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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-11-20, Page 10
AYUR "Custom F r i►fvy ..air kfteiwt. bull I-4gt eiretrl'l that Thoft, , why iftl y r.,AY I- rnttlr4xs 1 ykri; ail#tl y firOf/ irti ti*sd to lot ***Py-WhRow , ✓ , 4,t tillrjil, half, utiklfr, fioor1 tinct holgth, `/tour sty ,ki/i%ls 1,fill fit W ' *(t ttlr / 4Ud thus 41104 gfOlUtfIf ss 11001 WM 106/4ftf '441st, In tail av'wi f tilt 4rhlud, s, j Q Ment tint#b# wffsr'•• May KAVUTR ilcit t ti.i • (411,11'/I' / • tifir-ti II Geo. W. Schaefer & Son THOSZ 66, Want to rel frrve them Inuit k.(d tying Mir►i4r/l's l,iniment- rot, fl f 11.41:11, Y4111'11 go/ relief, and /fan k. WittINAR13- k "KS4514 Fitt PAM" LINIMENT Oir XLL111 'its st`1SI.'rt41 m4l*toh%'4 tl'.r+' Ifrrrt4r' 9 4 4 I;rt 11414 1'1W / waft 14.4 4II 11.4` rr'+'t tf Rot rtitt ,.+f 11.44 t i,.R'r,i io to 1141x1 t triht't 410140 i,.,rl 'tlr,tt.11:.y with tlrr 1'1. 1r1;+4,Of 004,1115,411✓1, lir+' Ir Ityttoeototli tioor ✓list• of lwr oo kowt kletr 1,f ,rffik Al 4 toe 14,4' l'!✓,4.lf. $4,44.414 /4,4.11,1441 .414 14,11,4904 14 M Ir „ 1' t1' 1'r: 11'; orf► . � ►+ s�' Irp'*,,il„f,r• 11, 94 4)9,144 44•r1014r,, err 11 1 ite,41.«,4" , 4ir•441x1, 'boo. 144I,44(4e:,4, , 40'4.411 (4 400440,14, 4:,1', ;$,✓44,91. , i`rr;rt 1141,►ifl,, 1 0000"► R'f'1404 ',tr. I''I0.41 404000000004 091411 It«lo, x14„ 4414 in',ti:,iC,t,/, 4'4'9 )1411O11,191: • 1844 0,4,4 *.444 ,4 N9111Irt$ jh4tto• 41845• ),), ' 1x✓f,l, I,W, rig, 4Itrr4ria Ito, f ii 44140,,g1410, r,rl''IUUhhNr !$, fe,r tritrr 44/414 Ill I I1, tri+ 144,44 ;((9 if.w 4/N"'4Y,l ,4irll ll4,l,4rr4144, +Iffrl°,: 14,9( 9,,1114614, 94'499 trM ,,f h441411 t4, l40',1t , ;... • 0 91a f he Woof too;file a 'to, • 494 low, / 4,186 r 44101440f 1,f :Is, aft", ;.f. 914,1 1 tor l,btii(1'11 to$ f i•,Ir 4 ;,or, 1444444 4/e1' llrttlOitll f9f%8444) 414`94•441499 44ettrl4rtf, Wi114 11,4' • 0+4041,4640 ti,9', 11, (1,0a• rat9tl,r; #941' IrN l'1r44i,11,h4 Sill99' 999frIrr4r%i5 it 944r49914I415• fulls 04,fr fry/ ,49 111,4 ✓ ;(+'14,4' .' re/6.'4410gt, *loll. illrr .rr{l,fa+f 174* Or 91,9 p'9 1'401 Wilt 9, ;4,o, l livid' ?,, itZN IC.AH LODOtIZ . HOXORS OrlICMALU O1r1, rrTAWA l,l,r1>, t, 11 ►N 4'lr 1,40, Xo, 4141 i1t,1S ,, 44e, ir45 n,4rxIfig 4o re('rr,v Mill lertot,1 obit A+►4lrlohlq (4e4,149It 14 Of, %1 i44' 1'.rilfr,. of (1l, 449,44, '5 44, 4;x,+1,'1 „tot 1(r,lr+t4J ' 1,$,11x4, 9,,49,9 goo..? Wi14b We, 1',z- 9,",++ 4811 1',!,l9,IV,1941 141/ .41l1;Ir4' 1,14 ,48)44. r,.l./1,11,4few f,,, 5ll'44444It 11,4.' iry 51,1 fi ir l'.," f141' ;1 1414 9/' 14,al 111,?'1,*1'19 /r1194 Ito, $ti"l,ll 44,1'9, 11 r• 11,116,, '1' 'r',-1411,, 5, r1 /0,4 4,,• t,.‘,-,14‘,0,, '1'l ,1 Oft f rnto t4$., I 1,144,4teon ',14 ,,►'h;,;f of 0,e 9 1',t ,rtfrto$114,4,. NO' TV ''Ivry ZS Agile TZL!VII!D 0 LIMN tours 1414tH, O Arr1 falls In Struts... nslsersins Maros* whist► 1Ssw t• 7argst2 • tlH1roo 4Nn''Ssons"TAriKt. • eta •tarts 0.104$0 tiros* se 1►Nts • ii ltrtnfthintr44.., O mut ttswl •wt •t thi 1941,4 , • 1'h'4oe oirurtogy (44441499 WnlInahl w,,1' Co, 1,14, 'l'llr' TV t'A,S1N1tA works 99(rine•thin5( like the hurINt1 eye, light froln this studio scene its ;a Pillaged on ai M4'n9Itiiee1 surfs,ee 911 1h<' tithe, When this light ,1tr.fikes photo-elt't;tril' sur ft, 4,e, it 44'419 111111 1‘,1104 of eleetr4►ns flowing to the turgre,t 0l19' ' 'I'het ele'('trit-ul components of 519.4' _ fr'►1't t1 rl' image tire 'warmed) lir picked off 1,114' by one by the elet!trlrtlKiln, 30 complete "tl'i'I44,11 it 1118411,1r'Ia tore released from the tube ('914'1 til'e'11rld--11 (Mee 111114'1} 1141, rapid for 1111' 18 11 41 5'1 11 eye iI, 44' rate (111 1 be teleV18114J11 8t4'r'l'et1 Whet, t be 1111/igt' H4 rl'eeelVe'il, 111' 51184• 011111 ration th" "41n,r'r4 14'¢1195 11 19,'4'4,' 11', the new OW at ucllors who'l'e 'I'V 9' IJine'n54159)rs Joel ,",1/Ir','rt 41441 kiddie Denni9 plow! f9r1' it WI'stirIt,(housrr 41194 IG'vlte' ettnytnericffil r911nouul-1'r' COUNTY COUNCIL A nliniggionr Asks More 'Revenue `. 1 ;1tr tl.•i(rvlrttott loon lot9O1#1C 10 for Expanded Construction Program m1,lrW rya 1 ding 'Porno'', Ibis 6151, W4,140101* of rofoidiauw art, law - HOW TELEVISION 'WORKS 4, '9I,4,r 14,,;, . t1'•wil,4 $4 158,8'19! 14o4tot, of 444' p,9to.4, t will IN' '4+,14'11 I4 %hilt WNW,* '1'V1111'k, ,,•,9,$ r $ ,", I ,,,1/r` Y 1' I,K ll,1 r to,,, 4444,%11' I4, 91►4,14',9p9' 1491' HIM 401, , 1:,<,.4'9Jy • 11141,4 1114'4.. 41mk, /',111 4111 44,8, 994 4149{ 8814'94'nw4' 188 144.49904',' g',. 1'r 1'44 414'• - ",/ 14 4.•4,,, „1 ; 4,,' r"; '„'14,1 '4, V4,1re 1114/1 111141111• IN, of ryI44 r/tl,yt 44'1wrCl R90Y4► /441,4 10011110,01/00 141,4,* W4!04 11,41,'11 ,41 Ih4, 4'491,1,418,,4 ,4,4,45 16,;441. A. ili'.(,81,1ion sterol) 14►rough $509949 14/ be i�•"r►t hits 141 1 9 ' 4f,1 ^ ,,j ,,' f v4 r 44,91 'illi) if 91991"1 wariortml, 194',4441 and Weil 414."/1 914 In thou. ,.. l ti1,1r, K 19,4,4e rt9l•t l'i 't be 1"11.11W51914 99 41 r4'E111114 of 19191144 4,f h :si44'9a f r,,�,✓ n,s '4' 'r01,4444 pig, 1'►1,Hl1lr 4'z1N'Ioei41Wen I4, )94.9P11'llit rt'r%fir, 194','J'm 1,1111, Ifuniart Nye '1,$,'1:614,,141 1441• ,:tl''1er4/111 Pi r,o U►ariouti •.,, It',,.41 l:lr 0'1'4 010,11414.198 3, 3:7r,0,40, 'I h4' 1/1"v4,rwn 999.94 be likened 10 Iljll'7 1414 -,"l1' „f i 09,19,44 1'1'111'4,•,, W,184 9 , (.415' I19 ott,,4 194+rfllr111►'l) I,,' 1,114,' 1481• 44,1'1;4,,'''I, $4 ,l t, two, ;49144,0 i 1;41°41'4'11 4^, ',4 ,,,r, 4',98819,1f,4'198 19 ,f,,t 4944' '',,{ .►+aal,l'Ill( ,:StMI1Nj 44,814 4'y1', neet,rt11ug to ,44,5119 11, :x1;9,:51 1,141111,4.45, ,%5944•sit44'9, 5;941914,4i1,9 '',r'„a•�+,ii<` ,4; t' ,14,44 1',,,418„ 4.194 1',1 5" 114,5441ry , , 5 '[ 14544.4411. 11111110go,r, 456►land .inn 1S'e41• t.• ,,. (',4,(,•944' %,14,11/ 4 ,, r 14"14.1 ni l54gtu,u«4, (',ma'am) l.itu114,41, 11ut1e t'4Kn5rlvtrtt1,4,) 9 Imagine ,,,ir.a'1s4'9 414, 4.1►r.r'- I 4,1,..14 444 9 „rel `J, l,, n ,'Irlll ,•4'41'14 fid, ' 1 fi.fi ',i lid a 7,.'.,141 1' ,-• 1011x44 119 41 1;4114,41.104 1 S1'4,,l414'amt bog f,, r tie'+ s e' , t r 11, . w f,41 {ov, ' ; 14,4, ,41941 '1 0,;.4xt'SN,rn 114,11 41909114, 111 0,11114'4' A14414•4444,, 1, ►S,i'Pg''« Ib",ii 149, '4'444;, 44,,,944, 41,8,''9' t/5i►41,u94'r,t ,'' •trill 4,r '1"4,rou14,, A 5,14,4 9>e 199 lit ;11g, ;,444, , 'I I,wf4�0,91►, 111.!41 37, NI 9.''4.11,9sehin1a 1,1,,re! 114491 or 191,4) on 44,14,4 191 Oily s9 11' 'k '4 4,'144«, ' 4, ItS 1914, rew'4-194', x ;57. r� err, i,t„r rel a 1St 911141', 1449 ,,, 149444. , 194,4 1,41 - ..in 111.14 I"19144rri1 1,+ $$ l oils! w1,544, r 4882,";1 a 11119,'. ,flllrh1194'1'p 1Y,l,l,, li'll9, 17, V4'ir,lhr,,t► 4'4►•J, r►urkw 1,4,r1,4.*r,b.i4/1 1fk4' •Ila' ilu,/a„n 611 Y Will '1 //✓, wool, , good 148, 0414 Nest /11ebileety 1 117 (11' 4, '0 ,14,4,1'. • Mite, 15,4wl 14ine; 4844,,,, "1 144tl9 ,411 4 4,19,4.9x91 n, 41 rat '1',r9*4Ah41,; grind 8 94,g f9rnll5 Jl,1, I It to 4',rl14'4,/9499114, 4,1,414',ill, '5",'» fotblb, 9.1114511'•; {(44,491 37, 11•4091' 1,149', 4'114!1!„ lir Soto,%,ef WO, { r, 549, 4,111 e'oli, 1'1'.+3.1111, _J'4 !L4111►, 1bt4e 4'oot,4' ,410e1 1'r'11'$"1 1 pni4Iug 114, 441 19V, 54 41,54'14 if4mil, 2,r, 445419, 'i'tu'944 e,, .1185th '1`t,w'4,"1181►; 5(40,411 301, rout, 040,r44n4f It, I fi 4 149114'4, 114,W9rk 5i,s'u*his, )t 11 90r11'1n41ilk 5'wrennfngly n4,• 14494,181 (18891 nil 0111011554,11 4,f ($,49114,1 8449511 84899974 1►r 511a995oned, 91'49/499 59, 90"rt94' o 49 top 9,, Itos,P0111041.4,19 Oltrn,9;4u 1+141'`ti,'r9,,lo 14944 htµ' 1=4 9 4 4944 WOO., 41/11 ;to or414'r 144 1/9114411 our "4"17 nod 4,,141411)4, _ wi, b the 114, Cemetery Memorials T, TRYDZ & SON Clinton, Zxeter, Alsaforth Wr1`0iox 160,,or phone 41J, Zxot.r and ws1 shrill be plraaod to PEDESTRIANS: LOOK LEFT LOOK RIM ARRAMIZ NOW 141 144, and Mrs, /Miry*) KJ' ,d, LVginkow For Your Christmas P Your picture is the UUt that only YOU Can givtt4 MacLAREN'S (aoaeriGa ape CI ToiePhon. 401 (God.rlch or Clinton) STUDIO inton) At Clinton Studio Tu.sdi'yit and Thursdays OAR TOTALLY WRZGYZD IN COLLISION SATURDAY A ear 4114401 by 414411 K11lght, ICU, 1, fort Albert, wall 1,0t419ty wrts"k4991 uli t4ufsirdi,y /rik`bt 4,844 1t $i')l$ 111volVied 111 lilt 1140454t/,t roll highway "11 'with u 9'ar driven by Burt Af,t,ott. 141111 uwuuit by 'him btu thrrr WW1 id 115/4(145, //1!4"89/111 a huff 111114's north 44 •nide,'•, is,'.'1'19 9,19'1 woo Injured, '1'114' Ahi►otta bate been obottw4'41 with. 49 Oink 414141)81, P10011e001 0o4914blo ,1. 5'819945449,99 1llvlr>rtigotiotd. bright 414,1 when: 1111'1 pinikr.' 48th lyrl$sl 5 9004'418', n 410 flier 14144 4' 5149,'4• they 9t•811k49 with 1140.4 1,4tw4,1', Control Klr4'trins ('4,111 .94 wire, 4.19rry154g 4'te4.41,„11 /'Irri'4rnt, •'1rr144 t184' 9'49114'/'5/' r4,y lube too, .lust 8194 6'4,51,4 rre411e 'magnet 1,' (1 011s 119 9 ;utrol 1517'' ,"49►llrilt1 04 b49 1.19194+011 I,lin . i 4, Obey Pool I' .,1 ; ' end 1114 51►u eieetron9 $Oho(. /ono thi" gun In (1149 reed/lying 11111', t4ynehron!z,4'd wlib • Ih e ?woo ming 11 f1, 1110 eun4i'rst robe, the 91'1111'91 +*114,1110 ? rrf e11'al,rouM r14/5.• *,'I149' 414,1, I /'ow after 'row 4 i4 ,'4 l4, e;i4'b 1/11'1,1,'9' 3 I ' 4,), rile 11oor4'N4'4'14 1'5441 4,5 ,95949 tube I ►'Ir, Ihat, ib41 j,14'turt' ,IpJN.'alrltg 4,99 1 ylr5lr *eV* 194'1'4'rn 1+► 1114'4411'491 %'11111 1 01 944'4'111' in the 90 09519, • A m;49t'li'$ of 4445 1,1.'11114'$ 9, 1414r1, 41114'4'15' l'i'ft) ,"4N'nnd. 4'45191'1' 44,111' eyec, work ft, r 1 U(, ' ,,414,414 59► 41(9551,101$ll 051, 1,14'11114'1 119 49199' 444,4,4,1141, 445 498 4'19n #49' nil he (91x4' of U4s revolving I r►b4'41+9 84914,144), elan Jima n)s ne114,4-- 4'l nr 119 rya, ,•Slit frv,ul 91141. 4 vso4s Ix /►1,,1.1.144' 15!'1,•,1(4, 91141 1,14,4101o, 45 '4I,l'!%1,11;5 fur11r.4445 un 11 llurlf114:4, 114 '1'a34'vl l',,► 41111011r,4 (nd1'1y $11915114 tilt' 8491,4' 919 4(n1r 4449 (o4 -u 1'n llaill. 144x1414, 4.941)40'1411ywb4'u 1'i •1K,r4•►n 1110' ('441191,t'urt1011 I(rhIgsso and Culveerli 11194,, Midges 1'n1'nol 1ir14t t, i tretainsr41'4a lirttfgu '1' 11 r14t d y ',4 14 rtltklr 4$r14'v4•'99 ({ridge 1(4,945 17"1'ulver, ,,. , 114r1'r14 'i'wp►, ISrlilg4o Alii.>'• 1(1,4,4, ,1191114 ilultftalYy '1111 Alan 44wl114 from Thrift/kg, witt19 Wv44•51 Phil ►'14114,449 with illetr grill*,.. 49)4,8h44'r, 41119, 4vu«a/► ft Ogg, Maim of owl , /)///N/t tr"glf./C SHOP REFRESHED 4,99 .119 rrtlnn, wit rr►mfurimbly t9► 1911• tonna 119441 • (Y.{,idi • 11''59(9 54,54w14414919 . 1199955940 (99495,4 un 54'9' 11'11 eVellt 111.141141( 541105 h..f4lrrerl+e 11115114,145 4,f Meet mom id the meiimlt• of 14x110 nwI►y. A51111041. forg*i'fleu' . 7'444'(1'1 bed altrf4e.48 vvhlc'h, I/t'4 tu1w 19 IN I40►NW ere the deett41ea rrf reneuref, .5,(Y,S1,1N t'h141,1,14,4xtr3v,:--ibr4r(aa _ off +ttc4.1,11a 1Nr1Y4.,r11re'd by pioneer group*, it 'Hong 4 ehu'rg4ss w14'nt+vrr mon at rl k4'u 11, 140nr -Wes9 4ri1F1►uu94. . 9401rrntANr.4, I Ty:4c►t1 . Yibitd4'41 portion* of 1114' '111941942 1411, 11191154' I4'Ielw'149401► 494,444411r1e, 1'41,4 t u. f'M1Sk1 1,rodu4v' 11191, little Meet lien! energy 4,1 119199 90t'f994949, 4'1.111. lighter p►r' 518419'11 Twp, l arldg4l (lona 5►184NllI(4 41 1r4'uter energy, 1U91', 4'uly1.1'19 7ty,S,fr"l The , 1541411 '" l;,9lvert9 2 leli1,55{ 55 a 14,14•14,5111 or ' ebnrge over ;,►'e11+,r ex - 544`i 144 tel 11144 /414, thuI4'1gri14h,(11rt►l,tttilocoo lt'4' 1411'bt :CJ;r,Yy y 1,41t,4fP't wb_let,.f41rm the image,- . i,%;QK,,'10S I MOM* l'arts 111114 [49e gleet 11(191 19411114' i,1 1 broken (14,411 f to 14, onion, 34111,41144 304,10 burin 5,y 94's54nlrig' '1'h9' 4•1194'I'rf('n1 11 30,104,"90 el 4,1 1,184' lit,9ge it re 9'4'414- nen or 5►leked off one by ono',, JIJ*$ On your 4'4/41 Is warming 1111 1 rrn;tri,,', iir4,i4'la ,41 lel ter nr word tit a Uwe, >K .1,7rf►7,Ilts 4414 rn115dly 114.1 eleet'rleity.1,1'ive! 15014141 i I44445,1)00 tol94'9 1, ►,44rot9d, '911494 Ibe ;5,'4411,'.11 'x(,1,4141111 takes (Rile.. u11114/l in., Hans(' 37 4'nl Gert w 114,,1(1 5';o 1'11144,rl9 114,1191 s5 4'ulvi'rin ,,., ;. %%'lurbrob 1', 4'llvert. ., flowl4k 15'1'811'4' 15(11'), 11404411 'S4,10,4140 414,4 I149wtelt 1:1 oleo it owl ;511 1(,4,45 %944 '1149,991 149 114,4,41 157 4444,,.. ,• , 11(4,41 ;S« Tar, 9'491990, 140441 0'94) Tor, 4'449999 , $$$$1forth t('I reel 1o,'le,(r7;h alsrt►Inne(nt#Jy, ,54►ints (►iit, Mr, ('914459• ;1,,;1ti1,114 hull, 'T'hir'ty complete 4r144el,r1n,14' :.1,4ur,1a t111u591w, 4,r Millirem, 19 9eentill, 19841 .1il,hi,l,l, relrao04'11 front Ih4• 11111' 44141 Olin*. .,, 1'1,154141,14( milted by L11" te5eviw14►1 $(,91(.14119, ',..t,,17(►,4U ' /i91e li 1a►111t4' In 48. ,141tiffle.111e oriole 1,44111,71 f of 449944101N (brit firn ti the some 3117,7°"1:44'l4_w'trut1.14 591911e a rnrm(nvhl4re 441444,, 1llutw/r'n the % inflo and y4I11 59 n1949, 41144 V11N'ulrl 0.11149 I,raVets 1►y 4,111 (n9Lh, Ito/ 911411.0 1►y ifinr►tiler, 114 141141 wows Hy going by ('491910 from tilt ,741,1811 stard49, 14► lite Ira;not1N11449 where 11 1,,'4511,344 lir br4sttteuu4t, 1011,1" I When the television t'14'etitena 11,'1:-'(,7;(4 ref►4'(r 1114, 11,1114111111 of y4r1Yr 114, 51141 3 proe is erf re41,nverIAng Thom 1,91,9 >5 ri,t►541,7tl1 lire 4911111ml thft9t. 1irtinilwe84 res44tisew, Cttthndlr ;Ray lube 1(►,It14,f, 1 This 1m 91eeorr►pUat4wl wil II n long. 416,0 Ni41tn►r1e4( Illi4' 91rlt584991 like 99 funnel, :124197,.17 i It la the enttu►dle 195y title9/4908tno91- °,2"'r 1,' referred to 9114 59 .►lel..,ri,- 1111,44, ,f9411,;I 11►5►rv►'4'w44 In reVerne, It r9w'4"1449 5,414,4,919 tmlllfoo9 4,f ('Ie,1►V►994 519 the 841141/4 ►1,417.;,1►' order es moll f1'„►4 Ibe 1'nrnertl 11f'k. », ►1C,,;.II) ' 1919 141,4', ',7745,194 trio, 4.1(4p11•‘01444 141111'1'1111.re9„11'1549t 54,:57, 941 41)19' 411 its, 54,b1'IV,w end, svl 4'r,' au 1.4,0104.1.41 "t'lerrll'1,n 111111'' '4J91'IIyN 9,(11 45 xtre,1444 «51,r''4us;s 1,1' ,,14,'17'4944 t'opnv'r4 ttln4 the .811x' 57,04, per59,4) 8114%/'es 11,4 ' 1114)y' left (lois 5 7,74111 4:'5 4,11lmen,. 41,.1191,'.1 ;11r, 1'919199)190•11 '44,145, '''1'511'„4' 1'5„'. 15,12:169r0 Iron. 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When you have 4t cold antra wort is thrown upon your kidneys. 1)orld's lthinay Pills help year k141nays dear your syai. m of extols aids and poisons rauaod by colds. and 1114. yes s thanes to 91141 lnledlou eoan•r--lees hotter hair. llau horo a told 15ot spri use i)old', Kidney rills, • tit ' ntay Pills icture News from C -I -L. y✓.4" re14r44441,1, .' 5✓ ,444! 9'441liolb 4.4994,;; AIRING AN ARIA t' an audience of hundreds of thou:iam b would have Nen beyond the wildest dreams of ambition* young singers it ' few years a5;o, Now, every Sunday 0155111, the radio program "OW, SinginJ( Stars. of Tomorrow" .tllfcrb this thrilling experience to two young Canadians , ,, and allow* them to compete for C.I-I, musical awards worth,over, 0300, t' WHEN PAIN. STRIKES At the drat twinge, of rheum;4tic pain-, take 'l'empteton a '1' -R -C;'4', Over a mil. lion T4 -C'0 used evrry month, for speedy r4911491 from 54454 cuu1.t41 by then. mntlrrn, arthr1t51, neuralgia, lumbago bond viatica, Why auffe r neodlrt49al)' Keep T-R+C'o on hand, and use tt,4 m promptly, Only d.Sc, $1,3.5' at drug 4'onnleru. 7.1842 MINE STONE'S I (41, P 10f/IP'1 P1,M0'A1 01 DI AO OR DV) A131 F [i COWS • HORSES WM. STONE SONS LTD. Nom' Lot tICI INGZRSOLL 21 GODZRIOH 936r21 CHAMi'JON_MATLRIAI. for tiler, Is light, warm nylon, Now under way, 01.L's new plant at Maio land, Ont,, will make Canada self.sucfi►nt in all chemical. needed to mak. this wonder kb. ric, Textile Manufacturers will get double the quantity they now receive, SRAUTY _ AT THI IMIN I' -Holt,(. makers find that a OLS C.,elltr lose Sponge Ir a beauty for 1'o many uses and wonderfully soft and long'lasting, too. Avall• able tines In attractive colours -blue, green, coral, yellow and natural. 11 PM pee know? About 600 applicants are auditioned each season before the 44,. young singers are chosen to appear on "C•I•L . Singing Stars of Tomorrow?" Audition teams tour the country from. coast to coast giving everyone an equal op• portunity to bo heard by axpertt, CANADIAN INDUSTRIES ,LIMIT '.I N /111'. 1 1.14/41,1/.81', 11111, )10,11 (Ill IA1', (1' 1 D .-- MONTREAL: Want wood for the fireplace or coal they will clink ? WIIOW MOS will find thsm- Quick as a wink ! - OF YOUR TELEPHONE -n1' DIRECTORY