenway talks about 50,000 immi- grants for next summer. LITTLb, LUCY'S LUCK. had a disease of the skin for which Ma tried everything she could think of, but without effect, but the first bottle of Bur. dock Blood Bitters I tried, I found relief. It gave me great satisfaction" LUCY VENABLEe, (age 11,) Boissevain, Man. C. 0. RIO:ARDS & Co. Gents, -I certify that MINARD'S LINI MENT cnred my daughter of a severe and what appeared. to be a fatal attack of diph- theria after all other remedies had failed, and recommend it to all who may be afflict ed with that terrible disease. JonN D. BJUTILIER. French Village, Jan'y, 1889. MONEY FOR ALL. VWLANTED-A good energetic man, ur men, to sell our Fruit Trees, Roses, Shrubs, Ornamentals, etc. Permanent employment. Write at once for terms, and sraure choice of territory, We sell only first-class stock, handsome outfit free. Address MAY; BROTHERS, Nurserymen, Rochester N. Y. -8t Nov. 21, When fltbe. wee skk, vte gave her Castoria When also, Was a Child. she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria, 'When she had Children, she gave thein Castoria, &DV1Qi] T0.i0TSDne. preyou.disturbedat uightand brolien of your rest by a sick (Mild suffering and crying with pain of Cnttine Teeth? If so send at once and get a ,bottle of`; Mfrs.' i'ins•lo'n's Soothing syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willcolieve the poor ilttle sufferer im mediately i)ooend upon it, mothers; there is uoniistttke about it. It cares Dysentery and Diarrhlea, regulates the Stomach, and B'oweis,cures Wind Colic, soften" the Gums. reduces Cnflanimationand gives tone and energy tothe whole system.'Par s.Winslow's Soothing Syrttp" for children teething is pleasant to the taste end is the proscription of one of the oldest and best female physicians'. and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Ptlao twenty-llvo °oats it bottle. Be -mire and ask for'+Mns. WxNsr.ow'e Secessreso' Bente "and - n0 other ind. ll A.S.R$ ` REPORTS. nxicerat Red Wisest .., spring Wnea4., -, Harley ,. •.. G ats , Glover Bled , . Timothy *+ Pena ....P, 1.4 Cern ,, ... .. Batter Flourperb'b.l ., ,,, ,,. ✓ otatees,per beeltel ,,, 4.ppres.ts oag •., .,. tfrriodAppleapr b ,.. .., Besse per lb.... TIM Tureevper ne n. .1., thickener lb Obiokenaperpr ,, ,, llogedreneedperiCO Reef liidearongh, " dressed sheepskins eace °angelus Wool Per lh Bay per ton Onions nerbpq Svoodyeroorei ,M ▪ .<: 4T Mines 4 Wall Wheat. 0 75 o >ln spring Wbekat.,........ .,........... 0 7s n 80 Sas ey ,. ,.... ,., 0 35 040 Oat& .,, 0 25 0 25 Clover Seed .............. 3143 50 Timothy 2 f0 4 CO Peas 0 ea 0 se r'.ggs • ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,, ............. ,..,. ,,,,.. 14,015 Butter 14 0 lc rotates'1 ,'lpples perbest+ C ...... 49 051 Wool per lb,. 0 024 Flay porton 7 "r080t] Bran per tau l4 as 14 00 Meets" '■,.,°4 000`2010 Oatmeal per bbl...; •,.,,, ..,., b (.4)7 00 40O 00 6a00 40 350 to 4e •0 I50so7'00 9 0to052 0 20 to. n a 14 *n 016 09Go5*0 40 to 1 6 1C0to11:0 0. 40,40 O06to007 008to 10 009 to 007 025 to 030 450 to500 400ts525 200ta250 330to3Ot 0 60 to 80 050tee9') 0 18 to 0 Tan 70Gto80u 050toOtxr 25 to3o0 LONDON. Wheat 83e to Ste per bee. Oa'€. 'rote 27c per bus. Peas, Svc to .lc per bus, liar - lex, Si %king.43 to 48e per bus. Betio' Feed. 3aio to 41c per bus Core, 45a to 474c per barbel. TOR°I+ITO. Tomato, San. 3#.--Wheat-Sprit] No, 2. FOS to 84' per bus :red winter,No.2. toSi per PIMPS, PUMPS,PUMPS A WANT S CTPPLI iLLD. We will hereafter reeks and &oep OA .hand, a good supply of wooden canape, tvlricls we Will fell at neualpricee, and guarantee teem to ail the hilt with satzsfaetion. Wo respectfully ask a chase of your patronage lit this line, end vie will end . vor t0 supply you with, good pumps, and promptly. ea boli Pallier will be J"irrrlisjsed, When. Desired- Shop ane door south of Pareon'sa Blacksmith Shop, Main,.st., Exeter: W. TR ',VETHICK 03)0 RB NMLL,, AVVIS OT. ' Ari DWARS UIJ 'MANTS LINDERTAK RS, A GOOD SUPPLY OF GOODS. DrALida$ air Ju. vas yrAnryq STOVES & RANGES 411 Kinds of Light and Heavy Hardware. ware. bus Manitoba Neat hari.1 s«re 1 t'} ala. «,`ii 1iE ;,1k it,+#. i i Wit l to i Ci: PEA$ 480 to 6"a pot bus. BATS 22o to;tloper bus. FLOUR, extra. $3.60 to °A3.G5 per bAl; straight roller- -13,Ki to $3.90 ; s'rongbakers,54AOt4 $410. BARLEY, lin 490 to Goa; N`o,2 4l0 to 4-57,e; No 3. extra 3$o to 40s; :t -o- 3. a "8c to 31e. F011 III 'Mrs, JIAP.t\$1tllS, AN11 WAS'T'ING DISORDERS OR CHILDREN. Scott's Bunt/hie of Pure Cod Liver 01), with U l'opl+osipleitea, is misguided, The ✓ apidity with whish children gain flesh tur41 strength upon it is very wonderful. *'I have used Scott's: r^.,nrnMou in canes of 'Malicia and Mammas of long stands::;. fe ev ry case the inrproveitieut was mark. ed," --J M 31Larv, 1i.P.. Now'York. Sold by all Druggtats, 50e. end $I.00 To Our Zrubsct'ibera. The special Announcement which sp, peered in aur eelumns '*omc'tittle since, an' pouncing a operiai arrangement with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co.. of I'lnorburg F*6la, \'t, publishers of "•,AA 'Treatise on the Home and hie Diseases,"whereby our anbaoribers were enabled to obtain a dopy of that vain able work rime by gelding their address to R. J. li ENDALL CU., (And doable a two•cent stamp' for mail. in same) is renewed for a limited period. \1 a t• ust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work lo every lover of tho iiarse it is indis- pensable. as it treats in a simple manner all the die Asea which &illicit this noble ani ural Its phenominal side throughout the United States end Canada, make it titan - (lard authority. Mentiou this paper when sending for it • Treatise." Nov. 4th -]3t LL 'he Caaa Cay1 TMrROv1i D FARMS FOR. SALE Tho following lands. now rented, will bo °non forsato after 1st November, 18.9, when the existing. leases will o:cpire:- Towsantr CONorssio' Lor Hay 13 N.91 Sr E},141, "• 15 N.J. W},21.25 Stephen ............ 14 s} 12 18 Si. ,, Aux Sables 0. E},14, El. Ni 17 West William 14 E. 15 Stanley 8 W}, 7, W&.8 GENERAL TERMS :-One-fourth of pur- chase money down, and ten years given in which to pay balance, at a rental equal to in- terest at5 per cont. per annum. Prices will bo given on application to the Commissioners, CANADA COMPANY, Toronto. October 28th. 1889. Fashionable Stp1c! z 0 c 0 THE BEST VET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET u OA L 7?EL1-VERED ON SHORTEST NOTICE AT LOS\'ESP PRICES. a cal, to CUTLERY% ETC. Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- inga at any price; Pantings at anyprice. est Ordered &thin Induced i Exeter gp n Gentlemen l leave your orders catty, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of .Pine Trimming:, and the bog Cutting 3n Town, you are sure of atisfao- ion. a ,. ofk.. t o Z LL. Emblems 0f the l e .e at Societ ia, J vezythiug z c w and first chit=s.. FUNERALS CONDUCTED AT MOD- ERATE OD-ER TE COST. THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTY. azkythin,g i the limos OCKED WE WU.J START A GREAT KNOCKOUT SALE Thursday Dec. 191h, 1889. AND CO:iTiN1tE THE SAM! FOR• 40 DAYS. Ve will offer our large stock of Stave., 'Tinware, :Tea, Crosscut Saws, Lamps and Limp Goods At prices that will KNOCK BANKRUPT ?DICES into A COCKED HAT. This is no b )mbast but actual facts. A. call only necessary to con- vince ''0U. Agents tot- the Raymond° Serving Machine. All kinds of Machine Needles and Oils. > All accouirs must be settled by cash or note by the rat day of February, 188g. BISSETT BROS. CENTRAL Drug Store limn A full stook of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C LEV'lTZ, FE and WIRER G-00DS_ I have just received any large consignment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for them I am now selling off my Previous Stook At figures away down. I do not believe in (tarrying over goods until another year, and will always sell at ROCK 8flTTOI11 PRICES Mather than hold them over. • MYIY STOCK is the best assorted in town and of first quality goods 1 am here to exebauge goods with the public for cash or pro- duce and am bound to do it. J. P. ROSS, Market Store EXETER. Nov.13, 1889. That we are still continuing our Discoihit Sale DURING JANUARY. 20 per cent. off on Drygoods and 10 per cent. off on Hardware & Crockery 7' OR CASg3. HAPPEL c1L CLEGHORN, ZURICH. N. B. -All parties indebted will save trouble by settling prior to Jan. ISth. DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FIRST -01, A SS FUR ITU AT LOWER RATr,S THAN SHAM GOODS -ARE USUALLY SOLD- -THEN aIALL AT- IL'S --ONLY FIRST-OLASS-, reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so -oat led 'Cheap Houseso' Ctlrll give Undertaking frt+5,i4f 'e ■ L S. GTp EY y (Successor to C & A. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S ELQGE`'