HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-11-27, Page 11• THURSDAY, NOV. 27th 19$2 THE GoDgRica siGNAIATAH, Open All Day Wednesdays in December GODERICH MERCHANTS CAN SUPPLY YOUR EVERY CHRISTMAS GIFT NEED NEW SLATE INSTALLED BY REBEKAH LODGE The new slate of officers of the Goderich Rebekah Lodge was in- stalled by Mrs. M. Tweedle, dis- trict deputy president, and' her staff, with Mrs. 1. Baechler acting as deputy marshall at a special ceremony on November 11. Elected officers are: N'o'ble grand, Mrs. Everett Harris; vice -grand, Mrs. -Gordon Orr. recording secre- tary, Miss Dorothy Johnston; lin - andel - secretary, Mrs. Kenneth ,Bell; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Kitit;• ting. Appointed officers are:, chaplain, Mrs. M. Fritzley ; warden, Mrs. A. Osbaldeston; conductor. Mrs. F. Bowra; musician, Mrs- J. IVilson ; color bearer, Mrs. J. Pinder; inside guardian, Mrs. W. 'Clayton; outside guardian, Mrs. 11. Puller; RSNG, Mrs. W. Bannister; LSNG, Mrs. Baecbler; B4VG, Mrs. B. 13eaton; LSV. Mrs. W. Ddak; right altar supporter, Mrs. R. Bridle; left altar supporter, Mrs. J. Wilkinson; junior past noble grand, Mrs. F. Pritzley ; ItSPNG, Mrs. A. Shore; LSPNG, Mrs. E. Craig;right sup- porter of chaplain, Mrs. L. Riley : left supporter of chaplain, Mrs. W. Itoope; degree captain. Mrs. W Lawrence. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY HAS EQUIPMENT DISPLAY A display of surgical instruments and other equipment purchased' by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary featured the regular meeting held iu the board room at the hospital on Monday afternoon.hy the super- intendent, Miss Hilda Smith. It. included surgical instrumeuts costing $300; a duo -soap dispenser, $125 ;-• an instrument stand, $:15, and a resuscitator, given through the 'auxiliary by Beta Sigma Phi sor- ority. You May Win this beautiful three- piece set of LANGMUIR or McBRINE Luggage on Christmas Eve. Each dollar's worth of merchandise purchased from us between now and Christmas entitles you to a coupon on. this set of travelling luxury. You will find our store bulging with new gift merchandise for theiChristmas season. 4.1 F. 1 HIBBERT & SON PHONE 86 Ms. Kay Man in Averagetown, eanada If you live in an average Cana- . di an community, yoq, can easily see -that ifs changing. Everywhere you look, new construction tells a story of progress. Here, perhaps, is a handsome new store. There, a new bridge, office building, power plant, highway, housing project or some other vital development that makes 'life better for all. But do you know that many of these developments are made possible by a certain Key Man? Andcan you guess who he is? the typical life insur- ance policyholder -represent- ing millions 0/ Canadians. IlOw can he do all this just by owning life insurance? Because a large part of his premium dollars is invested for him in sound securities which help finance many such projects..Eac year, more than 225 million fife insurance dol- lars are put to work in these useful ways from coast to coast! The life insurance policy- holder is a helpful citizen in another way. For the money he puts aside for the future helps safeguard his family from ever becoming a financial burden to others. All in all, he's an asset to his community and the nation! THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA "IT IS 600D CITIZENSHIP TO OWN LIFE INSURANCE" L -752D Calendars Sold Mrs. D. D. Mooney reported that to tittle $148.40 had been realidd from the sale of calendars. Miss Smith reported that the lbaby kits given to mothers on•leav- ing the hospital were appreciated and it was decided to continue this feature. Miss Smith said there are 315 babies a year born in the hospital. Mrs. J. W. MacViear, Miss Grace Strang, Mrs. George MacEwa'n and 1-r&. W. MacLaren were -named :t nominating committee. Miss Etta Skulks gave an inter- esting 'and comprehensive report of the Provincial Hospital Aids As- sociation meeting in Toronto, at which a membership of 500 at- tended. Mrs. N. C. Jackson, president, presided and teawas served after the meeting. OBITUARY CAPTAIN JOHN VICKERS General regret was felt here when it was learned, that Captain John Vickers, well-known skipper of the Imperial 011 Company's tanker, "Imperial • had passed, away in an infirmary at 1181ifts x after a three weeks' illness.' He had been with the company for 25 years. Born in Norwich. England, he came to Canada at the age of 15 and. had lived in Goderich for 37 years. »lie served overseas with the 1st Battalion in .World War 1. ne was a member of St. George's Anglkan Church, the Menesetung -l'ano-t- flub and the Cloderich -Bowl- ing Club; also of Cornwallis Lodge, 'o. 95. A.,F. and A.M. . and the Canadian Legion art Halifax. Surviving besides his wife, form- erly Mary McLean, are' two sons. William, .211d Mate on the Imperial London, and Donald, 1st mate at t he Imperial. Midland ; two (laugh- - terS, • (Madeleine), Mrs. George Shepherd of -Centralia ; (Elaine), Mrs. Robert Ginn, Cioderieh.; :1 Jiro- the'r, Arthur Vickers, of Grimsby,. and eight grandchildren. MICHAEL KENNEDY 1The death (11' Afichael Kennedy oveurred slid& nly itt Liolldrill haS4 Friday in his 74t It 1;4,111 'in ireland, 'ire Was the sou of the, late .Pafirick Kennedy and 1)orit Ryan. anti )ntme with his parents at the age of five y, ars to l'analLa. He was a resident of GOderioli for 411 10:11.4 and' prior to that, lived at Credit),n. Ile was a member 'of St. I k te*C., Church.. His vv'ife, formerly Ella May Stev- enson. predeeeased him two years ago. Surtiving are One Sias Pats riek. ( ;41(IPT nd tivo (11 ug h - t ors : (Josephine) Mrs. Harry Nice of Montissal: (Donn Mrs. Afthle-Y ilinikley of Hamilton; Betty Jean,' Rita and (Isilfliant Mrs. Donald' Lynn. all of Goderich ; and six gra ndehildre , The funeral was held from the. Lodge funeral home to Sit. Peter's Church on 'Monday morning, when 'Requiem High NT:1,s,, was sung by the Rev. ..I. P. Gleeson. The pall- bearers were Joseph Durniin, Joseph Finn, .Toseph Burke. :Joseph OsBrien. Arthur .Tennings and jam ts Darn in. Int erment took place in Colborne Roman Catholic eemetery. GEZUNTHEIDT Whether or not he is a hay- fever sufferer, Councillor Keu Pennington has probably learn- ed not to' sneeze at the 100,000 allergy victims said to reside in Onturie." Town Clerk S. H. Blake read a copy of a resolution from Windsor ()fly Council at Fri- day night's council meeting here, requesting Ouster's% to join them in a petition to the provilciat government to ift- tetisify its anti -ragweed cam- paign. Just as the clerk had finished reading the first paragraph of rile letter, Pennington emitted a violent sneeze. Appropriate- ly, the matter was referred to the special committee, of whieh Councillor Pennington is chair- man COMMENCING: DECEMBER 18 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. DECEMBER 22 - 9 a.m. DECEMBER 19 - 9 a.m. 9 p.m. DECEMBER 23 9 4.m, DECEMBER 20 - 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. . DECEMBER 24 - 9 a.rn-9 p.m. 471 This ad. spunsore7 by Better Business Committee of Goderich Jaycees. 85th BIRTHDAY • _Many congratulations were re- ceived by James B. Johnston from friends and neighbors on the occa sion of his.S45th birthday: Ile cele- brated it at his home on November HARBOR ROAD EROSION REPORTED NOT, SERIOUS Erosion of the bank bordering the read to the north side of the harbor is -hi- uo way serious,"' R. W. Code, engineer who planned the road, reported to TOW.11 Council itt a letter read at Friday night's meeting.. IMr. Code said» he had Ps -amines' construction of the road on No- vember (1 and 7, as contracted by George Radford of Blyth, and had found the work to be constructed and erected according to plans, profile and specifications. lie re- ported' that the work had been properLy executed and the contrite tor had 1 een "very toit»sientious throughout the work." , 11,e had paid particular attention Ito any added erosion ttlong the slope throughout, Code reported. and hart found none in addition to wirat he had observed on Sentem- ber 1S. Erosion had occurred 'at two additional points. he reported. 15 with his. frimily, grandehildrep hitt such' points. al1lpiiogh occur- ring reeently, were "in I40 way serious." "Daninge to drainage or water and two groat grandchildren. He received mans tissthday eards in cNiuting those from the Shut-in's S ciety of which he is a member. coarse (if any) will no doubt be r. Johnston is enjoying better [melds by the Corporation if. and health and looking forward to tlit-; when. required." the- report eon - new year. » • eluded. 0`• KNOX LADIES' AID 'Phe monthly meeting of Kuox Chureh Ladies' Aid-, was held in. tthe ehurch parlor Friday afternoon with a good attendance and the president, Mrs. Peter MacEwan pre- siding. Two new members were weleomed. The Scripture lesson was -read by Mrs. Oen. Bissett and - prayer offered by Mrs. Abell. A nominating -conimittee of four, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Burrows and Mrs. MaeAuley was appointed to bring in a slate of officers for 1953. ;Plans were made for the Lions Club banquet. Mrs. it. E. Wilson read the minutes of the October meeting and Mrs. Lung gave the treasurer's report in Mrs. Straiton's absence. The meeting closed with the Lord'sprayer in unison. LESSONS0FROM U.S. ELECTION What lessons for Canada and Canadians from the U.S. elections, The Financial Post asked a group of readers. Time for a change, can be a 'Potent factor, suggest the re- plies, also that party machines, ' labor leaders dictation •and weitare ,appeals, May boomerang. Some also sharply criticised mud slinging: TRADE MARK REG. adds zest to lunch ANTED:. OPERATORS FOR ENGLISH RIB KNITTING MACHINES Transfer Operators and Loopers EXPERIENCED AND TRAINEES ALSO HAND LOOM OPERATORS in the factory or at home. EVENING WORK CAN BE ARRANGED. Holeproof Hosiery Company .of Canada Limited GODERICH 46 SPECIALS for Thurs., Fri., and Sat. RIRD'S EVE FROZEN FRESI! RASPBERRIES RED - MARGARINE NO. 1 PITTED DATES pkg. 49c pkg. 39c lb. 99c !b. 29c 2 lbs.* 29c Mel Cranston PHONE 350 » LOCKER SERVICE KINGSTON ST. 11001000010000010000000•0000010000000100000000000 : 1 Goderich Art Club i • • I Exhibition • • I MONDAY TUESDAY $ I 1 • DEC. 1 • • 7.30 - 9.30 P.M. DEC. 2 IN THE LECTURE HALL OF KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mastercraft"Professional Design" HOCKEY OUTFITS PERFECTLY MATCHED . AT CTC SAVING -Men's and Boys' Pleasure or Hockey Outfit - 1 With sewn-ln web reinforcing for firm ankle support; Boots feature sturdy black pebble grain zhrome leather with felt padded tongue. Excel- lent quality tube skates firmly rivetted to water- proof rubber soles. 4 Boys' sizes- lc 75 Men's sizes- 6.98 11-5. Pair .. 6-12. Pair .. q, -men's "Semi -Pro" Hockey Outfit - With L built -on tendon guards. The boot Is made to our -special specifications from black "Menonite" leather with contrasting brown toe caps. Cross- stitched leather lining gives firm ankle support; felt padded tongue gives extra protection. Com- plete vslth nigh -grade tube skates with hardened blades. Canadian Tire saves you up to 8.95 $7.50. Sizes 5-12. Pair • Outfit as above, but less the tendon guards. Sizes 5 to 12 only. Pair 8.45 ----Men's Leather Lined "Pro -Style" Hockey Outfit -"Samson" -built on pro -style. last, to give firm support. Handsome all -black, smoothly grained leather boots leather lined, Cross- stitching over ankles adds extra strength. Heavy leather soles. Pro- fessional design tube si:ates as used by -many pros .Ind leading antateuis. Save up to $6.95. Sizes 5-12. 13.75 Pair 50 Original Paintings DONE BY CLUB MEMBERS AND A SPECIAL DISPLAY OF ART STUDIES FROM HIGH SCHOOL AND PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS. 47 V.."11 wotecti‘, to'nctorl guanl-;. built by "tiArn,on" with enO :ppers stitehed leatirr long, built-in countet » sturdy leather soleprotected double -leather First ,noieu with the league leaders. Fitted with ''Dunne's Special - tube skates. Sizes 0-12. 19.95 Pair Maurice "Rocket" Richard Outfit - (Not shown.) Professional -built boots, rlvetted to tempered tube skates, designed for speed and strength. Men's full sizes 5-12. '95 Pair 21 a-fleginners' Tube Skate Outfits -For 3 to 7 J - years. Designed to give tiny ankles the firm support they need. Strong hockey -style leather boots with built -1n ankle support with outside strap and buckle. Rivetted to "easier -to -stand - 3n" semi -tube skates. State size. Girls' 7-11. White boot. Boys' 7-11.. Black boot. Pair ... 4.99 5 ‘k. 'HA! • , ; • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• )121X22-)aiNIOMDMADMDINDMA):AXIMAADas11)s,t3h)s)r)04);DM)1141,41,w)sk, Candy is! 1,f EVENING GAMES AT 8.30P.M. PRZES-WOOL BLANKETS AND MOITOR Draw for Christmas Cake a,nd Penq Fair. 47-8 II LUMBAGO (Lme Back) When your back is stiff and very painful and it's an effort for you to stoop or bend, take the refnedy that has brought swift, safe relief to thousands-Teenpleton's T'R-C's. Don't suffer from the nagging inisery of Lumbago a day longer than you have to. Get T -R -C's today. 65c. $1.35 at deur; counters T-8.40 RRAIIIIMAIMMAMMMMIRMIIM 1:4:77.7MTP.;.7.-Ts. 147-7,4777,={7rsr4-ss.,,,--'"74.;M:',: • M'EigNr.i'M' CHRISTMAS FAIR SATURDAY. 'AC. 6 AT BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL Sponsored by St. Peter's C.W.L. Need flowers for the table or suits that wont shrink. YllieW PACES will find them Quick as a wink Home made baking Penny Fair Fancy work Knitting Dolls Country Store TEA SERVED FROM 3 TO 5 P.M. RUGS ...„sistsis StbeefteisVINIIPC4PORMICSKICralbEttlettICSVIsMitOtt4MPCOCKKWICICSKICK14st-s "All -White" Outfits FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN e-Worsiens "Fancy White' Pleasure Skating Outfit -Semi -hi -cut style. popular "shaped -to - fit" tops, smooth white leather with sewn -in ankle supports; white rubber soles. Rivetted to chrome plated tube skates. .45 Stzes 3-9. Pair 7 -Misses' and Women's Shearing -Top White I ' Outfit-Spakling white "elk" fine grain lea- ther with ankle support, waterproof white rub- ber sole. Cosy shearling top. Rivetted to hand; somely plated tube skates. ies' Si7CS- 6-45 Womenssizes 7.45 11-2. Pair . 3-9. Pair ... cj-"1'rors...0hal Skating Out - 0 tit --Smartly cut white "elk" it -at her uppers . sponge rubber tongue: welted teat her sole wit h sol teat her heel. Well-known "Samson" quality throotlhout tot trim snug cumin: I and dexterity. • etted to flashing chrome plated Figure Skates ni Hipst design 1495 Slics 30 In half sies. Pair "ilWhite" i'leaiire skating Outfit with "Fiure 1SInllar style to above.) A mortersitely • iced outfit for those .who want figure- skatos for ,rlinay rink skntIng. High white boot with 1:pel toP. Welt leather' sole Fittest, with esssse i1!1te1 Holt(' skates. (No half sizes.) 8.55 Wom'ims sizes 0.95 11-2. Pair 3-9. Pair ... ta. N ••- 1, 9 You'll find Vs= NORTH ST. Goderich, Ont, 69 L. 0. Whetstone r. many suitable Christmas gifts in our store, 1