HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-12-04, Page 6MAn HER HAMS Make this Christmas the one -;(1 SHE WILL REMEMBER ALWAYS for your ' exquisite � gift of jewelry. , '� ut��Ett�r�tCtt:�tttc�'�4"'CtC�..tC�GtE(Q�tC , PLEASE HIM TOO, with a gift from ;`,/ among the ed finest names in our wide No selection. ..FOR ALL ROUND BIAU1Y ---AND ECONOMY IN CHRISTMAS GIFT_ JEWE VISIT... 4., East St. THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR CHRISTMAS SEASONINGS Are you 'sometimes discouraged because everything you cuuk seems to taste rather tint and uninter- esting? Perhaps yob have not learned the trick of usiug herby and other seasouinga. 'I'Ihey are the. magic wand that lifts a plaiu slew, or meat pie from the. ordinary .into the• sublime. For the nus-is:tt t using spices and herbs one goad ▪ rule to follow .is to use them spar- ing;ly. Let theta contribute. an iu- delivable, elusive something to a dish without auyoue being able to ;rich out just what it. 15. Condimeuts will come in huudy wheu plauuiug then extra special • (ltristtula-'meals. itiuidentally, the l'i,,i.4.• terms "condiment" may be a little confusing. It is the general term iJ1ii I which covers three types of season - , i lugs — spices, seeds and herbs. lutoug -the spices are the old kit- - ehen favorites — pepper, ginger. kit.,.... and cinnamon. .The seed condiments probably best known -A .are mustard, celery and anise seeds. Wheu 'it comes to herbs we find 'there is quite an array, each with its ' own. special aromatic flavor, which we should learn to 'make I , kuse of in our cooking. Used by Chefs ii I Here are some hints from the home economists of the Department of Agriculture ou the types of herbs commonly used by famous chefs to add pungency and•zest to favor- ite dishes. The ones they talk atout are the ones most frequently found ons -your grocer's shelves. .First, there is basil. The Greeks gave it its name which means '.kin;;..—king of herbs. Its flavor goes well witb all tomato dishes. Bay leaf is a rather potent herb but used sparingly it adds much Ato. braised beef, soups or stews. The there is rosemary with its' gdistinct pine-lik., flavor which sonic like to :add occasionally to potatoes,0cauliflower or turnip as they are cooking. `!'here is 0 story that if k roesemary tjjourishes when it is k grown indoors- it shows that the l woman is the master of the ljeuse. 7 i Whether this is authentic or not; 0 rosemary is a popular herb, for it is also fine to use with roast beef. laniheapwrk ,or veal. Chervil is-- perhitps" not as well known as some of the other herbs. 1-(-.It has a flavor something like a . nasturtium leaf and is g1 od with salads, soups, -sauces amd eggs. .Hint is usually assec•iatect with lamb and green pias but try adding. a little dried mint to cooked beeta er „molts for a different flavor. .Ilerser:aclish is frequently used with roast beef or in :fipple sa uce for roast pore:. The French "Rouquet garni" is t h realfv three hers, in -one. Time or four sprigs of parsley, the sane' k of thyme ati(1 one bay leaf are lout tegether and the little "Ron- -+last" with the 1hyiue on the out- -VA side is tied with thread. It is i eft11 added to soups and S1(4S .t' ' hilt ,it should le, remembered that " both thyme and bay leaf are very F; wrong favored so the "Bouquet" °> i should not. les left in the soup or vs Gtas stcsw 100 hales i a I '!`file home eeonomis,ts suggest soil •' f*. make your Christina, meals not only festive but outstanding by 14; using various herbs. Savours iS 23 jj�JJ� probably the tnfi,t common ane to Phone put in the stalling ft,r the ('hrist :�,- 1 rnas turkey. \Vhile sage is par• 1 F%%', titularly good with goose. P11151 1•, • V. I • Christmas In Germany These sire nearly all the people 1 know well; except, indeed, Martin Luther, the miner's sun, to wham Auut Ursula Cotta has been so kind. Hle is dear to us all its one of our own family—He He is about the same age as Fritz,' who thinks there is no oae like h}tp. Aud he has such a voice, mud is so religious andt sq merry withal; at least sra,at tint It s his voice and his devout ways which first drew Aunt 'Ursula's attention to hint. • She had seen him often it the daily prayers at church. Ile used to sing' as a chorister with the boys of the Latin School of the parish of St. George, where Fritz and he studied. The ringing tones of his voice, so clear and true, often attracted Aunt Ursula's attention; and he always seemed so devout. But we knew little about hiiti. He was very poor, and had a pinched, half - 'starved look when first we noticed hint. , Our acquaintance with him, how- ever, began one day which I re- KENT HISTORY WRITTEN BY' VICTOR LAURISTON A noteworthy contribution to On- tario local history is "Romantic Kent," a history of that county from 1(a26 to 19.52, written -by Victor Lauriston and jointly spxnt- cored by the county of Kent and the city of Chatham. The monumental nature of the I work ••may be inferred front the fact that it was nearly' three year., in the writing, after 11 great ale::l of preliminary preparation. I'h1e, book totals 7141 large page's, er .tp- proximately half amillion words, and 114411 printing and binding were done in Kent county. The editioe comprises 3,000 copies. Some .1f tete sauthoeK.experiences in prodit ing the lank- were humorously de- seribed in. an address given to -the Ontario Historical Society's annual convention lit' London last and printed in that society's pubiia•- :uiun. "Outa•rio.11istpry," • Victor Lauriston, for many years engaged in jourua1istp at Chatham and a frequent magazine contrib- utor• is already the author of sev- eral hlxrhs, including the Centen- nial history- of lai1nbton (semi y- pnblished in 1919. Ile spent his earlier years in Goderiell and passed his entr1nee from the old Central Schoel, where \Ii•ss Isabel Sharman wits ane of his t* tehers. 'BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Do you gasp, wheeze and fight for breath, so you can't get proper sleep? Templeton's RAZ-MAl1 capsules help you to breathe I easily, relieved of wheezing and gasping. They loosen tight -packed phlegm in bronchial tubes, so it conies away easily. bleep and work in comfort, take RAZ - MAH today. ASc, $1.35 at druggists. R -SS TOTAL FINES COLLECTED $180 DURING OCTOBER .1 total of $18.3 its tines •Waz ( ea1 tel;cd during the '11Klntlt of 1 tete- ilei it ads revealed in the report of the Goderitli d. ta& liwent of 1:11,• t iota Ho Provincial l'1.1iee it, 1111 regular Town Corneal meeting. Of 14 cases prosecuted, 12 resulitrel in convictions. nine under the Iligh- \la"y 'I'ratiic• .lost" and three and r the ('1anudn 'Temperance Act. 1 these cl uyieliuus, 11 1*1 sltlte(I 1n 1lio iui1esition of fines ami ot)e in im- p►risohtnent. Two chitrg s wery cyit!Id r:awn. S1111y-nine inn•estig'atsaires4 , were /larded out, involving, seJrvice of 49 summonses and 1xee11ti1111 11f 1111'1.11 seat'Ih warra'nta. - The 1l $p1OX11nttte valve. of liquor aeized was $1(11 There were 90 warnings iss-1tcti 1111(1er the 11igh- %It-ay Traffic .tot. Sixty-two i-nspl(•r- tioes of httlin ss or other prltmisea were carried alit and two pretnilses were found open Pnd the owners notified. Nearly 70 ('.I'.n. agents in the Canadian West provide report; which make up the railway's highly informative weekly crop report. either fresh or dried may alio be .added to dressings. Thyme and marjoram have quite strong flavors so guide .yourself accordingly when using them. By the way, the poultry dressing sold in shoots is u eotu'biva•t}on of several herbs. For Christmas entertaining, whether it be a tree-deeoritiug pArty or an informal supper, a cas- serole of chicken and nntshroout will be much enjoyed. Marjorain used sparingly, adds much to a chicken easserole as does tarragon, while rosemary is delightful in fricassee 1)111 is nsuaIly thought of to ('ounection with pickles, but it is also good with chi('ken, par' tieularly with'creamed chicken... - Party sandwieh!'s or eamapses-can lie given a tantirlizing flavor by adding herbs to the *proud or to the -butter. For exatiiple, mix a little basil in the butter for egg -sandwiches or add sage to cheese _spread• -for at different • tangs' Mint and parsley are good with cheese spreads too. Cherry Beverages are- a must at most ('hristnias parties and mint is a refreshing addition to many cold drinks, Seven destroyer escorts, designed to meet. ' the threat of. new, -high- 115551 submarine, are. under con- struction in Canadian shipyards for the Royal Canadian Navy and seven more are on order. �y-./� 4, �i�y�J1 1:�/, 5�� fy 11, ,{14�5��(, MM V, IM ��y�,.r' Q ,;(f Gifts Galore . . • at Hibbert's Store We can't possibly tell you about all the innumerable articles we have from which you may choose your Christmas gifts.- So; we invite you to come in and bring the family and look around and shop at your leisure. The gifts you buy at Hibbert's will be ittrac'iirelk'-*rapped in colorful Christmas wrapping. F. . H GODERIOH PHONE 86 VIIVIZVVVVTarrattir,/ member well. I was ut Aunt Ursula's house, whish is in George Street, near the church and school. I had watched the choir, of boys singing from door to door through OW street. :No one had given theta anything: they looked disappointed and hungry. At lust' they stopped before the w'indew where Autit Ursula and were sitting witit her little boy. '!'hut clear, high, ringing voice was there 'again. Aunt Ursula went to the floor and called Martin in; and then she went herself to the kitchen, and after giving him a good meal him- self, sent him away with his wallet full, and told hint to come again very soon. After that, I suppose she consulted with Cousin Conrad Cotta; and the result was that Martin Luther became an inmate of their house, and has lived among us familiarly since then like one bf our own cousins... - Martin had a sweet voice, and loved music as a child, and he used +often to sing at people's doors as he slid here. Once, at Christmas _Dice /889 NE.40017/IE; IYATERLOO 0A7AR/0 EBB ROSS Says Year: 410 114(1 snake fortunes —they make ' old then and 41(1 women. Some slaty wilt get your last pay, ehsglie.` 1 hove a plan which will gna17antl e r••tirement cheque. for earl of life. • 10.1.- talk Thi, over. you E. its• BOSS Goderich Representative Ontario time, he wus singing carols from village to village among the woods with other boys, when it peasant casae tolthe door of his hut, where they were singing, and said in is loud gruff voice; "Whare are 'S'ou, boys?" - The children welt; so frightened that they scampered uwuy, as fast us they could, and only found out afterwards that else man with .0 -rough voice bad a kind heart, and had brought them out some sausages. "Poor Martin wee used to blows in those days', and had good reason to dread them. It �tnust have been -pleasant, how -- ever, to hear the boys' voices carol- ling through the woods about Jesus born at IYet'hlebent. • Voices echo so strangely' among tete silent pine- forests.—From' Chrpnicles of the Sehonberg-Cotta Family," by Eliza- beth Rundle Charles, 1802. For results—Try a classified ad in The Signal -Star. . 1111 U !WDA 1it DEC'. 4 tb, . 1959ealf QUICK ;CANADIAN QUIZ 1. lluw many people have emigrated froth (aunuda in the past 100 yea .flet 2.. lic fore? any ore is mined, 1200 million is being iuvestet( _las de- velop what new mineral deposit? 3. Nance our live leading export taa►tumtoditles in 1951, 4. Sir John A. Macdonald was them Domittion'd.tlrst what? • D: Siuce,11)50 tux payment' by Can- adians have iuereasced by how ' much? ANSWEItS : 5. '!'la'he, doubled, ,f roma $:i 41114011 tocy $(f' bitav- Hon. 3. Newsprint, wheat, wood ;• gtuip, ld.ml►er, slit kel. 1. 1i.f► :md111rtn emigrants. 4. Prints Mtinlster, 2. The U.ttava Iron detposlt r, (Material supplied by the editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the hand- book of Pacts about Venetia.) There were 30,'24 hockey pucks manufactured in Canada in 1950. COAL Lehigh Valley Anthracite Nature never made, nor has man discovered a finer fuel. The name Lehigh Valley is your assurance of top quality coal, known for its consistent dependability. Gives you faster heat, burns longer with minimum attention, and saves you money do your heating costs. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE LEHI61I VALLEY BUCKWHEAT for Herco Burners REMIND WHITE POCAII4QNTAS Egg and stove sizes in stock. LEHIGH VALLEY HARD COAL BRIQUETTES DISCO AND HAMCO COKE CAVALIER and YANCY STOKER COAL. Dealer for Ilerco Automatic Anthracite Furnaces and Con- version Units for your own furnace. "Warm Morning Stoves." SAULTS COAL CO THE YARD OF SERVICE AND QUALITY Phone 75W—Evenings 751I East ,End of Nelson Street Lt ___BECAUSE YOU PLAN TO VOTE FOR MY FUTURE AND THE FUTURE OF - THE REST OF US KIDS WHO WILL BE THE. CITIZENS OF THE GODERICH OF TOMORROW." • Don't let him down, Mr. and Mrs. Citizen As an eligible voter, do your duty --to yourself, your town, your candidates BY CASI)NG MONDAY YOUR BALLOT , i • • ecember 8 Municipal Election Day VOTE AS YOU LIKE ---BUT VOTE In 1050, out of 2650 eligible voters, 1650 voted. In 1951, out of 2745 eligible voters, 1819 voted. Make sure' YOU vote this year and show your interest. in the present and future welfare of Goderioh. THIS ADVERTISEIMENT SPONSORED BY THE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF GODERIOH •