HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-10-23, Page 27 PAGE TWO • THE GODERICE, SIGNAL -STAR Salesman's Tangle with.Garbage Can Leads to Action on Licensing \Bylaw Plc Ongttat-Otar HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Published by. Sigual-Stur Ltd. Subscriptiou Rates --Canada and Great Britain, $2.50 a year: to Uuited States, $3.50. Strictly In advauce. atclyereising Rates On request* • Telephone 71. atnthorized tt secotai-elasa mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. s Out -of -Town Representative: C.W.,N.A., 108 Peter Street, Toronto. Phone Niru 3-67011. Member of Canadian ,Weekly Newspapers Assoelation. Weekly Circulation Over 3.000. GE(). L. ELLLS„ Editor and Publisher . '11111'ItSDAY, OC.',TOBER 23rd, 11)52 Down Memory's Lane CANADA'S BASIC , 1 republic -on rule in Egypt foreseen.•' * ' INDUSTRY Without punctuationthi.s, would mean that republican- rule Was 10 give way to monarchy ; but the "tiver the past half-eanrury our gi tiountry has become a leading pro- i ib; ,. writer had carefully pkteed ducer of malty niattufactured goods, 1 ntm"11%:' a comma arier rhe word "end." a major contributor to tuateral pro - so that the' meauing iutentled was auction and a loader in World trade. _But, with all this progress, we plain: monarchy was to be slaver- y reptiblican rule. Granted •itioult1 Lever losight of the fat se),e,1r1,,1, 1)-11 y • N in giving definite rults that agrix.'ulture is still the ints'ic a )-`) in putwtuatiou, the pupil should be Cana (Nati indust ry. ." ' trained to employ it so as to assist $o Said lion. Patti Martin, Min- , I ne reader to a definite apprehen: ister of National health :aid Wel-' "'n fare, iu a radio bsroadeast on Sat- untay last ; and he \vent on to make •)'Ye'-• goo(' his statement at a ll address from which we /pone salient points as follows: How Agrieulttira employs directly one- Figure quarter of all our gainfully -occupied population. haiireetly , it pro v ides t s,,,,,, employment for tuatty additiOnal thousands who help prtteess t he • raw products of Canadian farms tu EDITORIAL NOTES 111 11 days It, theistnia*? 'were some line raspberries, grown. it out fill. yourself. by William .11ethi, St. Pat rick • • • street, who said t Let t t he h t , had been vitadi g continuous:1v since 41:1 savings bonds, :ire gotio ' • 7-1- • • the start of the season. you have the cash. • uox liKerher, 76 or Wroxeter 45 Yeara Ago load a relief to Western Cauads Joseph Fellows opeued a In:leiter from Gotieuich. shop on Kingston street next to the At the Town Council meetlug couteacta were awarded Zr the work to be done at the building on Newgate ,st.reet which was to be leased to the federal government tor use as au armory. About 50 .buainess and pailfession- al 'lieu, friends of I. D. Eastman, manager of the Royal Bank, at- tended a dinner in his honor 'at Hotel Bedford, prior to bis depar- ture for Hamilton. Under the Bankruptcy Act, the St...away Lines, Limited, of Windsor, owner .of the. passenger steamer Georgian which made Goderich a port . of call, made an assigunnent in. favor of 130 ereditors. owed ap- proximately $37,080.45'. hang Edward. -Nut coal went up to $7.50 a ton anti it was said the prig would continue tt; rise. The freight shed at the G.T.R. was ready for business and the office nearly ready for oeettpation. Prof. Tyler and „niss Bertuit, world's champion roller skaters gttve three evening performances iu the \Vest Street ,rink. The roller skating rink changed hands, the °Nagle brothers having Parch-A*0 the plant and good will from Mr. Steinbaeli. 25. Years Ago Assessor Edwards completed the assessment of Goderich and total assessment va,Itte of the .toivu was, $2,4i82,825. Over 200 delegates attended the Ursa annual convention of the Wo- men's Institutes of Bruce, Huron and Perth counties, held at Walker- ton. • On display in the Star window • • • was declared champion plewinan lit nieat-paeking plants, ea lining fa s•- l'ivery Lit t Le helps A.V en lot 1 f„,,- 111e fourt h a alias. I plow Mg 11111telt ttf the Huron County Plowmen's tories. flour: mills, eheese :tad butter cent in tilt. ilyrict, of gasoline. factories, and so on. Further tan- -• • , • ++Assoeiton, held on the farms of ployment ..is provided in the mann- "Avoid using telephone "wlieu iu Turnberry Township. Henry Timm and Percy Couplalld lies—niaelrinery. inildements. ferti• Hingry.o " God :elvitse for most oe- Es; 15 Years Ago was. organized to facture of farm equipment 1 nil sup: Lizers, insecticides, tti. mention only le:Astons-Ana Dot whell the fellow A "fluatte 111 (11,1 for) the ending of a ear a few. I \ 011 %V a a i 14) talk to is a brset. ii• • . s The rapid industrialization of i • • • ably , al t hough sI ill , indivating a ened rather than. lessened ' tile itni, •Nfficial tetert npaure reading of margin for th • e Republican e:tuili Canada in this eentury has height- it o .• agricultural productin, I 27°' , for October _ort, iu i;,,Kierieh date . If Gsovenne- Stevenson can -with -the result' that the output of is tinusantl, pitobably tuipmeedentett /. Canadian ,farns has vastly in- 4,_.,,I. t t ,. .. • i % iong -:: perioo. ,, ..t any rate, creased over the last fifty • years. . - r gross farm 111401110 I Sundtr , y night's forettiste of winter panada was sothething like threet was certai111.wItipleaalit. The Aale hold the S'outhern States and earry New York State. which was lost to 31r. Truman in 141-1S by the inter- ention, of Henry Wallace. he will and a-lialf billion dollars. . . . of anti -freeze ou .Monday also must need only a few more of 'the North - 200 Masons Attend Special Service at Knox Church Wt. hear a lot of talk 1110.4. daysbit vi' been reeord-brea ki ng. ern States to win.. But there is doubt tpf 11is etrrying all of the Southern Stales. where there art. serious divisions .within the Democratic prty., It may- Is' riskY for an outsider to ventore a guess, Ino to this writer it lool:s if areas under ctiltivatton Irtnitt 0 city is entitled" to $6.000,000 to heIP 1''-'1" 1"' " 14, - unt i IL -Nothin with either vandiciate the winner. about the deeentralization of in- • • • • dustry. Well, agricUlttlre to Me is Canada's most decentralized 1 ti- Trust Joronto to get in its de- , • .-• .- Its production ismtes from mond for a big share 01' the extra no less than 733,0110 individual farms slpread from coirst 10 etYilSl. . . Canada is primarily a land of fam- ily farms.... Fir the most part, the 'tillLions to he handed ovvr by 01 tawit to the lrovincial Govermiteut. NlaYor I at inport elaints that the ltuuuiug over a garbage can not only eost a doer -to -door salesman trout out of town $50 but it has led to a move by Town Comma to see that all such traosieut traders Are properly iivensed as required by town bylaw. vaeaunt cleaner 81110$tuttli ran over a garbage can belonging to a local houSeholder one day last week and then tried to square the mat- ter by -paying for the, damage on the spot. But the irate housewife Insisted that the pollee be called to ‘investigate the collision. No License ' Lleiiee took the saleentan to the '1\mn, Hall Where, upon enquiry by Mayor J. , E. linekins, It was discovered that he had no transient trader's license. The Salesman got in touch with his London office and the license fee of $50 was ultimately paid by the firtn's manager who mine to Goderieh for that purpose. Referring to the incident at Fri- day night's council meeting, Mayor iluckins said he had been told that one London salesman had sold as many as 100 vacuuut cleaners in Goderlch. "They say it's one- of the, beat towns in Ontario to sell in," His worship, remarked.' "Consequently we've been losing revenue. I think it's because our'. citizens haven't been educated to the fact that we have a „.bylaw requiring transient traders 'to buy license. Up to ;Householder "1 think when a salesman comes to the door, he should be asked if he has license and, If he hasn't, the householder should phone the pollee." "Some people hesitate to phone the pollee lu a matter like that," said Couneiller Penuington. "I suggest they phone the Town Clerk." "It is certainly, a matter qf e011 - cern to local merchants," Council- lor Anderson said. "They have, to pay business tax and unlicensed traders are unfair Competition to them." The matter was referred to the special committee for further con- sideratiOn. ttie date. of the 1951 'census, Iwo thirds of all Canadians over 15 yeattS of age were Jnirrried. An imspit•ing sermon by a leading eiturelt divine and otbeial of t Masonie ordet•, high -lighted the sery ice in Knox Presbyterian Church on Simday evening when members of Nraitland Ltialtge 38; A, F. and AM., toletheir first pa elide to- the - tiew AVith Masons from Miirningsaar Lodge, CarloVi.. and visitng inembers from lodges iii Ciinton, Seaforth, Brus ets, Ilens:ill, Exeter a nil Luca n, the att-,11011 Uce Waselwke tO 200. Heads Procession • They wissenitliled hi the lecture hall a ud ma rched into the church, headed by WM. Robert Bisset, sr. The- Rev. t. MacMillan con- ducted the service and the lessou was read by \V. M. Robert Bisset. Tire Very Rev. 'rof. C. Ritchie Bell, BD., .• of ••Peshyteriau College. Montreal, Past Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and Past Grand Chaplaiu of the Grand Lodge of theProvince of Quebec, was the guest prep:her.. Dr. -Belt congratulated the con gregation on sending two 'delight ful young men" to the contfg, Robert Bisset, jr., and Alex Mac- Donald. lie s:tid he was proud of the Neu small part he had in Mr. NliteAl tra ining the col lege. •,! Four Great Words • Dr. - Bls subject was "Give the pass word," based un•the 12th Chapter ,of Judges. Ile said there is what the family unit can manage out ripe tavpayers ontario's most Eisenhower or a rather close vote with' perhaps, a small a o g pia •sperou Out e pa t V. hired help. . Three-quarters of like getting early, to the trough. all farms in Canada are now ots eupied by their owners. . . . People • • • who have deep rises in the soil are usually steady, industrious and 1t' relialtt. Sincebefore the war the totill nocturne of agricultural production making a good steam pudding than increased by• :15 per in any siteech I have ever made Britain's Minister id Eiliteation.i have had more satisfaction out of a wanufit, is quoted' 115 sUyitig*: "1 ent. or more. During the same period the -number a agricultural workers has dropped 15 per eetr. There is only one eonelusion that. eau be drawn from these facts— ' ilia aVeragrirtn.--Wltrker- produces more ttoloy tlian In. did tifteen years age.- This increaseper W'Orker n , of (nurse, per fa rin has been :lc- complished by ha rd work, bY t.he 1.180 of new maehines and bet t er farm praetiees, by more skilled workmanship, and hy a - reeept ive attitude On -rhe part of the farmer towards scientific ttdvanees Today's sueicessful farmer, on the average, must poss.ess a - wider knowledge and a greater variety of skills than the great majoritY Of workers in nonagrieultural in- dustries. . . There can be no doubt A REASONABLE ('IlARGE ( Financial Post 1 Turkey -Chicken INGO NEW YORK NOTES (Written specially for 'Ow Star by Charles lienle), Cry havoc told let ail) the dogs of' polities, oue Might say without too much liberty of speeelt. Thi; is the roughest election eampaigu in your reporter's A daily tabloid paper with a great circulation, had tin editorial headline. the other day, "Throw the bum out," referning to'eur Presi• deut, no leSs. And the same Prei- deut, in a stinging` speeeh to the good colored folk of Harlem, which 114 Fn upper MoultMtau, told the cheering multitude while promising cavie rights for all that the Re- publican platform offering to do the right thing was the lousiest thing V11 ever read; and,. further, that he will .fight for civil rights, come hell or .high water. I thought these gems of thought Iota feeling -should be -in any record of passing events. Even to the United Nations' buildings are now complete, thanks 1.411111TEDA, OCTOBER =rd. 1.1/02 to the,- vuerosity of a great nation., Y rk OctUber 13, 1002. New o , SCULOOL 151,1EDDLING (Elora Express If the proviace feela that we should have larger. better eqtdppeti 'high shOls, theu let th,e province desdguate them and build thtun and Staff them but if they are to ba run by the municipalities there is nothing fair ahouit having depart- inent„ ofikials running, tiroUncl try- ing to influence the distniets In any way, It becomes more and mere obviotts that there eau, be meddling and up.settin.- from higher sources Whiltever the'feeling of a uulicipal- ity may be and it is not good but- ness. Incidentally, iu all the scurry anti bustle, it seems to be entirely best the point that educational institu- tiorrs are to teach pupils not to secure grants. It is to be hoped that Dr. Dunlop or someone Itt power will see a great light and that right smartly. • For •nhut 7,4) years the Oniimo were four great words upon which Government has 1)44)11 distributing tie foundation of *Masonry k Iaid seedling' -trees for forestry -planting the Bible or volume ,of the t charoy to farmers and others sacred la m w. imortality a nd brotherhood. with vacant land. Now the policy lee: been ehanged. Recipleitts: will front the front bench 4I1' 1 II y 11,alse, have to pay 4,14 pet 1 tot s. tif Common. The lady shouldIe Scotelt Pines. $10 for other va 11arried,h but isn't; she misses the eties• It .is possible, indeed iptite sit t isfaction ef seeing her n .......„ .. probable, that notre real reforesta- putliug,,Awily. iS share of he .. good ... ... lion w ill result . The record sa far has not been 14) satisfactory. stearin pudding, lite great trotilile- has ben,- c:t-- - • • • lessuess. 1:ectlai5e 1W, thought these Of ill I things. -Titrtalto Inis been trees were fret'. though act nit lly. 'having trouble with its trtil.s. With is tt taxpayer lie ,was paving for them, the iiverage person was iii a vision of 1niversity avenue out- 1'alined to order mere Alan lle el lard Willed ill 111*' a lllailla in the •brilliant properly handle. colors whiell. we outlanders see in Sometimes only part of the order our streets „and in the surroinitling was planted and. the rest 'left to sh rivet and die. Or perhaps I he countryside, the City Council last job was. rtislied, and half of thise year ordered smile red maples from set orat fell prey to the, tirst dry t nursery in Holland. NoW they ("I'i't.;:•11(4.11-11.41'17: lTreel it t ptl a ntingt lis itnTUt ha Vf' lieell disappointed uo I•ea 11114,0,. dottiejoe:iro)fUllv(). sl:Nl'et)w (that ti1(e that farmers at lama an. wan. t,,,,, -1f„1 iroloing-and experts say the Ontario citizen will have to pa;% full advantage of modern 041111p- Ire ment anti applying the findings agricultural scie'nc'e to their 01101- 1 lin. 31 r. Martin 11 VIII ,nk to speak af 1 he rol allow: 1 tot ween • t he farmers and the t'etleral Parlia- met. anti eontintosi: Federal support for agriculture does not mean that fanners- lean on Governments for /their -security. l'anaditan farmer; believe in hoeing their own rw in honest toil, in- We wn es ate not the red iti onles that something directly for his tree, .• re- n. ordered. lerhaps what 11 1'. 140 .111 treat tem, nted ivas the stigar maple; sPct' h` tee Is entirely red mapleis said to prefer swatuPY ground, which would not lig found on 1.niverity a venue. I ntleed. !t is doubtful - any trees- will tityurkb in the eonditions in which it is proposed to plant them along a .toncrete road with little room for root development and r with an a t- noisphere ldai to llie lungs of a tegrity lind selfrespect . That is breathing tree. Anyw•ay, Toronto doesnt need to go to Holland fof seedlings of a n mita n tree. why I believe that the strength of Canadian agriculture depends not so much -on Government legis- lation, the development of easier And better ways- of doing the work, or even on the fertility" of our soil. I believe that, in the limit analysis, the future d agriculture in this country depends on the vision. the enterprise and the vigor of the tridtvidnal Canadian firrnwr. "So 1•41411 as the Canadian termer remtins the free anti in- dependent champ:Ion . if hard work in e(runries (tintqrrio. A blight which and sel nee, grivu tire l'i•intola will continue to tievelopt"flue, from theEast through the tilted States NVestern ontario nd tlouri so as 0114.44 the prim•ipal 1111411,1:H1yd off practically till the chest- ingrtalit•tits of prosperons nut trees in, the cOunties bordering itOutitiful eomanY." !Lake Erie, and Dr. Fox has been PUNCTIlATION IS endeavoring to find even a few 114P ORTA.NT 1,..,11thy nuts from whieh a be.- : glutting could be made to restore There has been new burst ,,r wimit is in danger of being Irretriev- rriticisin of the teaching, or laek of It et In restAmse to 4PPeals teaching'. of Fsiglisli. iind 401114. 441. t tirongli tin, press he 113,4 received the eriticisms come from teaelleas. ,1 few lite nuts and it Ls hoped that Millirem in grammar. in :spelling, his etTorts 10 911 10' these along itt •putretutation, 111 sentence eim„ 1 100 tre(.s will meet with suttees, struction, are cited, while in A01110 i The SWI.PI Chvstmit Is remembered quarters there' 54101115 to be an idea fis ?IrIP Of Ile ,pnizeti delicacies .1 Xf 114. autumn seasn.- anti Dr. lex that these tailings are. of compar- - atiVy small; aceount. Vrtoper.„ states that at tinetitne It brought 01Ineina1t1otiapparently Is little re -11 $2:400,000 11 3 efit ti). the growers. • • aded in or mit of school. hut , prper. A full choir insider NV. H. Bishop led in t he service of two ise. and sang as au -anthem Goutiod's "Sanctus" with' t;len Lodge as solokt. A large eongregation was - present'. . At the wnting- service *:Dr. It'll' I subject 'was' "The'Allinrehs'a tut lai z 'ale(' People." .. Referenee was made to the fact tleit Dr. Bell and his etnigregatItia of NlaeViear Monorial Church. Montreal. had Passed through the • same experienct as the Goderitit tongregat ion. Fire' dest royed his churelt but he eat•ried on in the re building Program in , the year that he was moderatOr of the Preshys terian Churoh. in Canada. • Ile: "I wh,..h. 1 eould rearrange the alphabet." She: ,"Why? What would you do e -you coem change it?" . lie: "I'd put- '17 :111(1 'I' closer together." AT EGION HAP., GODERICH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 MOBILE RECRUITING SERVICE FRbm 343 RICKIVIOND ST., LONDON, WILL BE IN GODERICH TOWN: HALL* Thurs., Oct. 30 AT 3.45 P.M. 1,0c per game for chicken bingos and 25c per game for turkey bingos. BIG FAL 1 • • • • • Though the sweet chestnut, now 11110St. 4,v -incl, was not grown In this district, there is appreciation here 4.f bit' efforts Of Dr. Sherwood Fox, slimmer resident 4if Goderich, to revive what was until about twentYOve years inre one of the most valuable trees in the s•nithern Dependable transportation for the tough 'winter months ahead. These cars are equipped with heaters, anti -freeze and winter lubricants 51 Monarch Custom Sedan 15,000 miles, new car condition, 51 Ford Victoria Radio, overdriv, 2 -tone paint, a beauty. tt n.rporht IA. 1 Nyirly vol Ling o 14,V; 111, Jen (lays from th the meanink tot n pentpuee, but often Slire4 will their vott /lie tinprOpitSt IlItillttlia40n, or no plinetn-1).litSgiiential election. There 1, :rai& leave therendermneh speoilation Is to the probable at a tOtsfl to kfitylV Whitt Is Intended. reult. hut it Is largely miesswork Levi, have been 1/wed on noixxly knows how the peeple will the position a a eonura. The lbeadlirre of a newspaper article the other dny ,eanscht the ey: the Words were: "Monarchy to end a literate 1/ers011 IY d 'sot ie4 tiate the treopie t !Ms 111 „i'nitssi NOW Canada Savings Bands YOURS IOW rote. °emriti 'Eisenhower started off withn big load in the various pre-election Volts," hut this lead helm "whittled down tensider- 51 Consul Sedan Low mileage, economical transportation. 51 Meteor Sedan Airconditioned heater, a bargain. 50 Ford Custom Coach Lovely black finish. 50 Ford Custom Sedan Radio, two-tone, new tires: 111111111.111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 49 Ford Custom' Coach. " A dandy car, ready to go. 49 Chrysler Windsor Sedan Tipto-matic drive, 1.6,000 actual miles, new car condition, many extras. 48 Pontiac Sedanette Fully equipped. 46 Mercury Sedan ,43 Hudson At a price to clear. • and many other low priced cars to choose from. TRUCKS 44, 51 Fargo Panel 51 Mercury -1/2 Ton 49 Mercury 1 Ton 49 Ford 1/2 To ++ 48 Ford Panel 42 Chev Station Wagon 39 Chev 1/2 Ton Express The Canadian Bank ofCommerce • • 13S24 1 THESE CARS ARE PRICED TO SELL TO MAiE ROOM FOR MORE TRADE-INS ON OUR EVER-INCREASING POPULAR 52 FORD and MONARCH CARS. GODERICR MOTORS SOUTH ST. Ford and Monarch Sales and Service PHONE 83 • . ' •••!•"'