HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-11-27, Page 31Orpth liFear---No. 47 BUSINESS DIRECITOkY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Licensed Umatila' Auditor A. M. HARPER . CLIAUTKRIOD A.owuNTANT fPG SoUth St. Godericii. Out. 9,900 CHILDREN USE SUMMER PLAYGROUND *There are uo bad girls or boys. They just want to be kept busy," Telephone Wild Mrs. Harold Arbour, super - 343 visor or- reputation at the Judith tlooderbaut Uentorial I'lityground, iu'her report to the Towu Connell, which watt read at Friday night's council meeting. The playground was opeu each CILLIMPRACTle •,‘ ElEklIERT B. ISUCII, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Unice 'tours; Mon., 'chore --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues.. Fri -di a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 pa& to 8 p.iu. -Wed.* Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy „Office-Coruer of SouthSt. and Britannia Road. Phone jt1,41. Western Ontario Motorways Departures-- • 7.20 a.m. To London daily except Sat., Sun., and holiday. 8.30 a.m.-To London and Strat- ford daily except Sunday and holidays. 11.45 a.41. -To London and Strat- ford Sat., • Sun. and holidays. 4.15 .p.m. -To Stratford and Lon- don daily except Sunday and holidays. 5.45 p.m. -To London on Friday only. 8.30 p.m. -To London and &rat- \ ford Suiidays and holidays only BUS DEPOT AT SA1111S MOTORS PHONE 344 • Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant. P.O. Box 58 Goderich, Ontario NOW- LOCATED IN BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING ON THE SQUARE H. M. FORD Get Insured - Stay Insured -- Rest Assured ' TELEPHONE 26Sw day trout trine a.m. until nine p.m. during the summer, with the exeep- tion of Old Home. Week, when It dosed at six p.m., the report stated. Total attendance for the season was 90900 children. Games Played In addition to use of the wading pool and apparatus, recreation in - eluded softball, dodgeball, claxtkers, sand box displays and music heard over the public address system (lases were carried on from 10 a.m. until noon and from two to 5.30 p.m., when the children were instructed In the use of paper, wood, cardboard, tinfoil, metal and 'plastic crafts and moulding: Arts taught Included braiding, sewing, embroidering,. weaving, crayoning. water -coloring an spatterpainting. Biggest attendance of the Year was on August 28, when a picnic was held, attended by t75 and the Mayor spoke to the rhild- ren and their mothers. On August 20 a picnic w„as held. " Mitny tourists enjoyed their Intwhes in the shade, Mrs. Arbour said, and many compliments had been received front v•isitors 4.n the wonderful playground. r....2111.11111111=6, REMEMBER MOTHER Give her a box of „red berried HoTiy. All gift Wrapped for Christmas. For details write THE C. D. MORRIS NURSERY LTD., P.O. Box 5, OCEAN PARR., B.C. •7‘ Geo. G. MacEwan Vire. Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFICE -MASONIC TEMVLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICII 1, A. L. COLE i Optometrist -Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. 0 trub Kota GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2/th, 1952 4 Youths to Serve in Reformatory for Cattle Theft Four Listowel area youths were given reft,frinatory sentences tor cattle theft by Magistrate D. E. (Holmes, Q.C., In Isklice Aquir-t hete last Thursday. t)rvls Fletcher, who pleaded guil- ty the previous week to ti charge of theft of a calf from Stanley Ijotseberg, Howlek Township, on November 9, was itRt.li nine mouths determinate and nine months, in- determinate. Three other youtne, Floyd Keeso and Lyle and Donald Gowing, were convieted on similar charges, and each sentenced to six months determinate a 1111 six Months indeterminate. Summing ILP Malcolm Mathers INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Now located at 46 WEST STREET ' GODERICH Phone 115W In weighing the evidence, Magi?; - 1 rate Holmes said that. only one' witness had said that the' two Growings, and Keeso were ittvolved in the .theft and that witness, Don- ald Parrish, was a self-vonfessed acc(nnpliee but that he 'believed the evidence of Parrish and did not believe that of Fletcher or GoWing., Fletcher had said that only he and Parrish had taken part in the theft. "I don't believe that two youlig Melt ((4111(1 handle 0 `150-1ound an- imal, -hie it up with an eight rope and put 9 in the trunk of a 1115 worship said. .:tisking for heavy senteneos against the four, Crown Attorney 11; Glenn Hays, Q.C.. said: -It was it sneaky 1 of theft. (ltily hy handing but stiff sentences in such eases carr the farmers he protected." 40erderrocws BY BLACKSTONE'S EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 4thiJ, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- ' tion Griaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON -AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11-661 or Harry Edwards, Goderich Plume 144 C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real kstate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST - Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH D. GUITARD Stonework, Brickwork and Plasterhtg A good job of plastering has no substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victoria "1 didn't have to mask tonight, the or lady didn't'want me 37 to go outr' "Won't you step into my parlor . . . " That's in invita- tion you -can proudly make to any company if your home is tastefullyfurnished with the quality Chesterfield , suites, China, cabinets, End tables, etc., offered -in obr store. For your complete satisfaction we carry sky-high quality mer- chandise at down-to-earth prices. Th e PADS TUX. purchase of fifteen Viscount. aircraft from the liritish „firm of Viekers-Armstrong, on 0 delivery selteditle which will make Trans -Canada Air Lines 'the first operator of tturbine powered equipment On North A 11101 10011 routes, was announced recently bv t he Company's president, G. I Met.lregor. The Viscount, whielt is powered by four RulIs- lloyey 1)art engines, is the most recentiv developed' medium range eivil transport in the world. Production schedules at the. Vickers- Armstrong's plants at Weybridge and Hurn, England, are being', geared to deliver the first Viscount to TCA by the summer of 195-I. 13 BUILDING PERMITS GRANTED TOTAL $11,955 '1'hirteen building perfnits, totab, ling :$1 19%15 have been issued. Tow ii , Clerk 11. Ilflake reported to Fri- day ttigh,t's council meeting. Permits issued were as follows: Brothers Fined Total of $200 on Driving Counts Fines tiltalling l',200 were assessed Altigistrate 14. F.. 1101111VS, ALBERTA RESIDENTS CELEBRATE AT CARLOW RECREATION COMMISSION RE0011131Z NDED FOR TOWN Appointment of u recreational committee fur the town has been remniniended by the Town .0ouncil for consideration of the 1053 COUP - Cil. The suggestion vvus made Councillor Andersen In Ids eeport On the operation of Judith tlooderhallA 4tkiilOriat Play -ground to. Pritlay night's council ,Ineeting. -111‘ past years, the operations of tiooderlatui l'ark vvetre under the• supervision of the recreational com- mittee and the .Goderich Lion' °tub," Anderson -pointed out hi his report. -This year, howevor, the operations were included in the duties of the parks committee chair- man and made the burden very heavy. I would, therefore, recom- mend that definite steps be taken to revive a recreational eommittee to head this important phase ill the recreational field." Mayor Agrees -That's a good' report and thoroughly agree with your ree0m- menda t ion," Mayor Iluekins com- mented. "1 don't th'ink we should ignore the report," -Iteeve J. A. Graham said. "I think we ttbould get busy and appoint oenithission. -We are losing $4,800 in provinc- ial grants by not having a recrea- tion commission," Ilis Worship added. Ile report was referred to the parks committee to be tabled for the 1953 council. In Ills report on.operation of the playground, eouncitlor Anderson Ciliressed gratitude and thantis to Airs. Harold Anhour anti her assist. ants, Misses Ituth AleNevin and Willis.Ituth and to William Medd, for their co-operatlAlil and aSSist- nee. Ile also expressed his ap- previa t ion to Harold W. Knight for his donation of a public address systein, whielf had been installed IT'S A FACT . . that the Sun 'Life Assurance Company of Canada has well over a million policyholders throughout the world. In the more than three-cinarters of a e,otory of the Cornpan04 'XI -S t i)iihoti dollars 11115 }Will i4 (1 144 policyholders - 11 11 (1 Representative of Sun Life Assurance Comm. of Canada Harold W. Shore North St. " Phone 760or in the park and bad cOntribistmll greatly to the enjoyment of batik children and softball fans. Anderson also thanked the vari- ous bull olubs using the softball diamond for their eo-operation- lai the maintenance of an active and interesting schedule. • Mr.• and 'Mrs...John YoUng of Red _ Deer, Alta., will be a long way from home when they eelebrate their. 58th wedding anniversary a week from tonforrowthut they'll he joined 'Thursday, it ga 1 w 4, bre by severa 1 friends and relatives, NIrs. Elsie "NleKenzie residov, , dwelling wit 1.1 instil -brick on tie' t hors, on chi rges a rising out of nevertheless. Mrs. Young's sister, - 4(111 SO II I .11 S ide of Elgin av4.nue, betwek 11 collision (41111 sI on no, .1 Airs..,Jarvim A1(.1.„..idt, 4,f 5. 1(10(4 Nveningtou and w,,u,,,iey ,irevis. highway, south of Dunlop on hold open house on- Deeember 5 • roof or dwelling with asphalt ' -Bert- Abbott %vas 'laical: $150 011,1 Melkide. „ , , Mo sningies, on the north side of Wer,•T i'0515 4.r two weeks lit %%he» Mrs. Young was formeny street, between Waterloo and We,- lie %%its convicted ,,r \\11i!:. so1.1ws. (1:117ggitur (its the late Nt... ability to 'do so 'was iiiipaived and Mrs. -flionlas StYllows of A111. - lit jigt(stiesyterleisett).isi.._ si'fing garage with and Ronald Abbott was lined 55I4 late '11r. and . Mrs. (11(1011 Young urn. -Mr. Young is it .-fson of thIiisi1l-lstjt'k, 11 e ;111(1 cl,sls .1* se%en (lays in Mil fef i8tauley street, lliiieist.wk‘s‘k.esust,K''iindgt'steb 1"` iii Township. They- moved t4., the t he care cr centrol of ;1 of the 8th concession of Colborne .1notor vehicle while intiixictited. street and Elgin' avenue. ('entre of Road \Vest in 1914 and 119 Ve‘:ittas.:,111,11‘1(\;1:1:: dwelling On title north side ot1'i (1)1 John Knight, 11.1 1. 1,- Flirt Albert, living in „Dewberry, M. Chambers- erectiog one -store• Web. said that he was 1/1'0444.d -big north daughter, tolivet Mrs. 'Milton This - street, between Wellesiey and on no. 21 highway, with his wife seer of Red Deer. lin(g1it1furgestr-N7ttities4)11-Itilerations lo and four children ill the when -Mrs. Icliritle will welcome he saw the Abbott vehicle approftell- friends and relatives from 2.30 p.1». building on east 'side f,f Victoria ing in the centre of the 'highway. to. live p.m. and from seven p.m. s,;ttrrtit.eett9, between Newgate find Br4.ek Ile said he pulled over four feet to. 10 p.m. on Friday, December 1. repair -but the other -car hit his front •.Don Aberharti - erecting of lot. ou..,,,,st sia,, fender. 'Both vehicles went into Hamilton naval division: shop 111 rear the ditch, on opposite sides of the Star,' aequired new status iff t.SAndrew's street, road. during the,stunmer of 1952 4111(.41d- flasmidtiliteo3n ialtadrytNye_lstg.T,rtsigtreets,t),sti. west tlIfl(1 110 00110(1 10 innglitetizinotirndneNr(kx))st.nicleirnsgt:)itt•tilitilertn(1,3t.;(11, KnIght said lie W two.men qua rtors tkf the Great lAtkes Train - side of Huron road,. between tannia ,road and Oxford street. girl who was pinned' under the _Canadian Navy tilt...serve Ivan Geromettts- reshingle ver - but Ailey oflered no• assistance. andah on dwelling on east side of Constable Douglas Whitfield said Huron road, bet ween Brit anti La that when he arrived at the Seen(' road and Oxford street. he discovered Holiald Abbott Mrs. Alice Anstay-addition to slumped behind the wheel of the dwelling on we.,4. side of Regent car and his brother standing. beside street, between Maple and Walnut it. 'Ile said that in his opinion the. reets. two were, intifxieated. iH toidc C. .1. Parkinson------creet g-arage* on them to the Huron County 'jail', .north side of Huron road, 1f4..,tween -where Dr. N. C. Jackson took speci- Mill read and Maple street. • mens of blood for tests. Constable F. C. Kalbtleiseh ittul Son. Line, Charles !Parkinson, who investi- gated, said that•the . left front fender of the Abbott vehicle was damaged and the entire left side of th Knight vehicle was damaged. Dr. Pennistan, Stratford, provin- cial pathologist, said he bad tested the blood samples taken by Dr. ,Jackson and had. diseovered that John Abbott's °contained 2.4 parts of alcohol per thousand by volume and Ronald Abbott's 2.0. • Too :Arbitrary When brought to the stand by defense counsel Frank I)onnelly, Q.C.,•Dr. Jackson described as "too arl»trary" Dr. l'ennistan's state- ment that 1.5 parts of alcohol in 1.000 of 'blood impaired 'a person's ability to drive. He said' there were many. opinions on the ques- tion. -There's some doubt in my mind as to- whether or not John Abbott was intoxicated." said Magistrate Holmes 111 reducing the charge from W. A. CotrIthurst - reshingling tirday November 15. .104,11 for the couple, who are visitit, Mt, latkolotte's Turniturt P.AINTS STOVES ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 4400 She Broadway of Goderidi" PisiCtsE GODERICH Ifted---additioti to, rear of othals on east side of Cambria road between Nelson and Brock streets. Lorne Dritrkwater-er4_.4sting ver- andah on front of house on east side of ylptorta streets lattwetsa An glesea and Tra fa 1ga r streets. K. Kerr-erecti,ng barn and gar- itge en south-west side of Cam- bridge street., between 11Tila14l1;15 rond And Oxford street. GODERICH PAVILION DANCING 'WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY -Every Saturday night through October - JOHNNY BRENNAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA Every Wednesday night -Modern and Old Time Dancing - CLARENCE PETRIE'S NIGHTHAWKS • The Pavilion is available for concerts,.teas and dances. The Management caters to banquets, wedding receptions, etc. Phone 675 or 419. GODERICH THEATRES PRESENT At. CAPITAL Street Tt - The Square On the At 1P'ARK PHONE 1150 Now -"LOST IN AIASKA"-Featuring Abbott & Castello ' with Mitzi Green. MON.. TUES., WED, - Dorothy McGuire -Van johnstin' and Ruth Rotrian Pret-ent a dranuitie rontopee wherein art invalid, promninee41 incurable, is re -t4,1 1 to henith through a love that began as 0 bribe. "INVITATION" THURS.. FRI., SAT. - Dane Clark -Peter Graves and Ben Johnson It Cineeolor: A post War story 0 soldier g4)f..14 WeS4 seeking revenge for the treach ry that 45 tinililia fed- his eilitire "FORT DEFIANCE" coming -"WHEN IN ROME" -with Paul Douglits' and Joseph Callas. 51 20.4, PHONE 47 Now-"IROWZOIS TRAIL" -starring George Montgomery and Brenda Marshall. MON., TUES. and WED. - Rod Cameron -Bonita Granville and Edward Sans, A sa1r ri (Do prog'rti m prov idem the theme for a d ro mat o story also)! a group of people who welled a' break. "STRIKE IT RICH" THUR., FRI. and SAT.- -4 George Mnutgomery-Rarin Booth and William Bishop l'irotkkgroplied 111 eolor. :1 roaring story of the 15113 golklrush and of a group 44 outlaws who plundered the wea1 1 11 of "CRIPPLE CREEK" Coming -"SCANDAL SIIF',ET"-with Broderick Crawford and Donna Reed. one of drunk driving. "But I didn't like the behavior of these men in walkinjt away when Knight asked them to - help him. It's not a case for a tninlmum Ifenalty." Answering the argument of .1. Kenneth Hunter, counsel for Ron- ald Abbott., thaI,,his client had sur- rendered the are and control of his ear to his brother when- the latter was driving, Magistrate Holmes said. he, believed that John Abbott had driven the car with the full consent and permission of his brother, Charges of driving without bac ing renewed his license against John Abbott and permitting his hrother. to do the same against Ronald Abbott were adjourned for one week. GRANDSON OF PIONEER ELECTED IN MICHIGAN Clayton T. Morrison, a business- man and fanner of Plekford, was elected Itepithlican representa- tive from „chippewil county in , st, allvititkat? state legislature. in the recent 1 tilted States eleetions. 31r. Morrison is a great grandson of Joseph Rye, who took ilp bind on the Huron road about 15 and a half west of Clinton in 181 1. Itis grandfaths.r. 11101111111 Bye, with his family of 11, left Goderich I.% boat 4n the Summer dtf 1579 to herione 'pioneers of Plekford. Charles -E. ,tsquith and Mrs. F. (1, Mellveen of, Auburn .are cousins of t he newly 0.144.1 441 represent a I Re. COAL Lehigh Valley Anthracite Nature never. made, nor has man discovered aiIitter fuel. • The- name• Lehigh Valley is your assurance of top quality coal, known •for its consistent dependability., Gives you faster • heat, burns longer with minimum attention. and saves you money on your heating costs. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE - • LEHIGH A'ALLEA' BUCKWHEAT for lierce Burners BERWIND WHITE POCAHONTAS Egg .and stove sizes in stock. LF:1116111 VALLEY HARD ()0AL" BRIQUETTES CAVALIER and YANCY STOKER COAL. DISCO AND HAMCO COKE Dealer for Herm Automatic _Anthracite Furnaces and C.,0111 -- version Units Mr your own furnace. "Warm Morning Stoves?' SAULTS COAL CO THE YARD OF SERVICE AND QUALITY Phone 75W -Evenings 5M EaseEnd of Nelson Street 7 "Custorn Fit'! 5points 4 ..„%. ( , length thigh 5. Next time. - tau •*.a.or calf ankle heel Kayser knows all legs aren't,the same! That's why only KAYSER makes fashion -wise Nylons carefully proportioned to fit t verywhere, at thigh, calf, ankle, heel and toe -f- length ... Your stockings ' will fit where they should, and thus cve areafr-r comfort end Icrlger vvectr. In all ne•,.; 1,A shades. bto, HCVRY • GLOVES • LINGPIE PHONE 56 Geo. W. Schaefer & Son „ DODERIalt .„ .41