HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-10-23, Page 5v, ome,m11114 T1HU1tf3DAY. OCTOBER ,,Prd, 1952 •••• ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1952 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER. 7 pin. EVENSONG. A. W. ANDERTON. Organist and Choirmaster REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector , North Street United Church SUNDAY.' OCTOBER 26, 1952 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. "The Barter of Life." Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7.30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. "The Inevitable Cross." Rev. Andrew Lane of Brussels will be the guest preacher morning and evening. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, BA, Minister MR. H. A. CLARK. Organist and Choirmaster Knox Presbyterian Church 10 a.m. SENIOR SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. REFORMATION SUNDAY SERVICE. Preacher -The Rev. R. G. MacMillan. Nursery and Junior-Coagregatien. 7 p.m. CIVIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICE. Guest Preacher -The Rev. Alex Ninuno, of St. Andrew's Church, Wingitanc Guest Organist -Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington. "JESUS TEACHES GOOD CITIZENSHIP." (The civic bodies and organizations » will attend this service.) REV. R. G. 51U'cMILLAN, W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister. Director of Praise. Goderich Baptist Church MONTREAL STREET MINISTER: Rev. Ian G. Hind. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett, 10 a.m. CH1URCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. REV. EGON VON KEITZ-of Drurabo. 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP -REV. E. VON KEITZ. Monday 8 pm. Baptist Young People's Union. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Text for the Week -"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Is. 40:31. BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. HOWARD MINAKER, PASTOR 10 a.m. BRLNG your children to Sunday ,Schbol this ,Sunda. 11 a.m. "THE VITAL LINK OR THE MISSING LINK." 7.30 p.m. -"THREE NIGHT SCENES." ,Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Bible Study -2nd Chap. of Colossians. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 pm. Christ's Ambassadors. THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME. A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE Free Methodist Church VICTORIA AND PARK STS. SERVICES FOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL, Classes for all agea: A FORMER PASTOR RETURNS 11 amt. MORNING WORSHIP. - Speaker -Mrs. Evelyn (Dawson) Brown. 7 pm. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE.Speaker-Mr. Brown. 1Ve1litesday-(1ass Meeting 8 p.m. " Proverbs 22:28 -Remove not the bncient landmark, which thy fathers have set. (Pastor) REV. G. E. BABCOCK, 84 Park St., Phone 897R MN. W. W. Smith Of Detroit Cineinatti, 'tqcsited relatives in town and her nieee, Mrs. Kingsley of recently. Notice to Bicycle Owpers Bicycle licenses are past due. The Police Department have been instructed to pick up all bicycles found without licenses. BICYCLE RIDERS ARE HEREBY WARNED AGAINST: 1. Riding on 'sidewalkil and paths including Court House Park, 2. Riding against traffic on the Square. 3. » Riding two on one bicycle. 42 S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk. THE VOICE OF BETHEL REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER TWO PICTURES TAKEN BY GOD'S CAMERA "The ungodly are not so but are bike the ohaff which t he Wind dr' vette, awn y." Pre' On 1 :4 ; This picture, 4111 rh, helpless and hopeless, shows the 1111111 without Christ as Sas-lour. It is in direct centradistinetion to the other one 1') 111141 in the seine portion. "He 'hall Ise like' a tree ',Muted by the river 1/11' water that bringeth forth its frilit in its seasen. His lea also shale nott wither and whatsoever he (14)14111 shall prosper." This pieture deseriVes the Christian. net in name or profession aione, but in deed and in truth. These nre Iwo pieteres taken by God's eminent. They were shown to Adam and leve in the Garden ef Ellett. Satan came along with two lying tactur4s taken by his dis- torted eeinera. Illis Moline declared that sinners and trOns- greesers against lttw would not „surely die as God seal. Ile further &eland they should be es gods knowing good and evil. Ills pletere 4)f the godly perSon suggested that God Was unr,h.. dedlareti thin. God was depriving man of something whit+ was neve.4"sary for his better knowledge. We oil know the terrible aftermath of penislunent. pain, Mars and separation that eame as a resuit of eur first parents taking Satan's pieture its trite. The wges of sin are , vident before lea eyes melt day. Broken hearts, homes and 11Vefi enttee streams of tears to flow. tt troreically Unit. that many teday are biasing their lives aml futures on Satan's lying pieteres. Men mid W0111441 today are etili feta:TIN of God mut prepnred for Eternity ahtaa. SPONSORED WV THE BETHEL ADUIR BIBLE CLASS. ,H0LAIESVILLE 11011MESVILLE, Oet. 22.- A very suceesSful battier was held In 4The Clinton Town Hall- on Satur- day, October 18, by the Ilohneeville United Church W.A. The tea tuables' were decorated with tiny 'bouquets of baby mums and were lit charge of Mre. Harry Williams, Mrs. Wil- liam Batkin and .the Misses Sattdra Ila Grigg und Doris 'Hutchins. The kitehen was iu charge of Mrs. William „Norman and Mrs. Hurry Oudinote, aSsisted by Sits. Eldon Yeo,' Mrs. John Grigg, Mrs. Ninian Heard and Mrs. Bert Trewartha. The »lea makers were Sirs. 'I'. Elliott und Mrs. L. Jervis. Thotse In charge of boetbs and their 'assistants were: Baking bootk 7 -- Mrs. B. bfaeStatb, Sirs. F. Mulhol- land, Mrs. E. J Trewartha, Mrs. P. PaLmer and Sirs. Elmer Potter; touch end take -Mrs. Reg. MAller and Mrs. K. Tr.ewartha ; fancy work -Mrs. S. Welter and Mrs. D. E. Gliddon; produce - Mrs. W. Yeo, Mrs. C. Wilson and Mrs. I, Jervis; candy --Mrs. Frank McCullough and the Misses Donal& Tale, Iva Gla- zier ant Dawn Grigg. The cashier was • Mrs. Jack Yeo and the con- vener for the bazaar was Mrs. Edward Grigg, president, of the W.A. Miss May Jardine of Goderich and Miss Belva Howatt of Hamil- ton spent Saturday evening with 51r. ond Mrs. Frank 'McCullough. Hallowe'en Party. -The Wilhel- mine Mission Rand. of Hohnesville U,nited 'Church is a.rrenging a Hal- lowe'en perty for the childree and their parents, to be held in ,the school the night of Friday, Oteober 31. There will be no charge and the ladies are asked to please bring lundh. CARDS OF THANKS MR. W. F. H. PRICE, TRAFAL- GAR street, wishes to thank all those who were so thoughtful and kind to hint in hisbereaveinent in the death of his father; lie would like also to thankthose who sent florar tributes and, messages of sympathy. _42 THE FAMILY- OF THE LATE John .1. Wileon wish os thank their many friendsand neighbors for kindnesses ahd synipestity shown them during their recent sad ber- eavement; TO Rev. D. J. Labe, to, the Session andmembers of Knox Presbyterian Church and those who loaned ears and sent tiortil tributes. -42 HoGGAnrrll TAKES this means of expreseing her apPreciation for 4, the kindness and attention shown her sister, Miss McLean. during her illness; elle would like especially to thank Dr. N. C. Jaekson, and the suPerintend- ent and nurses of the hospital, those_ who sent floral wreaths and !mined cars for the funeral. -42 Tit GOPERICH SIGNALZTAit SHEPPARDPON tillIEPPA.RDPON, Oct. 2,- We are pleatoed to say Mr. 'Raymond ilaggitt ta.uut and back at work after being a shut-in for tyre weeks. Lt Ykihju of' the. unnupe. . Messrs. 'Harold ..Johnston und Bert Dougherty motored tie Detroit Friday with MisseS „Murton Dough- ertY and ,Slarle 4oluiston, who re- mained over the week-eud visiting reletives »nd friends. Ur. and 'Mrs. Kenneth Holmes. ueswiy-weds of Louden, spent the week-eud with the lady's pareutO, Mr. and Mask F. Hawkins. • nausea -Hawkins-- White CIrr,(-'" santhemunia • awl ferns effectively decorated .St. Alatthew's Church, London, 1100 by i11 candelabra, when 'marriage slows , were ex- changed on, Saturday, October 11 by Marie`Eveyn Hawkins, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawkins of Sheppard/ton, and Ken.neth Robert Hohnes, youngest son of Mr. aud Mrs. Herbert E. Holmes (It Loudon. The Rev. Canon Tram- per ofilobsted. Organ music was playe4 by Mias• Aileen Gunner and the Soloist Wat3 Mrs -Maxine Cris- pin. The best man was Bert Holmes, 'brother of the 'groom. The ushers were George Kornis of Toronto, William Thomas of London and George Holmes,' brother of the Mom.", The bride, ghou 111 mar- riage by her father, was gowned in bridal satin with simare scalloped neckline, moulded bodice" with long sleeves tapering over the lingers and the skim falling into a cathe- dral train. Her vell of French illusion fell from a Nee' Joliet cap. Her bouquet was of American Beauty »roses, baby 'breath and fern. The maid of ' honor, Anse' Elaine Hawkins, sister or the bride und junior linitlesmaid, Mt -4s 1)111 int' Thoutas, niece of the groom, were gowned alike in bal#erintelength dresses of blue orehld lace and net over taffeta with matching head- dresses. They carried pale yellow 'mums. The brideentaids, Miss Leona Wattson and Miss Jean Do Slid SO 11 wore matehing, ballerini,- length 'dresses of ginger ale net over taffeta, bandeau- headdresses and nose -length veils. They carried bronze 11111f11,18. The reception wits held ' in the enurch parlor, the bride's mother reeeiying in mauve lace with black uocessories and a coma ge of Talisman. roses. The groom's. mother chose. 111111411 rico- tine and late with navy accessories and corsage of Lady Roosevelt roses. For »going away• elle bride wore a heige gaberdine suit with brown adcessories. ,Her corsage was of delight roses. They visited 'St. Catharines, Niagara Falls and Cleveland. They will PeS'ide in London. 'The beide 114 ;I graduate Of the N'iceoria Sehool of NurSing. Mr. 1) 11(1 Mrs. Wm. Stoddart and l»itt le Mory ef Lions Head were in town on MondaY last. PEDDLERS Residents are requested to ask parties who go from door to door offering magazines or goods for sale, or demonstrating machines, to produce their license issued by the Town. If they have not taken out a license, your co-oper- ation is requested in» obtaining the agent's name and 'address if possible, or license number of the car, and calling the Police Office 330 (1,,,Town ,Clerk's Office 200W. 42 S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk. High School» Building BRITANNIA ROAD Any persons or organizations interested in obtaining lodge room accommodation, etc., are requested to submit an application in writing to the Town Clerk not later than November 5th outlining space required, number of meetings per month, rent they are prepared to pay, and for what use. Council will consider requests on November »7th to determine if the number of requests warrants the en- gaging of a ciretaker, etc., for the building. 42-3 S. H. BLAKE, Town »Clerk NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF GODERIOH Take fmtive that the Court of Revision of the Town of (;oderieh viIl hold its first sitting in the Canted Chamber, Town Hall, (lisderieh, for the purpose of hear- ing a intents against Hie Assessment Roll for the Town of (1oderieh for, the year 1 952 on Wedn;sday, November 5th, 1952. at 8 o'eloek in the (vening. All parties interested are requested to attend. S. H. BLAKE.Town Clerk.' (loderivh, 6e.tober 2:1. 1952. AuctioN SALE OF » C.A.1"1'1.11: Mr. Wilmer 1low0tt will sell by pnblit unction at lots 29-30, conces- sion 13, Hullett. 3 miles northe'est of Londesboro, and 3 males west cif Blyth, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 at 1 pan. sharp 160 head of cattle, registered, aztd gratles. This lot consists of eowS, calves and yearlings. In the .lot are 12 registered Hereford eows, dee to freshen in November and December ; 4 bull calves,.registered ; also a number of yearling heifers, regiatered and grade; 80 Durban) and Hereford calves. 'Positively no reserve. Plan to attend this sale of choice cattle. 'WILMER H OW A'IT, Proprietor, HAROLD JEAOKSON, Auctioneer. 'EDW I > CIJDSNEY, C le r k . 42- - AUOTION ,SALE OF CON- TRAOTQRS' EQ U IPMEN AND POWER. TOOLS Hewed!. 'Sales Barn (located next to Stickle's Feed 'Sf111;'lleneall), ell FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 'irt 7.00 pin., consisting of: Internatilonal 1940 2 -ton tnuek (with a 1950 motor) ; cement mixer; 2 rubber tire wheelbarrows; 7 'gravel shovels; builders' jacks; steel water liarrel; 30 pine planks 3' x 12" x 145 ft.; garden twee; 40 ftextension ladder; step ladder: 2 power ietws and 01011)114 ; 2 jigsit ws and ueitols ; sander and motor ; pow- er 11 1110 and motor : shaper ; 5 sets of knives and motor; 2 drill presses (one equipped,- with mortise bit) ; rotary pinup; large vatonnu,eleaner (commer(ial size) ; power blower ; 14i1 11 cry charger ; la rge ventilator fan; 2 sets ,of block and tackle; quantity of niale,gany lumbe1. or - 'hake, rabbe1 tile tiooning and cement. Other articles too new(r- .; 41)11441)114 to menthol'.- TERMS-CASII. MI' 1 LLE Rol s ES. Propr i et r. EI)WARD IV. EIA,10'1"1', „ Attetionee„.. K. W. Col.Q1 1()1'N. Clerle 42- IJEAltiNt1 At"CTION S.ILE UF' PARM,' 1".14ItS1 ST( )C,K, 131P1E- SIENT14 AND 11OUS101-10L1) E EFEt "I'S at lot, 26 (west -part). cote-es:gill' 5. IIest awanosh. Con line, 3 miles north of Auburn, ee, utile west, on 1 1 1 1.'ItSlety, 0(71.'01.1Elt .30 at 1.30 .p.111. II( rI114ES---1 grey mare. 12 yeale1-1 old. - I I hotisa; 7 room stucco° *house; hydro and running water; 65 acres work- able laud, some bush. TERMS--ehattels, cash. Farm- Ternas inade.known day of Hale. imam 1411iftsA.Y. Propriotor. 1141t4Ma1i 'JACKSON. Auctioneer. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. $ale made -necessary due to ill health of proprietor. A l'i,V10.); SA,LE OF 10178E - 1 110L1) 13FPF0118 AVo, pito- rom the Berne of Archibald Had- den, Corner of Nelson and St. Au - drew streets, Goderieb,,' on SATURDAY,» NOVEMBER 15 • 1952, at 1 p.m., colligating of: Three-pieee parlor suite; daven- port ; Axminster rug, 9 by 10; lenussels rug, 10 by 12; two fernery stands; two pedestals;. six small talta-s; Walton combination book- case and writing desk (antique); Oak dining men suite of .buffet, table aed chairs; oak library table; upholstered chair; live rocking ebliairs; 2 wicker rocking chairs; tsar room ehair; kitehen table and chairs; hall reek; bookcase; hall tree; toot stool; vietrola ; music cid/int-4; cabinet radio; 3 bedroom su1tei4; mattresses; blankets; beti- ding and linen; vacuum cleaner; MeCiary elect rie ratsge; Bea t ty electric washing .machine; dishes; glamwAre; jardiniere; also anniques in glassware and dishes. . . • At the same time and •place there will be offered for sale the pro- perty, lot No. 855, corner of Nelson II 1141 St. Andrew streets, Goderich. On this property is situated au 8 1,00111 brick dwelling (No. 34 1 with a ,full basement, furnace end 3 -piece bath; also a one -ear garage. Thia .is0 desirable property and must le. »seen' to be appreelated. Terms on chattels, cash.' and terms on property, 10"per centdown on date :of .sale and balante lit 50 per eent in 30 days and the re- mainder On a inorte-iige at 6 per cent. For further particulars apply to: R. C. HAYS. Q.C.. solicitor for the vendor: ARCHIBALD HAI) - DEN. proprietor: and E. W. EL- LIOTT. nuetioneer. W. COLQUITOUN. IJEAltING Al'en't(),N SALE, OF FARM. FARM Srl'OCK, 1,SI1'1,F- 11F.,NT3, PEED AND 1101'14E- . HOLD EPPF4I"I`S4 . at lot Ne. 5. eorwession 10. (.,elborue Township. 1%- miles north 011(1 1' miles west of Corlow on *- IFRIDAY, OrrrOBER 31 . 130 nll . ,pa., the foowing: . Cat A'171,E - Hereford OM, foer yeers 01(1. recently freshened, calf at foot ; Hereford cow, four years old. "due tine, ' a sale: Hereford cow, four years old, milking. bred ,atgain: tIvo Hereford steer calves: tvvo Hereford X 1 burbani ' heifer co 1 v es. . Pill'SL-Yorkslii re ;.41/1V, 11,1141 : vie! 11 pigs. 8 weeks oltt. , PO14.'17RY ANI) EQUIPMENT - Approximately SO Itoek X New Itan.pshire pullets; colony house: oil brooder stove; drinking nein- tains anti feeders 131MKNIENTS - Massey-1tarri binder, 7 foot cut with power take- off; 3411rrow Coek sti u t t plow : 1 1- lise M.-41, fertilizer drill; M. -II., !tenure seoreader on rubber; Min- waeolis tandem disc; Massey -I la 1' 1114(lump rake: linek rake with hoist ; 31.1 1. power mower .with 7 foot eta -. rubber . tire •wageon: flat rack; two -row 'setiffler: :1-(1 11 illi S14'01» rolier: 6-seetien 'harrow,: sleigh :11141 flat . rock ; stoek N'Il Hang 1410w ; cut t et- : Uni v e rso I Ilillkt'r. sviiil Iiiiiii4 "and -single, units, witlepite.eline: bezz save; set 4 of double harness; M.41., ' ereatai sepentor:..fannine, 111111 _with 111ii1irr: Stevvort• (4(4' 114 clic.per: Electra pail hewer; ferks. slue -els, 14,g..ene • - CA "I`TLE -- 1red ,•ow, 7 years , old, due February ; 1 Ilereford clev, 9 Years old, due 'lechruary ; 1 go y eow, 14 years old, due November 20:1 1 red cow, - 12 years old,- noe in calf.; 2. reale eows,, 3 years old, milking, -due Shrill; 2 white roon cows._ 1yeers.4,14i: 2 ere,' (.0 (V:`, 4- -years- ol)); .6 spring Calves, 1 pereferd, heifer, 2 yea rs I ; 1 Hereford steer. 2 years eld: 1 14101: 01e1fer. 2 years 4,141: 1 bull (front regktered stock 4 1.1.•2 ye:1 11 dd. 1 AlPIJ:.IlleNTS-- 1 31.-1 1. Ipitider, gout1 1vi11t1i1 tut) : 1 : 1 set uf 11;1 rrtm-S. sertiult : 1 Oa he 'i)tli- VIlur g : 1 ruling piety': 2 tvolking plievs:, 1 mower: 1 land roller; :4111era ke, 111'111.1. 111'W 1 1111.1141 rake ; I wagon with _hayrack : 1 - 'smeller ; 1 needle; mill; 1 set 1,4' 1 1,,lea les; 2.1100 1 syrup Iran; pails and apilles : 1 el(sa rie 1./3 horse 60-cye4e motor, nearly new ; forks; 1P shovels; whiffletrees; pails. chains and many faller it.rticles toe, oes 10 mention. 1 1.VV---15 teris hoy. GRAIN --425 bus. mixed gr:1;14. -IIOU'tinfiC(IA) EPFE(11',S. FAILII--1 07 acres. Illtilre or less, atthjeet to reserve 01(1: honk barn. 36 x 50: drive shed. 6 x 40; lien - 11i14 4.•:t r tity "4(4.1 1 111.W I : 1•1 4111 W1/41111'11 I. 1%1 1:1111 1YOX : :41'1 if Renfrew "rtee: ea les : 20 rut' Id ,41110 f(11,1` 1111:1 0 . ty 4,4' osh lumber: socks: nunienois eller articles. PEED---.1pprex. sett bushel nixed grain :11141 opprox. 50 tens nixed hay. - P.11111 -.VI (le, some time and ',tee there will le, ierered fur sa,4, object to reserve 10;1 the 100 aere arm eif net sold oreviously to s,ile (la t4 !limier 111*;ed home, bat !amen. hydro 1111(1 pressure system: 1.. 14111)0)1 born with water and pro, - stir!, ef this farm is plievved; S acres of wheat; onee in plisture. This is :1 aeeirelee proterty. Terms (• eind terms on -.farm. 10 per et le balance111 30 (to)'s or to the sorisfoetg,m" of the proprieti,e, EIAVOOD .1'1'K 1NSoN. Proprietor. EDWAIII) W. ELLIOTT. A recteon a K. W. Col,Quittor,N. 42-3- Ipmmensormomm, lir *est Comfortable Girdle ever... GOSSARD with amazing, new STRIDE EASE* *A light -as -air elasfie panel at the bottom bock of your girdle thot moves with every muscle of your body . . . when you are walking or sitting Wonderful for women 1 We suggest you consult Mrs. Pearl Straughan:- our corsetierre, regarding your foundation gar- ment problems. For special fittings, appointments may be arranged at your..home, or in your hospital room. F.E.Hibbert &Son PHONE 86 e 11111.41111111111.114...111111MINN11111.1111---, ASHFIELD AsiFFIELD. (irt. 22. -Mrs. -t'owles and children of Louden spent the vveek-end with her either, Mr. 1'). A. SlacI)onald. Mr. and Mrs. 1)11110:1 fl Maelienzip of IaAluilsh spent a eve): ie 1)e:1 troit with relatives. 1 Mr. and Sirs. Cellineen. and Mary 1.44411 returned hone» after spending :1 week in 10', reit. Dr. and Mrs. IVenzel of Detreit o re seending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Will Maeltotiold deal friends in Fit Lieut. Dottold The Leon and Mrs. Mao 1.1.:111 :11111 a:114;111er of Treeton, formerly ef Vole -mow% spent o foe :1 YS 4I» li 11,q1* 11,1440? ri lid 114 no 141 Nee Lea IL Mr,. 11e11rY M OCR:141%1P V1,111,11 11 11441`11 :411111111 1') '.1111!) M 1'N. 1)4(1111141 ef Leek» new is spending 1114', W1111 CT 44 11 It lust' 141o(her. ND. 1). .11;14•10,,,alie` and o 1,0 Mrs. Roil Nett -Lennon. ' Geerge 11 eittir•Pstsiitli n heart itti) en Saturday :Ind ea. token t., hespitel 4' here he died (Iloilo; the night et the :ore of nt yeors Ile is '41114 1) ed 1st te, widow, the former MOO Kelly and tAo small hildren. The funeral takes peel. te(Lo , 4, the mute._ belit.ty eemetery. Mr. am, Mrs Nerinan 4E4'4 -senor 'visited 4'! 1-114114 in De reit reeentl. _Mies Minnie t twa rt 411 111 tp,r eoesin, Sirs. A'4'\ Fin4o3 .0n and 1011:141 )»f Imo:11041 )).115,1 wtyk 1111 11011 11 , kb rein hey wolit be little very long But you can remember mar children's precious growing-ap years forever with professioa- ally made portraits. Phone fei. an appointment today. HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE CREWE CREWE, Oct. 22.-N1rs. T. 11» Culbert is visiting in Hamilton wok Ieilidea..ughter, airs. Dutlie. and. Ale. Mr. and,' Mrs. Alto' 141 (':i 111141401! and Mr. Will. Campbell 44 Auteirn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Crozier and family. Mr. and Mrs. John » Blake of #1/02110 Vi *Ingham ,vve-Sir Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and* Mrs. Lorne Hasty and Mr. Hasty. Sympathy of the community 13 extended to 'Mrs. Will Reid in the death of her uncle, Mr. J. » Wilson; Isf AtrIsurn. »• Mr. and 31u -s. John Reis and -little (1:tierle ens. Mrs, 1.. Crozier • and LOrena of Londim were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Crozier and family and Roy Maize. i.:AKE SURE OF -JOUR SUPPLY NOW! °MASTER PERMATILL (Ethylene 0.7-syroll PERMANENT NTI-FREEZE sia'rsetsed equal protection to the het -Known Breeds -CANADIAN TUE SAVES YOU $1.00 A SALLOW. PERMA - FILL Concen- trated Ethylene Glycol Aatti-Freese protect .1 down to 50 degrees be- low zero; one filling lasts winter. Cannot dam- age ear f•iniils, hose Or gaskett- guards against rust awed corrosion. • • 913 . GAL, QUART ' 1.28 Save Safely Moto-Mastor "Supei- ANTI -FREEZE NEW IMPROVED FORMULA -Cont boil away at normal engine temperatures; gives ample, quick heat front car heater. One gallon protects ns-.:st cars. Special inhibitors prevent rust and corrosion. Quart Cal. ...14 2.48 SPARK PLUG' PRb- DEFROSTER F A i4 - TECTORS - Seoi out Streamlined ,electric moisture, frost, fog» model; flexible rubber Keep work plugs dryblades, heavy duty Set of 6 - Set of II motor ond 2 -speed .69 .843 switch 8.65 FLEXIBLE METAL TUBING - Leak -proof non -corrosive. For ow. houst pipes, carburetor oir In- lets, hot oir heoters, etc. 1" to 4" dicfen. Per ft. from .19 HEATER 14 . s Re- DEFROSTER ..11' inforced cord _tog long (Coonnwectschiecoicir heater life. Replace worn! for clear vision 'ucitri71-‘ hose now at CTC sov- ings Per f• una; 13 ilf , to " most carfacto-y s. .17 3.65 ski3OP FROST SHIELD SET-;--hfevents In- terior steaming ond frosting ...of car window_ ond windshield. Easily applied -almost invisible. Set .29 RADIATOR LIQUID SOLDER - Seals 1 e before odd - leaks, saves onti-freere . .29 RADIATOR FLUSH-Us1 mg ant i -f,e,,-4 .29 ENGINE WELO - Permanently welds I water leoks .. __ __ .49 SNOW DEFLECTOR - Snops on to hood - deflects snow and sleet away from wirxl- shield. Horsdsome ored plastic .... 49 THERMOSTATS - Ensure quick he ; frcon car » heater. I Original egutornent ' quality. . As. W. 1.05 • Phonis 49. NORTH ST. Ooderich, Ont, L. 0. Whetstone