HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-10-16, Page 7T 111111RDAV, OOTO1:31 jt "16th, 1962 ST. (D ORGE'S GUILD ' The regular meetiug of 34t. ,George's Church Women's Guild was head .iu the Guild room, Tues- day; October 7, whth Mrs.- Dodd presiding. The meeting opened with hymn and 'prayer, followed 'by tate Seriptutt reading by Mrs. Siuuduy. One minute's silence was observed fOr one of our' departed wetubers. Arrangements were made for . re- pairing the choir veatutents and a committee appointed. The corres- poudeuee was read by Mrs. Palmer. Mrs. #I. "iiehborue pleased everyone with stone readings front her scrap- book., 'fete weetiug to ed with a hymn and prayer. Tea and cookies were served by the uot;tesses, ,Mrs. Sillib, Mrs. Siunday and Sirs. Title borne. er tzt eeiedre ace "SALAD. INCA REBEKAH LODGE A uew slate of officers wus in- stalled ou October 7 by the Dis- trict Deputy President, Mrs. Stable Tweedie and staff. They were aft follows: Noble grand, Mrs. E. 'Hat- ris; vice -grand, dies. (i. Orr; re- eordiug secretary, Miss 1). Julau- Yttson ; 'financial secretary, Mrs. h Bell; treasurer, firs. t;. Raining; color bearer, Mrs. J, finder; warden, Mrs. '.1. Osbaidestou; coo- ductor, rirs. F. Mantra ;,. chaplain, Urs. M. Frltrley ; utusielan, .Mrs. J. Wilsop ; R.R.`.G., Mrs. W. Ban- nister; L'$. .G., Mrs. G. Baecblcr ; ft:S.W.(; Sirs. B. Ileato 1 L.S.V.(;.. Mrs. W. Doak; inside guardiau, Mrs, W. Clayton; outside guardian, Mrs. H. Fuller. The junior, past uoble grand, Mrs. F. Fritztey, was presented with the jewel of that office by Sirs. Tweedie. It was an- nounced that the assetubly vice- president will make her o ejal visit here on November 11, at ,avidelt nate, tt special tweeting wjii be called with Exeter and Hensall lodges participating. 'We 40 - The infantry machine gunners The Canadian Infantry Soldier is a vital part of our expanding defence force. In Korea he has built 'a wonderful reputation for his . courage and ability.* Wherever he goes, the Canadian Soldier has a way of winning friends -- of impressing both friend and foe with his outstanding training and soldierly qualities. The Infantry Machine Gunners are an integral part of the Canadian infantry.. regiments. With their heavy and accurate fire power, the Infantry Machine Gunners have time and again in Korea proved how extremely important they are in attack and defence. Play your part in Canada's most important business today, defence. You are eligible if you are: 17 to 40 years of age, (tradesthen to 45), physically fit and ready to serve anywhere. Apply to the nearest Recruiting Depot: No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., -Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Strebt, Kingston, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, James St. Armoury, 200 Jamqs St. N., Hamilton, Ont. Ataew.o afacegel CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCEMa'/ 0 GODRRICH SIONA.L.STAR TOWNSICLP COUNCIL Colborne Chooses Nominations and Election Dates .l} The Colborne Township Oounci convened- for its regular luonthl uteetiug, Tuesday evening, Oetobe 7, with all members prtsent. Cot- respondence urrespondence was rend and that y r t with. Mr. Jim Sheardown, who' repre- sents the county on civil defense, was present and gaYe•u most inter- esting talk as to the ultimates de- fense needs and nee -Weary degree of readiness. Messrs. Richard Buch- anan and Itaiph Jewell appeared before council regarding assist anee from the township to purchase jackets for the ball team. Mr. Frank Linklater waited ou the council as to' the settlement .of a claim for wheat damaged by stem fence. 1V1111stn Watson, tax col lector was present to inquire as to what percentage (•barges were to, be placed on arrears of tax at•tt,n,u.. " Donation Made A donation of $100 was granted to help purchase jackets for the hall leant. The rent for commercial meetings in the township .hall: was set a1 12.00 per meeting. • ,Allah Wilson was appointed Caretaker of the hail at a salary of $10 per month. the eontraet• to last until a permanent earetakt r is engaged. A donation of $10 was granted to the Junior COY Club. Nomination meeting was set rir Friday evening, November 21, a I 7 ..ut., fO4' neve, euutteillors duet three s•irewl trustee. and. 'if an eleet•iun be ntteros-etre'. it swill iK held \londay, December 1. The assessment tall of 1952 was adopted,- tot al assessment •bt-Itgg $1,719,s:18 with population at 1,110. The court of revision to hear ;,1, - peals agai►ast the alssessttseltt roll \\-•us set for Friday. 4)t(►I,ter 2'4. :tt' 1 p.nt. " The following at-c.otuats were ord- ered pa id : Road vor►ehrrs, $817.`w4; Jar►nes Morton. the ,Pur brain:ng roadway, $210.00; .'tV. 11. R4x►Pe, „d, 811(1 011 for scos.stet'1' tuou;o-r $2.50 Emerson's Drug Store, drug's Y,,r indigent patients, $14115; IN'allaae•r \1(•Inugatll, fox bounty, $2.011: Wil - lime Olivet• .kllin. fox bounty. $2.00: Muuielparl ‘World. supplies. $5.142: Sigtal-Stair ac•eouut.: $98.70 Charles \loom. building; forth for tt.tirt:, $(;.50: AV,i4fred 'F lslu•r. relief a,•- eouut, :x((4.00; Comity of lint' lt, indigent patients. $2l.On: William Westlake. salary, $1410.00: Ralph Jewell. grant for itekets for hull terata, $100.1:0: Chester I'i►rnigat. great for C,:alf Club $114.00; . \11•s.. PHONE STONE'S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS HORSES WM, STONE SONS LTD. PHONE COLLECT INGERSOLL 21 GODERICH 936r21 For clean, comfortable, economical heat --try READIN. BRIQUETS Thousands of homes are getting greater heating satisfaction than ever before with these heat -rich nuggets made with Famous Reading Hard Coal. They're uni- form in size, easy to-hatidle and give hard coal efficiency in furnace, fireplace, range or water heater. Phone us for a trial ton oriwo. E Coal PHONE 95W o. \\ illiatu S:tllows, :test -sing,, 1200.00- 4'r;aul: I,ittl:latt•1'. damage claim for ,at.$10.1111:..lrthtu• U a,l;;t•il, claim for ‘patent, Osmond \Vatter, ilaitages of .\11111 drain, $3.00; \Villiaattl .1. Altit. :,,- ly}watires for d:aau:agen. :,1.1:.2.0u; Keith (;atr(luer est4itt. alto,% die e.. for Alibi drain, $3:1.141: t.loyd \ ter, ailIM'auetts fur .Uliu 411•3at, $49.00; A(4's. Louise \Wallet, alioo- I 1 .Ittre� for .11litt tlraiu. $5.2,011: \i:•. 11"illiant 1). Colby. 13. St., ex:uuin t tht, insl$u•tiott :anti exl►ertse ;.t .$12.00; I:enrge F. Bean, ao-gets Butt ntissioter tint! %yuck• on Allin draft, 11.39: Percy shields. \vork on 1Iin drain, $4.211; .A!r. George Rad- i 1 ford, eleauing _ottt and 'cxc ►vathtg .111'in drat in :�a:35.00: \William Sit 1 - lows fee: and expense for Alliu 41raitt. $40.60. ' Connell adjourned to tweet Tues- day afterne,t,rt, NOretnlrer 1, at 1 Ir.111. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Agreement. O.K'd for Fire Service by Town Brigade The regular ineet'ing of the (lode.' rich Township Connell was held in Hohatesvilie on October (l,' smith tate members present. Minutes' of the last regular meeting were read and adopted. Mr. Oliver Welsh was present to present a sheep elaiut. Mr. Ira ltatpsou discussed the situ- ation (la,used by the erection of the new bridge on the Base I'iue near his' property. The ltrtad Sup- erintendent was Instructed to pro- eeed with this mutter. The Gode- rieh Township Telephone Commis- sioners were preselit to obtain tate ueeessary money needed to carry on the changing _et tate -telephone system. Atter considerable discus- sion it was decided to postpone ac- ttiou on this request. Communications read -read aand ordered tiled included: H. C. Lawson; De- partment of Highways; Department of Public Welfare; A. H. Erskine: Town of Goderich ; J. K' Hunter; J. Howard; Victoria hospital. - By-law No. 12. a by-law to author- ize an agreement with the Town of Goderich re tire -fighting proh-e- tiou in the township was l;iveu thin readings and passed. The Court of Iterision was set for- No- vember :3 at 7 1).11t. in Holutesvi11e, after eonsultattOt with A. A. Alex - :fluter. 'i'he -I{eeve and Road Super- intendent were selected to tweet 't representatt Ivo of the Board of '1'ranspot-t Cotuultsqiuwers and ai; representative front the .C'.N.11. and inspect titi crossing at the.14111 4'011. 4-1.ss1ee11 on \VednP.diay. C►(oto),c"r S. The following were the ae(vaunt presented : Oliver i\Welsh, sheep claim, $50.0O;'Charles E. Wise, tele- phone loan. $1,000.00; 11. ('. Law- son. insuranee, $27,50 ; 'l'own of Clinton, Division Court rusts, $5.141;; Town tsf Goderirli, ,tire' fighting agreement. $100.00; 1'11(1.r%v44414i Co. Ltd.. supplies. $70.:51; Signal -Std supplies, $12.50; Registrar of Deeds, $1.25; A. H. Erskine. .praying; leaf f y spurge, $19.00; direct relief, $35.04; Superintendent's Pay Roll. No. 10, $1,462.0:5 Cotlltcil then adjourned to utet t on November :1 'at S p.m. REFRESH ! DRINK 13CW:r fQAOE NAnK )Era, , PLAN CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR NEW CANADIANS _._ 1 'i'he . Maple Leaf ('hail►ter, i.(►. � � met at the hotue- of Mrs. ,� - I Gordon Mc't,lanits on Tuesday even - DO YOU NEED = ing 41 last week with 25 trendier, present. 'l'itt: regent,ANY Mrs. J. K. Sally. ' presided. Larpentry iij-1'nder the rotyenership.• of firs. George Bilis and iter cotutnittee the 1 , recAit rumnrtge galtceree wanrsgea ci sntot•ees,.atil ngembers - tend the semi-annual meeting in • - Kitehener, 4tetoher 2'1 :tntt _5. i•i flans are belie, glade for :t •join' t � Or PIoiiibin .I lent hrot wwith t gat• .lhurerk Chapter to be Held early in Noventhki' '11w DONE IN YOUR HOME? I e I can build houses, barns, I garages; painting, eaves - troughing, etc, Guaranteed work at the lowest - prices. Drop a card or come and 1 I see me any evening . after 7 p.m. F. E. COTE GOBERICH, R.R. 6 My (next to Gordon Jewell's) :;*3-41 x r"MY RANHV t0 A N I HON CANADIANS YOU CAN BUY YOUR BONDS—for cash or by insfalmenfs— at your neighbourhood B of M branch WORMS WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALE OF LIFE SINCE 91117' DOWN PAYMENT OF 5 S2s13 FOR A`50 BOND, `5 FOR 4100 BOND, etc. BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR Goderich Branch . tIBUCE ARMSTRONG, 4\1.tr,.e,grr Off • Christ f trt� runs party it' 11('\\' ('all:►dial1S who have been living; in this di,l- i triet. two yoars or less is to Ire held. in I)t•ceniber %yeah Miss Josie S'aannders b•onyeuPtt,. Itepresetttat.iycs \sere 110001nt(s1 to "h-ttend the Knox 1'resba teri'ttt Church Civic attd 4'tftumunity Set.. s-ke Sunday evening..Oetober 210. 'A wreath is to be placed ori tine (111 't:1 pit Noveanh •r 11. Tett dol- lars was douatud to the cigarette fund for armed fortes serthtg ;►a Korea. During the post month a food parcel, blankets. knitted shoulder shawls and clothing. 01-'•4 shipped overseas, Cemetery emerials T. PRYDE & SON Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 41J, Exeter and we shall be pleased to call. AssimAv'' `44 E. M. ROSS Representative EBB ROS Says 'Volta, 1 love cur new house." 1141419, *- young married woman is proud of her new ;"'> home --(but behind ler happiness, there )aril the fear of losing it, if death &tope her 'hue- battd's income. , Let's talk about our 31ort4'uge Redemption Plan. Goderich Ontario For quick multa—try a classineu ad. iu The 'Signal-8tar, THE Catvert SPORT s co��MN 66 7efileedow• At first glance, you get the idea it would have been a great thing for sport in Ameri- ca, a fine thing to cement international friendships, if Emla Zatopek, the champion runner of the Olympic Games had accept- ed an invitation from officials -at the gov- ernment of the -United States,' endorsed by President Truman, to visit this continent - and show the citizens of detn(wralry—Bee unmatched speed and endurance that sirttept him to three Olympic crowns, Now we'rr• glad Zatopek didn't ac x•ept. For, as it turned oart. he .1s a mere tool of the Soviet's efforts to :seize even upon the Ohywpies as a medium for propaganda. Por the (►lyinpie flame tlet;t burned so brightly above Iitel- sink' was Irlrely extinguished before Zatopek was in front of a microphone snaking Impugn Iola Pur- the' Russians ---+who hut" used their rut hleos tts'iiaique to send his fellow,eounlrYman John JLase rvk to deattit through a high window and to concert Maser- yk1s ----diad '/.atopt:k'.---one•e proud and 'free (i3zeehoslovakia into 'a -virtual stla ve slate.. Iia eonIIli ttting 011 the (mantes that had so signally honoured Min - - (.antes to foster international eo operation and global sportsmanship Zatopek asserted: "Lt is too bad the' American interventionist generals itt Korea Would not even stop fighting for _-t lie 111y-,t►uhi(• (:-nes." _A td when ho refused to :tr'+•ept the invitation to visit the Unit,State,. he sneeringlty stateAl he wouldn't be a -part•, to at e•ireus." So wt ran get along very .well, without Zatopek. He, leas automatit'ally barred himself. It • is regrettable .Soviet RusSia should use international sport for politieai purposes. It s ' t doubly • s i►. n ft u e tlba t t •it obtained the help of Emil Zatopek, native of a cquntry that once held its head high 'among the free nations of .that world: And, quite as shatneful that Zatopek consented to accede to such a shameful role. - It winning the 5141(1,wt'te r. 10.'($H) tarter and marathon races :rt the 4►lytttp't(• 4htnter. this 29 -year 0141•4'zrrh..lrftty ntlicer Proved himself 1tey4,141, dortht one ,ti' the~'nada magnificent* atthl,•tes in history.- This istorty. This rentarkaltte inn 11 is rho -1'. T. Barnum of trnek and belie. Ile putts on a shote that would be the envy of a ,lolttt Barrytnore. 11e ruin. .v-ith his head hitc•htti over his left shoulder, his "'face Wr 4l ped in agony, his tests elenehrd. elbows 1s tit in a fighting position. ills tongue hangs out. of his month attd he appears to he garspit>g d4'sperattIv for air. But all this while hi.4 muscular legs are pounding off a steady beat... Ile staggers and struggles from the waist 'alrlo, hut he is poetry in motion from the hips down. . A great athlete. But a very poor citizen of his own un- fortuuufe country. four co+rrmenfs ad suggestions for this column win b• welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 4,31 Yonge St., Toronto. Catvei-tDIST1LLERS LIMfT�ED AMHERSTSURG, ONTARIO Need a "taxi to help you through traffic to slink? MOW Mar will find one— Quick as a wink ! .17 Olt It's nom! It-$ quiek-bl it homog giays f o r this epackage ackage of Schneiders °tYlCrispy-liatire SHORTENING re pound fat the you purchase o when y Offer lar price. 'G.tij`'f.� regular time only rrgt ASK YOUR SCHNEiDER DEALER FOIE THE NEW ItI$PY PLAICE SHORTENING THI SPECIAL OFFER IN THE COUNTY OF HURON EX -TIRES ' b y