HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-1-16, Page 2LOVE AND PERIL A Story of the Oanadiau North - West. BY Win 1:041LRQVIS: OF Loan, CHAPTER I. Tnere eine e nette t egotist/3 vanity eitoat nu Viet utensil u f mil of re 3g oar ex - aileite acts, however ailly theee may have been. Ide uet belise e that getybelyleolea bet* with the hailer thee aevelitti imegisee meu ;nut feel, Owen open enth a, deed, so the sley. nag of a men. Oa base murder they rimy leek Peek with horrer, bah eeee thea the revengefei feieleg weiete prenep me the ettempe flea en in the breast of tee slayer, and he ia apt to think of hie work with some of the gretideetlea ef eittiseed ager renter then wine remme. Se, at low; it haeeeem* nsi to roe, teneiug from ineineees fleet heve novae wenr iny oinervaelen, beds. amovg nevagee eate eivinz el men, Unleat emethiug we leave done brings 0 reetery ef wine kied, eitter povemy or deer; cie nein Ailey, we de not regroe. our actiene. ween we settle !coin tb,eto, theo inelene see we 447,. "Woy tee &owe wee QOI eeenen to do Li? ° Bee 0 thie ben world nen were s ere net elwae tellowel by suffe,r. into wee beneinee deity weener rea theee wee belle:ye 0 the pep' retern eisewin witdee deeee le * lieeveat of ilmetruetlea eenee of eating ie et .an, etas steatly weennene to melt, and tne tulle ere eely duo to hal by roy fileade very silly enter tets —thee Ms bays believee yet1 die not a II ren, et re O- thcon. tr try, I lee.; beelx with rettreen amusement evt n jter, to tile dap Wben I. was samirm twine t f A WW1 44 ell OF, twp34s -teen the pain Wine lo real 1ife by you nimble ssr vent efeee Unites, E g , Torente, le suit, now lierimier at flew, awl deien tarty well in my prefeselen as timais we. I neen not yet geoti 9111; gown, but tale prospeet of sub a gnu e awo far, and Otgoeile Hell, the greet buildieg where we pleala the rfOtt491.4l emelt, acs =ally A mere ferlern OoltenAnce than Mine and initey a figure far mere bern, peeling tele 9917. MI and 124Stiin the tiAndsame •-ii4n ,TWAY1 Or LIS lot erehitemete, Go mei Azle law rie,en not ta be to my te ea w 4 A1E430 et or. aetive spirit., slue on dee NA 14ayliwait advantinta in tho Feir Met meae :no thisik thee the life U IfivaZi iy trapper gem) a career fee neer "men thee of roost WAeralt„ Wnet wav the eikies ever ^few iesWelierlit a: a Cis:A=8 i witb, lemon Artitiery compmen to tbe story o f eking einele imentel tee life of A grizzly ism 17 „ChM iMprEaskine einilaahl to OXeriale eiettir sway entity mind, well caul non Maul Q4illgo 1 level Pi:Amor Wile= nu 1 admired tho teteute of severe1 of the next:ea-tea who *lora the oheire of the meiyereito, but I did wite 14 friend from eennetiecti :wet resolvel, emu what tenehte that, few years SITIMF, the httnters anw. tresepsea sibenid imam my body and ea a toireseet also, impreve ny Severee of eta itnts Wel to tenting about sum mina:eau 444 ovenieg ae supper. I fete tee rattly lane polecat, heves e ti fie/ &Oleos irweetel in viol teens, um huritege irom a tregol tether, ani I meeneulineusly (tiered te tie)/ the wey for the eeum I hal. atheil 070. aitilry me. We both re3elvea to throw evernIng to the Win is nil to entrt ae soon al rod tat lel—wberti gewenees Indy knew. Net • '114 leuitee Mee. We were p %Waldo, nee tve e.eve ;het wee own nem h leed affora n I °mien:miter mug% for wive -num West c-01,..a—y•c,tivard tte e iumo of tiepin ttnee Re way. We drenle a gene nemy ti, te the semen' 0 oar j u nety. Yr menthig brattabt neither hot, eopetra Inv repentenea n lase thtu a fortnighee time we lied awe whet little preparations we !mann and wo were t ff by the Grand Truk R way to Detroit and Ceicago. At that time our ow a great natioael enterprise the C ,nedian Pecifie Railway, was in tho air, or at moat 11141(10n away id the braille of as= enrimainatio gentlemen who were looked up. • ae hoeing more imagination than bellaat in seir coropesition. Bat Ceioago Was of • rso, alreedy a face Thither we proceeded, trayed only a abort while among its etro eget and multitudineas atreets. The o•I. her Wa3 fine. It wee summer. We pas • n to places in the bead waters of the It . River of the North, as it WAS teen call en etd teeing river Ile, we took te the eteitntre and then to b3,tte, nail ultimately airwed at Fort Gerry, the meetre Winni- Oaly one Ming there was to disgust we Often after rain along the prairie pethe by the bide a the water we eame on extraordia- ary looking boon' or largelizsxda. Efideous, bloated -Waking -flattop they were, that lifted their fab tails above their broad backs aud weedled rather than ran on their fab lege before us OW:Mg tne grass. But we had little time for the study of netaral history. that we not eatable was disgusting, 01 that was eatable we appreciated. And so voyaged me untflwe reartle 0 the settlement of the half breeds, the Meter aa they call themselves, below the "Forks," the place where the twin fivers of the North and Seuth Seskatcleewen j were we were in a wooded fir country, with numerous settle. meats of them people. Bat onward still we went, 42OW by land, f•tr the travelling was vaaler on the weeded Woke, the forest beleg no dense enough 0 impeee advance. $e we introeyed to the baetioned ethelzede of Fero Ceriton, where Was a 'stroll); /if when Bey put, with stores of skins and feed and !teeny welcome. Here we determined th go other not, and we creaked tha riVer to erthoria beak, mpeultee hed up r4 Vele time eviceel desdres to sweetninodete biretta( • ewie A fraille of mind highly erelit. ,as 1 thetight, to him, for Wan1 not aueher and &Outer of tide jeurney? Whet 0304 Any oppaaition to my mem do bet deery barreexey end pregreed Bet the wiring was COWing 94 Alid 1 detected a cetteie meant of denim on hie pert to accommodate himself to the wiehes of tonne ef the yoeug Merke it the eatabliall- incur, who teld Mei he weld get pent e el eitoothig aid fen there w Ithout goinglert her. TAU was net to nay testa, end at drat he Wok»yeemesel and said he would go en with mo. Smetirees, however, he forethly am -melted We ehonld remain, I as foreitly emereeleti we ehente primed. I provellee. We veer's) to go on %limo a Weil oow oute, whicb, eltimugh 14 Involved imed tra.velling, WA%1 beaten path. But be ward, ed to etem neerer the river, wbere we were told we ihould meet wsth more gerne le the thee' 3 of gem and duck; for a Week er two loner. The miel was a eonapromhes, lateen, a etupid Clime ne went out carry. lug en a tobeggeu Ver elute enough was nue telling 0 make the dregelug of a tolys gen peetible) all our stOres, Zavn Mae All enr d tientree& At ere we oboe gem, eneueb. Bee the marine', became very wearisonta We earrlid snow ahee, and We ne,13 them for the eget time, No one weo hms not had exper- ience el tide mode of trevelling eau imeeke hew Melons progreesion on snow *hue bee mewl to one uneccustomed to the ex a t lee. To Eetop Oen taro the ward often eigrall gelele oral easy pew:melon, The in at- wegieu *new shoe, a long beard welt a tamp for the feet, is the inetrumeat that come w an olci country mind. Oar suow 'thou aro very intermitlenient' a large toenle racquet., like a burn but without the Woe - Wen at the broad end, whistle is shaped Into no oven curve. There is a space loft in the crovi eatgutting for the teen over which a'rsps are 1oopd A ret all gots well, aed even the tramp, tramp, although monownees, bas the anise of novelty. Then you get ieto 4 stio-,F drift, there my be game smell aecieent—an lipiet—whielt only prevent.' mirth. Bet after bourn and days the ball of the toes is apt to get very me— th° tenet do Reopen' as the French ealt IN an then hew thiamine beaomee the march, e nd how the font ac le end Rohe! Tee temperature became cold in the even. leen end tho night!' were Lir from warm But we fennd fuel in the copsee the triaged the notth bank, 1 alwaye urged that we should 'Mike north where the country was more 011 of fire, but the oounter plea was urged. "Let us atiok to the river ter a few days yet" My companion tufferad more from hie foot than I did, and Lome more and more "oras' every evening when we meth) temp, I had now to go to out the firewood, for he was so tired and feotsore that he always declared that he oould do no work when be cense to a halt but help to cook at the fire. He thought ma unreasonable ; X thought him opinionative. The marches were not long enough for me; they were too long for him. Melly we qaerrelled outright. Fati gue had made our tempers short, although the clay'a work was still long enough. It became colder and colder. We hed but one goad robe (a buffelo akin) with ua, and thie had to be shared by us both at night. Bat soon my friend became no angered with me— whether it was because I was always too hopeful and cheerful, whatever the einem stancesor beuso I had "given it him back" when lie had been too abusive in a gloomy fit, or whether because he had resolved to go no further whenever he had an opportun ity of returning, I know not, but he would hardly speak to me. I showed my dislike of this conduot, and abeolute silence reigned between as, Bub while his head gob worse, as I though, I observed that his thee got better. fie was able th march fully as well as I, and I some- tim.s thought that he wae trying to punish me by walking me down. But my toes got better tee, and I was determined to walk him down. S3 we plodded on, and his si- lence and sulkiness remained. It was a ridi- culous peeition. There we were, two lonely mortals, holding to our course, but getting more uncomfortable and doubtful of oneown wiadon3 evening after evening. P Peen thence I remember writing to our ie r Peofeasor Wile= st the uaiyersity a e width was a sorb of payment of what hr E gtih calI"conscience means?" when they send to their Finance Ministtr the ar- aware on their terrible incarse tax. Thus my eat; was a kind of acknowledgment of the leb, I owed to our Alma Mater atd tho best nelos el man there. 3 hed been etruck by the accounts of the grew ircehe's that took place and still take pl-ce in the Red River (curing the spring mac Of old these flaeds caugut very nany of Z.I-3.3 buffet° herds that grezed in the wide ani rich psatures on the banks of the great auto tare The buffaloes were swept away in buirlrede, nay in thousands, and I connected tam re my mind with what I had read of the Nees mount of mammoth ivory and skeletona of 4 lephantis found at the mouths of the giant rivtre of Siberie, Was it not possible that the ar posits of Extinct mammale owed their orgin to like cause? May not herde of elepnente as numerous as the herds of our "eon -dean bison" hs,ve grezzd in olden dayo on the prairies of Siberia'near those rivers, and may nob these spring fbods have carried hundreds away and drowned them and etre ged their camases along their banks and at their estuaries, jut in the same way au the Rad River drowned its thousande of buffsloes and strewed its b mks with their bodiFe? Z hought I'd never see Toronto again, and -this was my tribute at parting to its learn- ing. We did not purse at Wlanipeg, ex slept to recruit supplies, but passed on down the stream until the broad expense of its lake lay before us. Then on its bosom we voyaged many days until we came to where the gigantic Ses.ketche wan enters it through a va,et region of =rah and sedge and gran pTOWn flaSs,where my classical studies called up vemembrances of Virgil's decription ef the Denabe, to whose banks he Wee exiled. netere he bewailed liis fate and the frc z wilderneas, and longed for the fleshpots. of :Rome. Not eco I. We shot bitterns and ducks and pelicaps and geese by the ecore, and I ewes in Paraiba And thee, getting Indi time to aid us, we canoed onward up the immense river westward, ever westward. We had no lack of tood—our guns gave 0 all we mean], Oe, the delight after our ;me town life to be our own purveyors.. Oh, he charm of those evening camp fires when re had our meals. We two stretched our elves before the Are, ramie up willow and opiar wood, tine smoked our pipes a,nd !reamed of further adventure and explore. - ..ion. •to his propositien. Bat we muse first find the regular trail and 401110 Indent lodge or voyageures bone. We knew well encugh that we eoulei beet find etioh to tlae south of our nteeent position, and we eletetnoitied to etrike for the ehain of poets due north. Ib WWI A musts heir° mama, his dusky brown forte clearly defined agiiinet tine POW. Alwrilie lain him low, and we held bleh carnival over is null, which was excellent It wee si ISIS' 1 deer or Carilene Abottis two weeke later we moved on add reiwtetethoahdaygeontlesusegdmeeoldoe obs, iderable.dietenee we had no difetulter orossiegseverallakes the lee being firmer with the lammed uld too far to the west, but by making an angle whores waters stretehei in the direction we to the north seat we iMould strike the wished to take. It was at the end of one of rapier 'put° to Fort a la Crease by Pelican these taarenes that we saw smoke from Ores Lena 1 renaember that WPM as we were kindled on the bank beneath the clump of &boat" to turn 0 and were Mill discussing oor Ara and willow. One of the pleasures et tea pemmican at the Are we ElaW standieg clue veiling in the wild parts of the Ceeadiem to us, the soituay ad ellene form of an Northwest emulate in thin thee altbough Indian. How he had got so near tut we did theUnited States you may be uncertain whe not know. Then ha ateed like an awake. weigeme may await you among the Indians, 0013. SO 1110t1.041089 and statuelike was be. in the British territories there ie no leer to be epprelleeeled from them, Some events sheet have laereafter to meatball widen may teem te'proye the mtrary oeteeftemaecitieu- tal and purely temporary causes, the redskin', hailog been led away by their kinsmen—the haWif etr brehlee*fore approached the eneempreent withoue any apprehentimn and wenf,in amoog the ledgee of the India= as though we hal be lo eg expected. And their meaner to ne wee smite the manner you would regard as Not a mind bad eactsped bin, not a rust- ling of hie snowshoes bad betrayed him as be approached. Wrapped in a blanket, with A elm!" hew in hie hand, he Mood, and gszse aeleinnly, monrnfully, as It seemed to (AS, at us. We cffged him dome food, which he took In bis hand without a geeture or word. There might be others near tin and Iliad not got uteit to the presence of each myeteriottely appeering gums. But there was no reaeoh for entrpeeting hen of any evil design, Efe. deputed min Jute the darkness. We agreed, to keep remote by term, butelumber owereeme beth otRS, and we sew alla, heard no more of ear frien& het e shell never forget thee 04'1014 ap- pearing figure, roeted apparently te tne :roma and gezeng down upon us, looking in the fireligac like a carven figure, or the puny 0 teems wild eteppenske lanee, 1 knew now then I thenld 4904 bo Moue with •tech companteue, for my feleud hen mane aphis mind to abitits49 tenger than he eoull help In thie wildernmen Ae I weut to sileep the scenes of my intro - elf emu agein befere me —the turbid rash of the Red River ;the levr benke eat In tho roheoll ; then tee eediem expeeeti of 14 Wiunipeg ; the dreary date mod negee owl rapidaa the mouth of Seektitolaewee, the CHAPTER 11, As the blue shadows of the snow vanished and ore n'ace to the advancing dusk of night we searched keenly for willow clumps that could afford shelter and fuel, and having come to some suite:late spot we silently halt- ed, turned our toboggan with its load on edge, so ae to afford shelter for the fire whioh we soon had alight. Then, taking out our robe, we lay close together, cold in body and in manner, but rolled as near to- gether as possible for the sake cf the animal warmth our bodies effarded to eaoh other. I had become the more energetic of the two, and one evening as we continued our march I found that my companion and whilom friend wao lagging behind. I saw It, I am ashamed to say, with delight. "Now I will make hiln speak," thought I, with malicious joy. On I went, tremping the snow with even footfall, on and on. At last, after we had passed some likely places for a camp, I heard a voice behind me. Was it indeed my friend, who had found Speech at last? Yea, verily 1 "—in Uptan we mutt stop now. Where do you wish to go? '—an- other oath. I felt half tempted to give no rapier, but I relented, and said, "All right, old fellow. Well stop here." l'he• ice was broken, and we lay down after a early conversation had taken place. My friend declared he would take the first opportunity to go back, and I did not demur _ • sV•:•••••,:, `,ke for Infants and Children. neastorials so Wenadapted techildree that Castotia cures Colic, Constipation, recommend it aa superior to any ps'.w.riptiort SOW StAnnaeh, Diarrlotea, Ertietattoe. knOWIS to me." le, A, Ascarii, L D., jU WOrmit, gives sleep, sad, promotes di- geseNees 111So. Oxford M., Rookama, IL Y. visages lopulente medleation. Tan Canaan CoxrAtor, etterray Street, N. Y. n'ttie . usual, among yOtir QW4 FOlatiYee. Whe have been aeozatomed to gee you go oub aed in attweg there. The elelere saU sietolnetly nothing, Veering:liter members of tiee party cline forth from their eheitera to took at um atoleddgetiltindmeealfoundeWeeo u4beforeetteethebisweigwiteirans. Ile listened, as we Plied him if 01 wee well mei if we week( etay with him. " Tnionowe it ie cold, he aein, hew many are yen r "Neale" we replied, "Two (wily," SDI We bsou op two degere t emettleeiet our mew tion. "Itlipekeir," he raid, after a 1181100, for the night had fallen, end thia reemet tut we were to eleep ; 0 we made one emp r ear te the Indiana, eine imeet obeyed the olden Lan our alumbere were Yory mend, In -me day ley umpteen/to forthwith 311119 irquities aa t the ineeue of gettleg liaek to we vetuery of that elver graduelly tierce's?. fawn Q4, Allti 434 hi promieing a rewer4 an II 'log ail Ite *Wee beemee higher ; the nett oz r *eaten uenerteoh gaide him linere, sio the ridge* ; the atockanee of Ctritee Fort that be 40144 et tivl inn fet? tlay' kiln% WIth the Surrounding Mlle, often lie up vies I told them I would etey with them, and idly by the orange Area of the Canadian sue the announcement Was received with e grunt, stets; the recent, weary marches ; the cold aPeeneeiln eiel'itiectlen, We Parted rather and yet the beauty of the anewy le,page*Im, sorrowfully, Although We hen fallen out by med1 loaged see I fell indeepfer (keratin:clue- the way. Ing abetter of nee plena and removed to Now 00111eit the begietting of my eerion5 heeten our mereit to the trail and Mee abodes adventures. AU eaeenteltee In 'eye are 4Q41 - or the gallant ?icemen of the fur trade, eine 0tbeliele then may wenn to be of AO 1000 eiropit wo tease Red again J41 men m importance At" the tithe, 'Yet they leave tioulble My DOM/ remedied friend was Mill asleep by my lade when 1 awoke In tie* morales, end how the celd etruen down on my heed and between sny Amadora! I elation Ann joined up to stemp ebrat and get ell ready gar tree stub, fee DOW that we bed eettlen to get (plenty to stoma plane where we might tied white mem, daspeadenoy wand *oft be. hind like the cell night. Bow the sun glistened on the irony willow Imo and white otrpet of geese 1 tem =Iv and brao log felt the delightful eite making the puiers tiogle end redoubling the strength 1 Wo started by a eewpasa. It VA1 astonishing how hero the prairie bad sheeny become, rh,J 14tQl that we passed were eten imam. Dodging mime °huge ID our diet, for the geese and duake lussi now all gone to the aintrh, and we had found none for same time, we resolved to try our Hut at lake. The ponied= was very. "stodgy," And wo were soon tired of it, although it Wail well made, Often there is nothing in It but dried meat pounded up, and then enured with A lob of milted fat into bag. Bob oure had been carefully made with good harries, so that It With not dleagrocable. Still a few fialt wale] In a pleesaut veriety, Bat; now we tenon to our dismay then the lake Was SO Alkaline that there was no fieh la lb, T,his wan an. other argument in favor of getting altogether away from tho flatter country of the elinviel earth, welch is furrowed 110 deep by the eletketohewen tream, Wo resolved on two or three forced marches, and wore glad to Bed again the laud swelling hobo hillooks crowned with fir twee. Among these there were again Flom of /mem water, and near the first We camped after mime &ye of boil, resolved, if there were fish, to root a little. What joy to Rod a "nibble" at the end of the line let doWa through a bolo wedeln the foe 1 The water was large, the further shore being fringed with pine. We might hope for eood flailing. What was Olio, the firat ostoh? It was a goo& one, for the tugs at the Inc were furious. But there was a slacken Ing of the effsrts of the fish, and cautions ly I hauled him up to the ice. Another tug, a sudden cessation of all feelinge of weight. Good heavens 1 have I lost him ? No ; there he was at it once more; but I pulled him steadily through the ice, and lo, a at lendid trout lay gasping on the skyward aide. Well done, pemmiean bait! BIM perhspe a piece of bide flirt would serve for another, Int us try. Some time elapaed Wore there was any reply vouchsafed to the temptation let down into the waters. Then cams a jerk, then a long, strong pull. We had another 1 A similar fight with this, net so prolonged, took place, and there soon lay beside his mutilated comrade another fish, but not this time a trout. It was a "white- fish" or Ileoregontie," a kind of grayling much liked by all the &yellers within reach of the lakes, great or small, in North &merle", for of this fish men never tire. Of trout one can soon have too Mueh. This is not so with the white fish, 'no we were re- joiced at getting one. We were more determined than ever to Melte a atay at a place where we could have rest and good refreshment. Some more fish were caught, and we went to camp, light- ing a larae fire near it little freesia stream The fish were placed meth° surface of it little pool close to the fires'and there we left them, content to stretch ourselves near the fismss and smoke onr pipes and look upwards into the dark boughs that seem to breathe comfort and warmth after the snow glare ot the open plains. Some of the fish wz re split and put before the fire on Woke, and very good they were. Bat what was our aston ishment some time after supper and pipes had been disoussed to find that in a little surface pool formed by the melting of the brook ioe by the heat of our fire several of the fie' captured hours before and frez3n stiff, had become alive and were deluding themselves into the belief that they were about again to become fres trout and white. fins. We undeceived them, but that they oould come alive again after so prolonged an apparent death was startling and new to us, Whenever we caught them afterward we did away with the hope of this resurrection by knocking them on the head. So paesed this evening, and a good many mere, for we were loath to leave our quarters. The winter became more intense in cold, but that we looked for, and were astonished at the comparatively small amount of snow that fell, as compared to what we had been accustomed to in °amino. We certainly never felt so well in Toronto as we did here, on the border of what the geographers rather affeetedly call the Sale -arctic Forest, We had made several excursions to look for deer, whose traokeyee had observed on the border of the lake, and one day I came upon a fine buck, who appeared to be Beek. Ing some open water near its shore. He stood still, apparently listening to scene noise I tram 14 a 119#14.1 kW**, 111.44 the evineuet et the attachments Mbar dews creep up when lune expnted, $e I oughe 0 beim thought, bat 1 nid non and wino I feuni then this oklohief hal a daughter who wee certainly Pretty. " a Inelau lentos go," 1 em greed that I Was guilty of directing tee muter of my looks and too miner of my re make In her eireetion, She Will the only deuehter af 410k1MO, Or tho chief, santi el. though I never thick that the roe &mete Call cerupere for one moment with the toe dee of Tomtit, I have to confetti that by the side of her =tin pines she WAV indeed beeutifel, She had some fauelfal long -wind. ee nume, comprising two autocue of mean ing, something to tbe effete of "She Is the one to whom ail listen when alio talken but 1 coule not get my tongue round so inutile of thia lingo, and I called her "Ktoothke, ' which was some Imitation of her fethern word for "laughter." She managed my IMMO very well when I once grammes, tient pins to teach It to her, Sho often orne After tis on abort expedition's askiug to carry something, and I bog= to fear with a tort of sweet misgiving that I had mane too gteat an itnpreeeion upon her. Why ahould ehe always wish to wary things f ir me, to look lifter my ceinp, to let me dad A oharrn ing pine twig bed alwaye ready for me whets I came beck from hunting deer! b al ralsgivInge, bus 1 manfully sop pressed my ink -twinge, 01 mos'i men do limier the cireunsitanses, atri I allowed thiuga to happen weioll in civilized twenty might have been held ae "oompromiainm But how u tile I help It? Tals &at' lade maiden, with her trick }we iVi3 emu, and choke of of aoep nue brown, with the glow 0 healthy blood making them 11 ish a lovely dinky red, was my mop meker and guardian epirit in my loneliness. I (mulct only got grunts from most of nor kludred. She lied always a etas for no, and never for an inetant allowed anythiag to mar my cocci r as far as lay in her newer. This is it treit lc woman which is univereally appreolated (TO BE CONTINIIRD MOD' &RING Itt 'NIB OMB it The Custeno Iniregac Amon the ilir.doog and ChincSe. White is the mourning garb throughout the far Ent. The Hindoo son whose father dies must not thave or wear shoos or shirts or anything except a piece of white oloth during the period of mourning. You Bee Ceinamen deemed in white, moving among the gayly dressed throngs of every Chineee city. And when a Chinamen is in mourn Ing he heal& white silk into his hair and has even the solea of his shoes painted white, Re entirely diaoards for the time all things of red color, and he takes the red coloring eff the furniture of bis house. Rsd is the eolor of prosperity in China. It means lucky, and the ordinary Chinese visiting card is a atrip of red paper as long as it government envelope. While In mourning he prints his name on white visiting candle and he does this for three years. At the end of that time he puts on garments of a modified oolor and writes on his visiting cards the word "tam," which means, "My grief is not so bitter as befom." Ceineee, and in fac' all nations of the Orient, are more rigid as to their terms of mourning than we are. The Chinaman who would nob pub on mourning for his father would be arrested, and in Corea a man is expected to clothe him- self in yellow sackloth and trot around the country under it hat as big as it dishpan, hold- ing a fan before his face for three years after the death of any near relative. Daring this time ha can do no business, cannot engage in marriage or attend any festivities. Caine. men do net go to theaters during then mourn- ing period and the law to it certain extent regulates the mourning customs of Japan. Daring 'morning the leadieg officials of many of the countriee have the right ts resign, and not long ago Li Hung Chang,the great vice- roy, asked to be excused from hie dutiee as Premier of the Clhinese Empire in order that he might go off end mourn for hie mother. An Unworthy Suspicion, Mr. MoSwat plaited up a doughnut that lay on hie plate, examined its critically, made O mental estimate of its weight and laid it down. "Lobelia," he said, "did you make this ?" "I did, Billiger," replied Mrs. Ma wat, proudly. "I'll have a whole plateful of them on the table in it moment." Me. MeSwat made no reply. He was thinkb3y of the $10,000 for which he had insured his life the day before and as he looked at that doughnut awl then at his innocent sad unsuspecting young wife it look of oold, hard ensploion Nibbled on his faoe. GOING TO OALIFORNI VIA THE. Santa fe Bov,t e. Le oreereo . . 5:25 P. m - r. Kansas Olt. e. , l';5p, M. At, Hutchinson "tee° p. in, Ae ',remitted , . .• •tt. lstilS A. 114 - Ms Las Veges.....,1 4'05 p. m. Ar. Albuquerque .. .... , .., 12:50 waui. Ar liamtowe . ,li:4-5 A. ill. Ms Ins eueelea ......,-..•- 410 a- m. as itlatt DiFce. . J;40 P. 44., Teter 1...ri ei-at bun t Moe •...., — gun jelon f rues Wed. 1hu. Mon ,,Tues iWed akar .Fst Moa 1lTues A.Tsar FS Ties 1Wed e Fri I ieW Ines, iIneed intet Fri ,Set Wed i'Teur ri Sat Sea Thar tine eeat ,ttan Moe filar irI'Sat Sea Plion Yon get the only line of thioegli care without Owego Chinago Aegeles, aed you save 47 home time, • OFFIGE-74•GRInwolasT.i DETROIT, .OF,O. E. GILMAN, inweenger Ageet c at Sc.us Sas Noe on rem Wed we ed Wed g„ to Loll TUX 'TUBS. lo eublieneetwery Tburadey more ufbet Ti MES STEAM PRINTING NOUSIE u.i...twetme.dy opposite Fitton's Wewalery atm s, liseter,flut.. be ,fehri White Seria,PrO- arietors, RATAS OF APVWYDYINCI iraeineertion,eer lino. 10 miete AMA aniosemeedinsertien.per To iusure ftenL,on, edvertisereents einsuld o soutio noteeter then Anelueedey mersibig 411•Zin, ',MOM OuNf011 run:Two DEP eitTelneiT el 9140 1 C tile lonieF,t and best equippea in tbe County referee, aii work mite:ewe tout' Neaten:0e ex entre p t atreinioe. Decisions Itegardiug News- papers. nee eersou Mae tunes si raperreeulatlytrom tie poeneitice, weenier eirecred in lois name or see thong. or wh teller behest oubacribed or not ts reseonemie tor eayMent. 2 If a.licrnm °rem his paper diecontinuod ea mu stswey ell mercers or the pulitedier eney tontinue to send it until tile payment is made. and then collect the W11010 AMOtint, whether. the paper is eaten trorn the officio or not, S in suits for thheciiptione. Ose sul t Thal be *Muted in the place where tee verse te pub. shed, although Om subscriber may reside undrede et mace away, 4 'Into courts have wit:sided that reftweireg to ko uowemeeere or pcitodienlairorn the peat. dice, or romps tog end leaviao them nneelled r is prima feels, rr id( DCO at ant &lit IQ it al 4431 PUREST, STRONCEST9 BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious meteriels, E, W.01 L LETT, "l'ag4N, 11.7e:z of tasr.r1gaaTED=A1•Yr.A.17r 4U13. MoTi..077=3:102E1INTT =WEI —AND -- L ive Stook Assooiatio (Incorporated.) Home °face -Boom D, Arcade, Toronto En the 110 iipertuue t net tei at sti>Drs. vales la lemnity for dcwo 14111 t13.111; aabstantIal assistelea to ths :),Lt •I* ceasei intruhars &t t arms available to an. In: the limes stook dap utmost it.W3•01 ,41 tn. den:mite for lass of tete to of Its d II tlri- Ap lies:ions Mr -eta-miss oteito I. pe osecatuses, lahni r o',i, & e. ir —JAI AU 'ONUS. Managing 11 reatoz. The Most Successful Remedy ever discov, ered,as It is certain in its effects and does not blister. Read proof below. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. or's.= or enemies semen, z heseems Amer/teem) BAY AND Tiltattra Blum Floasr.S.j menfoon, Ire., Nov. 20,1888. Da, 2.3. KENDALL Co. Dear Sirs: I have always purchased your Ken- dall's Spavin Cure by the half dozen bottles, would like prices in larger quantity. I thiiik it is one of the best liniments on earth. 1 have used it on my stables for tame years. Yours trtily, CHAS. A. &TYDFIL KENDALL'S SPAM CURE. BROOKLYN, N. Y., November 3, 1988. DR. 2.3. KENDALL DO. Dear Sirs :I desire M give you testimoniaj of my good opinion of your Kendairs,Spavin Cure. I have used it for Lameness. Stiff Joints and Spaying, and I have round ice sure eure, I cord'. ally recommend It to all horsemen. YOUTI3 truly, .5. H. GILBERT, Manager Troy Laundry Stables. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. SANT, WINTON COUNTY, omo, Dec. 19, else DIL D. J. KENDALL Co. Gents: I feel it triy duty to say whatl have done with your Kendall's Spavin Cure, I have Mucci twenty -live horses that hod Spaying, tett ot Ring Bone, nine allitetedstIth aig Resift and seven of Diu }TAW. Since 1 Piero haC one dr your books and fotioWed the directions, 2 have never lost a case of any kind. Yours traly, ANDR/tw 7317111M1t,_ Horse Doctor. KENDALL'S SPAVIN tIRE. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $S...4.,`1118 - gets have it or can get It for 00 recelpt f you, or It cut torr yDenti c111..er , oat by yr Ei'allriMe. BOLD BY ALL DB1TGGISTS. w ;lit.. • t3.1713 IV ES, Worth. iwirt Ifid go yau .;• • f.s,'yht.0 :viy t - tit, toltl aWattch tont* EE. vc. 810 .0 wattlou It, waikt ' ott,t,:ps Wattuutt,* OtAts 001.0 Sustain 1. rtlt laltra NA put ee,. tilth WOO and cat # coal Value Ogg i'50bo Ili totality eau arcuro 000 teerther with our tarp end %eleatto husefillotaithold Samples. `film *stork% us 5141 all thia Watch, itre 8irt,0. AO dm walk res urrd Ts to stow 'slot %It, so:m.13'0u to Myst st tott—yOur Mtn& awl nenrlan5onn4 Outs stout you -41100,44y* IstAtItts irt rahlable trade rot nr,whir111103111tur,ytatt ssten onto stuttel, end thus we Mt ft para. V.'s my eti expralbfrri#14,, cc After you 14 oOW 0/, Ton wrath! ltlea 5050 tO Work for us, lag tut% tarn ;torn 520 to 800 art WC& ail Upward*. A3drs5.. Stinson di 00., lion Slit, railhead, 31 KANSAS, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA COLORADO, U TAH, NEW MEXICO CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA, ORE GON, And all points west of the Missouri Riv via the Sam ta Fe Route FROM CHICAGO. For particulars and tick es 53e your earest ticket agent, or address GEO. E. CeILIWAN, Passeeger Agent, 74 Gristwold-st., Detroit, Mien i4E0. T. NIO EIOLSON, GeneralPass. aa 1 Ticket Agent,. fo peka, Kansas .r. RE ONE ALAN. Write for descriptive cat t5 1 ., . containing testiraOnials frora hundreds of peo Imvo sawed frill& 4 0 9o51, daily. 26,000 now su • f ully used. Annoy can be had where ther is a vacancy. A SAW liftliNTiON tor Sling saws n free With each making; hy the use of this tool everyi My' Can tile their own sows now and do it better than the • greatest eXpert eon without it. Adapted to all cross -cut saws.. Every onb who owns a saw ehould have one. No tidy to pay; we mannfacturolln Canada. Ask your dealer or write FOLDING SAWING MA. CHINE 00., 808 to_811 S. Canal St., Chicago, 11L "(HAT'S 1058505 FOR WOW n MILES nIflEu 0 , AYE moilE ono of the messy eecopes 5 15 EE the world. Oi,r facils are Unequaled, and to introduce our superior goods we will sendgnen 10 0000 PERSON in each locality,. Ek at above. Only those who write !V:, to us at once can make sure of Fe the chance All you have to do in return is to show our goods to - those w ho call—your neighbors and those around you, The be- ' ginning of this advertisement shows the small end of the fele- Seope. Tho following cut gives tho appearenee °tit reduced to about the liflicth part uflt,bisfl 11 5,, grand, double size tele- scope, 05100570 09 50000" to carry. We whl alsotillOW yoU how you tan make from 83 te 1810 allay at least, from the Idart,with- out experience, Better write at Once. iVe.pay all express eharges Address.15.11ALLETT & CO., Boa S80, PORTLAND, MUNN. Further Particulars Needed. - "How about the 1110 pocket 29 inquired the tailor. "I want it large enotigh for a pocket pis. tol," Bahl the outtetner, "Yes, sir; Kentuoky, ar, or Maine ?"