HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-11-20, Page 2(6aittricli toignal-iPtar HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Publialied by Sigual-Saar Ltd_ Iinbseription Kateo—Canada and Great Britain. $2.50 a year: to United states. V3.t0- Strictly lu advance. Advertng Rates oa request. Telephone 71. • Authorised as asseondclass malI. PQA Office Department, Ottawa. Outart-Towu Represeutative- UW N.A., 104 Peter Street. Toronio. Phone E,pi 674(.5. Metaber. of Canadian Weekly Newspaper* Asaaisciation. Weekly Circulation Over 3.000. GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher THUILSDAY. N'OV satth, crino NOMINATIONS FOR 1953 Down Memory's Lane ha rtlly t init. for :fur stiggestiuti to trach befote 'hey began think .(bout it days ---on In a few Friday' esen-; 1 • • Ing of :neat week, to be exact— The Federal Parliament isa- Godericli electors,. will have their ' „wood, today, ,ip vault %yip likely annual opportauity 10 PlaeV, catt- be the- last istaaion before a general dida tea in nomina tiou for the ' elet•tion. Both part tea —all parties, various civic offices. If thhe ey, let !including tC.t.'.F. and the Social ma Hy inst.inces masons and plast- the opportuuity go by they %%all !credit—will be trying to make a erers had to stop work. not have, another for a 1 welve- i, good impression before going to mouth. So if they taave any con -1 rhe people for their verdict. It cern ,. about who represents them I should be an iuterestiug sesaiou. at the' Towel Couucil or the Public; • • • School Board they should be pre- I lu a resent addre.ss Finance seot at the Tovvu Hall and do • Minister Abbott urged that Cato • DONNYBROOK tiONNY1111.00K„ Nov. fl—Mi ELatue Jeffersou and Mts. IL Mauro ney were among thooe from Auburn vitsbilty who took the We trip to the Royal Winter Pair. Mr. and Mrs.. Stuart Chaturiet and Diaue were Stuida) visitors, tilT. 11STRICS lir.T.A. TO MOLD 0011MMICS OS a the Ovu-riv.aderatualeal of Jams_ lona mid deseasalweat-t It hi jitsui- The giwaLk&Y meeting yi SL arDusrum. nomariox d la oesouisatauta. braday thr Peter's Parent -Teacher's Asiatrela- suell.o4la to; sel,Litth initual pew, um Was bad • aa the *011,,,,4 vs memAirm 4.4 ,t,r Taaa asolosea iikvir aft- drzat ill'Ith Al 41 etrutuaLth Wedthe*daY' IC4ileia1•er 12, with a will atteud h oUr -du ; altiasensai la l'1: Ili' re-LuAluder vr 1-Le!Litue idellAg i drooled to •ritissuau and genetaa guts' titte"datioe- Itie Predeut. dwitrial Prtsuartisai Conlereuer at Itra. LI_ faimpsou pretided and wipe...oil /Iry Ttauvila ) . ..1%. 4, 1, V.i.iiiier hi t 1 7.;,,tiour 1 i# ii,I testa Stit-Zt 711 lirs, 'XivilIer lit- 7110-11La8 oPezedMein% It was decatied _nt a t•jtiVel:11 a.,-. .,-,4tf,-f,---u,.. .41 W4kr-LaU* liaTe meeting with !prayer. council meeting laet Frolay alter- ist-r1.1 2 t'LL'ruViiredull 1 vcs ,,::TitatV311 et hand ttiaLp.4.01:1, uf .with , Mx. and Mrs. Cliff llenderoon The treatourer reported that the at Kippen. taiehre and -500' held cm Notes:ober VOLS. aud WA—The 1V.Staa waa' a success. • 45 Vents Ago 175 bears Age aud W.A. met on Tuesday atter. The president then introducxxl ‘Viuter -cow paths" tu Cohn Joaepli Lister Rutledge, ion of a noon at. the larmeaft M. IL Jeffer- 314 Mattel Powell, who gave a House Park 'were inaugurated.with 10 ladies in attendance. very interesting and inatructive A rumor that Goderieh was to former pastor of North Street 16"41--- - u And„wILIL 1Mrss.ILChanineY was in charge of talk can "'Books,'" printing out the have a tuilitary acterol was reported . to be utitrue. Lean as rditur at The Canadian tht' Pr'L'graal Ind Hie meeting was °Penes! by singing lianui 500, to: - King 'Edward VII was press -nisei M4galitle. ' prayer awl the Lord'a with a 750 000 diamond on the t;race United Church, Porterai prayer blnY unie'aou. The Mits*eis oo-asion of his birthday ylebratiun. Ilill, was opened and dedicated, 1, Louise Jefferson and Grasse natuup, Erueat Shiptuau ' and William aith the pastor, The Rev. U. M. sou contributed a raano duet. Mrs. Colvin preaented the origival Kirke Gale presidiug and Hie Rev. A. E. N. Thomposou read about Korean La Shelle production of -The Doan of Clinton as preacher at relief. Mts. IL Jefferson and Mrs. Bonnie Brier Bush" at the testiodel- both morning aud evening service,. N. Tho4iption gave reports of the led Victoria Opera House. The Goderich Ruud elected of - plastering of new buildiugs, for in dent, Hee. Hays; president, Harry 1-411111 :506 waii sung. , Ydres. J. C. ot.sonm ; anager, George James: -1 tian sae-a-arras:hip Mn Charles sid,erably with the brick W work aud .1lobiason raw a reading on Chris:- secretary, "Clyde Carter; treasurer, W. Johosion. Jefferson aud Mrs. N. Thouipeon ,. . Thirty-two persons were assessed a tine of $5 each and cysts of $2.90 each. thisbeing the sequel of, a liallowe'en raid at a Colborne Township home in which windows were broken and tit her datuags- - done. Editor Signal -Star. .. - g what they can about it. . iadians exercase aeatraait au it,(kieg Sir.---Euelosed you will tind check E. C. Beacons, public -school in Its a fret- couutaa --eouiparative- I for new Government6ervices. ' Ile subscription to the Siguata Star. at '. pes-tor, spoke at.the Vietoria Home Snow and frost interfered as deers as follows: Honorary presi con - _ sectional meeting held*" at Auburn. Letter to the Editor - .Iy .speaking—itnd if any ratepayer !realized that taxes ate -uncoaifort- t‘tius atiiihdle„..1ur• sviiss,thrt to teohugtadteunIdaitde riand School Club on the new cur - does not care w attepil the uoa't! i ably high" and he wirtiajaaar to re- :-Old Hoide NVTeek" ' editiOn'iof the . cTullisti.inflev. J. S. ShOrta RR. af mg he (or be dote, uot have To. ', duce thew. but if tasoloe peraaaad in !Signal -Star. It was .1. very credit- Barrie. former moderator of the ideal -sliding from their governments able and popular edition. 1 very Presbyterian Church in Canada. • would alitieh eitioaed 3Ir. Will Robertson's conducted the services at Knox: ., ipss MACPHA1L IS !..more anti more :4-rviees they. , 'WORRIED ; -, iit with Inc last summer. As it 1 lia4e to pay for them in inereased was impossible for me to help eele- . Church. 'narking _the ilr'nd an- niversary of Presbyterianism in 1 1 la 13 ti(in: This i..s, just applied c -ow- • Ifl-ate 0121 Home NVeek in Godericti.' Goderieh. .-nes Maet • diail, th qiali .-' 1 : . etire I 1111) 11 Sense. 3letobers of Parliament the next besg whae Is --,t thing to v) i Ilarsild Stevens, a gradtaite or from -Parliament, has ivit quit . , alio get up in the House and ask , him eoe v(Jver here. MY kindliest ' the ifoderich Collegiate taking a thinking and feeling and speaking. : regards to you and Goderich that more money be spent on ilii4; friends. We are tit the moment She was reported a few days ago I and that, and then go out to their enjoying tine "Indian 'Summer" as saYALig, ili "a address t° a C-1 7-1 itonstituents anti protest high taxes, Weat.her and hope It is. as pleasant women's meeting, that she was 1 art.' i!a,ra1ng 1Z1 111,' Very sincerely. a double 1th," 111 1.soderich. -worried about the way! the British! chemistry and mineralogy eoui•se at the University of l'orOnto, wou the first Huron County Carter ashelarship and Robert Barnea„ studying law at Toronto. wop the . s oil • be reaeuted by the voters. WILL pANI ,SORE, third. . , County eouncit endorsed a harbor people are eatil1g**...1•5114' meant- 'A ' It is :i pity th•t • ' 1 , . Chicago. Ha improvement plan. presented by course. the little they are eating.. I read Hansard and see hoe' frequent Reere R. E. Turner and Deputy -- Reeve .1. E. litiekina of Goderich. including extension of the river - retaining wall to the north break- water, a road to the north side of . V"Pk! „ • . the harbor. dredging of the shipping egg and a hit of cheese -:--). tue of those little itews that in Making Turns ... .. ., and harbor and installation and she thought that if the women .iptsair in 4 ((id COrners ill the papersmeof a radio range finder. i1Varns of Canada "ade enough fuss" the —editor,: *all i hem "fillersMagstrate -- "ad- - Government Yvouldn't ha ve a ley : veses as to Treatment of the 10111- . — trouble deciding yvlia t to do sv i:li 211 1.2 e,dd : -The old ,,i,..44.,.. .F.„,,,,i 1 rving Snider, Exeter, was tined Canada's surplus ;Jr cheese. . a cold and starve -a fever' i,u.., Sil 0 and costs or a week in jail by : Quite true,—but it isn't so easy einiipatible with modern inedieal Nlagistrate .11. E. iloline,s, QC., ill as that. The Government hasit'l 1 belief. A eold ahould Is-. treated 1•1111." court here,, last Thursday, any cheese. Eitherit he Govern- I 4.ith piano. of liquid.., 42221! 1. 41 ol!rhis,-,iiii,u_he was convicted of careless naent would haYe to seize the cheese !,..,1, if• posibi,.•• _The old s•i•Ying Dorothy l'aylor of Loudoii. wherever it could be fottud--andliillire right if it is read. rightly. I said, that she was driving north the owners of the cheese %could 1100. , It means: "If you feed a cold it 1"11 No• :!I- Ill411"Y near' St. Joseph stand fur that ---or it would have. to'.i.: Him,- 1.‘„, will hav,. ti, ,t,i 1.1._. oti July '..)9 and had :started to pass U the cheese from the owliers, „ t, -' A1,,,,,io.r. o'ld ,,,I, in;:. • 1-;,itiiiiideedr'sintsotatkhe„, turitittietkile",""itineStlit!,th'-..r and to do this would. have to pay - -It doesn't sesaii sensible," 51:) are are I lie demands for' new or in- POLICE COURT said, "that Canada should ha :Vc I ereased expend i t tire in v rious • an abundance of food and the! (Er(.4.ii„iis. British should be limited to tniel • • • More Care -Needed benefit derived frOui them for all ages front the very young child, w old age. Mrs. Josephine Chisholm thanked Miss Powell for ber talk and aaisurexl her of an luterested audience. when she might again be lithe to speak to the association twirl. A very tasty was served by the Wall (11.14,141.11.itee. read by Mrs. E. Robinson. Hymn 187 -was sung and Mr. Washingwn closed the meeting with prayer_ sate,: "Anywhere with Jesus- and The December meeting will be held the chapter in the study book was at the home a Mrs. 11. Clounney. Spare the rod 111111 Spnii 111ti ehild." 44 (4 teh lag the windshield of her - for it with money oollected from ,s liot athi„, t„ .lutottiobile and "foreing 'her into the and spoil the child: it means that• portion of the people of Canada if y, )21 ;)-ii re the rod yini Iv i 1.1 5,461 1 int'S4:1 tb (stanitiln. hat he had pulled ed the road before do's Miss 31:11111.1all believe 4(!. the Airild. So don't make the oaf making a left-hand •turn into his be willing to j114111*quota 'for stfl'iln; Amin. a cow 242 (11.a!,.117.2, fsither's farm and had remained in ' this purp(ise 111 inereased 1.3 X:111 21 j„, ,-(,,,r Vent of the road for about , erupts_ 1•:itt lightly. drink, jots _of itt" feetred. Ilbefurv the aceitlent occur- es , aid that he had no rear - water. :11 11 11 if it is a very I,ad cold vision mirror and. did not hear a day in bed will help to get rid of it. 71'ziylor's horn Poor Driving -From listening to Snider's evid-1 • 2,1141., I would say that his driving Sensational charges matte by a was 1).23 poor, ti, say the least." the clergynian that the morale of Can- magistrate vont:merited. "A hit' of! 1)11:2 11 1 roops in Germany is 1041 people think that if, when' they'iv: money spent to supply the 1112 ti I I have 2)1 (11 indiliantly 212.11 1(1 12 i1 hl)( to mt•entake a left turn, they People with free cheese does even I appeirs thsst the clevutan I' • -• pss the r line, it'S good M is8 Maephail think it :..haltat 10,i er-a " • drivina. But I think it's bad driv- 11. Harold Young of Toronto, 'had ing and I would like' to .see the never visited the'troops, and that practice curl)ed. Highway -- Ironic Act. merely asks .the driver previously he -hadmade eharges about the troops in Korea to get asi elose to the centre linel as possible before Making it turti."i without ever having been in laorea. Murray Sheardown, Goderich, I From • various - quarters have come was tined $50 and costs or seve1! statements by persiins . who have days in jail when he pleaded guilty been in Germany and have visited „.„, impaired by meohot, Crown to driving while -his ability to do: tIr,' troops there who wake (Weil .ktitorney 11. Glenn Hays. (i.C., said eontradictiOns of Mr. Young's that Sheardown struck a telephone eln't Fges, One of these ..tatements pole on Britannia road on Novena i ber 7 No one was injured. is that senior British °divers ha Wilfred Graham, Gocleriela was expressed admiration of the bearieg given suspended sentence for one and fitness of the brigade men- year and ordered to pay court tioned by the clergyman, and that (4)414 when he Pleaded "illy 1(2 24 charge Of .theft • of a number of storage batteries belonging to Jack Hoggarth. Defense counsel. it Donnelly, Q.C., said that the bat- teries had been recovered anti re- turned to lIoggarth and that resti- tution had 2)0(211 made to those who had purchased the batteries from Graham. • the people of Canada. Valiat pr,.• The Of C.F. party to which Mks Macpliait belongs advocates in- creased Government -spending on quite, A ittimber of things—whien no doubt is one reason it bas itot been very successful in electing meinbers to•Parkioniea nt ; nd ir the taxpayers do not want their tax . • a, • done? 'It Is 'the taxpayers!...nroney —not the Governineut's, ilor Miss 31:iephairs. There is another means by which (7.7atiadituti cheese might be supplied to Britain. Those who, like Miss Msephail, ate worried about the scrimpy eating' of the Britiali people could xxoli te op parcels of cheese aud other Catablei and send thetit, at their own expense, to Britain. Olany such parcels are being sent, 211(1 ,for yearS' ha ve'ri flee% sent, privately, to friends or distributing organizations 'in Britain.) Or 11 fund could be. started, With a na- tionwide appeal, to raise money for This purpose. Did we not have un "Aid- for Russia" appeal a! few years ago when we thought' the Rusaians were our friends?, This column would use its influence, and its writer make Stich- Stint] 1 ti ntribution state of his Snanees would 'permit, in support of -such a fund. 'And itamust not be forgotten that the Canadian Government haa :ilready done a gond deal, by way of loans and ()W- right gifts, to, t!‘iise :this burden the people of Britain are carrying. . Miss Mnepliail's heart, is in the tight place, but sotnetimes she is rather impractical. She and the Women to whom she appeals- should consider the matter ;fain) all sides before deciding to make ;1 "fu44." If they should deride to make A "from." and do it in a praelical Manner, we 'wish them luck. EDITORIAL NOTES .11281 about this time rhe well-fed turkeys are beginning to feel their Deelca. it is rated second to 110110 ill (ler- many. There • tyre too niany mis- chief -makers such as this Dr. Young who put themselves forward by re- peating charges for which they have no foundation but the state- ments of other Hi -informed people, regardless of the feelings of :the relatives at hodie and (if the reputa- tion .of the soldiers ,theinselVeS, Fortunately in this ease the denials of the charges value promptly and -- PRESBYTERIAL C.G.I.T.' GUESTS OF KNOX GROUP The Canadian Girls in Training of Knox Presbyterian Clmreli ss -re hosts to the • c.(.13, groups of atonal Presbyterial -at a rally held in Knox Churelt assembly hail oti Wednesday, NOveniber 1:2, 5111411 MiSS Jean 11 '(11 11f i'a imersion was guest speaker. ' As the girls a rrived, they were welcomed by Afary Curry, president of Gislerich Following registration, they t(s)k part in com- munity singing witli Carol Voting si t t . piano. A scavenger hunt, led by Beth Jane 5,1i154). arid Laurel Lodge was 111.1101) en- joyed. Beth Anst»y's grunt) were the winners. 50 Present • • • Fifty girls will) their leaders sat If there are to be women jurors, down to supper, whieli wit, serVed by mothers of severn1 of the girls. . the glen witi have to mind their After supper, games conducted p'e rind WS. by Seaforth Caisl.T, and eontests • • * by Hensall were enjoyed. Then After all, the C.T.A. is proving: the girls, went to the chapel where Miss Jean Hill. who had been a he not such a poor Instrument cantle eounsellor at C.G. I .T. (52 112(1 for tbe .enforcement of law .agninst in Amsted spoke of sonie 0interest- ;44 uor. -Ing highlights of camp life. , ef., liq, • ,.. • . • J Mrs, D. J. La ns te ' 4Actord1ng tO press report the secretary for Huron Prelthyterill, people of .the BMW& West indies "I"co brienlY and asked for a irnotail_lon4ntomIlandittrieetintrt from the ere considering a federation of the , as' this Folurn suggested rgIrls' -work e enretarye It:: butt Week. Of course there. was Presbyterian Churth In Canada and JAYCEES WANT , TO BEAT 1951 RECORD TOWN VOTE Goderich Junior Chamber ,of (amino -tee is going to make an :W- ont ellort to beat last year's record 83 per cent of those eligible to vote went to 1110 poles to elect the 1952 Town Council. At that time, Jayeees were giVets a good deal of the credit for the record turnoott when, in a day -long cans. pnign 14' ear and' telephone, they eneouraged intiny as possible to marl: their ballots. A meeting of the council eonintil- tee of the Junior Chamber of Com- merce was herd (in Monday evon- ing of last week udder alie eon, millet- chairman, Elmer Gaul. A 1 141 'or 1.6'4sil1le eotincil candidates wa eX0111 npd and a tinniber them ha 44. been interviewed in the 11(011 111 Mos J eee 01110111 14 emphasized 1.1 ha 1. in keeping with the national policy of tile Junior Chamber ef Com - !nerve, they do not ,ponsor any candidate for municipal otilee. Their pulley 14 to attetapt to ensure that flue.)ss-i11 be a suffielent number of eaddidates available to run to 11111 k.- :111 eleetion necesaary. „ - who la at presiebt a delegate to the \Voris! YoutRi tainferenee a Traileneore. India. Ruth NteNevin sponaored the motion. sec -muted by Carol Anne Zimmerman and passed unnnimously by tlu. girls. A lovely vesper serviee was eon - dinged by the girls of Exeter C.If. I.T. atid the benedietion MIR pro- nefuneed by the Rev. R. G. Mae- Nfillari. The meeting closed with "trips)." FARM 'IMPROVEMENT LOANS AVAILABLE FOR: Implements, Machinery, Equipment. Breeding Stock. Construction, Repair or Alteration of any farm building. Fences, Drainage, etc: Farm Electrification. See your friendly 'Royal branch manager for jai details. SEND FOR fT roDAYi Ask for this booklet at your friondly 'Soya branch. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA stia cast 444 est ae'Royett U111.011,. AM ita 114,11 all.1 1, ti salsa tended W bold o runilar conferenve naig. boards Goderieh next yenr txklu.uerror 'nee conference wili 1t-pon (red irteb of Liuron, by the trade aoad usdustrs brawls 1-1-alla14lan said atirau niunicaral Nrertir iSrUtr. tattles,. .1111immi. ompriiittse Pram, plus Permseal Sera' THATt EASY! INSISTON NATIONAL EGBILPER CONMPITRATE Get steady egg production right through the year! Feed your birds a "fresh -mix" laving mash made with N1I-110NA', EGBILDER CONCENTRATE, rich in essential animal proteins, vita- mins and minerals. It's so tasty your birds will always eat ,it --and keep rolling out eggs* week after week, bringing you bigger egp, money right through the year. See your NATIONAL Deafer today— look for the bright Orange and Black Sign. r.42 91CONCENTRATE QUALITY FEED MIX FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS HOGS and CATTLE WILUAM STONE SONS; LIMITED • INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Fertilize Your Crop with RATIONAL well -cured, properly -blended FERTILIZER GODERICH DENNIILLER GEO. RYAN & SdN PFRIMMER BROS. PHONE 345 CARLOW 2326 -•4044). •iyik DRUG STORES „or Special Tallies zud Remicadcrs far Friday and Saturday LD.A. SPECIALS ,UNSEIED =AL Regular 33c size 2ite FLAMM= Reguiar 33c size 2Sc IDAMALT 1,2 and 411,., reg. 73c, L19, 2.09-59e, 89c, LW HALIBUT LIVER OIL 100's, 500's. reg. 2.29; 4.79 L09, 4.29 Shop early! Shop now! lour EPA_ dramried has a fine arra) of CliribilaILS anerchandist to aid you is our Chrialmas problems. (1101UL tssouTmEs-ni REPRENENTING EXCEL- LENT % %IA Es IN' sit.traetive tai• superior cards. tries.of 12 Christmas Cards Special -Assortment 50 "rd for 98c 1-"attiLly aasitiettnetii: :Of 14,141ers in box_ of' 1.1 *1.4at 29.- Ar1P414-: S.erirs "5--244-'5 --11(44>: ief tea- 1:1 Guerlain's Henley's SHAI.DIAR rine Dustin:: Perfll W.-. • POVilligr 56.00 1:ea aril al x F.a 11 de co'Sne with kalif S3.00 51.00 HEATING PADS'51*daflist" a2 Pond's Anzet Face 111 Cheramy April Showers Perfume Ili plas.tie 1;-:-11 75e RONSON illttatraled The modern way to winter warmth and "SAFE-IIEAT- Soft blanket cover; three - heat switch: I -sear guar- antee, Other Heat Pada —56.95 to S9.95 With ,144.01,r4t,C.11 -ljit-1d 414 ..ra 1 is.n 0',I'll1 jevvel leasa. , ,. Ronson "Itu-Tane", I.ighter iv.14-11 -11.2 NI,: II elti-onsi: finish 4 .,111:(!..1.-• with 2 "1:11- 1ank,- of aift $13.50 Oi Rost....vis $8.30 to 511.2.1 Special! CLEANING FLUID 4, 19 oz., reg. 35e, 69c -29c, 57c Sperial! CASCARA TABLETS 5 grain, 100's. reg. 39c— 33c Special! STOMACH POWDER, 4 16`oz., reg. 75c, 1.95---57c, 1.57 Special! COMBS Ladies style 8c-2 for 15c Special! I.D.A. "Economy" WRITING PADS Note Size 8c-2 for 15c Ladies or ,PADS size 12c-2 for 23c Campbell's Drug store A proven hit with over 30,000 Canadian drivers v1./2% Hydraulic overdrive,radio available at extra cost.. VANGUARD The Vanguard has brought a "new,.standard of performance to Canadian motoring. It combines speed, power and dependability with lowest oper- ating and upkeep costs. The exclusive Standard 70 h.p. "Steel sleeved" engine gives maximum efficiency, minimum maintenance,costs. The Vanguard looks, feels, drives like a million dollars ... yet it's priced right ... gives you the best dollar value in automobiles today. • See it . . . drive it . . . now al your Vanguard dealers. aal• THE STANDARD MOTOR CO. (CANADA) LTD. 33 Dundas St. West, Toronto Manufactored by the Standard Motor Co. ltd., Coventry, sole ,sams- facturert of Standard_ and Triumph Cars for the world markets bed manufacturers for thirry Ferguson ltd., of the Ferguson troths, for Canada. • , SALES [ SERVICE ekY 1 It 4cP."L'e.lf‘ ,fr SALES, SERVICE, PARTS BY OVER 400 DEALERS COAST TO COAST See the 1953 VANGUARD now on display at CAMPBELL'S GARAGE, St. Davids SI., Goderick, Ont.