HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-11-13, Page 9s4 TJ!IJUSOANOy. 13tIi, 1962 THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR Bargains for Everybody Assortment of MEN 'S SATIN WINTER JACKETS All wool quilted interlinings, some reversibles in .groixp. Reg. 15.95. 12.95 _1111amsousammagim • MEN'S PARKAS Fine quality weatherized outer fabrie-quilted woolinterlining. 12 95 , " • 111111111massimIllell11111111/1111111mo All Season Boy's fine quality COATS Weatherized Celanese Gabardine -Zip out lining is quilted rayon satin, heavily interlined with pure wool. 27.95 Poplin Parkas Ladies' Department At Prices Really Worth. Tooting About Weatherized finish, beige only. Reg. 11,95 NIMININiMmimsaimmummi Group of MEN'S OVERCOATS • TO clear 19.95 MEN'S FLEECE - LINED COMBINATIONS 6.95 monimummsommommi BOY'S HI CUT 11100T8 Solid leather 2.49 Size 2 and 3 only. SLIPS; All Wool bat wing. S VVEATERS, Pullovers & Cardigans Boys' • Suits 2 pair pants, reg. to 20.00 2.98 PR Heavy Kuit cotton com- binations, white MEN'S STATION WAGON COATS Popular 3/4 'length in handsome Celanese Gabardine -warm quit- ted lining, full mouton (dyed pro- oessed lamb) collar la a5 and lapels. Assorted shades 2.98 AND 3.98 AU wool Cardigans - Size 16-20. 12.95 14.0 15.95 somosmommomminmsiimi BOY'S BENCH COATS 2.98 Convertible collars. Reg. 11.95 Nylon Cardigans - 3.98 St. Michael's English wool pull- over ----Size Ma -Maroon 2.98 only, Reg. i.95. • 8.95 111.1111111111.1.1111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111101111 Winter Coats Wools, Tweeds, etc. .AS LOW AS 9A oc Let sad .11111111111111111111111111.111101111111111MMINIMINIS New .assorttnent"of Housecoats We carry a complete line of Penman's Merino,' 71, Preferred, Extra Fleece, all wool 'rib and 95. imissmommossommummii BOY'S SWEATERS Pullovers' & Cardi- 1 89 up gans.. Many types. • INNINNINimimumum Complete line of name brand winter footwear. Men's and boy's rubber boots -fleece -lined • boots in over -the -front and over - the -shoes styles -overshoes and rubbers of all types. Ask to see the new Dominion Nylon Flight boot, IIMIMNMMMNMMinanmnmam Men's heavy doeskin CA plaid shirts - MMMNNImmmimmmwimi Men's Jumbo Pullovers - shawl collar 98 • Jumbo Cardigans -All 4 w ..75 mil, shawl collar, 'White crepe-' .Reg. 2.98. 1.98 Nylon Stips-Reg. 4.98, 3418 ...•••••••••••••••010/0 Flannelette PYJAMAS 2. PIECE , Knitted Suits 14.98 20 in plaids, corduroys, nylons; satins, taffetas, ,bengalines and cottons at reasonable prices. NOMONNINIMmammummimmum 4 piece . Children's 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111111111.1 BLOUSES AND GOWNS Assorted shades=- 7n 11' S -M -L LI. 1 Nylon and Crepe. 2.98 ANI) OFF. ON ALL DRESSES Some Nvools. taffetas. crepes, etc. Outfits Sizes 2 and. 4 only. Wool chinchilla. 4 98 • Hose by Phantom, Chatelaine and Exquisite -Form. Bras -Exquisite Form and Whirlpool, • Join Our Christmas Lay -away Club A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY ITEM UNTIL CHRISTMAS "M111111111111.111M. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded .• MOMMOMMOMMS SAVINGS BOND SALES 'IN PERTH AND HURON Pvrtti. and Huron Counties, TPifek ing within a fraction of the $1,000,000 . nark, .connplet ed tIuir campaign of sale of Canada Sav- ings; lfonds under the payroll sav ings plan last week. to rank fifth in the province in .1. A. hiunsilen, organizer for Perth and Huron announced in Stratford. The total sales throughout the two counties this year compares PROPOSE STORE HOURS with a total of $9l last yenr. PHOTO DEADLINE - Srnall device, Ywhich can be titled to any kind of camera, 11131 rks FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON There waS a small turnout at the 'Meeting of. tile Uoderlph Better - ;Business Buretit on Wedneschiy date in upper left hand corner of negative as photo is taken, reports night of last week when tile chief Doesn't. inter- topic .for discussion was the guys- '1'lle Fintaucial Post. fere with the print enla 'Two types. offered -one son. and year, anothergiving find year. or rgement. tion of shopping. hours during the giving sea- Christmas shopping'settson. It %vas month 'decided to make the proposed Christmas season store closing hours known to the public in order to gain their general reaction. It was proposed that stores ole - serve -the following store hours: The majority of the stores would stay open all day Wednesday dur- ing the month of December and oommence. staying open nights on Thursday, December 18. Closing hour would be nine pin, except Saturday, when it would be 10 pin. A. suggestion that stores close at six pin. on Christmas Eve tnet wItli general' disapproval. It was also recommended that for the ;first three months of 1953 the Saturday closing hour he nine Goderich The Square Agent of Insurance Co., of North Conwies, is H. M. FORD e America Phone 268W IeretiantS are asked to get in touch with William Anderson ar Nlaher's Shoe Store or any.member of the executive of the 44oderich Junior Chamb-er, of Commerce. to express theiropinions- of these pro- posals. AVERAGE PRICES PAID AT FALL HEREFORD SALE gaimaimilimmormialsoassarm, Obituary JAM ES ,..Nk..D1).;NAL James 31cDonald, sI'., a native of C.lusgow, Scotland, died at tlatu iiton Cletieral, Hospital on Moodily, November 3, after a thrceitruths illness. Ile %vas the father •of Mrs. James t'ook, Britannia road. Sur- viving besides Mis. Gook an.' his %vidow. the former Agin s IfiHtrig four sons. James, Thomas, Fronk and all of Hanatton: a second daughter. Nit>. Niurrity 1 in WS, Ilantilton; a brother. Frank McDolut id11 wr three sistIN 111 Scotland; 13 grandchildren and nye great grandchildren. The funeral Wit S held in Ilamilton on Wednes- day of last week with interment in 'Woodland conoterY. T110.11AN' A-NDERSON Atter a long illness, Thomas .1. Anderson, Cambria road. passed away at his home Ion Momjay Morn- ing. ;Born on the '211d concession of West WaWflitOSLL he SVIIS a son of the late John and Sarah Watson Anderson. Ile lived at Dungan- non and -cte year in .Alberta. be- fbre coming `Ito reside in Ooderich 40 years ago, Ile' was :1 tailor by trade. and for soine years Was a salesman for the 4)11 IIT'S IN THE BAG! The Ideal Christmas Gill SEE IT AT THE MAJOR STORE 4 ., ANNOUNCE REGULA.TIONS ing FOR 'PARCELS TO. U.S.A. .1::. ounces aud are raid at the, en..11. Who first sailed across Canada's to tin, U.S, which 'Weigh up to , QUICK' CANADIAN (WIZ cent an °tune rate. All paek. ts north from the Atlantic to the Christmas mail rates a nil vie, weigh ing o 4 ..r eight ounces and Pacific? and a sister, NIrs. B. \\)I1 (1. toms requirements • for mail getlig paid at leiter tate andprillted neat - all or Regina': the United states. have rer rare must have a custom,. de - 1144 l'lIllfIJI„rvie,„, was bout 11011114,,,11 the cottnatan rhiratien stip littfiehed. .Parcel the ('1:11151011 funeral home on tiv,. 0„partuut.711. 15 peunds. for 11;111 4,111 /11eit'i I , , post ol er eight ohm -es and itp to toria Stre t 1'111(1AI Church. Inter- to th, 1.8,A, and xv,igning op 1., a 'comions ' declaration attached 11.1t*N11711'1"VT.I.ti(li°11111s(11141:tfedVli), .ing , eels ot 111:1111(411;11(.141)ti'itsi.).1 4., (114 1111 11(4 to the must 1414 t. )114•11 1-11.0k 7)111(1' in Nlaitland come- P2 ounces is one (nut an wince shipinvot, tery. with, a miniuitini orepayment.....4+10ire a etistoins declaration and five cents which Win rovt•I' :111 i V0II't' Mt:II0(41 well. Itt*ItEltTS()N t t,, and including four Post ((t)n.e'etlicials state that dor - A a 11 piLumia,,lit t ;041e- 111 flee,. The merchanclis ' parcel- 100 Christ-m:1s sons,11 rick 11(7,, tit Jam, cost rate for paniels weighing eVel* 1111 111111S1111 p:Ircot (((1) (4 12 ounces and up to 10 pounds is the United Stiites Olsten., points Robertson, daughter 11f diet:rt.. _Mr. 1-1 ceicts a pound. The rate for and MTS. NV. R.. Itobertson, passed 9:4 1'('(I" weighing ov,r 10 isouids away in, .1.11exa ntlitit Ma rine and and up to 15 pounds is 81.75 r "071;nvir''tilles(11.1Zs'Pitaaflteli•71041:17. 884;11141.1 1"...‘11(..(2-11,,P171,...:, declaration or been in poor health for a number „aa 1,11,4,1. of years and a patient in the hos- be :axed all ;letter pack pit al for' tAv. weeks. A native of Brampton, she (lime, to lt.alerich with her parents 01 1870 and had Alive resided here. She was educated - 'the Pnblie School and Collegiat.. Institute here. She was a member of North Street United Church, was a for- mer president of the VS'oni n's Mis- sionary Soeielty and assisted in organizing -41%e- Band. .Surviving :ire four bindhers and Company. Ile was a 'member( of me sister, Prof. John C. Robert - North Street l'idted Church. Stir- .s011, NI.A., LLD., Tc.ronto; A;. Mor- vivingbesides his wife. form..nly ton Itoberts'011. AIA, God rich : Notitie Jervis a re tsvo sons, Norval, .Itobert S. Itobertson, former Chief otall sale of registered T.11. tc'sted ffill'i;'ofi.*.on1r174)graan1(1111)(I.;:illrill:re7if., "t.(1(..( -11.4:111.(;:i1)-: 'Ti‘::;"i‘1.1:41.(1*C4ri(c';741.1'1.);4r)ii(.144144'r\V;41111III4.4rW447f1147-1;1t; flereford cattle at Clinton Friday [hors' "4)"1°Ii' of Nile °lid "IMPivi 4 iSoi‘grtu4.1„1141S. ti(.;r4.(14:,lifil,..171 Miss Mary 17w -- which were coftsigned by members of Kitehe'ner. of Atill;oftl,14111tr4:(tri I$18,1..4..gr.lw:ilss.si.r.)..i,..::tii4opirli ..The funeral service was held o'n Th' fhliPrad '-*'r' it' will hv livid for 24) aninitils sold. bringing an at the 1,4„Ige funeral innne nt 2.30 average of $328. This.;avenige was tower than that of the as.sociation's .9witig sate When :II head of cattle tivorugo of $464.35; mats. 111,111.BERT 1 A1(41 RA I1)) TOWN COUNCILLORS WIN movect nerow: the block for Best Price Is $383 The death of 1)01048 Grac• Cul- DEER HUNTING LAURELS The bt,,,,,,t price of un, ameba ‘,.;1,, h(r), widow of Herbert Lombard, $585, pa id,' by willi„„) 117„4 1,,,t), oecuirrell 111 .klexancira lite.a.ital on Two members of Goderieli Town Jackson, Listowel, for a two vl':1 r S.,41111711:1,1, night in her 7 440 yea/. Council proved that experienve 01 1,11,i11:)111:. jr),.8(1,(1)111,1:3),I.,,siii,;:;:,:r.;11:,:ilgi..f.i.:,1:11 1:1,1,,;:i.,:14,1;:i.,;(1,.sr:: t‘),4,,,:ritso,:fi.));rillii:.„111,g.:,:tileiriam)i„,;:,i,,,,„.1.1k1411,,Niuisi.,;:i..rm114;,i,,,1:1:),:ig).411.14: ; 1111111111(;\:,7111(Ni:(15-1.111111‘,.,:e,1111(.11,:iiii)t.:,lifiittli.1.,11-47.1:4r,g1;14(1r..,tti:gisi.,.:),41t:irlift.is(;11,iygiati(‘,,:stiftirgeii1t:11.:tt dent of the Association. Top tonycr ;Cull...rt. After her marring... she "II. , !trot hers who besides 1l)( a boy., 1 r",d(le41 in lte %vino ti v i I I ct a 11.1 Lon- i :mita:11, io) Id 14:15...., for 1_, 111 0,4.,,,16. : (1m, 11 ea for 711)' )))),„) •,1) '('11", in sportsmen who took part in :1 deer o7,1 fffloote e.mo.,1:41,,,,,i 43; ithert; 3. 1,.,,,,,,...:.).144.),,,il. 1)0, 1150)111,1 in (I in !milting expedition tient. Rossenn in G('ow.)). sehrin4vith, old. n11 „too 1 ..„,.... sh,„ wa., a n,,,,,,bor of A•lo lttho 1;orry Sound district Iii.st Week . 111111 1) 7 11 -OW fe11111 h. consigned hv toria Street United Church Sur- . ...1)01. 81141 Penn i flirt on each shot rittl'u4r$1712941/"”r IArrrns‘h{l'.'ri.r-Yr‘rta irl-'‘1:11I. fr$11::::13t: 1 141';it:'n1 rnt((g),,niNti,4r8::.t : ')1:11.:,:i.1 r '‘11;:r111;ito(tt:eiltri.1:.44.::::\.1\i'lifilli.41):1-on. i'' sitit,:ti:ii.i7rHut!:::itsre,:fr':1.14.1:1 5 11:11:(1:1 iiiii:::11,..1,i‘l.'y'le„l,roi():111,14:S.I.,isig:pri:;i::::%;;r: also emis/igned by NIa.son. i v)11,)');$' 1)145"11,11(71;')P;I'siflii):110if,;',1. 11)1. 11441.7,1.1 1 (1:11.477.':c:i...14.4:11"11'1114".itili'sim 1157.1511P III:,*‘r112.411.: fill' 1 .....::;" ''1.1-14,-(.4 14.4.4::le..v 4111:;'.4'11.;:11;,; 1"‘'i::1);. ' (4 14711-0114411711)1 ...lace., . Wf 0 a 111. rik 4 Prives were average at the first 11 etIne.,41:1 afitornoon at the 1,eth.0 i) "%01'l1)1)fUll4'rat 110111)', '.114)71 . lf, .1 Dickinson of' Vorth Street .1n.. C011(11141441 by the Ite4. place ill NI:titian-it cemetery. place in_Alaithinit t'ettorter i'rated, ("Imirch, %(ill take ('.1111')'))Interment tool; imtvgblIn. Alvittsfon, for the 15 brother Alec. got one. 814)14th-old 11)rotici Domini() /1 2441' inrinded in the 7)01')' were - from the ti'r," of Dirtel , for bpi( eotist,gited innowing: w, C. Attridge of Credi,ton. I rw i p T. 44701,, Wa Iker- Fra III Pentland, Gottericii. 'Ito now, formerly of (haler' th. ton. paid $3S5 for the year-old ball eonsigned by - George Kennedy, Imek now'. llnyers of diqtriet rattle inehitted W. Arnhlt1 Rail. Wroxcter, who paid $375 for a yfarling bill' con- signed by Allan Petrie. Dittman - non. Roy Allan. Carlow, paid x333 tart .1. (frosele Sebringville, cote tkribbe of Mitchell and Joseph Al- signed a t hree-y, a r old female for I la lye, Elmer Cranston, Con Brush; ' $300 to Charles Taylor, 11.11. 5, i ler, Arehie .1ohn'ston. Frani:1 Tmektiow. squinter,* and 1111) Lnithwnite. all 1 i ' Dentield. and; John 'Antler. assis, - The nnotioneer WWI 'W. S. o'Neill..of.G „ oiterich. 'I • tant 8,,rieultriral repres Motive For restilt.s--Try n elmksithd nft for Iluron Comity, Was elerli. . n The Signal -Star,. 1St. David's Street is 2. From 1941 to 1931 w-hich.province had the greatest percentage 'Il111 • population! 3. In 1944 f'anadiatis paid $3.015,- 864.000 to all their governments. muck will they ay this year? 4.C/or Eskimo trappers entelPina.it- ly. what animaly 5,; At present rate of .growth oor 9/Inflition will reach what total. 111 20 yearS0 ANSWERS: 5. 20 million. 3, Alore than -$0.000,000.000. 1. Raold and that :intuition to these details Aninntisden, a Norwegian explorer,' will facilitate. elearance through in 19113-0. 4. l'he white fox. 2. British Columillia, more rfran 40 per before Christ- cent gain. United States (NI:aerial supplied by the editors moiled not later than of Quick;Can'adlan Pacts. the hand Itis. ;tuber S. Nook of. facts about Canada the customs. To ensure delivery Inas 941 ('('(15 for tire I should be ) PLYMOUTH RESTYLED FOR 1953 The 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook 4 -door sedan features a completely new appearance, with 34 new style features. The new, low hood and one- piece constant -curved windshield provide excep- tional..driver visibility. A chrome speed -line sweeps back from the grille into the front fender, to be picked up again in khe.lenn, straight-line rear fender- emphasizing the long, low- look. Chrysler Corporation officials claim the new Plymouth also has 38 new performance and safety • features as well as 21 new comfort features. An appealing selection of solid and two-tone col,,,tr combinations with blending interior trims, avail- able in seven Plymouth body styles for 1953. THE NEW 1953 PLYMOUTH 4 23 • is now on display at Mills Motor Sales Gode ",1 ,, 1792 .-... fr ''',411211L4t. ' 'Aik . • ..„1--....4, ,i5x;:iot.$.4.:,,•, • 7, , wi.VoiRl';.T.' . _ . . •i- 1952 Adtkirtit c r":;1 - -'--- „vx . ...V5•4:•:•! " v•s••Nr • _ • • POLICYHOLDERS' INTEREST " COMES FIRST v 1j,HEN you buy Fire, Marine and IAIi Casualty Insurance, the reputation of the Company that issues the policy is all important to you. , Does the Company settle policyholder? claims promptly andfairly ? "North America" Companies do. COVERAGE through "North America" is arranged to meet the insurance requirements of the individual or the corporation, , SERVICE Offices, coast-to-coast, are staffed by qualified Fire, Marine and Casualty specialists * ready to provide complete insurance facilities and render immediate service through "NORTH AMERICA" Agents or Brokers. • . INSURANCE COMPANY Of NORTII AMERICA COMPANIES CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE -TORONTO FIRE in MARINE • CASUALTY Service Office, througho4 Canada - . INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA - I NCHMN I' INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA PHILADElPHIA FIRE ANO MARRA INSURANCE COMPANY rt. Goderich The Square Agent of Insurance Co., of North Conwies, is H. M. FORD e America Phone 268W IeretiantS are asked to get in touch with William Anderson ar Nlaher's Shoe Store or any.member of the executive of the 44oderich Junior Chamb-er, of Commerce. to express theiropinions- of these pro- posals. AVERAGE PRICES PAID AT FALL HEREFORD SALE gaimaimilimmormialsoassarm, Obituary JAM ES ,..Nk..D1).;NAL James 31cDonald, sI'., a native of C.lusgow, Scotland, died at tlatu iiton Cletieral, Hospital on Moodily, November 3, after a thrceitruths illness. Ile %vas the father •of Mrs. James t'ook, Britannia road. Sur- viving besides Mis. Gook an.' his %vidow. the former Agin s IfiHtrig four sons. James, Thomas, Fronk and all of Hanatton: a second daughter. Nit>. Niurrity 1 in WS, Ilantilton; a brother. Frank McDolut id11 wr three sistIN 111 Scotland; 13 grandchildren and nye great grandchildren. The funeral Wit S held in Ilamilton on Wednes- day of last week with interment in 'Woodland conoterY. T110.11AN' A-NDERSON Atter a long illness, Thomas .1. Anderson, Cambria road. passed away at his home Ion Momjay Morn- ing. ;Born on the '211d concession of West WaWflitOSLL he SVIIS a son of the late John and Sarah Watson Anderson. Ile lived at Dungan- non and -cte year in .Alberta. be- fbre coming `Ito reside in Ooderich 40 years ago, Ile' was :1 tailor by trade. and for soine years Was a salesman for the 4)11 IIT'S IN THE BAG! The Ideal Christmas Gill SEE IT AT THE MAJOR STORE 4 ., ANNOUNCE REGULA.TIONS ing FOR 'PARCELS TO. U.S.A. .1::. ounces aud are raid at the, en..11. Who first sailed across Canada's to tin, U.S, which 'Weigh up to , QUICK' CANADIAN (WIZ cent an °tune rate. All paek. ts north from the Atlantic to the Christmas mail rates a nil vie, weigh ing o 4 ..r eight ounces and Pacific? and a sister, NIrs. B. \\)I1 (1. toms requirements • for mail getlig paid at leiter tate andprillted neat - all or Regina': the United states. have rer rare must have a custom,. de - 1144 l'lIllfIJI„rvie,„, was bout 11011114,,,11 the cottnatan rhiratien stip littfiehed. .Parcel the ('1:11151011 funeral home on tiv,. 0„partuut.711. 15 peunds. for 11;111 4,111 /11eit'i I , , post ol er eight ohm -es and itp to toria Stre t 1'111(1AI Church. Inter- to th, 1.8,A, and xv,igning op 1., a 'comions ' declaration attached 11.1t*N11711'1"VT.I.ti(li°11111s(11141:tfedVli), .ing , eels ot 111:1111(411;11(.141)ti'itsi.).1 4., (114 1111 11(4 to the must 1414 t. )114•11 1-11.0k 7)111(1' in Nlaitland come- P2 ounces is one (nut an wince shipinvot, tery. with, a miniuitini orepayment.....4+10ire a etistoins declaration and five cents which Win rovt•I' :111 i V0II't' Mt:II0(41 well. Itt*ItEltTS()N t t,, and including four Post ((t)n.e'etlicials state that dor - A a 11 piLumia,,lit t ;041e- 111 flee,. The merchanclis ' parcel- 100 Christ-m:1s sons,11 rick 11(7,, tit Jam, cost rate for paniels weighing eVel* 1111 111111S1111 p:Ircot (((1) (4 12 ounces and up to 10 pounds is the United Stiites Olsten., points Robertson, daughter 11f diet:rt.. _Mr. 1-1 ceicts a pound. The rate for and MTS. NV. R.. Itobertson, passed 9:4 1'('(I" weighing ov,r 10 isouids away in, .1.11exa ntlitit Ma rine and and up to 15 pounds is 81.75 r "071;nvir''tilles(11.1Zs'Pitaaflteli•71041:17. 884;11141.1 1"...‘11(..(2-11,,P171,...:, declaration or been in poor health for a number „aa 1,11,4,1. of years and a patient in the hos- be :axed all ;letter pack pit al for' tAv. weeks. A native of Brampton, she (lime, to lt.alerich with her parents 01 1870 and had Alive resided here. She was educated - 'the Pnblie School and Collegiat.. Institute here. She was a member of North Street United Church, was a for- mer president of the VS'oni n's Mis- sionary Soeielty and assisted in organizing -41%e- Band. .Surviving :ire four bindhers and Company. Ile was a 'member( of me sister, Prof. John C. Robert - North Street l'idted Church. Stir- .s011, NI.A., LLD., Tc.ronto; A;. Mor- vivingbesides his wife. form..nly ton Itoberts'011. AIA, God rich : Notitie Jervis a re tsvo sons, Norval, .Itobert S. Itobertson, former Chief otall sale of registered T.11. tc'sted ffill'i;'ofi.*.on1r174)graan1(1111)(I.;:illrill:re7if., "t.(1(..( -11.4:111.(;:i1)-: 'Ti‘::;"i‘1.1:41.(1*C4ri(c';741.1'1.);4r)ii(.144144'r\V;41111III4.4rW447f1147-1;1t; flereford cattle at Clinton Friday [hors' "4)"1°Ii' of Nile °lid "IMPivi 4 iSoi‘grtu4.1„1141S. ti(.;r4.(14:,lifil,..171 Miss Mary 17w -- which were coftsigned by members of Kitehe'ner. of Atill;oftl,14111tr4:(tri I$18,1..4..gr.lw:ilss.si.r.)..i,..::tii4opirli ..The funeral service was held o'n Th' fhliPrad '-*'r' it' will hv livid for 24) aninitils sold. bringing an at the 1,4„Ige funeral innne nt 2.30 average of $328. This.;avenige was tower than that of the as.sociation's .9witig sate When :II head of cattle tivorugo of $464.35; mats. 111,111.BERT 1 A1(41 RA I1)) TOWN COUNCILLORS WIN movect nerow: the block for Best Price Is $383 The death of 1)01048 Grac• Cul- DEER HUNTING LAURELS The bt,,,,,,t price of un, ameba ‘,.;1,, h(r), widow of Herbert Lombard, $585, pa id,' by willi„„) 117„4 1,,,t), oecuirrell 111 .klexancira lite.a.ital on Two members of Goderieli Town Jackson, Listowel, for a two vl':1 r S.,41111711:1,1, night in her 7 440 yea/. Council proved that experienve 01 1,11,i11:)111:. jr),.8(1,(1)111,1:3),I.,,siii,;:;:,:r.;11:,:ilgi..f.i.:,1:11 1:1,1,,;:i.,:14,1;:i.,;(1,.sr:: t‘),4,,,:ritso,:fi.));rillii:.„111,g.:,:tileiriam)i„,;:,i,,,,„.1.1k1411,,Niuisi.,;:i..rm114;,i,,,1:1:),:ig).411.14: ; 1111111111(;\:,7111(Ni:(15-1.111111‘,.,:e,1111(.11,:iiii)t.:,lifiittli.1.,11-47.1:4r,g1;14(1r..,tti:gisi.,.:),41t:irlift.is(;11,iygiati(‘,,:stiftirgeii1t:11.:tt dent of the Association. Top tonycr ;Cull...rt. After her marring... she "II. , !trot hers who besides 1l)( a boy., 1 r",d(le41 in lte %vino ti v i I I ct a 11.1 Lon- i :mita:11, io) Id 14:15...., for 1_, 111 0,4.,,,16. : (1m, 11 ea for 711)' )))),„) •,1) '('11", in sportsmen who took part in :1 deer o7,1 fffloote e.mo.,1:41,,,,,i 43; ithert; 3. 1,.,,,,,,...:.).144.),,,il. 1)0, 1150)111,1 in (I in !milting expedition tient. Rossenn in G('ow.)). sehrin4vith, old. n11 „too 1 ..„,.... sh,„ wa., a n,,,,,,bor of A•lo lttho 1;orry Sound district Iii.st Week . 111111 1) 7 11 -OW fe11111 h. consigned hv toria Street United Church Sur- . ...1)01. 81141 Penn i flirt on each shot rittl'u4r$1712941/"”r IArrrns‘h{l'.'ri.r-Yr‘rta irl-'‘1:11I. fr$11::::13t: 1 141';it:'n1 rnt((g),,niNti,4r8::.t : ')1:11.:,:i.1 r '‘11;:r111;ito(tt:eiltri.1:.44.::::\.1\i'lifilli.41):1-on. i'' sitit,:ti:ii.i7rHut!:::itsre,:fr':1.14.1:1 5 11:11:(1:1 iiiii:::11,..1,i‘l.'y'le„l,roi():111,14:S.I.,isig:pri:;i::::%;;r: also emis/igned by NIa.son. i v)11,)');$' 1)145"11,11(71;')P;I'siflii):110if,;',1. 11)1. 11441.7,1.1 1 (1:11.477.':c:i...14.4:11"11'1114".itili'sim 1157.1511P III:,*‘r112.411.: fill' 1 .....::;" ''1.1-14,-(.4 14.4.4::le..v 4111:;'.4'11.;:11;,; 1"‘'i::1);. ' (4 14711-0114411711)1 ...lace., . Wf 0 a 111. rik 4 Prives were average at the first 11 etIne.,41:1 afitornoon at the 1,eth.0 i) "%01'l1)1)fUll4'rat 110111)', '.114)71 . lf, .1 Dickinson of' Vorth Street .1n.. C011(11141441 by the Ite4. place ill NI:titian-it cemetery. place in_Alaithinit t'ettorter i'rated, ("Imirch, %(ill take ('.1111')'))Interment tool; imtvgblIn. Alvittsfon, for the 15 brother Alec. got one. 814)14th-old 11)rotici Domini() /1 2441' inrinded in the 7)01')' were - from the ti'r," of Dirtel , for bpi( eotist,gited innowing: w, C. Attridge of Credi,ton. I rw i p T. 44701,, Wa Iker- Fra III Pentland, Gottericii. 'Ito now, formerly of (haler' th. ton. paid $3S5 for the year-old ball eonsigned by - George Kennedy, Imek now'. llnyers of diqtriet rattle inehitted W. Arnhlt1 Rail. Wroxcter, who paid $375 for a yfarling bill' con- signed by Allan Petrie. Dittman - non. Roy Allan. Carlow, paid x333 tart .1. (frosele Sebringville, cote tkribbe of Mitchell and Joseph Al- signed a t hree-y, a r old female for I la lye, Elmer Cranston, Con Brush; ' $300 to Charles Taylor, 11.11. 5, i ler, Arehie .1ohn'ston. Frani:1 Tmektiow. squinter,* and 1111) Lnithwnite. all 1 i ' Dentield. and; John 'Antler. assis, - The nnotioneer WWI 'W. S. o'Neill..of.G „ oiterich. 'I • tant 8,,rieultriral repres Motive For restilt.s--Try n elmksithd nft for Iluron Comity, Was elerli. . n The Signal -Star,. 1St. David's Street is 2. From 1941 to 1931 w-hich.province had the greatest percentage 'Il111 • population! 3. In 1944 f'anadiatis paid $3.015,- 864.000 to all their governments. muck will they ay this year? 4.C/or Eskimo trappers entelPina.it- ly. what animaly 5,; At present rate of .growth oor 9/Inflition will reach what total. 111 20 yearS0 ANSWERS: 5. 20 million. 3, Alore than -$0.000,000.000. 1. Raold and that :intuition to these details Aninntisden, a Norwegian explorer,' will facilitate. elearance through in 19113-0. 4. l'he white fox. 2. British Columillia, more rfran 40 per before Christ- cent gain. United States (NI:aerial supplied by the editors moiled not later than of Quick;Can'adlan Pacts. the hand Itis. ;tuber S. Nook of. facts about Canada the customs. To ensure delivery Inas 941 ('('(15 for tire I should be ) PLYMOUTH RESTYLED FOR 1953 The 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook 4 -door sedan features a completely new appearance, with 34 new style features. The new, low hood and one- piece constant -curved windshield provide excep- tional..driver visibility. A chrome speed -line sweeps back from the grille into the front fender, to be picked up again in khe.lenn, straight-line rear fender- emphasizing the long, low- look. Chrysler Corporation officials claim the new Plymouth also has 38 new performance and safety • features as well as 21 new comfort features. An appealing selection of solid and two-tone col,,,tr combinations with blending interior trims, avail- able in seven Plymouth body styles for 1953. THE NEW 1953 PLYMOUTH 4 23 • is now on display at Mills Motor Sales Gode ",1