HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-11-13, Page 2Ao* TWO
(Suberirt, Oignat-inar
Ro, („, „, isT it KL1
.11.4Tertiaing Mates .14 nattiest , Telepheue 71
Street* lotiene rep 3,i;:iot
Jaycees Review Industrial, Prospects.
Down Memory's
1Frein 'rite Goderith J.C. vehatter- 1 teetion. 'We should be ready .to ;
txtx." 1 i provide _these or see that they are!
• Generally ,the citizens of ' this provided. . Above all. au 'industry l
town Want more industry. Indus- wants happy workers ,aud a worker 1;
trial promotion is the..ntaiti project :eau.' be happy with, living tu sortie- .
Of the Jaycees. The advantages to ,lse_ly's attic. , •
be -accrued from industrial grow:h ' Again let us face%facts. There
iti 4,;..,derich arr. fa i rie Well under- has been no new judu*try'. of a1),...'•
;i0,,,,L i 1„w d„ Live. eke Miite iii- .preriable siF/A-. settle here for some. ,
dust r.4 ? . time_ Our score ..n the ten , fat.-
. A prominent l'auittlian ',rotes- . tors listed above. must be low. Writ- .
be careful Whelk elio,rsiug a nevY , lug to raise it; Nie will have, tia
site . ten key factors: govern the, boost it ourselVes. We want in -
choosing of a, site for a new plant. ,•thistry here sti that We. will utako
'cliey are: 1. ' Availability of raw i more money-- right? Well. indus-
maierials; 2- A.vailabilitey of mar-"triee don't phit. Santa Claus. We
kets; 3. Trau.sportation; 4. Topo- will have to be ready to give if
granny; 5. Foundution conditions; we want to receive.
S., Waste dieposel: 9. Hydro, fuel; WHERt THE FAULT LIES
10. Labor, supply :..11...Living condi- '''''''-- ISudbury Star:
titles. . When he is scolding the multi -
Disadvantages Here eipalities for their expenditures and
Let us; not be dtvelthers; let us urging them tte-use a little courage
facts faete. ; There are many more and toughness in cutting down exs
tin, es in ekitarie that have a better. penditures." Premier Prost must
rating than Goderich on the first revognize that a greut deal of the
three ;point.s. True, those industries fault lies at Queen's Park where
Which thaeufaclure . soma artietts -Progressive education" and reere-
munieipal spending aml extrava-
gance, and the Ontario 'Municipal
ilott rd approves debent tire issues
without the vote of the people.
Queen's Park has the means to
;St, a tot. it., Ce_siericti ,pieking the loci; , of Ids. .cell anti
. ",i1i, 41..,ii ,, t ,,‘41.ht „rut:, ,,, ,ourt. '1, jw,itailt. ing throtigli tile kitchen of tile
-,..ta te K,_.,re 1, step the a at if The 11:1_1,1vg: 1 a t r 7.11,0:1 rtil dae•itieti eti lied ti, tile Deleirtmea.t. ,,_,L, Eeut.,_
. lug tile return of estimates. presen-
, 1, doe. g,,, will he take hIS nut- thv fk.:1,..+A-lni; sa,arit-s for the 4 i r
The petiple ,,,f the t aited Statee.. ttreila %vett; hen, .1 la t'lt.,thi.eri.t.ti! r,nt --eii,‘',-,- Y'ar , 1.‘riuk.ilith'• '*1-7-44)'. Ifor tli.,- 'clualiPes and additions at
S1,100; toinuierteal. etas):
addition of statp,w,,ek and tri,sue
vote. Not only did lie capture all . iu les4 ruled, ite uninterrupted Ite- Doyle. was els...state" Spee1:11 Illt41- I °fix:till 1, of t-ne 14, -„at Temi,eraeix
the big St.ates: lie t)rt-,-ke tut° the • l'ilbite"n :•ert" "f a ff"arter-centur,Y ..icat. health officer 4_,f Seattle to tie.a:' ,Pederation . prt-sented , the Town
: former selidly leemeeratie StateS .4 , at the Whet; 1;leuse.. neat Iseet te i with the littitsinie l'iiietie w hid' i Ctoineil with a iPetitien bearing 733
the South, and carre-d norther: 1U52 there have been thirty-six . _ a ,,,, i -
States that were - cOnsidered safe. years of Democratic 1 res.deLIT:, Alit
for the Demote -ate. On various ,i-',', yeers, ,„f* Republik:an pre„._,ith.uts.:'171:‘-t..1711,;:87-tiL811.,,!-,:tf Ilh',1 Kt.)1s11_,It." i age rotans and council decided in
election issues pressed by the ito. Tee Dieneerete Ire stie a ;Ong way ';Streets.• in"eltidin's:" tit.fitte., ititnitg'tt'h1'• `.“ifil-"rit";e of the whelt," 1,o SlIbillit 1 Wt.'Irld n°1 be affected bY
7,,. vei_.,,t, !the teiestion te a vote at the en-
- publicans — "tithe for a thange.•' , free, Cvendig the ste.•;re, ceuntingittrentiees bete is...twit-el t
rates. are going up,
I is'''. still there, it •is large, and
DRAGGING .OUR—FEET,—.ARE WE? 1 fdr:,Ni_gnii
i Financial Post)
Ciii points four and live, Goderieh
high taxes, corruption at Washing- 'front the time uf the t..,`,All War.- 11.-01
ton, -bting back the boys froLi:
at about water supply and municipal level to follow a policy
but this does not ee-
- Icorea."—the Detre/era:, were on tee L'eopie sometimes may wonder i
_ ._. •ev,irts._:tive ,...,a_minoasee were • ,.. i').-Ir,t;r1tal,i,lvi.i. has a good ;rating. llow. when there. is mate:lance ttt the
-vote was primarily it.; personal one ; (et wary, is favored by the N tetteu sueu iu eotinvetion with liallowe'en eo-called,. Canadien editiou of :in'
1move the affliction.
lake out there but Will itu industry
1 The furniture and furui.shings in Ito3ed with Canadians. -With one
for a war hero whose name and 1 dem9criteles while ltussaa is re- .
upper 'ran of rite Park Ilouse of the world's soundest economies."
iiiiioNsv i:s ttilliee i THE VOICE OF TEMPER -
fame were familiar in every home,' gat.vied as ;.iti enewv. Recently lit,: iv,et. ,, :lot 1. 1, it y
t111111 system is inadteruate or non- --
while tlevernor Stevenson, lit, : Tito, ruler of I ago,i•tv la, rvut:'""-1 f".1::rt. destr"Ye'l hY tire and the it declares,. -Canada lnis beeu
tewn system? There is et, least one .
Democratic opponent. was Pttl.! , his pledge to lead his country dieing "Ple r likt 1 i .11. , we; among the most etintry and foot-
industry in town paying high tire .
insurance rates because the tewn
known 4.) utsid,, ef tbe. Stale of 11- - it -pure. Cennuunist" path, with uo -
a goose dinner spou.--,7,reti 1,Y- the 1 • Well. by any te.-1, Cniaid:t 1., not ,
Evidence. accumulates that
It is almost the invarietble rule ; "MesteA-ste le Cunanuelsw." Tile eeties of Victoria .
1 .system vannot supply it with enough
• in rive. -idential eleetious for the' aim of the. United Nations ..s not !Cloireb :mil there was enough goose . ,
1 sprinkler system. 1 ducted within the laW. Its
the bottle club cannot be con-
rs can order their liquor
lkiuse to carry with him it majority ; by Yugoslavia, but to stint aggree- itt'f"'111_,:ittelitf"11;'''slynii°4-i•iidaY at the 1 the facts. 'lhe truth is t at .e.
no' doubt, but will they be reason.,
delivered to the bottle club
tour land values are reasonable i memb,••___
able by the time an industry gets 1
in Congress, but while the General ;610U, as exemplified by Sovite w'it,ii.e,.i_era a '-ma....,i
iiii in bueltels of entre are well aware of and well
ready to buy? Al.;_ -o, a HOW illdUS- : premises and having identified
tutd. country -wide siupport iu a de-. Russla. It is necessary to keep 1 ,-...„„in iiteiar in veeeete in the hare„r satietied with our perforthance. :
4-.), c,ase 'and, every, bottle
gree eutrivalled only ity Franklin , this 'distinctiott in wind in relatiou iiiral the 11,Kieritdi ,Elevator full.
, others and shiploads of military .
two-thirdS Of our town debt in the: •
with their o names can fre.
tr.) ao{,,,a,.E want -to get soaked With eve --
Roosevelt's earlier viet dries he ; to tire rule of the &emit -revive 1 there were 0" r titre" ntillt"" bu'it- equipMent: We have made loansl
and -drink their
f..,:la of taxes: we should assure;
them that such a thing won't hap- I quent the place.
failed -to bring either the Senate or ;united in the I:..N. yrganizatiou. i"I' "f grain at the luirls.r witheia anti gifts. In eo-operation with the;
Ile -ii. Some towns buy up sites for . own liquor. This i,s within the
the House of Representatives ;into i- • • • 1 is tit la in-,: t he wheat the We.,:tera
Cantekt Flour 'Mille had en hand effort to the defenee of our north -e resat,.
United States we are devoting much I
t Chatham is building a ' law. But what about the iiro-
tine with him with. any* deeisive lu the epinien Of The.;‘).Ext,ter !for erinding i whole series of faeteries to rent to , .
ern boundary which is _pale as im- 1
1 prietor who has turned his
' portal to the United States as 114.„. industry:
maj4irity, and to give effect to some 'fir.nes-Advijelite, with which we 1
eosts, 1 house into a beverage room for
of his policies he will have to rely : agre.-e, membere ot district h.glt . 15 Years Ago
nave more to effer then we have. .
, the convenience . of the club
"Ike." not tlal Republican party, ' the people as member- of publie rich •Township. , n Cist rotti.' Cord,- , 1 r 1 t.' I -. I , ". i 41 a
Labor Situation
; members? Certainly the club
THURSDAY, NOV. 13th, 1942
Maliers of
Canada 's finest
Made to measure
- who won. If 'raft. and net Eisen ,sch4,4_,t, boards are. '1'he
bower, had been - o'hosen,_ bv the tends that "the present se sten, ot traneier tit Gederiele .Nervel
Democrats probably eletu'd. have:, itettale tire,- centre]: ever the des -
curried' t he day, even with ,t cone t sehoot feta rd. 'I h mete hers
In Canada sympathy was largely ; people, only to their municipal
dependent spirit fhat inspired ad- take littie interest in :be dist:.14-,
will remain; as the active liteid of letve little jurisdiction over it.'
his pa rt y for eorning yea rs. II is la 'short. eleetion rather than ap-
position of fhe Republicen 'party, 'the people of Bermuda are see!
and it, remain: to be eeen whether te dieser:elite:1 with their pre-
ist elethent in his party will come lit
011 top. It %vitt be a disappoint- fol.,. It is doubtful if the union
ment'Co Canadians if 4 ;eneral Eisen- would in the long run be satisfac-
bower should be 'unable to. keep his 110 e.t r themselves or 10 CO it -
United ',Nations effort to eheek Red hug way front this 'e•otititte end
aggression.. government from I tit wa might he
less olesirable than government frent
Louden. The islands :tre as close
AGArN to the British West Intik., as to
Canada and their juterests was'
,The pollsters vvere as badly, off be -oinewha Sial ila r. If there is
week's election eerie,: the line a11„11 of ;tn. the,e self.
they were in 194i -S, Then they die- eovt•rning unit in the British Com -
counted President Truman :Ind pre- nionwealth? Spanning the contie-
dieted his defeat. Ile won :t sintisly err from Newfoundland to Itritish
ing victory. This year they were 1 Columbia, and up to the North Pol..
very cautious. At tirst-givtng Get,. cortatla surely has 4.tiough problems
Eisenhower a substantial lead, the airt,„dy without taking en ;itiy
scaled it down until jus"T before, iii„r„
polling day they had the two caul -
didates altuuet nose • 11 OtraWirl lute adopted a new price
When results were reported excuses index. which compares existing
were forthcoming, but they eould' •ee• vP1 th ese of 0-19,
. :not explain away the Eisenhowt•r eld index wits based on the
landslide. 'rhe pollster business iirbp„, of- th.e perioir .1,354.1,). The
novv. away below par.
But look at, this: itif items Abet were not included in
A thousand miles Demi' Washing- i th, fernier list. Both showed a
ten, this eortinitt had the following itirop fer the Menai of _ September,
-rominent in The Signal -Star of
lied while the old, index indicated a
january 10. 1952: ideeline of 1.5 points for the month
General Elsenhowet is a good bet deeline 11S • shown toy the new
for President of the United ;Stittes
next November. Having at last
declared his willingness, to be a
candidate for Ideution if nominated
the Republican eonvention, he
will almost certainly cut the ground
from under Senator Taft and the
. others who have been seeking the
G.0.1e Mr. September. while shelter items,
popularity has Wa fled and there such as bousq reitaiN ';inct rept,ire.
Geems to be . .othete Democrat !heal,
interest rates 1111 morpgages,
with a sufficiently ,irong
etc. were higher. new index I
to take his 'trines..
(Gorertior Stt•venetu hail net
Twelve day„ alien thfee• things are more ex-
siimptien index rather than eost-
of living index.
Letter to the EditoiJi
illtIPX Was Only .1 11,i111. ro,t11
iCe-S Will 142 used for a short
the old one, considered out 44 date,
will then be discontinued. Food
and clothing prices WeTt. mainly re-
stionsible for the derline
merits — that is. ineney collected
11 rough takes fie-. diet rebut ion te
marching then, our euns, our ships. water, more electricity. more urban
serviees such ris police and tire pro- he is participating in the tale. 1
thirds of a billien dollars this yt•ar. eur planes.
Of course if he -supplies liquor ,
to his Customers . from cases 'or '
• THEY'LL_ STILL,- - --bottles that are not identified.
treeieielen e-ier going to lesson as the personal property of a , •
i i „ r ti,,sit e„,t with rega ree; t 0 la tees' ', membership • fees .. would not -
iienditi:sitirt.ott bad ae. long as the new. make it worth his while, to run ,
didn't -require a 'large num- a -bottle club beverage* room.
si:oirees and facilities for thinge as i_ber of personnel with a fair aegree He is party to some more pro-
v:tal in war as they are in Peneemf talucation. They are found in
The railway porter looked search-
ingly ut the three girls waiting on
the- platform. -Aren't you the
crooping trio, who sang on the radio
-That's right," one of them told
him. -We were inakiug our debut
on the air?"
"And where are you bound for
"We'ee 'just off to Northern Ou-
The porter sniffed. "I.Fm," he
remarked. "I suppose thrt's aS
good a place to hide as tiny!"
I largeanimbers only in urban areas. fitable transaction. Does he
get a commission on every case .
lot 4,mill ,aid along the line .import,„i.
that is delivered to his prem- '
merit priterain is perhaps of more
ef utmost importance. A large' If that's the transaction
immediate and- lone -term imPore , plant near a small tewn means then he runs the risk of being ,
atus- to the free world than our in,ore
schools. more charged with bootlegging for
Hie power ef the written weld, de- club member then he is boot -
clan., Napier lit T111. legging. The bottle club is an
Poet. Nothiug will t•ver
attempt to evade the Canada
the pewer of the writtt•ii e'en!.
'In the 1920's we were asked the Temperance Act. It is very
".9ana, tim,tioa about radio brotid• gratifying that in Huron Coun-
I ell ing. which was just st rt
; ty the vigilance of the 'officers
and we gave the sante answer.
the law is ••unmasking .the
-lot -of lyople then ..thonght • that '01
bottle club.
magazines, for instance, would just
fade away. But,' year after. year. This Advt. spensstred Ity 'Huron
magazine circulations ha ve eon- (lomat- Temperance, Pederetien.
Untied to show substantial gains.
The radio broadensting of news
hasn't affeeted the newspaper. No
nratter' what people licar they want
to read about it efterwards.
Television canted begin tit lie a
newstratherer for the simple reason
that it ea 11 net Cope Wit 11 t 11e 11 11 -
xliected . It eali do ft good jolt
when thitigs are pre-arranted- It
efl 11 cover a feothall ea. me or
royal visit. But ; it caniiitt
11 Wt1 Y wreck as fast as news-
paper!: can get reporters there. Ite-
eides. there aren't' as mony TV 1
cameras: :is there are newspaper
Canis ihot Soy
'Especially from You!
Choose from our wide
selection of Christmas
septiments. Have them
personalized with you,r own
Attend. to it
have your
cards ready
when needed
for mailing.
Ask to see the Christmas card sample books today at
,i1e, take, into ileiount the la rger
rensieti et eel or soul+, rood items ill
summer :1nd Tall than in the months
this column said: -It rolv he risky
for :tri outsider to venture a guese
lint to this writer, it titoks as if
there will be either a landslide to
Eisenhower or a rather elose vote
with either candidfite the winner."
What's the est. Of goiter to all
the 'trouble of taking 11 poll if you
hare n reliable hunch?
As the wise man of ,The 1,,,adon
Free Press observes, "It's not how
fast yon ean drive bat how fast
you can stop."
if the old belief that winter does
..itot come until the swamis; ate.
*fled still holds true. we have *onto
...weeks of wet hut open wilither
berate us..
me about fill:filling hi* promise to
77, Seeotel
Ville La Salle.
Niontrea Q..
:twat few I i 11 aeli. yen
nbont 811 artielie whielt might ha V1`
ppoi red in rotir ptt per oft. or
(donut September 21, eoncerning the
'lentil of ',Amin! Collins of St.
drowned in the harbor there. My
'Mut. his wife Is entrlous to obtain
death ,whieh might have appeared
in your paper,
Your* sineereky,
Canadians eat 90,000 hogs
weekly—and want them lean and tender!
"NATIONAL" is packed with animal protein for
rapid growth, loaded with vitamins for health and
balanced with essential minerals. It
gives 011 a fast. pork -producing grower
with less grain ...a grower that produces
top qualitN bacon hogs. which means
more profit for you.
See Your NATIONAL Dealer to -day
ood _ma'am
You mac have growing children, ind high hopes of giving them
a sound education, a good start in life. Perhaps yonr particular
dreams are built around some other goal entirely. Whatever
your plans, chances are they will take mOney.. Now is the tioie
'to operi a special-purpose savings account at the Royal 1:Ifink.
Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign
F•rtilize ylior Crop with NATIONAL 'w4111-cutioti, prop•riy•bloond•d FERTILIZER
PHONE 315.
CARLOW 23211